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1. The “LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS” for manufacture and supply of items/equipment of
Electric Locomotives, EMU, TL & AC (for coaches), Equipment & Conductors for 25 kV AC
Traction Installations and Energy Management approved by RDSO is updated upto 31th
December 2020. The items are grouped directorate-wise. The specification/ drawing/STR
number of each of the items has been given in continuation with decription of item.
2. “List of Approved Vendors” is being issued in accordance to Railway Board’s directives
issued vide their letters No. 2017/E&R/7(13)/9 dated 06.12.2017.
3. There is no APPROVED VENDORS” or “DEVELOPMENTAL VENDORS” category for
approved sources for repair/ rehabilitation of major equipments of electric Locomotive and
4. Vendors approved for manufacture and supply of items/equipment have been categorized
column mentioned respectively of this List. The definition of “APPROVED VENDORS” and
“Developmental VENDORS” are as follows:
“APPROVED VENDORS” Category: This is the regular category of approval. The firms in
this category have been assessed to possess requisite infrastructure to produce consistent
quality material up to the assessed production capacity with regular monitoring of quality
assurance system.
“DEVELOPMENTAL VENDORS” Category: This is the initial category of approval which
has been granted based on assessment of infrastructure facilities available and satisfactory
demonstration of production of samples as per specification. The firmspossess the requisite
infrastructure but their capability to consistently produce the quality material giving
satisfactory service life in field is yet to be established. A firmcanalso be placed under
“Developmental VENDORS” category due to down gradation from “APPROVED
VENDORS” Category owing to specific cause.
5. Registration of vendors, Upgradation of vendors from “DEVELOPMENTAL VENDORS” to
“APPROVED VENDORS” Category, Downgradation of vendors from “APPROVED
VENDORS” Category to “DEVELOPMENTAL VENDORS”, Temporary / Permanent
delisting of vendors will be done as per latest RDSO’s relevant ISO guidelines.
The Master List is divided in Six parts and consistsof IX chapters in all. Part A contains
items/equipment pertaining to Electric Loco. Part B contains items/equipment pertaining to
EMU and TL & AC (coaches). Part C contains items pertaining to equipment and
conductors for 25 kV AC Traction Installation. Part D contains items/equipments pertaining
to Electric Loco, EMU and TL & AC (for coaches) and equipment & conductors for 25 kV
AC Traction Installation dealt by Quality Assurance (Electrical) Directorate. Part E contains
items/equipment pertaining to Energy Management.; Part E contains items / equipment
which Import value more than 300 Cr.
6. Vendor’s name. Addresses in full, their telephone, Fax numbers & Email address have
been given with corresponding to each item, Distribution list is given in Chapter IX.
7. This “LIST OF APPROVED VENDORS”, read with any amendments issued in the future
from time to time, is valid from 01.06.2021 to 30.06.2021.
8. Items pertaining to Electric Loco and PS & EMU are appearing in the “LIST OF
APPROVED VENDORS”, in compliance of Railway Board’s directives issued vide letters
no. 2001/RS(G)/779/7 dated 07.12.2016 & 2001/RS(G)/779/7 dated 01.02.2017
9. The policy to be followed in respect of procurement of OHE and PSI items has been
clarified in Railway Board’s letter No. 2001/RE/161/12 dated 31.10.2001 and 2010/Elect
(Dev) 225/1 dated07.06.2010.
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10. Traction Installation items of 2x25 kV AT system and conventional 25 kV BT system having
common specification are given in Chapter IV. However, the items exclusive to 2x25 kV AT
systems are given in Chapter V.
11. Chapter Vand VI for Traction Installation items does not include the approved suppliers for
parts, fittings and accessories for power transformer and interlocks for circuit breaker,
interrupters and isolators. These equipments/ accessories are normally required by the
manufacturers of power transformers, circuit breakers, interrupters and isolators. Suppliers
for these equipments/accessories will be recommended by RDSO in the specifications of
respective equipment.
12. The directorate-wise total no. of items appearing in this List of Approved Vendors are as
S.N. Directorate No. of items
1 Electrical Directorate 18
2 PS & EMU directorate 6
3 Traction Installation Directorate 24
4 QA (Electrical) Directorate 77
5 Energy Management 00
Total 125
13. To facilitate the procuring agency in nominating the inspectin agency, a region-wise list of
vendors is given. The region-wise list is only for guidance gof procuring agencies and is in
no way meant to restrict the choice of vendors during tendering by Railways, on regional
14. “Annual Production Capacity” (wherever furnished by firm) given in figures with
corresponding items against vendor are committed to Railways by the firms. The annual
production capacities of the vendors have been indicated in the List of Approved Vendors to
the extent available. These figures are dynamic and may change from time to time, as the
vendors keep on making adjustments in their product-wise capacity. These capacity figures
are based on declarations of the vendors only and, in many cases, yet to be verified by
RDSO. The production capacity figures indicated in this List of Approved Vendors are only
indicative and in no way meant to influence the decisions of the Tender Committees while
deciding the tenders.
15. Vendor’s Responsibility: If due to any oversight/typographical error or any other reason, a
vendor has been incorrectly placed in List of Approved for a particular item, thenthe vendor
shall immediately inform RDSO in writing about the error (as per latest version of ISO Doc.
No. QO-D-8.1-9).
16. The Indian Firm/ Partner/ Representative, if any, should be treated as sales Representative
of OEM subject to having valid MOU or Agreement with OEM. The validity of MOU/
Agreement should be verified by RDSO from the OEM at the time of granting approval.
Railways while placing order should re-verify the validity of MOU/ Agreement with OEM.
17. Changes in List of Approved Vendors: Approvals granted in the intervening period between
the issue of this directory and the next List of Approved Vendors to be issued should be
considered as valid on the basis of the approval letters issued by Competent Authority of
RDSO. Such changes in the List of ApprovedVendors (e.g. addition/ deletion, etc.) would
be made available through amendments. The List of ApprovedVendorsand its subsequent
amendments shall be available at the RDSO web-portal
accessible through the Internet.
18. Whenever inspection of item(s), for which a vendor is approved, is withheld/ suspended, the
status of the firm shall remain unchanged i.e. for all purposes, the approval status of the
vendor shall be as indicated in the List of ApprovedVendors.
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19. Procedure to be followed if samples are picked up from consignee end by RDSO or any
vigilance organization: In case samples are picked up from consignee end by RDSO or any
vigilance organization, three samples shall be picked up and initially 1st sample shall be
tested and if it is passed to conform to the requirements of the specification/drawings, no
more tests need to be done. However, as soon as 1st sample fails, consignee shall be
advised about the same with the direction that no further material from the suspect lot shall
be issued / consumed. Decision on 2nd/3rd sample to be taken within four weeks. In case
2nd/3rd sample fails, then the said lot shall be considered as rejected. Consignee shall be
informed immediately and the further action shall be taken by the consignee as per Railway
Board’s letter No.2000/RS(G)/379/2 dated 13.03.2009 (excluding para 3.0) for material
inspected by RDSO.
20. Footnotes/ Remark, whenever provided, may be referred to, for additional information.
21. Issues of a purely technical nature (e.g. specification, drawing, etc.)in respect of QA(Elect.)
controlled items should also be addressed to the concerned design Directorates.
22. Contact Addresses for clarification:
23.1 Office addresses and phone no. of different Directorate Heads are as follows:
S. Directorate Designation Phone no. E-mail Address
1 Electrical PEDSE 0522-2450374
2 PS & EMU PED/PS&EMU 0522-2454070
3. Traction Installation PED /TI 0522-2450709
4. QA (Elect.) Directorate PED/PS 0522-2465765
5. Energy Management PED/PS 0522-2465765
23.2 Contact details of controlling ED/ Directors:
Controlling ED/ Director of the item is the right person to be contacted on matters relating under
approval/technical matters. The contact details of controlling ED/ directors are as follows:
S. Directorate Designation Cell No. Fax No. E-mail ID
N. (0522-)
1. Electrical EDSE 9794863131 2450374
DSE/TPL 9794863196 2465737
JDSE/C&S 9794863367 2465754
DSE/PS&SC 9794863133 2450374
DSE/TM 9794863138 2465716
2. Traction ED/TI 9794863250 2465762
Installation JD/TI-I 9794863137 2465764
JD/TI-II 9794863373 2465731
DTI-III 9794863141 2465763
3. PS&EMU DSE/TL&AC 9794863258 2465738
DSE/PE&Battery 9794863121 2465717
DSE/3Ph.EMU 9794863258 2462406
& Metro
DSE/Conv.EMU 9794863252 2450651
DSE/MRVC 9794863238 2451776
4. QA(Elect.) Director/QA(Elect.) 9794863258 2465741
5. Energy Director/EM 9794863107 2461152

23. For compliance to Rly Bd’s letter no. 2010/RS (G) 363/1 dt 05.07.2012 regarding ‘Public
Procurement Policy’ for goods procured and services rendered by Micro and Small
Enterprises (MSEs),data of approved vendors identifying MSEs and among them those
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belonging to SC/STs have been provided under column ‘Category’ &‘Ownership’ for
enterprise/firm’s category and its ownership respectively in the table of ‘Details of the
Vendors’ in the following manner:-
Category of Firm/Enterprises-‘M’ for Micro Enterprises, ‘S’ for Small Enterprises and ‘OTH’
for Other than Micro/Small Enterprises.
Ownership of Firm/Enterprises-‘SC’ for Scheduled Castes, ‘ST’ for Scheduled Tribes and
(OTH) for Other than Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes.
24. The names of sister concerns have been mentioned against each item of List of Approved
Vendors wherever applicable. This should be kept in view (wherever applicable) to highlight
the fact that the competing firms are sister concerns while dealing with Tenders.
25. Railway Board’s guidelines for dealing with Cartel formation: Some of the important letters
issued by Rly. Boards on matters relating to Cartel formation by vendors are as follows:
(i) Rly. Board’s letter No.2001/RS(G)/779/4 dated 05.08.2002
(ii) Rly. Board’s letter No.99/RS(G)709/1 dt 03.05.2005
(iii) Rly. Board’s letter No.2005/RS(G)/709/1 dt 17.11.2006
(iv) Rly. Board’s letter No.2001/RS(G)/779/4 dt 12.12.2006
However, the procuring agency should also refer to any further instructions issued
by Rly. Board on the above subject, if any
26. Some important letters of Railway Board and RDSO are placed at end.
27. Address List of vendors are placed at concerned vendors name in Approved Vendors
column (column No 3) and in Developmental Vendors column (column No 4). There is no
separate vendor Address List.
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P A R T ‘A’

Chapter-I Items Being Dealt by Electric Loco

S.N. Item Page no.

1 Brake System for 3-phase locomotives 12
Computer / Microprocessor controlled air brake for 3 phase electric
2 13
Main Compressor (Oil Lubricated) for Electric Locomotive (1745 LPM
3 14
4 Oil Free Main Compressor for 3-Phase Electric & WAP-4 Locomotives 15
5 3 Phase Locomotive Traction Motor Bearing for TM type 6FRA6068 16
6 3 Phase Locomotive Traction Motor Bearing of TM type 6FXA7059 17
7 Suspension Tube Bearings for WAG9 / WAP7 locomotives 18
8 Axle Box Bearing For WAP5 Locomotives 20
9 Axle Box Bearing For WAG9/WAP Locomotives 20
a. Main Gear bearing for Aluminium Gear Case of WAP5
10 b. Intermediate Gear bearing for Aluminium Gear Case of WAP5, 21
c. Pinion bearing for Aluminium Gear Case of WAP5,
11 Spheribloc for three phase electric locomotive 22
12 Elastic Ring for three phase electric locomotive 23
13 High Reach Pantograph for Electric locomotives 25
14 LED based twin beam head light 27
15 Metallised Carbon Strips for pantograph with Auto dropping device 28
EP Assisted brake system for 3- phase Electric locomotive application 29
compatible with EP assisted brake system on coaches
Development of functionally equivalents cards of GTO based Convertors 29
and MICAS VCU og 3-Phase Electric Locomotive
Single phase to three phase 2x130 kVA convertor (SIV) for conventional
18 30

P A R T ‘B’:
Chapter-II EMU Equipments

S.N. Item Page no.

1 - 33
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Chapter-III Items being dealt by PS & EMU Directorate

S.N. Item Page no.

1 120 Ah VRLA battery 34
2 1100 Ah VRLA Cell 35
3 70 Ah VRLA battery 37
4 Roof mounted AC package unit for LHB variant AC coaches 38
5 Switch Board Cabinets
5.1 Switch Board Cabinet for LHB AC Power Car for 2x500 kVA DA Set 40
Microprocessor based Smart Switch Board Cabinet (MSSBC) for LHB 42
EOG/HOG Type AC Coaches
5.3 Set of Panels for Garib Rath LHB EOG/ HOG type AC coaches 45
6 Switch Board Cabinet for HOG Compliant LSLRD Coaches. 47


Items Being Dealt by Traction Installation Directorate equipments & conductors for 25
KV AC Traction Installation

S.N. Item Page no.

30/42 MVA, 50 Hz, Single Phase, ONAN/ONAF, Traction Power
1 53
Transformer 220/27 kV
30/42 MVA, 50 Hz, Single Phase, ONAN/ONAF Traction Power 54
Transformer (110/27 KV)
3 Converter Oil for 3 phase locomotives 54
4 220 kV SF6 Circuit Breaker (Double Pole & Triple Pole) 55
Higher diameter (22.5 mm to 26 mm dia.) Continuous Cast
5 55
Copper (CCC) Wire Rod (Manufactured by South Wire Process)
Control & Relay Panel for 25 kV AC TSS & Shunt Capacitor Bank 56
including specification for Numerical type Protection Relays for Traction
Transformer, 25 kV Shunt Capacitor Bank and Transmission line for 25 kV
AC TSS on Indian Railways comprising following relays
i. Over Current & Restricted Earth Fault Relay
ii. Differential Protection Relay
iii. Master Trip Relay
iv. Inter Trip Relay
v. Voltage Operated Aux. Relay
vi. Numerical AC & DC Monitoring Relay
vii. Under / Over Voltage Protection Relays
viii. Over Current & Unbalance Current Relay
Microprocessor based Numerical Integrated Feeder Protection Module 57
7 comprising DPR, OCR, WPC, PTFF & Auto Reclosure Relay for 25 kV AC
Single phase 50 Hz Traction Sub-station
Delta-I type high resistive fault selective relay for 25 kV AC single phase 57
50Hz traction system
Panto Flash Over Protection Relay for 25 kV AC single phase 50Hz
9 58
traction system
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S.N. Item Page no.

Control & Relay Panel for protection system of Mumbai Sub-urban
area for 50Hz AC Traction Power Supply System including Parallel
Operation on 25 kV Side comprising following relays
i. Integrated Feeder Protection Relay
ii. Vectorial Delta-I Relay
iii. Panto Flashover Protection Relay
iv. Over Current & Restricted Earth Fault Transformer Protection
10 Relay 58
v. Transformer Differential Protection Relay
vi. Low Impedance Bus-Bar Differential Protection Relay
vii. High Impedance Bus-Bar Differential Protection Relay
viii. Definite Time Over Current Relay
ix. Synchronous Check Relay
x. Reverse Power Protection Relay
xi. DC Monitoring / Supervision Relay
11 Series Reactor for Capacitor Bank Low loss 59
12 Composite Stay Arm Insulator (Very heavy polluted) (1600mm CD) 60
13 Composite Bracket Insulator (Very heavy polluted) (1600mm CD) 61
14 Composite 9 Tonne Insulator (Very Heavy Polluted) (1600mm CD) 63
15 Light Weight Section Insulators Assembly 65
16 25 kV Composite section Insulator (1050 mm CD) 65
17 Short Neutral Section Assembly (Phase Break) 66
18 SCADA System Complete 67

Chapter-V Equipment For 2x25 kV AC System

S.N. Item Page no.

21.6 MVA, 132/2x27 kV 50 Hz, ONAN, Single Phase Traction Power
1 69
2 25 kV Double Pole Vacuum Circuit Breaker 69
3 25 kV Double Pole Vacuum Interrupters 70
Control and Relay Panel including Numerical type protection relays for 71
Scott-connected/ Single Phase Traction Transformers, OHE protection
and Shunt Capacitor Bank Protection for 2x25 kV Traction Sub-station
comprising following relays
i. Control and relay panel incorporating numerical type protective
relays for 2x25 KV Shunt Capacitor Bank
ii. Numerical 3OC+EF Protection relay for HV side
4 iii. Numerical Transformer Differential Protection relay
iv. Numerical Over Current and EF relay for LV side
v. Numerical Phase failure relay
vi. Numerical Under/Over Voltage protection relay
vii. Numerical OC + Current unbalance protection relay
viii. Master Trip Relay
ix. Inter Trip Relay
x. Numerical AC & DC Monitoring Relay
5 Series Capacitor 71
6 Shunt Capacitor 72
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P A R T ‘D’

Chapter- VI Items Being Dealt By Qa (Electrical) Directorate

S.N. Item Page no.

1 Bearing for traction motor type HS1050Er /HS15250A 73
2 Bearings for traction motor TAO-659 75
3 Auxiliary Machine Bearings (including 3-phase Locomotives & EMUs) 75
4 Suspension bearing for Hitachi/TAO-659 Traction Motor 76
5 Cable Transit System with EPDM Rubber Modules 78
Thin walled flexible elastomeric cables with copper conductors for
working voltages
(i) up to 750 volts and
6 (ii) above 750 volts up to 1.8/3.0 kv for tap changer electric 79
locomotives, AC/DC EMU, BG AC EMU & MEMU/ coaching stock
(Chemical curing process / Electron Beam Irradiation curing
7 Thin Walled Cable for 3-phase locomotives 83
8 Single Core & Multi Core Elastomeric Cables (for loco & EMU) 85
9 HRPVC cables (for EMUs & coaches) 87
10 Zero Halogen Low Smoke Cables for Metro coaches 87
Battery for Low Maintenance Lead Acid Battery 75 Ah for locomotives
11 88
(PPCP Container)
12 Battery for TRD-Lead Acid 40Ah -LM 90
13 Battery for TRD-Lead Acid 200Ah -LM 90
14 Dry Type air filter for LHB RMPU 91
15 Battery charger for 110 V, 40 Ah battery 92
16 Battery charger for 110 V, 200 Ah battery 92
Microprocessor controller for roof mounted AC package unit for LHB
17 93
coaches and double Decker coaches
18 Flexible Polyamide conduit with Its End Fittings & Accessories 95
Electronic Rectifier-Cum-Regulating Unit (ERRU) For 25 Kw & 4.5 99
kW Alternators Fitted On AC & TL Coaches
20 Roof mounted AC package unit for Double Decker EOG AC coaches 100
415 Volts, 3- phase induction motors of Roof mounted AC Package 102
22 Diesel- Alternator set 500kVA, 750 V 102
23 ZS coupler (400A, 750V) 104
24 500A 750V Inter Vehicular (IV) Coupler 105
25 Switch Board Cabinet for LHB SG AC coaches 106
26 Switch Board cabinet for LHB AC Hot Buffet Coaches 107
27 Switch Board cabinet for EOG Type Double Decker Coaches 108
28 Switch Board Cabinet for LHB EOG AC coaches 110
29 4.5kW Under-slung Constant Voltage, Regulated Cum Emergency
Battery Charger for LHB coaches
30 21.6/30.24 MVA, 50 Hz, Single Phase, ONAN/ONAF, Traction Power
Transformer 220/27 kV.
31 21.6 /30.24 MVA, 50 Hz, Single Phase, ONAN /ONAF, Traction Power
Transformer 132/27 kV
32 21.6/30.24 MVA, 50 Hz, Single Phase, ONAN/ONAF, Traction Power
Transformer 110/27 kV
33 30 MVA, 50 Hz, Single Phase, ONAN, Traction Power Transformer 128
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S.N. Item Page no.

with On Load Tap Changer (110/27kV)
34 30 /42 MVA, 50 Hz, Single Phase, ONAN/ONAF, Traction Power
Transformer (132/27 KV)
54MVA, 220/2x25 kV, 50Hz, ONAN, Scott Connected Traction Power
35 130
36 8MVA, 54/27kV, 50Hz Auto Transformer 131
Numerical feeder protection relay comprising DPR, OCR, PTFF and
37 132
Auto reclosure function
38 Numerical Delta I & under voltage protection relay. 133
39 Inhibited mineral Insulating Oil 134
40 Transformer Oil 138
41 Single Pole Vacuum Circuit Breaker 139
42 25 KV Single Pole Vacuum Interrupter 141
Joint less grooved Copper Contact Wire, 107 sq mm made out of
43 144
continuous cast copper wire rods.
Joint less grooved Copper Contact Wire, 150 sq mm made out of
44 151
continuous cast copper wire rods.
Joint less grooved Copper Contact Wire, 193 sq mm made out of
45 156
continuous cast copper wire rods.
Continuous Cast Copper (CCC) Wire Rod (manufactured by South
46 wire process) for manufacturing 107 sq mm joint less Hard Drawn 160
Grooved copper contact wire.
47 Un-insulated Cadmium Copper Catenary wire 65 sq mm (19/2.10 mm) 162
48 Capacitor (Conventional Type) 167
49 Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation Equipment 170
50 25 kV Composite Stay Arm Insulator (1050 mm CD) 171
51 25 kV Composite Bracket Insulator(1050 mm CD) 172
52 25 kV Composite 9 Tonne Insulator (1050 mm CD) 173
53 Section Insulator Assembly (without Sectioning Insulator) 174
Regulating Equipment (ATD) - Three Pulley Type with Modified Pulley
Groove (3:1 Ratio) (with use of NBC Ball Bearing 6305 LLU (Part-I) or
54 176
SKF Ball Bearing 6305-2 RS1 (Part- I) or FAG Ball Bearing 6305-
2RSR (Part-II) in Regulating Equipment)
55 Three Pulley Type Regulating Equipment with 2400 kgf Tension 177
56 Five Pulley Auto Tensioning Devices for 25 kV AC Traction 180
57 Stainless Steel Wire Rope for Regulating Equipment. 181
58 Galvanised Stranded Steel Traction Bond 183
245 kV Solid Core Post Insulator Assembly for 220 kV Isolators & Bus
59 184
132 kV Solid Core Post Insulator Assembly for 132 kV Isolators & Bus
60 185
110 kV Solid Core Post Insulator Assembly for 110 kV Isolators & Bus
61 186
66kV Solid Core Post Insulator Assembly for 66kV Isolators and Bus
62 187
63 Post Insulator Cap & Pin Stack for 132kV Isolator 187
64 Post Insulator for 25 kV Isolator and Bus Bars (RI 6090) 187
65 Operating Rod Insulator for 25kV Isolator (RI 6260) 188
66 Porcelain Stay Arm Insulator ( RI 6000-2) (1050mm CD) 189
67 Porcelain Bracket insulator (RI6030-1) (1050mm CD) 190
68 Porcelain 9-tonne Insulators (RI 6020-1) (1050 191
69 Sectioning Insulator (RI 6110) (850mm CD) 192
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S.N. Item Page no.

11kV, 70 kN, (Ball &Socket type) Disc Insulator – 280 mm dia, 193
11kV, 120kN (Ball & Socket) Disc Insulator with 280mm dia
71 193
CD 430mm(min.)
Gearless Hand Operated Pulling and Lifting Machine(0.8t, 1.6t,
72 194
73 Ratchet Lever hoist (Pull Lift) (0.8 t, 1.6 t, 3.2 t) 194
25 kV, 1250 A, Type –I (A&B) ,1600 A, (Type –II), Single Pole/Double
74 195
Pole Motorised Isolator
75 132 kV SF6 Circuit Breaker ( Double Pole & Triple Pole) 197
76 Un-insulated Cadmium Copper Catenary Wire 125 mm2 (37/2.10 mm) 198
21.6/30.24 MVA, 50 Hz, Single Phase, ONAN/ONAF, Traction Power
77 200
Transformer 66/27 kV


S.N. Item Page no.

Nil 201

Chapter –VIII PART-‘F’

S.N. Item Page no.
1 Directorate Wise Details of Item, Import for Value More Than 300 Cr. 202


S.N. Item Page no.

1 Standard Mailing List 203-206

Chapter –X Important Guidelines by Railway Board

S.N. Item Page no.

1 Important Guidelines 207-243
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Chapter: I - Items dealt by Electrical Directorate

(Note: Status of approval of individual items may not be coterminous with the Vendor Directory’s validity.
Consignee/Inspecting Authority to verify the current status of approval from the letter issued by RDSO). As per Electrical
Loco directorate advised vide note no. EL-8.1.10/Loco dated 28.12.2018 the Annual production capacity of all Electrical Loco
Directorate item is deleted.

Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
1 Brake System for 3- 1. M/s Faiveley Transport Rail Nil
phase locomotives Technologies India Ltd./Hosur,
For E-70 Brake System
SPEC. No - Office & Work Address:
For WAP-5, Post Box No. 39, Harita, Hosur-
CLW/MS/10/031 Alt. 9 or 635109, Tamilnadu
latest e-mail-
For WAG-9 Co-Co, Ph No : 04344-276761 to 276765
CLW/MS/3/001 Alt .16 or Fax:04344-276035, 276786
latest Category – OTH. Ownership - OTH.
STR No. APC– 800
RDSO/2011/EL/STR/007 2. M/s Knorr-Bremse India Pvt. Ltd.
6 Rev.1 Palwal- 121102 (Haryana)
For Brake system (CCB) for 3 phase
Office & Work Address:
51/4 K.M. Stone, Vill. &
P.O. Baghola, Distt.-Palwal, Delhi
Mathura Road (NH-2), Palwal-
121102 (Haryana)
Ph No - 01275-222402
Fax: 306400
Category – OTH. Ownership - OTH.
APC - 600
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2 Computer / Nil 1. *M/s Escorts Limited Faridabad- * Approved for
Microprocessor 121005, Haryana (6 Nos.) limited quantity
Controlled air Brake Office & Work Address: M/s as indicated in
System with Advance Railway Equipment Division, Plot bracket against
Features for 3 phase no. 114-115,Sector-24, Faridabad- the firm name in
Electric Locomotives 121005,(Haryana) col.(4). Supply to
e-mail- be done after
SPEC. No - Ph No- 9821253647 approval of
RDSO/2017/EL/ SPEC/ Fax: 0129-2232148 prototype only.
0126 Rev. ‘0’ Category –Other than micro/small Refer WI no. EL-
STR NO. APC -50 WI-8.1-1 for
RDSO/2011/EL/STR/007 2. *M/s Hind Rectifiers Limited period of field
6 (Rev. ‘1’) Bhandup-400078, Maharashtra trial and other
(6Nos.) details.
Office & Work Address:
Lake Road, Bhandup (W),
Mumbai-400078 (Maharastra)
Ph No. -02225696789
Category – Other than micro/small
APC –300
3. * M/s Faiveley Transport Rail
Technologies India Ltd. Hosur-
635109, Tamilnadu (6 Nos.) (ILS)
Office & Work Address:
Post Box No. 39, Harita, Hosur-
635109, Tamilnadu
Ph No : 04344-276761- 276765
Fax:04344-276035, 276786
Category–OTH Ownership-OTH
APC- 800
4. *Knorr-Bremse India Pvt. Ltd.
Palwal- 121102 Haryana (6 Nos.)
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Office & Work Address:
M/s Knorr Bremse India Pvt Ltd,
51/4 K.M. Stone, Vill. & P.O.
Baghola, Distt. Palwal, Delhi
Mathura Road (NH-2), Palwal-
121102 (Haryana)
Ph No - 01275-222402
Fax: 306400
Category–OTH Ownership-OTH
APC -600
3 Main Compressor (Oil 1. M/s Faiveley Transport Rail 1. *M/s Anest Iwata Motherson Private SPEC
Lubricated) for ElectricTechnologies India Ltd./ Hosur Limited (Model “RR1750”) (12Nos.) No.CLW/ES/3/
Locomotive (1745 LPM (Model 2A320D) Office Address: 0100 ALT 'E'
Capacity) Office & Work Address: 2nd Floor, F-7, Block B-1, Mohan replaced by new
M/s Faiveley Transport Rail Road, New Delhi-110044 one w.e.f.
SPEC. No - Technologies India Pvt Ltd, Post Box Work Address: 08.10.2018
RDSO/2018/EL/SPEC/01 No. 39, Harita, Hosur-635109, B-5, CITE C, Suratpur Industrial * Approved for
37 Rev.0 Tamilnadu Area, Greater Noida, limited quantity as
STR No.- e-mail- Gautambudhnagar-201306 (UP) indicated in
RDSO/2007/EL/STR/001 Ph No : 04344-276761 to 276765 e-mail- bracket against the
5 Rev.0 Fax: 04344-276035 , 276786 firm name in col.
Category– OTH. Ownership - OTH. Ph No - 9871362399 (4). Supply to be
APC - Category- APC – done after
2. M/s ELGI Equipments Ltd. approval of
Coimbatore 2. *M/s Saber Dais Compression Ltd. prototype test only.
(Model RR 20100 CG (M)) Kaithal-136027, Haryana (12 Nos.) Refer WI no. EL-
Office & Work Address: (Model “SDC 1745 US” ) WI-8.1-1 for period
Elgi Industrial Complex, Trichy Road, Office & Work Address: of field trial and
Singanallur, Coimbtore-641005 389/13, Street No.1, Amargarh other details.
(Tamil Nadu) Colony, Kaithal-136027,Haryana
Ph No- 0422-2589555 Ph No- 01746-222481/222482
Fax:0422- 2573697 Fax: 0174-622481
Category – OTH. Ownership -OTH. Category –
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. *M/s ELGI Equipments Ltd.
Coimbatore (12 Nos.)
4. (Model RR 20100 CC )
Office Address: Elgi Equipments
Ltd., Elgi Industrial Complex, Trichy
Road, Singanallur, Coimbtore-
641005(Tamil Nadu)
Work Address: same as
office address
Ph No- 0422-2589555
Fax: 0422- 2573697
Category –OTH Ownership-OTH.
4 Oil Free Main 1. M/s Knorr-Bremse India Pvt. Ltd. 1. M/s ELGI Equipments Ltd, Nil
Compressor for 3-Phase (Model VV270T) (Model RR20100 OF(M))
& WAP-4 Electric Office & Work Address: Office & Works Address:
Locomotives (1750 LPM 51/4 K.M. Stone, ELGI Equipments Ltd., Elgi Industrial
Capacity) Vill. & P.O. Baghola, Distt– Palwal, Complex, Trichy Road, Singanallur,
Delhi Mathura Road(NH-2), Palwal- Coimbtore-641005 (TamilNadu)
SPEC. No - 21102 (Haryana) e-mail-
RDSO/2008/EL/SPEC/00 e-mail- Ph No- 0422-2589555
76 (Rev .‘2’)August 2013 Ph No - 01275-222402 Fax: 0422- 2573697
STR No.- Fax: 306400 Category–OTH Ownership-OTH
RDSO/2007/EL/STR/001 Category – OTH. Ownership - OTH. APC -
5 Rev.0 APC - 2. M/s Faiveley Transport Rail
Technologies India Limited,
Office & Works Address:
Post Box No. 39, Harita, Hosur-
635109, Tamilnadu
Ph No: 04344-276761 to 276765
Fax: 04344-276035, 276786
Category–OTH Ownership-OTH
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
55 3 Phase Locomotive 1. M/s SKF/Germany, Austria 1. *M/s National Engineering Industries For supply of
Traction Motor Bearing DE: NU2236ECMRD/C4VA301 Ltd. Jaipur-302006, Rajasthan bearings
for TM type 6FRA6068 NDE:NJ320E-CM/P64VA3091+ (10 loco set) through agents
HJ320EC.VA301 DE: TS2-NU2236E L1BX2 C4 refer to Railway
FRS No - Office & Works Address: NDE: TS2-NH320C L1BX Board letter No.
RDSO/EL/FRS/BEARIN M/s SKF GmbH Gunner CS123PX1ZC2 99/RS(G)/709/4
G/0012-2015 Rev.‘0’ Wester Strases-12, D-97421, Office & Work Address: dated 3-12-2002
Schweinfurt/ Germany National Enggineering Industries * Approved for
e-mail- Ltd, Khatipura Road, Jaipur– limited quantity
Ph No - 0049(9721) 562118 302006 as indicated in
Fax: 0049-(9721) 562653 e-mail- bracket against
Category – OTH. Ownership - OTH. the firm name in
APC -6000 (sets) Ph No - 0141-223221 col. (4). Supply
Fax: 0141-2224382/221926/223213 to be done after
Category – OTH. Ownership-OTH approval of
APC -24000 sets prototype only.
2. M/s Schaeffler Technologies AG & 2. *M/s Schaeffler India Limited Maneja, Refer WI no.
Co. KG / Germany, Romania, Italy Vadodara (10 loco set) EL-WI-8.1-1 for
(Brand name- FAG) DE: EDD F-801488.01.NU2236- period of field
DE: EDD F-801488.01. NU2236- E000 (Ver. AB) trial and other
E000 NDE: EDD NJ320-E-XL-M1.F1. details.
NDE : NJ320-E-XL-M1.F1.J20A- J20A.C4 000 (Ver.00) + EDD HJ320-
C4+HJ320-E-F1 E-F1 000 ( Ver. 00 )
Office Address: Office & Work Address:
Postfch 1260 97419 Schweinfurt, M/s Schaeffler India Limited,
Germany Maneja, Vadodara-390013, India
Work Address:
Georg Sshafer-Str, 30 Germany
e-mail- Ph No- 0265-6602000-1-2-3-4 /0265-
Ph No - + 49(9721)91-0 638804 /6602473
Fax: +49(9721) 91-3435 Fax: 0265-2638804
Category- Category – OTH Ownership-OTH.
APC -24000(sets) APC -60000(sets)
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. *M/s SKF Technologies (India) Pvt.
Limited, Ahmedabad
(60 nos., DE side bearing only)
DE: NU2236ECMRD/C4VA301/45
Office & Work Address:
Mile stone Kandla 333,Vill-Kerala,
Taluka Bavla, Ahmedabad-382220
Sales Office Address:
611-617,6th Floor, Bestech
Chambers, B Block, Sushant Lok,
Phase-I, Gurgaon-122002
Ph No – 02714-619100/101/154
Fax: 02714-619202
Category – OTH. Ownership - OTH.
APC -6000 nos.
6 3 Phase Locomotive 1. M/s SKF/Germany, Austria Nil For supply of
Traction Motor Bearing DE:NU224ECPC4.VA301, bearings
for TM type 6FXA7059 NDE: NJ219ECP.C4.VA309+HJ219 through agents
EC.VA301 refer to Railway
FRS No.- Office & Work Address: Board letter No.
RDSO/EL/FRS/BEARIN M/s SKF Gmbh Gunner 99/RS(G)/709/4
G/0011-2015 Rev. ‘0’ Wester Strases-12, D-97421, dated 3-12-2002
Schweinfurt/ Germany
Ph No - 0049(9721) 562118
Fax: 0049-(9721) 562653
Category – OTH. Ownership - OTH.
APC -500 (sets)
2. M/s Schaeffler Technologies AG &
Co. KG /Germany, Romania, Italy
(Brand name- FAG)
DE: NU224E.M1.C4.F1
NDE:NJ219-E-XL-TVP2- F1-J20A-
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Office Address:
M/s Schaeffler Technologies AG &
Co. KG , Postfch 1260 97419
Schweinfurt, Germany
Work Address:
M/s Schaeffler Technologies AG &
Co. KG, Georg Sshafer-Str, 30
Ph No - + 49(9721)91-0
Fax: +49(9721) 91-3435
Category –
APC -24000 (sets)
7 Suspension Tube 1. M/s Schaeffler Technologies AG & 1. M/s SKF Technologies India Pvt Ltd., For supply of
Bearings for WAG 9/ Co. KG / Germany, Romania, Italy Ahmedabad bearings
WAP7 locomotives (Brand name- FAG) DE:NU1964 MA/C4VA327/45 through agents
DE: NU1964 M1A.C4 NDE: NJ1044 MP/C4VA327/45+HJ refer to Railway
FRS No.RDSO/EL/FRS/ NDE: NJ1044.566185+HJ1044 1044/VA 335/45 Board letter No.
Bearing/0013-2015 Rev Office Address: Office Address: 99/RS(G)/709/4.
0 Drawing No. Postfch 1260 97419 Schweinfurt, Plot No. 02, Bommasandra Dated 03-12-
(i)1209-01.411-020 Alt '1' Germany Industrial Area, Hosur Road, 2002
(ii)1209-01.411-021 Alt Work Address: Bangalore-560099
'1' Georg Sshafer-Str, 30 Germany Work Address:
e-mail- Mile stone Kandla 333, Vill-Kerala,
Ph No - + 49(9721)91-0 Taluka Bavla, Ahmedabad-282220
Fax: +49(9721) 91-3435 Sales Office Address: 611-617,6th
Category - Floor, Bestech Chambers, B Block,
APC – Sushant Lok, Phase-I, Gurgaon-
2. M/s SKF/ Germany 122002
DE: NU1964 MA C4 VA327 e-mail-
NDE: NJ1044 MP C4VA Ph No – 911244705000
327+HJ1044 VA335 Fax: 911244705001
Office & Work Address: Category –OTH Ownership-OTH.
M/s SKF Gmbh Gunner Wester APC -
Strases-12, D-97421,
Schweinfurt/ Germany
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Ph No - 0049(9721) 562118
Fax: 0049-(9721) 562653
Category – OTH. Ownership - OTH.
3. M/s NEI / Jaipur
DE: NU 1964 to NEI
Drawing No.PESD 3454 Mod. ‘A’
NDE: NH 1044 to NEI
Drawing No. PESD 3453 Mod. ‘B’
Office & Work Address:
M/s National Enggineering
Industries Ltd, Khatipura Road,
Jaipur – 302006
Ph No - 0141-223221
Fax: 0141-2224382/ 221926/223213
Category – OTH.
Ownership - OTH.
4. M/s Schaeffler India Ltd., Savli,
Office & Work Address:
M/s Schaeffler India Limited,
Maneja, Vadodara-390013, India
Ph No - 0265-6602000-1-2-3-4 /
0265-638804 / 6602473
Fax: 0265-2638804
Category – OTH.
Ownership - OTH.
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
8 Axle Box Bearing For 1. M/s SKF/ Italy, SKF No 1639457A Nil Nil
WAP5 Locomotives
Drawing No. 1A016-
01494 Rev '2'
9 Axle Box Bearing For 1. M/s SKF/Germany , SKF No.BC2- Nil For supply of
WAG9/ WAP7 0067A bearings through
Locomotives Office & Work Address: agents refer to
M/s SKF Gmbh Gunner Wester Railway Board
Drawing No. 1209- Strases-12, D-97421, Schweinfurt/ letter No.
01.311-061 Alt '1' Germany 99/RS(G)/709/4
email- dated 3-12-2002.
Ph No - 0049(9721) 562118 In tendering
Fax: 0049-(9721) 562653 process at a time
Category – OTH. Ownership - OTH. of shall be made
APC – either from M/s
2. M/s SKF Technologies (India) Pvt. SKF/Germany or
Ltd. Ahmedabad , SKF No “ BC2- M/s SKF
0067D / W33” Technologies
Office Address: (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
M/s SKF Technologies India Pvt. Ahmedabad.
Limited, Plot No. 02,
Bommasandra Industrial Area,
Hosur Road, Bangalore-560099
Work Address:
M/s SKF Technologies India Pvt.
Limited, Mile stone Kandla 333,
Vill-Kerala, Taluka Bavla,
Sales Office Address:
611-617,6th Floor, Bestech
Chambers, B Block, Sushant Lok,
Phase-I, Gurgaon-122002
Ph No – 911244705000
Fax: 911244705001
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Category –OTH. Ownership - OTH.
3. M/s NEI Jaipur (NEI No RB 5080D)
Office & Work Address:
M/s National Enggineering
Industries Ltd, Khatipura Road,
Jaipur – 302006
Ph No - 0141-223221
Fax: 0141-2224382/ 221926/223213
Category – OTH. Ownership - OTH.
4. M/s Schaeffler India Limited, Maneja,
Vadodara F- 807259.02.ZL (With
greasing hole )
Office & Work Address:
M/s Schaeffler India Limited,
Maneja, Vadodara-390013, India
Ph No - 0265-6602000-1-2-3-4/
0265-638804 / 6602473
Fax: 0265-2638804
Category – OTH. Ownership - OTH.
10a. Main Gear bearing for 1. M/s Timken Corporation / USA (OEM) 1. *M/s SKF Technologies (India) Pvt. *Capacity
Aluminum Gear Case of Office & Work Address: Ltd. assessment has
WAP5 M/s Timken Corporation, 4500 Mount Office Address: been done.
b. Intermediate Gear Pleasant Street NW, North Canton, Plot No. 02, Bommasandra Prototype unit is
bearing for Aluminum OHIO, 44720, USA Industrial Area, Hosur Road, to be offered by
Gear Case of WAP5 Bangalore-560099 the firm.
c. Pinion bearing for Ph No - 011-46043406 Work Address:
Aluminum gear case of Fax: 011-4175685, 011-46043406 Mile stone Kandla 333, Vill-Kerala,
WAP-5 Category – Taluka Bavla, Ahmedabad-282220
APC - Sales Office Address:
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Drawing No.: 611-617,6th Floor, Bestech
a. 1210-01.311-021 Alt- Chambers, B Block, Sushant Lok,
'0' b. 1210- Phase-I, Gurgaon-122002
01.411-022 Alt '0' e-mail
c. 1210-01.411-023 Alt Ph No – 911244705000
'0' Fax: 911244705001
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
11 Spheribloc for three 1. M/s BHC, Germany 1. M/s Basant Rubber Factory Pvt. *While placing
phase electric locomotive (Indian representative* M/s S.K. Ltd., Mumbai. Order, Railways
sales Kolkata) Office Address: should re-verify
SPEC. No - Office & Work Address: M/s Basant Rubber Factory Pvt. Ltd., the validity of
RDSO/2007/EL/SPEC/00 BHC - Bruno Husch & Co,KG 103-B, L.B.S Marg, Vikhroli (W) MOU /
51 Rev. ‘3’ BUSCHSTR,8,53340, Mumbai-400083 agreement with
STR No - MECKENHEIM, Germany Work Address: same as office OEM.
RDSO/2008/EL/STR/ Indian Agent: S. K. Sales 30, Strand address #Capacity
0050 Road, 1st floor, Kolkata 700001 e-mail- assessment
Rev. ‘1’ e-mail-, and testing of
Drg. No- prototype
IA016 - 00003 Rev. 1, Ph No - +85 – 6606000, 033- samples has
IA016- 00005 Rev. 3 , 22432270 Fax: +85 – 2653683, 033- Ph No – 022-25781275/76 been completed
IA016 -00269 Rev. 3. 22432270 Category – / 25780510 / 25778383 successfully.
APC - Fax: 022-25783105 Field trial is
Category–OTH Ownership-OTH under process.
APC- → For time
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2. # M/s Prag Industries (India) Pvt. Ltd being in
Office & Work Address: coaching
M/s Prag Industries (India) Pvt. locomotives
Ltd., E-7, Talkatora Industrial only imported
Estate, Lucknow-226011 spheribloc
e-mail- should be used (Ref: RDSO
Ph No – 0522-2661991 letter no.
Fax: 0522-2661320 EL/3.1.35/12(S
Category–OTH Ownership-OTH B) Dated
APC- 05.03.2020)
** Approved for
3. **M/s Avadh Rail Infra Limited limited quantity
Lucknow-226008, Uttar Pradesh (2 as indicated in
loco set) bracket against
Office & Work Address: M/s the firm name
Avadh Rail Infra Ltd., B-12, in col. (4).
Industrial Area , Amausi, Opp. Supply to be
Aerodrome Lucknow – 226008 done after
Add. Plant- approval of
Khasra No 104 GA (Old No:- 1394) prototype only.
Industrial Area Dehradun Refer WI no.
e-mail- EL-WI-8.1-1 for period of field
Ph No – 0522-2436219 trial and other
Fax: 2438929 details.
Category –
12 Elastic Ring for three 1. M/s Acla Werke, Germany (Indian 1. **M/s ELECTROPLAST *While Placing
phase electric locomotive representative *M/s R.S. GHAZIABAD-201001,Uttar Pradesh Order, Railways
SPEC. No - Technology, Kolkata) (5 loco set) Should re-verify
RDSO/2007/EL/SPEC Office & Work Address: Office & Work Address: the validity of
/0053 Rev. ‘1’ Sept.2019 M/s Acla Worke, Frankfurter STR M/s ELECTROPLAST 1/34, South MOU/agreemen
Drg. No- SKEL-4717 142-190 KOLN D-51065, Germany; side G.T.Road, Industrial Area, t with OEM
Alt.'4' Indian Agent: Ghaziabad-201001, Uttar Pradesh ** Approved for
R. S. Technologies 247 Dum Dum e-mail- electroplast2002@ limited quantity
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Park, 2nd floor, near 2 no. tank, Ph No – 01204118789/ 9891073662 as indicated in
Kolkata 700055 Fax: 01202789580 bracket against
e-mail- Category – the firm name in APC - col. (4). Supply
Ph No – 0049-221699980, to be done after
8961511682 approval of
Fax: 0049-221697121 prototype only.
Category – APC – Refer WI no.
2. M/s Avadh Rail Infra Ltd/ Lucknow EL-WI-8.1-1 for
(Add. Work – Plot No. 105, sector – period of field
7 , IIE Ranipur, SIDCUL, Haridwar) trial and other
Office & Work Address: M/s details.
Avadh Rail Infra Ltd., B-12,
Industrial Area , Amausi, Opp.
Aerodrome Lucknow – 226008
Add. Plant-
Khasra No 104 GA (Old No:- 1394)
Industrial Area Dehradun
Ph No – 0522-2436219
Fax: 2438929
Category – APC-
3. M/s Sequoia Safety Product Pvt.
Ltd., Ghaziabad.
Office Address:
M/s Sequoia Safety Products Pvt.
Ltd. Office: 4, Jasola, pocket-1,
New Delhi -110025
Work Address:
A-34/2/1, Block-I, Site-IV,
Industrial Area, Sahibabad,
Distt.-Ghaziabad (U.P.) PIN-
Ph No – 011-40554651/52
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Fax: 011-40554650
Category – APC-

