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Mock Exam | Diploma Mock Exam | Diploma Note to Learners Question-1 Statement Options @ (b) 3) @) Answer Common Data for (2), (3) Statement Question-2 Statement Answer Question-3 Statement Options @) (b) Answer Question-4 Statement Options @) (e) iC) (a) Answer Question 5 Statement Answer Question-6 Statement Options (@) (b) i) a) Answer Common Data for (7), (8) and (9) Statement Question-7, Statement Options (a) (b) © (a) Answer Question-8 Statement Answer Question-9 Statement Answer Common Data for (10), (11), (12) Statement Question-10 Statement Options @ ) Answer Question-11 Statement Answer Question-12 Statement Options (a) (b) C) (a) Answer Question-13 Options (a) (b) © (a) Answer Question-14 Options, (@) (b) @ (a) CS) Answer Question-15 Options, (a) o) i) a) © Answer Question-16 Answer Question-17 Options (a) (by Answer Note to Learners There are two types of blocks that you would see in most of the questions: Code 2) for i in range(10) B if i%2==0: 3 print(4) Input or Output In both the blocks, please note that the region to the eft of the thin vertical line — | — corresponds to line-numbers. Do not confuse the line numbers with the content of the code or the input-output. Just to be clear: Line Numbers <———- >» ———® Code/Input/Output BwONR 2ORNO a Question-1 Statement Consider the following snippet of code. 1 first_row = 'qwertyuiop' second_row = ‘asdfghjkl" 3 third_row = ‘zxcvbnm' 5 word = input () 6 for char in word: if char in first_row: 8 print('first_row', first_row.index(char)) 9 elif char in second_row: 10 print('second_row', second_row.index(char)) 1 elif char in third_row: print('third row’, third_row.index(char)) What is the output of this code for the following input? Input brisk Options (a) 1) third_row 5, 2. first_row 4 3 first_row & \ second_row 2 5 second_row 8 (b) third_row 4 first_row 3 first_row 7 second_row 1 second_row 7 (©) second_row 4 third_row 3 3 first_row 7 second_row 1 second_row 7 (d) second_row 5 third_row 4 first_row 8 second_row 2 5 second_row @ Answer 0) Common Data for (2), (3) Statement ‘Common data for questions (2) and (3) Consider the following snippet of code. A, 8 and ¢ are Boolean variables. aja, b, 00 ita: ata 4 if B: 5 ata 6 besa afc: 8 a 1 print(a + b + ¢) Question-2 Statement Whats the output of the above code snippet if all of a, 8 and ¢ are True? NAT Answer 6 Question-3 Statement Is the following statement true or false? The statement a >= b >= ¢ will always evaluate to True. This is independent of the values of A, B and c. Options (a) True (b) False Answer @ Question-4 Statement We wish to find the number of occurrences of the digit 1 in the string word and store it in the variable count . Select all correct code snippets that achieve this. (MSQ) Options (a) count = 0 for char in word: if char == 1: ‘ count (b) count = 0 2. for char in word: if char == * ‘ count += 2 (c) 1 count = © for char in word: if char == str(1): 4 count += 1 (a) 2 count = 2 for char in word: if char == * 4 count += 1 Answer (©).(0) Question-5 Statement What will be the output of the following snippet of code? (NAT) word = "This IS not SO hard AFTER all.” 2 count = 0 3 for char in word: 4 if "A <= char < 'Z' and char in ['A', ‘E*, 5 count += 1 © prant (count) Answer 4 Question-6 Statement If vis a positive integer, what is the output of the following code? Assume that natural numbers start from 1, that is, 0 is not a natural number. ajaze 2 for i in range(1, mn + 1): 3) bea 4 for j in range(1, 4 + 1) 5 =p 6 azatb print(a) Options (a) Sum of the first n natural numbers (b) Product ofthe first n natural numbers (c) Sum of the factorial ofthe first n natural numbers (d) Factorial of the sum of the first n natural numbers Answer © Common Data for (7), (8) and (9) Statement ‘Common data for questions (7), (8) and (9) In the following code-block, b is an integer that has already been defined. a|xse 2. while True! if x < 10: 4 x = int(input()) 5 continue 6 elif b= 2: $ += L[6] + LE-2] 6 Us tft] b= fsa] Question-10 Statement Will this code run without any error? Options (a) Yes (b) No Answer @ Question-11 Statement Whatis the value of § at the end of execution of the code given above? NAT Answer 55 Question-12 Statement What is the value of L at the end of execution of the code given above? Options {a) i (b) (5, 6] (©) [5] (a) (6) Answer @ Question-13 What will be the output of the following snippet of code? 1) der aifr(P, a) R=] for word in P: 4 if word not in Q: 5 R.append(word) 6 