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1. Ví trí, chức năng và dấu hiệu nhận biết từ loại
Vị trí của danh từ trong câu.
1. Chủ ngữ của câu (đầu cầu, đầu mệnh đề) Maths is the subject I like best
2.Sau tính từ (good, beautiful..), She is a good teacher.
Sau tính từ sở hữu (my, your, his, her,..). His father works in hospital.
Cụm danh từ: a/ an the + (adv) + adj + N.
3. Làm tân ngữ, sau động từ I like English.
We are students.
4. Sau "enough" (enough +N) He didn't have enough money to buy that car.
5. Sau các mạo từ (a, an, the) She is a teacher.
Đại từ chỉ định (this, that, these, those); This book is an interesting book.
Lượng từ (each, no, any, a few, a little,..) I have a little money to go to the movie.
6. Sau giới từ: in, on, of, with, under, at... Thanh is good at literature.
Dấu hiệu nhận biết danh từ
-ion (distribution), -ment (development), -er (teacher) , -or (actor), -ant (accountant), -age (marriage),
-ship (friendship), -sm (enthusiasm), -ity (ability), -ness (happiness), -dom (freedom), -ist (terrorist), -
ian (physician), -hood (childhood), -ance (importance), -ence (dependence), -ety (society), -ty
Vị trí của tính từ trong câu
1. Trước danh từ: (a/an/the) + (adv) + adj + N My Tam is a famous singer.
2. Sau động từ liên kết: be/ seem/ appear/ feel/ Tom seems tired now
taste/ look/ keep/get/ keep/ make (sb) + adj The homework keeps me busy all the time
3. Sau "too": S+ be/ seem/look..+ too +adj.. Coffee seems too hot for me to drink.
4. Trước “enough": S + be + adj + enough.. She is tall enough to play volleyball.
5. Trong cấu trúc: so + adj + that The weather was so bad that we decided to stay
at home
6. Dùng dưới các dạng so sánh Meat is more expensive than fish.
7. Dùng trong câu cảm thán: How intelligent she is!
How + adj +S+V! What a beautiful girl!
What + (a/an) + adj +N!
Dấu hiệu nhận biết tính từ
-ful (helpful), -less (homeless), -ly (friendly), -al (national), -ble (acceptable), -ive (active), -ous
(famous), -ish (selfish), -y (foggy), -like (childlike), -ic (scientific), -ed (bored), -ing (interesting), -ary
(necessary), -ant (important), -ent (different)
Vị trí của trạng từ trong câu
1. Trước động từ thường giữa trợ động từ và They seldom get up early in the morning.
động từ thường (đặc biệt là các trạng từ chỉ I have recently finished my homework.
tần suất: always, usually,...) I don't usually go to school late.
2. Trước tính từ: be/ feel/look.. + adv + adj She is very nice.
He looks extremely unwell.
3. Sau "too": V(thường) + too + adv ! The teacher speaks too quickly.
4. Trước "enough": V(thường) + adv + The teacher speaks slowly enough for us to
enough understand.
5. Trong cấu trúc : V(thường) + so + adv + Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident.
6. Đứng cuối câu (trạng từ thời gian) I finished my essay last week.
7. Thường đứng 1 mình ở đầu câu/ giữa câu Last summer I came back my home country.
và cách các thành phần khác của câu bằng dấu Its raining hard. Tom, however, goes to school.
Dấu hiệu nhận biết trạng từ:
Adv = adj + ly (beautifully, usefully, carefully, strongly, badly)
Ngoại lệ: Một số từ có đuôi “ly” nhưng là tính từ: daily: hàng ngày, early: sớm; elderly: già, lớn tuổi;
friendly: thân thiện, likely: có khả năng sẽ xảy ra; costly = đắt đỏ; lively = sinh động, lonely
lẻ loi, lovely = đáng yêu, manly = nam tính; silly = ngớ ngẩn; ugly = xấu xí; unlikely:
không có khả năng xảy ra; monthly: hàng tháng; weekly: hàng tuần, brotherly = như
anh em; comely = duyên dáng; goodly = có duyên; homely =giản dị, lowly = hèn mọn,
masterly = tài giỏi; scholarly uyên bác; shapely = dáng đẹp, timely = đúng lúc;
unseemly = không phù hợp.
Vị trí của trạng từ trong câu
1. Thường đứng sau chủ ngữ Lam Anh plays volleyball everyday.
2. Đứng sau trạng từ chỉ tần suất I usually get up late.
Dấu hiệu nhận biết động từ
-ate (compensate), -ain (maintain); -flect (reflect), -flict (inflict); -spect (respect), -scrib (describe), -
ceive (deceive), -fy (modify), -isel-ize (realize), -ude (include), -ide (devide), dus (evade), -tend

1. A portion of the proceeds will be _earmarked_____ for providing school fees for poor
children for the coming academic year. (mark)
2. The administration ropes in all educational institutions, government offices, public sector
_undertaking_______ and universities for the purpose of mobilising funds. (take)
3. Contraception is less _procurable_______ or affordable in South America. (cure)
4. Both toxic and _curative_______ potentials are properties of all drugs. (cure)
5. While learning has changed for students in this new century, we are _emboldened_______ by
the boundless opportunity presented in our lifetime. (bold)
6. It does not become an economic _superpower_______ but it does become a ‘newly
industrialized country’, like Malaysia, Taiwan and South Korea. (power)
7. We believe that the most effective enforcement tool is self-policing and _self-restrain_______
8. It is possible to humanely raise and slaughter a variety of food animals, including _free-
range_______ poultry and beef cattle. (range)
9. Most of this feature includes behind-the-scenes video __footage______ of the crew working
and goofing off. (foot)
10. Together they forged a(n) _invigorating_______ intellectual climate that has profoundly
shaped my career. (vigor)
11. We will investigate the tradeoffs among data _imperceptibility_______, data hiding capacity,
and probabilities of extraction errors in different applications. (perceive)
12. This is a(n) _page-turning_______ thriller that promises to deliver. (page)
13. Death, from this perspective, seems unproblematically universal, a simple, irreducible fact of
our nature, _unyielding_______ the same across all societies and throughout time (yield)
14. Of course there is a(n) _tradeoff_______ between such advantages of large cells and the
disadvantages of slower cell multiplication. (trade)
15. Today we look at claims that in Queensland, the regime that looks after the most vulnerable
people, the infirm elderly, and _imcapacitated_______ adults, is failing. (capacity).
16. Scholars have tried to make a case for _acpuisitiveness_______, competitiveness, and
selfishness as innate human trait. (acquire)
17. The judge ruled that Newman's comments were not a(n) _actionable_______offense. (act)
18. She was a very selfish, _disagreeable_______ bad-tempered little girl. (agree)
19. Before creating this sculpture, she studied all the masterpieces of classical _antiquity_______
20. He claims that the laws are _antiquated_______ and have no contemporary relevance.
21. I fretted and sweated as they stalked in and stared around with that _disapproving_______,
accusatory look of all cops everywhere. (approve)
22. A good teacher can encourage _artistic_______creativity. (art)
23. She's _artful_______ and knows how to get round her parents. (art)
24. Most _authoritarian_______ or totalitarian regimes are nonconstitutional. (authority)
25. One encouraging feature of period-instrument performances in recent decades has been a
growing concern with reliable and _authoritative_____editions. (authority)
26. It is essential that there is a(n) _unauthorised_______ (author) use of the confidential
27. He thought back to the _carefree_______ days of his childhood. (care)
28. They gave him a(n) _categorical_______ assurance that he would not be hurt.(category)
29. They are taking _precautionary_______measures to safeguard their forces from the effects of
chemical weapons. (caution)
30. Their _ceremonious_______ greetings did not seem heartfelt. (ceremony)
31. The full costume is only worn on important __ceremonial______ occasions. (ceremony)
32. Utilitarian notions in the social sciences are not enough for even providing a(n)
_conceptual_______ framework for grasping what actually happens. (concept)
33. It once seemed _inconceivable_______ to everyone that men should travel to the moon.
34. The procedure is in strict _conformity_______ with standard international practices.
35. The present economic policy is a(n) _continuation_______ of the earlier one. (continue)
36. An historical awareness also imparts a sense of__continuity______(continue).
37. Last month's elections saw a _continuance_______ in power of the country's socialist party.
38. It's very ________ to find out that your own team members have been lying to you. (courage)
39. Do you believe in the _curative_______ powers of the local mineral water? (cure)
40. She has an artist's _discrimminating_______ eye. (discriminate)
41. The government enacted laws to protect women from _discriminatory_______employment
practices (discriminate)
42. Maria loved both the children. There was never a hint of _favouritism_______ (favour)
43. They often are involved in the hiring and dismissal of employees but generally have no role
in the _formulation_______ of personnel policy. (form)
44. An agreement on the _formation_______ of a new government was reached on June 6. (form)
45. There are people who want to _humiliate_______ you and grind you down. (humble)
46. The discussions reached a new level of _intensity_______ and by lunchtime the exchanges
were becoming very heated. (intense)
47. _intensification_______ and specialization in agriculture, especially in the vineyards, gave
rise to commercial exchange and opportunity for profit and saving. (intense)
48. Areas near the frontier were rough and _lawless_______ in the old days. (law)
49. It is _unlawful_______ for a teacher to inflict corporal punishment on pupils. (law)
50. The relation of politics and economy is a _masterstroke_______ of historical gradual
progress. (master)
51. A builder from South London, McAvoy was the _______ of the robbery (master)
52. Photographs and _memorabilia_______ that cover the walls and fill several display cases
chronicle the foods this area is famous for. (memory)
53. The three countries have signed a(n) _memorandum_______ pledging to work together.
54. Olympic gold medalist Ekaterina Gordeeva is writing a(n) _memoir_______ about her life
with Sergei Grinkov, her late husband and figure-skating partner.(memory)
55. Her first defeat was an early lesson in _humility_______ (humble).
56. They cannot forget the _humiliation_______ they suffered at the hands of their oppressors.
57. Sales have slowed down quite _markedly_______ (mark).
58. To the untrained eye, the two flowers look _remarkably_______ similar. (mark)
59. Always check the _mileage_______ before you buy a secondhand car (mile)
60. The invention of the wheel was a(n) _milestone_______ in the history of the world. (mile)
61. One _momentary_______ lapse in concentration could prove fatal. (moment)
62. It was in Glasgow, however, that many _momentous_______ events were taking place.
63. Guy was greedy, _amoral_______, obsessed with power and self-gratification. (moral)
64. Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and _immoral_______ (moral)
65. Since their interest in the past was primarily _moralistic_______, precise knowledge of actual
events and when they happened was not required. (moral)
66. A couple of victories would improve the team's _marale_______enormously. (moral)
67. You become _demoralised_______ when things are not going your way and you can't really
see a way out of it. (moral)
68. To the audience's _mystificati_______, the band suddenly stopped playing. (mystical)
69. Electric-powered cars are still something of a(n) _novelty_______ (novel)
70. Comparisons are simpler to make when _numberical_______ data is presented in
diagrammatic form and conclusions are easier to draw from it. (number)
71.objectionab pictures have been deemed to contribute to a hostile environment (object)
72. Personal disinterest in a programme content will help your __objectivity______ in assessing
its potential for your public relations purposes. (object)
73. To say that the _observance_______(observe) of this custom or law is sacrilegious or illicit
must be regarded as _erroneous_______ (error).
74. Recent developments in biology have made it possible to acquire more and more precise
information concerning our genetic ________ . Scientists can even today identify a number of
genetic disorders that may cause illness and disease. (make)
75. Since 1990 the price of sugar has tended to fluctuate more wildly than any of the other four
commodity groups, and has almost _invariably_______ been the most expensive relative to
2002-2004 prices. (vary)
76. A dozen international poverty and development organizations published a report last week on
the impact of building new coal power plants in countries where a large percentage of the
population lacks access to electricity. The report’s conclusions are strikingly _counter- intuitive
_______: on the whole, building coal power plants does little to help the poor, and often it can
actually make them poorer. (intuition)
77. The scandal surely _signals_______ the end of his political career. (sign)
78. He gained _notoriety_______ for being difficult to work with as an actor. (notorious)
79. Tre Transformer is quite intriguing. It is _undoubtedly_______ one of the best movies of the
year. (doubt)
80. Her hip has been _troublesome_______ for quite a while, and she'll probably need surgery on
it. (trouble)
81. Her latest novel is a(n) _futuristic_______ thriller, set some time in the late 21st century.
82. The new policy only serves to _accentuate_______ the inadequacy of help for the homeless.
83. Successful candidates will be required to _undertake_______ an induction programme. (take)
84. Radio 4 also announced a new _______ of Primo Levi’s short story collection The Periodic
Table, starring Henry Goodman and introduced by Janet Suzman, to be broadcast in 12 episodes
of varying lengths this spring. (drama)
85. In the UK, the ratio of people of working age to people over 65 could fall from 3.7 to 1 in
1999 to 2.1 to 1 in 2040. This suggests a very big increase in the _dependency-ratio_______ ratio
and is consequently a cause for concern because with current spending pension commitments, it
will place a higher burden on the shrinking working population. (depend)
86. The UK government has already made tentative steps to raise the retirement age and increase
the role of private sector pensions. These policies will make an ageing population more
_manageble_______ (manage).
87. Ian Darkin of One Traveller, which specialises in offering holidays for mature single
travellers, says: “The new generation of _retirees _______ (retire) aren’t sitting at home knitting.
Their keenness to experience other countries and cultures is _ undiminished _______ (diminish)
with age.”
88. The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a(n) _resolution_______ calling for a halt to
hostilities. (solve)
89. Environmental degradation is _characterized_______ (character) as any change or
aggravation to nature’s turf seen to be pernicious or _undesirable_______ (desire).
90. The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction describes environmental
degradation as the _lessening_______ of the limit of the earth to meet social and environmental
destinations, and needs (less).
91. Humans have destroyed a tenth of Earth’s remaining _wilderness_______ in the last 25 years
and there may be none left within a century if trends continue, according to an authoritative new
study. (wild)
92. Technology has been lauded as a way to free up time for us, yet the reality of an all-
consuming medium often does the reverse. New innovations bring with them a host of
_unintended_______ consequences, ranging from the troubling to the downright depressing.
Social media makes us lonely. Too much screen-time makes teenagers fall behind their peers.
And at the more feeble end of the spectrum, many of us have walked into an obstacle while
texting. (intend)
93. Zombies are archetypal monsters from the bottom of the uncanny valley, with their dead eyes
and _expressionless_______ faces (express).
94. The terrible scenes were indelibly _imprinted_______ on his mind (print).
95. Phyllis Schlafly, the ________ conservative activist who helped defeat the Equal Rights
Amendment in the 1970s, has died. (speak)
96. The results ________ poor hygiene as one cause of the outbreak. (imply)
97. The country’s economic crisis had a(n) __disettle______ effect on world markets. (settle)
98. The piece, which had been affected by centuries of ________ and grime, was brought back
its former glory by seven conservators from the museum's Hamilton Kerr Institute. (colour)
99. The company has established total ________ over its rivals. (supreme)
100 Despite fighting between the government and SPLA rebels, citizens will be allowed
__hinder______ (hinder) access to humanitarian aid via "tranquility corrid.
1. With increasing numbers of people choosing to teach English as a foreign language, the need
to gain a(n) _accredited_______ (credit) qualification has never been more important.
2. A campaign is calling for the reversal of a decision to scrap A-level archaeology - saying it
would cause _irrevocable______(revoke) harm to the development of future archaeologists.
3. Sir Adrian was a true gentleman. He was _unfailingly_______ (fail) polite to everyone he met
within the business and was on first name terms with many of them, regardless of where they
4. An eight-month inquiry by the all party group on _mindfulness_______ (mind) found frontline
public servants could be less likely to fall ill with stress, or quit altogether, if they engage in the
increasingly popular meditation practice.
5. _absenteeism_______ (absent) is an issue of growing concern among employers in the UK
owing to changing legislation, but there is virtually no robust data on its direct or indirect costs.
6. A decision to allow _hearsay_______ (hear) evidence in disciplinary proceedings against a
doctor linked to child abuse claims was _unlawful_______ (law).
7. Slavoj Žižek was born in communist Yugoslavia in 1949, and received a thorough grounding
in Marxism and the principles of _dialectical_______ (dialect) materialism.
8. Can you make up a(n) _foursome_______ (four) for tennis tomorrow?
9. These wonderful books _encapsule_______ (capsule) moments in history in truly
unforgettable ways .
10. Proposals to protect the right of mentally _incapacitated_______ (capacity) people to be
involved in important decisions about their life have been published by the government.
11. Authorities in the US state of Michigan have charged a taxi driver with six counts of murder
after he went on a random shooting spree on Saturday. Jason Brian Dalton, 45, remained
_expressionless_______ (express) as the charges were read in court on Monday.
12. Around 40% of jobseekers have been without work for more than one year, the report says,
running "significant risks of _demoralization_______ (moral), loss of self-esteem and mental
health problems"
demoralization: sự làm mất tinh thần
13. A former migrant has returned home to Senegal after becoming _disheartened_______ (heart)
with life as an illegal migrant in Spain. After six years, Babacar Dialor Faye never got his legal
documents and had to live on _handouts_______ (hand) from the Red Cross.
14. Kids have become _desensitized_______ (sense) to violence. Someone's been shot, and kids
are playing up and down the streets on their bikes, because they're used to seeing it and that's also
what you see in a war zone.
15. Parents often favour one child over another and, at its worst, parental_favouritism_______
(favour) can be one of the most profound and damaging emotional dynamics a child ever
encounters. It can affect the rest of their lives.
16. When Emma was widowed in 1879, she decided to leave her home in Koblenz, Germany, to
start _anew_______ (new) in Glasgow, and settled in the city by 1881.
17. Anti-terrorism police patrol units are to be introduced across London boroughs. This tactic
was endorsed by Lord Harris in his review of London's _preparedness_______ (prepare) for a
terror attack, commissioned by the mayor.
18. Reports of memory loss with long-term cannabis use are nothing new, and an influential
paper published last year provided evidence that smoking marijuana has a(n)
_deleterious_______ (delete) effect on intelligence.
19. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis and is what
causes the subjective "high". This includes changes in _perceptual_______ (perceive) sensations,
a feeling of _contentment_______ (content) and increased appetite .
20. Cyanide _toxicity_______ (toxic) is experienced by humans at doses of around 0.5–3.5
milligrams per kilogram of body weight .
21. She has become increasingly _opinonated_______ (opinion) and verbalises her opinions
forcefully without any insight into their effect on others.
23. _benefactors_______ who want to fund the restoration of a derelict arts centre in Cheltenham
have pleaded with other bidders to let it become community-run (benefit)
24. He was a bad influence on the child, who was at a(n) _impression_______ (impress) age.
25. Membership talks were launched in 2005, but progress has been slow, as several EU states
have serious _misgiving_______ about Turkish EU membership. (give)
26. He has such great power and yet talked with such _humility_______(humble). There aren’t
many people in politics who are as charismatic as President Obama.
27. For many people Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) is the most influential figure in the
history of western classical music. His extraordinary talent was already clearly evident as a young
man, _mercifully_______ (mercy) surviving a somewhat unconventional upbringing during
which his eccentric father would often force him to take music lessons in the middle of the night.
28. How often have you seen rich people take to the stress, shouting that they are earning too
much? Protesters are typically blue-collar workers yelling that the minimum page has to go up, or
that their jobs should not go overseas. Concern about _ _fairness______ (fair) is always
_asymmetrical_______(symmetry), stronger in the poor than the rich. And the
__underlying______ (lie) emotions are not as _lofty_______(loft) as the ideal itself. Children
become thoroughly_indignant_______ (indignation) as the slightest discrepancy in, say, the size
of their slice of pizza compared to their sibling’s.
29. Many teachers expressed serious __misgiving______ (give) about the new tests.
30. The price of property in the city is __pronibitive______ (prohibit)
31. _comsumerism_______ is an economic theory which states that a progressively greater level
of consumption is beneficial to the consumers. (consume)
32. If your credit card debt is mounting and yet you can't stop spending, you could be a
33. The number of people suffering from shopping addiction has . _overtaken_______ (TAKE)
the number of drug and drink addicts combined.
34. Everyone has heard of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; few of his son Franz Xaver. A new CD
collection __entitled______ (title) The Other Mozart celebrates Franz's music - in all its haunting,
_melancholic_______ (melancholy) innocence. The 27 songs are brief slivers of ideas,
_underdeveloped_______ (develop) shadows of what might have been, reaching a beautiful
fulfillment in the later works. But it is clear that the music never reaches the heights of his genius
father. Franz was the youngest of Mozart's children, and his mother's hopes and ambitions
focused on him following the _______ (mature) death of his father. The very best teachers were
automatically available to Franz's, who made his public debut as a singer, aged five. The songs
bring to light Franz's _pianistic_______. (piano) accomplishments; the piano parts are extremely
demanding. The songs hint at Franz's love for a woman; they speak time and again of
unattainable love and _unfulfilled_______ (fulfil) longing.
_realistical_______ (realist), however, the fact remains that this music, had it been written by a
composure of any other name, would probably have remained buried in the archives.
35. The region has several medium-sized towns and cities, but no major _conurbation_______
36. When you're on a cross-country flight, it's tough to tolerate the _incessant_______ crying of
a baby. (cease)
37. Our _subconsious_______ mind registers things which our conscious mind is not aware of.
38. They were now faced with seemingly __insurmountabe______ technical problems (mount).
39. The report should distinguish clearly between _indisputable_______ fact, firm opinion and
mere speculation (dispute)
40. They have become _ỉneconcilable_______, with both sides refusing to compromise any
further. (reconcile)
41. Finland’s metalworkers' union chief Riku Aalto has criticised government proposals to alter
nationwide labour conditions as _amateurish______and unprofessional (amateur).
42. His interpretation of the figures is far too _simplistic_______ (simple)
43. The organization insists that it is _apolitical_______ and does not identify with any one
particular party (politics)
44. The new regulations will be _burdensome_______ for small businesses. (burden)
45 Solon replies that birds like peacocks are _incomparable_______ in their beauty. (compare)
46. It is _inadvisable_______ to generalize from the results of a single experiment. (advise)
47. Try not to _overreact_______ to criticism (react)
48. He was confused and _incoherent_______ and I didn't get much sense out of him. (cohere)
49. Gradually she began to notice one or two little _imperfection_______ in his character.
50. They’re concerned about the _buildup_______ of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. (build)
51. Karen has always felt _overshadowed_______ by her famous elder sister. (shadow)
52. An increasing number of tests are available for detecting foetal _abnormalities_______
53. He is currently standing trial for alleged _malpractices_______ (practice)
54. All points on a circle are _equidistant_______ (distant) from the centre.
55. The worsening situation forced the company to _downsize_______ (size) from 39 employees
to 7.
56. The new version of the program comes with a much better user _interface_______(face).
57. Who will be the main _beneficiary_______ of the cuts in income tax? (benefit)
58. The parents showed remarkable _forbearance_______(bear) toward their defiant and unruly
59. A(n) _misdemeanour_______(mean/menace) has been committed but the offender has not
been caught.
60. I keep getting __contradictory______ (contrary) advice - some people tell me to keep it warm
and some tell me to put ice on it.
61. He gazed at her with __smoldering______ (smell) eyes, wishing she wasn't married.
62. He had a(n) _unrivalled_______ (rival) knowledge of south Arabian society, religion, law
and customs.
63. The ship is an exact __replical______ (reply) of the original Golden Hind.
64. _improvisation_______(provide) and expression as well as musical accompaniment of the
exercises plays a central role in the training programme of the Medau-Schule.
65. Ariadne herself personifies the passively courageous, endlessly
_resourceful_______(resource), and _lovingly_______ (love) restorative element in every
66. _brainstorming_______ (brain) on creative tasks has been a major activity in the advertising
business where it began in the 1930s.
67. Abuses of the investigative process may _imperceptibly_______(perceive) lead to abridgment
of protected freedoms
68. Their contributions to science have earned them a(n) _everlasting_______ (last) place in
69. She appeared on television to make a(n) _impassioned_______ (passion) plea for help.
70. No one will raise moral psychology of the question of obesity, for fear of sounding
__uncompassionate______(passion) and _reactionary_______(reaction).
71. We should take a more __dispassionate______ (passion) view and consider the long-term
effects of Briant's work.
72. The solutions _encompass_______ (compass) a wide range of options to suit all tastes and
73. He was known to be a loud-mouthed, __opinionated______ (opinion) bigot.
74. The aim of the report is to __ecluidate______ (lucid) the main points of the new regulations.
75. Some things are _inalienably_______ (alien) true: Water is wet, gra is green (kind of), dogs
bark and houses prices rise
76. Jack tried to __atone______ (one) for his rudeness by sending her some flowers.
77. By 1980 the Republican Party platform had become antiabortion; and a president who
pledged to __outlaw______ (law) abortion altogether had been elected.
78. Tootle seems to be essentially a(n) __cautionary______ (caution) tale, warning the child to
stay on the narrow road of virtue.
79. The country's great influence in the world is __disproportionate______ (proportion) to its
relatively small size.
80. In the US, a school __superintendent______ (intend) is in charge of the schools in a
particular area.
81. The demonstrators __brandished______ (brand) banners and shouted slogans.
82. He has a(n) _uncanny_______(can) knack of being able to see immediately where the
problem lies.
83. Mick was stubborn and _domineering_______ (dominate) with a very bad temper.
84. My profession had an important influence in the formation of my character and
_temperament_______ (temper).
85. The final whistle was greeted with _triumphant_______ (triumph) cheers from players and
86. She has never traced back her _lineage_______ (line), but believes her grandparents were
from Aberdeenshire.
87. She was a devout Catholic and, so far as I am aware, _unsailable_______ (assail/salient)
88. In the field of _dietetics_______ (diet), standards of practice have been developed for
practitioners in the field.
89. I am afraid I have quite a(n) _disinclination_______ (incline) to retire on a pension.
90. A(n) _far-reaching_______ (reach) and comprehensive strategy, carefully integrated with
broader plans for health care reform, is required.
91. They're making efforts to streamline their normally __cumbersome ______(cumber)
92. Trading can be characterized as a pure, _ unencumbered _______ (cumber) personal choice
with an immediate outcome.
93. He's _self-centred_______(centre), _manipalative_______(manipulate), insensitive; classic
signs of a personality problem.
94. Sometimes a sympathetic friend can be a constant source of discouragement, all
_unknowingly_______ (know).
95. Some say he was reborn as an undead god, others that he was simply a(n) ________ spirit.
96. This book is about people who claim to have _paranormal_______ (normal) abilities such as
ESP and mind-reading.
97. The refugees slept in _makeshift_______ (shift) tents at the side of the road.
98. The inheritance of _outmoded_______ (mode) company structures from the past, reinforced
by further concentration, produced very rigid company organisation.
99. In the _intermingly_______ (mingle) of news and commercials we have a struggle of sorts
between two different orientations.
100. Two hijackers used fake explosives to _commandeer______ (command) the airliner.