13 High Reach Pantograph Nil 1. *River Engineering Private Limited Rev.3 is

for Electric locomotives Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh w.e.f.22.05.19.
(25 loco set) Previous
SPEC. No - Office Address: sources of high
RDSO/2007/EL/SPEC/00 M/s River Engineering Private reach
54 Rev.‘3’ of May 2019 Limited, Plot No. 54-55, Toy City, pantographs
STR No. RDSO/2008/ Ecotech-III, Greater Noida- were:
EL/ STR/0049 Rev. 1- 201306, Uttar Pradesh, India Spec.Rev.'2':
2019 Work Address: 1.M/s Schunk
Plot No. 530-531-532, Udyog Metal & carbon
Kendra Extn-II, EcotechIII, Greater India Pvt.
Noida-201306, Uttar Pradesh, India Ltd.(WBL-85HR) 2.M/s Faiveley
Ph No – 8376803019 Transport Rail
Category –OTH APC – Technologies
2. *M/s Daulat Ram Engineering India Limited(LX
Services Private Limited Mandideep- 3600).(Under
494993, Madhya Pradesh field trial)
(25 loco set) 3.M/s
Office & Work Address: Contransys Pvt.
M/s Daulat Ram Engineering Ltd.(IR-
Services Private Limited 10/2 NH- 05HR)(Current
12 Simrai Post Obedullahganj collection tests
District Raisen, Simrai Near are pending.)
Mandideep-494993, Note: As per
Madhya Pradesh, India decision of
e-mail- viveknigam@daulatramcom meeting held at
Ph No – +918889000731 RDSO on
Fax: 07480231250 13.08.2019,
Category –S Owernship-OTH since revision
APC– "3" pantograph
3. *M/S Air Control And Chemical may take some
Engineering Company Limited time for
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Ahmedabad-382435, Gujarat development,
(25 loco set) Zonal
Office & Work Address: Railways/Produ
M/s Air Control and Chemical ction units may
Engineering Company Limited continue with
Barejadi, W. Rly. Post - Nandej, the procurement
Dist. Ahmedabad, ahmedabad- of revision "2"
382435, Gujarat, India high reach
e-mail- pantograph.(As
Ph No – 02718245137 per RDSO letter
Fax: 02718245242 No.
Category –S APC – EL/2.2.1/High
4. *M/s Schunk Metal & carbon India Reach
Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore- 560058 Pantograph dtd
(25 loco set) 14.05.2020
Office & Work Address: Zonal Railways
M/s Schunk Metal & Carbon (India) /PUs are
Pvt Ltd, No 485/2,13th cross advised to put
road,4th phase Peenya Road, on hold
Industrial area. Bangalore-560058 procurement of
e-mail- high Reach
Ph No – 80-61935000 Pantograph as
Fax: 080-67038505 per RDSO spec
Category – S Ownership - OTH Rev.'2'
APC- temporarely.)
* Approved for
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
5. *Faiveley Transport Rail limited quantity
Technologies India Limited Hosur- as indicated in
635109, Tamilnadu bracket against
(25 loco set) the firm name in
Office & Work Address: col. (4). Supply
Post Box No. 39 Harita, Hosur- to be done after
635109, Tamilnadu approval of
e-mail- prototype only.
Ph No – 04344-276761 to 276765 Refer WI no.
Fax:04344-276035, 276786 EL-WI-8.1-1 for
Category –OTH Ownership-OTH period of field
APC- trial and other
6. *Contransys Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata- details.
(25 loco set)
Office Address:
M/s. Contransys Pvt. Ltd., 16 Hare
Street Kolkata – 700001
Work Address:
DIC, Industrial Area Plot No – 2
Baddi, Dist – Solan, H.P. 173205
e-mail- Info@
Ph No – 033-22482391
Fax: 033-22489382
Category–OTH Ownership- OTH
14 LED based twin beam Nil 1. *M./s Ensave Devices Pvt Ltd * Approved for
head light (10 loco set) limited quantity
Office & Work Address: as indicated in
SPEC. No - Plot No. 3, Seth Atmaram shah bracket against
RDSO/2017/EL/SPEC/01 Road, Near range office behind the firm name in
34 Rev.‘1’ platinum hospital, Vasai East, Distt.- col. (4). Supply
Palghar-401208, Maharashtra to be done after
e-mail- approval of
Ph No – 0250-2457537 prototype only.
Category – APC Refer WI no.
EL-WI-8.1-1 for
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2. *M/s Matsushi Power Technologies period of field
New Delhi (10 loco set) trial and other
Office Address: details.
S-46, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-
2, New Delhi-110020
Work Address:
Khasra No-3983, Lal tappar
Industrial Area, Majri grant,
Ph No – 9310827116
Fax: 011-40596890
Category- APC-
3. *M/s Power Technologies
Corporation New Delhi -110048
(10 loco set)
Office Address:
S-158, Greater Kailash Part-II, New
Work Address:
Khasra No. 3881, Lal tappar
Industrial Area, Majri grant,
Ph No – 9310073567
Fax: 011-41637585
Category- APC-
15 Metalized Carbon Strips Nil 1. *M/s Mersen India Pvt. Ltd * Approved for
for pantograph with Auto Bangalore-560099, Karnataka limited quantity
dropping device (25 loco set) as indicated in
Office & Work Address: bracket against
SPEC. No - M/s Mersen India Pvt. Ltd, the firm name in
RDSO/2014/EL/SPEC/01 Plot No.5, Bommasandra Industrial col. (4). Supply
14 Rev. ‘0’ Area, Bangalore-560099, Karnataka, to be done after
India approval of
e-mail- prototype only.
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Ph No – 08030946121 Refer WI no.
Fax: 08030946130 EL-WI-8.1-1 for
Category –OTH APC- period of field
trial and other
16 EP Assisted brake Nil 1. *M/s Faiveley Transport Rail *Approved for
system for 3-phase Technologies India Limited Hosur- limited quantity
Electric locomotive 635109, Tamilnadu (06 no.) as indicated in
application compatible Office & Work Address: bracket against
with EP assisted brake Post Box No. 39 Harita, Hosur- the firm name in
system on coaches 635109, Tamilnadu col.(4). Supply
e-mail- to be done after
SPEC. No - Ph No – 04344-276761 to 276765 approval of
RDSO/EL/SPEC/2018/01 Fax:04344-276035, 276786 prototype only.
38 Rev.‘0' April 2018 Category–OTH Ownership-OTH Refer Work
APC-400 Instruction no.
EL-WI-8.1-1 for
period of field
trial and other
17 Development of Nil 1. *M/s Advanced Rail Controls Pvt Ltd * Approved for
functionally equivalent Bangalore (5 nos. each card) limited quantity
PCB cards of GTO Office Address: as indicated in
based Convertors and No.286,14th Cross, 5th Main, HIG bracket against
MICAS VCU of 3-Phase Colony, RMV 2nd stage, New Bel the firm name in
Electric Road, Banglore-560094, Karnataka col. (4). Supply
Locomotive Work Address: to be done after
No.59/1-2, 2nd Floor, Above Bank approval of
SPEC. No - of India,60 Ft road, Sahakarnagar prototype only.
RDSO/2018/EL/ 'G' Block, Banglore-560092, e-mail- Refer WI no.
SPEC/0139 Rev-0 EL-WI-8.1-1 for
STR No. RDSO/2018/EL/ Ph No – 08042401214 period of field
STR/0091, Rev-0 Category- trial and other
APC- details.
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2. *Elixir Engineering, Karnataka
(5 nos. each card)
Office Address:
06,1st Floor, SFHS Shopping area,
Nandini Layout, Banglore-560096,
Work Address:
C-350,1st floor 1st stage Peenya
Industrial Area, Banglore-560058,
Ph No – 08028393030/9845643624
Category –S APC-

18 Single phase to three Nil 1. *M/s Hind Rectifiers Limited * Approved for
phase 2x130 kVA static Bhandup-400078, Maharashtra limited quantity
convertor (SIV) for (5 Nos.) as indicated in
conventional Locomotive Office & Work Address: bracket against
Lake Road, Bhandup(W), the firm name in
SPEC. No - Mumbai-400078 (Maharastra) col. (4). Supply
RDSO/2018/EL/SPEC/01 to be done after
40 Rev- ‘0` Ph No. -02225696789 approval of
Fax:02225964114 prototype only.
Category –Other than Micro/small Refer WI no.
APC –500 EL-WI-8.1-1 for
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2. *M/s Siemens Ltd., Gurgaon- period of field
122016, Haryana (5 nos.) trial and other
Office Address: details.
Mobiliity Division, Tower C, 2 nd
Floor, 6A, Sector-18, Gurgaon-
122016, Haryana
Work Address:
C-1, Additional Industrial Estate,
MiDC, Ambad, Nashik-422010
Ph No. – 01246246000
Fax: 01246246868
Category –Other than Micro/small
APC –250
3. *M/s APPSIL, Bangalore, Karnataka
- 562123 (5 nos.)
Office & Work Address:
Survey No.88/3,88/4, Basavanahalli
village, Kasaba Hobli, Nelamangla,
Bangalore, Karnataka – 562123
e-mail- pradip.savaliya@
Ph No. – 9731227779
Category –Other than Micro/small
APC – 240 sets
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office &
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
with its Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual No, Category, Ownership, Annual
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
4. *M/s Medha Servo Drives Pvt Ltd.,
Hyderabad-500076, Telangana
(5 nos.)
Office Address:
P-4/5B, Industrial Park,
Nacharam, Hyderabad-500076,
Work Address:
Jodimetla Cross Roads,
Korremula, Ghatkesar,
Hyderabad-500088, Telangana
Ph No. – 04067237000/
Fax: 04067237081
Category –Other than Micro/small
APC –240
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S. Equipment / Item Name with Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office Remarks
No. its Current Spec. No / Drg Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax & Work Address, e-mail, Phone No,
No. / STR No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5

Nil Nil Nil ---

Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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Note: Status of approval of individual items may not be coterminous with the Vendor Directory’s validity. Consignee/Inspecting Authority to
verify the current status of approval from the letter issued by RDSO )
S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
1 120 Ah VRLA Battery 1. M/s.Amara Raja Batteries Ltd., 1. M/s Microtex Energy --
(6TL120) (6VF120PP)
Specification No.:- Office address: Office & work Address:
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/000 Renigunta, Cuddapah Road, No. 42 & 43, II Main, II Phase,
9 – 2014 (Rev. ‘2’) and Karkambadi-517520, Tirupati (A.P.). Pennya
STR No. Works Address: Industrial Area, Bangalore-500088
RDSO/PE/STR/TL/0014- (i) Renigunta, CuddapahRoad, E-mail: rkgovindan@gmail. Com
2010(Rev-1) with Amdt. Karkambadi-517520, Tirupati (A.P.). Ph. 080-28397243, 080-28394417,
No 1 & 2. (ii) NunegundlaPalli, Bangarupalyam Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH,
Mandal, Chittoor, District, AP-517416 APC -304167, 2. M/s United Lead Oxide, Kundaim (6
Fax No. 0877-2285600, VF120 PP )
Ph No. 0877-2265000 / 0857-2280100. Office & Works Address:
Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH, Plot No. 216, Kundaim Industrial
APC - 205000 Cells Estate, Kundaim, Goa-
2. M/s HBL (6VF120PPTLB) 403 115.
Office Address: Email: ravindra@jumbobatteryin
8-2-601, Road No. 10, Banjara
Hills, Hyderabad- 500 034, Ph. 0832-2395534
Ph no. 08922-2258159,179,171-175, Category – S, Ownership - OTH,
email: APC – 60000
Works Address:
(i) Survey No. 123 to 126 & 138(P) to
144(P), Village: Kandivalsa,
Pusapatirega (Mondal), KaniMetta,
Vizianagaram – 535204 (Andhra
(ii) Survey No. 64 to 67 & 77 to
81,Nandigaon Village, Kothur (Mandal),
Mahaboob Nagar, Distt-509 223
Telengana (INDIA)
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH,
APC - 372000 Cells
3. M/s Exide (MET 6V- 120Ah)
Office Address:
Exide House, 59E, Chowringhee Road,
Kolkata- 700 020.
Works Address:
Survey No. 246, Chichurakanapalli,
SevaganapalliPanchayath, Hosur
Taluk, KrishnagiriDistt. Tamilnadu- 635
Fax: 033-22832637/2642
Ph.: 033- 22832120/33/36/50, email
Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH,
APC – 700000
2 1100Ah VRLA Cell 1. M/s Amara Raja (9025 TL-2V) NIL
Office address:
Specification No.:- Renigunta, Cuddapah Road,
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/000 Karkambadi-517520, Tirupati(A.P.).
9 – 2014 (Rev. ‘2’) and Works Address:
STR No. (i) Renigunta, CuddapahRoad,
RDSO/PE/STR/TL/0014- Karkambadi-517520, Tirupati (A.P.).
2010(Rev-1) with Amdt. (ii) NunegundlaPalli, Bangarupalyam
No 1 & 2. Mandal, Chittoor, District, AP – 517416,
Fax No. 0877-2285600,
Ph No. 0877-2265000 / 0857-2280100.
Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH,
APC -183600 Cells
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
2. M/s Exide (MET 2V-1100Ah)
Office Address:
Exide House, 59E, Chowringhee Road,
Kolkata-700 020.
Works Address:
Survey No. 246, Chichurakanapalli,
SevaganapalliPanchayath, Hosur Taluk,
Krishnagiri Distt. Tamilnadu -635 103.
APC -110000 Cells
Fax: 033-22832637/2642
Ph.: 033- 22832120/33/36/50, email
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
3. M/s HBL (F1100P)
Office Address:
8-2-601, Road No. 10, Banjara
Hills, Hyderabad- 500 034,
Ph no. 08922-2258159,179,171-175,
Works Address:
(i) Survey No. 123 to 126 & 138(P) to
144(P), Village: Kandivalsa,
Pusapatirega (Mondal), KaniMetta,
Vizianagaram – 535204 (Andhra
(ii) Survey No. 64 to 67 & 77 to
81,Nandigaon Village, Kothur (Mandal),
Mahaboob Nagar, Distt-509 223
Telengana (INDIA)
Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH,
APC -185000 Cells
4. M/s Microtex Energy (2VF-1100PP)
Office & work Address:
No. 42 & 43, II Main, II Phase, Pennya
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
Industrial Area, Bangalore-500088
E-mail: rkgovindan@gmail. Com
Ph. 080-28397243, 080-28394417,
Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH,
APC -199091 Cells
3 70 Ah VRLA battery 1. M/s Amara Raja (R12070) 1. M/s HBL (LR 12V70)
Office address: Office Address:
Specification No.: Renigunta, Cuddapah Road, 8-2-601, Road No. 10, Banjara
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/00 Karkambadi-517520, Tirupati (A.P.). Hills, Hyderabad- 500 034,
09 -2014 (Rev. ‘2’) and Works Address: Ph no. 08922-2258159,179,171-
(i) Renigunta, CuddapahRoad, 175, email:
STR No. Karkambadi-517520, Tirupati (A.P.). Works Address:
RDSO/PE/STR/TL/0014- (ii) NunegundlaPalli, Bangarupalyam (i) Survey No. 123 to 126 &
2010(Rev-1) with Amdt. Mandal, 138(P) to 144(P), Village:
No 1 & 2. Chittoor, District, AP – 517416 Kandivalsa, Pusapatirega, (Mondal), ManiMetta
Fax No. 0877-2285600 , Ph No. 0877- Vizianagaram-535204 (Andhra
2265000 / 0857-2280100. Pradesh).
Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH, (ii) Survey No. 64 to 67 & 77 to
APC - 300000 Cells 81,Nandigaon Village, Kothur
(Mandal), Mahaboob Nagar, Distt-
509223, Telengana, (India)
Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH,
APC -828000 Cells
2. M/s Exide- 6MET70 (12V70AH)
Office Address:
Exide House, 59E, Chowringhee
Road, Kolkata- 700 020.
Works Address:
Survey No. 246,
Chichurakanapalli, Sevaganapalli
Panchayath, Hosur Taluk,
Krishnagiri Distt. Tamilnadu-
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
Fax: 033-22832637/2642
Ph.: 033- 22832120/33/36/50,
Category-OTH, Ownership- OTH
APC - 240000 Cells
4 Roof mounted AC 1. M/s Amit Engineers, Baddi 1. M/s Stesalit Ltd. # Subject to
package unit for LHB Ph. 0172 4733836, 01792 247711, Office Address: Compliance of
variant AC coaches Office Address: Unit I: M/s. Stesalit Ltd., 712A, 7th additional testing
M/s Amit Engineers, Floor, Shakuntala Apartment, 59, facilities as per
Specification No.:- E- 181,1st floor, Industrial area, Phase Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 RDSO STR No.
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/0061 – VII, Mohali (Punjab) – 160055. Unit II: M/s. Stesalit Ltd., Plot No. RDSO/PE/STR/AC
– 2005 (Rev.’1’) & Work Address: 114 Industrial Area Baddi, Dist. /0008 – 2003
Drawing No.:- Village Judi Kalan, Distt. Solan, Teh. Solan (HP)-173205 (Rev.’4’)
RDSO/PE/SK/AC/0069- Nalagarh, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh- Works Address:
2004 (Rev.3) and STR 173205. M/s. Stesalit Ltd., Plot No. 17,
No.:- Category – S, Ownership - OTH HPSIDC, Baddi, Dist. Solan (HP)-
RDSO/PE/STR/AC/0008- APC -2400 Nos. 173205
2003 (Rev.4) Ph. 8447735802, 9218678853
APC -650 Nos.
2. M/s. Sidwal Refrigeration Industries 2. M/s Prag Polymers, Lucknow
Ltd., Office Address:
Regd Office Address: B-1, Talkatora Industrial Estate,
108-A, Madangir, New Delhi- 110062 Lucknow--226011
Works address: Works Address:
Plot No. 23, Sector -6, Faridabad, A-40, 41, Talkatora Industrial Estate,
Haryana-121006. Lucknow-226011
Ph: 9910379120, Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH
Category – S, Ownership - OTH APC -500 Nos.
APC -3000 Nos.
3. M/s Intec. Corp. Selaqui
Office Address:
Khasra No. 850/2, Mandi, New Delhi-
Works address:
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
F-89, Industrial Area, Selaqui,
Dehradoon, Uttarakhand – 248197
Fax: 011-6072549
Ph. 01702-38505,
Category – S, Ownership - OTH
APC -1200 Nos.
4. #M/s Fedders Electric & Engineering Ltd.,
Office address:
C4, Phase-II, Noida, Gautam Buddha
Nagar (UP).
Works address:
Saketi Road, Kala-Amb, Distt. Sirmour,
Himachal Pradesh-173030.
Fax: 0120-2562632
Ph. 0120-2563032/33,
Ownership - OTH
APC -600 Nos.

5. M/s EssEss Kay Engg. Co.(P) Ltd.,

Office & Works address:
Factory Area, Post Box No.8
Fax. 01822-232668
Phone 01822-232587, 232956, 221614-15,
Category – S, Ownership - OTH
APC -1200 Nos

6. M/s Daulat Ram Engineering Services

Pvt. Ltd, Simrai Mandideep (MP)
Office & Works address:
10/2, NH-12, Simarai, Post
Obedullahganj, Distt. Raisen-463993
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
Fax: 07480-231250
Ph. 9981543211, 8889000731,
Category – OTH,
Ownership - OTH
APC -2500 Nos.

