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Proposal for Investment Loan

Ashwin Chirag
What do I want from you?

How much????
I know what you are thinking….
Are you freaking kidding me?
After your recent investments, why
should I give it to you?
That is precisely why I made
this presentation!
I realized that I’m not good at communicatinga large
amount of information to you by word of mouth.
Especially when it comes to financials. This is a
presentation to convince you to give me a loan

PART 1: Why am I Interested in Chewy?

PART 2: Investment Details
PART 3: Risk Management
PART 4: Let’s talk about my past investments
PART 5: Can you trust me to pay back your loan?
PART 6: Aggressive Value Investing
What is Chewy?
Chewy is an American online
pet retailer of pet related
products ranging from toys,
food to medicinal
pharmaceuticals for pets.
Really, anything pet related.
They are also a brick and
mortar business with pet clinics
located at various locations in
America. They are an
independent company
So… Why am I Interested in Chewy?

First hand experience, interest in company

Company fundamentals
Management team, Philosophy and Developments in the past 3 years
Projection for the next 5 years
Current context
When I first heard of Chewy
I never owned any pets in the US. But I had a lot of friends who did. A lot of them
ordered food through Chewy. I first really paid attention to it in 2020
The pandemic. When I would hang out with close friends, one time during a party I
heard about Chewy. Someone showed me a handprinted picture of her dog she got
from Chewy
The other reason was coincidental. It was founded by Ryan Cohen. He sold the
company for 3.2 Billion in April of 2017. Who is Ryan Cohen? He is the current CEO
of GameStop
I have been paying attention to the company on and off since then. I would read things
about the company to understand if Ryan Cohen was a credible CEO for GameStop.
Understanding how he founded the business and his business decisions helped me
understand his philosophy
Let’s talk
Aka Pa’s language 😄
This is the stock of CHWY on the NYSE:
Before I move on. I’m going to
make a claim..
CHWY is a stock at a premium
discount. CHWY is severely
undervalued by the market.
I’ll explain why I believe this as we
move go forward..
The total amount of money a company generates from its business
activitiesAka. How much does this company sell?
Yep! $11 Billion dollars
Just for reference.. ServiceNow’s revenue
for the twelve months ending March 31,
2024 was… $9.478B
We’ll come back to revenue after a
little more context..
Net Income
Profit after subtracting all operational/other expenses
Earnings Per Share(EPS):

P/E ratio as of July: 133.89

P/E ratio in 2021 of July : 4,185

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