A. There are a myriad of lifestyle issues affecting the youth of today. Such is the pressure heaped
on many school-goers to achieve academic excellence by their parents that these
1_unrealistic______ (real) expectations are causing children to become hopelessly depressed.
Indeed, some, in their 2_desperation______ (despair) to escape and their sense of guilt at being
unable reach the levels of success demanded of them by their 3_pushy______ (push) parents,
either rebel in what is 4_tantamount______ (amount) to a cry for help, or, worse still, engage in
5_self-harm______ (harm). It is no coincidence that suicide rates, expecially amongst young
males, have been rising steadily for some time now. These are tough times to be a teen.
Then there are those who get hooked on the internet; the 6 _virtual______ (virtue) world
becomes their reality. For these teens, their social circle shrinks 7_dramaticaly______ (drama)
until, at last, their friendship sphere is limited solely to their online 8_buddies______ (bud). Not
alone do they commonly suffer from sleep 9_disprivation______ (private) on account of their
destructive addiction to game play and net-surfing, their behaviour may become so 10
_erractic______ (err) and peculiar over time as to be considered 11_antisocial______ (social) .
And while they sit at their computer screens hidden away in splendid isolation from the real
world, such is the lack of exercise they get that their calorie intake far exceeds what is necessary
for them to maintain a stable weight. In essence, due to their sedentary lifestyle, their weight
12_skyrockets______ (rocket) until such time as they become morbidly obese.

B. The standard of television programming produced in this country is in terminal decline. The
1__watershed_____ (shed) has become a meaningless term confined in its 2_applocability______
(apply) to 3__bygone_____ (go) days when adult content felt the full force of censorship and was
not allowed to appear on the box until after 9:00 p.m. Nowadays, however, it seems anything
goes any time. And, truth told, whatever anything is, it seldom 'goes' for much longer than a half
hour or so at any rate before it is interrupted by a commercial break. And don't even get me
started on those appalling 4_informercials______ (inform) most of the networks run right the
way through the night, one after another, for up to thirty minutes at a time. lt is truly painful.
Terrestrial television is now, as far as I am concerned, a laughing stock. All the quality has been
bought up by the satellite networks, with their big-money weight behind them, but even here
5_pickings______ (pick) are slim. In protest at the dire state of things, I have become a converted
6_netizen______ (net). I look to the web now to find good content. There, I can find just enough
7_re-run______ (run) of quality programmes to prevent myself from falling into utter despair
and pining for the good old days of 8_yesteryear______ (year).

C. In January 2001, the 1_intergovernmental______ (govern) Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

issued its latest report on climate change. Climate models worked out by giant super-
computers had become far more reliable since the previous report in 1995 and allowed
them to 2_reappraise______ (praise) the earlier projections for global warming. Their
conclusions were that something very serious is happening and that it cannot be a natural
process. The 1990s was the hottest decade for 1,000 years and the Earth is warming faster
than at any time in the last 10,000 years. According to the report, human activities are
3_unequivocally______ (equivocate) to blame for the temperature rise. The burning of
fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and, due to deforestation, there are fewer trees to
absorb this gas and recycle it back into oxygen. Methane 4__concentrations_____
(concentrate) have also gone up dramatically because of increases in rice culture and
5_cattle raising______ (cattle), both of which generate methane from
6_decomposing______ (compose) vegetation. These greenhouses gases trap heat in the
Earth’s atmosphere and cause the temperature to rise. In the worst case, the resulting
melting of ice-caps and glaciers would cause sea levels to rise by up to 88 cm,
endangering the homes and 7_livelihood______ (lively) of tens of millions of people
who live in low-lying regions.
Unfortunately, there is far greater 8_unanimity______ (unanimous) among the world’s
scientists over the issue than among politicians. As long ago as 1990, the IPCC recommended a
60% reduction in carbon dioxide 9_emissions______ (emit), as the basic level required to return
the planet’s climate to a healthy level. Governments globally failed to 10_enact______ (act) these
proposals. Now that the dangers have been reaffirmed by the latest report, it is high time that
governments took an active interest in exploring alternative, renewable energy sources.
D. People intuitively recognize the importance of self-esteem to their psychological health, so it
isn't particularly remarkable that most of us try to protect and enhance it in ourselves whenever
possible. What is remarkable is that attention to self-esteem has become a(n) 1_communal______
(commune) concern, at least for Americans, who see a favorable opinion of oneself as the central
psychological source from which all manner of positive outcomes spring. The corollary, that low
self-esteem lies at the root of individual and thus 2_societal______ (society) problems and
3_dysfunctions______ (function), has sustained an ambitious social agenda for decades. Indeed,
campaigns to raise people's sense of self-worth abound. Consider what transpired in California in
the late 1980s. Prodded by State Assemblyman John Vasconcellos, Governor George
Deukmejian set up a task force on self-esteem and personal and social responsibility.
Vasconcellos argued that raising self-esteem in young people would reduce crime, teen
pregnancy, drug abuse, school 4_underachievement______ (achieve) and pollution. At one
point, he even expressed the hope that these efforts would one day help balance the state budget,
a prospect predicated on the observation that people with high 5_self-regard______ (regard) earn
more than others and thus pay more in taxes. Along with its other activities, the task force
assembled a team of scholars to survey the relevant literature. The results appeared in a 1989
volume 6_entitled______ (title) The Social Importance of Self-Esteem, which stated that "many,
if not most, of the major problems plaguing society have roots in the low self-esteem of many of
the people who make up society." In reality, the report contained little to support that assertion.
E. An emerging discipline called neuroaesthetics is seeking to bring scientific
1_objectivity______ (objective) to the study of art, and has already given us a better
understanding of many 2_masterpieces______ (master). The blurred 3_imagery______ (image)
of Impressionist paintings seems to stimulate the brain's amygdala, for instance. Since the
amygdala plays a crucial role in our feelings, that finding might explain why many people find
these pieces so 4_moving______ (move).
Could the same approach also shed light on abstract twentieth-century pieces, from Mondrian's
geometrical blocks of colour, to Pollock's 5_seemingly______(seem) haphazard arrangements of
splashed paint on canvas? 6_sceptics______ (sceptical) believe that people claim to like such
works simply because they are famous. We certainly do have an inclination to follow the crowd.
When asked to make simple 7_perceptual______ (perceive) decisions such as matching a shape
to its rotated image, for example, people often choose a definitively wrong answer if they see
others doing the same. It is easy to imagine that this 8_mentality______ (mental) would have
even more impact on a fuzzy concept like art appreciation, where there is no right or wrong
F. Pop art was a(n) 1_unconversational______ (convention) art style in which
2_commonplace______ (common) objects such as comic strips, soup cans and road signs were
used as subject matter, and were often incorporated into the work. The pop art movement was
largely a British and American cultural phenomenon of the late 1950s and ‘60s. Art critic
Lawrence Alloway, referring to the prosaic 3_iconography______ (icon) of its painting and
sculpture, named the movement pop art. It represented an attempt to return to a more objective
and 4_universally______ (universe) accepted form of art after the dominance in both the United
States and Europe of the highly personal abstract 5_expressionism______ (express). The art form
was iconoclastic, rejecting the 6_supremacy______ (supreme) of the ‘high art’ of the past and the
7_pretentiousness______ (pretend) of other contemporary avant-garde art. Pop art became a
cultural institution because of its close reflection of a particular social situation and because its
easily 8_comprehensible______ (comprehend) images were immediately exploited by the mass
media. Although the critics of pop art describe it as sensational and non-aesthetic, its proponents
saw it as an art that was democratic and not 9_discriminatory______ (discriminate), bringing
together both connoisseurs and untrained inexperienced viewers. Even though public reaction to
pop art was 10_unfavourable______ (favour), it found critical acceptance as a form of art suited
to the highly technological, mass media-oriented society of western countries.
G. The comedy Bringing Up Baby, on the other hand, presents practically non-stop dialogue
delivered at 1_breakneck______ (neck) speed. This use of dialogue 2_undercrores______ (score)
not only the dizzy quality of the character played by Katherine Hepburn, but also the
3_absurdity______ (absurd) of the film itself and thus its humor. The audience is bounced from
gag to gag and conversation to conversation; there is no time for audience reflection. The
audience is caught up in a(n) 4_whirlwwind______ (wind) of activity in simply managing to
follow the plot. This film presents pure 5_escapism_____ (escape) - largely due to its frenetic

1. This place is an __exclusionary_________ zone, which is restricted to people who work in the
Parliamentary House only. (EXCLUDE)
2. He was __benighted_________ by the darkness and got lost in the forest. (NIGHT)
3. He was __unendowed_________ with intelligence but he tried hard to make up for it.
4. Any _malicious__________ gimmicks are forbidden in this competition. (MALICE)
5. Surely all women must have __maternal_________ instinct or the human race would die out.
6. Putting up with noise coming from the neighbor is probably the most _untoward___________
thing. (TO)
7. The leader was taken into custody, which brought an end to the __insurgency___________.
8. The spectacular view of Sa Pa has __emraptured___________ many visitors. (RAPTURE)
9. Andy has received such ___unwonted__________ fame after he tried himself in the school’s
play. (WONT)
10. The aridity in that area __betokens___________ a poor crop. (TOKEN)
11. Some people argue that money has _debased____________ football. (BASE)
12. This remote village bore the __depredatiom___________ of the storm. (PREDATOR)
113. “People” is a _disyllabic___________ word. (SYLLABLE)
14. The young boy was _waylaid____________ by the two men who then asked the innocent for
money. (WAY)
15. Taking that old lady for a ride is _unconscionable____________. (CONSCIENCE)
16. To achieve the _sentential____________ logic, you have to employ certain techniques of
using connectives like ‘and’, ‘or’ in the right place within the sentence. (SENTENCE)
17. This chair is almost too _superannuated___________, so replace it with a new one!
18. Underground nuclear _denotations____________ are believed to have been carried out.
19. The opponents of nuclear power may object to the scheme for some
_undermentioned_____________ reasons. (MENTION)
20. Every point in his speech is _perscpicuous____________, which allows the audience to
follow easily. (PERSPEX)
21. The ______________ is used to measured the smallest things! (MICRO)
22. His ______________ talking annoys the teachers a lot. (TERMINAL)
23. Many _pro-business_____________ policies have come into force to boost the economic
development. (BUSINESS)
24. A(n) _prearranged____________ schedule assists me in passing the day smoothly.
25. Allowing yourself anything you like makes you a _self-indulgent___________ figure.
26. Mary __expostulated____________ with her husband about his budget this month.
27. It is impossible to _gainsay______________ his excellence at work. (SAY)
28. People in coastal area live mainy on the __aquaculture____________, which allows them to
earn a great deal of money from the sea products (CULTURE)
29. People felt a great pity for the time spent to see such a(n) __abysmal___________ film.
30. Every book has a _foreword_____________ including what the authors say about their
masterpiece. (WORD)
31. I cannot imagine why there are such __hard-hearted____________ people in this world.
Don’t they feel any sympathy for the homeless? (HEART)
32. I will bring my unbrella along on the _offchance____________ that it rains. (CHANCE)
33. The dramatic decrease in the __throughput______________ of this factory can be a direct
result of underpayment. (PUT)
34. The contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan can cause _lifelong_____________
consequences. (LIFE)
35. It is a __little-known___________ fact that the vegeterian sausages were invented during
World War I. (KNOW)
36. His recent unpredictable mood _estranges___________ him from his friends. (STRANGE)
37. I was __lovestruck____________ and fell in love with her immediately at first sight. (LOVE)
38. The camera must be clean with a soft ____________ cloth. Otherwise, the water will
permeate and cause damage. (WRING)
39. His recent ups and downs made the criminal more _hard-bitten___________ than ever.
40. John Cena used to be in his _heyday____________ in WWE but since his dislocation, he had
to leave for operation and it would take him a long time to make a full recovery. (DAY)
41. Bats use ___echolocation___________ to navigate in the dark when hunting prey.
42. He was lying, indicated by the __tell-tale_____________ sign that his hands were shivering.
43. Thanks to the _footnote____________ at the bottom of the page, the Chinese-VietNamese
poem becomes more accessible. (NOTE)
44. The dog seems rather __unsightly_____________; it must not have been fed for days. (SEE)
45. _intravenous_______________ injection is the most common way to inject drugs. (VEIN)
46. _________________ medication brings about a quick relief but it is not recommended for
long-term treatment. (ACT)
47. Ivan’s camera now __malfunctions______________ because he carelessly dropped it into the
pool. (FUNCTION)
48. Mary told the doctor about her stomach’s _dysfunction_______________. It didn’t seem to
work properly. (FUNCTION)
49. A cock roach can continue to live for a few days even if it is __decapitated______________.
50. Their house is decorated in such a __nondescript_______________ way so that it fit in with
other houses. (DESCRIBE)
51. ________________ people are strong and healthy ones who can make a living on their own.
52. I spent the whole evening __decluttering_____________ my messy house. (CLUTTER)
53. Remember to read every __small-pint_____________ in the contract because it can be a trap
for the unwary. (PRINT)
54. I did my project in my own way, not in a __well-trodden______________ one. (TREAD)
55. From six o’clock __onwards_____________, I’m home! (ON)
56. Some of the ____quasi-independent____________ and __semi
autonomous________________ regions in Somalia have adopted distinctive symbols , including
flags, while others continue to use the Somali flag. (DEPEND/AUTONOMY)
57. A(n) __degenerative_______________ disease is one that will gradually deteriorate the
functioning of any one part in your body. (GENERATE)
58. It is widely known that judges have ___discretionary______________ powers.
59. The little boy left his hand-made boat __adrift_____________ on the river. (DRIFT)
60. The students are __qualitatively______________ seperated into differnt classes. (QUALIFY)
61. He suffered from headaches as an _aftereffect______________ of his accident. (AFFECT)
62. The renown that Michael Jackson gained for himself is almost
__insuperable______________. (SUPERIOR)
63. Viet Nam used to be __demassifield______________ into two seperate areas, with the border
being Gianh river. (MASS)
64. The walls were _striated________________ with colors, which make it so beautiful.
65. A bottle of cooled water had ___invigorating_______________ effects on us after a long
walk. (VIGOR)
66. Hand __sanitizer______________ is accused of including BBA, which can cause many
health problems. (SANITARY)
67. Their trouble is __self-inflicting________________. They themselves made the situation
worse. (INFLICT)
68. The ___musculature______________ inside our bodies is a complex system. (MUSCLE)
69. I do not understand why Adriana was so __maladroit_____________ at last night’s party. She
is usually clever and tactical when meeting people. (ADROIT)
70. Viet Nam went through __decolonisation_______________ process and became an
independent country. (COLONY)