5 Switch Board Cabinets

5.1 Switch Board Cabinet 1. M/s Ess Ess Kay, Kapurthala 1. M/s Ramyaa Electrogear Pvt. Ltd.,
for LHB AC Power Car Office & Works address: Chennai
for 2x500 kVA DA Set Unit-I: Factory Area, Post Box No.8 Office address:
Specification No:- Kapurthala-144601 (Punjab) Block No.2 Shed No.3, SIDCO
EDTS 103 Rev. ‘D’, Works Unit-II: Plot No. 34-36, Phase-II Electronic Complex, Guindy,
Amendment ‘7’ & Industrial Area, Sansarpur Terrace, Dist- Chennai-600 032.
RDSO Modification Kangra (H.P) 176501 Works address:
Sheet no. Fax: 01822-232668 E6 & E6 B, Arulampet II Cross
RDSO/PE/MS/AC/0051 Ph. 01822-232587, 232956, 221614-15, Street, Thru-VI-KA Industrial
-Rev-2 with Category -Other than MSME, Ownership - Estate, Guindy, Chennai- 600032
amendment no.1 and OTH Fax: 044-22500531.
STR no.- APC - 250 Nos. Ph. 044-22500639.
RDSO/PE/STR/AC/002 Category – S,
7-2009 (Rev.’1’) Ownership - OTH
APC -500 Nos
2. M/s International Switchgears, 2. M/s Amit Engineers, Baddi
Chandigarh Office Address:
Office address: M/s Amit Engineers, E- 181,1st
925-A, Industrial Area, Phase-II, floor, Industrial area, Phase -VII,
Chandigarh-160 002 Mohali (Punjab)-160055.
Works address: Work Address:
E-132-33-34, Industrial Area, Phase-VII, Village Judi Kalan, Distt. Solan,
S.A.S Nagar, Mohali (Punjab) Teh. Nalagarh, Baddi, Himachal
Fax. 0172- 4559900, 2652408. Pradesh -173 205.
Ph: 0172-4559999 Ph. 0172-4733836, 01792-247711,
Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH Category -S, Ownership - OTH
APC -350 Nos APC -1100 Nos
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Trinitron Control Systems Pvt. Ltd., 3. M/s NEC Switchgears & Controls,
Greater Noida Mohali
Office address: Office address:
A-42, Sector-8, Uttar Pradesh-201301 E-254, Industrial Area, Phase 8-B,
Works address: Mohali-160071 (Punjab) India
82-83-84, Toy City, Ecotech III, Greater Works address:
Noida, UP-201 308 E-254, Industrial Area, Phase 8-B,
Fax: 0120-2424125. Mohali- 160 071 (Punjab) India
Category – S, Ownership - OTH Fax: 0172-4644144,
APC - 360 Nos. Category –S, Ownership - OTH
APC - 360 Nos.
4. M/s Abrol Engg., Kapurthala 4. M/s P. D. Steels, Mohali
Office address: Office & Works address:
P.O. Box 2, ‘Abrol House’, Industrial C-146, Phase-VII, Industrial Area,
Area, Kapurthala-144 601 (Punjab). Mohali-160055 (Punjab)
Works address: Fax. 0172-5097942,
P.O.Box 2, ‘Abrol House’, Industrial Ph. 0172-5097941,
Area, Kapurthala-144 601 (Punjab). Category – S, Ownership - OTH
Fax.01822-232098 APC -360 Nos.
Ph. 01822-232053, 5. M/s Hind Rectifiers Ltd., Mumbai
Category -Other than MSME , Office address:
Ownership - OTH Lake Road, Bhandup (W), Mumbai-
APC - 300Nos. 400078 (Maharashtra)
Works address:
Plot No. 110/111, E-16 Road, MIDC,
Satpur, Nashik-422007
APC - 400 Nos.
Ph. 02225696789,
Category – other than MSME ,
Ownership - OTH
APC - 800 Nos.
6. M/s Modern Railtech Equipment
Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
Office address:
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
Room No. 212, Karnani Mansion, 2nd
Floor, 25A, Park Street, Kolkata-
700016 (West Bengal)
Works address:
B1-92/A/New B.B.T. Road, P.O.
Daulatpur, Maheshtalla, Kolkata-
(West Bengal)
Ph. 033-46011314,
Category – S, Ownership - OTH
APC - 1000 Nos
7. M/s M.V. Electrosystems Pvt. Ltd.,
Office address:
118/1, First Floor, Gali No. 2,
New Delhi-110019, India
Works address:
7/19/1/2/2, 19/2/2/2, Baghola,
Road, Baghola, Distt. -Palwal
(Haryana)-121102, India
Fax: 011-46869393
Ph. 011-46869393/ 9560241919,
Category – S, Ownership-OTH
5.2 Microprocessor based Smart Switch Board Cabinet (MSSBC) for LHB EOG/HOG Type AC Coaches has been developed as per
specification no- RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/0192-2018 (Rev.’0’) & STR no.- RDSO/PE/STR/AC/0027- 2009(Rev-1). Following vendors have
been approved in the category of “List of RDSO vendors for developmental orders” after approval of competent authority:
Microprocessor based NIL 1. M/s Sidwal Refrigeration Industries
Smart Switch Board Pvt. Ltd., Faridabad
Cabinet (MSSBC) for Regd Office Address:
LHB EOG/HOG Type 108-A, Madangir, New Delhi-
AC Coaches 110062
Specification no.- Works address:
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/01 Plot No. 23, Sector-6, Faridabad,
92-2018 (Rev.’0’) & Haryana-121006. Ph:
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
Drawing No.:- 9910379120, email:
-2018 (Rev.'0') Sheet 1 Category – S, Ownership - OTH
to Sheet 16, APC- 700 Nos.
-2019 (Rev.'0') Sheet 1 2. M/s Hind Rectifiers Ltd., Nashik
to Sheet 48 and Office address:
STR no.- Lake Road, Bhandup (W), Mumbai-
RDSO/PE/STR/AC/002 400078 (Maharashtra)
7-2009 (Rev.’1’) Works address:
M/s Hind Rectifier Ltd,
Plot No. 110/111, E-16 Road, MIDC,
Satpur, Nashik-
Ph. 02225696789,
Category – Other than MSME,
Ownership - OTH
APC- 500 Nos.
3. M/s Modern Railtech Equipment
Manufactures Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
Office address:
Room No. 212, Karnani Mansion, 2nd
Floor, 25A, Park Street, Kolkata-
700016 (West Bengal)
Works address:
B1-92/A/New B.B.T. Road, P.O.
Daulatpur, Maheshtalla, Kolkata-
700141 (West Bengal)
Category – S, Ownership - OTH
Ph. 033-46011314, 9734465914,
APC- 2000 Nos.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
4. M/s NEC Switchgears and Controls,
Mohali, Punjab.
Office address:
E-254, Industrial Area,
Phase 8-B, Mohali- 160 071
(Punjab) India
Works address:
E-254, Industrial Area, Phase 8-B,
Mohali- 160 071 (Punjab) India
Fax. 0172-4644144,
Ph : 96460200, email:,
Category – S, Ownership - OTH
APC- 600 Nos.
5. M/s Trolex India Private Ltd.,
Office & Works address:
Plot No. 88-B, ElectronicCity, Hosur
Road, Bangalore- 560100
Ph. 7892196921,,
Category – S, Ownership - OTH
APC- 600 Nos.
6. M/s RT Vision Technologies Pvt.
Ltd., Greater Noida
Office Address:
131/8 Krishna Nagar, Safdurganj
Enclave, New Delhi- 110029, Uttar
Pradesh, India
Works Address:
Plot No. G-97 Site V UPSIDC
Kasna Industrial Area, Greater
Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201308.
Ph: 9717591222,
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
APC- 1200 Nos.
7. M/s Sirveen Control Systems Pvt.
Ltd., Hyderabad
Office & Works Address:
Plot No. A-7/1, Electronic
complex, Kushaiguda,Hyderabad-
500062, Telangana.
Ph:9676015577, email:,
Category – S, Ownership - OTH
APC- 5000 Nos.
8. M/s VGS and Technologies Pvt.
Ltd., Hyderabad
Office address:
Plot No.C-12/A/1,3rd floor, Electronic
Complex, Kushiguda, Beside
Industrial Canteen, Hyderabad-
500062, Telangana.
Works address:
Unit I: C-12/A/1,3rd floor, Electronic
Complex, Kushiguda, Beside
Industrial Canteen, Hyderabad-
500062, Telangana.
Unit II: Plot No. D-37, Road 10,
Electronic Complex, Kushiguda
Hyderabad-500062, Telangana.
Category – S, Ownership - OTH
APC- 1000 Nos.
5.3 Set of Panels for GaribRath LHB EOG/HOG type AC coaches of Indian Railways as per RDSO specification no.
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/0200-2020(Rev-0) and RDSO STR No. RDSO/PE/STR/AC/0027-2009(Rev-1). Following vendors have been
approved in the category of "List of RDSO vendors for developmental orders" after approval of competent authority:
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
Set of Panels for Garib NIL 1. M/s Abrol Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
Rath LHB EOG/ HOG Kapurthala
type AC coaches Office address:
P.O. Box 2, ‘Abrol House’, Industrial
Specification no.- Area, Kapurthala-144 601 (Punjab).
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/0 Works address:
200-2020 (Rev.’0’) P.O. Box 2, ‘Abrol House’, Industrial
Drawing No.: - Area, Kapurthala-144 601 (Punjab).
RDSO/PE/SK/AC/0205 Fax.01822-232098
-2019 (Rev.'0’) Sheet Ph. 01822-232053,9357200814,
15, email:,
RDSO/PE/SK/AC/0206 Category – other than MSME,
-2019 (Rev.'0’) Sheet1 Ownership – OTH
to Sheet 48, APC- 2000 Nos.
RDSO/PE/SK/AC/0219 2. M/s Hind Rectifiers Ltd., Nashik
-2020(Rev.'0’) Sheet 1 Office address:
to Sheet 5, Lake Road, Bhandup (W), Mumbai-
RDSO/PE/SK/AC/0220 400078 (Maharashtra)
-2020(Rev.'0’) Sheet 1 Works address:
to Sheet 3 M/s Hind Rectifier Ltd,
STR no.- Plot No. 110/111, E-16 Road, MIDC,
RDSO/PE/STR/AC/002 Satpur, Nashik-422007
7-2009 (Rev.’1’) (Maharashtra)
Ph. 02225696789,
Category –other than MSME,
Ownership – OTH
APC- 800 Nos.
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Modern Railtech Equipment
Manufactures Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
Office address:
Room No. 212, Karnani Mansion, 2nd
Floor, 25A, Park Street, Kolkata-
700016 (West Bengal)
Works address:
B1-92/A/New B.B.T. Road, P.O.
Daulatpur, Maheshtalla, Kolkata-
(West Bengal)
Ph. 033-46011314, 9734465914,
9830065962, email:,
Category – S, Ownership - OTH
APC- 2000 Nos.
4. M/s Trinitron Conrol Systems Pvt.
Ltd., Noida, UP
Office address:
A-42, Sector-8, Uttar Pradesh-
Works address:
82-83-84, Toy City, Ecotech III,
Greater Noida, UP-201 308
Fax: 0120-2424125,
Category – S,
Ownership - OTH
APC- 500 Nos.
6 Switch Board Cabinet for HOG Compliant LSLRD Coaches has been developed as a NEW ITEM as per specification no-
RDSO/PE/SPEC/TL/0195-2019 (Rev.’0’) & STR no-RDSO/PE/STR/AC/0027-2009(Rev-1).Applications of five vendors were processed
and after successful capacity assessment & prototype testing following vendors were approved in the category of “ List of RDSO
vendors for developmental orders” after approval of competent authority. This may please also be included in the vendor directory at
appropriate place as per following details -
Switch Board Cabinet for NIL 1. M/s Trinitron Control Systems Pvt.
HOG Compliant Ltd, Noida, UP
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
LSLRD Coaches. Office Address:
Spec. No - RDSO/PE A-42, Sector-8, Uttar
/SPEC/TL Pradesh-201301
/0195-2019 (Rev.’0’) Works Address:
Drg No- 82-83-84, Toy City, Ecotech III, G.
RDSO/PE/SK/TL/0212- Noida, UP-201 308
2019 (Rev.0) Sheet 1 to APC -210 Nos
7 Phone no. 0120-2424214,
Fax no. 0120-2424125
Specification No. : Email-,
Category – S, Ownership - OTH,
RDSO/PE/SPEC/TL/019 2. M/s Ramyaa Electro Gear Pvt.
5-2019 (Rev.’0’) & Ltd., Chennai
Drg. No.- Office Addres:
RDSO/PE/SK/TL/0212- Block No.2 Shed No.3, SIDCO
2019(Rev.’0’) Sheet 1 to Electronic Complex, Guindy,
7 and Chennai-600 032.
STR no.- Works Address:
RDSO/PE/STR/AC/0027- Unit -1 E6 & E 6B,Arulampet II
2009 (Rev.’1’) Cross Street,Thru- VI-KA Industrial
Estate,Guindy, Chennai-600 032
Unit –II
Plot no. DP 284, SIDCO Industrial
Estate, Thirumudivakkam, Chennai-
600044, Tamil Nadu
Email id
Fax no 044-22500531, Phone no.
Category – S,
Ownership - OTH,
APC - 600 Nos
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s NEC Switchgears and Controls,
Mohali, Punjab.
Office address:
E-254, Industrial Area,
Phase 8-B, Mohali- 160 071
(Punjab) India
Works Address:
E-254, Industrial Area, Phase 8-B,
Mohali- 160 071 (Punjab) India
Fax 0172-4644144,
Category – S,Ownership - OTH,
APC - 600 Nos
4. M/s Hind Rectifiers Limited. Nashik,
Office address:
P.B. No. 17303, Lake Road,
Bhandup (W), Mumbai-400078
Works Address:
M/s Hind Rectifier Ltd,
Plot No. 110/111, E-16 Road, MIDC,
Satpur, Nashik-422007
Email id
Fax no 022-25964114,
Phone no. 022-25696789,
Category – other than MSME,
Ownership - OTH,
APC -800 Nos
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
5. M/s International Switchgears Pvt.
Ltd. Mohali,Punjab
Office Address:
925-A, Industrial Area, Phase-II,
Chandigarh-160 002
Works Address:
E-132-33-34, Industrial Area,
Phase-VII, S.A.S Nagar, Mohali
Email id
Fax no 0172-4559900,
Phone no. 0172-4559999,
Category – OTH,
Ownership - OTH,
APC - 500 Nos
6. M/s EssEss Kay Engg. Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
Factory Area, Post Box No.8
Email id
Fax no 01822-232668,
Phone no. 01822-232587,
Category – other than MSME
Ownership - OTH,
APC - 2700 Nos.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
7. M/s P. D. Steels, Mohali
Office Address:
Plot no-C-146,
Phase-VII, Industrial. Area,
Mohali-160055 (Punjab).
Works Address:
Plot no-C-146,
Phase-VII, Industrial. Area,
Mohali-160055 (Punjab).
Phone no-0172-5097941
Fax no-0172-5097942,
Category – S,
Ownership - OTH,
APC -250 Nos
8. M/s Abrol Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd.,
Office address:
P.O.Box 2, ‘Abrol House’,
Industrial Area, Kapurthala-144
601 (Punjab).
Works Address:
P.O.Box 2, ‘Abrol House’,
Industrial Area, Kapurthala-144
601 (Punjab).
Email id
Fax no 01822-232098,
Phone no. 01822-232053,
Category – other than MSME,
Ownership - OTH,
APC -500 Nos
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendors with Office Remarks
No. Name with its Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
Current Spec. No / Category, Ownership, Annual Production Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Drg No. / STR No. Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
1 2 3 4 5
9. M/s M.V. Electrosystems Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi
Office Address:
118/1, First Floor, Gali No. 2,
Govindpuri, New Delhi-110019,
Works Address:
7/19/1/2/2, 19/2/2/2, Baghola,
Tatarpur Road, Baghola, Distt.-
Palwal(Haryana)-121102, India
Phone no. 09560241919
Email id,
Category – S,
Ownership - OTH,
APC -1000 Nos
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
1 30 / 42 MVA, 50 Hz, Single 1. T & R (Ahemadabad) (APC - 80) * Vide letters dated
Phase, ONAN/ONAF Traction Office Address: 11.11.2020 firms
Power Transformer M/s Transformers and Rectifiers (India) have been approved
(220/27 KV) Ltd., Survey No. 427P/3- 4 & 431, Sarkhej as a ‘Developmental
Bawaza HighwayMoraiya, Taluka-Sanad, Vendor’ with limited
Spec. No.- Distt.- Ahemadabad-382213, quantity (i.e. 02 nos)
TI/SPC/PSI/30TRN/2070 with Phone: 02717-661661 for the item with other
A & C Slip No.1 (Oct, 2016) Fax: 02717-661716 conditions mentioned, in the letters.
Works Address:
Survey No. 344- 350, Sarkhej- Bavia
Highway N.H. No. 8A, Village-Changodar,
Taluka-Sanad, Distt.- Ahemadabad-
Phone: 02717-661661
Fax: 02717-661716
Category – OTH , Ownership – OTH
2. M/s BHEL (Jhansi)*
Office & Works Address:
P.O. BHEL, Jhansi – 284 129.
Tel: 0517-2440944,
Fax: 0517-2443108
E-mail :,
Category – OTH , Ownership – OTH
3. GE T&D (Vadodara)*
Office & Works Address:
M/s GE T&D India Ltd., LTI Division,
Milestone 87, Vadodara Halol Highway,
Kotambly, Vadodara -391510
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phone: 02688-661- 12,
Fax: 02688-661201
E-mail :,
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
2 30 / 42 MVA, 50 Hz, Single 1. TELK (Kerala) (APC– 10)
Phase, ONAN/ONAF, Traction Office & Works Address:
Power Transformer (110/27 M/s Transformers and Electricals Kerala
KV) Ltd., Post Angamally Dist. - Ernakulam,
Kerala-683 573
Spec. No.- Phone: 0484-2452251,
TI/SPC/PSI/30TRN/2070 with A Fax: 0484-2452873
& C Slip No.1 (Oct, 2016) email:; ,
Category – OTH ,
Ownership – OTH
NOTE: If a Vendor not approved for a particular Specification, A & C Slip is and given an order, the Vendor shall get the first Prototype,
implementing such A & C Slip (which involves change in Design), for which the Vendor was hitherto not approved, duly approved by RDSO.
These vendors are also suitable for Repairs of Traction Power Transformer in reference to Railway Board’s Letter no. 2005/RE/141/1 dated
3 Converter Oil for 3 phase 1. M/s Shell for Shell Diala S3ZX-i,
locomotives NewDelhi
Office & Works address:
Spec. No.- 1001 – 1009, Anshal Tower,38, Nehru
EC: 60296-2003 and CLW Place, NewDelhi –110019.
Spec.No. Corresspondance address:
CLW/ES/3/0172(Latest and Trent House, Bandra Kurla Complex
RDSO requirement) and RDSO Road, G-Block, BKC, Bandra Kurla
letter No. complex, Bandra East, Mumbai,
TI/PSI/TRNPWR/POLICY/16/0 Maharastra – 400051
1 dated 28.10.2016. Phone:011-62166139- 41,6483003/4,
Fax 011-6472341
Ownership – OTH
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
4 220 kV SF6 Circuit 1. APPSIL (APC– 200) (Vadodara) (Type 1. M/s GE T&D India Ltd. * * Vide letters dated
Breaker (Double Pole & Triple LTB245E1 withFSA1 Spring-Spring Office Address: 12.11.2020 firm has
Pole) Operating Mechanism) A-18, First Floor, FIEE Complex, Okhla been approved as a
Office Address: Industrial Area, Phase II, New Delhi- ‘Developmental
Spec. No.- M/s ABB Power Products and Systems 110020 (India) Vendor’ with limited
TI/SPC/PSI/HVCB/0120 India Ltd., IInd floor, Raj Chambers – 1, Works Address: quantity (i.e. 02 nos)
(June,2014) Rev.0 with A&C Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow - 226001 142, Salamangalam Village, Vandalur for the item with other
Slip No.1& 2 (Oct. 2016) Works Address: Walajabad Road Padappai, Kanchipuram conditions mentioned
M/s ABB Power Products and Systems District, Chennai-601301, Tamil Nadu in the letters.
India Ltd., Maneja, Vadodara –390013 (India)
Phone: 0265 –2641669 Phone No.: 01141610660
Fax: 0265 –2643658 Fax No. : 01141610659
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH e-mail:
2. CGL (Nasik) (Type 120-SFM- 32 B Category – OTH ,
Spring- Spring Operating Mechanism) Ownership – OTH
Office & Works address:
M/s CG Power and Industrial
Solutions Ltd., Switchgear complex A-
NASIK,(Maharashtra) - 422 010,
Phone: 0253-2382271 to 75
Phone: 0253-2382271 to 75
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
APC– 200
5 Higher diameter 1. CCS* *In compliance to to
(22.5 mm to 26 mm dia.) Office & Work address: recommendation of
Continuous Cast M/s Carlo Colombo SPA, 26026, Vigilance Cell/RDSO
Copper (CCC) Wire Rod Pizzighettone (CP), Italy-via Regona-3 Note no. 12/Vig/03/
(Manufactured Tele:+390269467453, PC/18 dated
by South Wire Fax: +390269467903 27.08.2015, citing
Process) e-mail: DG/ RDSO’s
Category – OTH , approval, all
Ownership – OTH manufacturer of CCC
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Spec. No.- 2. TEW* rod have been
ETI/OHE/65(08/87) with A&C Office & Work address: yreated as approved
Slip No. 1 to 5. M/s Taihan Electric Wire Co. Ltd., 194- source of CCC rod.
15, 1-KA Heohyun- dong Chung-ku, Uniform policy as per
ETI/OHE/76(06/97) with A&C Seoul, South Korea. RDSO’s extant ISO
Slip No. 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9& 10 Tele: +8223169412, procedure is to be
Fax:+390269467903 followed for inclusion
e-mail: m of further source of
Category – OTH, CCC rod whether
Ownership – OTH imported or
6 Control & Relay Panel for 25 1. ALIND (T) (APC– 360 Sets) 1. ASHIDA (APC– 240 sets)
kV AC TSS & Shunt Capacitor [Type:ANCB(25KV) & ANCRP(25KV)] (Type:IRCRPCAP01 & IRCRPTSS 01)
Bank including specification Office & Work Address: Office Addresss:
for Numerical type Protection M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd., Relays M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.
Relays for Traction Division, Kavinpuram Vilappilsala, A- 308, Road No. 21 Wagle Industrial
Transformer, 25 kV Shunt Thiruvananthapuram – Estate, Thane- 400604.
Capacitor Bank and 695573.(Kerala) Phone: 022-25827525,25827524,
Transmission line for 25 kV Phone: 0471-2379704, 2379503, 25827526,
AC TSS on Indian Railways Fax: 0471-2378760 Fax: 022- 25804262
comprising following relays e-mail: & e-mail: sales@ashidaelectr
i. Over Current & Restricted Works Address:
Earth Fault Relay Category – OTH , For Control & relay Panel and SCADA :
ii. Differential Protection Ownership – OTH Plot No. A-191, Road No. 16AAmbika
Relay Nagar, Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane-
iii. Master Trip Relay 400604.
iv. Inter Trip Relay For Relays:
v. Voltage Operated Aux. Plot No. A- 308, Road No. 21 Wagle
Relay Industrial Estate, Thane
vi. Numerical AC & DC Category – S, Ownership – OTH
Monitoring Relay
vii. Under / Over Voltage
Protection Relays
viii. Over Current &
Unbalance Current Relay
Spec. No.-
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
6071 with A&C Slip No. 1
7 Microprocessor based 1. ALIND (T) (APC– 3000)
Numerical Integrated Feeder (Type:ANZ114)
Protection Module comprising M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd.,
DPR, OCR, WPC, PTFF & Office & Works address:
Auto Reclosure Relay for 25 kV Relays Division, Kavinpuram
AC Single phase 50 Hz Vilappilsala, Thiruvananthapuram –
Traction Sub-station 695573.(Kerala)
Phone: 0471-2379704, 2379503,
Spec. No.- Fax: 0471-2378760
TI/SPC/PSI/PROTCT/5070 e-mail: &
(Rev.1) with A&C Slip No. 1
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
2. ASHIDA (APC– 2000) (Type:A21R)
Office & Works Addresss:
M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Plot
No. A- 308, Road No. 21 Wagle
Industrial Estate, Thane- 400604.
Phone: 022-25827525,25827524,
Fax: 022- 25804262
e-mail: sales@ashidaelectr
Category – S, Ownership – OTH
8 Delta-I type high resistive fault 1. ALIND (T) (Type:ANPD 112)
selective relay for 25 kV AC M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd.,
single phase 50Hz traction Office & Works Address:
system Relays Division, Kavinpuram
Vilappilsala, Thiruvananthapuram-
Spec. No.- 695573. (Kerala)
TI/SPC/PSI/PROTCT/1982 with Phone: 0471-2379704, 2379503,
A & C Slip No.1 & 2 Fax: 0471-2378760
e-mail: &
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
(APC– 3000)
2. ASHIDA (APC– 1000) (Type:A22R)
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Office Works Addresss:
M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Plot
No. A- 308, Road No. 21 Wagle
Industrial Estate, Thane- 400604.
Phone: 022-25827525,25827524,
Fax: 022- 25804262
e-mail: sales@ashidaelectr
Category – S, Ownership – OTH
9 Panto Flash Over Protection 1. ALIND (T) (APC– 3000) (Type:ANPF 1. ASHIDA (APC– 1000) (Type:APFO/1)
Relay for 25 kV AC single 041) (Logic 1)
phase 50Hz traction system Office & Works address: Office & Works Addresss:
M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd., Relays M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.
Spec. No.- Division, Kavinpuram Vilappilsala, A- 308, Road No. 21 Wagle Industrial
TI/SPC/PSI/PROTCT/2983 with Thiruvananthapuram – Estate, Thane- 400604.
A&C Slip No. 1 695573.(Kerala) Phone: 022-25827525,25827524,
Phone: 0471-2379704, 2379503, 25827526,
Fax: 0471-2378760 Fax: 022- 25804262
e-mail: & e-mail: Category – S ,
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH Ownership – OTH
10 Control & Relay Panel for 1. ASHIDA (APC– 30 sets) 1. ALIND(T) (APC– 360 sets)
protection system of Mumbai Office Addresss: Office &Works address:
Sub-urban area for 50Hz AC M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Plot M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd., Relays
Traction Power Supply No. A- 308, Road No. 21 Wagle Division, Kavinpuram Vilappilsala,
System including Parallel Industrial Estate, Thane- 400604. Thiruvananthapuram –695573.(Kerala)
Operation on 25 kV Side Phone: 022-25827525,25827524, Phone: 0471-2379704, 2379503,
comprising following relays 25827526, Fax: 0471-2378760
i. Integrated Feeder Fax: 022- 25804262 e-mail: &
Protection Relay e-mail: sales@ashidaelectr
ii. Vectorial Delta-I Relay Works Address: Category – OTH ,
iii. Panto Flashover For Control & relay Panel and Ownership – OTH
Protection Relay SCADA : Plot No. A-191, Road No.
iv. Over Current & Restricted 16AAmbika Nagar, Wagle Industrial
Earth Fault Transformer Estate, Thane- 400604.
Protection Relay For Relays:
v. Transformer Differential
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Protection Relay Plot No. A- 308, Road No. 21 Wagle
vi. Low Impedance Bus-Bar Industrial Estate, Thane
Differential Protection Category – S, Ownership – OTH
vii. High Impedance Bus-Bar
Differential Protection
viii. Definite Time Over
Current Relay
ix. Synchronous Check
x. Reverse Power
Protection Relay
xi. DC Monitoring /
Supervision Relay
Spec. No.-
(10/2005) with A&C Slip No. 1
11 Series Reactor for Capacitor 1. QPE (APC– 150)
Bank Low loss Office and Works Address:
M/s Quality Power Electrical
Spec. No.- Equipments Pvt. Ltd., L-61 , MIDC,
TI/SPC/PSI/FC&SR/0100 with Kupwad-416 436, Sangli
A&C Slip No. 1 (Oct 2016) (Maharashtra).
Phone: 0233-2645432, 2645435,
Fax: 0233-2465433
Category – S , Ownership – OTH
2. SEPL (APC– 200)
Office Address:
M/s Shrihans Electrical Pvt Ltd., 02
Tower, A Wing 605 – 607 Opposite
Ashanagar , Opp P.K Road, Mulund
West Mumbai.-400080
Works Address :
J 92, MIDC,Taloja District-Raigad,
Maharashtra – 410208
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phone: 022-25684836
Category – S , Ownership – OTH
12 Composite Stay Arm Insulator 1. DECCAN
(Very heavy polluted) (1600mm Office & Works Address:
CD) M/s Deccan Enterprises Ltd., B/58,59 and
60, Asstd. Pvt. Industrial Estate,
Spec. No.- Balanagar, Hyderabad- 500037.
TI/SPC/OHE/INSCOM/ 1071 Phone: 040-23870111,
(Rev-01) Fax: 040-23778699
e-mail :
Category – S, Ownership – OTH
2. OGL
Office Address:
M/s Olectra Greentech Ltd., Centre Point
Building, 4th Floor plot 359 to 363/401 , US
Consulate Lane, Begumpet Secundrabad –
Phone: 040- 46989999/27266783,
Fax: 040- 27266786
e-mail: omsaiudyog.india
Works Address:
Plot No. 1&9, Phase-2, IDA, Cherlapally,
Hyderabad- 500051
Phone: 040- 46989999/27266783,
Fax: 040-27266786
e-mail: omsaiudyog.india
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
3. BHEL (APC– 162500)
Office & Work address:
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited.
(Electric & Photovoltaic Division), Post Box
No. 1245, Prof. C.N.R. Rao Circle, Opp.
IISC, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560 012
Phone: 080-22182435/2246
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Fax: 080-23560741
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
4. Adinath
Office Address:
M/s Adinath Industries, 31,Rajendra Park,
Pusa Road, New Delhi-110060
2. M/s Adinath Industries, C-9/2, DLF City,
Phase-I, Sukhchaen Marg, Gurgaon-
Works Address:
M/s Adinath Industries, E-45 (G2),
Khushkhera Industrial Area, Bhiwadi-
301707. District Alwar, Rajasthan
Phone: 9810060890
e-mail:, * Vide letters dated
Category – S, Ownership – OTH 28/29.10.2020 &
5. Raychem* 05.11.2020, firm has
Office & Works Address: been approved as a
M/s Raychem RPG (P) Ltd, Village Kanjari, ‘Developmental
Taluka Halol, Near Halol GIDC, Dist- Vendor’ with limited
Panchmahal, Gujarat-389350. quantity(i.e. 500 nos)
Phone : 02676610800, 9868113411 for the item with
e-mail:, other conditions mentioned in the
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH letters.
13 Composite Bracket Insulator 1. DECCAN
(Very heavy polluted) (1600mm Office & Works Address:
CD) M/s Deccan Enterprises Ltd., B/58,59 and
60, Asstd. Pvt. Industrial Estate,
Spec. No.- Balanagar, Hyderabad- 500037.
Phone: 040-23870111,
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
TI/SPC/OHE/INSCOM/ 1071 Fax: 040-23778699
(Rev-01) e-mail :
e-mail :
Category – S, Ownership – OTH
2. OGL
M/s Olectra Greentech Ltd.,
Office Address:
Centre Point Building, 4th Floor plot 359 to
363/401 , US Consulate Lane, Begumpet
Secundrabad- 500003.
Phone: 040- 46989999/27266783,
Fax: 040- 27266786
Works Address:
Plot No. 1&9, Phase-2, IDA, Cherlapally,
Hyderabad- 500051
Phone: 040- 46989999/27266783,
Fax: 040-27266786
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
3. BHEL (APC– 162500)
Office & Work address:
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited.
(Electric & Photovoltaic Division), Post Box
No. 1245, Prof. C.N.R. Rao Circle, Opp.
IISC, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560 012
Phone: 080-22182435/2246
Fax: 080-23560741
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
4. M/s Adinath Industries,
Office Address:
(i) 31, Rajendra Park, Pusa Road, New
(ii) C-9/2, DLF City, Phase-I, Sukhchaen
Marg, Gurgaon-122002
Works Address:
E-45 (G2), Khushkhera Industrial Area,
Bhiwadi-301707. District Alwar, Rajasthan
Phone: 9810060890
e-mail:, * Vide letters dated 28/29.10.2020 &
Category – S, Ownership – OTH 05.11.2020, firm has
5. Raychem* been approved as a
Office & Works Address: ‘Developmental
M/s Raychem RPG (P) Ltd, Village Vendor’ with limited
Kanjari, Taluka Halol, Near Halol GIDC, quantity(i.e. 500 nos)
Dist-Panchmahal, Gujarat-389 350. for the item with
Phone : 02676610800, 9868113411 other conditions
e-mail:, mentioned in the letters.
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
14 Composite 9 Tonne Insulator 1. DECCAN
(Very Heavy Polluted) Office & Works Address:
(1600mm CD) M/s Deccan Enterprises Ltd., B/58,59 and
60, Asstd. Pvt. Industrial Estate,
Spec. No.- Balanagar, Hyderabad- 500037.
TI/SPC/OHE/INSCOM/ 1071 Phone: 040-23870111,
(Rev-01) Fax: 040-23778699e-mail :
Category – S, Ownership – OTH
2. OGL
M/s Olectra Greentech Ltd.,
Office Address:
Centre Point Building, 4th Floor plot 359 to
363/401, US Consulate Lane, Begumpet
Secundrabad– 500003.
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Works Address:
M/s Olectra Greentech Ltd., Plot No. 1&9,
Phase-2, IDA, Cherlapally, Hyderabad-
Phone: 040- 46989999/27266783,
Fax: 040-27266786
e-mail: omsaiudyog.india
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
3. BHEL (APC– 162500)
Office & Work address:
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited.
(Electric & Photovoltaic Division), Post Box
No. 1245, Prof. C.N.R. Rao Circle, Opp.
IISC, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560 012
Phone: 080-22182435/2246
Fax: 080-23560741
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
4. Adinath
M/s Adinath Industries,
Office Address:
(i) 31,Rajendra Park, Pusa Road, New
(ii) (ii) C-9/2, DLF City, Phase-I,
Sukhchaen Marg, Gurgaon-122002
Works Address:
E-45 (G2), Khushkhera Industrial Area,
Bhiwadi-301707. District Alwar, Rajasthan
Phone: 9810060890
Category – S, Ownership – OTH * Vide letters dated
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
5. Raychem* 28/29.10.2020 &
Office & Works Address: 05.11.2020, firms
M/s Raychem RPG (P) Ltd, have been approved
Village Kanjari, Taluka Halol, Near Halol as a ‘Developmental
GIDC, Dist-Panchmahal, Gujarat-389 350 Vendor’ with limited
Phone : 02676610800, 9868113411 quantity(i.e. 150
e-mail:, nos) for the item with other conditions
Category – OTH, mentioned in the
Ownership – OTH letters.
15 Light Weight Section Insulators 1. GALLAND (APC– 6000) Approved for
Assembly Office & Work Address: following combination
The Director Commercial, of conductor
Spec. No.- M/s Galland , 255 ZI de 1’11 liot,33240 Catenary Grooved
TI/SPC/OHE/LWTSI/0060 La Landa de Fransec, France Wire copper
(Rev.1) with A&C Slip No.1 Phone: +33(0)557940720 Fax no. Contact
+33(0) 557940711 wire 19/2.10 mm, 107 mm2
65 mm2
Category – OTH,
Ownership – OTH copper
19/2.10 mm, 150 mm2
65 mm2
37/2.92 mm, 193 mm2
242 mm2
16 25 kV Composite 1. DECCAN
section Insulator (1050 mm Office Works Address:
CD) M/s Deccan Enterprises Ltd., B/58,59 and
60, Asstd. Pvt. Industrial Estate,
Spec. No.- Balanagar, Hyderabad- 500037.
TI/SPC/OHE/INSCOM/ 1071 Phone: 040-23870111,
(Rev-01) Fax: 040-23778699
e-mail :
Fax: 040-23778699
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
e-mail :
Category – S , Ownership – OTH
17 Short Neutral Section 1. AF (Approved for S.N. 1 to 4 of table * NTPL (Approved for S.N. 1 of table under iii * Vide letters dated
Assembly (Phase Break) under iii of remark column) (APC– of remark column) 04.12.2020 issued
Required quantity insignificant in Office & Works: on 10.12.2020, firm
Spec. No.- comparison to capacities of firms, so M/s Narmada Transmission Pvt. Ltd., Plot has been approved
TI/SPC/OHE /SNS/ 0000 Rev.- capacities are not applicable) No. 6/1, Industrial Estate, Gobindpura, as a ‘Developmental
1 with A&C Slip No.1 Office & Works Address :M/s Arthur Bhopal-462023, M.P. India Vendor’ with limited
Flury, CH-4543, Deitingen, Switzerland Phone No. – 07552586660 quantity(i.e. 05 nos)
Phone +41-326133366 Mobile No. – 9826054043 for the item with
Faxno. +41-326133368 Email :, other conditions
e-mail: mentioned in the
Category – OTH, Category – OTH, letter.
Ownership – OTH Ownership – OTH
2. GALLAND (Approved for S.N. 1 to 3 of ii. While Placement
table under iii of remark column) of Orders, Zonal
(Through Indian Agent M/s Atlantic Railways may re-
Trade Link Pvt. Ltd.) (APC– Required verify the validity of
quantity insignificant in comparison to MOU/ agreement
capacities of firms, so capacities are not of Indian
applicable) Representative
Office& Works Address: with OEM.
The Director Commercial, iii. Approved for
M/s Galland , 255 ZI de 1’11 following
liot,33240 La Landa de Fransec, combination of
France conductor
S. Catenary Grooved
Phone +33(0)557940720 No. Wire copper
Faxno. +33(0) 557940711 Contact
e-mail: wire
Category – OTH, 1 19/2.10 107
Ownership – OTH mm, 65 mm2
2 19/2.10 150
mm, 65 mm2
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3 19/2.79 107
mm, 65 mm2
m Alloy
4 37/2.92 193
mm, 242 mm2
18 SCADA System Complete 1. ASHIDA* - *Approval as per A &
M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd., - C Slip No. 3 yet to be
Spec. No.- Office Addresss: done.
TI/SPC/RCC/SCADA/ 0130 Plot No. A- 308, Road No. 21, Wagle
(Rev.2) with A&C slip no. 1, 2 & Industrial Estate, Thane- 400604.
3. Works Address:
Plot No. A-191, Road No. 16A, Ambika
Nagar, Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane-
Phone: 022-25827525, 25827524,
Fax: 022- 25804262
Category- S ,
Office & Work Address:
M/s. Synergy System & Solutions, A-
1526 Green Fileds Colony, Faridabad-
Phone: 0129-2510501,
Fax: 0129-2510399
Category – S, Ownership – OTH
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work
Equipment / Item Name
S. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
with their’s Current Spec. Remarks
No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
No / Drg No. / STR No.
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. V-Bro (APC–03)
Office Address:
No. 45, AVM Avenue, Vrugambakkam,
Chennai -600092
Work Address:
M/s V-Bro Tech India Pvt. Ltd., No. 16B,
Multi Industrial Nagar, Girugambakkam,
Category – S , Ownership – OTH
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(Required quantity insignificant in comparison to capacities of firms, so capacities are not applicable))
Note: Status of approval of individual items may not be coterminous with the Vendor Directory’s validity. Consignee/Inspecting authority to
verify the current status of approval from the letter issued by RDSO Vendors

