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Republic of the Philippines

JH Cerilles State College

Bachelor of Science in Social Work
Province of Zamboanga del Sur
Municipality of San Miguel


As a part of the requirements of social work curriculum of JH Cerilles State College and
in order to gain practical knowledge in the field of social work profession .The students required
to make a “Community Case Study”. The basic objective of this study is to stimulate and
mediate linkage within and between the communities, strengthen and to help the community
to obtain needed resources, and to help them mobilize internal resources as well as secure
external ones.
The barangay Pag-asa is located in the Municipal of Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur.This
community case study of Barangay Pag-asa had been based from their community
development plan .We the intern students validated it through the use of baranganic approach
and through having community survey.

Historical Background of the Barangay

Barangay Pag-asa was formerly called Poblacion but it was subdivided into two
barangays per a presidential degree proclaimed by the late President Ferdinand Marcos. The
other half was named Paglaum as brought by the late Roman Apoya in their meeting and the
name was carried, then the late Mr. Crisostomo A. Lagas commented to have a tagalog term for
our barangay saying “kung may PAGLAUM, may “PAG-ASA PA RIN SA TABI” .The first council
accepted his notion. Barangay Pag-asa was officially created in August 11, 1972 under the
leadership of Teodulo I. Yanoyan Sr. It was proclaimed in 1973.
The community members believed that the barangay name “ PAG-ASA” symbolizes the
collective belief in the concept of equity for justice, peace and harmony and the warm embrace
of Christian faith.
Despite having significantly smaller land area under its jurisdiction compared to other
barangays in the municipality, Pag-asa serves as the center of commerce and trade in
Dumalinao, sharing such role with the adjacent Barangay Paglaum.
Throughout the years, the barangay serves as economic stimulus of the town and will continue
to bear the impacts of rural economic development gradually sacrificing agricultural
development for urbanization.
Barangay Pag-asa envisions a united, progressive and ecologically sound and resilient
Barangay delivering quality basic services and facilities through competent leadership of its
Barangay Officials enjoying popular support from its hardworking people and guided by the
 To develop and establish a progressive community that execute just and humane
services with an inclusive economy for all.
 To promote among its constituents the spirit of cooperation and equity where
current and frequent development programs are defined, undertaken and sustained
with full community ownership among them.

Community Profile
Barangay Pag-asa is basically part of the Dumalinao floodplains while there are some
moderate rolling terrains. It is located at 7.8199, 123.3659 (lot, long) in the island of Mindanao.
Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 240.5 meters or 789.0 feet above mean sea level.
It is bounded to the east by Barangay Paglaum and bounded to the west by Barangay
Buenavista. North of it is Barangay Sumadat and South, Barangay Camanga. The total land area
of Barangay Pag-asa is 50.1114 hectares. Most of it is being utilized for residential use (24
percent of the total land area). As a recipient of Dumalinao’s municipal urban development
impacts, its population growth rate is expected to increase in the coming years. The 10 hectares
is came from the agricultural utilized land area can be potentially converted for commercial
used. Moreover, 3 hectares can also be converted for residential used. The least part of the
Barangay Pag-asa is beig utilized for industrial used which has only 5 hectares with around 3
hectares for industrial zone expansion.
Most people living in Barangay Pag-asa are Cebuano and others are Subanen, Ilonggo, Bol-
anon, and Bicolano. Most of the people in Barangay Pag-asa are Roman Catholic comprising of
90 percent of the total household numbers. Few others religions are present in the area take up
the remaining 10 percent, of which two percent each are Pentecostal, INC, UPC, Church of
Christ, Alliance, SDA and Baptist 1 percent each , respectively.
The barangay Pag-asa, 143 houses are made of concrete materials and 22 houses made
light materials and the 14 houses that are made of mixed materials.
A. Population
The population of barangay Pag-asa dramatically increases to 6.2 percent over the past
decade. As an urban barangay, conversion of residential houses into business establishment has
a become norm.

Table 1: Population and Growth Rate

2016 2020
Population 864 918
Households 186 178
Average Household Size 5 5
Density (Household /Total Area 3.72 3.76

Table 2: Age and Gender Distribution

Age Group Gender
Male Female
0-5 months old 4 1
6-12 months old 3 2
12-35 months old 28 20
4-12 years old 67 67
13-59 years old 312 307
60 years old and above 43 64
Total 457 461

B. Resources and strengths of community

 Two private schools in the area which is the Immaculate Heart Academy and
Haynnesville Christi Schools
 Two public schools , the barangay day-care center and JH Cerilles State College
 San Isidro Labrador Parish Church located in the area
 The Municipal Health Center ,PNP office , DSWD office, Municipal Hall , Municipal Gym
and Sweet Function Hall, and Public Market are situated in the barangay Pag-asa
 The barangay have three organization the VAWC (Violence Against Women and Children
, the senior citizens and Women’s Association

C. Social Problem and Needs

 Low income
 Lack of technical skill /low employability
 Limited access to capital
 The Barangay Pag-asa does not have a comprehensive health program
 Weak community solid management
 No proper drainage of water
 Lack of water supply


Baranganic Approach
An enabling method wherein the existing barangay structure as a facility is developed to
identify its community’s needs, problems and aspiration. To formulate their own plans based
on the peoples expressed needs , problems and aspirations as analysed and prioritized by them
and designed to be comprehensive and integrative of all efforts in the community making
maximum used of internal resources. To implement, monitor and evaluate these plans within
given time frame.
The social worker intern used baranganic approach in gathering data of the barangay.
The baranganic approach which make used of the existing political structure, the barangay, as
the workers point of entry and basis for problem identification and prioritizing. The individual,
group and community and national growth and development can only come about when there
is active participation and involvement of the people in any development process and the
promotion of social welfare is not the sole responsibility and concern of the government alone
but it shared with all sectors in the community – public, private, and religious.
The officials of barangay Dumalinao, Zamboanga del Sur do their part and responsibility for a
basic services and facilities. They also conduct forums and gather people in their specific
concerns in the barangay. Also they have collaborative participation in the municipal of
Dumalinao through securing the health and the welfare of children.