1. The act of _disenfranchisement________ should be prohibited under any circumstances.
Everyone all has equal rights to vote. (FRANCHISE)
2. The boss ordered his staff to be _collaborative_______ with each other in dealing with the
company's end-of-year burden. (LABOR)
3. It is such a __hard-luck_______ story that the mom lost her child when her family immigrated
from Africa into Europe. (LUCK)
4. The mayor was determined that he would do everything in his power to _demystify ________
the murder case. (MYSTERY)
5. The government stressed it was not abandoning its tough anti-inflationary___ policies.
6. The woman detected her _precancerous_______ conditions soon after she felt ill in her body.
7. I cast my eyes _heavenwards_______ and saw the geese flying in V-line. (HEAVEN)
8. _in-service_______ programs are offered to those who want to do professional training while
being paid to work. (SERVICE)
9. It is inhumane to sell _dismembered_______ limbs of the animals, such as rhinoceros or
elephants, in the market place. (MEMBER)
10. He was regarded as a _runaway______ winner as he beat his opponents in three straight sets.
11. Although some hold out hope for a sea wall and land reclamation programme, it is admittedly
nothing more than a mere _stopgap_______ (STOP)
12. A(n) _pacemarker_______ is implanted in the body to prop up the heart. (MAKE)
13. She is _drop-dead_______ gorgeous in that gown. (DIE)
14. His behavior at the party was _aberrant________, which went beyond everyone's
expectations. (ERR)
15. The advent of computers was one of the _notewworthy________ milestones in the mankind's
history. (NOTE)
16. His condition was so serious _inasmuch________ as he had to stay in hospital for a month.
17. Pending the _takeover________ of KFC, the manager had to catch up on a huge number of
backlogs. (TAKE)
18. It is _irksome_________ to be waken up by the noisy music from the neighbor's house. (IRK)
19. Like many other _technophobes_________ of my age, I dread to use hi-tech gears.
20. Bacteria derived from _meningitic_________ disease can be contagious among people
having reciprocal contact. (MENINGES)
21. The woman is getting older. She is now in the _twilight_________ year of her age. (LIGHT)
22. Chemicals are easily __deactivated________ if they are laid open in the atmosphere for a
long time. (ACTION)
23. The spectators booed as the referee did not disallow the _offsied______ goal. (SIDE)
24. The government must work at full tilt to promote the economy and reduce the
_deficits_______. (EFFICIENT)
25. The Earth is experiencing a major _upheaval_______ in the climate. (HEAVE)
26. My _birthmark_______ is the unique thing that distinguishes me from others. (MARK)
27. Children who grow up in peace tend to be more _maladapted_______ than those who grow
up in war. (ADAPT)
28. My mother _vouchsafed_______ me a great deal of encouragement after I got bad grades in
my exam. (VOUCH)
29. He is a(n) _weak-willed_______ man. He does not gain any ground in his family. (WILL)
30. You can look at the _addendum_______ of this Chinese book to see the elucidation of these
new words. (ADD)
31. The reaction that occurs within the cell is called _intracellular________ reaction. (CELL)
32. He was _disentangled_______ from the hustle and bustle of life since he moved to this rural
area. (TANGLE)
33. I ________ over whether to go abroad or not. (SHALL)
34. Many people nowadays want to indulge themselves in _knowledge-based_______ industries
such as finance and the like. (KNOW)
35. Please accept this __memento______ as a reminder of your stay here. (REMEMBER)
36. A(n) _werewolf_______ is the one who turns into wolf during full moon. (WOLF)
37. Nitrogen oxide is a(n) _biatomic_______ compound of oxygen and nitrogen. (ATOM)
38. The story broadens the horizon of the children about their _forebears______. (BEAR)
39. I met my old friend at the supermarket this morning, which was quite _ fortuitous_______.
40. The mall has intrigued a great number of visitors since it was _aggrandized_______ last
month. (GRAND)
41. She cast her eyes _streetwards_______ and saw a mysterious man looking at her. (STREET)
42. The girl excelled herself at the exam and came _tertiary_______ to the two boys. (THREE)
43. Scientists from Russia, America and Japan have recently filled the periodic table’s seventh
row with four _superheavy________ chemical elements. (HEAVE)
44. It is a misconception that _deoxygenated________ human blood is blue. (OXYGEN)
45. The house is painted in such a(n) _unsavoury________ style. (SAVOUR)
46. In this modern day, you have to keep yourself _uptodate________ so as not to lag behind
others. (DATE)
47. This book is _________. You can find information about the varieties of plants around the
world here. (EMBRACE)
48. The little rainfall _foreboded_______ a poor crop for farmers in this village. (BODE)
49. That word is such a(n) _jawbreaker_______. It is not easy to pronounce at all. (JAW)
50. _antiseptics________ and disinfectants are widely used in hospital to kill the bacteria.
51. Due to the prolonged _________, the goods arrived later than we had expected. (CONTAIN)
52. Found in _run-down_______ condition, the house is intended to be demolished. (DOWN)
53. _indoctrination_______ of violence has been possible by means of television. (DOCTRINE)
54. He laid his desk _aheap________. It is untidily filled with all kinds of stuff. (HEAP)
55. It is _odds-on_______ that he will press ahead with his project. Nothing can prevent him.
56. X-rays, known as a form of _irradiation_______, are widely utilized nowadays to diagnose
medical conditions. (RADIAL)
57. His misunderstanding of the situation resulted in his _discomposure________. Everyone
could make out the embarassing remarks on his face. (COMPOSE)
58. The minister _accentuated________ the fight against hunger in his opening speech.
59. Even the most _state of the art________ equipment cannot replace the role of the teachers in
the future. (ART)
60. America is considered one of the biggest _superpowers________ in the world. (POWER)
61. The water _infiltration_______ in the building is of great concern. It can damage the walls if
not managed properly and timely. (FILL)
62. He took off his hat and a pigeon flew out. It was _beguilingly_______ a trick. (GUILE)
63. In a _redoubtable________ manner, he stepped into the room and shouted at the top of his
voice. (DOUBT)
64. You should not assess a situation from such a(n) _unilateral_______ side. (LATERAL)
65. The homless woman pleaded for a shelter from the rain in a(n) _impassioned________ tone.
66. The man reported than he had seen a(n) _egg-shaped________ object, which might well be a
67. The coal cellar needs to be equipped with _ventilation________ system in order to prevent
suffocation. (VENT)
68. The advent of Internet is an important _landmark_________ in human history. (MARK)
69. His face showed the remark of _flippancies________ even when we were talking about
seriously. ( FLIP)
70. What you know is rather _superficial_________. And it is unfair to judge just through a
cursory glance. (FACIES)
71. Moving _anticlockwise________ is moving in a direction opposite to the direction the hands
of the clock moves. (CLOCK)
72. Reta is studying animal _genomics_________ at the Oxford university. (GENE)
73. The crews fortuitously dicovered a _stowaway_________ in the ship’s cool chamber.
74. The man was _bestowed________ on a medal for bravely taking a child out of the burning
house. (STOW)
75. The report has _________ the cause of global warming in the past decades. (POINT)
76. It may take more than a month to deliver our car from Germany to VietNam as it is
_________. (SHIP)
77. “Titanic” is an example of _________ romance. (SHIP)
78. The machine cannot work properly as a direct result of _________. (ALIGN)
79. There used to be a __________ in Quang Tri, whose remains now become a historical site.
80. Andy was ___________ from the volunteer group due to his poor attitude.
81. I was so ____________ that even a spider scared me. (KNEE)
82. The government ____________ its responsibility in the leakage of confidential information.
83. Try not to be ___________ even if you are tremendously successful. (VAIN)
84. Bob is a(n) ___________ of an intelligent student. (TYPE)
85. The goverment’s policy to soothe the anger among people was ___________. It should have
happened earlier. (CHRONOLOGY)
86. Tom’s collection is such a(n) ___________. There is no connection between things. (MASH)
87. I was completely ___________ by the fact that he was going to get married. (MUSE)
88. Sleeping during day and working when night comes sounds seemingly __________.
89. I question whether a spectacle so fantastic and impressive was ever dealtwith, even in the
pages of __________ fiction. (SCIENCE)
90. Adam’s gait is a(n) __________ for his strong personality. (WORD)
91. The apricot blossom __________ during spring. (GERM)
92. In an _________ world, people have to change to get into the swing of the environment.
93. I __________ the distance from my house to the Ann’s hospital and arrived there rather late.
94. Harry Porter’s personality is successfully ___________ by J.K.Rowling throughout her
series. (LINE)
95. Your __________ saying last night could hurt other people’s feelings although you might not
intend to say so. (SENSE)
96. What Thuy Minh said has provoked violent __________ from critics as well as celebrities.
97. You are becoming a(n) ___________. Just go outside and see what happens. (LAY)
98. A ___________ is an instrument that separates light into a frequency spectrum and records
the signal using a camera. (SPECTRUM)
99. Cindy showed ___________ support at Josh’s project. She always believes him. (FALTER)
100. This place is an ___________ zone, which is restricted to people who work in the
Parliamentary House only. (EXCLUDE)
1. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to fill in the blanks.
Dark black clouds in a dull sky meant one thing and one thing only: there was going to be a
(1.thunder) thunderstorm Not one of us had brought an umbrella, or even a (2.rain) raincoat So
when Jack suggested we should go to a museum, we all agreed immediately. As we had been (3.
shop) shopping all morning we were now feeling very tired, it would be a (4. pleasant) pleasure
to sit down. We took a bus and arrived just as large shops of rain were beginning to fall.
The museum was quite (5.desert) deserted and very peaceful. We sat down in the main hall and
listened to the rain (6. beat) beating against the windows.
Suddenly, there was a great (7. disturb) disturbance at the (8. enter) entrance a large party of
schoolboys were (9. lead) led in by a teacher. The poor man was trying to keep them quiet
and threatening to punish them, but they did not pay the (10.slight) slightest attention.
2. Complete the following passage by supplying the correct form of the word to fill in each blank.
The increase in city crime is a global phenomenon. Some people say that a lot of crime in this
country is because of (1 - migrate) immigration and the new people arriving from other countries
bring different (2 - culture) cultural values and attitudes to the law. I don’t agree with this idea
because the most common crimes are (3 - local) locally produced and not imported from other
countries. (4 - Vandal) vandalism is one of the biggest crimes in my city with bus shelters and
shop windows being popular targets. Another popular crime is (5 - pay) unpaid parking fines,
which is unlikely to be because of immigrants because most of them do not own cars. The (6 -
oppose) opposing point of view is that young local people feel angry when they can’t get a job
and in order to (7 - hand) handle the change in their environment, they strike out at easy targets.
This would explain why bicycle (8 - thief) theft is more common than car crime these days,
especially in rich (9 - neighbors) neighborhoods where most cars are protected with electronic
alarms. Another reason, though, for so many bicycles getting stolen might be that the (10 -
punish) punishment is not very severe compared to car stealing which can land you in prison for a
number of years.
3. Put the correct form of the words in brackets. Write your answer in the box.
A new term is rapidly gaining recognition in the American language - a 'leaf peeper' is someone
who, in autumn, is on the outlook (1. LOOK) for areas where the leaves of deciduous trees have
changed colour. In New England, in the USA, 'leaf peeping' is big business, generating millions
of dollars annually. The first report that leaves are changing colour sets off an invasion (2.
INVADE) of 'peepers' thus causing serious obstruction on some roads. Thousands of people log
on to websites in their eagerness (3. EAGER) to find the location of the trees that have foliage in
the most glorious (4. GLORY)colours. The popularity of 'leaf tourism' is well established in New
England, and the changing colours of autumn provide an annual talking (5. TALK) point. The
colours vary from year to year since the intensity (6. INTENSE) of the colour is dependent (7.
DEPEND) on the chemical composition of the dying leaves. After a long dry summer, leaves
often turn bright red, while cloudy autumn days will produce less spectacular yellows. If climate
change leads to increasingly (8. INCREASE) hot, dry summers in the northern hemisphere, then
countries in Europe can expect summers not _ _ (9. LIKE) those across the Atlantic. They will
then enjoy a kaleidoscope of seasonal (10. SEASON)colour to rival the deep reds and blazing
oranges seen in New England.
.5. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.
Vitamins, taken in tiny doses, are a major group of organic compounds that regulate the 1. (organic)
mechanisms by which the body converts food into energy. They should not be 2. (alphabet)
confused with minerals, which are inorganic in their makeup. Although in general the 3. (identify)
naming of vitamins followed the alphabetical order of their identificationthe 4. (organize)
nomenclature of individual substances may appear to be somewhat random and
disorganizedAmong the 13 vitamins known today, five are produced in the body.
Because the body produces sufficient quantities of some but not all vitamins, they must 5. (designate)
be supplemented in the daily diet. Although each vitamin has its specific designation
and cannot be replaced by another compound, a lack of one vitamin can interfere with
the processing of another. When a lack of even one vitamin in a diet is continual, a 6. (sure)
vitamin deficiency may result. 7. (vary)
The best way for an individual to ensure a necessary supply of vitamins is to 8. (equal)
maintain a balanced diet that includes a lot of foods and provides adequate quantities of 9. (balance)
all the compounds. Some people take vitamin supplements, predominantly in the form 10. (Specify)
of tablets. The vitamins in such supplements are equivalent to those in food, but an
adult who maintains a balanced diet does not need a daily supplement. The ingestion of
supplements is recommended only to correct an existing deficiency due to balanced
diet, to provide vitamins known to be lacking in a restricted diet, or to act as a
therapeutic measure in medical medical treatment. , caution must be exercised with fat-
soluble substances, such as vitamins A and D, because, taken in gigantic doses, they
may present a serious health hazard over a period of time.

6: Put each word in brackets into an appropriate form.

People are often put off meditation by what they see as its many mystical associations. Yet
meditation is a (1. STRAIGHT) _______ technique which merely involves sitting and resting the
mind.In addition to its (2. SIMPLE) _simplicity_____, meditation offers powerful help in the
battle against stress. Hundreds of studies have shown that meditation, when undertaken in a
principled way, can (3. REDUCTION) _reduce_____ hypertension which is related to stress in
the body. Research has proved that certain types of meditation can (4. SUBSTANCE)
_substantially_____ decrease key stress symptoms such as (5. ANXIOUS) __anxiety____and
irritability.In fact, those who practise meditation with any (6. REGULAR) _regularity_____ see
their doctors less and spend, on average, seventy per cent fewer days in hospital. They are said to
have more stamina, a happier (7. DISPOSE)_disposition_____ and even enjoy better
When you learn to meditate, your teacher will give you a personal 'mantra' or word which you
use every time you practise the technique and which is (8. SUPPOSE) _supposedly_____chosen
according to your needs. Initial classes are taught (9. INDIVIDUAL)_individually_____ but
subsequent classes usually consist of a group of students and take place over a period of about
four days. The aim is to learn how to slip into a deeper state of (10.CONSCIOUS)
_consciousness_____ for twenty minutes a day. The rewards speak for themselves.
7. Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered spaces provided in the space
provided under this part
Antonio Vivaldi, an Italian composer and a violinist, was the most (1) _influential___
(influence) of his age. He was born March 4, 1678, in Venice, and was trained by his father, a
violinist at Sa Mark’s Cathedral. (2) _ordained___ (ordain) a priest in 1703, Vivaldi began
teaching that year at the Ospedaledella Pietà, a (3) _conservatory____ (conserve) for orphaned
girls. He was associated with the Pietà, usually as music (4) _director___ (direct), until 1740,
training the students, composing concertos and oratorios for (5)_weekly____ (week) concerts,
and meanwhile establishing an international reputation. From 1713 on, Vivaldi was also (6)
_active____ (act) as an opera composer and producer in Venice and traveled to Rome, Mantua,
and (7) _____ (else) to oversee performances of his operas. In about 1740 he accepted a position
at the court of Empire Charles VI in Vienna. He died in Vienna on July 28, 1741.
Vivaldi’s concertos provided a model for this genre throughout Europe, affecting the style
even of his older contemporaries. Vivaldi was the first composer who (8) _consistently___
(consistent) used the ritornello form that became standard for the fast movements of concertos.
The ritornello was a section that recurred in (9) _different____ (differ) keys and was played by
the full orchestra. It alternated with soloist-dominated sections (episodes) that in his works were
often virtuosic in character. He virtually established the three-movement format for the concerto
and was among the first to introduce cadenzas for soloists. His opus 8 concertos entitled The Four
Seasonsare early examples of (10) _orchestral___ (orchestra) program music. Like much of his
music, they are marked by vigorous rhythms and
8. For questions 40 – 45, write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space
provided in the column on the right. There is an example at the beginning (0).
As part of the ‘Facebook generation’, we have grown up in Your answers
a world where access to the internet is constantly at our 0. increasingly
fingertips and we’re able to connect with people at the
touch of a button. Nowadays, it’s become (0) _______
(INCREASE) common to offer guests the wifi password 1.__undeniably______________
along with a cup of tea when they come round to visit. We
have become addicted to our smartphones. 2. __dependent_____________
Of course, smartphones are (40) _______ (DENY) useful 3.__anti-social______________
and have revolutionised our lives in so many ways. Thanks 4. face-to-face
to thousands of apps available to download, we’re now able
to do almost anything when we’re out and about. However,
it seems a shame that these addictive pieces of technology
are slowly beginning to take over our lives. It’s so easy to 5._depicting_______________
become (41) ______ (DEPEND) on our phones, whether 6._ironically_______________
it’s to find your way around with the map application or
even just check the time. As a result we’re becoming more
(42) _______ (SOCIABLE), choosing to consult the
internet rather than talk (43) _______ (FACIAL) with other
human beings.
Even when we’re socialising, it seems most of us struggle
without our phones at arm’s reach. Phones were invented to
keep us more connected, and indeed they have done just
that. We can now get in contact by an endless list of social
media outlets, yet this means we’re starting to lack genuine
contact with each other. People are connecting more and
more across screens rather than in person, even when it
comes to relationships - dating apps and websites are more
popular than ever before. Recently, an artist released a
series of images (44) _______ (DEPICTION) people in
social situations and edited out their smartphones and
tablets. The result was a collection of powerful images that
have, perhaps (45) _______ (IRONY), gone viral. They
force people to wake up to the fact that we are no longer
interacting properly with each other.

9. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the number space provided in the column
on the right. (0) has been done as an example
Example: 0: willingly
We are the only animal that chooses what it will look like. True, the chameleon changes color-
but not (0. WILLING) willingly________. Unlike us, it doesn’t get up in the morning and ask
itself, “What shall I look like today?”, but we can and do. Indeed, the (1.ANTIQUE)
_antiquity________ of body decoration points to the conclusion that it is a key factor in our
development as the (2.DOMINATE) _dominant________ life-form on our planet. No human
society has ever been found where some form of body decoration is not the norm.
By (3.CUSTOM) _customizing________ their physical appearance, our ancestors distanced
themselves from the rest of the animal (4.KING) _kingdom________. Within each tribe this
helped them to mark out differences of role, status and (5.KIN) _kinship________. Our ancestors
developed (6.ORDINARY) _extraordinary________ techniques of body decoration for
(7.PRACTICE) _practical________ reasons. How to ewhere on tribe ends and another begins?
How to memorably underline the (8.SIGNIFY) _significal________ of that moment when an
individual becomes an adult member of society? (9.ARGUE) _arguably________, without the
expressive capabilities of such “body language” we would have been (10. FINITE)
_ifinite________ less successful as a species.
10. Give the correct form of the word in each of the following brackets.
It was not so long ago that we dealt with colleagues through face-to-face (1. INTERACT)
_interaction_____ and with counterparts and customers by phone or letter. But the world of
communication has undergone a dramatic transformation, not for all the good. Email, while (2.
DOUBT) _undoubtedly____ a swift means of communication providing your server is fully
(3.FUNCTION) _functional_____ and that the address you have contains no (4. ACCURATE)
_inaccuracies____ has had a (5. SIGNIFY) _significant____ effect on certain people’s behaviour,
both at home and business. For those people, the use of email has become irresistibly (6.
ADDICT) _addictive____ to the extent that it is (7. THREAT) _threatening____ their mental
and physical health. Addicts spend their day (8. COMPULSION) _compulsively____ checking
for email and have a (9. TEND) _tendency_____ to panic if their server goes down. It is
estimated that one in six people spend four hours a day sending and receiving messages, the
equivalent to more than two working days a week. The negative effect on (10. PRODUCE)
_production_______ is something employers are well aware of.
11. Read the text and use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits
in the space in the same line.
Margaret started English Literature this term, and I’m afraid that her (1) INTRODUCE …
introduction………… to the subject has not bee entirely (2) SUCCESS …successful…………..
She has not show much enthusiasm and does not always pay (3) ATTEND…attention…......… in
class. Her assignments are often (4) READ…unreadable......… , because she is so untidy, and
because of her (5) FAIL...failure..… to check her work thoroughly. She failed to do any (6)
REVISE ...revision…...… before the end of term test, and had poor results. She seems to have the
(7) MISTAKE …mistaken…....… idea that she can succeed without studying. She has also had
many (8) ABSENT..…absences......… and has frequently arrived late for class. This has resulted
in several (9) PUNISH…punishment...... . Although Margaret is a (10) GIFT ...gifted…..…
student in some respects, she has not had a satisfactory term.
12. Give the correct form of the word in each of the following brackets.
It was not so long ago that we dealt with colleagues through face-to-face (1.
INTERACT) interaction and with counterparts and customers by phone or letter. But the world of
communication has undergone a dramatic transformation, not for all the good. Email, while (2.
DOUBT) undoubteadly a swift means of communication providing your server is
fully(3.FUNCTION) functional and thattheaddressyou have contains no (4. ACCURATE)
inaccuracies has had a (5. SIGNIFY) significant effect on certain people’s behaviour, both at
home and business. For those people, the use of email has become irresistibly (6. ADDICT)
addictive to the extent that it is (7. THREAT) threatening their mental and physical health.
Addicts spend their day (8. COMPULSION) checking for email and have a (9.TEND) tendency
To panicif their server goes down.It is estimated that one in six people spend four hours a
day sending and receiving messages, the equivalent to more than two working days a week. The
negative effect on (10.PRODUCE) production is some thing employer sare well aware of.
13. Give the correct forms of the words in brackets to complete the blank space. Write your
answers in the numbered boxes below.
The increase in city crime is a global phenomenon. Some people say that a lot of crime in this
country is because of (1 - migrate) _immigration_____ and the new people arriving from other
countries bring different (2 - culture) _cultural_____ values and attitudes to the law. I don’t agree
with this idea because the most common crimes are (3 - local) _locally_____ produced and not
imported from other countries. (4 - Vandal) _vandalism_____ is one of the biggest crimes in my
city with bus shelters and shop windows being popular targets. Another popular crime is (5 - pay)
_unpaid_____ parking fines, which is unlikely to be because of immigrants because most of them
do not own cars. The (6 - oppose) _opposing_____ point of view is that young local people feel
angry when they can’t get a job and in order to (7 - hand) _handle_____ the change in their
environment, they strike out at easy targets. This would explain why bicycle (8 -
thief) _theft_____ is more common than car crime these days, especially in rich (9 -
neighbors) _neghborhood_____ where most cars are protected with electronic alarms. Another
reason, though, for so many bicycles getting stolen might be that the (10 -
punish) _punishment_____ is not very severe compared to car stealing which can land you in
prison for a number of years.
14: Supply the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets to complete the passage. Write your
answers in the numbered table below. (0) has been done as an example.
18,000 years ago, much of Europe (0) __lay______(lie) (1)_buried_______(bury) beneath vast
sheets of ice, hundreds of metres thick. Ever since this astonishing fact (2)__was
discovered_____(discover) in the last century, scientists (3) _have_______(speculate) on the
nature of the Ice Age climate, and the circumstances that brought it to an end.
More recently, people (4) __have wondered______(wonder) if climatic changes could (5)_be
taking_______(take) place in our own time. During the early 1970s there (6)__were_____(be)
disastrous droughts in Africa, and frequent failures of Indian monsoon. In 1976, Europe
sweltered in the hottest summer for over a century, and (7)__experienced_____(experience) one
of the worst droughts since records began. Could such events as these be symptoms of a
worldwide climatic shift?
Even small changes in climate that (8)__occur______(occur) from time to time can have a
highly damaging effect on agriculture. With food reserves now (9)__standing______ (stand) at
only a few per cent of annual production, the world is extremely vulnerable (10) _to
adverse_______(adverse) shifts in climate. It is therefore vitally important for us to understand
how climate changes take place.
15. Read the text below. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
Judo is a sport that has achieved great popularity in many parts of the world. It was (1. origin)
originally developed in Japan in the late 19th century based on ancient methods of self-defence.
There are two (2. fight) fightersAlthough they use physical (3. violent) violence against each
other, they are respectful to their (4. oppose) opponent and bow to each other before and after
each contest. Judo is an (5. expense) inexpensive sport to take up because the only equipment you
need is the special loose-fitting suit. It is very suitable for (6. young) youngters if they join a club
where the (7.instruct) instructors are properly qualified and pay enough attention to safety.
Although Judo is a physically (8. demand) demanding sport which requires a lot of (9. strong)
strength practice, and skill, there are many people who find it (10. enjoy) enjoyable as a means of
relaxation in their spare time.
16: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the
column on the right. (0) has been done as an example
According to some (0) _____ (SCIENCE), high-risk sports can be scientists
particularly (1) _____ (VALUE) for certain types of people. Such 1. _valuable_______________
activities help them to learn that being (2) _____ (FRIGHT) doesn’t 2. _frightened_______________
mean that they have to lose control. The recent fashion for jumping 3. _length_______________
from bridges attached to a (3) _____ (LONG) of elastic rope, known 4. _world wide _______________
as “bungee jumping”, has now been tried by over one million people 5. _tightened_______________
(4) _____ (WORLD) and interest in it is continuing to grow. 6. _terrified_______________
Before the special elastic rope (5) _____ (TIGHT) around them, 7. _lowered_______________
jumpers reach speeds of nearly 160kph. First-timers are usually too 8. _repeatation_______________
(6) _____ (TERROR) to open their mouths, and when they are 9. _embarrassment ______________
finally (7) _____ (LOW) safely to the ground, they walk around 10. _heights_______________
with broad smiles on their faces, saying (8) _____ (REPEAT) how
amazing it was. However, for some people, it is only the (9) _____
(EMBARRASS) of refusing to jump at the last minute that finally
persuades them to conquer their fear of (10) _____ (HIGH) and
push themselves off into space.
17. Supply the correct FORM of the word in capital letters. Write your answers on your answer
Before going to an interview, it is advisable to go through a mock interview. This will give you
the opportunity to try out your technique and answers live. It is also a chance to receive feedback
that is (1. BENEFIT) _benefical_________ in guiding you towards improving your interview
style and general (2. PRESENT) _presentation_________. Just one mock interview will result in
a (3. NOTICE) _noticeable_____ improvement in your interview skill. Why? For the same
reason that a (4. SPEAK) _speech______doesn’t exist while it is still on paper or floating in your
head. It only exists when you give it (5. ORAL)_orally______. The first time you give it in front
of an audience, it will come out nothing like the one you prepared.
It is the same with being interviewed. It is not enough to look at a question and say, ‘Yeah, I
know the answer to that one.’ You need to practise your answer live; this is not the time to talk to
yourself in front of a mirror. Seek out a (6. PROFESSION) _professional______and have the
session videotaped. Then you will have two opinions – the interview’s and your own. You will
find you get a completely different (7. IMPRESS)__impresses______ when listening to yourself
than when you are watching yourself saying something. Just as your voice always sounds
different on tape, so do your (8. RESPOND) _responses______. You will be glad the image is
captured on tape and not in a potential employer’s mind. For maximum effect, you should (9.
VISIT)__revisit______ your answers and go through a second mock interview. This should help
with any (10. EASE)__unease______ and give you more confidence for the real interview.
18.Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.
Forests from an integral component of the (1. SPHERE)__biosphere_____ are essential to the (2.
STABILITY)__stabilization_____ of global climate and the management of water and land.
They are home for (3. COUNT)__countless_____ plants and animals that are vital elements of
our life-supporting systems, as well as for millions of forest (4. DWELL)__dwellers_____ . They
provide goods for direct (5. CONSUME)__consumption_____ (including recreational activities)
and land for food production. They also represent capital when converted to shelter and (6.
FRASTRUCTURE)__infrastructure_____ .
The two main types of forests are tropical, which are rich in (7.
DIVERSITY)__biodiversity_____ and valuable tropical (8. WOOD)_hardwood______ and
temperate, which serve as the world’s primary source of industrial wood. The temperate forests
(1.5 billion hectares) can be found mainly in developed countries, whereas the tropical forests
(both moist and dry, (9. TOTAL)__totally_____ about 1.5 billion ha each) stretch across the
developing world. Two thirds of the tropical moist forests are in Latin America, with the (10.
REMAIN)__remainder_____ split between Africa and Asia; three quarters of the tropical dry
forests are in Africa.
19. Use the word in capitals at the end of these sentences to form a word that fits in the blank
One (1. CHARACTER)_characteristic_______ of the modern world is that people increasingly
find themselves living side by side with people from other cultures. While in the past people with
different cultures were able to live quite (2. SEPARATE)__seperately______ , high mobility and
freedom of movement mean that we are more likely today to be confronted with people whose
way the life is (3. FAMILIAR)__unfamiliar______ to us. In such circumstances, (4.
RACE)__racism______ is a real danger.
People feel a tremendous (5. LOYAL)__loyalty______ to their own culture, and are often
unwilling to develop an (6. APPRECIATE)__appreciation______ of the positive aspects of other
cultures. They may feel that another culture presents a threat to their own (7.
INHERIT)__inheritance______, one that could even lead to the (8. APPEAR)________ of
certain aspects of their way of life. Often, however, this threat is more a matter of (9.
PERCEIVE)__perceivtion______ than reality and different groups live in (10.
RELATE)__relative______ harmony in many parts of the world.

20. Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following passage.
From what we had read in the (1. ADVERTISE)__advertisement______, it promise to be the
holiday of a lifetime – not only a quality hotel in a top (2. SEA)__seaside_______ resort, but also
(3. SURPRISE)__surprising_______ cheap with it! We should have known it was too good to be
true! We arrived at the airport to discover we only had 4. STAND)__standby_______ tickets and
there was no guarantee we would be flying. Luckily, two places became free at the last minute
and we took off. The flight lasted at least (5. TWO)__twice_______ as long as it should have and
by the time we arrived, we were both feeling rather (6. POOR)_poorly________ , probably
because of the dubious in-flight meal we had had. We were met by our guide, who seemed (7.
LANGUAGE)__linguistically_______ incompetent and understood very little of what we said to
him. Instead of the hotel we had seen in thephotograph back home, he took us to a squalid little
guesthouse much (8. FAR)__further_______ away from the resort than we were expecting. We
wanted to explain that there had been a (9. DREAD)__dreadful_______ mistake but it was (10.
USE)___useless______ trying to complain – nobody could understand us.
21. Sử dụng từ trong ngoặc ở dạng thích hợp nhất để điền vào các chỗ trống.
Shadow puppetry is a traditional art form that often goes (1. appreciate) appreciated in modem
times. A large part of the (2. appealable) appeal of puppet shows is the (3. craft) craftiness behind
the creation of the actual puppets. In shadow puppetry, on the other hand, the puppets remain (4.
see) unseen , so the real artistry is in the presentation. The combination of the puppets’ shape, the
background screen, and the light itself creates the overall effect of the shadow puppet show. The
task of the director is to ensure these elements are working together (5. harmony) harmoniously
in order to produce the optimal experience for the audience. The screen is the medium through
which the audience experiences the performance, so selecting the best screen is among great (6.
essential) essentials One unique challenge for the director is that the presentation is two-
dimensional. The screen is flat, so puppets can only move forwards and backwards. Having
chosen a screen and designed the set, the next step is to determine the light that will be used.
There are several factors to be considered: (7. intense) intensity , spread, and angle. Therefore,
finding the optimal (8. combine) combination of light, shadow involves careful (9. plan) planning
and scrupulous design. Every detail must be controlled in relation to others, making shadow
puppetry an art of (10. precise) precision

22. Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following Answer
INTERNET JOBS 1. …………………………
Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to be a trained (1.
PROGRAM) programmer to work online. Of course, there are plenty of 2. …………………………
jobs (2. AVAIL) available for people with high-tech computer skills, but
the growth of new media has opened up a wide range of Internet career 3. …………………………
opportunities requiring only a (3. MINIMIZE) minimal level of technical
(4. EXPERT) expertise. Probably one of the most well-known online job 4. …………………………
opportunities is the job of webmaster. However, it is hard to define one
basic job description for this (5. POSE) position . The (6. QUALIFY) 5. …………………………
qualifications and responsibilities depend on what tasks a (7. PART)
organization needs a webmaster to perform. 6. …………………………
To (8. SPECIAL) specify the job description of a webmaster, one needs to
identify the hardware and software the website the webmaster will manage 7. …………………………
is running on. Different type of hardware and software require different
skill sets to manage them. Another key factor is whether the website will be 8. …………………………
running internally (at the firm itself) or externally (renting shared space on
the company servers). Finally, the responsibilities of a webmaster also 9. …………………………
depend on whether he or she will be working (9. DEPEND) independently,
or whether the firm will provide people to help. All of these factors need to 10. …………………………
be considered before one can create an accurate webmaster job description.
Webmaster is one type of Internet career requiring (10. DEEP) depth
knowledge of the latest computer applications.

23: Use the word given in capitals in brackets to form a word that fits in the space to complete the
(SIGNIFY) place on a tributary one thousand miles up the River Amazon and ends in a city of a
million people. Between the fears with which my journey started and the new,(3)________
(SAD) understanding of my return to civilization lies an experience that was for me both
exhilarating and (4)__________(SETTLE). I went there because I wanted to examine my
relationship with and thoughts about, the natural world, and I chose the Amazon because in spite
of many recent changes, it remains the greatest single expression of (5)_______(TAME) nature
on this planet.
The vast area has inspired dreams and (6)__________(NIGHT) ever since reports of the river and
forest reached Europe in 1500. Even the name men gave it was (7) ___________(MYSTERY),
based on highly (8)__________(SPECULATE) accounts from early explorers in the region, of
female (9)_______(WAR) similar to the Amazons of Greek mythology. But soon even this
mighty rain forest will be broken up into mere patches of (10)___________(WILD), disciplined
between roads and fields, towns and plantations, and I wanted to see it while it was still outside
man’s control.
24. Write the correct form of the words given in the brackets. Write your answers in the
spaces provided below. (20 points)
The Media Commentators
A live broadcast of any public event, such as a space flight or sporting occasion, 1. VARY
is almost (1) _ invariably _______ accompanied by the thoughts of a 2. ALTER
commentator. This may be on television, along with the relevant pictures, or (2) 3. DESCRIBE
____ alternatively ____ on radio. The technique involved differs between the two 4. ABSENT
media, with radio broadcasters needing to be more explicit and (3) _ descriptive
_______. Because of the (4) _absence______ of visual information. TV
commentators do not need to paint a picture for their audience; instead their
various observations should add to the images that are already there. There will
sometimes be silences and pauses in TV (5)__ commentator ______, although 8. ENTHUSE
these are becoming increasingly rare. Both types of commentators should try to
be more informative, but should avoid sounding (6)__ opinionated _____. In 9. PREDICT
sports ones, fairness and (7)__ impartialily _____ to both sides is vital, but 10.ORGANIZE
spontaneity and (8)_ enthusiasm _______ are valued by those watching or
listening. Sports commentators usually broadcast live in an essentially unscripted
way, although they may refer to previously prepared materials such as sports
statistics. Because of the (9) _ unpredictalbe _______ nature of live events,
thorough preparation in advance is vital. The internet has helped enormously with
this aspect of the job. Anyone interested in becoming a commentator should have
excellent (10)__ organisational ______ skills, the willingness to work irregular
hours and a strong voice.
25. Complete the text by writing the correct form of the word in capitals. The first has been done
as an example.
In 1997 I went back to Beijing for the first time since the (0) disastrous (DISASTER) events of
1989. The Chinese (1) authorities (AUTHORISE) had been reluctant to re-admit foreign
journalists who had witnessed the Tiananmen Square student protests. Even eight years later, it
was still (2) problemastic (PROBLEM) to get into the Square with a television camera, but we
managed it. I looked for the bullet holes on the steps of the central monument, but they had all
been expertly filled in; a faint discoloration perhaps, but almost (3) imperceptible (PERCEIVE).
The most critical moment in Chinese history after Mao Zedong’s death seemed to have been
entirely forgotten.
My time in China had given me an (4) enduring (ENDUREANCE) interest in Chinese art, so I
decided to go to Liu Liu Chang, where for centuries there has been an antiquities market.
Unfortunately, many things for sale there nowadays are modern (5) imitations (IMITATE).
Empty-handed and somewhat (6) disillusioned (ILLUSION), I went into a tea house and sat
through the usual ceremony, but there were (7) identifiable (IDENTIFY) differences here too: it
seemed quicker and the tea lacked that extraordinary lingering scent. Thoroughly (8)
downhearted (HEART), I returned to my hotel: one of the enormous, (9) faceless (FACE) places
which have sprung up everywhere. Yet here, in a dark shop tucked away off the lobby, my
melancholy mood disappeared, for I met a (10) survivor (SURVIVE) from 1989, who
remembered me instantly. Not everything had been entirely forgotten.
26. Give the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space.
Although still a relative (1. COME) __newcomer______________ to the world of high -
performance sports cars, General Autos has (2. GO)__ undergone__________ quite a
transformation since their first effort, the Xtreme, attracted such (3. FAVOUR)____
unfavourable__________ comment in the motoring press, which led to disappointing sales. Their
latest effort, the XR 1200 (4.CONVERT)__ convertible_______________ went into, (5.
PRODUCE)___ production_________ last month, and I had the chance to test - drive one. To
say that the XR 1200 is better than the Xtreme is a huge (6. STATE) _understatement
______________. Not only is it much better, it represents a (7. REVOLT)___ revolutionary
___________ new approach to this class of car. From the seats to the angle of the steering wheel,
everything on this car is (8. ADJUST) __adjustable________, meaning that you can set the car
up to fit you perfectly. The engine, too, is easy to set up for maximum efficiency, with the help of
powerful dual (9. PROCESS) ___processors__________ that monitor performance 1,000 times a
second. Even the bodywork incorporates state - of - the - art ideas, with a new durable material
that should mean that your XR 1200 (10. LAST) __outlasts___________ almost anything else on
the road

27. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.
There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your answers on the separate answer sheet.
It is (0) …commonly…( COMMON) believed that a break from everyday routine can only do
you good. Every summer, you can spot prospective (1)__holidaymarkers______ (HOLIDAY) at
airports and waiting for car ferries. They are (2) __unmistakable______(MISTAKE) - you can
tell them a mile away by their sun hats and hopeful expressions.
For all their optimism, what often actually happens can be a rude (3) _awakenin_______(WAKE)
from the blissful holiday dreams of the rest of the year. Sunburn, mosquitoes and (4)
_unforeseen_______( FORESEE) expenses can make you think twice about how (5)
_beneficial_______(BENEFIT) getting away from it all really is.
The fact is, the (6) _likelihood_______(LIKELY) of something going wrong is maximised when
you are abroad and, (7) _unfortunately_______(FORTUNE), your ability to deal with
crisis and catastrophe is often minimised. This could be because of language problems, (8)
_unfamiliarity_______( FAMILIAR) with the culture, or simply a different climate, all of which
make everything seem different and unreal.
So, what is the answer? (9) _doubtless_______(DOUBT), an annual escape from
normal working life is a very positive thing. However, the (10) _wisdom_______(WISE) of
seeking an exotic location is questionable when you think of al the things that can go wrong.
28. Put the words in brackets into correct forms to complete the sentences.
There is a new generation of young computer programmers hoping to become millionaires. To
achieve this, they have to work very hard and (1)__ stimulants _______ (STIMULATE) are what
many of them rely on to do so. Because they are so (2)__ambitious_______ (AMBITION), they
work long hours, up to 72 hours at a time staying awake by using cocaine or speed. Often, they
use a cocktail of drugs to (3)__be able_______ (ABLE) them to do their jobs. However, this is
extremely dangerous, and recently this way of life claimed its first (4)___fatality______
A 26-year old programmer, who was doing well on the Internet, was on business in New York.
Unfortunately, due to a (5)__concoction_______ (CONCOCT) of alcohol, Valium and heroin he
had taken, he died. The doctor who did the post-mortem said that a close
(6)__examination_______ (EXAMINE) of the results led him to believe that the toxic
combination was (7)_indicative________ (INDICATE) of long-term drug abuse.
Moreover, a lot of those who use drugs as an (8)_________ (ASSIST) to their work also resort to
them in their free time. They use drugs as uppers, but also as a way to (9)_________ (WIND).
With such high (10)_________ (EARN), they can afford whatever drugs they want. The problem
is that they may eventually pay the highest price – death.
29. Put each word in the right column in its correct form.
Speculative fiction is an umbrella phrase encompassing the more
(1) __fantasticial______________ fiction genres,
specifically science fiction, fantasy, horror, superhero 1. FAN
fiction, utopian and dystopian fiction, (2)
__apocalyptic______________ and post-apocalyptic fiction, 2. APOCALYPSE
and alternate history in literature as well as related static, motion,
and virtual arts. It has been around since humans began to speak.
The earliest forms of speculative fiction were likely
(3) _mythologicial______________ tales told around the campfire. 3. MYTH
Speculative fiction deals with the "What if?" (4) 4. SCENE
__scenarios___________ imagined by dreamers and thinkers
worldwide. Journeys to other worlds through the vast reaches of
distant space; magical quests to free worlds (5) 5. SLAVE
__enslaved___________ by terrible beings; malevolent 6. NATURE
(6) _supernatural____________ powers seeking to increase their 7. MULTIPLICATION
spheres of influence across (7) _multiple____________ dimensions
and times; all of these fall into the realm of speculative fiction.
Speculative fiction as a category ranges from ancient works
to cutting edge, paradigm-changing, and neotraditional works of the 8. DRAMA
21st century. It can be recognized in works whose authors' 9. FICTION
intentions or the social contexts of the versions of stories they
portrayed is now known. For example, Ancient Greek
(8) _dranmatics____________ such as Euripides, whose
play Medea seemed to have offended Athenian audiences when he 10. PLEASE
(9) _fictionally____________ speculated that
shamaness Medea killed her own children instead of their being
killed by other Corinthians after her departure. The
play Hippolytus, narratively introduced by Aphrodite, is suspected
to have (10) _displeased____________ contemporary audiences of
the day because it depicted Phaedra as too lusty.

30. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the lines to form a word that
fits in the space in the same line.
Until relative recently, it was thought that extreme heat and cold 1. MOUNT
presented (1) __ insurmountable _________ problems to living 2. FAVOUR
organisms and that all life existed in a narrow range of (2) _ favourable 3. ASSESS
__________ temperatures. However, the discovery of extremophiles has
forced a (3) _ reassessment __________ of that view.
Extremophiles are bacteria that survive, and even thrive, in (4) __
seemingly _________ impossible conditions. (5) _ improbable 6. WILD
__________ as it may seem, some exist at temperatures exceeding 80OC 7. THREAT
in geysers and hot springs, while others live in the freezing conditions of 8. EXTINCT
the Antarctic (6) _ wilderness __________ . While most species of large 9. ECOLOGY
animals are (7) _ threatened __________ by global warming, even to the 10. MYSTERY
point of (8) _ extinction __________ , that kind of (9) _ ecological
__________ change may actually benefit the extremophiles. These (10)
__ mysterious _________ organisms may survive long after the human

31. Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following passage.
Rebuilding Coventry Answers
In the late 30s, (1. ANALYSE)__ analysts _____ knew that the centre of the 1. ____________
historic town of Coventry in the West Midlands needed to be redeveloped. Plans 2. ____________
had to be 3. ____________
(2. SHELF)_ shelved _____ when the Second World War started in 1939. 4. ____________
However, the architects’ opportunity (3. MATERIAL)__ materialised ____ when 5. ____________
the city centre was practically destroyed during the war. Many buildings were (4. 6. ____________
REPAIR) _ reparably____ damaged and demolition work began. Aiming to create 7. ____________
8. ____________
a much more (5. SPACE) _ specious _____ area for (6. RESIDE)__ residents 9. ____________
_____ to work and shop in, town planners came up with a radical idea. They 10. ___________
would make the city more (7. INHABIT)_ habitable ______ by (8.
PEDESTRIAN) _ pedestrianising _____ the centre, preventing cars entering.
There were objections from local shopkeepers, who thought that it would have an
impact on trade, but the planners went ahead. What was once a (9. DENSE)___
densely _____ populated area became a pleasant, attractive place to visit. It was a
(10. ARCHITECT)__ architectural _____ achievement, one that many British
towns have emulated since.

32.Fill in each blank with the most suitable form of the word in brackets.(10 points)
Recently, researchers have been kept busy picking lettuces under cover of darkness, but there is a
perfectly reasonable explanation for this (1. APPEAR) apparently bizarre experiment. Tests have
shown that the vegetables picked at night stayed fresh (2. CONSIDER) considerably longer than
those picked during the day, though the reason for this improved (3. LONG) longevity is unclear.
Lunar gardeners claim to have known about the (4. BENEFIT) beneficial effects of nocturnal
vegetable management for years, and those gardeners who believe in environmentally friendly
organic methods see the idea of working with the moon’s influence as a continuation of their
principles. They claim to be following a tradition, long-established in various parts of the world,
of working in harmony with the moon’s (5.GRAVITY) gravitational pull. In England, lunar
gardening reached its zenith in the 16th century, but the vagaries of the (6. PREDICT)
unpredictable climate meant that it survived only as part of an oral folklore tradition.
(7. CONFUSE) Confusingly, several different and sometimes contradictory systems are practised
today. Although all of them focus on the effects of moonlight and the moon’s pull on the Earth’s
water, the exact science remains controversial. There are some (8. HORTICULTURE)
horticulturists who regard the ideas with (9. SCEPTIC) scepticism. Others, however, are more
encouraging and less (10. DISMISS) dismissive, and advocate further research, even though no
discernible results have been forthcoming in support of any particular theory.

33. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the
gaps in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Example 0. CRAVINGS


Are you a chocoholic or a fast food addict? Don’t blame yourself – certain
foods can trigger an eating binge, but there are ways to control the (0) 0.CRAVE
……….. Even if you are a fairly disciplined eater, there are sure to be foods RESIST
you’ll have no (1) resistance to. For some it’s a bar of chocolate, for others a TRUE
burger. You probably think there’s no one to blame but your weak-willed
self. But the reassuring(2) addictive is that when it comes to controlling your ADDICT
junk food intake, the odds are heavily stacked against you. High-fat, high- OBESE
sugar foods can act like an DEPEND
(3) obesity drug, making us crave even more of the same. In the States, EXPENSE
where (4) dependence rates are reaching epidemic proportions, there’s even a RESIST
group called Junk Food Anonymous, which aims to help people recover from
their (5) inexpensiveon synthetic or refined food. Fat is often added to food ADULT
to make it more palatable so it’s a good way of making (6) irresistible, bland INDULGE
food seem tastier. Another reason certain foods are so (7) indulgence is that
they have very real effect on our mood, making us feel more relaxed. ASSOCIATE
Our eating habits develop when we are young and as we move into (8)
associations the chocolate that we were rewarded with as a young child
becomes a guilty (9) …………….
We might feel we’ve earned the right to treat ourselves after a hard day at
work, for example. Past (10) ………….. can reinforce bad eating habits that
are difficult to break free from.
34: Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
Working at a theme park
Working as a Personal (0) Assistant (ASSIST) at a theme park can be a lot of fun. It can offer a
varied role and a friendly teamwork atmosphere, (1) (ACCORD) to Suzy Baines who has worked
at one of the largest in England for 15 years. Suzy is now PA to the theme park's Head of
(2) (MARKET). As she says, in her job, no two days are the same. "I can't imagine working
anywhere else - it really is so much fun. Apart from PA duties, I organize (3) (CONFER) and the
(4) (PRESENT) our staff make at them, and take the minutes in meetings. The staff here are a
(5) (CREATE) creative bunch, and so I get involved in the planning of new attractions. But my
main job is to act as a (6) (COMMUNICATE) communicator. I produce a weekly news-sheet for
staff to keep them up-to-date with all the latest (7) (DEVELOP) developments. We have around
550 permanent staff and a further 1,300 work here on a (8) (SEASON) seasonal basis during the
summer months. The people here are all like family and everybody (9) (GENUINE) cares about
everybody else. But if you are having a (10) (FRUSTRATE) day and things are getting on top of
you, there's no better cure than leaving everything and going for a ride on a rollercoaster!"
35. Supply the correct form of the words in bracket.
Life in extreme conditions
Until relatively recently, it was thought that heat and cold presented (1. MOUNT) _
insurmountable_____ problems to living organisms and that all life existed in a narrow range
of (2. FAVOUR) _ favourable______ temperatures. However, the discovery of extremophiles
has forced a (3.ASSESS) _ reassessment______ of that view.
Extremophiles are bacteria that survive, and even thrive, in (4.SEEM) _ seemingly_____
impossible conditions. (5. PROBABLE) _ improbable______ as it may seem, some exist at
temperatures exceeding 80 degree Celsius in geysers and hot springs, while others live in the
freezing conditions of the Antarctic (6.WILD) _ wilderness_____. While most species of large
animals are (7.THREAT) _ threatened______ by global warming, even to the point of
(8.EXTINCT) _ extinction______, that kind of (9.ECOLOGY) _ ecological______ change may
actually benefit the extremophiles. These (10.MYSTERY) _ mysterious______ organisms may
survive long after the human race.