S. No. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work Remarks
with their’s Current Spec. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
1. 21.6 MVA, 132/2x27 kV 50 Hz,
ONAN, Single Phase
Traction Power Transformer
Spec. No.-
ETI/PSI/123 (09/1993) with A
&C Slip No. 1 (01/1994) & 2
(Oct. 2016)
2. 25 kV Double Pole 1. ALIND (M)(spring-spring operating 1. ALIND (M)* (magnetic actuator operating * Vide letters dated
Vacuum Circuit Breaker mechanism) mechanism) 11.11.2020 M/s
Office & Works Address: Office & Works Address: ALIND and
Spec. No.- M/s The Aluminium Industries Ltd., M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd., 12.11.2020 M/s
TI/SPC/PSI/LVCBIN/0120 Switchgear Division, P.O.: Mannar, Switchgear Division, Kuttamperoor, MEGAWIN
(Dec.2013) Version - 0 with Distt. Alappuzha, (Kerala) P.O.: Mannar, Distt. Alappuzha, (Kerala) havebeen approved
A&C Slip No.1 (Oct. 2016) Phone: 0479-2312269, Phone: 0479-2312269, as a
Fax: 0479-2312358 Fax: 0479-2312358 ‘Developmental
e-mail: alindrelays@yaho e-mail: alindrelays@yaho & Vendor’ with
binualind@yahoo. binualind@yahoo. limited quantity (i.e.
Category – OTH, Category – OTH, 02 nos) for the item
Ownership – OTH Ownership – OTH with other
mentioned in the
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. No. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work Remarks
with their’s Current Spec. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2. MEGAWIN (Salem)*
M/s Megawin Switchgear-(P) Ltd.,
Office Address:
2/18, 19, Perumal Malai Adivaram,
Narasothipatti, Algapuram, Salem-
Phone: 0427- 2430571, 2430572 ,
Works Address:
35/1, 2, 3, Perumal Malai Adivaram,
Narasothipatti, Algapuram, Salem-
Phone - 0427-2330288, 2330498
Mobile No. 790633933
Fax: 0427-2430570
e-mail: sales@
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
3. 25 kV Double Pole 1. ALIND (M)(spring-spring operating 1. MEGAWIN (Salem)* * Vide letters dated
Vacuum Interrupters mechanism) M/s Megawin Switchgear-(P) Ltd., 12.11.2020 M/s
Office & Works Address: Office Address: MEGAWIN
Spec. No.- M/s The Aluminium Industries Ltd., 2/18, 19, Perumal Malai Adivaram, havebeen approved
TI/SPC/PSI/LVCBIN/0120 Switchgear Division, Mannar, P.O. Narasothipatti, Algapuram, Salem- as a
(Dec.2013) Version - 0 with Distt. Alleppey, (Kerala) 636004. ‘Developmental
A&C Slip No.1 (Oct. 2016) Phone: 0479-2312269, Phone: 0427- 2430571, 2430572 , Vendor’ with
Fax: 0479-2312358 2447099 limited quantity (i.e.
e-mail: alindrelays@yaho Works Address: 02 nos) for the item
binualind@yahoo. 35/1, 2, 3, Perumal Malai Adivaram, with other
Category – OTH, Narasothipatti, Algapuram, Salem- conditions
Ownership – OTH 636004. mentioned in the
Phone - 0427-2330288, 2330498 letters.
Mobile No. 790633933
Fax: 0427-2430570
e-mail: sales@
Category – OTH,
Ownership – OTH
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. No. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work Remarks
with their’s Current Spec. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
4. Control and Relay Panel 1. ALIND (T) [ Type: ANCRP 1. ASHIDA [Type: ACRP 2X25 TSS 01 &
including Numerical type (2X25KV) & ANCB(2X25KV)] ACRP 2X25 CAP 01]
protection relays for Scott- Office & Works address: Office Addresss:
connected/ Single Phase M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd., M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.
Traction Transformers, OHE Relays Division, Kavinpuram A- 308, Road No. 21 Wagle Industrial
protection and Shunt Vilappilsala, Thiruvananthapuram- Estate, Thane- 400604.
Capacitor Bank Protection for 695573.(Kerala) Phone: 022-25827525,25827524,
2x25 kV Traction Sub-station Phone: 0471-2379704, 2379503, 25827526,
comprising following relays Fax: 0471-2378760 Fax: 022- 25804262
i. Numerical 3OC+EF e-mail: & e-mail: sales@ashidaelectr
Protection relay for HV Works Address:
side Category – OTH , For Control & relay Panel and SCADA:
ii. Numerical Ownership – OTH M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.
Transformer Differential APC-240 sets A-191, Road No. 16AAmbika Nagar,
Protection relay Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane- 400604.
iii. d. Numerical Over For Relays:
Current and EF relay for M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.
LV side A- 308, Road No. 21 Wagle Industrial
iv. Numerical Phase failure Estate, Thane
relay Category – S ,
v. Numerical Under/Over Ownership – OTH
Voltage protection relay APC-100 sets
vi. Numerical OC + Current
unbalance protection relay
vii. Master Trip Relay
viii. Inter Trip Relay
ix. Numerical AC & DC
Monitoring Relay
Spec. No.
2012) with A&C Slip No.1
5. Series Capacitor 1. MARUBENI (NISSEN) STR No.
Office & Works Address: TI/STR/005 Rev. 0
Spec. No.- M/s Marubeni Corporation, 4-2, has been relaxed
ETI/PSI/127(08/1989) A&C Ohtemachi, 1-Chome, Chiyoda–Ku, w.e.f. 27.12.2018
SlipNo. 1 to 2 Tokyo, Japan for a period of 24
M/s NISSIN Electric Co. Ltd. Kyoto, Japan months through
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. No. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Developmental Vendors with Office & Work Remarks
with their’s Current Spec. Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. No, Category, Ownership, Annual Category, Ownership, Annual Production
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Works Address: amendment No.1
M/s Marubeni Corporation, 4-2,
Ohtemachi, 1- Chome, Chiyoda – Ku,
Tokyo, Japan
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH
6. Shunt Capacitor 1. MARUBENI (NISSEN) STR No.
Office & Works Address: TI/STR/005 Rev. 0
Spec. No.- M/s Marubeni Corporation, 4-2, has been relaxed
ETI/PSI/126(08/1989) A&C Ohtemachi, 1-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, w.e.f. 27.12.2018
SlipNo. 1 to 3 Tokyo, Japan for a period of 24
M/s NISSIN Electric Co. Ltd. Kyoto, Japan months through
Works Address: amendment No.1
M/s Marubeni Corporation, 4-2, * Vide letters dated
Ohtemachi, 1- Chome, Chiyoda – Ku, 16.12.2020 the firm
Tokyo, Japan has been approved
Category – OTH, Ownership – OTH as a
2. *Magnewin Energy Pvt.Ltd. (Sangli) ‘Developmental
Office & Works Address: Vendor’ with limited
M/s Magnewin Enery Pvt. Ltd., K-2, quantity (i.e. 02
M.I.D.C., Kupwad –416436, Dist.-Sangli, sets) for the item
Maharastra with other
Tel.: 0233- 2644456/2645141 conditions
Fax: 0233 – 2645856 mentioned in the
e-mail : marketing@magne letters.
Category – S, Ownership – OTH
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Part D
(Note: Status of approval of individual items may not be coterminous with the Vendor Directory’s validity. Consignee/Inspecting
Authority to verify the current status of approval from the letter issued by RDSO)
S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
1 Bearing for traction 1. @ SKF/Germany/Austria PE:NU - 1. M/s National Enggineering @ For supply of bearings
motor type HS1050Er 330ECMA P64VA301 Industries Ltd, Khatipura Road, through agents refer to
/HS15250A (ShoulderGuided) CE: NJ324ECMA P64 Jaipur-302006 Railway Board letter No.
PVA301+HJ324EC/VA301 Works Address: same as 99/RS(G)/709/4 dated 3-
SPEC. No - NU-330&NH- (ShoulderGuided) above 12- 2002 In tendering
324 Office & Works Address - (Brand name- NBC)PE::TS2- process only one offer
M/s SKF Gmbh Gunner Wester Strases- NU330EL1BX1CS18 8P6 shall be considered
12, D-97421 Schweinfurt/Germany (Shoulder Guided) CE:TS2- either from 1.Schaeffler
Ph : 0049(9721) 562118 NH324L1BX1CS175 MP6 Technologies AG & Co.
Fax: 0049- (9721) 562653 (Shoulder Guided) KG / Germany, Romania,
Category – OTH , e-mail- Italy or M/s Schaeffler
Ownership - OTH, shivdutt@akmittal@nbcbearings. India Ltd.
APC - 5 lakh piece in Ph:0141-223221, #.SKF/Germany/Austr
2. # M/s Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. Fax: 0141- ia (for imported
KG, Postfch 1260 97419 2224382/221926/223213 bearings ) or M/s SKF
Schweinfurt, Germany [ Germany, Category – OTH , Technologies (India)
Romania, Italy (Brand name- FAG) PE: Ownership - OTH Pvt Ltd.
NU- 330EM1A P64F1(Shoulder Guided) Ahemdabad (for
CE:NJ- 324EM1AP6R-155.195 F1+ HJ indigenous bearings )
324EF1 (Shoulder Guided)] *Type testing will be
Work Address- carried out by RDSO
M/s Schaeffler Technologies AG & against first purchase
Co.KG,georg Sshafer-Str, 30 Germany order
Ph : + 49(9721)91-0
Fax: +49(9721)91-3435APC-E:2000
CE: 5000
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Schaeffler India Limited, Maneja, 2. * M/s NSK Ltd., NSSEI Building,
Vadodara-390013 India 1-6-3 Oshaki, Shinagawa-Ku,
[PE: NU330E.M1A. P64.F1 Tokyo-141-8560 Japan
CE:NJ324E.M1A.P6.R1 Work Address:
55.195 F1+HJ 324E.F1] M/s NSK Ltd., Fujisawa plant, 1-
Works Address: 5-50 Kugenuma Shinmei
GIDC, Manjusar, Tal. Savli, Distt.- Fujisawa City, Kunagawa, Pref.
Vadodara-391775 251-8501 Japan
Email [ PE:NU330EAMCG18
Phone No. 0265-6602000-1-2-3-4/ 8P6AU31UY CE: NJ324AMCG175
0265-638804/6602473 EP6AUY+X]
Fax No.: 0265-2638804 Email : suetsugu-
Office Phone: 0266- 7663128, Ph: +81-03-3779-7227
Fax No.:0266- 7668804 Extension:121-7260,
Category - OTH, Ownership - OTH, Fax No.: +8133779 7440
4. M/s SKF Technologies India Pvt. Category – OTH ,
Limited, Plot No. 02, Bommasandra Ownership - OTH,
Industrial Area, HosurRoad,Bangalore-
Work address:
M/s SKF Technologies India Pvt.
Limited, Mile stone Kandla 333, Vill-
Kerala, Taluka Bavla, Ahmedabad-
Sale Office:
611-617,6th Floor, Bestech Chambers,
B Block, Sushant Lok, Phase-I,
Gurgaon- 122002
PE: NU 330ECMA P 64 VA301/ 45
CE:NJ324ECMAP64 PVA301 / 45
+HJ324EC/ VA301/45
Ph : 02714-619100,
Fax: 02714-619202
Category - OTH, Ownership - OTH,
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2 Bearings for traction 1. M/s SKF/Germany/Austria PE: NU328 1. *M/s Schaeffler India Ltd., Maneja, For supply of bearings
motor TAO-659 ECM C4 VA 301 CE: NH318 ECM C4 VA Vadodara PE:NU328- E-M1-C4-F1 through agents refer to
SPEC. No -NU-328 & NH- 301 ( Office & work Address same as in Railway Board letter No.
318 ( Office & work Address same as in SN.1) S.N.1) 99/RS(G) /709/4 dated 3-
2. M/s Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG 2. *M/s SKF Technologies India Pvt 12- 2002 In tendering
/ Germany, Romania,Italy (Brand name- Ltd., Ahmedabad. PE: process only one offer
FAG) PE:NU328E.M1C4F1 NU328ECM/C4VA30 1/45, CE: shall be considered either
CE:NJ318E.M1.C4.F1+ HJ318E.F1 NH318ECM/C4VA30 1/45 from 1.Schaeffler
(Office & work Address same as in SN. 1) ( Office & work Address same as in Technologies AG & Co.
S.N.1) KG / Germany, Romania,
3. M/s Schaeffler India Limited, Maneja, - Italy or M/s Schaeffler
Vadodara For NH318 only India Ltd.
CE:NJ318E.M1.C4.F1+ HJ318E.F1 2.SKF/Germany/Austri
APC -10000 a (for imported
(Office & work Address same as in SN. 1 ) bearings) or M/s SKF
Technologies (India)
Pvt Ltd. Ahemdabad
(for indigenous
bearings) *Type testing
will be carried out by
RDSO against first
purchase order
3 Auxiliary Machine Bearings 1. SKF/Europe 1. M/s NRB Bearings LimitedJalna Note: For type RMS9
(including 3- phase ( Office & work Address same as in Maharashtra Bearing: SKF South Africa
Locomotives SN.1) Office & Works Address: & Italy
& EMUs) 1. Schaeffler /Europe (Brand Name: FAG)) C-6, MIDC, Additional
SPEC. No - ( Office & work Address same as in Industrial Area, Jalana-431213,
SN.1) Maharashtra
2. SKF (India) 2. M/s Texspin Bearings Limited,,
( Office & work Address same as in Office Address:
SN.1) B- 804, Shapath IV, Opp.
3. Schaeffler India Ltd. Vadodara Kamavati club, S. G. highway,
( Office & work Address same as in Ahmedabad – 380051 Gujrat
SN.1) Works address:
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
4. M/s NEI, Jaipur(Brand name-NBC) StationRoad,Ranpur–382245,
( Office & work Address same as in Ahmedabad,Gujrat
5. M/s. TATA Steel Limited ,
Bearing Division, Fax No. 2711 238345
- Registered office : Phone No. 2711 – 238190/191
Bombay House, 24 Homi Mody Street,
Marketing office:
TATA centre, 43, JN Road, Kolkata-
Works Address-
Nimpura Industrial Growth Centre, P.O.
Rakhajungle, Dist: West Midnapur, West
Bangal ,
Email - Cheifm&
Ph/Fax: Marketing 033 22887051,
Works Ph :0322 – 233317 / 233618,
Fax: Marketing:033 22881962
Works:03222 233353
Category - OTH,
Ownership - OTH
4 Suspension bearing for 1. Timken, USA (PE: M249747/710) (CE: 1. M/s SKF Technologies (India) Pvt. For supply of bearings
Hitachi / TAO-659 Traction M349547/510) APC -2000Sets Ltd. Ahmedabad , SKF No “ BC2- through agents refer to
Motor Office Address: 0067D / W33” Railway Board letter No.
M/s Timken Corporation, 4500 Mount Office Address: 99/RS(G)/709/4 dated 3-
Pleasant Street NW, North Canton, M/s SKF Technologies India 12-2002 In tendering
OHIO, 44720, USA. Pvt. Limited, Plot No. 02, process only one offer
Works Address - Same as above Bommasandra Industrial Area, shall be considered either
Hosur Road, Bangalore-560099 from 1. Schaeffler
Work Address: Technologies AG & Co.
M/s SKF Technologies India KG / Germany, Romania,
Pvt. Limited, Mile stone Kandla Italy or M/s Schaeffler
333, Vill-Kerala, Taluka Bavla, India Ltd.
Ahmedabad-282220 2.SKF/Germany/Austria
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Sales Office Address: (for imported bearings) or
611-617,6th Floor, Bestech M/s SKF Technologies
Chambers, B Block, Sushant (India) Pvt Ltd.
Lok, Phase-I, Gurgaon-122002 Ahemdabad (for
e-mail- indigenous bearings) 3.M/s Timken Engineering
Ph No – 911244705000 and Research India Pvt.
Fax: 911244705001 Ltd. or Timken Co. , USA
Category – OTH.
Ownership - OTH.
2. Schaeffler Technologies AG&Co.KG / 2. M/s Schaeffler India Ltd., Savli,
Germany, Romania, Italy (Brand name- Vadodara. PE:547733,
FAG) (PE: 547733) (CE: 547734 ) CE:547734
( Office & work Address same as in Office Address:
SN.1) M/s Schaeffler India Limited,
APC - 10000 sets Maneja, Vadodara-390013,India
SKF/Germany (PE: M249747/710) (CE: Works Address:
M349547/510) GIDC, Manjusar, Tal. Savli,
(Office & work Address same as in Distt.-Vadodara-391775
SN.1) Ph:0265-6602000-1-2-3-4
3. M/s Timken Engineering and Research / 0265-638804/6602473
India Pvt. Ltd., Kanchipuram, Fax No.: 0265-2638804
(PE: M249747/710) (CE: M349547 / 510) Office Phone : 0266 7663128,
Office Address: FaxNo.:0266- 7668804
39-42, Electronic City phase-II,
Doddathogur Village Begur Hobli Taluk Email
Hosur Road, Bangalore-560100 Category – OTH,
(Karnataka), India Ownership - OTH
Works Address–
Plot No. AA-3, 6Th Avenue, Auto
Ancillary SEZ, Mahindra World City,
Chengalpet Taluk, Kanchipuram Dist.,
Tamilnadu- 603002, India
Ph : 080-41362000,
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Category – OTH, Ownership - OTH
4. M/s NEI, Jaipur (PE:M249747/710)
Office & Works Address:
M/s National Enggineering Industries Ltd,
Khatipura Road, Jaipur – 302006
Ph : 0141-223221,
Fax: 0141- 2224382/ 221926/223213
E-mail- shivdutt@akmittal @nbcb
Category – OTH
Ownership - OTH
5 Cable Transit System -- 1. M/s Roxtec India Pvt. Ltd. D-64-
with EPDM Rubber 65, Udyog Vihar Phase – V,
Modules Gurgaon – 122016 Haryana)
India; Works Address – Do - ,
SPEC. No - Ph: +911244006129, 41, 42, 43,
RDSO/2008/EL/SPEC/0 44; 8527199936/9999605061,
067 (Rev ‘2’) ofJanuary Fax :+911244006140
2. M/s Wallmax India Enterprises
Pvt. Ltd. 12/6, Golden Peakock
Complex, Main Mathura Road,
Faridabad – 121003 ( Haryana)
India; Works Address – Do - ,
PH: + 911292252381 Fax -+
911292250181 ,,
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
6 Thin walled flexible 1. * Huber &Suhner AG. (With Electron * Valid for cable size of
elastomeric cables with Beam Irradiation curing process) 1.5 to 300
copper conductors for Office & Work Address: for above 750
working voltages (i) upto M/s Huber & Shuner AG, (Ebergy & volts up to 1.8 / 3.0 kV
750 volts and Signal Transmission), CH-8330, grade only.
(ii) above 750 volts upto Pfaffiken/ZH, Switzerland
1.8/3.0 kv for tap changer Phone no:19522211 Fax No: 19522323 ** Valid for cable size of
electric locomotives , APC -195500 km 1.5 to 150
AC/DC EMU, BG AC up to 750 volts and
2. M/s Radiant RSCC Specialty Cable Pvt.
EMU &MEMU/ coaching 2.5 sqmm to 300
Ltd Hyderabad (With Electron Beam
stock ( Chemical curing above 750 volts up to
Irradiation curing process)
process / Electron Beam 1.8/3.0 kV only.
Works Addres:
Irradiation curing process)
B-1, Industrial Estate, Sanathnagar,
# Valid for cable size of
SPEC. No - 25 and above
Add. Work:
RDSO Spec no. as per RDSO letter no.
Plot No – 19/A AP 11 C, Industrial Park
ELRS/SPEC/ELC/0019, EL/2.2.37 dated
Muppireddypally, (Village) Toopran
Rev ‘4’ of February 2018 (Mandal), Medak – Dist, A.P. -502336
PH: 040-23704470/71/72/ 73, 040-
Category - OTH Ownership - OTH
APC - 9800 kms
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Siechem Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
(With Electron Beam Irradiation curing
Office Address:
26/27, Errabalu Chetty Steet Chennai -
Works address:
RS 104/8, 105/7 Sedarapet Main Road
Pondicherry – 605101
Phone no: 044-2671071, 25226141/0858
Fax no: 044-25220871
Category – S Ownership - OTH
4. M/s Apar Industries Ltd
(Unit:Uniflex cables) Mumbai (With
Electron Beam Irradiation curing process)
Office Address :
12/13, Jyoti Wire House , 23-A, Shah
Industrial Estate, Off Veera Desai
Road, Andheri (W) Mumbai-400053.
Work Address:
Khatalwada, Manekpur Road, Tal-
Valsad -396120 (Gujrat)
Office ph: 022-26740001/2/3 &
0260-2562412, 2563412
APC - 950 kms
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
5. #UNIVERSAL / Satna ( with chemical
curing Process)
Office & Works Address:
M/s Universal Cables Ltd., P.O. Box No.
9, Satna (MP) – 485001
Phone No: 257121-257127
Fax no: 0762-257131
Email: technical@universalcabl
APC -1000 km
6. **M/s Leoni Studer AG, Herrenmattstr 20,
Postfach 63, CH-4658, Daniken
Switzerland (With Electron Beam
Irradiation Curing process)
Leoni Studer AG,Herrenmattstr 20,
Postfach 63, CH-4658, Daniken
Works address: -do-
Office and Works Address In India-
M/s Leoni Cable Solutions (India) Pvt
Ltd., Indo Space, Rohan Industrial Park
gate No-428, Village-Mhalunge Off.
Chakan-Telegaon Road, Taluka - Khed
Phoneno:+41(0)622888383, 02135-
Fax No: +41(0)6228882830, 02135-
Phone no. 02135391600,
Fax no. 02135391650
(Category - OTH,
Ownership - OTH)
APC - 950 kms
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
7. M/s Quadrant Cables Private Limited,
Mohali (With Electron Beam Irradiation
Curing Process
Office address:
SCO 534, IInd Floor, Sector – 70, Mohali
– 160055, Punjab (India).
Work Address:
Vill- Basma, Tehsil-Banur, Dist.- Mohali-
140417, Punjab (India)
Phone & Fax: 01725098333,
Category - OTH,
Ownership - OTH
APC - 9000kms
8. M/s Thermo Cables Ltd
(With Electron Beam Erradiation curing
28, Nagarjuna Hills, Panjagutta,
Hyderabad -500082
Work Address:
Plot no. G1 & G2, Green Industrial Park,
Jadcherla, Dist.-Mahaboob Nagar-
509301,Telangana, India
Phone No. 040-44429292,
Fax -04023350583
Category - OTH,
Ownership - OTH
APC - 225000 kms ( Single Core)
3200 kms (Multi core)
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
9. M/s Polycab India. Ltd
Office Address:
Plycab House,771, Mogul Lane,
Mahim(W) Mumbai-400016
Works Address:
Unit-3, Plot No.13,15, 16A &B, 17 to 25,
26A & B, 30 to 33 & 34/1 to 4 & 65,
Village: Rampura, Baska- Halol Road,
Ta: Halol, Distt: Panchmahal, Gujrat-
Phone. 2224327070-74,
Fax: 224327075
Phone No.02676-296152-29621
Fax: 02676-247211,
Category - OTH,
Ownership - OTH
APC - 38000 kms
7 a. Thin Walled Cable for 1. M/s Huber&Suhner AG. 1. Thermo cables limited Jadcherla * Valid for thin wlled
3-phase locomotives (Office & work Address same as in SN.6 ) (Office & work Address same as cables of following sizes :
APC - 195500 kms in SN.6 ) 1.5 to 150,
SPEC. No -Single Core 2. M/s Radiant RSCC Specialty Cables Pvt. APC - 38000 kms 1.8 kV and
Cable CLW/ES/3 /0458 Ltd, B-1, Industrial Estate, Sanathnagar, 2. * M/s Leoni Cable Solutions (India) 10 to 150,
Hyderabad-500018 Pvt Ltd., Pune 4.0kV.
Add. Work - Plot (Office & work Address same as @ Valid for cables size up
No – 19/A AP 11 C, Industrial Park in SN.6 ) to 2.5 sq. mm and 50 sq.
Muppireddypally, (Village) Toopran APC - 80000 kms mm and above.
(Mandal), Medak – Dist, A.P. -502336
PH: 040-23704470/71/72/73, 23703421
Category - OTH,
Ownership - OTH
APC -9800 kms
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Siechem Technologies Pvt. Ltd
(Office & work Address same as in SN.6 )
4. M/s Apar Industries Ltd (Unit:Uniflex
cables) Mumbai
(Office & work Address same as in SN. 6 )
APC - 950 Kms
5. M/s Quadrant Cables Private Limited,
(Office & work Address same as in SN. 6 )
APC - 9000 Kms
6. M/s Polycab India Ltd
(Office & work Address same as in SN.6 )
APC - 38000 kms
7. @ Thermo cables limited, Jadcherla
(Office & work Address same as in SN.6)
b. Thin Walled Cable for 1. M/s Huber &Suhner AG. 1. M/s Thermo cables limited , ** Final approval
3-phase locomotives (Office & work Address same as in SN.6 ) Jadcherla certificate will be issued
APC - 195500 kms APC -38000 kms after completion of long
SPEC. No -Multi Core 2. M/s Radiant RSCC Specialty Cable Pvt. (Office & work Address same as duration test.
Cable CLW/ES/3/0459 Ltd Hyderabad in SN.6 ) @ Valid for cables size up
(Office & work Address same as in SN. 7) 2. ** M/s Leoni Cable Solutions to 2.5 sq. mm and 50 sq.
APC- (9800 kms) (India) Pvt Ltd., Pune mm and above
(Office & work Address same as in
3. M/s Siechem Technologies Pvt. Ltd
SN.6 )
APC - 80000 Kms
(Office & work Address same as in SN. 6)
(Including single core )
4. M/s Apar Industries Ltd ( Unit : Uniflex
cables) Mumbai
(Office & work Address same as in SN.6 )
APC - 950 Kms
5. M/s Quadrant Cables Private Limited,
(Office & work Address same as in SN.6 )
APC - 9000 Kms
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
6. M/s Polycab India Ltd
(Office & work Address same as in SN.6)
APC - 38000 Kms
7. @ Thermo cables limited , Jadcherla
(Office & work Address same as in SN.6 )
8 Single Core & Multi Core 1. UNIVERSAL / Satna 1. M/s Mansfield Cable Co. B – 41, * * only for E-14/01
Elastomeric Cables (for Office & Works address: Sector 6 Noida-201301. (Rev.2) 1993 (part II)
loco & EMU) M/s Universal Cables Ltd., Works address:
P.O. Box No. 9, Satna (MP)-485001 C-23, Site C, Surajpur Industrial
SPEC. No - Phone No: 257121-257127 Area Greater Noida-201306
E-14/01 (Rev.2) 1993 Fax no: 0762-257131 Phone No: 0120-2422275
(part I & II) Email: technical@universalcabl Fax No: 0120-2422254
APC -1000 kms
(Office & work Address same as in Category – S ,
SN.6) Ownership - OTH,
2. M/s Apar Industries Ltd (Unit-Uniflex 2. M/s KEI Industries limited,
cables) / Mumbai Office & Works address:
APC - .950 kms SP- 919, 920, 922, RIICO,
(Office & work Address same as in SN.6) Industrial area, Phase-III,
Bhiwadi-301019, Distt,-Alwar,
Fax : 01493-221731
Ph: 01493- 220106/221731 ,
Email id:
3. M/s United Cable Industries, 3. **M/s Bhuwal Insulation cable Pvt
Office & Works address: Ltd, Mumbai
A-14, Sector-4, Noida-201301 Office Address:
Additional Works address: M/s Bhuwal Insulation cable Pvt
Plot No 41, Ecotech Extention, 1st Ltd 108, Ardeshir Dady Stree,
Sector, Extention – 1, Greater Noida- Ravindra Villa, Near C.P. Tank
201308 , Dist.-Gautam Budh Nagar Circle Mumbai 400004
(U.P.), Works Address:
Phone no: 4522692/4528148/4528203 M/s Bhuwal Insulation cable Pvt
Fax No: 0120-4558927 Ltd , Ankit Industries Estate Gala
Email: united_cable@rediffmail. com No. 4 & 5, Building No. 2 Near
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
APC – 2520 kms MLK Industrial Estate , N. H. -8 ,
Category – S Sativali Road , Vasai Road (E)
Ownership - OTH, Dist. Thane- 401208
Fax No. 02223809236,
4. M/s IMT Cables Pvt. Ltd., Office: A- 96, Phone No. 022-66595907,
Mayapuri Ind. Area, Phase-II, New Delhi- 23822877, 66362877
110 064.
Works address:
98-A, Sector-5,IMT Manesar, Gurgaon
Phone No:25400807, 25138698
Fax No: 011-25136987
APC - 2400 kms ,
Category – S ,
Ownership - OTH
5. M/ s Skytone Electricals (India) Ltd,
Office & Works address:
42-43, Industrial Area, NIT, Faridabad-
Phone no : 523- 3394/2395
Fax No: 0129-5232456
APC - 5805 kms ,
Category -OTH ,
Ownership - OTH
6. M/s. Nangalwala Industries (P) Ltd,
Office Works Address:
F- 151- 154, M.I.A. Alwar-301030
(Rajasthan), Phone No: 0144-
2881375,6450222 3095515
Fax No: 0144-2881336,2882336 ,
Category -S ,
Ownership - OTH
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Approved Vendors Name with Office & Work Developmental Vendors with Office & Remarks
No. Name with its Current Address, e-mail, Phone No, Fax No, Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax
Spec. No / Drg No. / Category, Ownership, Annual Production No, Category, Ownership, Annual
STR No. Capacity (APC) etc.. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
9 HRPVC cables (for EMUs 1. M/s Apar Industries Ltd (Unit-Uniflex 1. M/s Mansfield Cable Co.Noida * Approved for
& coaches) cables)/ Mumbai (Office & work Address same as in followings sizes
(Office & work Address same as in SN.6) SN.8) a)1CX0.5 to 1CX95 sq
SPEC. No - APC - 950 kms mm (750 Volts, single
E-14/01 (Rev.2) 1993 2. M/s United Cable Industries, A-14, 2. M/s KEI Industries Ltd., core)
(Part III) Sector-4, Noida-201301 BhiwadiAlwar b) 1CX1.5 to 1CX95 sq
(Office & work Address same as in SN.8) (Office & work Address same mm(1500
as in SN. 8) Volts single core)
APC - 24100Kms(Single Core) c) 3CX10sqmm (750V,
9020 kms (multicore) mlticore)
3. SKYTONE/Faridabad 1. *M/s Universal Cables
(Office & work Address same as in SN.8) Limited,Goa
(Office & work Address same as
in SN. 6)
10 Zero Halogen Low 1. M/s Apar Industries Ltd., 1. Radiant RSCC Specialty Cable
Smoke Cables for Metro (Unit: Uniflex cables) Mumbai Pvt. LtdHyderabad
coaches (Office & work Address same as in SN.6) (Office & work Address same
APC - 950 kms as in SN. 7 )
SPEC. No - 2. Universal / Satna 2. M/s KEI Industries Ltd.,
SPEC / E-14/04 (Rev.1) Office & Works Address: BhiwadiAlwar
1998 M/s Universal Cables Ltd., (Office & work Address same as
P.O. Box No. 9, Satna (MP)-485001 in SN. 8 )
Phone No: 257121-257127 2. M/s Polycab India Ltd.
Fax no: 0762-257131 (Office & work Address same as
Email: technical@universalcabl in SN. 6)
APC - 500 kms APC - 14688 Kms
(Office & work Address same as in SN. 6) 3. M/s Thermo Cables Ltd,Jadcherla
APC - 750 Kms
(Office & work Address same as
in SN. 6)
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual
Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc.
Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
11 Battery for Low 1. M/s Mysore Thermo (Type 1. Southern – (5 SB75R ) -
Maintenance MI1075LM) Office& Works Address:
Lead Acid Battery 75 Ah for APC- (33072) M/s. Southern Batteries Pvt. Ltd.,
locomotives (PPCP Mysore Thermo Electric No.328, Bommasandra, Jigani
Container) th
(P) Ltd., 62, 4 Main, IIIPhase, Link Road Industrial Area, Jigani
Peenya Industrial Area, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore-562106.
SPEC. No - Bangalore-560058 Unit-1, Plot No.30, KIADB
RDSO/PE/EMU/SPEC/0 Ph: 080-839-5525/2593, Industrial Area, Bommasandra,
014-2000 (Rev. ‘0’) Fax:080-8394417 Bangalore-560099
with Amendment No. 1&2 Ph: 807834446
Category – M,
Ownership – OTH
2. Exide (5EMU 75TP- LM) 2. CELTEK (C10 VT 75MPLM)
APC- (8000) M/s. Celtek Batteries Pvt.Ltd. 471-
Office Address: B IV Phase Peenya Industrial
M/s. Exide Industries Ltd., Area, Bangalore- 560058.
Exide House, 59E, Chowringhee Fax.91-080- 28363355
Road, Kolkata- Email:
700020. Category – S,
Works Address: Ownership – OTH
91, New Chord Road, P.O. Athapur,
Shamnagar-743128, Durgachak,
Haldia, -721602, Midanapur West
Category – OTH ,
Ownership - OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Bharat Battery (Type 5 TP 75 LM)
Office & Works address:
Bharat Battery Manufacturing
Company Pvt. Ltd., 11 A & B
JamirLane , Kolkata-700019:
Ph: 033-22470982,
Fax: 033-22476529
Email: bharatbattery@
4. M/s Star Battery (75TPPLM)
Office & Works address:
M/s. Star Battery Ltd.,
Vill- Chakundi, P.O. Dankuni Coal
Complex Township, Distt- Hoogly,
712310 (W.B)
Ph: 033-26590673
5. M/s United Lead Oxide (5UT75P)
Office & Works address:
M/s United LeadOxide Product Pvt.
Ltd., Plot No.216, Kundaim Industrial
Estate, Kundaim,Goa- 403115
Ph. 0832-2395534
Category –S, Ownership - OTH

6. Labco –(5T75PEL)
M/s Lead Acid Battery Co. (P) Ltd.,
18/3 Kumud Ghosal Road, Kolkata-
Ph: 033-2564-2037
Category – S, Ownership - OTH
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
12 Battery for TRD- Lead Acid 1. M/s Mysore Thermo (T40P-LM) --
40Ah –LM Mysore Thermo Electric
(P) Ltd., 62, 4 thMain,IIIPhase,Peenya
SPEC. No - IndustrialArea,Bangalore- 560058
RDSO/PE/SPEC/TL/004 0- Ph: 080-839-5525/2593, Fax:080-
2003 (Rev-1) 8394417
APC- (257400)
2. M/s Bharat T40PLM
Office & Works Address:
Bharat Battery Manufacturing
Company Pvt. Ltd., 11 A & B Jamir
Lane, Kolkata – 700019 22470982,
3. M/s Labco (T40 PTLM)
(Office & work Address same as in SN.
4. M/s United Lead OxideT40P
(Office & work Address same as in SN.
13 Battery for TRD-Lead Acid 1. M/s Mysore Thermo (T200P-LM) ---
200Ah –LM (Office & work Address same as in SN.
SPEC. No - APC- (68640)
RDSO/PE/SPEC/TL/004 0- 2. M/s BharatT200PLM
2003 (Rev-1) (Office & work Address same as in SN.
APC- (37500)
3. M/s Labco (T200 PTLM)
(Office & work Address same as in SN.
APC- (48000)
4. M/s United Lead OxideT200P
(Office & work Address same as in SN.
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
14 Dry Type air filter for 1. M/s. Usha Filter Pvt. Ltd., 52- 1. M/s. Puromatic Filters Pvt.Ltd., 12
LHB RMPU Mohkampur, Phase-II, Delhi Road, DSIDC, Scheme-2,Okhla Industrial
Meerut – 250103 (U.P) Area,Phase-II, New Delhi –110020.
SPEC. No - Ph No. 0121-2442930, Ph. 011-26388014, 26388014,
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/0055- Fax: 0121-2441931 26389158
2OO3 (REV.“2”) with Mob. 9917179100 Mob. 9811824138
Drawing no. Category – S, Email:
RDSO/PE/SK/AC/0073- Ownership - OTH Category – M,
2004 (Rev’1’) & APC-24000 Ownership – OTH
Drawing no. 2. M/s Filtech (India), 2. M/s: Air Filter Industries Pvt. Ltd.,
RDSO/PE/SK/AC/0074- Office & Works Address: Office Address:
2004, (Rev’1’) 46, Muraripukur Road, Kolkata- 23 Circus Avenue, 9th Floor, Suit No.9C
700054. Kolkata-700017 (W.B)
Ph 033-2352-6371, 033-514466 Works Address:-
Fax 033-23604640, Mb.9830051262 C16-10/New Shilpayan Industrial Estate
Category – S, Ownership - OTH Road P.O.- Raipur P.S.- Maheshtala,
APC - 30000 Kolkata- 700141 (W.B)
Mob -9831020299
Category –OTH, Ownership – OTH
APC –150000
3.Maharani Industries J-43, UPSIDC,
Site-5, Surajpur Industrial area, Kasna,
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh- 201306
Fax no. 011-26134319
Mob. 9899111556
Category – M,
Ownership - OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
15 Battery charger for 110 V, 1. M/s Concord Control System Pvt. 1. M/s ElectrostarSignalling & Power 16 / 80
40 Ah battery Ltd., Equipments Pvt. Ltd.
Office Address: OfficeAddress:
SPEC. No - 202, Garden View Apartment, 8, 22, Beleghata Main Road Kolkata-
RDSO Spec. No. Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow- 700010
ETI/PSI/1 (6/81) 226001 Work Address:
Works Address: T 16/1C, Dr. Suresh Chandra Banergee
G-36&G-8,UPSIDC,Industrial Area, Road, Beleghata, Kolkata-700010
Dewa Road, Lucknow-226019 Fax: 033-23700021
Mob- 9936539555, 9415501553 Ph:033-23707571
Fax 0522-2818002 Mb:09830033900 Email:
Category – S, Ownership - OTH APC -168
APC –500
2. M/s. Universal Industrial Products, 2. M/s Suntron System
27-27A, Block B,Ghatkopar Office & Work address:
Industrial Estate,Ghatkopar 68 New Industrial Area No. 2 Opp Aristo
(West), Mumbai –400086 Pharma, Raisen Mandideep Bhopal (MP)
Fax 022-25007504, Ph. 022- Ph. 9977004221
25007580, 25008414, E-mail : suntronphopal@gmail.coml
Email:, APC -1500
APC - 400
16 Battery charger for 110 V, 1. M/s Concord Control System 1. M/s Electostar Signaling & Power
200 Ah battery Pvt.Ltd., Lucknow Equipments Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
(Office & work Address same as in SN. (Office & work Address same as in SN.
SPEC. No - 15) 15)
RDSO Spec. No. APC - 200 APC -168
ETI/PSI/24 (6/81) 2. M/s Universal Industrial Products,
APC - 200
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
17 Microprocessor controller 1. M/s A. Paul Software System Pvt. Ltd. 1. M/s. Sidwal Refrigeration Industries
for roof mounted AC New Delhi Ltd.,
package unit for LHB Office & Works address: Office Address:
coaches and double decker 6/3, Block “D”, Okhala Industrial 108-A, Madangir, New Delhi- 110062
ACcoaches Area, Phase-1, New Delhi-110020. Works address:
Ph. 011 26039839/40, Plot No. 23, Sector – 6, Faridabad,
SPEC. No - Fax: 011 41603578 Haryana – 121006.
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/ Mob. 9971999059 Ph: 011-26057222,41649700, 0129-
0139 - 2009 (Rev. ‘1’) Email: 2241240, 2242060
Category – S, Fax:011-26036433, 41649706, 0129-
Ownership - OTH 2240078, Mob. 9810184569
9818898151 (w)
Category – S, Ownership - OTH
2. M/s Amit Engineers, Baddi 2. M/s. Ess Ess Kay Engg. Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Office Address: Office & Works:
E- 181,1st floor, Industrial Area, Phase- Unit-I: Factory Area, Post Box No.8
VII, Mohali (Punjab)- 160055. Kapurthala-144601(Punjab)
Work Address: Works Unit-II Plot No. 34-36, Phase-II
Village Judi Kalan, Distt. Solan, Teh. Industrial Area, Sansarpur Terrace, Dist-
Nalagarh, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh- Kangra(H.P) 176501
173205. Fax no.01822-232668, Phone 01822-
Ph. 0172-5044640,41,44 232587,232956, 221614-15
Fax: 0172-2236916, Mob No .91-9814088632, 01970-256233
E-mail: Email-
Category – S, Category – S,
Ownership - OTH Ownership - OTH
APC -1000 Nos.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s System Aids, Bangalore 3. M/s PVR Controls,
Office Address: Office And Works Address:
9th Main Road,1st Stage, A-143/2, TTC Ind. Area, MIDC Khairne
Hennur,Baraswadi Layout, Thane- Belapur Road Navi, Mumbai-
KalyanNagar, Bangalore. 400709
Works Address: Phone 91-22-27782005,
9th Main Road, 1st Stage, Hennur, Fax no.91-22-27782008
Baraswadi Layout, Kalyan Nagar, Mb No.91-8355938500
Ph. 0802545295, Fax 08025459910
e-mail: Category – S,
Category – S Ownership -OTH
Ownership -OTH APC -1000 Nos.
4. M/s. Areca Embedded System Pvt. Ltd.
Office Address:
Plot 5B, Survey No. 184 & 185, Phase
–V, IDA,Cheralapally,
RangaRreddydistrict,Hyderabad (AP) -
Works Address:
Plot 5B, Survey No. 184 & 185, Phase-
V, IDA, Cheralapally,
Ranga Rreddy, District, Hyderabad
Ph: 040-65744131, 27263366, 67,
Fax 040-27131444, 27263369,
Mob 9346627142
E-mail: /
Category – S,
5. M/s Sirveen Control
Systems Pvt. Ltd Hyderabad
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Flexible Polyamide 1. M/s M. V. Electrosystems Pvt. Ltd. 1. M/s M. V. Electrosystems Pvt. Ltd. *with accessories
18 conduit with its end fittings & Office Address: (sizes: NW-70) and without End
accessories 118/1, First Floor, Gali No. 2, Govindpuri, Fittings except PG-
New Delhi-110019, India 21)
SPEC. No - Works Address:
RDSO/PE/SPEC/ AC/0138- 7/19/1/2/2, 19/2/2/2, Baghola, Tatarpur ** Except PG-9 for
2009(Rev.1) Road, Baghola, Distt.-Palwal (Haryana)- NW10.
121102, India
Ph. 011-46869393/ 9560241919
Fax 011-46869393
Contact Person- Mohit Vohra
Mob. 09810804481, 09560241919
(sizes: NW-10**, NW-12, NW-17, NW-
23, NW-29, NW-36 & NW-48)
2. M/s. International Switchgears Pvt. 2. M/s. International Switchgears
Ltd. Pvt. Ltd.
Office Address: (sizes: NW-70)
925-A, Industrial Area, Phase-II,
Works Address:
E-132-33-34, Industrial Area, Phase-
VII, S.A.S Nagar, Mohali (Punjab)
Mobile : 09872001929
Fax no. 0172- 4559900,
2652408. Ph:0172-4559999
(sizes: NW-12,NW-17, NW-23, NW-
29, NW-36 & NW-48)
3. M/s. Tirupati Plastomatics Pvt. Ltd. 3. M/s. Tirupati Plastomatics Pvt. Ltd.
Office address: (sizes: NW-10 & NW-70)
B-141 –A Road No 9 – D Vishwar
Karma Industrial area Jaipur- 302013
Works address:
Ltd.,F-543, (Unit-II), Road No. 6D,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Vishwarkarma Industrial Area, Jaipur-
302013, Rajasthan.
Ph. 0141-2331030
Fax: 0140-231805 , 2260073
Category – S
Ownership – OTH
(sizes: NW12, NW17, NW23, NW29,
NW36 & NW48)
4. M/s S.K International 4. M/s S.K International
Office & Works Address: (sizes: NW29)
M/s S.K International, B-114, Sector - APC -4000 Km
88, Noida-201305 UP 5. M/s Dewcon Industries
Phone-9891575526 Office Address:
Email: M/s Dewcon Industries (Near
(sizes: NW12, NW17, NW23, NW-36 & Hindustan Unilever) Village-
NW-48) Kirpalpur, Teh.- Nalagarh, Distt.
APC - 4000 km Solan (H.P.) 174101
Ph: 91-9779700812
Category – S
Ownership - OTH
(sizes: NW12,NW17, NW23, NW29,
APC - 5000 Km
6. M/s S D Enterprises,
Office & Works Address:
M/s S D Enterprises, Plot No. 219,
Industrial Area, Sector-24,
Faridabad-121004 (India)
Ph. 0129-443898,
Mb- 9811075414
Category – S
Ownership - OTH
(sizes: NW-10, NW-12, NW-17, NW-
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
23, NW-29, NW-36, NW-48 & NW-
APC -2000 Km
7. Apar Industries Ltd ( Unit:Uniflex
cables) Mumbai (With Electron Beam
Irradiation curing process)
Office & Works Address:
M/s Apar Industries Ltd (Unit:Uniflex
cables) 12/13,
Jyoti Wire House , 23 – A Shah
Industrial Estate, Off Veera Desai
Road, Andheri (W) Mumbai-400053.
(sizes: NW-12, NW-17, NW-23, NW-
29, NW-36 & NW48)
APC -2340 Km
8. M/s Paras Agroplast Pvt. Ltd,
Office address:
M/s Paras Agroplast Pvt. Ltd,
B-9, Ground Floor, Hind Saurashtra
Industrial Estate, Andheri Kurla Road,
Marol, Andheri, Maharashtra, India
Works Address:
Block No. 1657, Vansda Road, TA.
Chikhli, Dist. Navsari, Alipore-396409,
Gujrat, India
022-28509491 & 9820073698
Category -
(sizes: NW-12,NW-17, NW-23, NW-
29, NW-36 & NW-48)
APC - 1200 Km
9. M/s Flucon Components Pvt Ltd,
Office & Works address:
M/s Flucon Components Pvt Ltd, , A-
112, MIDC, Phase I, Road No. 5/7,
Dombiwali (E)-421203, Maharashtra,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Ph: 9323318780
(sizes: NW-10, NW-12, NW-17, NW-
23, NW-29, NW-36 & NW-48)
APC -3000 Km
10. M/s KPM International
Office & works Address:
M/s KPM International,
Property No. 87/21/1, 87/19/0-01,
87/20/0-11, Mundka Village, New
Delhi-110041, India
Phone: +91- 9811241230
Category – S
Ownership - OTH
(sizes: NW-12, NW-17, NW-23, NW-
29, NW-36 & NW-48)
APC - 8147 Km
11. Siechem Technologies Pvt. Ltd,
Office Address
26/27, Errabalu Chetty Steet, Chennai
Works address:
RS 104/8, 105/7 Sedarapet Main
Road Pondicherry – 605101
Phone no: 044-2671071 044-
25226141/ 0858
Fax no: 044-25220871
( Category – S , Ownership - OTH)
(sizes: NW-10, NW-12, NW-17, NW-
23, NW-29, NW-36, NW-48, NW-56 &
APC - 3594 Km
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
19 Electronic Rectifier-Cum- 1. M/s IC Electricals Company Pvt. Ltd., 1. M/s P I Engineering Works
Regulating Unit (ERRU) Haridwar(Uttarakhand) Office Address:
For 25 Kw & 4.5 Kw Office Address: Khasra No. 92, Shikheda Road,
Alternators Fitted On AC & 156, DSIDC, Okhla Industrial Area, Industrial Area, Modinagar,
TL Coaches Phase –1, New Delhi – 110020 Ghaziabad- 210204 (UP).
Work Address: Works Address:
SPEC. No - E-94, Industrial Estate, Bahdarabad, Khasra No. 92, Shikheda Road,
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/00 Haridwar, Uttaranchal – 249402. Industrial Area, Modinagar,
13-2011 (Rev. ‘3’) Ph. 01141613270, 71, 72, 73 Ghaziabad-210204 (UP).
Mb. 09319071511, Mob.: 9218656849
Fax: 011-41613273 Email: pienggworks996@gmail. com
Mob No. 09810881689 Category – M,
Ownership - OTH
APC - 200
2. M/s Presstech (India) Pvt Ltd, 2. M/s: Signotron (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Office & Works Address: Kolkata
7, Parekh Nagar Industrial Estate, S. V. Office Address:
Road, Kandivali (West), Mumbai- Plot No.J1-6, Block-EP, Sector-V, Salt
400067 Lake Electronic Complex, Kolkata –
Fax No. 022-28056858 700 091
Mob. 9322955667. Works Address:
Email: Plot No.J1-6, Block-EP, Sector-V, Salt
Lake Electronic Complex, Kolkata –
700 091
Ph: 9831290695, 23577877,
Category – S,
Ownership - OTH
APC - 3000
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Electronic Equipment Co. Pvt. 3.M/s General; Auto Electric Corporation
Ltd.,Kolkata Mumbai
Office address: M/s. Electronic Equipment Office: M/s General Auto Electric
Co.Pvt. Ltd.146/2, Old China Bazar Corporation D/207, ANSA Industrial
Street,1stFloor,Kolkata-700001 Estate, Shakti Vihar RoadSaki
Works address :544, Robindra pally, Naka,Andheri(East),Mumbai-400072
Brahmpur, Badamtalla, P.S. Regent Park, Works: Plot No. 30, Sector-I Vasal
Kolkata-700096 , Taluka Industrial Estate Village-
Fax033-22901191Ph033-22901192 Bilalpada Vasai Road(East) Distt.
Email: Thane401208
Category – S, Ownership - OTH Ph: 9820132718,9820132719,66923194
Category – S ,
Ownership -OTH
APC - 3000
20 Roof mounted AC package 1. M/s Sidwal Refrigeration,
unit for Double Decker Faridabad
EOG AC coaches. (Office & work Address same as in SN.
SPEC. No - 17)
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/ 0134 APC - 200
– 2009 (Rev.’0’) 2. M/s Intec Corporation, Selaqui
Office Address:
Khasra No. 850/2, Mandi, New
Delhi –110030
Works Address:
F-89, Industrial Area, Selaqui,
Dehradoon Uttarakhand-248197
Mob. 09810040890, 09418038505
Phone: 0522-2305710,
Fax: 0522 – 2305711
APC -3000
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s LEEL Electricals Limited,
Regd Office:
M/s. LEEL ElectricalsLtd.,B-10/1,
OkhlaIndustrial Area, Phase-II,
New Delhi-110020.
Works address:
M/s.LEEL Electricals Ltd., A-146,
(B&C), RIICO Indl. Area, Bhiwadi,
Distt, Alwar (Rajasthan) –301019.
Ph: 011-6384182,84,85,86
Fax: 011-6321183, 01493-20543,
Ph. 01493-20724, 21348,
Mob.No. 9983337803
Ownership – OTH
APC – 3000
4. M/s Amit Engineers, Baddi
Office Address:
E- 181,1st floor, Industrial area,
Phase-VII, Mohali (Punjab)-
Work Address:
Village Judi Kalan, Distt. Solan,
Teh.- Nalagarh, Baddi, Himachal
Pradesh -173205.
Ph. 0172-5044640, 41, 44
Fax: 0172-2236916,
E-mail: / /
Category – S ,

Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
21 415 V, 3-phase induction 1. M/s Laxmi Hydraulics (P) Ltd., 1. M/s CGL, * For all motors
motor for roof mounted AC Office & Work Add. Work and Office Address. for RMPU other
package units. B-11, Midc, Chincholi, Solapur, A-6 / 2 Ahmadnagar -414111– than blower
SPEC. No - Maharashtra 413255 Maharashtra, Ahmednagar motor for LHB
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/0089 E-mail, RMPU.
Ph 0217 2357001.
(Rev. ‘0’) withAmendment Mobile no: 9765556256 Development
1&2 Contact mobile no: 9423758104. vendor for
2. * M/s Star Electric Company, 2. M/s Daulat Ram Engg. Services (P), Blower motor for
Office and Work Address. Ltd., LHB RMPU.
30/38 Guru Gobind Singh Nagar Back Work and Office Address
Side Apollo Hospital, G.T Road, 10/2, NH-12, Simarai, Raisen (MP).
Ludhiyana 141003 Punjab. Works address: -do- Raisen
Ph 0161 254 2767 Ph. 07480- 231252, 231253
Fax 07480- 231250
3. M/s Standard Electrical Industries,
4. M/s Kapsons Industries,
Office & Work Address:
GT Road, Suranussi,
Jalandhar - 144 027 Punjab, INDIA
Contact no: 9876555444(Prashant
Shegal) 9872468641(M.P. Singh)
22 Diesel Alternator set 500 1. M/s Kirloskar Electric Co. Ltd., 1. M/s Deev Genset, Silvasa Approved for
kVA , 750 V Bangalore --- Approved for Kirloskar M/s Crompton Greaves Ltd. Alternator
Alternator model no. 4AB355 / 7 with Model No. G2R355MA with M/s
SPEC. No - M/s Cummins CPCB-II Compliant Greaves Cotton CPB -II Compliant
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/ 0084 Engine Model No. KTAA19-G10. Engine Model No. 12V14TAG23.
– 2008 (Rev. ‘1’) M/s Kirloskar Electric Co. Ltd. M/s Deev Gen Set Sales & Services
Office Address: Office Address:
P.B. 5555, Malleswaram West, 359, 3rd floor , Dena Bank
Bangalore-506055 Building,Bhola (Shiva Market)
Work Address: Pitampura, Delhi-110034.
Survey No. 16, Govenahalli, village- Work Address:
Nelamangla, Talulk, Bangalore- Survey no. 2771/1/3, Demini Road,
562123 Village-Dadra, Silvasa- 396230 (Dadra
Fax. 080-23377706 Nagar Haveli)
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phone no. 080-233706 Ph/Fax.011-45073739,
Fax. 080-227730289 Mob no.09818967385
Phone no. 080-27730262 Ph/Fax. 0260-2420172
Email: Mob no. 09824158765
Jagannath.keshav@kirloskar.electric. Email:
Jagannath.keshav@kirloskar.electric. APC - 450
APC - 200
2. M/s BHEL Electric Machines Ltd.,
Kasargod - Approved for M/s BHEL-
EML Alternator Model no. TA-3560L7-
SP with M/s Cummins CPCB- II
Compliant Engine Model No
Office Address:
Bedradka Post, Kasargod- 671124
Work Address:
Bedradka Post, Kasargod- 671124
P/Fax. 04994- 232320,232316/7/9
Mob no.08848345694
APC – 200
3. M/s Cummins India Ltd. Pune- 2. M/s Cummins India Ltd., Pune -
Approved for M/s Cummins India Ltd. Approved for M/s Cummins India Ltd.
M/s Cummins India Limited. CPCB-II complaint diesel engine model
Office Address: no. KTAA19G10 with
Dahanukar Colony, Kothrud, Pune- Kiroskar Electric Alternator model no.
411038. 4AB355 / 7
Work Address: APC - 480
Survey No. 21, Near Bharti
Vidhapeeth, English Medium School,
Balewadi, Pune-411045 Maharastra.
Fax No. 020-267067000
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Mob. No. 09130085564
Fax No. 020-267067000
Mob. No. 09130085564
CPCB-II complaint diesel engine
model no KTAA19G10 with
(i) M/s BHEL - EML Alternator model
No TA-3560L7-SP
(ii) M/s Cummins Generator
Technology - Alternator model no
HC1534E2 (Brand STAMFORD)
APC – 480
4. M/s Kirloskar oil Engines Limited,
Kolhapur - Approved for M/s KOEL
make Diesel Engine model no. DV 10
TA G1 with M/s Nidec Industrial
Automation India make alternator
model no. LSTR472L (brand name -
Leroy Somer)
APC - 480
23 ZS Coupling 400 A 750 V 1. M/s S. Internationals, Mumbai ·
SPEC. No - 2. M/s Maa Laxmi Industry
EDTS 105 Rev-E with Office address:
Amend 1, 2 & 3 117, Belilious Road, Howrah West
Bengal, 711101.
Works address:
Andul Road, Panchpara, Radhadasi,
Howrah, West Bengal,711313, India
near(sangam bar)
3. Stesalit, Baddi
4. M/s Prime Electronics, Sonepat
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
24 500A 750V Inter 1 M/s Prime Electronics, 1. M/s Concord Control System Pvt. Ltd.
Vehicular (IV) Coupler Sonepat Lucknow
Office Address:
SPEC. No - 202, Garden View Apartment, 8,
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/01 77- Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow – 226001
2013 (Rev.0) Works Address:
G-36&G-8,UPSIDC,Industrial Area,
Dewa Road, Lucknow– 226019
Mob- 9936539555,
Fax 0522-2818002
Category – S
Ownership - OTH
APC - 1500 Unit
2. M/s S. Internationals, 2. M/s Om Namah Shivaya
Mumbai Enterprises, Baddi
Office & Works Address:
M/s Om Namah Shivaya Enterprises,
Khasra No 1786 / 2 Village Thana ,
Near ALPLA Company , PO - Baddi ,
Distt. – Solan, Baddi – 173205
Mob No. 9882377455, 9816242540
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 1000 Unit
3. M/s Maa Laxmi Industry 2. M/s Lamba Enterprises, Rewari.
Office address: Office Address:
117, Belilious Road, Howrah West M/s Lamba Enterprises, Plot No. 716,
Bengal, 711101. SEC-2, HSIIDC, Bawal, Rewari-123501,
Works address: Haryana, India
Andul Road, Panchpara, Radhadasi, Works Address:
Howrah, West Bengal,711313, India M/s Lamba Enterprises, Plot No. 716,
near(sangam bar) SEC-2, HSIIDC, Bawal, Rewari- 123501, Haryana, India
Phone no. 01284-264522, Fax
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Mb no.: 9313242424
Category – M Ownership - OTH
APC -1500 Unit
3. M/s Shubhada Polymers Products.
Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai.
Office Address:
Polymers Products. Pvt. Ltd. Plot No
C.T.S. No 111 Saki Vihar Road Opp. L
& T Gate No 5, Powai Mumbai – 400072
Maharashtra, India
Works Address:
Plot No. E-12, MIDC Ambad, Nashik -
422010 Maharashtra, India.
APC - 3100 Unit
25 Switch Board Cabinet for 1. M/s Ess Ess Kay, Kapurthala 1. M/s. Abrol Engg. Co. Pvt. Ltd; @ Subjected to
LHB SG AC coaches Office & Works Address: revalidation as
P.O.Box 2, ‘Abrol House’, Industrial per RDSO Spec.
SPEC. No -EDTS 144 Area, Kapurthala-144 601 (Punjab).
Mobile :09357200700
Fax no.01822-232098
Ph. 01822-232053 /
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
2. M/s. International Switchgears
Pvt. Ltd.
Office Address:
925-A, Industrial Area, Phase-II,
Chandigarh-160 002
Works Address:
E-132-33-34, Industrial Area, Phase-
VII, S.A.S Nagar, Mohali (Punjab)
Mobile : 09872001929
Fax no. 0172- 4559900, 2652408.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Instrumentation Ltd., Kota
4. @ Stesalit, Baddi
26 Switch Board Cabinet for 1. M/s Ess Ess Kay, Kapurthala 1. M/s Instrumentation Ltd., Kota .
LHB AC Hot Buffet Coach

SPEC. No - 2. M/s. International Switchgears 2. M/s Amit Engineers,Baddi

EDTS 134 Rev. ‘D’ Pvt. Ltd. Office Address:
Amendment ‘5’ Office Address: M/s Amit Engineers,
925-A, Industrial Area, Phase-II, E- 181,1st floor, Industrial area,Phase
Chandigarh-160 002 – VII, Mohali (Punjab)- 160055.
Works Address: Work Address:
E-132-33-34, Industrial Area, Village Judi Kalan, Distt. Solan, Teh.
Phase-VII, S.A.S Nagar, Mohali Nalagarh, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh -
(Punjab) 173 205.
Mobile : 09872001929 Ph. 0172- 5044640, 41, 44
Fax no. 0172- 4559900, 2652408. Fax: 0172-2236916,
Ph:0172-4559999 e-mail:,
Category – S Ownership – OTH
3. M/s. Abrol Engg. Co. Pvt. Ltd; 3. M/s Modern Railtech Equipment
Office & Works Address: Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd.,
P.O.Box 2, ‘Abrol House’, Industrial Office Address:
Area, Kapurthala-144 601 (Punjab). Room No. 212, Karnani Mansion, 2nd
Mobile :09357200700 Floor, 25A, Park Street, Kolkata-
Fax no.01822-232098 700016 (West Bengal)
Ph. 01822-232053 Works Address: / B1-92/A/New B.B.T. Road, P.O. Daulatpur, Maheshtalla, Kolkata-
Category – OTH 700141 (West Bengal)
Ownership – OTH Ph. 033- 46011314
Mob. 09734465914
Email:o /
Category – S Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
4. M/s Stesalit, Baddi 4. M/s Hind Rectifiers Ltd.
Office Address:
P.B. No. 17303, Lake Road, Bhandup
(W), Mumbai-400078 (Maharashtra)
Works Address:
M/s Hind Rectifier Ltd,
Plot No. 110/111, E-16 Road, MIDC,
Satpur, Nashik-422007
Fax 0172-4644144
Ph. 022- 5696789
Email: /
Category – OTH
Ownership – OTH
27 Switch Board Cabinet for NIL 1. * M/s. International Switchgears *Subject to
EOG Type Double Decker Pvt. Ltd. revalidation by
Coaches. Office Address: RDSO.
925-A, Industrial Area, Phase-II, @ Subjected to
SPEC. No - Chandigarh-160 002 revalidation as
EDTS 327 Rev. A Corr-1, Works Address: per RDSO Spec.
Amendment ‘1’ E-132-33-34, Industrial Area, Phase-
VII, S.A.S Nagar, Mohali (Punjab)
Mobile : 09872001929
Fax no. 0172- 4559900, 2652408.
2. * M/s. Abrol Engg. Co. Pvt. Ltd;
Office & Works Address:
P.O.Box 2, ‘Abrol House’, Industrial
Area, Kapurthala-144 601 (Punjab).
Mobile :09357200700
Fax no.01822-232098
Ph. 01822-232053 /
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Category – OTH
Ownership – OTH
3. * M/s Ess Ess Kay Engg. Co.,
4. * M/s Sidwal Refrigeration Industries
Pvt. Ltd., Faridabad
Regd Office:
108-A, Madangir, New Delhi- 110062
Works address:
Plot No. 23, Sector – 6, Faridabad,
Ph: 011- 26057222, 41649700, 0129-
2241240, 2242060
Fax: 011-26036433,
41649706, 0129-2240078
Mob.9810184569 9818898151(w)
Category – S
Ownership – OTH
5. M/s. Trinitron Control Systems Pvt.
Office Address:
A-42, Sector-8, Uttar Pradesh-201301
Works Address:
82-83-84, Toy City, Ecotech III, G.
Noida, UP-201 308
Mobile : 09811924388
Fax no. : 0120-2424125.
Category – S
Ownership – OTH
6. M/s. Abrol Engg. Co. Pvt. Ltd;
Office & Works Address:
P.O.Box 2, ‘Abrol House’, Industrial
Area, Kapurthala-144 601 (Punjab).
Mobile :09357200700
Fax no.01822-232098
Ph. 01822-232053
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5 /
Category – OTH
Ownership – OTH
7. M/s Integ Electronics, New Delhi
Office & Works Address:
59, DSIDC Shed, Phase- II, Scheme-
III, Okhla Industrial Area, New Delhi-
Ph 011-26387855.
26386345, 26386048
fax 011-26388816
Mobile no.9818617648,
09212169145 (IKdhar)
email id,
Category – S Ownership – OTH
8. * @ Stesalit, Baddi

