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Cee aye Fertilisation Textbook: PP. 92 - The male parent releases the male gamete into the body of the female parent. ation between the male and female gametes occurs inside the body of the female parent. J A zygote is formed and developed into an offspring. | Other characteristics: + This type of fertilisation occurs in mammals, reptiles, birds and insects. + The rate of successful fertilisation is igh. + Normally less eggs are produced by the female parent. The male parent releases the male gamete and the female parent releases the female gamete. J The fertilisation between the male and female gametes occurs outside the body of the female parent. J formed and developed into an offspring. Other characteristics: + This type of fertilisation occurs in aquatic animals, for example fish and frog. + The rate of successful fertilisation is low. + Normally many eggs are produced by the female parent. Internal fertilisation of dragontlies 19 External fertilisation of frog Types of Asexual Reproduction ioe aed + Spores are produced inside the sporangium. + The tiny and light spores get scattered when the sporangium breaks. + Spores will grow into new plants when they land on a suitable environment. + Examples of organisms: Algae, fungi and ferns single parent” cellintotwo inary daughter cells. + Examples of organisms: Amoeba, Paramecium and bacteria + By regeneration, the fragments of some organisms will grow and develop into new organisms. + Examples of organisms: Flatworm (Planaria) and starfish REPRODUCTION Spore formation ASEXUAL + Plants that undergo: vegetative se reproduction produce new plants fr on the vegetative parts of the parent plant (oven * Organisms that reproduce by budding form buds on their bodies. + The buds then Budding starts off as a swelling and break off to form new individuals. + Examples of organisms: Hydra and yeast + The vegetative parts of a plant include | the roots, runner, bulbs, leaves and | underground stem: isms: Carrot, ginger Chapter 4 Reproduction a Vegetative Reproduction ‘Sweet potato & Begonia Lr rer VEGETATIVE PARTS OF Runner Underground stem [22) sexual and Asexual Reproduction 1 What is the meaning of reproduction? 2 State the similarity and differences between sexual and asexual reproduction. ZI) Sexual reproduction |—»| (@) <—— Asexual reproduction o |) Number of individual involves} ——j One © Involving of reproduction cell >} (gamete) aa 2 |——+| Fertilisation process j-—_1 (©) © oe © Characteristics of new individual | _*] produces faa] ih 2 ner erent ett a A ean © Glabal Modiaret Sdn Bhi. 762286.) 62 3 Fillin the blanks with the correct answers. (a) Internal fertilisation involves male gamete and female gamete combine female reproductive system (b) Internal fertilisation involves male gamete and female gamete combine _ female reproductive system, 4 Identify and state whether the following animals having internal fertilisation or external fertilisation. ANE) @ © © (@) Bh 2 reer annonces some] 4) (© Global Mediaset Sdn Bhd. 762284-U) 63 ‘Write the method of asexual reproduction for organisms below. Organisms Paramecium Hydra Starfish as as Methodofreproduction [ (a) (b) © (d) (e) Quiz 6 Complete the tree map about vegetative reproduction. Vegetative parts (a) (b) © [ ma Sielaaeeneariaies Wo o Male Reproductive System Textbook: P.98 15:4 Sperm duct - Channels/Flows ‘Seminal vesicle — Secretes _ the sperms from nutritional fluid testis to the for the sperms urethra Urethra - A channel to discharge sperms and urine from the body Prostate glands - Secretes nutritional fluid that acts asa medium for the sperms to swim and protects the sperm cell Penis - Transports sperms into the female vagina during copulation ‘Scrotum — Protects and holds the testes outside the body and maintains the optimum temperature of the testes Produces male gamete (sperms) and male sex hormones 11. Whats the organ that | functions as the reproductive | and excretory organ in males? 1 2. State the importance of the | reproductive system to males ' 4. and females. Female Reproductive System and Comparison of Gametes Fallopian tube — Uterus — A place where the fertilisation Aplace where Ore between sperm the embryo, Froduces tie, and ovum occurs develops an female gamete (ovum) and female sex hormones grows ‘Vagina — ‘Aplace where sperms are transported during copulation and as a channel through which a baby is born Cervix — Produces mucus to enable sperms to swim into the uterus Coll membrane cytoplasm Zab. Gel layer Nucleus“ ‘The smallest cll inthe male's body | The largest cellin te female's body Produced inside the testis Produced inside the ovary ‘Can move by itself Cannot move by itset Oniy one is released in each ‘menstrual cycle for anormal woman Produced in a large amount Male