36. Write the correct form of the word given

mysterious_ annoyance__________. “People who give free rein to ANNOY
their anger, (2) _ destructive _________ of the offence this may
cause, haven’t learned to express themselves constructively”, says DESTROY
Martin Smolik, who runs weekend (3) _ regardless ______ courses REGRAD
in anger management. “It is important to maintain your (4) __
residential ________ and put your case in an assertive, not
aggressive, manner without hurting others. Being assertive
doesn’t mean being pushy or demanding; it means being (5) __
composure ________ of yourself and other people.” He adds that RESPECT
people who are (6) _ respectful ______ angered are intolerant of EASY
frustration, (7) __ easily _______ or irritation and, not CONVENIENT
surprisingly, find (8) __ inconvenience ______ to other people RELATE
very difficult. But what causes people to behave like this? It seems
there is evidence to support the idea that some children may be IRRITATE
born (9) _ relating _________ and prone to anger and this
tendency is sometimes apparent from a very early age. However, GROUND
research also suggests that a person’s family (10) ________ may
have an influence. Very often, people who are quick-tempered
come from disorganized and disruptive families who find it
difficult to express their emotions.
37. Complete the following sentences with the words given in the brackets. You have to change
the form of the word.
King of the Watchmakers
For a period of its history, the city of Coventry had a considerable reputation as the main center
of clock and watch-making in Britain, and Coventry timepieces made then were (1)
(SYNONYM) __ synonymous________________ with both quality and (2) (RELY) __
reliability_______________. Few people in the city today will have heard of Samuel Watson, but
he almost (3) (HAND) __single-handelly________________ paved the way for Coventry’s
involvement in the clock and watch business. He was at the (4) (FRONT)
__forefront________________ of the watch-making revolution in the 1680s, and although it is
not known how Watson became involved in the trade, he was a trailblazer for others. Watson
made his name in 1682 when he sold a clock to King Charles II and was invited to be the King’s
(5) (MATHEMATICS) __mathematician________________. The following he began work on
an astronomical clock for the King, complete with planets and signs of the zodiac, which took
seven years to build. It not only told the time of day but also the (6) (POSITION)
__positional_______________ changes of the planets. Queen Mary acquired it in 1691 and it is
still in the (7) (OWN) ___ownership_______________ of the Royal Family. He built
several other clocks, and by 1690 the clamour for Watson’s clocks was such that he left
Conventry and took up (8) (RESIDE) __residence________________ in London. He became
Master of the London Clockmakers’ Company in 1692, which is testament to his (9) (STAND)
_standing________________ in the growing industry. In 1712, Samuel Watson’s name
disappears from the records of the London Clockmakers’ Company, and the (10) (LIKELY)
__likelihood______________ is that he died in that year.
38. Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following
A Mexican cookery course
On holiday last year my two travelling companions and I joined a PARTICIPATE
day’s cookery course in a Mexican restaurant. There were eight (1) EXPERT
participants , all keen to learn the secrets of the nation’s cuisine. The SKILL
students ranged from people who already had some (2) expertise in EXPLAIN
the kitchen, to totally (3) unskilled people like myself. SURPRISE
Our teacher, Liana Cabrera, started with a short talk, the handed out
some notes giving (4) explanations of terms we would be coming CELEBRATE
across. Soon we were trying out a range of exotic ingredients, with (5)
suprisingly good results. Cabrera started giving cookery lessons five CONTRIBUTE
years ago, and has become quite a (6) celebrity , with long waiting
lists for her courses. And because of her extensive knowledge of DISASTER
almost-forgotten regional dishes she is also a regular (7) contributor to PAIN
cookery programmes on national television. CONSIDER
In the afternoon I joined the salsa-making team, with rather (8)
disastrous results. My colleagues complained that my food was so
(9) painfully hot it made their eyes water. Their own efforts turned
out (10) considerably better than mine. The communal meal at the
end of the day was delicious, and I’d not only learnt something about
cooking, but I’d also broadened my understanding of Mexican
39. For questions 41–50, use the word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences to
form a word that fits suitably in the blank. There is an example at the beginning (0).
We’ve all felt anger at some time, whether as faint (0)__ annoyance ______(ANNOY) or blind
rage. Anger is a normal, sometime useful human emotion, but uncontrolled (1)_________
(BURST) of temper can be destructive. People who give free rein to their anger, regardless of the
(2) __________(OFFEND) this may cause, haven’t learned to express themselves
(3)___constructions_________(CONSTRUCT),’ says Martin Smolik, who runs weekend
residential courses in anger management. ‘It is important to maintain your (4)
_________(COMPOSE) and put your case in an assertive, not aggressive manner without hurting
others. Being assertive doesn’t mean being pushy or demanding; it means being (5) __respect
________ (RESPECT) of yourself and other people.’ He adds that people who are easily angered
are (6)____________ (TOLERATE) of frustration, inconvenience or irritation and, not
surprisingly find relating to other people very difficult. But what causes people to behave like
this? It seems there is evidence to support the idea that some children may be born (7) _________
(IRRITATE) and prone to anger and this tendency is sometimes apparent from a very early age.
However, research also suggests that a person’s family (8)___underground________(GROUND)
may have an influence. Very often, people who are (9)_____________(TEMPER) and often find
it difficult to express their emotions come from (10)___________(ORGANIZE) and disruptive
40. Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the following sentences
Captain Webb
Captain Matthew Webb is fortunate in being remembered as the first man to swim the English
Channel, rather than the one who later tried and failed to plunge through the Niagara Falls. If ever
a man possessed self-confidence, it was Webb; but it was his stubborn refusal to give up that
eventually proved his (1. UNDO) undoing
Unwilling to recognize the Channel crossing as the peak of his career, he went on and on,
addicted to glory, literally swimming himself to death. Webb astonished the British notion on
August 25th, 1875, with a Channel crossing that took a mammoth 21 hours and 25 minutes. He
had entered the sea a merchant-ship captain living in (2. OBSCURE obscurity but he emerged in
France, stung by jellyfish and half-dead with (3. EXHAUST) exhaution a national hero. He was
feted, mobbed and cheered wherever he went; his appearance in the city of London brought
business to a (4. STAND) standstillAlarmed by the sudden attention, the normally (5. FEAR)
fearless Webb fled to his native Shropshire.
But all this (6. STAR) stardorm was too much for him, and he made the fatal
error of many a pop star in later years.
Craving (7. APPLAUD) applause, he very nearly dissolved himself in a series of marathon
swims for money, including a six-day (8. ENDURE) endurance contest. Then he sailed for
America, where he had a (9. PUNISH) punishing schedule of long swims. It was America that
lured Webb to the final act in his tragedy; his crazed attempt to swim the Niagara River
beneath the Falls in June 1883. (10.REGARD) regardless of all advice, he dived in from a boat
and subsided forever into the boiling rapids.
41. Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the spaces below. (0) has been done as an
0. Celebration
In 1999, as part of the UK's (0) CELEBRATE of the millennium, a huge rotating wheel, (1) able
to ABLE of carrying groups of passengers to a great (2) HIGH was built in the center of London,
a short (3) DISTANT from the River Thames and the Houses or Parliament. The construction of
The London Eye was originally carried out through a (4) SPONSOR deal with the airline, British
Airways although the wheel is now owned and operated by The London Eye Company. A typical
trip round the wheel, (5) LAST thirty minutes, gives tourists (6) BREATH views of the
surrounding city and its many well-known landmarks, (7) INCLUDE Buckingham Palace, the
Palace of Westminster and Trafalgar Square. In its eight years of (8) CONTINUE operation, The
London Eye has become the most popular (9) PAY tourist attraction in the UK and it is easy to
see why. At only a little over fifteen pounds for a ticket, it certainly offers (10) BEAT value for
42: Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the following passage.
One way to stay abreast of and have intelligent opinion on global issues is by reading The World
Today. By doing this you will receive a regular and unbiased (1. BIAS) briefing on the people
and events that shape our world. Each week, this publication untangle (2. TANGLE) the
important issues through concise, informative and challenging articles. The most complex
subjects are presented with clarity (3. CLEAR), so you will acquire an in-depth (4. DEEP) and
focused knowledge of countries, industries and topics of worldwide concern. The World Today is
unsurpassed (5. SURPASS) for the quality of its reporting. Regular feature articles examine a
range of contenious (6. CONTEND) issues, from international trade wars to the exploitation of
refugees (7. REFUGE).
In short, The World Today makes the world a little more comprehensible. A subcription (8.
SUBSCRIBE) to The World Today is a sound business decision. Take advantage of our
exclusive introductory offer:you can save 55% off the usual price if you return your order within
the next 21 days. The price includes free deliverly (9. DELIVER) and immediate access to our
online library. Now is unquestionably (10. QUESTION) the right time to join many of the
world’s business and national leaders who read The World Today.
43. Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the following passage. Write your answers
in the corresponding numbered boxes
Example : 0: literate-> literature
Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover
The magical world of (0) LITERATE ___________was first revealed to me when I was
still young enough to be held (1- COMFORT) _comfortably__________ on my father’s lap. To
my (2- IMPRESS) __impressionable_________young mind, my father’s reading aloud to me
could only be bettered by the process of preparation which immediately preceded it. Choosing the
book, holding it (3-CARESS) _caressingly__________in one’s hands, admiring the jacket, and,
finally, opening it to the first page to begin, seemed to me akin to following the rites of some sort
of (4-CEREMONY) __________occasion.
To the dedicated reader, every book has its own distinct smell. A book just purchased from one’s
favorite book shop exudes a wonderful bouquet of printer’s ink, leather and binding glue.
Because of its “yet to be discovered” content, I tend to treat a new book as I would a (5- NEW)
__newly_________acquired (6-ACQUAINT) _acquaintance__________.That is, while both new
books and new friends have to be treated (7-COURTESY) _courteously__________ one
still feels comfortable with them due to an (8- INSTINCT) _instinctive__________sense that
whispers that warm, lasting (9-RELATE) __relationships_________are sure to follow.
An old book, on the other hand, is a horse of a different color. On opening it, one’s nostrils are
assailed by an odor that a non-book lover would (10- DISDAIN)
_disdainfully__________describe as simply ‘musty’. To the true book connoisseur, however, this
scent elicits enchanting memories of Christmases past, pressed roses, cedar chests and autumn
leaves burning in the back yard. To the devout reader, an old book smells of nostalgia.
44: Read the text below. Use the words given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a
word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Dirty money
Sooner or later it's something that everyone does; you put your jeans into the
washing machine, having completely (0) forgotten about the FORGET
money in the pocket. Coins, on the whole, survive the experience
relatively (1) _unharmed_______ , but the same is not true of banknotes. HARM
These have a (2) _tendency_______to disintegrate as a result of prolonged TEND EXPOSE
(3) _exposure_______ to the forces of heat, water and detergent. If you live ACCEPT
in Britain, however, all may not be lost. It is possible to send damaged LET
banknotes, (4)__unacceptable______for use as payment in shops and other EXAMINE
retail (5)_outlets_______ , to the Bank of England's "Mutilated Notes Section” REPLACE
(BEMS) in Leeds. Here experts will give the note a
thorough (6) _examination_______and, if they are convinced that it is indeed
the remains of a valid banknote, they will send you a (7) _replacemant______- APPLY
or at least a cheque of the equivalent value.
And it's not only washing machines that destroy notes. According FORTUNE
to BEMS staff, who receive up to 500 (8) _applications_____ per week,
toddlers and puppy dogs also figure high on the list of offenders, as do people EQUAL
who hide their savings in rather (9) _unfortunately_____ places, such as
microwave ovens or damp cellars. Sometimes, even banks make use of the
service, as happened during last year's spring floods when a number of branches
found that their burglar-proof and fireproof safes sadly were not (10)
_equally________ waterproof.
45. Read the text and use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form
a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
Biodiversity refers to the variety of ecosystems and living organisms and constitutes the (1)
FOUND foundation of life on Earth. It is vital to human (2) SURVIVE survial on the planet.
Without it, we would not have the basic components of life: oxygen, food, freshwater, fertile
soils, medicines, a stable climate and so on. (3) FORTUNE unfortunately, it is the one natural
feature on Earth which has been most affected by human activities. The main reason for this is
because it is impossible to put a price tag on biodiversity, so its economic importance has been
largely ignored by financial markets, whose (4) DIFFER indifference to this valuable resource
has added to the (5) SHAME shameful lack of strategic protection and conservation.
According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, there are between five and thirty million
species on our planet but the (6) EXIST existence of only around two million of those has been
formally identified. Every day the (7) EXTINCT extinction of species is around 1,000 times more
than it would have been without human (8) INTERFERE interference, due to the (9) DESTROY
destruction of habitats and land being turned over to agriculture, to name but two causes. Climate
change, over-exploitation, habitat loss and fragmentation, pollution and the spread of (10)
INVADE invasivealien species are contributing to the biggest disaster and loss of life since
dinosaurs disappeared from the planet around sixty-five million years ago.
46. Give the right form of the word in each blanket in the following passage.
My attempt to teach myself Spanish has been …unsuccessful……(0) SUCCESS
so far and I am wondering whether I am simply unable (1) ABLE
to learn foreign languages at my age. I am not patient (2) PATIENCE
and neither am I intelligent (3), so why have I found it almost INTELLIGENCE
impossible (4) to learn more than just the basics of Spanish after POSSIBLE
nearly six months of study? My vocabulary is inadequate (5) beyond ADEQUATE
very basic expressions and my grammar is unsatisfactory (6) to say the SATISFY
least. It is not only that my Spanish is incorrect (7) but I suspect CORRECT
I sound very impolite (8), too. Recently, I met a Cuban tourist POLITE
in a café and unfortunately (9), I must have said something FORTUNE
inappropriate(10) because she looked very offended and got up APPROPRIATE
and sat at another table.
47. Give the correct form of the word in the brackets :
If you’d like to do something different on your holiday , You may be (1. INTEREST )
interested in the following the Pilgrim Route to Santiago . The journey starts in France , and takes
you through the(2. MARVEL ) marvelous scenery of the Pyrenees to Santiago in Spain . It (3.
NORMAL ) normally takes about five weeks to complete the 800 kilometer walk , which give
you more than enough time to go (4. SIGHT) sightseeing There are plenty of (5. CAMP )
campsites , but you can also get rooms in monasteries, which cost little or nothing. Alternatively ,
you can stay in (6.COMFORT ) comfortablehotels , but these are obviously more ( 7. EXPENSE
) expensiveThe Pilgrim Route can be quite ( 8.CROWD ) crowded during the summer . Some
people find it more ( 9. ENJOY ) enjoyableto go in October and November , Which are quieter
months, but the ( 10. ADVANTAGE ) disadvanteage of travelling then is that some of the hotels
are closed .
48. Complete the text by writing the correct form of the word in capitals
No matter how well-(1) (intend) _intentioned____ their bosses may be, many smokers feel (2)
(persecutor) _persecuted____ by their firms' (3) (smoke) _antismoking____, policies. “Just call
me Sneaky Pete,” says a salesman of (4) (novel) _novelty____ items who would face being fired
if his smoking habit was discovered. Says he: “It’s (5) _incredibly____ (credit) unfair. I was a
smoker when they hired me, and then, out of the blue, I’m supposed to stop just because the boss
says so”. Some employees fear their chances for (6) (advance) advancement may be choked off
by their smoking habit though (7) (favor) _favoritism____ toward (8) (smoke) _nonsmokers____
is rarely (9) (explicate) _explicit____. Len Bell, director of human resources at Pacific Northwest
Bell, says a bias against smoking "could be in the back of a (10- management) manger's mind
when making decisions on a promotion.
49. Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided. There is an
example at the beginning (0).
Thor Heyerdahl and the Kon-Tiki expedition
The Norwegian explorer and (0. ARCHAEOLOGY) --> ARCHAEOLOGIST, Thor Heyerdahl,
accomplished many things during his life but his name has become (1. SEPARABLE)
inseparably linked with the Kon-Tiki voyage. In 1937, while doing research in the western
Pacific, Heyerdahl became (2. INCREASE) increasingly interested in how the Polynesian
islands had become populated. He made the observation that ocean currents flowed across the
Pacific from east to west. Since there were cultural (3. SIMILAR) similarities to be found on
either side of this ocean, he was convinced that South Americans had sailed westwards to
populate these islands before the eleventh century.
The (4. CENTRE) central argument against Heyerdahl’s theory was lack of evidence that, at that
time, boats existed with the (5. CAPABLE) capablity to cross such an (6. EXPAND) expanse
of ocean. So a determined Heyerdahl built a primitive raft of balsa wood, named it Kon-Tiki, and
on April 28th, 1947, left Peru with a crew at five. Moved along by the ocean currents, the fragile
raft Kon-Tiki sailed a steady 70 kilometers a day.
Despite heavy storms, failure never crossed the crew’s minds. After 97 days, they caught (7.
SEE) sight of tone of the islands. However, due to unusually high winds they could not land
and, realising that a reef presented an (8. AVOID) unavoidable obstacle, they prepared for the
inevitable (9. COLLIDE) collision . Amazingly, they all survived the crash, and Heyerdahl had
his (10. PROVE) proof
50. Write the correct form of the word given in brackets.
The entire ecological system on Earth can be thought as one huge living (1) organism
(ORGAN). It is composed infinitesimal number of (2) interdependent (DEPENDENCE) units
that all play their part in contributing to the well–being and functioning of the whole. We human
beings are, of course, a part of this (3) intricate (INTRICACY) web of life. Unfortunately, we
often forget we are (4) inextricably (EXTRICABLE) linked to nature, and by doing so, (5)
inadvertently (ADVERT) contribute to its slow destruction. Survival will depend on our (6) .
willingness(WILL) to reorganize our political thinking.
No longer can those who ignore nature’s (7) ______ (WARN) continue to bury their heads in the
sand. Unless these politicians (who, in (8) democratic (DEMOCRACY) countries, are supposed
to listen to the people as well as to corporations) do something about the enormous environmental
problems facing the Earth, they will cease to be (9) respected (RESPECT), and this will mean
our old system of government will (10) inevitably (EVITABLE) change and collapse. Nothing
can save them.
51. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered spaces provided.
A successful failure
If there is one historical figure that has been regarded as a failure during his lifetime by so many
biographers and yet is remembered by secondary school history students as a (1) (LEGEND)
_legendary____ explorer and campaigner, it is David Livingstone.
As an explorer, he erred (2) (DISASTER) _disastrously____ in thinking that that the Zambezi
river was navigable and he misidentified the source of the Nile. In addition, by the time he died,
his campaign against the East African slave trade had had (3) (DISAPPOINT)
_disppointingly____ little success. He was not much better as a husband or father, either, leaving
his family behind for years as he trampled thousands of miles over (4) (HOSPITALITY)
_inhospitable____ rugged African terrain.
Despite his mistakes and the fact that his behaviour was often less than (5) (EXAMPLE)
_exempalry____ he deserved more recognition than he has been given by experts. Indeed, there
were values he (6) (BODY) _embodied____ that have held him in high esteem in some circles.
He found the (7) (TREAT) _____ of the blacks ensnared in the booming African slave trade so
(8) (TASTE) _distasteful____ that he fought (9) (TIRE) _tirelessly____ to stamp it out. His
attempts may have failed during his active campaign but in the year after his death, the Sultan of
Zanzibar signed a treaty with Britain guaranteeing the (10) (ABOLISH) _abolition____ of the
East African slave trade, an agreement Livingstone had dreamed of.
52. Use the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space. Write your answers in
the space provided.
When (1-MUSE) musing on cities over time and in our time, from the first (whenever it
was) to today, we must always remember that cities are (2-FACT) artifacts. Forests, jungles,
deserts, plains, oceans – the organic environment is born and dies and is (3-BEAR) endlessly,
beautifully, and completely without moral constraint or (4-ETHIC) ethical control. But cities,
despite the metaphors that we apply to them from biology or nature (“The city dies when industry
flees”; “The neighborhoods are the vital cells of the urban (5-ORGANIC)______, despite the
anthropomorphic or (6-SENTIMENT) sentimental devices we use to describe cities – are
artificial. Nature has never made a city, and what Nature makes that may seem like a city – an
anthill, for instance – only seems like one. It is not a city.
Human (7-BE) being made and make cities, and it is they, only, that kill cities or let them
die. And they do both – make cities and (8-MAKE) unmake cities, by the same means: by (9-
ACT) acts of choice. We enjoy deluding ourselves in this as in other things. We enjoy believing
that there are forces out there completely (10-DISPOSE) predisposing our fate, natural forces, or
forces so strong and overwhelming that send cities through organic and biological phases of birth,
growth, and decay.
53. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the
column on the right.
Food miles
In Britain, what is described as 'food miles', the distance which food is transported from
the place where it is grown to its point of sale, continues to rise. This has major economic, social
and environmental consequences, given the traffic congestion and pollution which (1. variable)
_invariably___________ follow.
According to (2. press) _pressure___________ groups, the same amount of food is
travelling 50 per cent further than twenty years ago. What's more, the rise in the demand for road
haulage over this period has mostly been due to the transport of food and drink. The groups assert
that the increase in the number of lorry journeys is (3. exceed) __excessive__________ and that
many of these are far from (4. essence) __essential__________.
In the distribution systems employed by British food (5. retail) __retailers__________,
fleets of lorries bring all goods into more (6. centre) _centrally___________ located warehouses
for redistribution across the country. (7. logic) _illogical___________ as this might appear, the
situation whereby some goods get sent back to the same areas from which they came is (8. avoid)
In response to scathing (9. critic) _criticism___________ from environmentalists, some
food distributors now aim to minimize the impact of food miles by routing vehicles, wherever
possible, on motorways after dark. This encourages greater energy (10. efficient)
_efficiency___________ whilst also reducing the impact on the residential areas through which
they would otherwise pass.
54: Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the following sentences. Write your answers
in the corresponding numbered boxes
In Totteridge, in north London, there is a yew tree estimated to be between 1,000 and
2,000 years old. This tree, however, is a mere youngster in comparision with others of the
species. The record in the UK is held by a yew in Scotland that is thought to be between INCREASE
4,000 and 5,000 years old. However, such trees are becoming (1) increasingly .rare and SUFFICE
the Totteridge specimen was considered of (2) sufficient importance to be named in 1999 DOUBT
as one of the 41 ‘great trees’ in London. Like many yews, the Totteridge tree (3) MAINTAIN
doubtlessly predates the buildings around it and its exact age is unknown. STABLE
The Totteridge tree needs little (4) maintenance Some of its outer branches hang down so INTEND
low that they have taken root. But this is part of the tree’s natural architecture and READY
contributes to its (5) stability in high winds. With the best of DIVERSE
(6) intentions , ancient yew sites are often tidied up with no benefit to the tree. Dead REMOVE
branches are not (7) readily shed by the tree and their wood harbours a multitude of ATTRACT
insects, an inseparable part of the old tree’s natural (8) diversity
Something of the tree’s history is lost with the (9) removal of dead wood. After
all, the decaying, twisted and (10) unattractive parts give the tree character
55. Supply the correct form of the words in bracket. Write your answers in the space provided
under this passage.
For a period of its history, the city of Coventry had a consderable reputation as the main centre of
clock and watchmaking in Britain, and Coventry timepieces made then were (1)
_synonymous________ (SYNONYM) with both quality and (2) _reliabilty________ (RELY).
Few people in the city today will have heard of Samuel Watson, but he almost (3) _single-
handely_ (HAND) paved the way for Coventry's involvement in the clock and watch business.
He was at the (4) _forefront________ (FRONT) of the watchmaking revolution in the 1680s,
and although it is not known how Watson became involved in the trade, he was a trailblazer for
Watson made his name in 1682 when he sold a clock to King Charles II and was invited to be the
King's (5) _mathematicain________ (MATHEMATICS). The following year he began work on
an astronomical clock for the King, complete with planets and signs of the zodiac, which took
seven years to build. It not only told the time of day but also the (6) _positional________
(POSITION) changes of the planets. Queen Mary acquired it in 1691 and it is still in the (7)
__ownership_______ (OWN) of the Royal Family. He built several other clocks, and by 1690
the clamour for Watson's clocks was such that he left Coventry and took up (8)
_residence________ (RESIDE) in London. He became Master of the London Clockmakers'
Company in 1692, which is testament to his (9) __standing_______ (STAND) in the growing
In 1712, Samuel Watson's name disappears from the records of the London Clockmakers'
Company, and the (10) _likelihood________ (LIKELY) is that he died in that year.
56. Complete the following sentences with the words given in the brackets. You have to change
the form of the word.
The FederationReserve System ,commonly (COMMON) called the Fed, is a(n) independence
(DEPEND) agency of the United States government charged with overseeing(SEE) the national
banking system. Since 1913, the Federation Reserve System has served as the central (CENTRE)
bank for the United States .The Fed’s primary function is to control…..(MONETIZE) policy by
influencing the cost and availability(AVAILABLE) of money and credit through the purchase
and sale of government securities (SECURE).If the Federation Reserve provides too little money,
interest rates tend to be high, borrowing is expensive, business activity slows down
unemployment (EMPLOY) goes up, and the danger of a recession is augmented
(AUGMENT).On the other hand, if there is too much money, interest rates decline, and
borrowing can lead to excess demand, pushing up prices and fuel inflation (INFLATED)
57. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the
column on the right. (0)has been done as an example.
Ancient man used sticks of charcoal to draw pictures on cave walls in order to 0. train trainee
communicate (with, probably, their deities and (0) ………… (TRAIN) huntsmen). 1. …………………
Today, some of their direct (1) descendants (DESCEND) are still using ‘chalk and 2. …………………
talk’ and other (2) outmoded (MODE) equipment to make presentations to 3. …………………
sophisticated business audiences. 4. …………………
Now, there’s nothing wrong with whiteboards, flip charts and overhead projectors. 5. …………………
In their right context, they are still (3) exceedingly (EXCEED) useful presentation 6. …………………
tools. But in a business environment in which the presentation of clear, easily 7. …………………
understandable information is a (4) necessity (NEED),and in which memorability 8. …………………
is key, managers should be constantly (5) upgrading(GRADE) their equipment to 9. …………………
keep pace with developments. Audiences are coming to expect high-quality 10. …………………
presentations that are (6) visually(VISION) stimulating and get the message across
without wasting time. Professionally-made presentations clearly (7) signify
(SIGNIFICANT) that the person giving them has thought through the issues and
knows what they are talking about. They can put a (8) persuasive (PERSUADE)
case that wins over an audience in a way that pieces of paper can’t. And they can
put you, or your company, in the most (9) advantageous (ADVANTAGE) light
possible by delivering a well thought-out message (10) reliably(RELY) every time.
58. Provide the correct form of the words in the brackets.
A man takes a single (1) _spoonful____________ of a SPOON
substance and puts it in his mouth. Instantly he is transported to another
world, a place of surreal visions and swirling colors. He rushes (2) HEAD
_headlong____________ into this parallel universe. What is this (3) TERRIFY
_terrifying____________ compound with the power to induce such a mind-
blowing trip? Is it some kind of drug that makes the user hallucinate? No,
it’s just a humble cereal ad on TV. The Fruity Wheat ad is the latest in a CONTROVERSY
long line of (4) _controversial____________ ads whose imagery appears to
draw on the effects of mind-altering substances. Colin Rees of the ‘Stop ACCEPT
TV Advertising’ group, said: ‘I find this and other such ads totally (5)
__unacceptable___________. Take this stuff and you will experience IMPLY
something out of this world– the (6) _implication____________ of the ad
seems clear to me. The companies who make them will say that any INTERPRET
relation to drugs is just one (7) _interpretation____________ of the advert, INTENTION
and not one that they (8) _intended____________. When I complained CONSCIOUS
about this ad, I was told that it didn’t contain any (9)
__subconscious___________ messages. I thought that was a bit rich – I ENCOURAGE
think the message in it is blatantly obvious! And I don’t think we should be
giving TV viewers any (10) _encouragement___________ in that respect.’
59. Fill in each blank in the following paragraph with the most suitable form of the word in
We are assured (1. SURE) by the experts that we are, as a species, designed for face-to-face
communication. But does that really mean having every meeting in person? Ask the bleary-eyed
sales team this question as they struggle laboriously (2. LABOUR) through their weekly
teambuilding session and that answer is unlikely to be in the affirmative (3. AFFIRM). Unless
you work for a very small business or have an exceptionally (4. EXCEPT) high boredom
threshold, you doubtless spend more time sitting in meetings than you want to. Of course, you
could always follow business Norman’s example. He liked to express solidarity (5. SOLID) with
customers queuing at the checkout (6. CHECK) by holding management meetings standing up. Is
email a realistic alternative (7. ALTER)? It’s clearly a powerful tool for disseminating
information, but as a meeting substitute it’s seriously flawed. Words alone can cause trouble.
We’re all full of insecurity(8. SECURE) that can be unintentionally triggered by others and
people are capable of reading anything they like into an email. There is also a tendency (9.
TEND) for email to be used by people who wish to avoid ‘real’ encounters because they don’t
want to be confronted (10. FRONT) with any awkwardness.
60. Give the correct form of the words that fit in each gap in the passage.
To ski or snowboard in Colorado is to experience the pinnacle of winter sports. The state of
Colorado is known for its spectacular scenery and (1. BREATH) _breathtaking___ views, which
inspire today's travelers as much as they spurred on the (2. SETTLE) _settlers___ who first
arrived in this part of the US over a century ago. And whether you're seeking the outdoor
adventure of a (3. LIFE) _lifetime___ exciting nightlife or a great family getaway, Colorado has
everything you need.
November through April, snow conditions are (4. CONSIST) _consistent___ and reliable,
featuring Colorado's (5. LEGEND) _legendary___ “champagne powder” snow. Extensive snow
making and grooming operations always keep trails in top shape.
The mountain destinations in the Colorado Rockies can turn your wildest ski dreams into thrilling
(6. REAL) _reality_____.There, you'll find the best skiing and snowboarding on (7. PICTURE)
_picturesque___ slopes, as well as the finest ski schools in the US. Together, they present an (8.
PARALLEL) _unparalleled___ winter paradise. And the best part is that you'll enjoy friendly, (9.
CARE) _caring___ service in resorts that are (10. COMMIT) _commited___ to delivering the
highest quality amenities.
61: Give the correct forms of the bracketed words to complete the passage. Write your answer in
the space provided.
Sir Walter Scott was the key figure in creating a colorful image of Scotland’s past, initially with
his bestselling narrative poems, with his even more celebrated novels, the first of which was
Waverley. It was published (1. ANONYMITY) _anonymously____ in 1814 and, in subsequent
years, its (2. SUCCEED) _successors____ were described as being ‘by the author of Waverley’,
which accounts for the term ‘Waverley novels’. Although Scott made no public (3. KNOW)
_knowledge____ of his (4. AUTHOR) _authorship____ until 1827, the writer’s identity was an
open secret long before then. He wrote (5. ORDINARY) _extraodinarily____ quickly, and the
first collected edition of the Waverley novels was published as early as 1819. A set of
illustrations by Alexander Nasmyth was produced for the second collected edition and these
drawings were used on the title pages.
Nasmyth has been called the father of landscape painting and, like Walter Scott, he helped to (6.
POPULAR) _popularise____ his country’s romantic and (7. PICTURE) _picturesque____
scenery. The drawings were recently presented to the National Library of Scotland, which now
boasts a superb and (8. RIVAL) _unrivaled____collection of manuscripts and papers relating to
Scott and his circle.
What is less well known about Sir Walter Scott is that after his (9. BANKRUPT)
_bankuptcy____in 1826, his last years were spent in frantic literary activity to pay off all the (10.
CREDIT) _creditors____to whom he owned money.
62. Fill each gap in the following paragraph with a suitable form of the words provided:
There is no other race quite like it; no other race in a place so
(1)__inaccessible_____; no other race which puts the body through a(n) ACCESS
(2)_endurance______test of such extremes. The Antarctic Ice Marathon was ENDURE
the brainchild of Richard Donovan, whose company, Polar Running
Adventures, give runners the oppotunity to (3)_partake_____in a race through TAKE
the barren wasteland that is the snow-covered Union Glacier.
Last year, there were some 34 participants in the race, and, this time, the
number of (4)_entries_ is expected to be higher still; such has been the level of ENTER
interest shown by members of the public, amateur and professional atheletes
and the media (5)_alike_____. LIKE
But, while the prospect of being part of as unique an experience as the
Antarctic Ice Marathon is, seems, on the face of it, a rather AGREE
(6)__agreeable_____notion, those considering putting their names in the mix MIND
would do well to be (7)_mindful_____of just how intense and demanding, both
physically and psychologically, the event can be.
You will be cut off completely from civilization, with not even a penguin there
to cheer you on, and you may have to face temperatures dipping considerably
lower than the levels you body would be (8)__accustomed_____ to dealing CUSTOM
with, not to mention the (9)_inproability_____of fine weather- think instead PROBABLE
near whiteout conditions and zero (10)_visibility______. VISIBLE
But, if you still fancy giving it a go, get in touch with Richard and he can make
your dream (or nightmare) come true.

63. Complete the text by writing a correct form of the word in CAPITALS . (0) has been done as
an example.
It is (0) believed that a break from everyday routine can only do you good. COMMON
Every summer, you can spot
prospective (1) holidaymakers at airports and waiting for car HOLDAY
ferries. They are (2) unmistakable - you can tell them a mile away by their sun hats MISTAKE
and hopeful expressions.
For all their optimism, what often actually happens can be a rude
(3) awakening from the blissful holiday dreams of the rest WAKE
of the year. Sunburn, mosquitoes and (4) unforeseen FORESEE
expenses can make you think twice about how (5) beneficialgetting away from it BENEFIT
all really is.
The fact is, the (6) likelihood of something going wrong LIKELY
is maximized when you are abroad and, (7) unfortunately, your ability to deal with FORTUNE
crisis and catastrophe is often minimized. This
could be because of language problems, (8) unfamiliarity with the culture, or FAMILIAR
simply a different climate, all of which make everything seem different and unreal.
So, what is the answer? (9) undoubtedly, an annual escape from normal DOUBT
working life is a very positive thing. However, the
(10) wisdom of seeking an exotic location is questionable when you think of all WISE
the things that can go wrong.
64: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the
column on the right.
Your answers:
Most snap judgments about people are formed of the basis of their
(1. FACE) __facial___________ features. The eyes, regarded as 1. …………………
clues to one’s true character, are said (2. 2. …………………
POETRY)___poetically___________to be the windows of the soul: 3. …………………
closely positioned, they imply (3. SLY) _slyness____________; set …………………..
wide apart they suggest honesty and directness. Thin mouths are
equated with meanness and full mouths with 4…………………..
(4. SENSUAL) _sensuality_____________. Unconsciously, we
make such instant judgments and they are made about us. 5…………………..
There is no hiding place for the place. Always (5. EXPOSE) 6. …………………
__exposed_________ and vulnerable, it (6. VOLUNTEER)
___involuntaryily___________ expresses happiness, desire and joy, 7. …………………
anger, fear, shame and (7. LOATHE) _loathing______________. 8…………………..
Precisely for that reason, a (8. MASK)__masked__________ face
evokes fear and horror: once someone’s distinguishing 9…………………..
characteristics are hidden, we cannot read or recognize the person 10. ………………..
and fear of the (9. KNOW) _unknown_____________ immediately
arouses (10. SUSPECT) suspicions _____________.

65. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits the space. Example: 0: PROBABILITY
The (0)………….(PROBABLE) of your being killed or injured at work determines how much
life (1) insurance (INSURE) you have to pay. An (2) electrician (ELECTRIC), for example, has a
fairly high life (3) expectancy (EXPECT)- they are only at risk from the odd (4) faulty (FAULT)
cable- and therefore in a low risk (5)classification (CLASSIFY).
Higher premiums are paid by people who have more (6) dangerous (DANGER) jobs such a
(7)constuction (CONSTRUCT) workers. There were sixty-five deaths on building sites last year
alone. (8) (FORTUNATELY)unfortunately, most accidents and deaths are caused by a (9)
tendency(TEND) to ignore (10) safety(SAFE) regulations, when simple precautions and good
sense can prevent fatalities.