return R ‘this, is,a,chair' ‘this, statement, is, true’ P_split = P.split(',") 11 Qsplit = Q.split(',") 12 print(diff(P_split, Q-split)) Options (a) (at, ‘chair') (b) ['statenent', ‘true') (c) ['this', "s') (a) a Answer (@) Question-14 A matrix is represented as a list of lists. For example: ee 2 3 5 6 8 9. is represented asi 2 | [f2, 2, 31, [4 §, 6], [7, 8 91] Let L be am x m matrix of numbers that has already been defined and populated. We wish to find the sum of the elements in each column and store all such column-sums in alist called colsum. Columns are indexed from @ to m - 1.Forthe j column, colsum[j] should be the ‘sum of all elements in that column. Select all correct code snippets that achieve this. [MSQ]. Options (a) colsum = [ ] 2 m= len(L) 3 row, col = 6, 0 4 while col < m: 5 colsum. append(0) 6 while row < m: 7 colsum[col] += L[row] [col] 8 row #= 2 (b) 2 | colsum = [ J 2 m= len(L) 3 row, col = 0, © 4 while col < m: 5 colsum. append( 0) 6 while row < m: 7 colsum[col] += L[row] [col] 8 row 4= 2 8 col = 2, 1 | colsum = [ } 2 m= len(L) 3 row, col = 6, 0 1 while col < m: 5 row = 0 6 colsum.append(a) while row < m: 8 colsum[col] += L[rew] {col} 8 row += 2 10 col += 1 1 colsum = [ J 2 m= len(L) 3 for § in range(m): 4 val = 0 5 for 4 in range(m): 6 val = val + L{i}[i) 7 colsum. append( val) 1 | colsum = [ J 2 m= len(L) 3 for j in range(m): 4 val = 0 5 for 4 in range(m): 6 val = val + L{AI[4] colsum. append( val) Answer (0,(e) Question-15 Two matrices A and Bare said to be equal only if both the conditions given below are satisfied: ‘* The dimensions of A and Bare the same. ‘* Ifthe common dimensions are m x n, the j** element in the i“ row of both the matrices are the same, for 15 Fly) = 0 for y<-1 0.42336 for -1 15 Fly) = 0 for y <0 0.2592 for0 15 Fly) = 7. There are 5 vacant positions in the film certification board. A total of 200 people from the film industry applied for the positions. Ifa person can take more than one position, then in how many ways can the 5 vacant positions be filled? {2 marks] a Cs, b. ™Ps a 4. 8. The variance of a binomial random variable X is plotted against varying values of p with n kept constant. It is observed that the maximum value of variance is 10, then what is the value of n’? [2 marks) (a) (b) (©) (a) BS55 Answer: d 9. From the options, choose the outliers, if any, for the following dataset: 9.5, 10.5, 11, 12, 12.1, 12.4, 12.5, 13, 13.6, 13.8, 13.9, 14, 15.2, 16.3, 17.3. [3 marks) a. 16.3 ». ©. 105 4.95 .n, is 13, what is the median of (2 marks] 10. If the median of the dataset ;, where the dataset 2x; — 1, where i = 1,2, 11. Ina subject of total duration 5 weeks, there are weekly graded tests. The probability that a student gets pass mark in a weekly test is related to the marks obtained in previous weekly test. If a student gets pass marks in previous week's test then there is 80% probability that the student will get pass mark in current week's test, else if a student fails to get pass mark in previous week's test then there is a 40% chance that the student will get pass marks in current week's test. (Assume that every student gets pass mark in the first week graded test.) If the student gets pass marks in exactly 4 weeks out of the 5 graded tests, what is the probability that the student failed in the 4% week? [5 marks) ) ) ) ) (a Answer: ¢ 12. Contingency Table 1.6.1 summarizes two categorical variables: status of completion of a course and the three colleges from which the course has been taken by students. [2 marks} College A] College B | College © ‘Completed 20 20 0 Not Completed 180 280 120 Table LE.1: Course completion data the probability that the pleted the course given that sa is from college B? (Correct up to I decimal points) 13. A company has predicted that the next year’s profit will follow the probability dis- tribution shown in Table LE.2. The random variable X denote the profit in million rupees. Loss is denoted by a negative profit X (Profit in million rupees) [-0.5] 0] 1] 2] 3 P(X =2) 0.2 | 0.15 | 0.25 | 0.2 [0.2 Table 1.E.2: Distribution of company’s next year profit. But the company cannot retain all the profits to itself since it has to share 5% of the profit to its investors. The amount that the company retains is given by Y = 0.95. Find the standard deviation (in million rupees) of Y. (5 marks 14. a. LT b, 1.42 7 d. 1.25 Priyanka selects three numbers randomly from the set of natural numbers from 1 to n. Find the probability that she will select a triplet (ie., three consecutive mumbers), n>3 [3 marks) & gl i & de th 4 . If the population standard deviation of first 2n natural numbers (excluding zero) is s1 the population standard deviation of next 2n natural numbers is s», and the population standard deviation of first 4n natural numbers (excluding zero) is $3. Which of the following statements is/are true? {6 marks) st > 82 = 5 ) ) (0) <3 ) ) sr 83 Mock Test Paper Mathematics for Data Science - 1 Max Marks: 55 1 Instructions: There are some questions which have functions with discrete valued domains (such as day, month, year ete). For simplicity, we treat them as continuous functions. Notations: ¢ R= Sot of real numbers ¢ N= Set of natural numbers ¢ The set of natural numbers includes 0 If a question has more than one answer, any one answer will be acceptable. 1. Let the curves represented by the three degree polynomials f(r), g(x), and h(r) meet at points A and B. Given that = 9a? + 200 8 — 7a? + 10r (2) = 29(2) 3F(7) = 9(7) Find the value of f(10). (McQ) [Marks: 3] Answer: 200 2. Suppose Dijkstra’s algorithm is run on the graph below, starting at node A. In what order do the shortest distances to the other vertices get finalized? (NAT) [Marks: 2] Options: 1. A.C.BDEF 2. A.C.B,D.FE 3. A.B.C,D.EF 4. A.B,C,D.F,E Answer: Option 4, 3. A company manufactures 10 chemicals ¢1,¢2,¢ cio. A relation R is defined as R= {XA | AC fer, €2,¢----C0}} Elements of A belong to the Xi (i € {1,2,3,4,5}) type of hazardous chemicals and any pair of elements from A is incompatible and would cause explosions if brought into contact Given that, (%, fer, e4, 65, C10}, (Nas (02, 03-05}); (Xa. fea, €2.C0}), (Xa, {e4, €2, er}) and (Xs, {e5, 8, e10}) are the elements of R. As a precautionary measure the company wishes to partition its warehouse into com- partments, and store incompatible chemicals in different compartments. What is the east number of compartments into which the warehouse should be partitioned? (NAT) (Marks: 4] Answer: 4 4, Seema wants to draw a rangoli on the floor. She has an idea of drawing some zig-zig line. If she starts from a point named as (1), she draws a line segment of 2V2/t at. an angle of 45 with respect to drn2 and reach till point (2). From point (2) she draws a line segment of Lft towards the opposite direetion of drn2. From there she again repeats the above procedure to reach till point (3). If her final point is point (10) then what should be the minimum length of floor in the direction of drn1? (Note that figure is not for scale purpose and tan45 = 1.) (NAT) [Marks: 3] Answer: 18 5. Let for some fixed « > 0, p(x)q(:r) = 1, where m > 1. Given that pia) = mene? ae) <= Find the value of (NAT) (Marks: 2] Answer: 1 6. Let functions f(z) =x? ~ 8, g(x) = logigz, and h(x) = g( f(x) respectively. Choose the set of correct options regarding h(x) (MsQ) [Marks: 3] Domain of A(z) will be (—90, -2V2) U (2V2, 00). Domain of h(z) will be (—90, ~3) U (3, 20). If A(z) is positive then, x € (~00, -2V2) U [2V3, 0). If A(z) is pos ‘A() has only one asymptote. ive then, x € (00, —3) U (3,00) ee kere (zx) has at least three asymptotes. Answer: Options 1 and 4. 7. Polynomial fit for the data given in the table recorded by a student is Sate y= f(x) = logyo, 112000101" Ks Find the valne of A’, so that SSE (sum squared error) will be minimum? (NAT) (Marks: 3] Answer: 0.6 8, Choose the option which has the most possible representation of funetion (MCQ) (Marks: 2) f(z) F(z) 4. Answer: Option 2 9. Let f(z) and g(x) be two functions defined from R to R such that a! — 202” + 64 if x € (—o0, —4) U (-2, 2) U (4, 00) F(a) =} -(@* — 2027 4 64) if. x € (—4, -2) U(2,4) 1 if x € {—4,-2,2,4} G(x) = logox Find the value of f(g(4)) + 9(f(0)) + (42 = 1). (NAT) (Marks: 4] Answer: 9 ul 10. Consider two sets A,B defined as A = {(a,b) € RXR | |a—3] < 1,|6—3| < 1} B= {(a,b) €Rx R|b—1< (a—3)?}. Choose the correct option. (McQ) [Marks: 5] 1. AUB=B 2. ANB=6 3 AUB=A 4. ANB=B Answer: Option 2 12 LL. What is the weight of a minimum cost spanning tree of the graph given below? (NAT) (Marks: 2) Answer: 34 13 12. In an undirected graph G, the number of vertices having odd and even degrees are M and N respectively. Which of these values are possible for M and N? (McQ) [Marks: 2] ib; 2. 3. 