gamete Female gamete 23 Physical Changes during Puberty ocean Changes in voice Vocal cord (larynx) enlarges, voice becomes deeper eres) Changes in voice The voice becomes louder Changes in the body Hair grows on the face, on the armpits and on the chest. Moustache and beard also begin to grow Changes in the reproductive organ Testes produce sperms and sex hormones, the penis and scrotum start to enlarge, hair starts to grow at pubic region 2 Changes in the body Breasts enlarge, hips become firm and broader, and hair starts to grow on the the reproductive organ The ovary starts to release the ovum and produces sex hormones, the menstrual cycle begins, hair starts to grow at pubic region ‘Changes in behaviour towards men [22\ Human Reproductive System 1 Diagram below shows male reproduction system. (@) Labelled the parts of male reproductive system. (vii) (viii) (b) Complete the table below about the function of male reproductive system. (Penis (i) Urethra (il) Scrotum Protects and holds the testis (iv) Prostat gland Secretes the liquid that protects sperm cells (W) Testis (¥) Seminal vesicle Secretes fluid that contain nutrient for sperm (vii) Sperm duct (© Gaba ediaureet Sdn. Bh, (762284-U) 7 Complete the following double bubble map to compare and contrast between sperm and ovum. MTD The Menstrual Cycle Day 1 - 5 (Menstruation phase) The uterine lining breaks down and discharges from the body’ through the vagina together with blood and unfertilised ovum. 1 ‘The first day of menstruation is the first day of the menstrual Uterine gle. fing * breaking - 8 down and * sowing out r . * Day 6 ~ 11 (Repair phase) * The uterine lining rebuilds and thickens again. The uterus is ‘ady for implantation of the fertilised cell. The ovum is inside the ovary and ready to be released. wm Day 12 - 17 (Fertile phase) J ’ 5 On the 14% day of the menstrual cycle, the ovumis released from the ovary (ovulation occurs). The ovum is ready to be fertilised by the sperm. The development of the uterine lining * and blood vessels continue to occur. J . “\ Day 18 - 28 (Premenstrual phase) . *. The uterine lining continues to thicken and becomes richly *, supplied with blood vessels. The implantation of the embryo will occur on the uterine lining if fertilisation occurs. f the ‘ovum does not get fertilised, the menstrual cycle will repeat again. How the fertile phase in the menstrual cycle is related to fertilisation? 25 (a) State the phases of menstrual cycle for 1, 2, 3 and 4. (b) How many days menstrual cycle occurs? (©) What process occurs at day 14? (@) State one importance of personal hygiene during menstruation. @AP (©) What is the effect of unstable menstrual cycle to females? Fertilisation and Pregnancy ieee Sperms move inside the vagina during copulation and swim towards the Fallopian we < ‘The nucieus of a sperm that | fused svecesstuly with the nucleus of the ovum a Fertilisation occurs if the ovum is The ovum membrane present inside the Fallopian tube. prevents other The fusion between the nucleus Sperms from of the sperm and nucleus of the a eee ovum form a zygote. The talot Ni fences em After fertilisation, the zygote The fertilisation between divides a few times and become the ovum and the sperm a ball of cells known as an embryo. The embryo will be implanted on the uterine lining (implantation) and continue to develop. After about 2 months, the embryo develops completely to become a foetus. The foetus resembles a baby and complete with (baby) internal organs. ' ¥ A baby is bom after about 40 weeks of pregnancy. Placenta and Umbilical Cord Lee ae Placenta + Allows oxygen and nutrients to be absorbed from the mother's blood into the blood flow of the foetus + Allows carbon dioxide and excretory products to be transported from the foetus’ blood into the blood flow of the mother to be excreted rami freely inside the Umbilical cord mother's womb. + Transports ‘oxygen and nutrients from Amnion, the placenta to + Asac-shaped a eee membrane carbon dioxide cade o and excretory covers the products from foetus the foetus to placenta Uterine wall + Aplace where the embryo is implanted and develops 1 1. What will happen if the umbilical cord of the 1 foetus is twisted when it is inside the mother’s @ I ‘womb? TS 1 2. Give two hazardous materials that can move 1 1 t across the placenta into the foetus. 4.4 Fertilisati Underline the correct answer to explain fertilisation process and implantation of embryo. <=> Fertilisation occurs when nucleus of (sperm/gamete) fuses with nucleus of (ovum/gamete). After fertilisation, a (embryo/zygote) forms. Zygote undergoes cell division to form a ball of cells called (embrio/foetus. Implantation process at (uterus wal) Fallopian tube) result pregnancy. When all of organs form in embryo, ‘now it called (foctus/baby). 