The process
In order to gather data in the barangay Pag-asa, the social worker intern first made a
courtesy call on the barangay officials and we are being guided by Municipal Social Welfare and
Development Office staff. The barangay officials agreed to us for conducting community
profiling. A community survey of the barangay was made to gather accurate baseline data for
problem solving and defining the community problems, needs and aspirations through having
community profiling such survey and research work.
The Baranganic approach with home visitation and purok meeting are the initiatives to
make its people being cooperative and responsible community members. These efforts made
the barangay realize how to harmonize their people and to have a unity for aiming goodness of
their community. The people themselves have to play a very important role to reach their
potentials that they can contribute something meaningful and wonderful actions for the
improvement and betterment of their community.
The people will be more conscious and becomes a good image for respecting the
policies implemented by the barangay officials for keeping and maintaining the cleanliness
which give a healthy and contentment living of the people.
It is an essential component strategy for it compares planning, programs, projects and
activities and also forum where in collective views of the people may be expressed. A census
and survey of the community was also conducted to obtain concrete data about the people
condition and was analysed by the core group who also formulated the plans that would
respond to the people problems and needs and help the community strengthen their resources
The barangay official have their session every third week of the Month. They presented
about issues and problems the barangay facing they analysed and formulate solution through
having a participation of barangay council’s lead by barangay captain. The presentation of
barangay plan, approval and amendments of a certain policy and implementation of final
approve plan by the different committees through people’s participation.
The barangay have organizations addressing the needs of the people. They have KALAHI
CIDS Program otherwise known as the Kapit Bisig Laban Sa Kahirapan- Comprehensive And
Intensive Delivery Of Social Services that is one of the poverty alleviation program of the
Philippines government being implemented by DSWD to help the people realize their abilities
and potentials and to strengthen their social functioning.

Majority of barangay Pag-asa households their main source of income to salaries paid jobs.
This is indicative of the fact the Pag-asa serves as the primary source of human resources to
emerging and expanding commercial and trading establishments in the urban center. Business
as expected from an urban community is a significant source of household income along with
remittance from overseas workers. Retail (sari-sari store) as the highest number of business
types in the barangay. The bakery, carenderia, and remittance /money transfer have stable
The roads have a total of 3.47 km length of roads within the barangay stretch to national
highway. The local transport of barangay Pag-asa, 125 households owned private vehicles. The
64 percent of which are four wheels vehicle, 25 percent are single motors and only 11 percent
are tricycle that used both public and private transportation. The household without private
services their most common transportation are tricycle and motorcars or payong-payong.The
water supply of 178 households in Pag-asa , 104 households rely on level 1 water supply and 74
households have level 2 water supply provided by the local water district. Commercial
establishments and residential structures in the barangay are powered through
ZAMSURICO.The communication of barangay have 2G to LTE wireless broadband connection
signals from Smart Communications and Globe. There is also a public WiFi in barangay Pag-asa.
All of the households of barangay Pag-asa have water seal/ flush toilets.
Being a center point of Dumalinao’s economy does not make it free from the wrath of
poverty. As the rapid growth of urban center in terms of commerce and transient population,
the permanent residents of barangay Pag-asa are beset with low income. Housewives have
limited access to alternative sources of income. It needs a capital for building a small business
and skills needed by emerging commercial establishments. Some of the residents no business
management skills and no capital due to high cost of stall rentals.
Barangay Pag-asa depends primarily on the Municipal Government in terms of social
services to its community members. As an urban barangay, the community under threat of
rising petty crimes, proliferation of illegal drugs and vulnerability of youth and children to risk
related to family politics. Special sectors are like Senior Citizens relatively enjoy access to
service being provided by the Municipal LGU. They play a vital role in local cultural
development and social events. As an urban center, Pag-asa needs to address its gaps in terms
of reinforcing safety and security programs to ensure the welfare and protection of the people.
Solid waste management system in Pag-asa is still a household concern where no MRF
(Material Recovery Facility, no household segregation and inconsistent collection schedule of
garbage. The community members believe that in order to achieve an improved solid waste
management system, the waste collection mechanism should be improved along the creation
of a Functional Materials Recovery Facility.
Access to potable water in Pag-asa is a historic problem. Majority of the households are
dependent to level 1 water system with deep well as common source of water. There are
several clusters of households that rely upon level 2 water system provided by DULWA. The
water from local district is not potable. Most of the households purchase commercial purified
water from a local water refilling station. The barangay has no source of water such as
mountain springs. The Pag-asa and Pinig creeks are not ideal for distribution to households due
to its poor water supply quality and vulnerability to drought. Most of the household resilient
from the rain.

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