4 Answer: Option 1 4 13. We use matrix multiplication to find A? from A’. What is the value of 2a + 8? ATi [a [eI tm i }O}O;o/0/1 7 [o[o/1 Joli klojofolijo Tfolfofofoli m [ofo[o[o[o (NAT) Answer: 1 15 a[—[f.] [a elelefefel=: efelefole|s: elelelelola| 0 ™m 0 0 8B 0 0 Mi farks: 2] 1, Liala and Vinay both have to travel to various locations for advertising their company's products. The company reimburses their expenses such as accommodation, food ete. ‘The company also blacklists an employee whenever the employee's expenditure in a given month exceeds € 12000. The accounts department fits the data of monthly expenditure to the polynomial Fj(r) and By(r) (in %) for Liala and Vinay respectively, where 2c is the number of months since they joined the company (ie., « = 1 represents the completion of one month). The polynomial fit is known to be applicable for a period of 30 months (ie., 2 < 30). If E,(x) — 12,000 = a(x — 5.1)(x — 11)( — 20.5), a > 0 and E,(2) — 12,000 = a(x — 2)*(a — 8)(x — 25.5), a > 0. Let N,,.N), and Ny are the sets defined as = {x | x is the month number when Vinay got blacklisted} N; = {2 | xis the month number when Liala got blacklisted} Na = {x | is the month number when Liala and Vinay both got blacklisted} Find the cardinality of NiU Ny, (NAT) [Marks: 3] Answer: 19 16 15. Let A be the set of positive integers divisible by both 2 and 3 but not by 12, B be the set of positive integers divisible by both 3 and 5 but not by 15, and C’ be the set of positive integers strictly less than 100 and divisible by both 5 and 2 but not by 20 or 30. Find the cardinality of set G where G ax | € ANBNC} (NAT) (Marks: 2] Answer : 0 16. Consider the path of a ball thrown upwards is represented in the form: S(t) = —4t? + uot + ho where $ is the vertical distance of the ball from the ground (ground is $ = 0), ¢ is time elapsed since the ball was thrown (t = 0 when the ball is thrown), g is the acceleration due to gravity of the Earth, v is the initial velocity of the ball and fg is the initial height. Jo = 0 means the ball is thrown from the ground, fig = 1 means the ball is thrown from a height of 1 unit from the ground. Note that all the variables are consistent in their units. Take g = 10 for all the calculations. Which of the following options are correct? (MsQ) [Marks: 6] Options: 1. Two balls thrown with the same initial velocity must reach the same maximum, height 2. Two balls thrown with the same initial velocity and initial height must reach the same maximum height 3, Two balls thrown with the same initial velocity may not reach the same maximum, height but must reach their respective maximum heights after the same time ¢ 4, Time taken bj by 2vo/g Time taken by a ball thrown from the ground to reach back to the ground is given by vo/9 6. A ball is thrown with an initial velocity of 10 units and from a height of 2 units. Another ball is thrown with an initial velocity of 10 units and from the ground. Both the balls reach the ground at the same time. a ball thrown from the ground to reach back to the ground is given 7. It is never possible that one ball thrown from the ground and another thrown from a finite height h reach the ground at the same time 8. Maximum height reached by a ball with an initial velocity v and thrown from a height. h is always higher than that reached by the ball thrown with an initial velocity v and from the ground Answer: Options 2, 3, 4, 8 18 17. If A and B are two sets such that the cardinality of A x B is 6. If three elements of Ax B are (4,5) (1,2) (7,2), then A x Bis (McQ) [Marks: 2] 1. {(5.4), (5,1), 2. {(4,5),(2,4), 3. {(4,5), (2,4). 4. {(4,5), (4,2) 1), (2,7)} 27), (7 2)} 5,7), (7,2)} 7,5), (7,2)} 5,7), (2,4 5,1), (1,2 5,1), (1,2), 5), (1,2) ( )s (2, ( )s 5: ( ( a, ( Answer: Option 4 18. Consider the relation R= {(x,y) €R xR | 0 < |x —yl <2} on the set of real numbers. Which of the option(s) is(are) correct?” (MsQ) [Marks: 3] 1. Ris a reflexive relation. 2. Ris a symmetric relation. 3. Ris a transitive relation. 4. Ris an equivalence relation. Answer: Option 2 20 19. A mobile company offers two plans. Plan A costs %300 and offers 1000 free minutes per month with a charge of 15 paise per minute for every additional minute. Plan B costs 400 and offers 1500 free minutes per month with a charge of 10 paise per minute for every additional minite, Let C,(¢) and C’g(t) represent the total cost per month for the plan A and the plan B respectively, where f represents the number of minutes used. If Riya uses 1800 minutes per month, then choose the set of correct options with respect to Riya, (MsQ) [Marks: 3] Plan A costs less than plan B Plan B costs less than plan A. Ca(t) = 300, for all ¢ € (0, 1000] eee 4. Cx(t) = 400, for all + € (0, 1500). 5. Ca(t) =0.1t+ 400, for all t € [1500, 1800}. 