66: Fill in each blank with the suitable form of the word in capital.
It’s noisy in space!
Inside the International Space Station, it is so noisy that the astronauts cannot
hear one another. As a result, United States and Russian engineers have PRIOR
launched a (1)__priority________ repair programme which they hope will lead REDUCE
to the (2)__reduction________ of the station’s 72-decibel roar: the equivalent
of standing beside a busy motorway. ‘It is not a (3)___healthy_______ HEALTH
situation,’ said Mike Engle, a (4)_spokesman_________ for the engineering SPEAK
team. ‘Apart from astronauts losing sleep, there is a danger one of them will HEAR
(5)__mishear________ a colleague’s instruction and press an incorrect IRONY
button!’ (6)_ironically_________, most of the noise comes from the equipment LIFE
needed to keep them (7)__alive________. ‘The coolers are the worst,’ Mr
Engle explained. ‘But without them, the station would become BEAR
(8)__unbearably________ hot! When we put together the station we faced a SURE
choice. We could either spend extra years (9)__ensuring________ that the
station would be totally quiet, or we could get on and build the thing. Now it’s QUIET
assembled, we are doing our best to (10)__quieten________ it down.
67. Read the following passage and supply the correct verb forms.
Tube Inspired a Book
For many people, the London Underground is a grim(0. NECESSARY) ......... that gets them
from A to B. But for (1. BUD ) budding author Preethi Nair, it is a source of inspiration. She has
just published her first novel, Gypsy Masala - a tale she dreamt up whilst commuting on the
Metropolitan Line. “Have you observed people on the tube?” she asks (2. ENTHUSE)
enthusiastically “Everyone is in their own little world. I just used to sit there and imagine what
kind of lives they led.”
Gypsy Masala charts the adventures and (3. INNER) innermost thoughts of three members of an
Indian family living in London, as they search for happiness. “It is a story about following your
dreams,” says Preethi, who gave up her high-pressure job as a management (4. CONSULT)
consultant in order to go in (5. PURSUE) pursuit of her ambition of becoming a writer. “It was a
big risk but it was definitely the right decision in terms of peace of mind and (6. CONTENT)
contentment ," she explains.
Preethi was born in a small village in the Indian state of Kerala and moved to London with her
parents at the age of three. She says the striking contrast in cultures made a (7. LAST) lasting
impression and is reflected in her story, which flits between the suburbs of London and (8. FAR)
farr-off India. Many of the scenes in the book are based on the place where she was born and
spent long summer holidays.
“It is a tiny village that is lost in time. There is still no(9. RUN) running water and it is quite
difficult to get to. It is completely (10. TOUCH) untouched, and so beautiful,” she says.
68. Use the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space. Write your answers in
the space provided.
Human activity made its mark on land use and vegetation in coastal regions of
southern Europe long before the first (1. PACK)…..holidays arrived. By classical 1 package
times, these areas had already seen extensive (2. ERODE)……….by natural and 2 erosion
human activity, and the process continues today. 3 moisture
The hospitable climate of the area, long appreciated in literature as well as 4 droughts
holiday brochures, produces seasonal variations in levels of soil (3. MOIST) 5 existence
………..and consequently in plant growth. In an area where (4. DRY) 6 exceptionally
………..occur frequently, there was a distinctive soil type at one time, with plants 7 substantial
which had adapted to it. Nowadays though, this soil cover is no longer in (5. 8 sensitive
EXIST)…………anywhere in the region. 9 research
The early years of the 1980s were (6. EXCEPT)……….dry and this 10 gathering
exacerbated problems brought about by the (7. SUBSTANCE)……….
growth of industry in rural areas and the intensification of agriculture. Pollution
and insufficient water supplies have become problems to which the landscape is
increasingly (8. SENSE)………….. The more recently this type of land has fallen
out of use, the longer it takes for plant cover to reestablish itself.
The European Union has set up a programme of (9. SEARCH)……
into land degradation in southern Europe, involving forty-four universities in the
(10. GATHER)………..of data which can be used to inform the policy decisions
needed to deal with the issue.
69. Complete the following passage with the correct forms of given words.
Mineral, vitamin, and (1) _antioxidant____ health supplements make up a multi-billion-dollar
industry in the United States alone, but do they really work? Evidence suggests supplementation
is clearly indicated in special circumstances, but can actually be harmful in others. For the
general population, however, supplements have (2) _negligible_____ or no impact on the
prevention of common cancers, cardiovascular diseases, cognitive decline, mortality, or any other
major (3) _indicators____ of health. In (4) _pursuit____ of a longer, happier and healthier, there
are certainly better investments for most people than a tube of vitamin supplements.
Particular sub-groups of the population can gain a (5) _proven_____ benefit from
supplementation. Folic acid has long been indicated as a (6) _prenatal_____ supplement due to its
assistance in foetal cell division and corresponding ability to prevent neural tube birth defects.
The elderly may also benefit from extra vitamin D; calcium can help prevent bone fractures, and
zinc can maintain vision while deflecting macular degeneration in people who would otherwise
be likely to develop this (7) _affliction______.
There is (8) _mounting_____ evidence, however, for many people to steer clear or
multivitamins. The prime example is (9) _excessive__________ vitamin A has been proven to
increase women’s risk of a hip fracture and vitamin E was (10) _contraindicated_____ in a study
that demonstrated higher rates of congestive heart failure among such vitamin users.
70. Use the correct form of each bracketed word in the numbered space. Write your answers in
the space provided.
Responding to (1. PROVOKE) unprovoked insults that have been thrown at you is a wonderful
way of honing your sense of humour. The great (2. PLAY) playwrightGeorge Bernard Shaw was
a (3. CONTEMPORANEOUS) contemporary of Winston Churchill’s. George Bernard Shaw
thoughtfully invited Churchill to the first night of one of his plays, (4. CLOSE) enclosingtwo
tickets with a note which said, “One for yourself and one for a friend – if you have one.”
Churchill lost no time in writing back, saying that unfortunately, due to pressure of work, he
would be (5. ABLE) unable to come, but could he have tickets for the second night – if there is
one.” This joke was (6. DATE) updated more recently by a (7. PROMINENCE) prominent
politician in the labour party, when speaking to a colleague and (8. TERM) long-term rival of his.
The two men found themselves in the same meeting, despite being (9. SWEAR) sworn enemies.
The colleague apparently rose to excuse himself, saying that he had arranged to phone some
friends, where upon the statesman immediately handed him a small coin (enough for a brief local
call) and said (10. WIT) wittily, “There you are. Go ahead and phone them all.”

71. Write the correct form of the word given

We’ve all felt anger at sometime, whether as faint (0) annoyance 0. ANNOY
or blind rage. Anger is a normal, sometimes useful human
emotion, but uncontrolled outbursts of temper can be (1) 1. DESTROY
_destructive__________. “People who give free rein to their
anger, (2) _regardless_________ of the offence this may cause, 2. REGRAD
haven’t learned to express themselves constructively”, says
Martin Smolik, who runs weekend (3) _residential______ 3. RESIDENCE
courses in anger management. “It is important to maintain your 4. COMPOSE
(4) _composure_________ and put your case in an assertive, not
aggressive, manner without hurting others. Being assertive 5. RESPECT
doesn’t mean being pushy or demanding; it means being (5) 6. EASY
_respectful_________ of yourself and other people.” He adds 7. CONVENIENT
that people who are (6) _easily______ angered are intolerant of 8. RELATE
frustration, (7) _inconvenience________ or irritation and, not
surprisingly, find (8) _relating_______ to other people very 9. IRRITATE
difficult. But what causes people to behave like this? It seems
there is evidence to support the idea that some children may be 10. GROUND
born (9) ___irritable_______ and prone to anger and this
tendency is sometimes apparent from a very early age. However,
research also suggests that a person’s family (10)
__background______ may have an influence. Very often, people
who are quick-tempered come from disorganized and disruptive
families who find it difficult to express their emotions.
72. Supply the correct word for each blank.
A live broadcast of any public event, such as a space flight or sporting occasion, is almost
(1) _invariably_____ (VARIABLE) accompanied by the thoughts of a (2)
_commentator_____ (COMMENT). This may be on television, along with the relevant
pictures, alternatively on radio. The technique involved (3) _differs_____ (DIFFERENT)
between the two media, with radio broadcasters needing to be more explicit and (4)
__descriptive____ (DESCRIBE) because of the absence of visual information. TV
commentators do not need to paint a picture for their audience; instead, their various (5)
_observations_____ (OBSERVE) should add to the images that are already there. There
will sometimes be silences and pauses in a TV commentary, although these are becoming
(6) _increasingly_____ (INCREASE) rare. Both types of commentators should try to be
informative, but should avoid sounding (7) _opinionated_____ (OPINION). In sports
commentaries, fairness and (8) _impartiality_____ (IMPART) to both sides is vital, but
spontaneity and enthusiasm are valued by those watching or listening. Sports
commentators usually broadcast live in an essentially unscripted way, although they may
refer to previously prepared materials such as sports statistics. Because of the (9)
_unpredictable_____ (PREDICT) nature of live events, thorough preparation in advance
is vital. The Internet has helped enormously with this aspect of the job. Anyone interested
in becoming a commentator should have excellent (10) _organization_____
(ORGANISE) skills, the willingness to work irregular hours, and a strong voice.
73: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the number space provided in the column
on the right. (0) has been done as an example.
Example: 0. existence
Curiosity goes back to the dawn of human (0) EXIST. This irresponsible desire to know is not a
(1) CHARACTER characteristic of inanimate objects. Nor does it seem to be attributable to some
form of living organism which, for that very reason, we can scarcely bring ourselves to consider
alive. A tree, for example, does not display (2) RECOGNISE recognizable curiosity, nor does a
sponge or even an oyster. If chance events bring them poison, predators or parasites, they die as
(3) CEREMONIOUS unceremoniously as they lived. Early in the scheme of life, (4) DEFEND
independent motion was developed by some organisms. It meant an (5) ORDINARY
extraordinary advance in their control of the environment. A moving organism no longer waited
in stolid (6) RIGID rigidity for food to come its way, but went out after it. This individual that
hesitated in the (7) ZEAL zealous search for food, or that was overly (8) CONSERVE
conservative in its investigation, starved.
As organisms grew more complex, more messages of greater variety were received from and
about the (9) ROUND surrounding environment. At the same time, the nervous system, the living
instrument that interprets and stores the data collected by the sense organs, became (10)
INCREASE increasingly complex
74: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed words in the numbered spaces provided.
Pop Musicals
Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, a man whose (0) compositions, eclectic rock based works,
helped (1) VITAL_revitalize_____ British and American (2) MUSIC_musical____ theatre in
the late 20th century. As a student at Oxford University, a (3)
PARTNER__partnership_____ was founded between Webber and Timothy Rice to put on
dramatic productions.
Their first (4) NOTE _notable_______ successful venture was ‘Joseph and The Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat’, a pop oratorio for children that earned world-wide acclaim.
It was followed by the rock opera, ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’, an extremely popular, though
(5) CONTROVERSY __controversial_________work that blended classical forms to tell the
story of Jesus’ life. This show ran longer than any other similar show in British (6) THEATRE
__theatrical______history. Lloyd Webber’s last (7) ART_artistic_______ collaboration with
Rice was on ‘Evita’. ‘Cats’ was his next major production, in which he set to music verses from
a children’ book by T.S. Eliot. With two (8) LYRIC _lyricists______ Charles Hart and
Richard Stilgoe, he then composed a hugely successful version of ‘The Phantom of the
Opera’. Lloyd Webber’s best works were flashy spectacles that featured vivid melodies and
forceful and dramatic staging. He was able to blend such varied and (9)
SIMILAR_dissimilar______genres as rock and roll, English music-hall song, and (10)
OPERA_operatic______ forms into music that had a wide mass appeal.
75: Complete the passage with the correct form of the given words
Miserable, overworked, insecure – The British work the longest hours in Europe and express the
least job satisfaction. However much richer they are, they are becoming more (1. content)-
_discontented______with work every year. What is the point of economic success if it is matched
by growing (2. happy)_unhappiness______? Like dumb oxen we work harder than everyone else
– a third of men work more than 50 hours a week – but we’re not smarter. For more than a
century factory acts and ever shorter working hours marked the onward march of (3.
industry)__industrial_____ progress. Now social history has (4. appear)__apparently_____ gone
into reverse.
In an annual study Professor Cary Cooper of the Manchester School of Management revisits
5000 managers, from CEOs down to juniors. He finds them (5.
increase)__increasingly_____anxious about their lives. This is hardly (6.
surprise)__surprising_____ since half of them work most evenings and a third work most
weekends. Despite falling (7. employ)_unemployment______, people feel their own job or status
is under threat because they suffer more turmoil at work than they did five years ago.
Restructuring, downsizing and radical changes at work mean a life of constant upheaval, and the
current merger epidemic leads to (8. predict)__unpredictable_____ job loss. Most feel that this
uncertainty damages their home life and health as well as their company’s (9.
produce)__productivity_____. These are the people who set the work patterns for their
organization, yet even they are victims of forces beyond their control – such as pressure from
investors and (10. compete)_competitors______. What can be done?
76. Read the text below and give the correct form of the word in CAPITALS. (10 points)
Most snap (1 - JUDGE) __judgments__________ about people are formed on the basis of their
facial features. The eyes, regarded as clues to one’s true character, are said (2 - POETRY)
__poetically_________ to be the windows of the soul: closely positioned, they imply (3-
SLY)__slyness________; set wide apart they suggest (4- HONEST) _honesty__________ and
directness. Thin mouths are equated with meanness and full mouths with (5- SENSUAL)
_sensuality__________. Unconsciously, we make such instant judgments and they are made
about us.
There is no hiding place for the face. Always exposed and vulnerable, it (6- VOLUNTARY)
_involuntary__________ expresses happiness, desire and joy, anger, fear, shame and (7-
LOATHE) __loathing_________. Precisely for that person, a masked face evokes fear and
horror; once someone’s distinguishing (8- CHARACTER) __characteristics___________ are
hidden, we cannot read or recognize the person and fear of the (9- KNOW)
_unknown__________ immediately arouses (10- SUSPICIOUS)_suspicion___
77. Complete the following text with the correct forms of the words given in the brackets.
Psychologists agree that conflicts are inevitable in almost any long-term (1)
__relationship________ (RELATE); however, what matters most is the way in which they are
resolved rather than the sources of the (2) _disagreemants__________ (AGREE) themselves.
According to recent studies, the methods that couples use to settle their differences are crucial to
the success of the outcome.
One of the interesting findings is that although (3)__excessively_________(EXCESS) aggressive
behavior patterns are obviously (4)_undesirable__________ (DESIRE), what must be avoided at
all costs is the (5)__suppression_________(SUPPRESS) of anger, as feelings of resentment can
lead a relationship to break down (6)_irretrievably__________(RETRIEVE).
It is essential for couples to communicate when things start going wrong, and successful conflict
(7)___resolution________ (RESOLVE) involves a three stage process. Firstly, one partner
should explain precisely what the problem is and should try and remain as calm and
(8)___unemotional________ (EMOTION) as possible. Secondly, the couple should discuss the
specific problem in detail, taking care not to rake up old grievances. Finally, and perhaps most
(9)___importantly________ (IMPORTANCE), there should be negotiation until a
(10)_sastisfactory__________ (SATISFY) agreement is reached. This may not mean that their
problem will be solved, but even this is preferable to allowing a problem to rankle.
78. Give the correct form of the word in brackets in the text below
The Annual General Meeting of the Liberart Society will be held on 29th November. Members
should fill in a (1. REGISTER) registration card if they plan to attend. The online (2.DATA)
database of members is now in place. Any (3. MODIFY) modifications have to be made soon, so
please contact the secretary if you would like anything altered.
Ms Emily Wilson has finished her history of the Society. It is (4.TITLE) titled A Society
for Everyone. The date of (5. PUBLISH) publication is not yet known. This year's social evening
will be held on 5th December. There is a charge of £5 for (6. ADMIT) admission and there will
be (7. COMPLIMENT) complimentary snacks.
The first event of next year is a talk by Robert McWilliam, Hopelessness in the Novels of F.
Scott Fitzgerald, which focuses on the (8.MELANCHOLIA ) melancholy mood of (9.
FULFIL)...........desire in Fitzgerald's works. Further details will be (10. FORTH) forthcoming
80. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.
Albert Einstein’s work has enormously (1)(BROAD) broadened our understanding of the
universe and has had a (2)(CONSIDER) considerable impact on all our lives. Thanks to his
equation E = mc2, we now know that energy and mass (or matter) are directly related to each
other. To a very great (3)(EXTEND) extent, it is Einstein who is responsible for our now
knowing that space and time are actually one thing: space-time. (4)(ADD) addictionally, without
E = mc2, we would not have nuclear power – and nuclear weapons – today.
Einstein did not become famous because of E = mc2 , which was first published in 1905. At the
time, his paper was (5)(LARGE) largely ignored, even by most scientists. Indeed, it was 14 years
later that Einstein first made headlines round the world, when scientific evidence began to show
that his Theory of General Relativity, which was an (EXTEND) extension of his 1905 paper, was
The idea that only a tiny (7)(MINOR) minority of scientists can understand Einstein’s theories
comes from this media reporting. The New York Times asked its golfing correspondent to cover
the story. As he was clearly out of his (8)(DEEP) depth, he presumed that everyone else was too.
A myth was born.
Space, time, energy and mass are (9)(WEIGH) weighty subjects – no pun intended – to get to
grips with, but Einstein’s ideas are not impossible to understand by any means. The implications
of Einstein’s work for our lives, however, may well be (10)(FINITE) ìninite
81. Use the correct form of each word on the right to complete the numbered spaces provided in
the passage. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
The mysteries of the skies
Three hundred and fifty years before the first men looked down on the
amazingly beautiful surface of the moon from close quarters, Galileo’s newly 1. ABLE
built telescope (1) _enabled____________ him to look at the edge of the hitherto 2. LIVE
mysterious sphere. He saw that the apparently (2) _lifeless____________ surface 3. ACT
was not divinely smooth and round, but bumpy and imperfect. He realized that 4. ART
although the moon might appear (3) _inactive____________, resembling a still 5. ACHIEVE
life painted by the hand of a cosmic (4) _artist___________, it was a real world, 6.CONCLDE
perhaps not very different from our own. This amounted to a great (5) 7. SIGNIFY
__achievement___________ hardly to be expected in his day and age, although 8. ELUDE
nowadays his (6) _conclusion____________ may appear to some to be trivial and 9. STRIKE
(7) __insignificant___________. 10.FORTUNE
Not long after Galileo lunar’s observations, the skies which had previously been
so (8) _elusive____________ revealed more of their extraordinary mysteries.
Casting around for further wonders, Galileo focused his lens on the (9)
__striking___________ planet of Jupiter. Nestling next to it, he saw four little
points of light circling the distant planet. Our moon it appeared, perhaps
(10)__unfortunately________in the eyes of those fearful of what the discovery
might mean, was not alone!
82. Use the correct form of each of the words given to fill in the blank in each sentence.
Just how readable should a popular science book be? This may seem an old question, but
there is an important issue at stake here, as was made clear at the recent Aventis Science Book
Awards, when jury chairman Lewis Wolpert (1) passionately (passion) espoused the cause for
making the genre more demanding of readers.
The biologist believes too many science writers are now running scared of (2) complexity
(complex). As he pointed out, the public does not expect James Joyce or T.S. Eliot to be easy
follow. Indeed, readers positively relish these authors’ intricacies, (3) labyrinthine (labyrinth)
excesses and abstruse metaphors. So why then do we exclude science writers from such (4)
expectation (expect), Wolpert asked, why do we presume that they – and only they - adopt the
approach of the lowest common literary denominator and grind down the (5) infinite (FINITE)
subtleties of the universe to an easy - to – digest pap?
In sort, science books should be written to produce as much cerebral sweat as do Ulysses
and The Wasteland, a point (6) extremplified (exemplary) by his jury’s choice of winner – Brian
Greene’s long, dense and extremely technical The Elegant Universe, an (7) uncompromising
( compromise ) treatise on cosmology. And it is here that we reach the nub of the issue for,
although (8) (ELEGANCE) elegantly written, the book is one of such density and opacity it
pushes the notion of popular science writing close to the precipice of (9) incomprehensibility
(comprehend) and leaves one fearful that it will only daunt, rather than attract, the (10)
uninitiated (initiate).

83. Give the correct form of the word.

The (1. assert) assertion that mathematics has been a major force in the of modern culture appears
to many people (2. credible) incredible or, at best, a rank exaggeration. This (3. believe) disbelief
results from a very common but (4. error) erroneous conception of what mathematics really is.
Influenced by what was taught in school, the average person regards mathematics as a series of
techniques of use only to the scientists, the engineer and perhaps the (5. finance) financierThe
reaction to such teaching is (6. taste) distaste for the subject and a decision to ignore it. When
challenged on this decision, a well-read person can obtain the support of authorities. No less than
a (7. person) personage than Schopenhauer, the philosopher, described mathematics as the (8.
low) lowest activity of the spirit, as is shown by the fact that it can be performed by a machine.
Despite such (9. authority) authoritative judgments, the layman’s decision to ignore mathematics
is wrong. The subject is not a series of techniques. These are indeed the least important aspects.
The techniques are mathematics stripped of motivation, (10 reason) reasoning, beauty and
84/ Complete the text by writing a form of the word in CAPITALS in each space.
When it rains, it doesn’t always pour. During a typical storm, a
…comparatively……small amount of the locked up moisture (0) COMPARE
in each cloud reaches the ground as rain. So the idea that human (1) (1). INTERVENE
……………… - a rain dance, perhaps – might encourage the sky to intervention
give up a little (2) ………………water has been around since (2). ADD
prehistoric times. More recently, would-be rain makers have used a Additional
more direct (3) ……………… - that of throwing various chemicals (3). PROCEED
out of aeroplanes in an effort to wring more rain from the clouds, a Procedure
practice known as “cloud seeding”. (4). NOTORIETY
Yet such techniques, which were first developed in the 1940s, Notoriously
are (4)………………difficult to evaluate. It is hard to (5)…………, (5). CERTAIN
for example, how much rain would have fallen anyway. So, despite Ascertain
much anecdotal evidence of the advantages of cloud seeding, which (6)CONCLUSIVE
has led to its adoption in more than 40 countries around the world, Inconclusive
as far as scientists are concerned, results are still (6)……………… . (7). RESEARCH
That could be about to change. For the past three years (7)………… Researchers
have been carrying out the most extensive and (8)……………… (8). RIGOUR
evaluation to date of a revolutionary new technique which will Rigorous
substantially boost the volume of (9)……………… . (9). RAIN=> rainfall
The preliminary (10)………………of their experiments indicate (10). FIND
that solid evidence of the technique’s effectiveness is now within the scientists’ Findings
85. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a
word that fits in the gap in the same line.