2 Complete the diagram below with correct function, Placenta Function: Amniotic fluid Function: Umbilical cord Function: aoa i Gh 2 eens erent 7 © Global Mediatret Sd. Bhd (762286-U) 70 Nutrients Needed and Substances that are Not Allowed during Pregnancy ee aa ea eae) eeu Fibre Yom + Function: to prevent constipation \ + Examples: Cereals, vegetables, fruits ( ) | moni | U | + Function: for the growth of new cells — | ofthe foetus + Examples: Chicken, red meat, fish, milk, cheese Roel Ta + Function: for a healthy skin and prevents bleeding gums || + Examples: Citrus fruits, guava, cabbage, tomatoes ! ees + Function: to supply energy | Bamplesie ae ele | Alcoholic drink eo + Can cause disruptions to the development : of the brain, nervous system and heart of poe the foetus + Function: important in the formation > Efhaemoglobin to prevent anaemia Foetus may face the Foetal Alcohol + Examples: Liver, red meat, fish Syadroms: ; Drug development of the foetus 7 2 y ne Ine Cigarette Eales ee spinach, + Nicotine in the cigarettes can slow down 8 the growth of foetus on ee + The baby may be born smaller in size and rit mead wf premature + Function: for a healthy formation of foetus bones and to protect the bones and teeth of the mother + Examples: Anchovies, cheese, milk + Baby may become retarded and have physical disabilities + Miscarriage of foetus may happen pment of a Foetus and Baby state da ne example of foods need by pregnancy women. (0) Carbohydrates and fats © eum | (©) Protein @ Folic acid 1 (©) Vitamin C © Fibre 2. What isthe bad effects when pregnant women practice the following lifestyle? @ ) Drinks too much alcohol © Taking drugs (Global Mediaset Se Bh. 762284) oz foc C3 Reg irri Detective of sexual organs fe STERILITY IN FEMALES xual organ) ‘ate infected ith diseases PSTTPEC SUC TCC yer) | Chapter 4 _ Reproduction Methods of Contraception Textbook: P,117_ 15: 46.2 \ This device is inserted into the uterus to prevent the implantation of the embryo in Avoid the uterine lining copulation Fitted on the cervix during the | opening to prevent fertile phase of sperms from entering oe mecenial _ the uterus cycle the sperms Worn over the ducts are cut and | Penis oa tied up so that prevent the isteors eae released during — entering the ejaculation | Both Fallopian Contain | vagina during tubes are cut hormone that | ejaculation and tied up so | | prevent the that the ovum | ovary from | cannot be producing the fertilised by ovum | the sperms 3 State three benefits of mother’s milk. (a) (b) © 1 State the causes of sterility for men and women, 2. Write the methods to overcome sterility. @) ) o Conduct the following activity. Procedures: 1, Carry out the activity in group, 2, Gather information about the method of birth control using various sources of information such as the internet, books and others. 3. Discuss with other group members about the information, |. Carry out debate about the misuse of knowledge how to prevent pregnancy and effect on society 4 Match the diagram with the method of birth control correctly. ZINE) (a) (b) Cutand Hed — sy sperm duct Cerviks Structure and Types of ate Male reproductive Female reproductive parts of a flower parts of a flower D [rade pot (stigma - sticky and s hairy surface at the tip pollen grains. Each | of the pistil enables pollen grain contains a | pollens to stick to it male gamete - t Style - fine structure Filament — small stalk ‘growing from the ovary holding the anther and holding the stigma Ovary - largest part at oe the end of the pistil { Petal - usually colourful | { Sepal - usually coloured and contains ovules and scented. Most petals green. Sepals protect the | have sugary nectar at the | | flower at the bud stage. Ovule — contains seat female gametes DeLee * Contains either stamens or pistl only (male or female reproductive parts) in a flower + Examples of flowers: Papaya flower and maize flower + Contains both stamens and pistil (male and female reproductive parts) in the same flower + Examples of flowers: Hibiscus and bougainvillea 31 Xd Tey Cd) Textbook: PP.112, 12 Process of transferring the matured pollen COTe i i cao grains from the anther to the stigma Pollen grains are transferred to the stigma of the same flower — v~ c Pollen grains are transferrad to the stigma of another flower on the same plant Self-pollination produces new plants that have the characteristics that resemble the parent plant. Polen grain are transfered to the + Cross-pollination produces new plants Se eee a: that have different characteristics from the parent plant. a + Advantages: ~ Better quality seeds are produced Plants become more resistant to pests and diseases New varieties of plants are produced Plants become healthier and can adapt to changes in the environment 32

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