6. Ca(t) = 0.15t +150, for all ¢ € (1000, 1500] Answer: Options 1, 3,4 21 20. A parabolic banner of a company XYZ is supported by two rods OAT and PBS on the terrace of the company. The lowest point H of the banner is 5 ft above from the terrace. Both the rods OAT and PBS touch the banner at points A and B only. Both the points are horizontally 2/¢ away from H. Both the points are at the height of 9f¢ from the terrace. To increase the strength of the support, a small rod KL. is fixed between the terrace and the point where both the rods meet. If the rod KL is 0.5ft inside the terrace, then find the total length of rod KL in ft. (Note that the figure is not for seale purpose and for simplicity assume all the parts of banner and the all the rods are in the same plane.) (Nav) [Marks: 4] Terrace surface Answer: 1.5 22 Mock Test pal er Mathematics for Dath Sdience - 1 Max Marks: 100 1 Instructions: There are some questions which have functions with discrete valued domains (such as day, month, year ete). For simplicity, we treat them as continnous functions. * Notations: R= Set of real numbers © Q= Set of rational numbers © Z= Set of integers N= Set of natural numbers © The set of natural numbers includes 0 Standard acronyms: © m- metres ¢ cm - centimetres # kg kilograms © kcal - kilocalories © ft ~ fo 2 MCQ 1. If p(x) = 242") + 1, g(x) = et® — x, and for some fixed x > 1, p(x) + q(x) = 2, then choose the correct option. (McQ) Marks: 6 Options: Answer: Option 1 2. Let p(x) and q(x) be the polynomial of degree four. Suppose p(:r) = q(c) for 4 different real values of x (say a, 3, 7 and 4) and c is any arbitrary constant (c #0). Which of the following may represent the polynomial p(x) — q(x)? Options: — (a+ Bx +.08)( —>)(« - 6) (a? + (a — B)x — af8)(a —7)(a +5) A. ea? + (a — B)x + a8)(x + 7)(x — 6) Answer: Option 2 3, Two buildings A and B are as shown in the below diagram. A woman walks out of building B to get some sunshine. How much minimum distance in metres will she have to walk to the right of building B, according to the situations given below? Assume the right direction of buildings as positive and ground as X — aris and the first sun ray not blocked by B has a slope of -3.(Consider both the building and the sun are in the same plan) Sunt Options: 1 2 3.35) 4 Answer: Option 1. 4, A student was calculating SSE (sum squared error) and she found that SSE is a function of b as follows: SSE = f(b) = 6? — 6b +9. What will be the best fit value obtained by minimizing SSE using /(b). Options: 14 2 3.0 4, 2.25 Answer: Option 3, a 5. External dimensions of a metallic cuboid are ¢ = (x — 10) unit, 6 = (x — 15) unit, h = (—20) unit and the thickness of the metal is 2.5 units from all sides. If the volume of the metal contained in the cuboid formed is V = 300(2r — 15) eubic unit. What is the possible value of ar. Note: t, 6, hand V are the functions of « (McQ) [Marks: 6] Options: 1. 20 2.25 3. 40 4.50 Answer: Option 3. 6. The BFS (Breadth First Search) tree of a graph G is shown below. Choose the option which may represent the original graph G. (McQ) [Marks: 6] Options: 7. Ina shop if the number of items bought at a time is n, then the shop provides discount of M(n)% on the total payable amount. Let M(n) = —n? + 18n —72, for n € {6,7,8,9} and the cost of each item be 71000. If Aliya buys 7 items, then how much she has to pay? (McQ) [Marks: 6] 1. & 7000 2. % 6650 3. % 6500 4. & 6370 Answer: Option 2. 8. Suppose in the graph below each vertex denotes an oil deposit, edges are pipelines be- tween 2 oil deposits and weights on edges indicates the time taken for the fire to travel through the pipeline. Considering fire travels at uniform speed along each pipeline and fire is set at oil deposit which is at vertex ap, then the order in which the oil deposits are burnt will be? (MCQ) (Marks: 6] Options 1. aq, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 7, 6 2. ag, ay, dy, a3, 5, M4, AG, 7 3. ao, Ap, M1, 3, 4, 05, 6, OF A. a, 2, 1, Og, M4, 7, 5, OG Answer: Option 4. 10 9. Choose the interval in which (2) = 2° + 62? + Ll +6 is one to one function. (McQ) [Marks: 6] 2 € (-3,00) L 2. 38 4 Answer: Option 4. ul 3 MSQ 1. Let funetions f(r) = 2? — 6x + 11,9(x) = logor, and h(x) = g(f(z)) respectively. Choose the set of correct options regarding h(e). (MSQ) (Marks: 8] Optio 1. Domain of A(z) will be R. 2. h(z) is an even function, 3. h(x) is positive for all B. 4, h(x) has at least one asymptote Answer: Options 1 and 3. 