28 Switch Board Cabinet for 1. M/s Ess Ess Kay, Sansarpur 1. M/s RSI Switchgear Pvt. Ltd., Kehrani,
LHB EOG AC coaches APC - 800 Nos Alwar
Office & Works address:
SPEC. No - Plot No. F-252 & 253,RIICO
RDSO/PE/SPEC/AC/ Industrial Area,Kehrani-301019
0184-2015 (Rev.0) (Bhiwadi Extension),Distt.-Alwar
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 420 Nos
2. M/s. International Switchgears 2. M/s Pricol Engineering Industries Ltd.,
Pvt. Ltd. Coimbatore
Office Address: Office & Works Address:
925-A, Industrial Area, Phase-II, M/s Pricol Engineering Industries Ltd.
Chandigarh-160 002 Building No. 126, 132, Ooty Main
Works Address: Road, Perianaickenpalayam,
E-132-33-34, Industrial Area, Coimbatore-641020
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phase-VII, S.A.S Nagar, Mohali Ph. 0422-4331122
Mobile : 09872001929 E-mail
Fax no. 0172- 4559900, 2652408. Category – S
Ph:0172-4559999 Ownership - OTH
E-mail:, APC - 200 Nos.
APC - 700 Nos
3. M/s. Abrol Engg. Co. Pvt. Ltd; 3. M/s Sidwal Refrigeration Industries Pvt.
Office & Works Address: Ltd., Faridabad
P.O.Box 2, ‘Abrol House’, Industrial Regd Office:
Area, Kapurthala-144 601 (Punjab). 108-A, Madangir, New Delhi- 110062
Mobile :09357200700 Works address:
Fax no.01822-232098 Plot No. 23, Sector – 6, Faridabad,
Ph. 01822-232053 Haryana-121006. / Ph: 011- 26057222, 41649700, 0129-2241240, 2242060
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH Fax: 011-26036433, 41649706,
APC - 300 Nos 0129-2240078
Mob.9810184569 9818898151(w)
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 500 Nos.
4. M/s Amit Engineers,Baddi 4. M/s Craftsman Automation Ltd.,
Office Address: Coimbatore
E- 181,1st floor, Industrial area, Office & Works Address:
Phase-VII, Mohali (Punjab)- 160055. 123/4, Sangothipalayam Road,
Work Address: Arasur Post, Coimbatore 641407.
Village Judi Kalan, Distt. Solan, Teh. Fax: 0422-3051111
Nalagarh, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh - Email:
173 205.,
Ph. 0172- 5044640, 41, 44 info@craftsmanautomati
Fax: 0172-2236916, Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
E-mail: APC - 500 Nos.
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 1100 nos
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
5. M/s. Trinitron Control Systems Pvt. 5. M/s P.D. Steels, Mohali
Ltd., Office & Work Address:
Office Address: M/s P. D. Steels ,C-146, Phase-VII,
A-42, Sector-8, Uttar Pradesh-201301 Industrial Area, Mohali-160055
Works Address: (Punjab)
82-83-84, Toy City, Ecotech III, G. Fax no. 0172-5097942,
Noida, UP-201 308 Ph. 0172-5097941
Mobile : 09811924388 Email: /
Fax no. : 0120-2424125. Category – S Ownership - OTH
Category – S Ownership - OTH APC - 500 Nos.
APC -2520 Nos.
6. M/s Hind Rectifiers Ltd. 6. M/s Mak Engineers INC Lucknow
Office Address: Office & Work Address:
P.B. No. 17303, Lake Road, Bhandup M/s MAK Engineers Inc., Khasra No.
(W), Mumbai-400078 (Maharashtra) 921, Gram: Goyla, Deva Road,
Works Address: Chinhut, Lucknow-226019.
M/s Hind Rectifier Ltd, E-mail:
Plot No. 110/111, E-16 Road, MIDC, Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
Satpur, Nashik-422007 (Maharashtra) APC - 500 Nos
Fax 0172-4644144
Ph. 022- 5696789
Email: /
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC - 1000 Nos.
7. M/s NEC Swithgears & Controls, 7. M/s Ramyaa Electro Gear Pvt. Ltd.,
Mohali Chennai
Office & Works Address: Office Address:
E-254, Industrial Area, Block No.2 Shed No.3, SIDCO
Phase 8-B, Mohali- 160071 (Punjab) Electronic Complex, Guindy, Chennai-
Mobile: 09646020016 600 032.
Fax no. 0172- 4644144 Works Address:, E6 & E6 B,Arulampet II Cross Street, Thru-VI-KA Industrial Estate, Guindy,
Category – S Ownership - OTH Chennai-600 032
APC - 200 Nos. Fax-044-22500531.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Ph. 044-22500639.
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 600 Nos.
8. M/s. Trolex India Private Ltd., 8. M/s Shivalik Fastners Pvt. Ltd, Mohali
Office Address: Office & Works Address:
Plot#88-B,Electronic City,Hosur Unit-1, Plot No. 584, Phase-9,
Road,Bangalore- 560100 Industrial Area, Mohali- 160062.
Works Address: Unit-2 Opposite Radha Swami
Plot#88-B,Electronic City,Hosur Satsang, Village Sampla-
Road,Bangalore- 560100 40406(Punjab).
Ph. 080-28520008 Fax No.: 072-5099783.
M.09448514123 Mobile: 9463412413.
Email: Email:
Category – S Ownership - OTH APC - .200 Nos
APC - 1200 Nos.
9. M/s Stesalit Ltd.Baddi 9. M/s VGS and Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
APC - 600 Nos. Hyderabad
Office address:
M/s VGS and Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No.C-12/A/1,3rd floor Electronics
Complex, Kushiguda Hyderabad-
Works address:
Plot No.C-12/A/1,3rd floor Electronics
Complex, Kushiguda Hyderabad-
Phone 9849567111
Fax no. 040-27126025
APC - 1000 Nos
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
10. M/s M. V. Electrosystems Pvt. Ltd. 10. M/s UPS International, Mohali
Office Address: Office address:
118/1, First Floor, Gali No. 2, Village-Saidpura, Barwala
Govindpuri, New Delhi-110019, Road,OppositePSEBGRID Derabassi,
India District Mohali- 140507(Punjab)
Works Addess: Works Address:
7/19/1/2/2, 19/2/2/2, Baghola, Village-Saidpura, Barwala
Tatarpur Road, Baghola, Distt.- Road,OppositePSEBGRID Derabassi,
Palwal (Haryana)-121102, India District Mohali- 140507(Punjab)
Ph. 011-46869393/ 9560241919 E-mail: amarjitsandhu@hotmail. com
Fax. 011-46869393 Switch Board Cabinet for LHB EOG
Mob. 09810804481, AC Coaches
09560241919 APC - 300 Nos
APC – 1000 Nos.
11. M/s Modern Railtech Equipment 11. M/s Aluminium Industries Limited.,
Manufacturers Pvt. Ltd., Thiruvanthapuram
Office Address: Office & Works address:
Room No. 212, Karnani Mansion, Relays Division, Kavinpuram
2nd Floor, 25A, Park Street, Kolkata- Vilappilsala, Trivandrum –695573.
700016 (West Bengal) (Kerala)
Works Address: Phone: 0471-2379704, 2379503,
B1-92/A/New B.B.T. Road, P.O. Fax: 0471- 2378760
Daulatpur, Maheshtalla, Kolkata- Email: &
700141 (West Bengal)
Ph. 033- 46011314 Category – OTH Ownership - OTHM
Mob. 09734465914 Relays APC - 1000 Nos. /
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 400 Nos.
12. M/s Integ Electronics, 12. M/s Systems & Services Power
Office & Works Address: Controls Ambala.
59, DSIDC Shed, Phase- II, Office and Works address:
Scheme-III, Okhla Industrial Area, Plot no. 45, Sector-1, Phase-1, HSIDC,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
New Delhi-110020` Growth Centre, Saha, District- Ambala-
Ph 011-26387855. 26386345, 133104 (Haryana)
26386048 Phone no: 0171-2891481,
Fax 011-26388816 Mobile No.: 9416022455
Mobile no.9818617648, Email:
09212169145 APC - 300 Nos.
email id, 13. M/s UNI-TECH Automation Pvt.Ltd., Pune
Category – S Ownership - OTH APC - 1000 Nos.
APC - 500 Nos. 14. M/s Electrowaves Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
Office Address:
M/s Electrowaves Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 37, Sector-5, Parwanoo, Distt.-
Solan(HP)-173 220
Works Address:
Plot No. 37, Sector-5, Parwanoo, Distt.-
Solan (HP)-173 220..
Fax / Ph. 01792-234410/233412
Email: & /
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 600 Nos
15. M/s Kontact Consortium India Pvt. Ltd.
Office Address:
No 5/7 F-Type, 4th Main Road Sidco
Nagar Villivakham , Chennai – 600049
Tamil Nadu
Work Address:
Contact Consortium India Pvt. Ltd. 90 /
69, Sidco Womens Industrial Park ,
Kattur Village Vellanur Post Chennai –
600049 Tamil Nadu
Tel: 04426173011
Fax: 04426171773
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Mb: 9840042431
E Mail:
APC - 100 Nos.
16. M/s Chennai Radha Engineering Work
Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
Office address:
40, Sapthagiri Colony, Jaffer Khanpet.
Chennai- 6000083 Tamil Nadu.
Work Address:
B-23 & 24 SIPCOT Industrial Growth
Centre Mathur Village , Oragadam
Chennai- 600105 Tamil Nadu
Tel: 04424892274
Fax: 04424892001
Mb: 9445399362
E- Mail
APC - 200 Nos
17. M/s Dishita Enterprises (P) Ltd,
Office Address:
59 B, Chowringhee Road, Kolkata
Works Address:
Kantlia Industrial Complex, P.S.-
Domjur, Howrah-711409
29 4.5 kW Underslung --- 1. Signotron (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
Constant Voltage, Office Address:
Regulated Cum Plot No.J1-6, Block-EP, Sector-V, Salt
Emergency Battery Lake Electronic Complex, Kolkata-
Charger for LHB coaches 700091
Works Address:
SPEC. No - Plot No.J1-6, Block-EP, Sector-V, Salt
RDSO/PE/SPEC/A C/01 Lake Electronic Complex, Kolkata -
83 (Rev. 1) - 2018 700091
Ph: 9831290695
23577877, 23573481
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 1.1200 Nos.
2. M/s IC Electricals Company Pvt. Ltd.,
Haridwar (Uttarakhund)
Office Address: M/s I.C. Electricals
Co. PVT. Ltd. 156, DSIDC, Okhla
Industrial Area, Phase–1, New Delhi –
Work Address:
E-94, Industrial Estate, Bahdarabad,
Haridwar, Uttaranchal–249402.
Ph. 01141613270, 71, 72, 73
Mb. 09319071511,
Fax: 011-41613273
Mob No. 09810881689
APC - 800 Nos
3. M/s Electrowaves Electronics Pvt. Ltd.,
Office Address:
Plot No. 37, Sector-5, Parwanoo, Distt.-
Works Address:
Plot No. 37, Sector-5, Parwanoo, Distt.-
Solan (HP)-173 220.
Fax / Ph. 01792-234410/233412
Email: & /
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 1000 Nos.
4. M/s Electronic Equipment Company Pvt.
Ltd., Kolkata
Office Address:
146/2, Old China Bazar Strreet Ist Floor
Kolkata 700001.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Work Address.
544, Rabindra PallyBrahmapur
Badamtalla. Garia 700096.
Contact no: 8100860036
APC - 2000 Nos
5. M/s PI Engineering Works, Modinagar
Ghaziabad (UP)
Office Address:
Khasra No. 92, Shikheda Road, Industrial
Area, Modinagar,Ghaziabad-
210 204 (UP).
Works Address:
Khasra No. 92, Shikheda Road, Industrial
Area, Modinagar, Ghaziabad-210
204 (UP).
Mob.: 9218656849
Category – M Ownership - OTH
APC - 250 Nos.
6. M/s Hitachi Hi-Ref Power Electronics
Pvt.Ltd. Sanad
Office Address:
B-117, 118, GIDC Electronics
Zone, Sector-25, Gandhi Nagar -
Works Address:
(i) B-117, 118, GIDC Electronics
(ii) (ii) SM 3 & 4 Sanand – II GIDC
Industrial Estate, Near BolVillage,
Sanand – 382 110 (Gujrat)
Ph. 079-23222531, 23221636
Fax 079-23226498
Fax No. 02717-678999
E-mail: contact@hitachi- /
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC - 2000 Nos.
7. M/s Hind Rectifiers Ltd. (Hirect)
Office Address:
P.B. No. 17303, Lake Road, Bhandup
(W), Mumbai-400078 (Maharashtra)
Works Address:
Plot No. 110/111, E-16 Road, MIDC,
Satpur, Nashik-422007
Fax 0172-4644144
Ph. 022- 5696789
EEmail: /
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC – 4000 Nos.
8. M/s Autometer Alliance Ltd.
Office & Works address:
C-63, Sector-57, Noida- 201307(UP).:
Ph: 0120-2583545 46
Fax: 0120-2583542
Email: &
Category – M , Ownership - OTH
APC -1500 Nos.
9. M/s Sydler Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Pune
Office Address:
Acradia Building, 7th floor,195, NCPA
marg, Nariman Point,Mumbai 400021.
Work Address:
S. No. 157/2A/3, Katraj Dehu,
Highway, Pune, Maharashtra 411033,
Contact No: 8888299482
APC - 1500 Nos.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
30 21.6/30.24 MVA, 50 1. * M/s APPSIL 1. * M/s Transformers and Rectifiers * Valid upto A & C
Hz, Single Phase, Office Address: (India) Ltd., Slip No.11.
ONAN/ONAF, Maneja, Vadodara –390013 Office Address: ** Valid upto A & C
Traction Power 21st Floor, World Trade Center, M/s Transformers and Rectifiers Slip No.08. .
Transformer 220/27kV. Brigade Gateway, No. 26/1, Dr. (India) Ltd., Survey No. 427P/3- 4 &
Rajkumar Road, Malleswaram,West 431, Sarkhej Bawaza HighwayMoraiya,
SPEC. No - Bengaluru- 556055, Karnataka,India Taluka-Sanad, Distt.- Ahemadabad-
ETI/PSI/118(10/1993) Works Address: 382213
with A/C Slip No. 1 (May, Maneja, Vadodara – 390013 Works Address:
1994), Slip No. 2 Phone: 0265 –2641669 M/s Transformers and Rectifiers
(Jan,1996), Slip No.3 Fax: 0265 –2643658 (India) Ltd., Survey No. 344- 350,
(Oct,1997), 9712925338 Sarkhej- Bavia Highway
Slip No 4 (Jan,2000), Slip Phone: 0265 –2641669 N.H. No. 8A, Village-Changodar,
No. 5 (April,2000), Slip No Fax: 0265 –2643658 Taluka-Sanad, Distt.- Ahemadabad-
6 and 7 (June,2001), Slip Email: 382213
No 8 (July,2003), Slip No. Phone: 02717-661661
9 (Jan,2008), Slip No. 10 Fax: 02717-661716
(August,2012) and Slip No.
11 (Oct, 2016) Category – OTH Ownership – OTH Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC – 50 APC - 80
2. *M/s CG Power and Industrial
Solutions Ltd.,
Office address:
3rd Floor, Express Building, 9-10
Bahdur Shah Zafar Marg, ITO
Crossing , New Delhi– 110002,
Work Address:
Transformer Division, Kanjur Marg(E),
Mumbai – 400042
Phone: 022-67558000, 011- 23460700
Fax: 022-67558305, 011- 23324360
Phone: 022-67558000, Fax: 022-
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC -20
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. *M/s EMCO Limited,
Office Addrss:
Plot No. F-5, Road No. 28, Wagle
Industrial Estate, Thane–400604
Works Addrss:
Plot No. F-5, Road No. 28, Wagle
Industrial Estate, Thane – 400604
Phone: 022-240404500,
Fax: 022-25820571
Phone: 022-240404500,
Fax: 022-25820571
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC – 10
4. **M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
Office Address:
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
P.O. BHEL, Jhansi – 284129.
Works Address:
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
P.O. BHEL, Jhansi – 284129.
Tel: 0517-2440944, Fax:
Tel: 0517-2440944,
Category –OTH Ownership – OTH
APC – 25
31 21.6 /30.24 MVA, 50 Hz, 1. M/s APPSIL 1. M/s Skipper Seil Limited. (Bhiwadi) * Valid upto A & C
Single Phase, ONAN / Office Address: Office Address: Slip No.09.
ONAF, Traction Power M/s APPS India Ltd., Maneja, 111, 1st Floor, SAS Tower –b, Medicity
Transformer 132/27kV Vadodara –390013 Support Area, Sector -38, Gungaon- ** Prototype yet to
Works Address: 122001, Haryana.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
SPEC. No - M/s APPS India Ltd., Maneja, Works Address: be offered.
ETI/PSI/118 (10/1993) Vadodara – 390013 Plot No. SP-9A, Industrial Area,
with A/C Slip No. 1 (May, Phone: 0265 –2641669 Kahrani, Bhiwadi, Dist: Alwar
1994), Slip No. 2 Fax: 0265 –2643658 (Rajsthan)-301019
(Jan,1996), Slip No. 3 9712925338 Phone No. +91-124-4399999
(Oct,1997) , Phone: 0265 –2641669 8130591972
Slip No 4 (Jan,2000), Slip Fax: 0265 –2643658 Email :
No 5 (April, 2000), Email:
SlipNo6and7(June, Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
2001),SlipNo8(July, APC – 500 Units
2003), Slip No. 9
(Jan,2008), Slip No. 10 Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
(August,2012) and Slip No. APC – 50
11 (Oct, 2016). 2. M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
Office Address:
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
P.O. BHEL, Jhansi – 284129.
Works Address:
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
P.O. BHEL, Jhansi – 284129.
Tel: 0517-2440944, Fax:
Tel: 0517-2440944,
Category –OTH
Ownership - OTH
APC - 25
3. M/s CG Power and Industrial Solutions
Office address:
M/s CG Power and Industrial Solutions
Ltd., 3rd Floor, Express Building, 9-10
Bahdur Shah Zafar Marg, ITO
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Crossing , New Delhi– 110002,
Work Address:
M/s CG Power and Industrial Solutions
Ltd., Transformer Division, Kanjur
Marg(E), Mumbai – 400042
Phone: 022-67558000,
Fax: 022-67558305
Phone No.011- 23460700
Fax No. 011- 23324360,
Phone: 022-67558000, Fax: 022-
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC – 20
4. M/s EMCO Limited,
Office Addrss:
M/s EMCO Limited, Plot No. F-5,
Road No. 28, Wagle Industrial
Estate, Thane–400604
Works Addrss:
M/s EMCO Limited, Plot No. F-5,
Road No. 28, Wagle Industrial
Thane – 400604
Phone: 022-240404500,
Fax: 022-25820571
Phone: 022-240404500,
Fax: 022-25820571
Category – OTH
Ownership - OTH
APC - 10,
5. * M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd.,
Office Address:
M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd., Naini
Works Allahabad – 211008.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Works Address:
M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd., Naini
Works Allahabad – 21100
Phone: 0532-2697422
Fax: 0532-2696782, 0522-4930600
Fax No.0522- 4930630
Email: sanjeev.khetrapal @areva-
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
6. ** M/s GE T&D India Ltd.,
Office Address:
M/s GE T&D India Ltd., LTI Division,
Milestone 87, Vadodara Halol Highway,
Kotambly, Vadodara -391510
Works Address:
M/s GE T&D India Ltd., LTI Division,
Milestone 87, Vadodara Halol Highway,
Kotambly, Vadodara - 391510
Phone: 02688-661- 12, Fax: 02688-
661201 Phone: 02688-661- 12,
Fax: 02688-661201
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
7. M/s Kanohar Electricals Ltd.,
Office Address:
M/s Kanohar Electricals Ltd.,Rithani
Delhi Road , Meerut -250103, UP.
Works Address :
M/s Kanohar Electricals Ltd., Gagol
Road, Village- Achronda, Meerut -
250103 UP
Phone: 0121-511010, 512020,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Fax:0121-2512763, 2524244.
Mob: 9837093902
Email: m
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC – 10
8. M/s Transformers and Electricals
Kerala Ltd.,
Office Address:
M/s Transformers and Electricals
Kerala Ltd., Post Angamally Dist. -
Ernakulam, Kerala-683 573
Works Address:
M/s Transformers and Electricals
Kerala Ltd., Post Angamally Dist. -
Ernakulam, Kerala-683573
Phone: 0484-2452251,
Fax: 0484-2452873
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC – 10
9. M/s Vishvas Power Engineering Service
Pvt Ltd.,
Office & Work address:
M/s Vishvas Power Engineering
Service Pvt Ltd K-5, MIDC,Butibori
Industrial Are Nagpur- 441108
Ph: 071043230516
Category – OTH
Ownership - OTH
APC -48
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
32 21.6/30.24 MVA, 50 Hz, 1. M/s APPSIL, 1. * CG Power and Industrial Solution Ltd., * Vide letters dated
Single Phase, ONAN/ONAF, Office Address: Office Address: 26.08.20, firms
Traction Power Transformer M/s ABB Power Product & Solution M/s CG Power and Industrial Solution have been
110/27 kV. India Ltd., Maneja, Vadodara Ltd., Transformer division , Plot No approved as a
Works Address: 29,30,31& 32, New Industrial Area No 1 ‘Developmental
SPEC. No - M/s ABB Power Product & Solution AKVN , District: Raisen Mandideep – Vendor’ with limited
ETI/PSI/118(10/199 3) with India Ltd., Maneja, Vadodara -390013 4620446 Bhopal (MP) quantity(i.e. 02
A/C Slip No. 1 (May, 1994), Phone: 0265 –2641669 Works Address: nos.) for the item
Slip No. 2 (Jan,1996), Slip Fax: 0265 –2643658 Plot No. 29,30,31 & 32, New Industrial with other
No.3 (Oct,1997), Slip No 4 9712925338 Area No.1, AKVN, District: Raisen, conditions
(Jan,2000), Slip No. 5 Phone: 0265 –2641669 Mandideep 462046, Madhya Pradesh, mentioned in the
(April,2000), Slip No 6 and 7 Fax: 0265 –2643658 India, letters. ( w.e.f.
(June,2001), Slip No 8 Email: Phone: 022-24237777 26.08.2020)
(July,2003), Slip No. 9 Fax: 022-24237733
(Jan,2008), Slip No. 10 Email:
(August,2012) and Slip No. Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
11 (Oct, 2016) Category–OTH Ownership–OTH
APC - 50
2. M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. 2. * M/s GE T&D India Ltd.,
Office Address: Office Address:
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., M/s GE T&D India Ltd., LTI Division,
P.O. BHEL, Jhansi – 284129. Milestone 87, Vadodara Halol Highway,
Works Address: Kotambly, Vadodara -391510
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., Works Address:
P.O. BHEL, Jhansi – 284129. M/s GE T&D India Ltd., LTI Division,
Tel: 0517-2440944, Milestone 87, Vadodara Halol Highway,
Fax: 0517-2443108 Kotambly, Vadodara - 391510
Tel: 0517-2440944, Phone: 02688-661- 12, Fax: 02688-
Fax: 0517-2443108 661201 Phone: 02688-661- 12, Fax:
Email:, 02688-661201
rodbhellko@hotma Email:, rajat.sharma@alstom.comrajat.sharma
rodbhellko@hotma @alstom.comrambhawan.yadav@gmail.
Category –OTH Ownership - OTH com
APC -25 Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC – 48
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s CG Power and Industrial 3. *M/s Shree Abirami Engineering Works
Solutions Ltd., (Sriperumbudur)
Office address: Office Address:
3rd Floor, Express Building, 9-10 No. 56 Arunachalam Main Road, Ambai
Bahdur Shah Zafar Marg, ITO Nagar, Pour, Chennai-600116.
Crossing , New Delhi– 110002, Works Address:
Work Address: M/s Shree Abirami Engineering Works,
Transformer Division, Kanjur Marg (E), Survey No.22/1 & 22/2 Sriperumbudur
Mumbai – 400042 Kodambakkam High Road,
Phone: 022-67558000, Sriperumbudur-602105, Kanchipuram
Fax: 022-67558305 Dist,TN
Phone No.011- 23460700 Phone: 9144-24825906
Fax No. 011- 23324360, Fax: 9144-24827572
Phone: 022-67558000, Email:
Fax: 022-67558305 Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC -20
4. M/s Transformers and Electricals 4. *M/s Skipper Seil Limited. (Bhiwadi)
Kerala Ltd., Office Address:
Office Address: 111, 1st Floor, SAS Tower –b, Medicity
Post Angamally Dist. - Ernakulam, Support Area, Sector -38, Gungaon-
Kerala-683 573 122001, Haryana.
Works Address: Works Address:
Post Angamally Dist. - Ernakulam, Plot No. SP-9A, Industrial Area,
Kerala-683573 Kahrani, Bhiwadi, Dist: Alwar
Phone: 0484-2452251, (Rajsthan)-301019
Fax: 0484-2452873 Phone No. +91-124-4399999
Email:; 8130591972 Email :
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC - 10 Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC – 500 Units (Overall)
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
33 30 MVA, 50 Hz, Single 1. M/s EMCO Limited, 1. # M/s GE T&D India Ltd., # Prototype yet
Phase, ONAN, Traction Office Addrss: Office Address: to be offered.
Power Transformer with On Plot No. F-5, Road No. 28, Wagle LTI Division, Milestone 87, Vadodara * Valid up to A &
LoadTap Industrial Estate, Thane–400604 Halol Highway, Kotambly, Vadodara - CSlip No.1. # Pr
changer Works Addrss: 391510
(110/27 KV) Plot No. F-5, Road No. 28, Wagle Works Address:
Industrial Estate, LTI Division, Milestone 87, Vadodara
SPEC. No - Thane – 400604 Halol Highway, Kotambly, Vadodara -
TI/SPC/PSI/30TRN/105 Phone: 022-240404500, 391510
0 with A & C Slip No.1 (Oct, Fax: 022-25820571 Phone: 02688-661- 12,
2016) & A& C Slip No. 02 Phone: 022-240404500, Fax: 02688-661201
(Jan 2018) Fax: 022-25820571 Phone: 02688-661- 12,
Email: Fax: 02688-661201 Email:
Category – OTH rajat.sharma@alstom.comrajat.sharma
Ownership - OTH
APC – 10
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC – 48
2. * M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd., Naini
Works Allahabad – 21100
Phone: 0532-2697422
Fax: 0532-2696782, 0522-4930600
Fax No.0522- 4930630
Email: sanjeev.khetrapal@areva-
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
34 30 /42 MVA, 50 Hz, Single 1. M/s APPSIS 1. # M/s GE T&D India Ltd., # Prototype yet to
Phase, ONAN/ONAF, Office Address: Office & Works Address: be offered.
Traction Power M/s APPSIL, Maneja, Vadodara- M/s GE T&D India Ltd., LTI Division,
Transformer (132/27KV) 390013 Milestone 87, Vadodara Halol Highway,
Works Address: Kotambly, Vadodara -391510
SPEC. No - M/s APPSIL., Maneja, Vadodara – Phone: 02688-661- 12,
TI/SPC/PSI/30TRN/207 390013 Fax: 02688-661201
Phone: 0265 –2641669 Phone: 02688-661- 12,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
0 with A & C Slip No.1 Fax: 0265 –2643658 9712925338 Fax: 02688-661201
(Oct, 2016) Phone: 0265 –2641669 Email:
Fax: 0265 –2643658
Email: Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC - 50
2. M/s Transformers and Rectifiers
(India) Ltd.,
Office Address:
M/s Transformers and Rectifiers
(India) Ltd., Survey No. 427P/3- 4 &
431, Sarkhej Bawaza
HighwayMoraiya, Taluka-Sanad,
Distt.- Ahemadabad-382213
Works Address:
M/s Transformers and Rectifiers
(India) Ltd., Survey No. 344- 350,
Sarkhej- Bavia Highway N.H. No.
8A, Village- Changodar, Taluka-
Sanad, Distt.- Ahemadabad-
Phone: 02717-661661
Fax: 02717-661716
Category – OTH
Ownership - OTH
APC - 80
3. M/s EMCO Limited,
Office Addrss:
Plot No. F-5, Road No. 28, Wagle
Industrial Estate, Thane – 400604
Works Addrss:
Plot No. F-5, Road No. 28, Wagle
Industrial Estate,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Thane – 400604
Phone: 022-240404500,
Fax: 022-25820571
Phone: 022-240404500,
Fax: 022-25820571
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC - 10
4. # M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd.,
Office Address:
M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd., Naini
Works Allahabad – 211008.
Works Address:
M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd., Naini
Works Allahabad – 21100
Phone: 0532-2697422
Fax: 0532-2696782, 0522-4930600
Fax No.0522- 4930630
Email: sanjeev.khetrapal @areva-
Category – OTH
Ownership – OTH
35 54 MVA, 220/2x27 Nil 1. # M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd., # Prototype yet to
kV, 50 Hz, Office Address: be offered.
ONAN, Scott Connected M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd., Naini
Traction PowerTransformer Works Allahabad – 211008.
Works Address:
SPEC. No - M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd., Naini
ETI/PSI/124 (07/1995) Works Allahabad – 21100
with Phone: 0532-2697422
A&C Slip No.1 (Oct. 2016) Fax: 0532-2696782, 0522-4930600
Fax No.0522- 4930630
Email: sanjeev.khetrapal @areva-
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
36 8 MVA, 54/27 kV, 50 Hz Auto Nil 1. # M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd., * STR No.
Transformer Office Address: TI/STR/014
M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd., Naini Rev.02 has been
SPEC. No - Works Allahabad – 211008. relaxed
ETI/PSI/125 (07/1997) with Works Address: w.e.f.27.12.2018
A&C Slip No.1 (Oct. 2016) M/s GE T& D INDIA Ltd., Naini for a period of 12
Works Allahabad – 21100 months through
Phone: 0532-2697422 Amendment no.1.
Fax: 0532-2696782, 0522-4930600 Further relaxation
Fax No.0522- 4930630 has been extended
Email: sanjeev.khetrapal@areva- for one year. # Prototype yet to
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH be offered.
2. * M/s High Volt Electrical Pvt. Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
M/s High Electricals Pvt. Ltd.,
J-46 /J-47, MIDC Tarapur Industrial
Area, Boisar,
Distt. Palghar, Maharashtra-401506
Phone: 022-28361716
Fax: 022-28375682
Category – S
Ownership - OTH
APC - 120
3. M/s Vishvas Power Engineering Service
Pvt Ltd.,
Office & Work address:
M/s Vishvas Power Engineering
Service Pvt Ltd K-5, MIDC,Butibori
Industrial Are Nagpur- 441108 401
Ph: 071043230516
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
37 Numerical feeder Nil 4. * M/s Marubeni Corporation, *Prototype test
protection relay comprising (TSUD) as per revised
DPR, OCR,PTFF and Office & Works Address: specification yet
Auto reclosure function M/s Marubeni Corporation, 4-2, to be conducted
Ohtemachi, 1-Chome, Chiyoda- Ku,
SPEC. No - Tokyo, Japan,
TI/SPC/PSI/PROTCT/71 M/s TSUDA Electric Meters Co.
00(07/2012) with A&C Ltd., 6-8, NISHITENMA 2-Chome,
Kita-Ku, OSAKA, 530, Japan
Phone: 011-23326866
Fax: 011-3325385
Category – OTH
Ownership – OTH
1. M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd.,
Office & Works Addresss:
Plot No. A- 308, Road No. 21 Wagle
Industrial Estate, Thane- 400604.
Phone: 022- 25827525, 25827524,
2582, 7526,
Fax: 022- 25804262
Email: sales@ashidaelectr
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 500
2. M/s The Aluminium Industries Ltd.,
[Type: ANPD212]
Office & Works address:
Relays Division, Kavinpuram
Vilappilsala, Trivandrum–
Phone: 0471-2379704, 2379503,
Fax: 0471-2378760
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC - 2000
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
38 Numerical Delta-I & under Nil 1. * M/s Marubeni Corporation, *Prototype test
voltage protectionrelay (TSUD) as per revised
Office & Works Address: specification yet
SPEC. No - M/s Marubeni Corporation, 4-2, to be conducted
TI/SPC/PSI/PROTCT/71 Ohtemachi, 1-Chome, Chiyoda- Ku,
00(07/2012) with A&C Slip Tokyo, Japan,
No.1 M/s TSUDA Electric Meters Co.
Ltd., 6-8, NISHITENMA 2-Chome,
Kita-Ku, OSAKA, 530, Japan
Phone: 011-23326866
Fax: 011-3325385
Category – OTH
Ownership - OTH
2. M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd.,
Office Addresss:
M/s Ashida Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Plot
No. A- 308, Road No. 21 Wagle
Industrial Estate, Thane- 400604.
Works Address:
M/s Ashida
ElectronicsPvt.Ltd.,PlotNo.A- 308,
Road No. 21Wagle
Industrial Estate,Thane-
Phone: 022- 25827525, 25827524,
2582, 7526,
Fax: 022- 25804262
Email: sales@ashidaelectr
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 2500
3. M/s The Aluminium Industries Ltd.,
[Type: ANPD212]
Office & Works address:
M/s The Aluminium Industries Ltd.,
Relays Division, Kavinpuram
Vilappilsala, Trivandrum–695573
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phone: 0471-2379704, 2379503,
Fax: 0471-2378760
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC - 2000
39 Inhibited Mineral Insulating 1. M/s APAR Industries Limited, APAR 1. M/s Bharat Petrolium Corporation
Oil (Silvasa and Rabale Works) Limited
Office Address: Office Address:
SPEC. No - M/s APAR Industries Limited, Shivdi Fort Road, Sewree (East) ,
IS:335 (2018) Apar House, Building No. 5, Corporate Mumbai -400015
Railways requirements as Park, Sion -Trombay road, Chembur, Work Adress:
per RDSO letter No. Mumbai 400071 M/s Bharat Petrolium Corporation
TI/PSI/INSOIL/POLICY/19 Works Address-1. Limited, Wadibuder, Plant Mallel
dated 26.07.2019 M/s APAR Industries Limited, Road, Wadibunder Mumbai-400009
. 18,TTC, MIDC Industrial Area, ,
Near Rabale Telephone Phone No. 022-
Exchange,Thane – 400 701 2618061,2618281
Works Address-2. Fax No. 022- 2616793
M/s Apar Industries Limited, (Power Oil Email:
Petroleum Product Division), Survey No.
148/1-148/3/1, Village: Kudacha, Category –OTH
Silvasa - 396230 (Dadar Nagar Haveli). Ownership - OTH
Phone: 022- 27694756/57, APC - 10000 KL
Fax:022- 27602692
Phone No. 022- 25263400/67800400
Fax -022-25246326
Mb 9167760770
email: ,
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC - 10000 KL
2. M/s GANDHAR (Raigad) 2. M/s Columbia Petrochem. Pvt.
Office Address: Limited,
M/s Gandhar Oil Refinery India Ltd., Office address:
18th Floor, DLH Park, S.V. Road,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Goregaon West, Mumbai- 400062 Triveni ,32nd Road , Near National
Works Address: College , Bandra(W) Mumbai -
T-10 MIDC, Taloja Main Road, Tal.- 400050,
Panvel, Dist. Raigad-410208 WorksAddress:
Phone No. 022-40635600, Survey No. 144/1/1, Plot
Fax No. 022-40635601 No.12,13,14, Athal Silvasa, Dadra
Phone No. 022 – 274120447 and NagarHaveli
Fax No. 022-27410408 Phone No. 022-66002313
Email: Fax No. 022-26463032
Category – S Email:
Ownership –OTH Category - S
APC -24000 Kl Ownership - OTH
3. M/s Savita Oil Technologies Ltd., Office APC - 12000KL
66/67, Nariman Bhawan, Nariman Point
, Mumbai –400021, India ,
Works address-1:
17/17A, Thane-Belapur Road, P.O.
Turbhe, Vasaui, Navi Mumbai-400703
Works address-2:
10/2 Kharadapada, P.O. Nnaral Sivasa-
396230 Dadara and
Nagar Haveli
Phone: 022-22883061,
Fax: 022-22029364
Phone: 022-67683622-24
Fax No.: 022-67683630
Email: m,
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC - 24000 KL
4. M/s Raj Petro Specialities, Chennai
Office Adddress:
2A-D , Doshi Towers , 156,
Poonamallee HighRoad,
Works Address:
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
S. No.73/1B, Vaikkadu Village,
Manali, Chennai-600103.
Phone No. 044- 42288900,
Fax No. 044-42288912
Phone: 044-29030028,
Fax: 044- 30688900.
Category – OTH Ownership-OTH
APC - 5000 KL
5. M/s Raj Petro Specialities (Silvasa
Office Address:
124,G.D. Ambekar Marg , Kalachowky,
Cotton Green (W) , Mumbai– 400033
Phone no.022- 24714961
Fax No. 022- 24710898
Works Address:
Survey No. 146/2/3, Madhuban Dam
Road, Village - Karad, Silvasa, Dadar &
Nagar Hawveli-396230.
Phone: 0260 – 3091881,
Fax: 0260 -2644396
Email: pamumbai@rajgrp. com
Category –OTH Ownership - OTH
APC - 10000 KL
6. M/s Tashkent Oil Company (P) Ltd,
Office Address:
A-301, Alkapuri Arcade , R.C. Dutta
Road, Vadodara- 390007
Work Address:
84, GIDC, Nandesari, Distt.
Phone No.0265-2341514,339698
Fax 0265-2338083
Phone: 0265-2341514,
Telex: 0265-2338083
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Category–S Ownership – OTH
APC -1000 KL
7. M/s Indian Oil Corporation
Office Address1:
Indian Oil Bhavan,G-9, Ali Yawar
Jung Marg , Bandra (East) Mumbai-
Office Address2:
Indian Oil Bhavan,TC-39/V, Vibhuti
Khand Gomti Nagar Lucknow-
Work Address:
P-68, Karli Marx Sarani, Paharpur,
Kolkatta –700043.
APC - 7229 KL
8. M/s Indian Oil Corporation, Silvasa
Office Address:
M/s Indian Oil Bhawan, G-9, Ali
Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (E),
Mumbai- 400051
Work Address:
Plot No. 75/1, Karajgam, Silvasa-
396230 (DN&H)
Tele: 022 – 26447873
Fax No. 022- 26400606
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC -12000KL
9. M/s Hindustan Petroleum
Corporation Ltd.,
Office Address:
3rd Floor,Petroleum
House,17, Jamshedji Tata Road,
Works Address:
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
HPCL, Mazgaon Lube Plant,
Haybunder Road, Mazgaon,
Mumbai- 400033
Tele: +9111-22408506,
Fax: +9111-22013965
Email: ,
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC -5000KL
40 Transformer Oil 1. M/s APAR Industries Limited, 1. M/s Raj Petro Specialities, Chennai
(Rabale Works for Power oil TO-10X) Office Adddress:
SPEC. No - Office Address: 2A-D , Doshi Towers , 156,
IEC:60296-2003 and CLW M/s APAR Industries Limited, Poonamallee HighRoad,
Spec. No. CLW/ES/3/0/72 Apar House, Building No. 5, Corporate Kilpauk,Chennai–600010
(Latest and RDSO Park, Sion -Trombay road, Chembur, Works Address:
Requiremet) and RDSO Mumbai 400071 M/s Raj Petrospecialities Pvt. Ltd.,
Letter Works Address: Chennai. S. No.73/1B, Vaikkadu
No.TI/PSI/TRNPWR/PO M/s APAR Industries Limited, Village, Manali, Chennai-600103.
LICY/16/01 dated 18,TTC, MIDC Industrial Area, Phone No. 044- 42288900,
08.10.2016. Near Rabale Telephone Fax No. 044-42288912
Exchange,Thane – 400 701 Phone: 044-29030028,
Phone:022- 27694756/57, Fax: 044- 30688900.
Fax:022– 27602692
Phone No. 022- 25263400/ 67800400
Fax -022- 25246326 Category – OTH
Mo. No.: 9167760770 Ownership-OTH
email- APC - 5000KL
email: ,
Category – OTH
Ownership - OTH
APC - 15000KL
2. M/s Shell for Shell Diala S3ZX-i, 2. M/s Raj Petro Specialities (Silvasa
New Delhi Works)
Office Address:
124, G.D. Ambekar Marg , Kalachowky,
Cotton Green (W) , Mumbai– 400033
Phone no.022- 24714961
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Fax No. 022- 24710898
Works Address:
Survey No. 146/2/3, Madhuban Dam
Road, Village - Karad, Silvasa, Dadar &
Nagar Hawveli-396230.
Phone: 0260 – 3091881,
Fax: 0260 -2644396
Email: pamumbai@rajgrp. com
Category –OTH Ownership - OTH
APC - 10000 KL
3. M/s Savita Oil Technologies Ltd., Office 3. M/s GANDHAR (Raigad)
Address: Office Address:
66/67, Nariman Bhawan, Nariman M/s Gandhar Oil Refinery India Ltd.,
Point, Mumbai –400021, India , 18th Floor, DLH Park, S.V. Road,
Works address-1: Goregaon West, Mumbai- 400062
17/17A, Thane-Belapur Road, P.O. Works Address:
Turbhe, Vasaui, Navi Mumbai-400703 T-10 MIDC, Taloja Main Road, Tal.-
Works address-2: Panvel, Dist. Raigad-410208
10/2 Kharadapada, P.O. Nnaral Sivasa- Phone No. 022-40635600,
396230 Dadara and Fax No. 022-40635601
Nagar Haveli Phone No. 022 – 274120447
Phone: 022-22883061, Fax No. 022-27410408
Fax: 022-22029364 Email:
Phone: 022-67683622-24 Category – S Ownership -OTH
Fax No.: 022-67683630 APC - 20000KL
Email: m,
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC - 25000KL
41 Single Pole 1. M/s The Aluminium Industries Ltd., 1. M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
Vacuum Circuit Breaker Office & Works Address: Office Address:
Switchgear Division, Mannar, M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
SPEC. No - P.O.Distt.Alleppey,(Kerala) Transformer Engineering
TI/SPC/PSI/LVCBIN/01 20 Address: Deparatment, Bhopal (MP)– 462022
(Dec,2013) Ver.0. with A&C M/s The Aluminium Industries Ltd., Works Address:
Slip No.1 (Oct. 2016) SwitchgearDivision, P.O. Mannar, M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
Distt. Alleppey,(Kerala) Transformer Engineering
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phone: 0479-2312269, Deparatment, Bhopal (MP)–462022
Fax: 0479-2312358 Phone: 0755-2505686/ 2500908
Email: & Fax: 0755- 2500681 Phone: 0755-2505686/ 2500908
Category – OTH Fax: 0755- 2500681
Ownership – OTH Email:,
(Type VSE 5/20 Spring- Spring,
Operating Mechanism – with m
Meidensha or BEL make Vacuum Category –OTH Ownership - OTH
Bottle) (Spring–Spring Operating
APC -200nos. Mechanism) (Type PVTI – with
Cuttler Hammer, USA or BEL make
Vacuum Bottle).
APC - 200nos.
2. M/s Megawin Switchgear (P) Ltd., 2. M/s System Control, Salem
Office & Works Address: Office & Work Address:
P.O.Box No. 434, Alagapuram Post., M/s System Control, 379, Manian
Perumal Malaiadivaram, Salem – Industrial Complex, Uttrappankadu,
636004. Maniyanoor, Anna Nagar, Salem,
Additional Work Address: Tmail Nadu- 636310
Ltd., UNIT-I, 35/1, 2, 3 Perumal Malai Ph: 9488189406
Adivaram, Narasothipatti, Alagapuram (Spring-Spring Operating Mechanisms
Post, Salem- 636004 (Tamilnadu) with CGL make vaccum bottle )
Phone: 0427- 2430571, Email:
2430572 , 2447099 Fax: Category – OTH
0427- 2430570 Ownership - OTH
Phone-0427-2330288, 2330498 APC – 600 nos
Mobile No. 9790633933
Fax: 0427-2430570
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
MEGAWIN , Salem (Magnetic
Actuator Operating Mechanism)
APC - Unit-I: 1440 nos.
Unit- ll : 200nos
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
Phone: 0479-2312269,
Fax: 0479-2312358
Email: &
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC -200nos
42 25 kV Single Pole 1. M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd., 1. M/s System Control, Salem *Developmental
Vacuum Interrupter Office Address: Office & Work Address: Order of Limite
SwitchgearDivision,Mannar, 379, Manian Industrial Complex, Quantity: 02 nos.
SPEC. No - P.O.Distt.Alleppey, (Kerala) Uttrappankadu, Maniyanoor, Anna
Works Address: Nagar, Salem, Tmail Nadu- 636310
TI/SPC/PSI/LVCBIN/01 SwitchgearDivision,Mannar, Ph: 9488189406
20 (Dec,2013) Ver.0. P.O.Distt.Alleppey,(Kerala) (Spring-Spring Operating Mechanisms
With A&C Slip No.1 (Oct. Phone: 0479-2312269, with CGL make vaccum bottle )
2016) Fax: 0479-2312358 Email:
Email: & Category – OTH Ownership - OTH APC - 600 nos.
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
(Type VSE 5/20 Spring- Spring 2. *M/s CG Power & Industrial Solutions
Operating Mechanism- with Meidensha Ltd,
or BEL make Vacuum Bottle) Office & Works Address:
(Spring–Spring Operating Mechanism) A-3, MIDC, Ambad, Nashik-422010
(Type VS E 5/8, With Meidensha or
BEL make Vacuum Bottle) Phone No. 0253-2301399
APC - 200 nos. Fax: 0253-2381377
2. M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
Office Address:
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
Transformer Engineering
Deparatment, Bhopal (MP)– 462022
Works Address:
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Transformer Engineering
Deparatment, Bhopal (MP)–462022
Phone: 0755-2505686/ 2500908
Fax: 0755- 2500681
Phone: 0755-2505686/ 2500908
Fax: 0755- 2500681
Category –OTH Ownership - OTH
(Spring–Spring Operating Mechanism)
(Type PVTI – with Cuttler Hammer,
USA or BEL make Vacuum Bottle).
APC - 200 nos
3. M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd.,
Office Address:
M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd.,
P.O.Distt.Alleppey, (Kerala)
Works Address:
M/s Aluminium Industries Ltd.,
Switchgear Division, Mannar,
P.O. Distt. Alleppey, (Kerala)
Phone: 0479-2312269,
Fax: 0479-2312358
Email: &
Category – OTH
Ownership – OTH
(Type VSE 5/20 Spring- Spring
Operating Mechanism- with Meidensha
or BEL make Vacuum Bottle)
(Spring–Spring Operating Mechanism)
(with BEL make Vacuum Bottle
& with Magnetic Accutator.
APC - 200 nos
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
4. M/s Megawin Switchgear (P) Ltd.,
Office Address:
P.O.Box No. 434, Alagapuram Post.,
Perumal Malaiadivaram, Salem.
Works Address:
P.O.Box No. 434, Alagapuram Post.,
Perumal Malaiadivaram, Salem-
Additional Work Address:
UNIT-I, 35/1,2,3 Perumal Malai
Adivaram, Narasothipatti, Alagapuram
Post, Salem- 636004 (Tamilnadu)
Phone: 0427- 2430571, 2430572,
2447099, 2330288, 2330498
Fax: 0427- 2430570
Mobile No. 9790633933
Category –OTH Ownership - OTH
(Magnetic Actuator Operating
APC - Unit-I: 1440 nos.
Unit- ll : 200nos
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
43 Joint less Grooved 1. M/s Santoshi Hyvolt Electrical Pvt. * Firm stated vide
Copper Contact Wire, 107 Ltd., letter No.
mm2, madeoutof Continuous Office Address: CML/RDSO/2018-
Cast Copper WireRods. D-190, Sector-63, Noida, U.P -201301 19/0235 dated
(India) 27.10.2018 that
SPEC. No - Works Address: they are unable to
ETI/OHE/76 (06/97) I-22, Site-5, Kasna UPSIDC, Surajpur supply the materials
With A & C Slip No. 1, 3, 4, Industrial Area, Kasna, Greater Noida, as per capacity
5,6 Gautam Budh Nagar, Up- 201310 given in RDSO's
7, 8 , 9 & 10 Phone- 0120- 4345000 (O) approved vendors
Mob- 8588000258 & list, however
8588000259 production capacity
Fax: 0120 – 4294163 (O) still remain the
Email: same.
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - .(2500MT)
2. M/s Dhruv Cables and Conductors
Office & Works Address:
116-117 B, Sector-7, HSIIDC,G.C.
Bawal, Distt.Rewari, Haryana123501.
Phone: 0127-4264276
Fax : 0127-44264276
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC: 5000 MT
3. M/s Omsai Udyog India Private
Office Address:
N- 11, Jangpura Extension, New
Works Address:
33- Feet Road, Akbarpur Barota, Dist.-
Sonipat, Haryana-131001.
Phone: (91)9467800188,
Fax: (91)130-2110188
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (4500 MT)
4. * M/s Chandra Metals Ltd.
Office Address:
1, 2, 5, 6, 7 (Unit-A), 14, 18, 19 (Unit -
B) MNNIT Industrial Estate
(Teliarganj), Allahabad – 211 004.
Works Address:
1, 2, 5, 6, 7 (Unit- A), 14, 18, 19 (Unit -
B) MNNIT Industrial Estate
(Teliarganj), Allahabad – 211 004
Phone: 0532 – 2545851/ 2545783,
Fax: 0532 -2545784
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (1400 MT)
5. M/s INCOM Cables Pvt., Ltd.,
Office Address:
A-90, Narayana Industrial Area,
Phase-1, New Delhi-110028
Works Address:
B-13,UPSIDC, industrial Area,
Sikandrabad, Bulandshahar (U.P) -
Phone: 05735 - 222065 ,
Fax: 05735 – 222690,
Email: incom1971@hotm
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (4800 MT)
6. M/s Sriram Cables Pvt., Ltd.,
Office & Works Address
A- 524, RIICO IndustrialAreaChopanki,
Bhaiwadi, Distt.- Alwar(Rajasthan),
Phone:01493- 512940, 302601- 30,
Fax: 01493- 302622
email: satish@sriramcabl
Category – S Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
APC - (3000MT)
7. M/s JK Cable Limited
Office & Works Address:
C-25, Sector 57, Noida, Gautam Budh
Nagar (UP).
Phone: 0120- 2581022,4327375,
Fax:0120 -2581022
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (3600MT)
8. M/s Sight Sound Electronics (India)
Pvt. Ltd
Office Address:
A-128, Wazirpur Industrial
Area, Delhi –110052.
Works Address:
A - 128, Wazirpur Industrial
Area, Delhi –110052
Phone: 011-27373604, 27373432,
Fax: 011 – 27371662
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (4800 MT)
9. M/s Airen Metals Pvt. Ltd.
Office Address:
G-750, Road No. 9F2, VKI Area,
Jaipur (Rajasthan) – 320013
Works Address:
1. A – 405 (7), Road No.14,
V.K.I. Area, Jaipur (Rajasthan) Pin–
2. SP-16, SKSIndustrial Area,
Reengus, Sikar, Rajasthan –332404.
3. F-119SKS Industrial Area
Reengus, Dist. Sikar, Reengus-
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phone: 0141 – 4127777,
2460816, 2460787 (O), Fax:0141-
2460815 (O)
Email: info@airenmetals.c om
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (12000 MT)
10. M/s APAR Industries Limited
Office Address:
Apar House, Building No. 5, Corporate
Park, Sion -Trombay Road, chembur,
Mumbai 400071
Works Address:
Survey No. 148/1- 148/3/1, Silvassa-
Rakholi Road, Village-Kudacha ,
Silvassa, U.T of D & NH – 396230, India
Fax No. 0265- 2330309
Email: &
Phone:022- 27694756/57,
Fax -022- 25246326, 27602692
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC - (22214 MT)
11. M/s GSJ Alloys
Office & Works address:
Plot No 2133,2134Opposite Dadabari ,
Nagaur Road , Village Charakara
Nokha – 334803,Rajasthan
Ph: 91941439573
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (3000 MT)
12. M/s Gupta Power Infrastructure Limited
Office Address:
Cuttack Road, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-
751006, India
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Reg. office:
EN-62, Sector-V, 7th Floor Salt Lake
City, Kolkata- 7009, West Bengal,
Works address:
IDCO, Plot No- F/9,IID Centre, Mukund
Prasad, Khurda-752054, Odisa, India
Phone: 033-32584017
Fax: 033-22438441
Cell: 9212500147
Category – M Ownership – OTH
APC - (3000 MT)
13. M/s Victor Cables corporation Ltd.,
Office Address:
97A, Bhishma Pitamah Marg, Opp.
Defence Colony, New Delhi-110003,
Works Address:
SP-864, Patharedi Industrial Area,
Chopanki, Bhiwadi-301019, Rajsthan
Phone: 011-41750900
Fax: 011-41750902
Email: shivrajgupta"
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC: 6000 MT
14. M/s Shree Bankey Bihari Metals,
Office & Works Address:
Plot No. 45-46, Sector-8A, IIE,
SIDCUL, Haridwar (UK)- 249 403
Phone: 9711112372
Fax: 011-66173174
Cell: 9711112372
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC: 3000 MT
15. M/s KMG Wires Pvt. Ltd.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Office address:
M/s KMG Wires Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai 4 th
floor Vishal Building ,S.K. Bole Road
Dadar (West) Mumbai – 400028
Works Address:
Ph: 9769793260
Category – M Ownership – OTH
APC: 3000 MT
16. M/s Shashi Cables Limited
Office & Works address:
M/s Shashi Cables Limited A3
Amausi Industrial Area, Kanpur Road
Lucknow (UP)
Phone: 773002275
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC: 3000 MT
17. M/s Stellar Cables Infrastructure
Office & Works Address:
M/s Stellar Cables Infrastructure
Pvt.,Ltd., A-5, UPSIDCL Industrial
Area, Sarojini Nagar, Kanpur Road,
Lucknow -226008.
Phone: (91)522-247611,
Fax: (91)522-2476222
Email: info@stellarcables. net
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (3000 MT)
18. M/s KEC International Ltd,
Office Address:
RPG House, 463, Dr. Annie Basent
Road, Warli, Mumbai-400030(India)
Works Address:
Plot No. 803, Samlya Savli Road,
Village: Godampura, Taluka, Savli,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Vadodara, Gujrat-391520(India)
Tel: 02266670300
Fax: 02224930206
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC – 4000 MT
19. M/s CMI Ltd,
Office Address:
Flat No. 501-503, New Delhi House,
27 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-
Works Address:
Plot No. 72 & 82, Sector-6,
Phone: 011-49570000
(O), Fax: 011-23739902 (O)
Email: vkgupta@cmilimite
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC – 4000 MT
20. M/s Transrail Lighting Limited,
Office Address:
501, ABCE Fortune 2000, G-Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East,
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400051, India
Works Address:
Conductor Division, Survey No. 178 to
182, Kherdi Surangi Road, Village:
Amboli, Silvassa, Dadara and Nagar
Haveli-396230, India
Phone No. +91- 8347556255
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC: 6750 MT
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
21. M/s Dayalok Transformers Private
F-12, UPSIDC, Naini,
Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh-211010.
Phone No. +91-8707457422
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC: 7000 MT
22. M/s Ajanma Industries LLP,
Office & Works Address
Khevat No. 342, Min Khata No. 479,
Kila No. 17/10/2, Mauja Gram,
Sonipat, Haryana-131001, India
Mob: +91- 9999113355
Category – S Ownership–OTH
APC: 7000 MT
44 Joint less Grooved Copper 1. M/s Santoshi Hyvolt Electrical Pvt. * Firm stated vide
Contact Wire, 150 mm2, Ltd., Nil letter No.
made out of Continuous Office Address: CML/RDSO/2018
Cast Copper Wire Rods. D-190, Sector-63, Noida, U.P - -19/0235 dated
201301 (India) 27.10.2018 that
SPEC. No - Works Address: they are unable to
ETI/OHE/76 (06/97) With A I-22, Site-5, Kasna UPSIDC, supply the
& C Slip No. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 Surajpur Industrial Area, Kasna, materials as per
7, 8 , 9 & 10 Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, capacity given in
Up- 201310 RDSO's
Phone- 0120- 4345000 (O) approved vendors
Mob- 8588000258 & list, however
8588000259 production
Fax: 0120 – 4294163 (O) capacity still
Email: remain the same.
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - .(2500MT)
2. M/s VeeKay General Industries
Office Address:
Plot no.19, Udyog Vihar, Ecotech-2,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Greater Noida, Dist. Gautam Buddha
Nagar, Uttar Pradesh- 201306
Works Address -:
Plot no.19, Udyog Vihar, Ecotech-2,
Greater Noida, Dist. Gautam Buddha
Nagar, Uttar Pradesh- 201306
Phone: 0120- 4212310 Phone: 011-
22583005, 65283894, 22282087
Fax: 011-22589459,
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (2500 MT)
3. M/s Omsai Udyog India Private
Office Address:
Limited N- 11, Jangpura Extension,
New Delhi-110014
Works Address:
33- Feet Road, AkbarpurBarota,
Dist.-Sonipat, Hariyana-131001.
Phone: (91)9467800188,
Fax: (91)130-2110188
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (1080 MT)
4. * M/s Chandra Metals Ltd.
Office Address:
1, 2, 5, 6, 7 (Unit-A), 14, 18, 19 (Unit
- B) MNNIT Industrial Estate
(Teliarganj), Allahabad – 211 004.
Works Address:
1, 2, 5, 6, 7 (Unit- A), 14, 18, 19 (Unit
- B) MNNIT Industrial Estate
(Teliarganj), Allahabad – 211 004
Phone: 0532 – 2545851/ 2545783,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Fax: 0532 -2545784
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (7200 MT)
5. M/s INCOM Cables Pvt., Ltd.,
Office Address:
A-90, Narayana Industrial Area,
Phase-1, New Delhi-110028
Works Address:
B-13,UPSIDC, industrial Area,
Sikandrabad, Bulandshahar (U.P) -
Phone: 05735 - 222065 ,
Fax: 05735 – 222690,
Email: incom1971@hotm
Category – SOwnership – OTH
APC - (4800 MT)
6. M/s Sriram Cables Pvt., Ltd.,
Office Address
A – 524, RIICO Industrial Area
Chopanki, Bhaiwadi, Distt.- Alwar
Works Address:
Ltd., A – 524, RIICO Industrial Area
Chopanki, Bhaiwadi, Distt.-
Phone:01493- 512940, 302601- 30,
Fax: 01493- 302622
email: satish@sriramcabl
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (4000MT)
7. M/s JK Cable Limited
Office & Works Address:
C-25, Sector 57, Noida, Gautam
Budh Nagar (UP).
Phone: 0120- 2581022,4327375,
Fax:0120 -2581022
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (2400MT)
8. M/s Sight Sound Electronics (India)
Pvt. Ltd
Office & Works Address:
A-128, Wazirpur Industrial
Area, Delhi –110052.
Works Address:
Phone: 011-27373604, 27373432,
Fax: 011 – 27371662
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (4800 MT)
9. M/s Airen Metals Pvt. Ltd.
Office Address:
G-750, Road No. 9F2, VKI Area,
Jaipur (Rajasthan) – 320013
Works Address:
1. A – 405 (7), Road No.14,
V.K.I. Area, Jaipur (Rajasthan) Pin–
2. SP-16, SKSIndustrial Area,
Reengus, Sikar, Rajasthan –
3. F-119SKS Industrial Area
Reengus, Dist. Sikar, Reengus-
Phone: 0141 – 4127777,
2460816, 2460787 (O), Fax:0141-
2460815 (O)
Email: info@airenmetals.c om
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (15300 MT)
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
10. M/s APAR Industries Limited
Office Address:
Apar House, Building No. 5,
Corporate Park, Sion -Trombay Road,
chembur, Mumbai 400071
Works Address:
Survey No. 148/1- 148/3/1, Silvassa-
Rakholi Road, Village-Kudacha ,
Silvassa, U.T of D & NH – 396230,
Fax No. 0265- 2330309
Email: &
Phone:022- 27694756/57,
Fax -022- 25246326, 27602692
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC - (10000 MT)
11. M/s GSJ Alloys
Office & Works address:
Plot No 2133,2134Opposite
Dadabari , Nagaur Road , Village
Charakara Nokha –
Ph: 91941439573
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (3000 MT)
12. M/s Gupta Power Infrastructure
Office Address:
Cuttack Road, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha- 751006, India
Reg. office:
EN-62, Sector-V, 7th Floor Salt Lake
City, Kolkata- 7009, West Bengal,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Works address:
IDCO, Plot No- F/9,IID Centre,
Mukund Prasad, Khurda-752054,
Odisa, India
Phone: 033-32584017
Fax: 033-22438441
Cell: 9212500147
Category – M Ownership – OTH
APC - (3200 MT)
13. Shree Bankey Bihari Metals,
Office & Works Address:
Plot No. 45-46, Sector-8A, IIE,
SIDCUL, Haridwar (UK)- 249 403
Phone: 9711112372
Fax: 011-66173174
Cell: 9711112372
Category – S Ownership – OTH
45 Joint less Grooved Copper 1. * M/s Chandra Metals Ltd. * Firm stated vide
Contact Wire, 193 mm2, Office Address: letter No.
made out of Continuous 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 (Unit-A), 14, 18, 19 (Unit CML/RDSO/2018
Cast Copper Wire Rods. - B) MNNIT Industrial Estate -19/0235 dated
(Teliarganj), Allahabad – 211 004. 27.10.2018 that
SPEC. No - Works Address: they are unable to
ETI/OHE/76 (06/97) With A 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 (Unit- A), 14, 18, 19 (Unit supply the
& C Slip No. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 - B) MNNIT Industrial Estate materials as per
7, 8, 9 & 10. (Teliarganj), Allahabad – 211 004 capacity given in
Phone: 0532 – 2545851/ 2545783, RDSO's
Fax: 0532 -2545784 approved vendors
Email: list, however
Category – S Ownership - OTH production
APC -a.(1400 MT) capacity still
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2. M/s Santoshi Hyvolt Electrical Pvt. remain the same.
Office Address:
D-190, Sector-63, Noida, U.P -
201301 (India)
Works Address:
I-22, Site-5, Kasna UPSIDC,
Surajpur Industrial Area, Kasna,
Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar,
Up- 201310
Phone- 0120- 4345000 (O)
Mob- 8588000258 &
Fax: 0120 – 4294163 (O)
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (2500MT)
3. M/s Omsai Udyog India Private
Office Address:
N- 11, Jangpura Extension, New
Works Address:
33- Feet Road, AkbarpurBarota,
Dist.-Sonipat, Hariyana-131001.
Phone: (91)9467800188,
Fax: (91)130-2110188
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (1080 MT)
4. M/s INCOM Cables Pvt., Ltd.,
Office Address:
A-90, Narayana Industrial Area,
Phase-1, New Delhi-110028
Works Address:
B-13,UPSIDC, industrial Area,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Sikandrabad, Bulandshahar (U.P) -
Phone: 05735 - 222065 ,
Fax: 05735 – 222690,
Email: incom1971@hotm
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (4800 MT)
5. M/s Sriram Cables Pvt., Ltd.,
Office Address
A – 524, RIICO
IndustrialAreaChopanki, Bhaiwadi,
Distt.- Alwar(Rajasthan), Works
M/s Sriram Cables Pvt., Ltd., A – 524,
RIICO IndustrialAreaChopanki,
Bhaiwadi, Distt.- Alwar(Rajasthan)
Phone:01493- 512940, 302601- 30,
Fax: 01493- 302622
email: satish@sriramcabl
Category – S
Ownership - OTH
APC 4000MT
6. M/s Airen Metals Pvt. Ltd.
Office Address:
G-750, Road No. 9F2, VKI Area,
Jaipur (Rajasthan) – 320013
Works Address:
1. A – 405 (7), Road No.14,
V.K.I. Area, Jaipur (Rajasthan) Pin–
2. SP-16, SKSIndustrial Area,
Reengus, Sikar, Rajasthan –
3. F-119SKS Industrial Area
Reengus, Dist. Sikar, Reengus-
Phone: 0141 – 4127777,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2460816, 2460787 (O), Fax:0141-
2460815 (O)
Email: info@airenmetals.c om
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - (19750 MT)
7. M/s APAR Industries Limited
Office Address:
Apar House, Building No. 5,
Corporate Park, Sion -Trombay Road,
chembur, Mumbai 400071
Works Address:
No. 148/1- 148/3/1, Silvassa-
Rakholi Road, Village-Kudacha ,
Silvassa, U.T of D & NH – 396230,
Fax No. 0265- 2330309
Phone:022- 27694756/57,
Fax -022- 25246326, 27602692
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC - (10000MT)
8. M/s GSJ Alloys
Office & Works address:
Plot No 2133, 2134 Opposite
Dadabari , Nagaur Road , Village
Charakara Nokha – 334803,
Ph: 91941439573
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (3000 MT)
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
9. M/s Gupta Power Infrastructure
Office Address:
Cuttack Road, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-
751006, India
Reg. office:
EN-62, Sector-V, 7th Floor Salt Lake
City, Kolkata- 7009, West Bengal,
Works address:
IDCO, Plot No- F/9,IID Centre,
Mukund Prasad, Khurda-752054,
Odisa, India
Phone: 033-32584017
Fax: 033-22438441
Cell: 9212500147
Category – M Ownership – OTH
APC - 4117 MT
10. Shree Bankey Bihari Metals, Office
& Works Address:
Plot No. 45-46, Sector-8A, IIE,
SIDCUL, Haridwar (UK)- 249 403
Phone: 9711112372
Fax: 011-66173174
Cell: 9711112372
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC: 3000 MT
46 Continuous Cast 1. M/s Hindalco Industries Limited (Unit
Copper (CCC) Wire of Birla Copper)
Rod ( Manufactured Office & works Address:
by South Wire P.O. – Dahej , Dist.- Bharuch -
Process) for 392130. (Gujrat),
manufacturing 107 mm2 joint Phone: +91-2641-
less Hard 256004-6,Fax: +91-2641-
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Drawn Grooved 251002-3
Copper Contact Wire Email: jayantaranasingh@
SPEC. No - Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
ETI/OHE/65 (08/87) 2. M/s Hindustan Copper Limited,
with A & C Slip No. 1 to Office Address:
5. E-33 –E-36 M.I.D.C P.O. Taloja, Navi
ETI/OHE/76 (06/97) Mumbai Dist. Raigad - 410208.
with A & C Slip No. 1, Mahrastra,
3, 4, 5, 6 Works Address:
7, 8 ,9& 10. M/s Hindustan Copper Limited , E-33–
E-66 M.I.D.C P.O. Taloja, Navi
Mumbai Dist. Raigad - 410208.(
Phone: 022-27412738,
Fax: 022-27412468
Phone: 022-27412738,
Fax: 022-27412468
Email: hcl.tcp@hindustan
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
3. M/s M.M.Kembla,
Office & Work address:
M/s M.M.Kembla, Gloucester,
Boulevarde, Port Kembla NSW- 2505,
Category – OTH
Ownership – OTH
4. M/s Carlo Colombo SPA
Office & Work address:
M/s Carlo Colombo SPA, 26026,
Pizzighettone (CP), Italy-via Regona-
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Tele:+390269467453, Fax:
Category – OTH
Ownership – OTH
5. M/s Societe Lensoise Du Cuirve,
Office & Works Address:
M/s Societe Lensoise Du Cuirve,
Boulevard Du Marais BP-302, 62334,
Lens Cedex,
Tele:+0321794725, Fax:+0321794726
Category – OTH
Ownership – OTH
47 Un-insulated Cadmium 1. * M/s Chandra Metals Ltd. -- * Firm stated vide
Copper Catenary Wire 65 Office Address: letter No.
mm2 (19/2. 10 mm) 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 (Unit-A), 14, 18, 19 (Unit CML/RDSO/2018
SPEC. No - - B) MNNIT Industrial Estate -19/0235 dated
ETI/OHE/50 (06/97) with A (Teliarganj), Allahabad – 211 004. 27.10.2018 that
& C Slip No. 1 to 6 Works Address: they are unable to
1, 2, 5, 6, 7 (Unit- A), 14, 18, 19 (Unit supply the
- B) MNNIT Industrial Estate materials as per
(Teliarganj), Allahabad – 211 004 capacity given in
Phone: 0532 – 2545851/ 2545783, RDSO's
Fax: 0532 -2545784 approved vendors
Email: list, however
Category – S production
Ownership - OTH capacity still
APC - (1236 MT) remain the same.
2. M/s Santoshi Hyvolt Electrical Pvt.
Office Address:
D-190, Sector-63, Noida, U.P -
201301 (India)
Works Address:
I-22, Site-5, Kasna UPSIDC,
Surajpur Industrial Area, Kasna,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar,
Up- 201310
Phone- 0120- 4345000 (O)
Mob- 8588000258 &
Fax: 0120 – 4294163 (O)
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (1800MT)
3. M/s JK Cable Limited
Office Address:
C-25, Sector 57, Noida, Gautam
Budh Nagar (UP).
Works Address:
C-25, Sector 57, Noida,
Phone: 0120- 2581022,4327375,
Fax:0120 -2581022
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (1200 MT)
4. M/s Omsai Udyog India Private
Office Address:
N- 11, Jangpura Extension, New
Works Address:
33- Feet Road, AkbarpurBarota,
Dist.-Sonipat, Hariyana-131001.
Phone: (91)9467800188,
Fax: (91)130-2110188
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (2160 MT)
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
5. M/s Stellar Cables Infrastructure
Office & Works Address:
M/s Stellar Cables Infrastructure
Pvt.,Ltd., A-5, UPSIDCL Industrial
Area, Sarojini Nagar, Kanpur Road,
Lucknow -226008.
Phone: (91)522-247611,
Fax: (91)522-2476222
Email: info@stellarcables. net
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (1100 MT)
6. M/s Sarunda Polymers,
Office Address:
Bikaner Road Nokha,
Bikaner Road Nokha, 334803
Tel: 01531222301,220301
Fax No. 01531-220301
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (1000 MT)
7. M/s Airen Metals Pvt. Ltd.
Office Address:
G-750, Road No. 9F2, VKI Area,
Jaipur (Rajasthan) – 320013
Works Address:
1. A – 405 (7), Road No.14,
V.K.I. Area, Jaipur (Rajasthan) Pin
– 302013.
2. SP-16, SKSIndustrial Area,
Reengus, Sikar, Rajasthan –
3. F-119SKS Industrial Area
Reengus, Dist. Sikar, Reengus-
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phone: 0141 – 4127777,
2460816, 2460787 (O), Fax:0141-
2460815 (O)
Email: info@airenmetals.c om
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (3885 MT)
8. M/s APAR Industries Limited
Office Address:
Apar House, Building No. 5,
Corporate Park, Sion -Trombay
Road, chembur, Mumbai 400071
Works Address:
M/s Apar Industries Limited,Survey
No. 148/1- 148/3/1, Silvassa-
Rakholi Road, Village-Kudacha ,
Silvassa, U.T of D & NH – 396230,
Fax No. 0265- 2330309
Phone:022- 27694756/57,
Fax -022- 25246326, 27602692
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
APC - 12825MT
9. M/s KEC International Ltd,
Office Address:
RPG House, 463, Dr. Annie Basent
Road, Warli, Mumbai-400030(India)
Works Address:
Plot No. 803, Samlya Savli Road,
Village: Godampura, Taluka, Savli,
Vadodara, Gujrat-391520(India)
Tel: 02266670300
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Fax: 02224930206
Category – OTH
Ownership - OTH
APC - 2000(MT)
10. M/s Dhruv Cables and Conductors
Office & Works Address:
116-117 B, Sector-7, HSIIDC, G.C.
Bawal, Distt.Rewari, Haryana-
Phone: 0127-4264276
Fax : 0127-44264276
Category – S Ownership - -OTH
APC - (3100 MT)
11. M/s GSJ Alloys
Office & Works address:
Plot No 2133,2134Opposite
Dadabari , Nagaur Road , Village
Charakara Nokha –
Ph: 91941439573
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (2000 MT)
12. M/s Sight Sound Electronics (India)
Pvt. Ltd
Office & Works Address:
A-128, Wazirpur Industrial
Area, Delhi –110052.
Phone: 011-27373604, 27373432,
Fax: 011 – 27371662
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - (2000 MT)
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
13. M/s Gupta Power Infrastructure
Office Address:
Cuttack Road, Bhubaneswar,
Odisha- 751006, India
Reg. office:
EN-62, Sector-V, 7th Floor Salt Lake
City, Kolkata- 7009, West Bengal,
Works address:
IDCO, Plot No- F/9,IID Centre,
Mukund Prasad, Khurda-752054,
Odisa, India
Phone: 033-32584017
Fax: 033-22438441
Cell: 9212500147
Category – M Ownership – OTH
APC - (1720 MT)
14. M/s Ajanma Industries LLP,
Office & Works Address
Khevat No. 342, Min Khata No. 479,
Kila No. 17/10/2, Mauja Gram,
Sonipat, Haryana-131001, India
Mob: +91- 9999113355
Category – S Ownership–OTH
APC: 3800 MT
48 Capacitor (Conventional 1. M/s APPSIL, 1. M/s TDK Nasik
Type) Office Address: Office address:
Plot No. 5 & 6, II Phase, Peenya M/s TDK India Pvt. Ltd. Kulia
SPEC. No – Industrial Area, Bangalore – 560058. Kancharapara ,PO Netaji Subhas
TI/SPC/PSI/FC&SR/010 Works Address: Sanatorium Kalyani , Nadia West
0 with A&C Slip No.1 M/s APPSIL, Plot No. 5 & 6, II Phase, Bangal – 741251
(Oct 2016) Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore – Work address:
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phone: 080-28392813, M/s TDK India Pvt. Ltd F- 22-25 MIDC
Fax: 080-28392384 area Satpur, Nashik 422007
Email: (Maharastra)
Category – OTH Fax: 0253-2353761,
2. : M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd., Phone: 0253-2205101
Office Address: Email: tapan.prusty@tdk-
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
Transformer Engineering Category – OTH
Deparatment ,Bhopal (MP)-462022 Ownership - OTH
Works Address: APC - 10000 Nos.
M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.,
Transformer Engineering
Deparatment ,Bhopal (MP)–462022
Phone: 0755-2505686/ 2500908 Fax:
0755- 2500681
Phone: 0755-2505686/ 2500908 Fax:
0755- 2500681
Category –OTH
Ownership - OTH
Office Address:
Plot No. 43 to 46, Industrial Estate,
Jaisinghpur, Dist. Kolhapur – 416144.
Work Address :
No. 588 & 590, Jambhali Road,
Jambhali, Dist. Kolhapur
Tel.: 02322- 221021/22/24/45
Fax: 02322 – 221023,
Email: admin@shreemele
Category – S
Ownership - OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
4. M/s Universal Cables Ltd. Satna
Office & Works addrss:
M/s Universal Cables Ltd., Birla Vikas
Post Box No. 9, Satna( MP)- 485005
Phone: 07672257121-27,
FAX No. 07672-257131
Email: headoffice@unista
Category – OTH
Ownership - OTH
5. M/s Energe Capacitors Pvt.
Office Address:
M/s Energe Capacitor, (P) Ltd., 316,
Shree Krishna Commercial Centre, 6,
Udyog Nagar, Goregaon, Mumbai.
Works Address:
Shenbagathoppy Road, Rajapalayam –
Phone: 022-40238191
Email: sales@energecapa
Category – S Ownership - OTH
6. M/s Magnewin Energy Pvt. Ltd., Sangli
Office Address:
K-2, M.I.D.C., Kupwad –416436, Dist.-
Sangli, Maharastra
Work Address:
M/s Magnewin Enery Pvt. Ltd., K-2,
M.I.D.C., Kupwad –416436, Dist.-
Sangli, Maharastra
Tel.: 0233- 2644456/2645141
Fax: 0233 – 2645856,
Email: marketing@magne
Category – S Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
49 Dynamic Reactive Power 1. M/s APPSIL, Required quantity
Compensation Equipment Office Address: insignificant in
Spec. No. M/s APPSIL., Plot No. 5 & 6, II Phase, comparison to
Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore – capacities of firms,
TI/SPC/PSI/DRPC/0050 560058. so capacities are
with A&C Slip No. 1 (Oct Works Address: not applicable
2016) M/s APPSIL, Plot No. 5 & 6, II Phase,
Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore –
Phone: 080-28392813,
Fax: 080-28392384
Category – OTH
2. M/s Dubas Engineering Pvt. Ltd.,
Office Address:
347/1A, Bilekahalli, 6thCross,
2ndStage, BTM Layout, Office:
Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore -
Works Address:
347/1A, Bilekahalli, 6thCross,
2ndStage, BTM Layout, Office:
Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore -
Email: mktg3@dubaspow
Office Address:
Plot No. 43 to 46, Industrial Estate,
Jaisinghpur, Dist. Kolhapur – 416144.
Work Address :
Gat No. 588 & 590, Jambhali Road,
Jambhali, Dist. Kolhapur
Tel.: 02322- 221021/22/24/45
Fax: 02322 – 221023,
Email: admin@shreemele
Category – S Ownership - OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
50 Composite Stay Arm 1. M/s Deccan Enterprizes Ltd., 1. * M/s Asiatic Electrical & Switchgear *Revalidation as
Insulator (1050mm CD) Office & Works Address: (P) Ltd., per Revised
B/58,59 and 60, Asstd. Pvt. Industrial Office & Works Address: Specification is
SPEC. No – Estate,Balanagar, Hyderabad- A-58, Naraina Industrial Area, pending.
TI/SPC/OHE/INSCOM/ 500037. Phase- I, New Delhi. # For limited
1071 (Rev-01) Phone: 040-23870111, Phone: 011-25796330, 25796617, quantity of 500
Fax: 040-23778699 Fax: 011-25799816, nos as per the
Email: Email: RDSO letter no.
Category – S Ownership – OTH Category – S Ownership – OTH QAE/OHE/INSC
2. M/s Olectra Greentech Ltd., 2. # M/s Adinath Industries OM/ADINATH
Office Address: Office Address: dated
Centre Point Building, 4th Floor plot 1. 31, Rajendra Park, Pusa Road, 01.09.2020.
359 to 363/401 , US Consulate Lane, New Delhi-110060
Begumpet Secundrabad – 500003. 2. C-9/2, DLF City, Phase-I, Sukhchaen
Works Address: Marg, Gurgaon-122002.
Plot No. 1&9, Phase-2, IDA, Works Address:
Cherlapally, Hyderabad- 500051 E-45 (G2), Khushkhera
Phone: 040- 46989999/27266783, Industrial Area, Bhiwadi-301707.
Fax: 040- 27266786 District Alwar, Rajasthan.
Email: Ph:9810060890
Category – OTH Email:
Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Category – S. Ownership –OTH
Office & Works address:
(Electric & Photovoltaic Division)
Post Box No. 1245, Prof. C.N.R. Rao
Circle, Opp. IISC, Malleshwaram
Bangalore-560 012.
Phone: 080-22182435/2246
Fax: 080-23560741
Category –OTH Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
51 Composite Bracket 1. * M/s Asiatic Electrical & Switchgear 1. M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited *Revalidation as
Insulator (1050 mm CD) (P) Ltd., Office & Works address: per Revised
Office & Works Address: (Electric & Photovoltaic Division) Specification is
SPEC. No - A-58, Naraina Industrial Area, Post Box No. 1245, pending.
TI/SPC/OHE/INSCOM/ Phase- I, New Delhi. Prof. C.N.R. Rao Circle, Opp. IISC, # For limited
1071 (Rev-01) Phone: 011-25796330, 25796617, Malleshwaram quantity of 500
Fax: 011-25799816, Bangalore-560 012. nos as per the
Email: Phone: 080-22182435/2246 RDSO letter no.
Category – S Ownership – OTH Fax: 080-23560741 QAE/OHE/INSC
Email:, OM/ADINATH dated 01.09.2020.
Category –OTH Ownership – OTH
2. M/s Deccan Enterprizes Ltd., 2. # M/s Adinath Industries
Office & Works Address: Office Address:
B/58,59 and 60, Asstd. Pvt. Industrial 1. 31,Rajendra Park, Pusa Road,
Estate,Balanagar, Hyderabad- New Delhi-110060
500037. 2. C-9/2, DLF City, Phase-I, Sukhchaen
Phone: 040-23870111, Marg, Gurgaon-122002.
Fax: 040-23778699 Works Address:
Email: E-45 (G2), Khushkhera
Category – S Ownership - OTH Industrial Area, Bhiwadi-301707.
3. M/s Olectra Greentech Ltd., District Alwar, Rajasthan.
Office Address: Ph:9810060890
Centre Point Building, 4th Floor plot Email:
359 to 363/401, US Consulate Lane,
Begumpet Secundrabad – 500003. Category – S Ownership –OTH
Works Address:
Plot No. 1&9, Phase-2, IDA,
Cherlapally, Hyderabad- 500051
Phone: 040- 46989999/27266783,
Fax: 040- 27266786
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
52 Composite 9 Tonne 1. * M/s Asiatic Electrical & 1. # M/s Adinath Industries Gurgaon *Revalidation as
Insulator (1050mm CD) Switchgear (P) Ltd., per Revised
Office & Works Address: Specification is
SPEC. No - A-58, Naraina Industrial Area, pending.
TI/SPC/OHE/INSCOM/ Phase- I, New Delhi. # For limited
1071 (Rev-01) Phone:011-25796330, 25796617 quantity of 150
Fax: 011-25799816, nos as per the
Email: RDSO letter no.
Category – S Ownership – OTH QAE/OHE/INSC
2. M/s Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited OM/ADINATH
Office & Works address: dated
(Electric & Photovoltaic Division) 01.09.2020.
Post Box No. 1245, Prof. C.N.R. Rao
Circle, Opp. IISC, Malleshwaram,
Bangalore-560 012.
Phone: 080-22182435/2246
Fax: 080-23560741
Category –OTH Ownership - OTH
3. M/s Deccan Enterprizes Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
B/58,59 and 60, Asstd. Pvt. Industrial
Estate,Balanagar, Hyderabad-
Fax: 040-23778699
Category – S Ownership - OTH
4. M/s Olectra Greentech Ltd.,
Office Address:
Centre Point Building, 4th Floor plot
359 to 363/401 , US Consulate Lane,
Begumpet Secundrabad – 500003.
Works Address:
Plot No. 1&9, Phase-2, IDA,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Cherlapally, Hyderabad- 500051
Phone: 040- 46989999/27266783,
Fax: 040- 27266786
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
53 Section Insulator Assembly Nil 1. M/s Economic Electricals, Section Insulator
(Without Sectioning Office Address: Assembly
Insulator) 125, S.N.Roy Road, Kolkata-700038. (Without
Works Address: SectioningInsulato
SPEC. No - Bakhrahat Road , Village – Bonogram , r)
ETI/OHE/27(08 /1984) with Post – Rasapunja, P.S., Bishnupur, 63 / 95
A & C Slip No. 1 & 2 District: South 24 Paragana, West
Fax: 033 – 24687621
Category – S
Ownership – OTH
2. M/s Khatri Castings (P) Ltd.,
Office Address:
144, Naman Plaza, Shoppers Stop
Bldg., SV Road Kandivali (West),
Phone: 022- 28658106,
Fax: 022-28658107
Works Address:
Village: Valwada (Near Karambele
Railway Station) NH- 8, Taluka-
Umargaon, Opposite Maruti Depot,
Dist. Valsad ( South Gujrat)
Fax: 0260-2707286
Category – S Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Kamgar Engineering Works (I)
Private Limited,
Office Address:
9, Anupam Industrial Estate, No.2
Opposite Mulund Telephone
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Exchange, Mulund (West), Mumbai-
400 080
Works Address:
Private Limited, 9, Anupam Industrial
Estate, No.2 Opposite Mulund
Telephone Exchange, Mulund (West),
Phone: 022- 25908078/79/82,
Fax: 022- 25918074
Category – S Ownership – OTH
4. M/s Shree Steel Wire Ropes Ltd.,
Office Address:
504 – 505, 5th floor, Shiv Ashish
Commercial Complex, Plot No. 10, 19th
Road, Chembur, Mumbai - 400071.
Works Address:
183-184-185, KIDC, Village- Dheku,
Khopoli, Taluka-Khalapur, Dist. Raigad.
( Maharashtra)
Ph: 022-25274142,
25240917, Fax: 022- 25270999
Phone No.02192-263547,
Fax No. 02192-266479,
Email: sswrl@bholenathc
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
5. M/s Mosdorfer India Private Limited.
Office: 403C, Wing B1, Marathon
Innova, Opp.
Peninsula Corporate Park, Lower
Parel, Mumbai-400013. Works
address: Gat-196/1&2, Village Gonde
Dhumala, MIDC Gonde, Taluka
lgatpuri, District Nashik-422
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phone: 022-24926393
Fax: 022-24953082
Category –S Ownership – OTH
54 Regulating Equipment 1. M/s Khatri Castings (P) Ltd., 1. M/s Mosdorfer India Private Limited.
(ATD) Office Address: Office:
-Three Pulley Type with 144, Naman Plaza, Shoppers Stop 403C, Wing B1, Marathon Innova,
Modified Pulley Groove (3:1 Bldg., SV Road Kandivali (West), Office Address:
Ratio) (with use of NBC Ball Mumbai-400067 Peninsula Corporate Park, Lower
Bearing 6305 Phone: 022- 28658106, Parel, Mumbai-400013.
LLU(Part – I) or SKF Ball Fax: 022-28658107 Works address:
Bearing 6305- Works Address: Gat-196/1&2, Village Gonde
2RS1 (Part- I) or FAG Ball Village: Valwada (Near Karambele Dhumala, MIDC Gonde, Taluka
Bearing 6305-2RSR (Part– Railway Station) NH- 8, Taluka- lgatpuri, District Nashik-422
II) in Regulating Umargaon, Opposite Maruti Depot, 403(Maharashtra).
Equipment) Dist. Valsad ( South Gujrat) Phone: 022-24926393
Fax: 0260-2707286 Fax: 022-24953082
SPEC. No – Email: Mob.9372584018
Category – S email:-
TI/SPC/OHE/ATD/0060 Ownership – OTH
Rev.-1 with A&C Slip No.1 2. M/s Shree Steel Wire Ropes Ltd., Category –S Ownership - OTH
Office Address: APC - 72000 sets
504 – 505, 5th floor, Shiv Ashish
Commercial Complex, Plot No. 10,
19th Road, Chembur, Mumbai -
Works Address:
183-184-185, KIDC, Village- Dheku,
Khopoli, Taluka-Khalapur, Dist. Raigad.
( Maharashtra)
Ph: 022-25274142,
25240917, Fax: 022- 25270999
Phone No.02192-263547,
Fax No. 02192-266479,
Email: sswrl@bholenathc
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Economic Electricals,
Office Address:
M/s Economic Electricals, 125,
S.N.Roy Road, Kolkata-700038.
Works Address:
Bakhrahat Road , Village – Bonogram ,
Post – Rasapunja, P.S., Bishnupur,
District: South 24 Paragana, West
Fax: 033 – 24687621
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 6500 Sets
4. M/s Kamgar Engineering Works (I)
Private Limited,
Office Address:
9, Anupam Industrial Estate, No.2
Opposite Mulund Telephone
Exchange, Mulund (West), Mumbai-
400 080
Works Address:
Private Limited, 9, Anupam Industrial
Estate, No.2 Opposite Mulund
Telephone Exchange, Mulund (West),
Phone: 022- 25908078/79/82,
Fax: 022- 25918074
Category – S Ownership – OTH
55 Three Pulley Type Nil 1. M/s Economic Electricals,
Regulating Equipment Office Address:
with 2400 kgf Tension 125, S.N.Roy Road, Kolkata-700038.
Works Address:
Bakhrahat Road , Village – Bonogram ,
Post – Rasapunja, P.S., Bishnupur,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
SPEC. No - District: South 24 Paragana, West
0150 with A&C SlipNo.1 Fax: 033 – 24687621
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 6500 Sets
2. M/s Khatri Castings (P) Ltd.,
Office Address:
144, Naman Plaza, Shoppers Stop
Bldg., SV Road Kandivali (West),
Phone: 022- 28658106,
Fax: 022-28658107
Works Address:
M/s Khatri Castings (P) Ltd., Village:
Valwada (Near Karambele Railway
Station) NH- 8, Taluka- Umargaon,
Opposite Maruti Depot, Dist. Valsad (
South Gujrat)
Fax: 0260-2707286
Category – S
Ownership – OTH
APC - 10000 Sets
3. M/s Kamgar Engineering Works (I)
Private Limited,
Office Address:
9, Anupam Industrial Estate, No.2
Opposite Mulund Telephone
Exchange, Mulund (West), Mumbai-
400 080
Works Address:
M/s Kamgar Engineering Works (I)
Private Limited, 9, Anupam Industrial
Estate, No.2 Opposite Mulund
Telephone Exchange, Mulund (West),
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phone: 022- 25908078/79/82,
Fax: 022- 25918074
Category – S
Ownership – OTH
APC - 5000 Sets
4. M/s Shree Steel Wire Ropes Ltd.,
Office Address:
504 – 505, 5th floor, Shiv Ashish
Commercial Complex, Plot No. 10, 19th
Road, Chembur, Mumbai - 400071.
Works Address:
183-184-185, KIDC, Village- Dheku,
Khopoli, Taluka-Khalapur, Dist. Raigad.
( Maharashtra)
Ph: 022-25274142,
25240917, Fax: 022- 25270999
Phone No.02192-263547,
Fax No. 02192-266479,
Email: sswrl@bholenathc
Category – OTH
Ownership – OTH
APC - 900 Sets
5. M/s NSS Stores Supply Agency Private
Office & Works:
P-280, Benaras Road, Belgachia,
P.O.- Netajigarh,
Howrah-711 108.
Phone no. 8777359425
Fax: 03326512920
Category – S Ownership - OTH
APC - 15000 Sets
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
6. M/s Nike Energy Manufacturing, Pvt.
Office & Works Address:
Plot no. 279/2, Ganeshpur, Tarna
Shivpur, Varanasi-221 003, Uttar
Phone No. 9415619961
Fax: 05422227598
Category – S
Ownership - OTH
APC - 65000 Sets
56 Five Pully Auto Tensioning 1. M/s Economic Electricals,
Devices for 25 kV AC Nil Office Address:
Traction 125, S.N.Roy Road, Kolkata-700038.
Works Address:
SPEC. No - Bakhrahat Road , Village – Bonogram ,
TI/SPC/OHE/5PATD/01 30 Post – Rasapunja, P.S., Bishnupur,
with A&C Slip No.1, 2 & 3 District: South 24 Paragana, West
Fax: 033 – 24687621
Category – S
Ownership - OTH
APC -8000 Sets
2. M/s Khatri Castings (P) Ltd.,
Office Address:
144, Naman Plaza, Shoppers Stop
Bldg., SV Road Kandivali (West),
Phone: 022- 28658106,
Fax: 022-28658107
Works Address:
M/s Khatri Castings (P) Ltd., Village:
Valwada (Near Karambele Railway
Station) NH- 8, Taluka- Umargaon,
Opposite Maruti Depot, Dist. Valsad (
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
South Gujrat)
Fax: 0260-2707286
Category – S
Ownership - OTH
APC -6000 to 8000 Sets
3. M/s Kamgar Engineering Works (I)
Private Limited,
Office Address:
9, Anupam Industrial Estate, No.2
Opposite Mulund Telephone
Exchange, Mulund (West), Mumbai-
400 080
Works Address:
M/s Kamgar Engineering Works (I)
Private Limited, 9, Anupam Industrial
Estate, No.2 Opposite Mulund
Telephone Exchange, Mulund (West),
Phone: 022- 25908078/79/82,
Fax: 022- 25918074
Category – S
Ownership – OTH
APC - 5000 Sets
57 Stainless Steel Wire Rope 1. M/s Bharat Wire Ropes Ltd., 1. M/s Desh Wire Products Pvt., Ltd.,
for Regulating Equipment. Office Address: Office Address:
A-701, Trade World, Kamla city, 34, Kembros Industrial Estate,
SPEC. No - Senapati Bhapat marg, Lower parel Bhandup Sonapur Road, Opposite
TI/SPC/OHE/WR/1060( (west), Mumbai – 400013 L.B.S. MargBhandup (West), Mumbai
06/2006) With A & C No.1, Works Address: 078.
2,3 & 4 M/s Bharat Wire Ropes Ltd., Plot No. Works Address:
1 & 4, At gaon Industrial Complex, Plot No.D-34, MIDC (Malegaon),
Mumbai, Nasik Highway Tal.-Sinner,Dist.-Nasik, Pin-
Atgaon(East), Shahapur, Thane 422103, Maharastra
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Phone: 022- 66824600/01/02/03/04 Phone: 022-25667607, 25661471 ,
Fax: 022-24955477 Fax: 022-25664317
Phone 02527-240123/ 240026/ Phone-02551-230298
240027 Email:
Fax: 02527 – 240196/240544
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
2. M/s Shree Steel Wire Ropes Ltd.,
Office Address:
504 – 505, 5th floor, Shiv Ashish
Commercial Complex, Plot No. 10,
19th Road, Chembur, Mumbai -
Works Address:
183-184-185, KIDC, Village- Dheku,
Khopoli, Taluka-Khalapur, Dist. Raigad.
( Maharashtra)
Ph: 022-25274142,
25240917, Fax: 022- 25270999
Phone No.02192-263547,
Fax No. 02192-266479,
Email: sswrl@bholenathc
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
3. M/s UshaMartin Ltd., 1. M/s MAC Engineers
Office Address: Office Address:
2A,Shakerpere Sarani, Kolkata- 144, Naman Plaza, Beside Kandivali
700071. Usha Martin Limited (Wire & Flyover, S.V.Road, Kandavali,
Wire Ropes Division), (West),Mumbai-400067
Phone: 033- 39800300, Works Address :
Fax:033-39800500/400, 22829029. M/s Mac Engineers, Gat No.87, Village -
Works Address: Pali Naka , Manor–Wada Road, Taluka–
Tatisilwai, Ranchi,–835103, Wada,
(Jharkhand) Distt.-Thane-421303
Phone: 0651-305140, Phone:022-28658106,
Fax: 0651-3051409, Fax:022-28658107
Email: Phone: 09867244246,
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH 0252-6211134
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
4. M/s Mahadev Industries , Email:
Office Address:
95, First Floor, Tagore Park, Model Category – S
Town-I, Delhi – 110009. Ownership – OTH
Works Address:
C-10/A-2, UPSIDC, Tronica City,
Loni, Ghaziabad- 201103.
Phone: 0120- 2696200,
Fax: 011-47104301
Email: info@mahadevrop
Ownership – OTH
58 Galvanised Stranded Steel 1. M/s Bharat Wire Ropes Ltd., 1. M/s MAC ENGINEERS
Traction Bond Office Address: Office Address:
A-701, Trade World, Kamla city, 144, Naman Plaza, Beside Kandivali
SPEC. No - Senapati Bhapat marg, Lower parel Flyover, S.V.Road, Kandavali,
TI/SPC/OHE/GALSTB/0040 (west), Mumbai – 400013 (West),Mumbai-400067
with A&C Slip No.1 & 2 Works Address: Works Address :
M/s Bharat Wire Ropes Ltd., Plot No. M/s Mac Engineers, Gat No.87, Village -
1 & 4, At gaon Industrial Complex, Pali Naka , Manor–Wada Road, Taluka–
Mumbai, Nasik Highway Wada,
Atgaon(East), Shahapur, Thane Distt.-Thane-421303
Phone: 022- 66824600/01/02/03/04 Phone:022-28658106,
Fax: 022-24955477 Fax:022-28658107
Phone 02527- Phone: 09867244246,
240123/240026/240027 Fax: 02527 – 0252-6211134
240196/240544 Email:
Email: info@bharatwirero
Category –OTH Category – S
Ownership – OTH Ownership - OTH
2. M/s Shree Steel Wire Ropes Ltd.,
Office Address:
504 – 505, 5th floor, Shiv Ashish
Commercial Complex, Plot No. 10,
19th Road, Chembur, Mumbai -
Works Address:
183-184-185, KIDC, Village- Dheku,
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Khopoli, Taluka-Khalapur, Dist. Raigad.
( Maharashtra)
Ph: 022-25274142,
25240917, Fax: 022-
Fax No. 02192-266479,
Email: sswrl@bholenathc
Category – OTH
Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Sight Sound Electronics (India)
Pvt. Ltd.,
Office Address:
Area, Delhi –110052.
Works Address:
M/s Sight Sound Electronics (India)
Pvt. Ltd., A - 128, Wazirpur Industrial
Area, Delhi-110052
Phone: 011-27373604, 27373432,
Fax: 011 – 27371662
Category – S
Ownership – OTH
59 245 kV Solid Core Post 1. M/s Aditys Birla Insulators 1. M/s Sarvana Global Energy Limited, Vendor Capacity
Insulator Assembly for 220 Office & Works Address: Office & Works Address: (minimum for Post
kV Isolators & BusBars. M/s Aditys Birla Insulators Cuddalore Road, P.N.Kuppam, Insulators) included
(A unit of Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd.) Kurinjipadi Post, Cuddalore-607302, with OHE
SPEC. No - P.O. Prabhas Nagar, Rishra, Disst.- Tamil Nadu Insulators
TI/SPC/OHE/POST/010 Hooghly PIN-712249 (West Bengal) Phone: 9677077855,
0 (01/2010) with A & C slip Ph. 033 -26723535 , Fax:04142- 298880
no. 1 Fax: 033-26722705 Email:
Email: Category – OTH
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
Ownership –OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2. M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.
Office & Works address:
M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.,
1-8, New Industrial Area, P.B. No. 1,
Mandideep Dist.- Raisen (M.P.) Pin-
462 046.
Phone:07480-400800, 407900
Fax:07480-233329, 507908
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Modern Insulators Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
Post Box No.23,
Abu Road - 307026
Phone: 02974 -228044/45, 46, 48
Fax: 02974–228043, 221098
Category –OTH Ownership – OTH
60 132 kV Solid Core Post 1. M/s Aditys Birla Insulators 1. M/s Sarvana Global Energy Limited, Vendor Capacity
Insulator Assembly for 132 Office & Works Address: Office & Works Address: (minimum for Post
kV Isolators & BusBars (A unit of Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd.) Cuddalore Road, P.N.Kuppam, Insulators) included
P.O. Prabhas Nagar, Rishra, Disst.- Kurinjipadi Post, Cuddalore-607302, with OHE
SPEC. No - Hooghly PIN-712249 (West Bengal) Tamil Nadu Insulators
TI/SPC/OHE/POST/010 Ph. 033 -26723535 , Phone: 9677077855,
0 (01/2010) with A & C slip Fax: 033-26722705 Fax:04142- 298880
no. 1 Email: Email:
Category – OTH Ownership –OTH Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
2. M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.
Office & Works address:
1-8, New Industrial Area, P.B. No. 1,
Mandideep Dist.- Raisen (M.P.) Pin-
462 046.
Phone:07480-400800, 407900
Fax:07480-233329, 507908
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Modern Insulators Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
Post Box No.23,
Abu Road - 307026
Phone: 02974 -228044/45, 46, 48
Fax: 02974–228043, 221098
Category –OTH
Ownership – OTH
61 110 kV Solid Core Post --- 1. M/s Aditys Birla Insulators Vendor Capacity
Insulator Assembly for 110 (A unit of Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd.) Office (minimum for Post
kV Isolators & BusBars & Works Address: Insulators) included
P.O. Prabhas Nagar, Rishra, Disst.- with OHE
SPEC. No - Hooghly PIN-712249 (West Bengal) Insulators
TI/SPC/OHE/POST/010 Ph. 033 -26723535 ,
0 (01/2010) with A & C slip Fax: 033-26722705
no. 1 Email:
2. M/s Modern Insulators Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
Post Box No.23,
Abu Road - 307026
Phone: 02974 -228044/45, 46, 48 Fax:
02974–228043, 221098
Category –OTH
Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Sarvana Global Energy Limited,
Office & Works Address:
Cuddalore Road, P.N.Kuppam,
Kurinjipadi Post, Cuddalore-607302,
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 9677077855,
Fax:04142- 298880
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
62 66kV Solid Core Post 1. M/s Modern Insulators Ltd., 4. M/s Aditys Birla Insulators Vendor Capacity
Insulator Assembly for Office & Works Address: Office & Works Address: (minimum for Post
66kV Isolators and Bus Post Box No.23, M/s Aditys Birla Insulators Insulators) included
Bars Abu Road - 307026 (A unit of Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd.) with OHE
Phone: 02974 -228044/45, 46, 48 P.O. Prabhas Nagar, Rishra, Disst.- Insulators
SPEC. No - Fax: 02974–228043, 221098 Hooghly PIN-712249 (West Bengal)
TI/SPC/OHE/POST/010 Email: Ph. 033 -26723535 ,
0 (01/2010) with A & C slip Fax: 033-26722705
no. 1 Category –OTH Email:
Ownership – OTH Category – OTH
Ownership –OTH
5. M/s Sarvana Global Energy Limited,
Office & Works Address:
Cuddalore Road, P.N.Kuppam,
Kurinjipadi Post, Cuddalore-607302,
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 9677077855,
Fax:04142- 298880
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
63 Post Insulator Cap & Pin 1. M/s Aditys Birla Insulators Vendor capacity
Stack for 132kV Isolator Office & Works Address: ( minimum for post
M/s Aditys Birla Insulators (A unit of insulator ) included
Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd.) P O Prabhas with OHE
SPEC. No - Nagar, Rishra, Disst.- Hooghly PIN- insulator
IS:2544-1973 712249 (West Bengal)
Ph. 033 -26723535 ,
Fax: 033-26722705
64 Post Insulator for 25 kV 1. M/s Aditya Birla Insulators, Halol Vendor capacity
Isolator and Bus Bars (RI Office & Works Address: ( minimum for post
6090) P.O.- Meghasar, Halol, District: insulator ) included
Panchamahal, Gujarat-389330 with OHE
SPEC. No - Phone: 91-2676-221002 insulator
TI/SPC/OHE/INS/0070 Fax: 91-2676-223375
(04/2007) with A & C slip Email:
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
no. 1 & 2
STR No. TI/STR/010 Rev-0 Category – OTH Ownership –OTH
2. M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.
Office & Works address:
M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.,
1-8, New Industrial Area, P.B. No. 1,
Mandideep Dist.- Raisen (M.P.) Pin-
462 046.
Phone:07480-400800, 407900
Fax:07480-233329, 507908
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Modern Insulators Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
Post Box No.23,
Abu Road - 307026
Phone: 02974 -228044/45, 46, 48
Fax: 02974–228043, 221098
Category –OTH Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Sarvana Global Energy Limited,
Office & Works Address:
Cuddalore Road, P.N.Kuppam,
Kurinjipadi Post, Cuddalore-607302
Phone: 9677077855,
Fax:04142- 298880
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
65 Operating Rod Insulator 1. M/s Aditya Birla Insulators, Halol Required quantity
for 25 kVIsolator Office & Works Address: insignificant in
(RI 6260) P.O.- Meghasar, Halol, District: comparison to
Panchamahal, Gujarat-389330 capacities of firms,
SPEC. No - Phone: 91-2676-221002 so capacities are
TI/SPC/OHE/INS/0070 Fax: 91-2676-223375 not applicable
(04/2007) with A & C slip Email:
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
no. 1 & 2
STR No. TI/STR/010 Rev-0 Category – OTH Ownership –OTH
2. M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.
Office & Works address:
M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.,
1-8, New Industrial Area, P.B. No. 1,
Mandideep Dist.- Raisen (M.P.) Pin-
462 046.
Phone:07480-400800, 407900
Fax:07480-233329, 507908
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Modern Insulators Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
Post Box No.23,
Abu Road - 307026
Phone: 02974 -228044/45, 46, 48
Fax: 02974–228043, 221098
Category –OTH Ownership - OTH
4. M/s Sarvana Global Energy Limited,
Office & Works Address:
Cuddalore Road, P.N.Kuppam,
Kurinjipadi Post, Cuddalore-607302
Phone: 9677077855,
Fax:04142- 298880
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
66 Porcelain Stay Arm Insulator 1. M/s Aditya Birla Insulators, Halol Required quantity
( RI 6000-2) (1050mm CD) Office & Works Address: insignificant in
SPEC. No - P.O.- Meghasar, Halol, District: comparison to
TI/SPC/OHE/INS/0070 Panchamahal, Gujarat-389330 capacities of firms,
(04/2007) with A & C slip Phone: 91-2676-221002 so capacities are
no. 1 & 2 Fax: 91-2676-223375 not applicable
STR No. TI/STR/010 Rev-0 Email:
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Category – OTH Ownership –OTH
2. M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.
Office & Works address:
M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.,
1-8, New Industrial Area, P.B. No. 1,
Mandideep Dist.- Raisen (M.P.) Pin-
462 046.
Phone:07480-400800, 407900
Fax:07480-233329, 507908
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Modern Insulators Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
Post Box No.23,
Abu Road - 307026
Phone: 02974 -228044/45, 46, 48
Fax: 02974–228043, 221098
Category –OTH Ownership - OTH
4. M/s Sarvana Global Energy Limited,
Office & Works Address:
Cuddalore Road, P.N.Kuppam,
Kurinjipadi Post, Cuddalore-607302
Phone: 9677077855,
Fax:04142- 298880
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
67 Porcelain Bracket insulator 1. M/s Aditya Birla Insulators, Halol Required quantity
(RI 6030-1) (1050mm CD) Office & Works Address: insignificant in
P.O.- Meghasar, Halol, District: comparison to
SPEC. No - Panchamahal, Gujarat-389330 capacities of firms,
TI/SPC/OHE/INS/0070 Phone: 91-2676-221002 so capacities are
(04/2007) with A & C slip Fax: 91-2676-223375 not applicable
no. 1 & 2 Email:
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
STR No. TI/STR/010 Rev-0
Category – OTH Ownership –OTH
2. M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.
Office & Works address:
1-8, New Industrial Area, P.B. No. 1,
Mandideep Dist.- Raisen (M.P.) Pin-
462 046.
Phone:07480-400800, 407900
Fax:07480-233329, 507908
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Modern Insulators Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
Post Box No.23,
Abu Road - 307026
Phone: 02974 -228044/45, 46, 48
Fax: 02974–228043, 221098
Category –OTH Ownership - OTH
5. M/s Sarvana Global Energy Limited,
Office & Works Address:
Cuddalore Road, P.N.Kuppam,
Kurinjipadi Post, Cuddalore-607302
Phone: 9677077855,
Fax:04142- 298880
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
68 Porcelain 9-tonne Insulators 1. M/s Insulators and Electrical Co. 1. M/s Aditya Birla Insulators, Halol Office Required quantity
(RI 6020-1) (1050mm CD) Office & Works address: & Works Address: insignificant in
SPEC. No - 1-8, New Industrial Area, P.B. No. 1, P.O.- Meghasar, Halol, District: comparison to
TI/SPC/OHE/INS/0070 Mandideep Dist.- Raisen (M.P.) Pin- Panchamahal, Gujarat-389330 capacities of firms,
(04/2007) with A & C slip 462 046. Phone: 91-2676-221002 so capacities are
no. 1 & 2 Phone:07480-400800, 407900 Fax: 91-2676-223375 not applicable
STR No. TI/STR/010 Rev-0 Fax:07480-233329, 507908 Email:
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2. M/s Modern Insulators Ltd., Category – OTH Ownership –OTH
Office & Works Address:
Post Box No.23,
Abu Road - 307026
Phone: 02974 -228044/45, 46, 48
Fax: 02974–228043, 221098
Category –OTH Ownership - OTH
3. M/s Sarvana Global Energy Limited,
Office & Works Address:
Cuddalore Road, P.N.Kuppam,
Kurinjipadi Post, Cuddalore-607302
Phone: 9677077855,
Fax:04142- 298880
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
69 Sectioning Insulator (RI 1. M/s Aditya Birla Insulators, Halol 2. M/s Insulators and Electrical Co. Required quantity
6110) (850mm CD) Office & Works Address: Office & Works address: insignificant in
P.O.- Meghasar, Halol, district: M/s Insulators and Electrical Co., comparison to
SPEC. No - Panchamahal, Gujarat-389330 1-8, New Industrial Area, P.B. No. 1, capacities of firms,
TI/SPC/OHE/INS/0070 Phone: 91-2676-221002 Mandideep Dist.- Raisen (M.P.) Pin- so capacities are
(04/2007) with A & C slip Fax: 91-2676-223375 462 046. not applicable
no. 1 & 2 Email: Phone:07480-400800, 407900
STR No. TI/STR/010 Rev-0 abi.transmission@adityabirla.comabi. Fax:07480-233329, 507908 Email:
Category – OTH Category – OTH
Ownership –OTH Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Modern Insulators Ltd.,
Office & Works Address:
Post Box No.23,
Abu Road - 307026
Phone: 02974 -228044/45, 46, 48
Fax: 02974–228043, 221098
Category –OTH Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
4. M/s Sarvana Global Energy Limited,
Office & Works Address:
Cuddalore Road, P.N.Kuppam,
Kurinjipadi Post, Cuddalore-607302
Phone: 9677077855,
Fax:04142- 298880
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
70 11kV, 70 kN, (Ball &Socket 1. M/s Aditys Birla Insulators 2. M/s Insulators and Electrical Co. Required
type) Office & Works Address: Office & Works address: quantity
Disc Insulator – 280 mm dia, M/s Aditys Birla Insulators (A unit of M/s Insulators and Electrical Co., insignificant
CD-430mm(min.) Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd.) P O Prabhas 1-8, New Industrial Area, P.B. No. 1, in
Nagar, Rishra, Disst.- Hooghly PIN- Mandideep Dist.- Raisen (M.P.) Pin- comparison
SPEC. No - IS:731-1971 712249 (West Bengal) 462 046. to
STR No. TI/STR/010 Rev-0 Ph. 033 -26723535 , Phone:07480-400800, 407900 capacities of firms,
Fax: 26722705 Fax:07480-233329, 507908 so capacities are Email: not applicable.
Category – OTH Ownership –OTH Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
71 11kV, 120kN (Ball & Socket) 2. M/s Aditys Birla Insulators Nil Required
Disc Insulator with 280mm Office & Works Address: quantity
dia M/s Aditys Birla Insulators (A unit of insignificant in
CD 430mm(min.) Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd.) P O Prabhas comparison to
Nagar, Rishra, Disst.- Hooghly PIN- capacities of
SPEC. No -IS:731-1971 712249 (West Bengal) firms, so
STR No. TI/STR/010 Rev-0 Ph. 033 -26723535 , capacities are
Fax: 26722705 not applicable
3. M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.
Office & Works address:
M/s Insulators and Electrical Co.,
1-8, New Industrial Area, P.B. No. 1,
Mandideep Dist.- Raisen (M.P.) Pin-
462 046.
Phone:07480-400800, 407900
Fax:07480-233329, 507908
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
72 Gearless Hand Operated 1. M/s Crushmore Maxban India, 1. M/s Nike Energy manufacturing Pvt Required
Pulling and Lifting Office & Works address: Ltd, Varansai quantity
Machine (0.8t,1.6t, 3.2t ) P-71, Benaras Road, Howrah, PIN- Office & Works Address: insignificant in
711108. West Bengal, India 279/2 & 206, Ganeshpur Tarna, comparison to
SPEC. No - Fax: 033-26517287 Shivpur, Varanasi-221003 capacities of
TI/SPC/OHE/TOOLPL/0990 Email: Email: firms, so
with A & C Slip No.1 & 2 2. M/s Overseas Commercial Phone: 8318931171 capacities are
Corporation, not applicable
STR No. TI/STR/007 Rev-1 Office & Works address:
S.No. 3, Hissa No. 1/2A, Yewalewadi,
Kondhwa (B), Pune- 411048,
Maharashtra, India
Fax: 020- 6931651
3. M/s Tractel Tirfor India Pvt. Ltd.
Office & Works Address:
Plot no.- 1,Sector-D Industrial Estate
Kalyani Nadia West Bengal- 741235,
Ph: 8100114561
Category – S Ownership – OTH
73 Ratchet Lever hoist (Pull Lift) 1. M/s Crushmore Maxban India, Required
(0.8 t, 1.6 t, 3.2 t) Office & Works address: quantity
P-71, Benaras Road, Howrah, PIN- insignificant in
SPEC. No - 711108. West Bengal, India comparison to
TI/SPC/OHE/TOOLPL/1990 Fax: 033-26517287 capacities of
with A & C Slip No.1 Email: firms, so
2. M/s G. D. Seigell & Co. Pvt. Ltd., capacities are
STR No. TI/STR/007 Rev-1 Office & Works address: not
1/1560, Church Road,Kashmiri Gate, Applicable
Post Box No. -1365, Delhi- 1100 06.
Phone: 0120-2570348
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
3. M/s Overseas Commercial
Office & Works address:
S.No. 3, Hissa No. 1/2A, Yewalewadi,
Kondhwa (B), Pune- 411048.
Fax: 020- 6931651
74 25 kV, Single Pole and Nil 1. M/s Electrolites (Power) Pvt. Ltd, Jaipur * For (i) Type-I (A
Double poe Motorised Office address: & B) 1250 A
Isolators S-758 (A&B), RoadNo.9F,VKI Area (ii) Type-II, 1600A
(i) Type-I (A & B) 1250 A Jaipur- 302013. only.
(ii) Type-II, 1600 A Works Address: ** For limited
(iii) Type-III, 3150 A S-758(A&B), Road No.9F, VKIArea, quantity i.e. 01
Jaipur- 302013 nos. with other
SPEC. No - Phone:0141-2330576, 2331624, conditions as per
TI/SPC/PSI/ISOLTR/1060 Fax:0141- 2333572 approval letter dtd.
With A&C Slip No.1& 2 (Oct. Email: 21.08.2020
2016) Category – S Ownership – OTH
2. M/s Switchgears & Structurals (India)
STR No. Nil Pvt.Ltd. Hyderabad.
Office address:
Plot No. 132& 133,Phase –V , I.D.A.,
Jeedimetla, Hyderabad – 500055
Works address:
Plot No. 132& 133,Phase –V , I.D.A.,
Jeedimetla, Hyderabad – 500055,
Phone: 040-23193379, 23193380,
Fax: 040-23193319
Category – S Ownership – OTH
3. M/s Tritech Disconnectors (IND) Pvt.
Ltd.Office Address:
First Floor, Gajra Chambers,
Mumbai-Agra Highway, Kamod
Nagar, Dist.: Nasik-422009
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Work Address:
Gajra Ware House, Opp. Nirmal
Ashram, Gurudwara, Rajur Bahula,
Phone: 0253- 2327468,Mob. No.
9423683585 & 9422255411
Fax No. 0253-2327468
Category – S Ownership – OTH
4. ** M/s Faraday Electricals Pvt. Ltd.
Office & Works Address:
M/s Faraday Electricals Pvt. Ltd.
H -1016, Road No. 14,V.K.I. Area
Jaipur - 302013
Ph: 9352290984, 0141-4036298
Category – S Ownership – OTH
5. ** M/s JDE Swithgear Pvt. Ltd.,
Office Address:
No. 18/2/2, Bhagaban Chatterjee Lane,
3rd Floor, Howrah - 711101 West
Bangal, India
Works Address:
*M/s JDE Switchgear Pvt. Ltd Howrah
Howrah Amta Road, Salap, Kantlia
Industrial Complex, Itkhola, Po-Nibra,
Howrah-711409 (W.B), West Bengal,
Phone No. 9836288188
Fax No. 03326674319
Category- S Ownership-OTH
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
6. ** M/s G.R. Power Switchgear Ltd
“KOTAMMA BHAVAN”, Plot No. 27/B,
IDA, Phase-IV, Jeedimetla,
75 132kV SF6 Circuit Breaker 1. M/s ABB Power Products & Systems 1. M/s.Simens Limited
(Double Pole & Triple Pole) India Ltd Office Address:
Office Address: M/s.Simens Limited,
SPEC. No - 21st Floor, World Trade Center, Plot-6A, Sector-18, Gurgaon-
TI/SPC/PSI/HVCB/0120 Brigade Gateway, No. 26/1, Dr. 122015.
(June,2014) Rev.0 with Rajkumar Road, Malleswaram,West Work Address:
A&C Slip No.1& 2 (Oct. Bengaluru- 556055, Karnataka,India M/s. Simens Limited,
2016) Works Address: E-76, MIDC Waluj,
Maneja, Vadodara – 390013 Aurangabad- 431136
Phone: 0265 –2641669 Phone:+91-1246246820
Fax: 0265 –2643658 Fax: +91-1243836620
9712925338 Phone: 0124-6246827
Phone: 0265 –2641669 Fax: 0124-6246620
Fax: 0265 –2643658 Email: naveen.bhardwaj@siemens .com Category – OTH Ownership - OTH Type 2AP1FG for Double Pole &
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH 3AP1FG for Triple Pole with Spring-
(Type LTB 145D1/B Spring operating mechanism.
with FSA1 Spring- Spring Operating APC - 1505
APC - (ABB - 200 ),
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
2. M/s CG Power and Industrial
Solutions Ltd.,
Office & Works address:
Switchgear Complex A-3, MIDC,
AMBAD, NASIK (Maharashtra)-
Phone: 0253-2382271 to 75
Category – OTH Ownership - OTH
Type 120 –SFM- 32 B Spring-Spring
Operating Mechanism)
APC -200
76 Un-insulated Cadmium 1. M/s VeeKay General Industries NIl
Copper Catenary Wire 125 Office & Works Address:
mm2 (37/2.10 mm) Plot no.19, Udyog Vihar, Ecotech-2,
Spec. No.- ETI/OHE/50 Greater Noida, Dist. Gautam Buddha
(06/97) with A & C Slip No. Nagar, Uttar Pradesh- 201306
1 to 6 Phone: 0120- 4212310 Phone: 011-
STR No. TI/STR/020 Rev-1 22583005, 65283894, 22282087 Fax:
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - 3000 MT

