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Here are some exercises to practice forming and answering "Wh- questions":

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct Wh- question word
1. _______ is your favorite color?
2. _______ are you feeling today?
3. _______ did you go for your vacation?
4. _______ is your birthday?
5. _______ is the capital of France?
6. _______ did you see at the park?
7. _______ are you going to the party with?
8. _______ time does the movie start?
9. _______ does the train leave?
10. _______ can I find a good restaurant?

Exercise 2: Form questions based on the answers given

1. Answer: "I went to the store."
Question: ______________________________________?

2. Answer: "She is reading a book."

Question: ______________________________________?

3. Answer: "They are going to the beach."

Question: ______________________________________?

4. Answer: "My favorite subject is mathematics."

Question: ______________________________________?
5. Answer: "We live in New York."
Question: ______________________________________?

Exercise 3: Match the questions to the correct answers

1. Who is your best friend? a. On Main Street.

2. What did you have for breakfast? b. Blue.

3. Where do you live? c. John.

4. Why are you studying English? d. Because I love it.

e. At 8 AM.
5. When does the school start?
f. By bus.
6. How do you get to school?

Exercise 4: Create your own Wh- questions for these scenarios

1. You want to know someone's favorite movie.

2. You need to find out where the nearest hospital is.

3. You are curious about why your friend is late.

4. You want to know how someone solved a math problem.

5. You are interested in when the next meeting will be.

Exercise 5: Complete the questions with the appropriate Wh- word

1. _______ do you want to be when you grow up?
2. _______ car is parked in front of your house?
3. _______ did you start learning to play the guitar?
4. _______ does it take to get to the airport?
5. _______ many languages can you speak?
6. _______ would you like to have dinner?
7. _______ made this delicious cake?
8. _______ book are you reading now?
9. _______ did the concert start?
10. _______ did you spend your last holiday?

Exercise 6: Convert the statements into Wh- questions

1. She is going to the market.
Question: ______________________________________?

2. They will arrive at 6 PM.

Question: ______________________________________?

3. The dog is under the table.

Question: ______________________________________?

4. He writes in his diary every night.

Question: ______________________________________?

5. My brother bought a new laptop.

Question: ______________________________________?

Exercise 7: Answer the following Wh- questions

1. What did you do last weekend?

2. Who is your favorite author?

3. Where did you go for your last vacation?

4. Why are you learning a new language?

5. When is your next exam?

6. How do you usually spend your free time?

7. Which sports do you enjoy watching?

8. What is the best movie you have seen recently?

9. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?

10. Where is your dream travel destination?

Exercise 8: Choose the correct Wh- question for the given answer
1. Answer: "It is 3 o'clock."
a. When is it?
b. What time is it?
c. How time is it?

2. Answer: "Because I enjoy reading."

a. Why do you read?
b. When do you read?
c. What do you read?

3. Answer: "In the kitchen."

a. Where are you?
b. What are you doing?
c. Who is in the kitchen?

4. Answer: "My mother made it."

a. Who made this cake?
b. When did you make this cake?
c. Why did you make this cake?

5. Answer: "To the museum."

a. Where are you going?
b. What are you doing?
c. Why are you going?

Exercise 9: Write Wh- questions based on the answers

1. Answer: "I usually wake up at 7 AM."
Question: ______________________________________?

2. Answer: "We are having pasta for dinner."

Question: ______________________________________?

3. Answer: "She likes playing the piano."

Question: ______________________________________?
4. Answer: "They moved here two years ago."
Question: ______________________________________?

5. Answer: "He studies at the university library."

Question: ______________________________________?

Exercise 10: Think of questions for the given scenarios

1. You need to know the price of a book at the bookstore.

2. You want to find out who wrote a certain song.

3. You are curious about what your friend is doing this weekend.

4. You need to ask someone how to get to the train station.

5. You want to know when the next bus arrives.

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