The courteous smile of an author selling books, signing

copies or chatting on television shows can be DECEIVE
Behind the scenes of the book tour that has become as much as
a part of the modern bestseller as print and paper, the writer
may be a (2)__contender_____________for a Golden Dartboard CONTEND
This is the Oscar for authors ALLEGE
badly, an informal award nominated by the weary, sometimes
(4)__tramautised______________, publicity and sales. They call TRAUMA
themselves (5) “_babysitters_______________” and “wet nurses” BABY
they tend to the fragile egos CONVENTION
demands of authors freed from their word processors.
Among the most feared (7) _assignments____________for the ASSIGN
are the feminist writer who is remember for yelling at her
publicists in public and in COLOUR
(8)___colourful____________language, and
the thriller writer whose publicists report that they have
instructions from his publisher to speak only when spoken to.
One (9)__survivor_____________of a tour with him, who SURVIVE
him for a Golden Dartboard, says: “ he treats us all as his
inferiors”. However, publicists on his most recent tour say that
he was an absolute (10)___joy______________to work with. ENJOY
86: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed words in the numbered spaces provided.
The (0) domesticated cat, more commonly referred to as the house cat, (0) DOMESTIC
is the smallest member of the (1) _extensive_______feline family. 1. EXTEND
Like their wild cousins, house cats (2) _characteristically______have 2. CHARACTER
streamlined bodies, classically shaped skulls, elongated tails and 3. POTENT
specially evolved teeth and claws. 4. AGILE
All of these physical attributes contribute to the (3) _potency______of 5. GRACE
the cat as a carnivorous predator. House cats, like their larger relatives 6. HABIT
found in the wild, are renowned for their acute sense of balance, 7. CREATE
amazing (4) _agility______and lithe, (5) _graceful_____ movements. 8. READY
In contrast to man’s best friend the dog, cats are not considered to be 9. DEPEND
social animals in the sense that they have never (6) 10. PREFER
_habitually______travelled in packs or adopted leaders. Dogs, on the
other hand, which have always been social (7)__creatures______,
seem to have been better suited for the fireside hearth as they (8)
_readily______transferred their allegiance from the leader of the
canine pack to their human master.
This interesting fact may offer an answer as to why cats appear to be so
much more (9) _independent______ and self-reliant than dogs. Dog
owners often cite the cat’s innate aloofness as adequate reason for their
own personal pet (10) _preference_______.
87. Read the article below and change the word in CAPITALS so that it fits the space. There is an
example at the beginning.
It's only skin deep
We are the only animal that chooses what it will look like. True, the chameleon changes colour,
but not (0) __ wilfully ____ . (WILL)
Unlike us, it doesn't get up in the morning and ask itself, "What shall I look like today?", but we
can and do. Indeed, the_antiquity______ (ANTIQUE) of body decoration points to the
conclusion that it is a key factor in our development as the_dominant______ (DOMINATE) life-
form on our planet. No human society has ever been found where some form of body decoration
is not the norm.
By _customizing______ (CUSTOM) their physical appearance, our ancestors distanced
themselves from the rest of the animal _kingdom______ (KING). Within each tribe this helped
them to mark out differences of role, status and _kinship______ (KIN). Our ancestors developed
__extraordinary_____ (ORDINARY) techniques of body decoration for _practicial______
(PRACTISE) reasons. How to show where one tribe ends and another begins? How to
memorably underline the _significance______ (SIGNIFY) of that moment when an individual
becomes an adult member of society? _arguably______ (ARGUE), without the expressive
capabilities of such "body language" we would have been _infinitely______ (FINITE) less
successful as a species.
88. Fill each gap of the following passage with the correct form of the word in brackets. Write
your answers in the correspondent numbered boxes.
Many years ago, a young man was traveling one night through a forest (1. INHABIT )
__inhabited_______ by Duergars, an evil race of fairies, who liked nothing better than to lure (2.
SUSPECT) __unsuspecting_______ humans to their death.
As he was making his way down the narrow path, he looked at the (3. TOWER)
_towering________ pine trees. Black heavy (4. THUNDER) _thunderclouds________ with rain
were racing across the sky, and he knew that he would soon have to find shelter. Presently he saw
the glow of a fire on the hillside and left the path to clamber up the steep slope that led to the (5.
ENTER) _entrance________ of the cave.
He stood at the entrance and looked in. It was a vast, empty cavern whose sides rose up to a (6.
VAULT) _vaulted________ ceiling. On the ground in the centre a space had been cleared and a
warm fire was throwing (7. FLICKER) _flickering________ .shadows across the floor. He went
cautiously towards the fire and sat down.
As his eyes slowly grew used to the dim light, the (8. MENACE) _menacing________ face of a
Duergar begun to (9. EMERGENCE) _emerge________. The creature was sitting (10.
MOTION) __motionless_______ on the opposite side of the fire; it stared at him through its
slanting green eyes but said nothing.
89. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the following text.
Thanks to the utopitous use of vanilla as a _favouring__________(1. FLAVOUR) to ice creams
and cakes the world over, its taste is more _recognizable___________(2. RECOGNISE) to a
majority of people than the _appearance_____________ of the plant (3. DISAPPEAR).
The plant itself is actually a _native____________ (4. NATION) of the tropical forest of Central
America, and is the only __variety____________ (5. VARY) of orchid to be grown on a
commercial scale. Its delicate white flowers open in the early morning and after pollination by
insects or humming birds, a narrow beam-like pod forms and __ripens____________(6. RIPE),
taking a period of five to seven months to reach _maturity___________(7. MATURE). It is this
pod which is harvested to provide food crop we know as vanilla.
Despite its American origin, for decades it was only cultivated __extensively_________(8.
EXTEND) on the Indian Ocean island of Madagascar, where it was introduced at the end of
nineteeth century. It soon became clear that the vanilla grown there was of a quality
__unknown___________(9. KNOW) in other areas, and the island quickly became one of the
world’ major _suppliers_________ (10. SUPPLY).
90: Supply the correct form of the word in brackets.
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of bringing balance to one’s immediate surroundings. It aims
to harness energy flow within the home to make it a nice, healthy place in which to live.
Although in the west, it has only recently gain acceptance, in China it is considered (1-
DISPENSE) indispensable to consult a Feng Shui (2- PRACTICE) practitioner before moving
house or establishing a business. On a mundane level, it is the art of furniture placement, but on
deeper examination (3- MEAN) meaningful philosophical and religious roots are found (4- PIN)
underpinning this venerable art form. The Taoist philosophy out of which it grew sees the world
as made up of potent but invisible energy which it calls “chi”. Feng Shui aims to divert this
hidden flow to create a (5- HARMONY) harmonious environment. Although this is an unfamiliar
concept to the Western world, the rise of Feng Shui continues (6- ABATE) unabated Feng Shui
offers some basic rules with which to augment the potential of one’s environment. (7- REMOVE)
removal of clutter is said to promote feelings of (8- LUCID) lucidity and calmness. The
utilization of plants (9-ACT) counteracts the detrimental effect of machinery, computers and so
on. Finally because chi energy enters through the front door, it is provident to keep one’s door in
perfect condition to remove any (10- IMPEDE) impediment to the passage of entering chi energy.
91. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the
column on the right.
Food miles
In Britain, what is described as 'food miles', the distance which food is transported from
the place where it is grown to its point of sale, continues to rise. This has major economic, social
and environmental consequences, given the traffic congestion and pollution which (1. variable)
__ __________ follow.
According to (2. press) _pressure___________ groups, the same amount of food is
travelling 50 per cent further than twenty years ago. What's more, the rise in the demand for road
haulage over this period has mostly been due to the transport of food and drink. The groups assert
that the increase in the number of lorry journeys is (3. exceed) _excessive___________ and that
many of these are far from (4. essence) _essential___________.
In the distribution systems employed by British food (5. retail) __retailers__________,
fleets of lorries bring all goods into more (6. centre) __centrally__________ located warehouses
for redistribution across the country. (7. logic) _illogical___________ as this might appear, the
situation whereby some goods get sent back to the same areas from which they came is (8. avoid)
In response to scathing (9. critic) _criticrism___________ from environmentalists, some
food distributors now aim to minimize the impact of food miles by routing vehicles, wherever
possible, on motorways after dark. This encourages greater energy (10. efficient)
_efficiency___________ whilst also reducing the impact on the residential areas through which
they would otherwise pass

92: Write the correct form of each bracketed word in the corresponding numbered boxes.
Non-Verbal Communication
Sociological research points to the theory that certain ways of positioning or moving the body
have a direct (1-CORRELATE) _correlation__________ with how one is perceived. People emit
an aura of strength or power dependent on posture, gestures and eye movement. Quick,
enthusiastic, (2- MEAN) _meaningful__________ movements and gestures suggest a dynamic,
alert person. People who look at, and maintain eye contact with their audience while conversing
with them exude confidence and (3- FEAR) _fearlessness__________
Somebody who is relaxed enough to stand before his audience without any(4- VISION)
_visual__________ signs of stress exudes self- assuredness and honesty. Even though these
people are comfortable in their stance, they hold themselves erect and avoid looking round-
shouldered or hunched over. Being lazy with one’s posture could be (5- INDICATE)
_indicative__________of defeat, while standing tall and proud paints a picture of one who is in
Being conscious of one’s posture and gestures when sitting is also (6- CONDUCT)
_conductive__________ to creating the right impression on the (7- HOLD)
_beholder__________. When one wishes to appear self-assured and knowledgeable in an
important (8- PERSON) __interpersonal_________ situation where sitting is required, a high,
straight-backed chair should be chosen when possible. Placing and clasping the hands behind the
head, with elbows stretched to the sides, adds to the impression of comfortable (9- ASSERT)
__assertiveness_________. It also keeps the hands under control and out of danger of (10-
WANT) __unwanted_________ fidgeting
93. Write the correct form of the word given in the brackets.
My time in China had given me an enduring interest in Chinese art, so I decided to go to Liu Li
Chang, where for centuries there has been an antiquities market. Unfortunately, many things for
sale there nowadays are modern (1.IMITATE)_imitations_______. Empty - handed and
somewhat (2.ILLUSION) _disillusioned_______,I went into a tea house and sat through the
usual ceremony, but there were (3.IDENTIFY) __identifiable______ differences here too: it
seemed quicker and the tea lacked that extraordinary lingering scent. Thoroughly (4.HEART)
_disheartened_______, I returned to my hotel: one of the enormous, faceless places which have
sprung up everywhere. Yet here, in a dark shop tucked away off the lobby, my melancholy mood
disappeared, for I met a (5.SURVIVE) _survivor_______ from 1989, who remembered me
instantly. Not everything had been entirely forgotten.
94. Write the correct form of the word given in the brackets.
Mankind's intuition of freedom, and our identification of freedom with knowledge, sets us apart
from animals. The animal's grasp of freedom is (6.SIGNIFY) _ínignificant______ in comparison,
being only the freedom to respond to external stimuli. The nearest creature to us on the
(7.EVOLVE)_evolutionary______ tree of life, the chimpanzee, can't retain an image for a
sufficient length of time to be able to reflect on it. So animal's life is largely a matter of
conditioned reflexes, performed in an (8.TERMINATE)_interminable______present; in short,
animals are little more than machines with consciousness. While the animal is carried along
(9.SUBMIT) _submissively______ on the stream of time, mankind has certain capacities that
(10.POWER) _empower______ us to resist the current or look into the future.
95. write the correct form of each bracketed in the numbered space provided in the column on the
right. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Your answers:
The (0)______ (EXPLODE) growth in the number of closed-circuit 0. explosive
television (CCTV) (1) _surveillance_____ (SURVEY) system in recent 1. ……………….
years is transforming cities centres in some countries. For some people, the 2. ……………….
cameras have a (2)__psychological____(PSYCHOLOGY) benefit, taking 3. ……………….
comfort in the (3)__belief____(BELIEVE) that they are being watched and 4. ……………….
protected. In some neighbourhoods, there are even socially 5. ……………….
(4)_inclusive____(INCLUDE) CCTV systems, which allow local 6. ……………….
(5)_residents____(RESIDE) to tune in to community TV and watch what 7. ……………….
is happening outside their front doors. People know the cameras can be 8. ……………….
(6)_helpful____(HELP) in solving crimes, but are they right to believe that 9. ……………….
cameras are keeping them safer? According to one university professor of 10. ………………
(7)_criminology____(CRIME), they are not. He conducted a study of 14
CCTV systems and found that, in general, the
(8)__installation___(INSTALL) of cameras has
(9)_surprisingly____(SURPRISE) little impact on crime. In only one of the
14 areas could a (10)_significiant____(SIGNIFY) drop in crime levels be
linked to CCTV.
96. Give the correct form of the words given in brackets.
A recent government report (1. HIGH) __highlights_____ the extent to which credit card debt is
spiraling. Blame is (2. PORTION) _apportioned______ solely to the credit card companies, who,
the report claims, will go to any (3. LONG) _lenghts______ to attract new customers. (4. ADD)
_additionally______, according to the report, they are responsible for encouraging (5. EXIST)
_existing______ customers to borrow more by raising their monthly limit. Certainly a recent
advertising campaign by a major credit card company – which has since been (6. DRAW)
_withdrawn______– seems to bear these findings out.
However, while the responsibility of the credit card companies is not (7. CONSIDER)
_inconsiderable______, it is, in my opinion, unfair to lay all the blame on their shoulders. The (8.
MAJOR) _majority______ of credit card users are able to make their (9. PAY) _payments______
on time without difficulty. There will always be a minority of people in our society who are
financially (10. RESPONSE) _irresponsible______. If they run up huge debts, is it really the
credit card company’s fault?

More exercises
1. This place is an _ __________ zone, which is restricted to people who work in the
Parliamentary House only. (EXCLUDE)
2. He was _benighted__________ by the darkness and got lost in the forest. (NIGHT)
3. He was __unendowed_________ with intelligence but he tried hard to make up for it.
4. Any _malicious__________ gimmicks are forbidden in this competition. (MALICE)
5. Surely all women must have _maternal__________ instinct or the human race would die out.
6. Putting up with noise coming from the neighbor is probably the most __untoward__________
thing. (TO)
7. The leader was taken into custody, which brought an end to the __insurgency___________.
8. The spectacular view of Sa Pa has __enraptured___________ many visitors. (RAPTURE)
9. Andy has received such _unwonted____________ fame after he tried himself in the school’s
play. (WONT)
10. The aridity in that area __betokens___________ a poor crop. (TOKEN)
11. Some people argue that money has _debased____________ football. (BASE)
12. This remote village bore the _depredation____________ of the storm. (PREDATOR)
13. “People” is a __disyllabic__________ word. (SYLLABLE)
14. The young boy was __waylaid___________ by the two men who then asked the innocent for
money. (WAY)
15. Taking that old lady for a ride is __unconscionable___________. (CONSCIENCE)
16. To achieve the ___sentential__________ logic, you have to employ certain techniques of
using connectives like ‘and’, ‘or’ in the right place within the sentence. (SENTENCE)
17. This chair is almost too _superannuated___________, so replace it with a new one!
18. Underground nuclear _denotations____________ are believed to have been carried out.
19. The opponents of nuclear power may object to the scheme for some
_undermentioned_____________ reasons. (MENTION)
20. Every point in his speech is _perspicuous____________, which allows the audience to follow
easily. (PERSPEX)
21. The __micrometer____________ is used to measured the smallest things! (MICRO)
22. His __interninable____________ talking annoys the teachers a lot. (TERMINAL)
23. Many __pro-business____________ policies have come into force to boost the economic
development. (BUSINESS)
24. A(n) _prearranged____________ schedule assists me in passing the day smoothly.
25. Allowing yourself anything you like makes you a __self-indulgent__________ figure.
26. Mary ___expostulated___________ with her husband about his budget this month.
27. It is impossible to _gainsay______________ his excellence at work. (SAY)
28.People in coastal area live mainy on the ___aquaculture___________, which allows them to
earn a great deal of money from the sea products (CULTURE)
29.People felt a great pity for the time spent to see such a(n) _abysmal____________ film.
30. Every book has a _foreword_____________ including what the authors say about their
masterpiece. (WORD)
31. I cannot imagine why there are such _hard-hearted_____________ people in this world.
Don’t they feel any sympathy for the homeless? (HEART)
32. I will bring my unbrella along on the _offchance____________ that it rains. (CHANCE)
33. The dramatic decrease in the ___throughput_____________ of this factory can be a direct
result of underpayment. (PUT)
34. The contaminated drinking water in Flint, Michigan can cause _lifelong_____________
consequences. (LIFE)
35. It is a __little-known___________ fact that the vegeterian sausages were invented during
World War I. (KNOW)
36. His recent unpredictable mood __estranges__________ him from his friends. (STRANGE)
37. I was ___lovestruck___________ and fell in love with her immediately at first sight. (LOVE)
38. The camera must be clean with a soft __well-wrung__________ cloth. Otherwise, the water
will permeate and cause damage. (WRING)
39. His recent ups and downs made the criminal more _hard-bitten___________ than ever.
40.John Cena used to be in his __heyday___________ in WWE but since his dislocation, he had
to leave for operation and it would take him a long time to make a full recovery. (DAY)
41. Bats use __echolocation____________ to navigate in the dark when hunting prey.
42. He was lying, indicated by the __tell-tale_____________ sign that his hands were shivering.
43. Thanks to the _footnote____________ at the bottom of the page, the Chinese-VietNamese
poem becomes more accessible. (NOTE)
44. The dog seems rather _unsightly______________; it must not have been fed for days. (SEE)
45. __intravenous______________ injection is the most common way to inject drugs. (VEIN)
46. __short-acting_______________ medication brings about a quick relief but it is not
recommended for long-term treatment. (ACT)
47. Ivan’s camera now __malfunctions______________ because he carelessly dropped it into the
pool. (FUNCTION)
48. Mary told the doctor about her stomach’s __dysfunction______________. It didn’t seem to
work properly. (FUNCTION)
49. A cock roach can continue to live for a few days even if it is __decapitated______________.
50. Their house is decorated in such a __nondescript_______________ way so that it fit in with
other houses. (DESCRIBE)
51. ___able-bodied_____________ people are strong and healthy ones who can make a living on
their own. (BODY)
52. I spent the whole evening __decluttering_____________ my messy house. (CLUTTER)
53. Remember to read every _small-print______________ in the contract because it can be a trap
for the unwary. (PRINT)
54. I did my project in my own way, not in a __well-trodden______________ one. (TREAD)
55. From six o’clock _onwards______________, I’m home! (ON)
56. Some of the ___ _____________ and __semi________________ regions in Somalia have
adopted distinctive symbols , including flags, while others continue to use the Somali flag.
57. A(n) __degenerative_______________ disease is one that will gradually deteriorate the
functioning of any one part in your body. (GENERATE)
58. It is widely known that judges have __discretionary_______________ powers.
59. The little boy left his hand-made boat __adrift_____________ on the river. (DRIFT)
60. The students are __qualitatively______________ seperated into differnt classes. (QUALIFY)
61. He suffered from headaches as an _aftereffect______________ of his accident. (AFFECT)
62. The renown that Michael Jackson gained for himself is almost
__insuperable______________. (SUPERIOR)
63. Viet Nam used to be __demassified______________ into two seperate areas, with the border
being Gianh river. (MASS)
64. The walls were ___striated______________ with colors, which make it so beautiful.
65. A bottle of cooled water had __invigorating________________ effects on us after a long
walk. (VIGOR)
66. Hand __sanitizer______________ is accused of including BBA, which can cause many
health problems. (SANITARY)
67. Their trouble is _self-inflicting_________________. They themselves made the situation
worse. (INFLICT)
68. The __musculature_______________ inside our bodies is a complex system. (MUSCLE)
69. I do not understand why Adriana was so __maladroit______________ at last night’s party.
She is usually clever and tactical when meeting people. (ADROIT)
70. Viet Nam went through __ _______________ process and became an independent country.
71. Most findings about the universe are __underdeterminded______________ because of the
lack of evidence. (DETERMINE)
72. A(n) _________________ is used to measure the level of alcohol in one’s blood from a
breath sample. (BREATH)
73. Laptops nowadays have __built-in_________________ cameras, which makes it even more
convenient for the users. (BUILT)

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