2. M/s APAR Industries Limited

Office Address:
Apar House, Building No. 5, Corporate
Park, Sion -Trombay Road, Chembur,
Mumbai 400071
Works Address:
Survey No. 148/1- 148/3/1, Silvassa-
Rakholi Road, Village-Kudacha ,
Silvassa, U.T of D & NH – 396230, India
Fax No. 0265- 2330309
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Email: &
Phone:022- 27694756/57,
Fax -022- 25246326, 27602692
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC - 7200 MT

3. M/s Airen Metals Pvt. Ltd.

Office Address:
G-750, Road No. 9F2, VKI Area,
Jaipur (Rajasthan) – 320013
Works Address:
1. A – 405 (7), Road No.14,
V.K.I. Area, Jaipur (Rajasthan) Pin–
2. SP-16, S K S Industrial Area,
Reengus, Sikar, Rajasthan-332404.
3. F-119SKS Industrial Area
Reengus, Dist. Sikar, Reengus-
Phone: 0141 – 4127777,
2460816, 2460787 (O),
Fax:0141-2460815 (O)
Email: info@airenmetals.c om
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC - 3625 MT

4. M/s GSJ Alloys

Office & Works address:
Plot No 2133,2134Opposite Dadabari ,
Nagaur Road , Village Charakara
Nokha – 334803,Rajasthan
Ph: 91941439573
Category – S Ownership – OTH
APC: 2000 MT
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Name with Office & Remarks
Developmental Vendors with Office &
No. with its Current Spec. Work Address, e-mail, Phone No, Annual Work Address , e-mail, Phone No,
No / Drg No. / STR No. Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity(APC) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
77 21.6/30.24 MVA, 50 Hz, 1. * M/s EMCO Limited, 1. * CGL (Mumbai) # * Approved upto
Single Phase, ONAN/ONAF, Office & Works Addrss: M/s CG Power and Industrial A&C Slip No.8
Traction Power Transformer Plot No. F-5, Road No. 28, Solutions Ltd., # Approved upto
66/27 kV Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane-400604, Office address: A&C Slip No.11
Spec. No.- Phone: 022-240404500, 3rd Floor, Express Building, 9-10
ETI/PSI/118 (10/1993) With Fax: 022-25820571, Bahdur Shah Zafar Marg, ITO
A/C Slip No. 1 (May, 1994), e-mail - emco.corporate@e Crossing , New Delhi– 110002,
Slip No. 2 (Jan,1996), Slip Category - OTH, Ownership -OTH , Work Address:
No. 3 (Oct,1997) , Slip No 4 APC – 10 Transformer Division, Kanjur Marg(E),
(Jan,2000), Slip No 5 (April, Mumbai – 400042
2000), Slip No 6 and 7 Phone: 022-67558000,
(June,2001), Slip No 8 Fax: 022-67558305
(July,2003), Slip No. 9 Phone No.011- 23460700
(Jan,2008), Slip No. 10 Fax No. 011- 23324360,
(August,2012) and Slip No. Phone: 022-67558000,
11 (Oct, 2016) Fax: 022-67558305
Category – OTH Ownership – OTH
APC -20
2. * APPSIL (Vadodara) #
Office Address:
M/s ABB Power Products & Systems
India Ltd, Maneja, Vadodara-390013
Works Address:
Maneja, Vadodara – 390013
Phone: 0265 –2641669
Fax: 0265 –2643658
Phone: 0265 –2641669
Fax: 0265 –2643658
Category–OTH Ownership–OTH
APC -. 50
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Energy and Environment Management Directorate

S. Equipment / Item Name Approved Vendors Namewith Office Developmental Vendorswith Remarks
No. with its Current Spec. No & Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Office & Work Address, e-mail,
/ Drg No. / STR No. Fax No, Category, Ownership, Phone No, Fax No, Category,
Annual Production Capacity (APC) Ownership, Annual Production
etc. Capacity (APC) etc..
1 2 3 4 5

* As per Railway Board’s letter no. 2013/Elect(G)/150/13/Pt. IIdated 30.12.2020.
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Chapter –VIII
Directorate wise Details of Item Import for Value More Than 300 Cr.
Electrical Directorate:
S. Equipment / Item Name with Remarks
Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office
No. its Current Spec. No / Drg No.
Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax & Work Address, e-mail, Phone No,
/ STR No.
No, Category, Ownership, Annual Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
Nil Nil Nil ---

PS & EMU Directorate

S. Equipment / Item Name with Remarks
Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office
No. its Current Spec. No / Drg No.
Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax & Work Address, e-mail, Phone No,
/ STR No.
No, Category, Ownership, Annual Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
Nil Nil Nil ---

Traction Installation Directorate

S. Equipment / Item Name with Remarks
Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office
No. its Current Spec. No / Drg No.
Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax & Work Address, e-mail, Phone No,
/ STR No.
No, Category, Ownership, Annual Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
Nil Nil Nil ---
Energy And environment Management Directorate

S. Equipment / Item Name with Remarks

Approved Vendors Namewith Office & Developmental Vendorswith Office
No. its Current Spec. No / Drg No.
Work Address , e-mail, Phone No, Fax & Work Address, e-mail, Phone No,
/ STR No.
No, Category, Ownership, Annual Fax No, Category, Ownership,
Production Capacity (APC) etc. Annual Production Capacity (APC)
Nil Nil Nil ---
Page No. Effective From Valid Till Master List No. Version No.
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Chapter -IX
Standard Mailing List
SN Address of Railway Office
1 The Secretary (Elec.), Railway Board, New Delhi-110 001.
2 Secretary (Electric Traction), Railway Board, Rail Bhavan, New Del hi-110 001
3 The Secretary (RE) Railway Board, New Delhi-110 001.
4 The Secretary (Electric Development) Railway Board, New Delhi-110 001.
5 The Secretary (Stores) Railway Board, New Delhi-110 001.
6 General Manager, Integral Coach Factory, Perambur, Chennai-600 038.
7 General Manager, Rail Coach Factory, PO Hussainpur, Kapurthala-144 602.
8 General Manager, Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi – 221 004.
9 General Manager, CLW, Chittaranjan, Distt. Bardwan.
10 CAO, Diesel Component Works, Patiala-147001.
11 General Manager (Electrical), Central Railway, Mumbai CST-400 001.
12 General Manager (Electrical), Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020.
13 General Manager (Electrical), Eastern Railway, Fairlie Place, Kolkata-700 001.
14 General Manager (Electrical), Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi-110 001.
15 General Manager (Electrical), Northeast Frontier Railway, Maligaon, Guwahati-781 011.
16 General Manager (Electrical), North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur-273 001
17 General Manager (Electrical), South Central Railway, Secundrabad-500 371.
18 General Manager (Electrical), Southern Railway, Park Town, Chennai-600 003.
19 General Manager (Electrical), South Eastern Railway, Garden Reach, Kolkata-700 043.
20 General Manager (Electrical), North Central Railway, Subedar Ganj, Allahabad. 211033
21 General Manager (Electrical), North Western Railway, Jaipur. 302006
22 General Manager (Electrical), WCR, West Central Railway, Jabalpur.
23 General Manager (Electrical), East Coast/Rail, East Coast Railway, Bhubaneshwar
24 General Manager (Electrical), ECR, East Central Railway, Hajipur.
25 General Manager (Electrical), South East Central Railway, Bilaspur.
26 General Manager (Electrical), CORE, Central Organization, Railway Electrification, Allahabad- 211001
27 General Manager (Electrical), South Western Railway Hubli-580020
28 General Manager (Stores), Central Railway, Mumbai CST-400 001.
29 General Manager (Stores), Western Railway , Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020
30 General Manager (Stores), Eastern Railway, Fairlie Place, Kolkata-700 001.
31 General Manager (Stores), Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi-110 001.
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32 General Manager (Stores), Northeast Frontier Railway, Maligaon, Guwahati-781 011.

33 General Manager (Stores), North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur-273 001.
34 General Manager (Stores), South Central Railway, Secundrabad-500 371.
35 General Manager (Stores), Southern Railway, Park Town, Chennai-600 003.
36 General Manager (Stores), South Eastern Railway, Garden Reach , Kolkata-700 043.
37 General Manager (Stores), North Central Railway, Subedar Ganj, Allahabad. 211033
38 General Manager (Stores), North Western Railway, Jaipur. -302006
39 General Manager (Stores), WCR, West Central Railway, Jabalpur.
40 General Manager (Stores), East Coast/Rail, East Coast Railway, Bhubaneshwar
41 General Manager (Stores), East Central Railway, Hajipur –844 101
42 General Manager (Stores), South East Central Railway, Bilaspur
43 General Manager (Stores), CORE, Central Organization, Railway Electrification, Allahabad- 211001
44 General Manager (Stores), CLW, Chittaranjan, Distt. Bardwan.
45 General Manager (Stores), South Western Railway Hubli -580020
46 CEDE, Central Railway, Mumbai CST-400 001.
47 CEDE, Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020.
48 CEDE, Eastern Railway, Fairlie Place, Kolkata-700 001.
49 CEDE, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi-110 001.
50 CEDE, South Central Railway, Secundrabad-500 371.
51 CEDE, Southern Railway, Park Town, Chennai-600 003.
52 CEDE, South Eastern Railway, Garden Reach , Kolkata-700 043.
53 CESE, Central Railway, Mumbai CST-400 001.
54 CESE, Western Railway , Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020.
55 CESE, Eastern Railway, Fairlie Place, Kolkata-700 001.
56 CESE, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi-110 001.
57 CESE, Northeast Frontier Railway, Maligaon, Guwahati-781 011.
58 CESE, North Eastern Railway, Gorakhpur-273 001.
59 CESE, South Central Railway, Secundrabad-500 371.
60 CESE, Southern Railway, Park Town, Chennai-600 003.
61 CESE, South Eastern Railway, Garden Reach , Kolkata-700 043.
62 CELE, Central Railway, Mumbai CST- 400 001.
63 CELE, Eastern Railway, Fairlie Place, , Kolkata ;- 700 001
64 CELE, Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi-110 001
65 CELE, Southern Railway, Park Town, Chennai-600 003
66 CELE, South Central Railway, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad –500 371
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67 CELE, South Eastern Railway,Garden Reach, Kolkata -700 043

68 CELE, Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai –400 020
69 CEE, Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, Chittaranjan- 713 331
70 CPM/RE, Sealdah, Eastern Railway, DRM Office, Sealdah, Kolkata
71 CPM/RE, Ambala, Northern Railway, Opposite to C.S.D. Ambala Cant,-133001
72 CPM/RE, Eastern Coast Railway, Bhubaneshwar.
73 CPM/RE, Southern Railway, Chennai,.
74 CEE (Cons), Central Railway, 3rd , VT Traction SubStn. Building, D.N. Road, Mumbai CST-400001
75 CEE (Cons), Western Railway, Churchgate, Mumbai-400020
76 CEE (Const), Eastern Railway, Fairlie Place, Kolkata -700001
77 CEE (Const), Northern Railway, Baroda House, New Delhi-110001
78 CEE (Const), Southern Railway, Park Town Chennai-600003
79 CEE (Const), South Eastern Railway, Garden Reach, Kolkata -700043
80 CEE (Const), South Central Railway, Rail Nilayam , Secunderabad-500371
81 CEE (Conv.) DC-AC, 2nd floor, parcel office building, Mumbai CST-400 001
82 CPM (Conv.)DC-AC, 3rd floor ,New Annexe bldg., New Administration Office, Opp: Times of India Bldg. Mumbai CST- 400 001.
83 CETE/CR, Central Railway, 3rd , VT Traction Sub station, Building, D.N. Road, Mumbai CST-400001
84 CPM/CR(DC/AC, Conv.) Central Railway, 3 rd, VT Traction Sub station, Building, D.N. Road, Mumbai CST-400001
85 MD/RITES, New Delhi House, 27, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi
86 Principal CE/ TI, Thakurli, Distt. Thane, Maharastra
87 Director, IRIEEN, Nasik PO Box No.233, Nasik Road, Nasik.
88 Director, IRCAMTECH, Maharajganj, Gwalior (M.P).
89 Chief Electrical Traction Engineer,Central Railway, Mumbai CST- 400 001
90 Chief Works Manager, Electric Loco Workshop, Eastern Railway, Kancharapara, 24 Pargana (N) -743145 (W.B.)
91 Chief Works Manager, Electric Loco Workshop, Central Railway, Bhusaval- 425 201.
92 Chief Works Manager, Traction Motor Workshop, Central Railway, Nasik-422 101.
93 Chief Works Manager, Loco, Carriage & Wagon Works,Western Railway, Dahod P.O. Freeland Ganj – 389160(Gujrat )
94 Chief Works Manager, Kharag Pur South Eastern Railway Kharagpur.
95 Sr.Divl.Elect.Engineer, Traction Motor Shop, Northern Railway, Fazalganj, Kanpur. -208003
96 Divisional Electrical Engineer, Electrical Repair Shop, Tatanagar- 831 002.
97 Dy. Chief Electrical Engineer, POH Shop/Loco Works, Charbagh Workshop, Northern Railway, Lucknow- 260 005.
98 Dy. Chief Electrical Engineer, POH Shop, South Eastern Railway, Kharagpur (W.B.)
99 Dy. Chief Electrical Engineer, POH Shop, Southern Railway, Perambur, Chennai
100 M/s Bharat Earth Movers Ltd., Bangalore Complex Thippasandra, P.B. No. 7501 Bangalore 560 757
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101 Chief Electrical Traction Engineer South Eastern Railway Garden Reach Kolkata –700043
102 Controller of Store, Conkan Railway Corporation Ltd. Belapur Bhavan Sector 11 CBD Belapur Navi Mumbai – 400614
103 Controller of Stores Metro Railway (5 Th floor ) Metro Rail Bhavan 33/1 Jawaharlal Nehru Road Kolkata -700071
104 Chief Electrical Engineer Metro Railway (6 Th floor ) Metro Rail Bhavan 33/1 Jawaharlal Nehru Road Kolkata -700071
105 DG / RDSO
106 ED / QA-Mech.
107 Sr. EDSE
108 ED/ Traction Installation/Co-ordination

109 ED / PS&EMU
110 ED/PS
111 ED / Motive Power
112 ED / Carriage
113 Director/Vigilance/ RDSO
114 Director/QA (Elect.)
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No.2001/RS(G)/779/4 New Delhi dt 05.08.2002

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways
Including CLW, DLW, ICF, RCF & WAP
East Coast Railway, Bhubaneshwar,
East Central Railway, Hajipur,
North Central Railway, Allahabad,
North Western Railway, Jaipur,
South Western Railway, Banglore,
West Central Railway, Jabalpur,

The General Manager (Const),

N.F. Rly.Guwahati.

CAOs (Const), All Indian Railways (except NF Rly)

The Director General, RDSO, Lucknow
The General Manager,
Central Organisation for Rly. Electrification, Allahabad

The General Manager, Metro Railway, Kolkata

CAO, Diesel Component Works, Patiala
CAO, COFMOW, Rly. Offices Complex, Tilak Bridge, New Delhi.

Sub: Cartel formation by approved vendors.

A number of references have been received from Railways/PUs regarding cartel
formation by approved vendors and consequent substantial increase in rates in tenders.
In such cases, even the negotiations have not helped in obtaining significant reduction in
prices. This issue was discussed in detail in the 56th Conference of Controller of Stores at
Rly. Bd on 13th/14th June, 2002 and it emerged that most of the approved vendors are
taking undue advantage of Railways policy of bulk quantity procurement only from
approved sources.
2. After having considered the matter in detail, it has been decided that the tender
documents may include following conditions.
a) Whatever all or most of the approved firms quote equal rates and cartel formation is
suspended. Railways reserve the right to place order on one or more firms with exclusion
of the rest without assigning any reasons thereof.
b) Firms are expected to quote for a quantity not less than 50% of tendered quantity.
Offers for quantity less than 50% of tendered quantity will be considered unresponsive
and liable to be rejected in case cartel formation is suspected. Railways, however,
reserve the right to order on one or more firm any quantity.
c) The firm who quote in cartel may be warned that their names are likely to be deleted
from list of approved sources.
3. Selection of one or more firms as per Para 2(a) above, may be on the basis of past
performance records, capability, capacity, quality performance, location after sales
service response etc. subjects to rates being considered reasonable. Wherever tendered
quantity is quite large and the capacity of approved firms individually is small, minimum
50% quantity limit as per para 2(b) may be suitably modified in tender conditions. Further,
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Railways may report the details of firms found involved in forming cartel to source
approving authority for considering down gradation/deletion of names of such firms from
list of approved sources.
4. The instructions contained in Board’s letter no.99/RS(G)/709/1. Dt 6.09.99 of ordering
not more than 15% of quantity of Part II approved sources and 5% of quantity on new
source are to be followed in normal circumstances. Wherever there is suspected cartel
formation from approved sources, after recording the reasons, railways are permitted to
place orders on Part II sources and new sources beyond 15 % and 5% respectively.
5. Despite above measures, if there is not success in breaking cartel. Further recourse
as may be deemed fit, including taking up the matter with MRTP commission or proposed
competition commission of India (as and when it is set up) may be considered.
6. This issue with concurrence of finance directorate of Ministry of Railways.
(P.C. Sharma)
Executive Director Railway Stores (G)
Railway Board
No. 2001/RS(G)/779/4
Copy to:
The COSs, all Indian Railways/Production Units.
FA & CAOs, all Indian Railways & Production Units.
Executive Director, Iron & Steel 3, KoilaGhat Street, Kolkata.
The Director of Audit, All Indian Railways.
The Managing Director, RITES, New Delhi House, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi.
(P.C. Sharma)
Executive Director Railway Stores (G)
Railway Board

Copy to :
AM(RS), AM(L), AM(ME), AM(PU), AM(F), AM(CE), AM(TELE), AM(Sig), EDRS (C),
EDRS(P), EDRS(S), EDV(v), EDF(S), EDME(Traction), EDEE(Dev), EDEE (G),
F(S)-I, F(S)-II, and all other offcers and Branches of Stores Dte.
(P.C. Sharma)
Executive Director Railway Stores (G)
Railway Board
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