12 2. The topological sequence of the given DAG is. (MsQ) Marks: 8 LYS» NYY E, F.C, B, G, H, D, BD, FCB, A PRO Boer paoOSds Answer: Option (3), Option (4) 13 3. A carrom board is a square board with a symmetrical design as shown in the diagram below. E, F, G, and H are the midpoints of AD, BA, CB, and DC respectively. Rohit wants to pocket his last coin which is at E. Taking the laws of reflection to be applicable. he strikes from the point M, so that the striker reflects at F, then at G, then at Hand finally hits the coin at FE. Choosing A to be the origin (right direction is +ve X — aris and upward direction is +ve Y-axis), choose the correct options. (MSQ) (Marks: 8] Options: 1. FH and EG are perpendicular line segments. 2. Segment GH intersects the inner square at (6,9) and (9,6). 3. Slope of line EF is -1. 4. Distance between M and B is V2. Answer: Option(1), (2), (3) and (4) 4 4, Let f(x) = e449), a ER then choose the set of correct options. (MsQ) [Marks: §] F(x) will be symmetric around y axis irrespective of value of a. ‘J (2) will be positive for « € (5,1) ifa>0. ‘(2) will be positive for « € (5,1) ifa <0. Ifa =1 then we will get two X— intercepts of f(r) Answer: Options 2 and 3. 15 4 NAT 1. Let us consider the following sets. © A={cEN| x mod 3=0and1 <2 <25} © B={r€N|xmod4=0 and 1<2< 25} © C={reN |x mod 6=0 and 1 10 where « is the quantity (in a unit) of the raw materials. The quality of the product A is measured by a seale, based on the value of the linear approximation of the funetion p(2) with respect to the 1 unit raw material (ie if Zp(z) is the linear approximation of the function p(x) at x = 1, then quality of the product A, when the used raw material is m units, is L,(m)) Use the information above to answer qu tions 4, 5 and 6. 4. If a is the rate of increment in the quantity of the production of the product A when the used quantity of the raw materials is 15 units, then find the value of fs. [Ans: 16] 5. Find the minimum quantity of the production of the product A. (Ans: 1000] 6. Find the quality of the product A, when the production is minimum. [Ans: 640] ‘The curve represented by the functions f(r) = |x?—8r+7| and g(x) = [r+1] in the interval (0, 9] represents the number of products sold in two online grocery stores: Store A and Store B, respectively, from 12PM to 9PM, where 12PM is taken as x = 0 and 9 PM is taken as a =9. The area under the curve bounded by positive X-axis in the given interval is also measured to determine which one is more active in that time period (the more area under the curve bounded by the positive X-axis means the more activity in the online grocery store). Figure T2M2Q1.1 shows the graph of function f(r) = |2? — 8x +7], whereas, Figure T2M2Q1.2 shows the graph of function g(r) = |x +1), in the interval [0,9] Figure: T2M2Q1.1 Figure: T2M2Q1.2 Use the information above answer questions 7, 8 and 9. 7. If the critical points of the functions f(x) and g(r) correspond to the grocery shops A and B are not active at that time, then how many times the both grocery shops A and B are not active between 2.30PM to 8.30PM. [Ans: 8] 8. Choose the set of correct statements, (MSQ) O Option 1: f is continuous everywhere in the interval (0,9), but g is not. O Option 2: g is continuous everywhere in the interval (0,9), but f is not, O Option 3: Both f and g are contimious everywhere in the interval (0,9) © Option 4: Store A was less active than Store B in the given time interval. interval (0,9). O Option 5: Store B was less active than Store A in the given time interval. interval (0,9). 9. Find the estimated area of the region bounded by the graph of the function g(x), above the interval [0.9] using the trapezoidal Riemann sums by taking 9 subintervals of equal length. [Answer: 49.5] Section A- Reading Read the passage and answer the questions that follow: (2x2= 4 Marks) When leaving his surgery on the morning of April 16, Dr. Bernard Rieux felt something soft under his foot. It was a dead rat lying in the middle of the landing, On the spur of the moment he kicked it to one side and, without giving it a further thought, continued on his way downstairs. Only when he was stepping out into the street did it occur to him that a dead rat had no business to be on his landing, and he turned back to ask the GGREIETBE of the building to see to its removal. It was not until he noticed old M. Michel’s reaction to the news that he realized the peculiar nature of his discovery. Personally, he had thought the presence of the dead rat rather odd, no more than that; the concierge, however, was genuinely outraged. On one point he was categorical: “There weren't no rats here.” In vain the doctor assured him that there was a rat, presumably dead, on the second-floor landing; M Michel's conviction wasn’t to be shaken. There “weren’t no rats in the building,” he repeated, so someone must have brought this one from outside. Some youngster trying to be funny, most likely That evening, when Dr. Rieux was standing in the entrance, feeling for the latch-key in his pocket before starting up the stairs to his apartment, he saw a big rat coming toward him from the dark end of the passage. It moved uncertainly, and its fur was sopping wet. The animal stopped and seemed to be trying to get its balance, moved forward again toward the doctor, halted again, then spun round on itself with a little squeal and fell on its side, Its mouth was slightly open and blood was spurting from it. After gazing at it for a moment, the doctor went upstairs He wasn’t thinking about the rat. That glimpse of spurting blood had switched his thoughts back to something that had been on his mind all day. His wife, who had been ill for a year now, was due to leave next day for a sanatorium in the mountains. He found her lying down in the bedroom, resting, as he had asked her to do, in view of the exhausting journey before her. She gave him a smile. —Albert Camus, The Plague 1. What is the meaning of a “concierge”? a. acaretaker b. a waiter c. alandowner Answer: a 2. Which of the following statements about Dr. Rieux is true? a. He is a medical doctor. b. He has a wife who is ill c. He is instantly concerned on seeing a dead rat on his landing. d._ He complains to the concierge regarding the dead rat Answer: a, b, d Section B- Listening ring Listen to the audio sample in the link and answer the questions below: 1. “But the times that you force you to claw and scratch and fight” The meaning of ‘claw and seratch’ is a, Scratch the base of the problem b. Tear your problem ¢. Hold on and fight through the problem Answer: ¢ 2. The meaning of ‘knocked down’ is a. Being pushed down b. Feeling a defeat c. Suffering a beating Answer: b 3. From the content, guess the meaning of ‘vague platitude” a. Meaningless place b. Meaningless advice c. Meaningless attitude Answer: b Section C- Grammar and Usage (10x1= 10 Marks) 1. All of the bottles, even the cracked one, in the fridge. a are b. will cis dam Answer: a 2. ‘Bither Vibha or her pets responsible for this mess.” a) Is b) Are ©) Has d) Have Answer: b 3. Identify the category of the underlined word, Pass me the salt, please. a. Noun b. Adjective Verb d. Adverb Answer ¢ 4.1 couldn't and now everyone knows that Rita was fired.” Finish the underlined part of this sentence a. hold myself, b. hold my tongue c. hold my water Answer: b 5. Choose the correct sentence from among the following sentences’ a. Neither Kamal nor Shefali like brown shoes, Either Kamal or Shefali like brown shoes, ¢. Either Kamal or Shefali does not like brown shoes, d. Neither Kamal nor Shefali likes brown shoes. d Answer: ¢, Convert the following sentences into passive voice 6. Vishnu rang the alarm when Jishnu found the smoke. a) Jishnu found the smoke when Vishnu rang the alarm b) The alarm was rung by Vishnu when the smoke was found by Jishnu ©) Vishnu was ringing the alarm when Jishnu was finding the smoke. 4) The alarm was rung by Vishnu when Jishnu finds the smoke. Answer: b) Convert the following sentences to active voice 7. The cup was broken by Sandip. a) The cup were broken by Sandip. b) Sandip is breaking the cups. c) Sandip broke the cup. 4) Sandip will break the cup. ‘Answer: ¢) 8. The orator and poet __ dead. a) are b) were cis d) have Answer: ¢ Identify the adverb. 9. [woke up late yesterday. a) late b) yesterday ©) up d) (a) and (b) Answer: d 10, Identify the misspelt word a. Bouget b. Separate ©. Foreign d. Cemetery Answer- a Section D- Writing (1x5= 5 Marks) Write an email to a company/organization that you want to work for, requesting for a summer internship opportunity. Word limit is 200 words. BSCCS1001: Sample Paper for Diploma Total marks: Duration: 1, (6 points) Let X and ¥ be two words from the “Words” table. The given procedure CountSentence counts the number of sentences that do not contain both words X and Y. But the procedure may have mistakes. Identify all such mistakes (if any). It is a Multiple Select Question (MSQ). Procedure CountSentence (X, Y) XCount = 0, YCount = 0, Count = 0 while (Table 1 has more rows) { Read the first row % in Table 1 if (Z.Word == X) { XCount = XCount +1 } if (Z.Word == Y) { YCount = YCount +1 } if (Z. Word ends with a full stop) { if (XCount == 0 and YCount Count = Count + 1 Move Z to Table 2 } return (Count) End CountSentence © Condition to increment XCount is incorrect © Condition to increment YCount is incorrect, © Condition to increment Count is incorrect © XCount and YCount are reinitialized with incorrect value after reading the end of a sentence O No error 2. (6 points) The following pseudocode is executed using the “Scores” table. At the end of the execution, A captures the number of pairs of students who have scored the same marks in all subjects. Choose the correct code fragment to complete the pseudocode. A=0 while (Table 1 has more rows) { Read the first row X in Table 1 Move X to Table 2 while (Table 1 has more rows) { Read the first row Y in Table 1 Move ¥ to Table 3 * Fill the code * heerreeeeeeeeneeeneeet } ‘Move alll rows from Table 3 to Table 1 ie) B = False if (X. Chemistry == ¥.Chemistry) { B= Tre } if (X. Mathematics == Y.Mathematics) { B= Tre if (X.Physics == Y. Physics) { B= True } if (not(B)) { A=A+1 } Page 2 B = Tre if (X. Chemistry 4 ¥.Chemistry) { B = False } if (X. Mathematics # Y.Mathematics) { B = False i (X.Physics # ¥.Physics) { B = False } if (B) { A=A41 t B= if (X.Chemistry == Y.Chemistry) { B=B+1l } if (X. Mathematics == Y.Mathematics) { B=B+1 } if (X.Physics B=B+1l } if (B>1){ A=A+1 } Y. Physics) { Page 3 B= if (X. Chemistry == Y.Chemistry) { B=B+l } if (X.Mathematics == Y.Mathematics) { B=B+1 } if (X. Physics == Y.Physies) { B=B+l Yt A=A+1 Page 4 3. (6 points) getSpecial is a procedure that accepts a list as parameter and returns an- other list that contains exactly two integers. Let aList be a non-empty list of inte- gers from the range 1 to 100. getSpecial((100]++aList++[0]) return bList where first(bList) is the minimum element in aList and last(bList) is the maxinmum element. in aList. But the procedure may have mistakes. Identify all such mistakes (if any). It is a Multiple Select Question (MSQ). Procedure getSpecial (cList) if (length(cList) == 2) { return (cList) } a= first(cList) b = last(cList) ¢ = first(rest(cList)) if(a>c) { a= } if (b <) { b= } return (getSpecial((a] ++ rest(init(eList)) ++ {b])) End getSpecial CO Line 2: incorrect condition for the base case © Line 8: ifcondition statement is incorrect © Line 11: if-condition statement is incorrect O Line 14: incorrect parameter is passed to the recursive call O No error Page 5 4. (8 points) Consider the implementation of the following procedure getDictionary. As- sume that the procedure absolute takes an integer as parameter and returns the absolute value. For example, absolute(-2) = 2 and absolute(3) = 3. Procedure getDictionary(aList) D={} bList = aList while (length(bList) > 0) { b = first(bList) bList = rest(bList) foreach ¢ in bList { if (uot(isKey(D, b))) { Dib] =¢ t else { if (absolute(b - ¢) < absolute(b - D[b))) { Dib] =e } } return (D) End getDictionary Let D be the value returned by getDictionary ((10,20,5,10,40,15,23,7,16]). Answer the following questions based on D. (a) What is the value of D[10] (b) What is length(keys(D))? Page 6 5. (8 points) Consider the procedure getDictionary defined in the previous question. Let aList be a list of integers and D be the dictionary returned by getDictionary (aList) Choose whether the following statements are true or false: (a) length(aList O True O False (b) Foreach a in aList, Dial © Tre O False (c) If there exists a in aList such that D[al = a, then a occurs more than once in aList. © True O False (d) If be the minimum element in aList, then Dlx) > « © Tre O False length(keys(D))? Page 7 6. (8 points) checkSubList rameters and checks whether bList is a sub-list of aList. For instan sub-list of [1,2,3,4,5], but [24,3] and [1,3] ar correct implementation of the procedure checkSubList. oO Procedure checkSubList (aList, bList) if (length(aList) 0) { if (manipulate(bList, x)) { y = True } DList = rest(bList) } return (y) End feedInput Procedure manipulate (aList, x) if (x < 0 or length(aList) == 0) { return (False) return (True) } return (manipulate(rest aList), x - first(aList))) End manipulate Let aList be a list of positive integers and x be a positive integer. When will feedIn- put(aList, a) return True? O I there © I there e © If the sum of elements in alist is the same as x a subset of elements in aList that sums up to x s a subset of consecutive elements in aList that sums up to x O If x isan clement in aList Page 10

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