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[E] Simple Problems 1. What amount of heat is required to convert 5 x 10 kg ice at —10°C to steam at 100°C? Sp. heat of ice = 05, latent heat of ice = 80 x 4200 J/kg, latent heat of steam = 540 x 4200 Ike [H.S. °79) (Ans. 1 H 2. 20x 10° kg ice of temperature — 10°C is immersed in 0°100 kg ‘of water at 60°C kept in a container. What is the final temperature of the mixture if the water equivalent of the calorimeter 50 x 10° kg? {H.S. °80) fans. 43°C] 1 10h by mater at APC, Determine the ternparatire Of the trintone, yay aceite ive at (FC bs mized with “a at than 005 gorse 4, A vessel of water equivalent 5. 10°? ke contains 55.7 10" ky of water at UEC. TS 1 eich it egy init. What would be the nature anid temperature of the mizture’? ; m3.% tne, 06; 10 7 10° key ie ar 107.17? be vg mired vith (7050 key, water at CP WS. 9p 5, What would be the result iF 0015 ky fee at (FC is Ane, 115 2 11 iy ioe nad S25 7 NT” he, Water, Veperatae pe (11s bg, contains TIO ey, OF ater at UPC ME OID Ke hice M7 SID Meg. tAne. 105 ty at AOPC, the Final ternppratice of the mi 6. A thermosflask whose water equivalent WAIL remain unineltedt? Latent beat of ic OFC are put into it, how much of the ice ODEN eg, of v0 7. After a few picces of dry ice had heen adhe te 7 was found to be O°C, What is the mass af ive added” Latent heat of ice = 201 7 420) Meg. (Ans. 140 eg 8. What is the final temperature: when (ap 7 107 ky, (hy 2710" keg mi at SUPC. are passed i fof stnatn = S60 7 62D) ME, Ams, (a) 495°C, (by 41 1 an the whole rniztore is found to gain weighs Ay 2 6h Shey, Latent heat of condensation of [Ant 120k are heated at 2 uniform of steal wath Liege o8 wel ite 9, Stearn in passed through a mixture of 2k of i by 0150 kp. How much ive vill molt? (Latent beat of Susi 10. Tes borden of equal ras under identical emnditions. The change in temperature in the twa cave in shown ppaphically. What are their melting points? rs | (Roorkee (Ans. OFC, 4FC; 1 23.435) oT? se 567 Ques. No. 10 11. A substan: of mass M kg requires a power input of P Wax jn the molten state at its melting point. When the power nevi off, the vamnple cornpletely solidifies in time rsecond [LLT. °92) (Ans. PM) iSded te (10H) ky of ive at ('C. ind the temperature of the mixture. (LET. ’89) (Ans. FC 13, Acalorimeter of water equivalent 0050 ky contains 0°10 ky of water at 30°C. What will be the result of mix OU ky of ice at JSC with this water’? (Latent heat of fusion of ice = #0 x 4200 Ikg: specific heat of ie OS 4 AUN See [H.S. 99) (Ans. (04875 kg ice melts; temp. of mixture OC) 1e temperature of Temperature (°C)> STA» ts remn Find the latent heat of fusion of the substance, 12. 0-08 key of water at 25°C iy 14, Heat is supplied at a steady rate for 7 minute to some: ammount of ice, For first one minutes, th ice increased uniformly with time, Then the ternperature remained steady for 4 minute. During the last 2 minute. at a unifortn sate, Explain the above observations and calculate the final temperature. Latest temperature again inc heat of fusion of ive = #0 7 4200 Meg, U 75) (Ans. 40°C! 15. Steam at UPC is passed throuph 0200 ky of water contained in a calorimeter of water equivalent 0010 k= the weight of the calorimeter and its content thereby increases by 0.00% kg. I'the initial temperature of water was 25° find the final temperature [Ams, 320°C) 16. A gas ting supplied (204 J of heat to a kettle full of water at 100°C. How much water is converted into sex” Repeat assutning the number of calorie supplied to be 9072 J, Assume latent heat of vaporisation as 540 x 4200 J , > 5g] : 7 fAns, 3 x 10°) kg: 4 10" HE! 17. What mass of steam passed into 0050 ky of water at 10°C will raise the temperature to 100°C? If an indefinite cacy of am i vale, ll te 0050 kof water be ted ato steam? Latent heat of seam = S40 % 4200 ans, 833 x 10 be 8°! jn an experiment 10 x 10° kg of steam wer wr equivalent 15% 10" ke. The final temperatur en of ee? re 4g, Acopper block of mass 2°5 kg is heated in a furnace to a temperature of | shock What i the maximum amount of ice that can melt? Spec sp fusion of ice = 3°35 * 105 T kg! 20, Alrgeinsulated vessel contains some water at °C. Water vapour that collects in ‘via faction of water finally turns into ice ifthe latent Te passed into 0:285 kg of water at 20°C contained in a vessel of ‘© was 40°C. What value did this experiment give for the latent heat [Ans. 540 x 4200 J/kg) 500°C and then placed on a large ice ific heat of copper = 0°39 x 10° J ke"! °C-!; latent heat, INCERT (New) (Ans. 1°S kg) \side in pumped out continuously. heat of vaporisation is 7 times the latent heat of fusion? [Ans. 7/8) \eat rejected to convert one part into ice at O°C is the santas the heat required to evaporate the other part. (Latent heat of ice and steam are 80 x 4200 J/kg and 536 x 4200 igrespectively) [H.S. '00] (Ans, 0°80447 kg) 2, What is the result of mixing 10 kg of copper at 100°C with 3 kg of ice at 0°C? (Specific heat of copper = 0'1 Intent heat of fusion of ice = 80 x 4200 Jikg. [Ans. 1°25 kg of ice melts, and 1°75 kg of ice remains unmelted; whole mixture is at 0°C) 23, Acopper vessel of mass 1 kg is heated to 300°C. What is the maximum mass of a lump of ice which when put inside the vessel, will be completely converted into steam? Specific heat of copper = 01; latent heat of ice = 80 x 4200 ‘Ikg and of steam 540 x 4200 J/kg. (Ans. 0:02778 kg] 2A, How much heat is required to convert 2 x 107 kg of ice at ~20°C to steam at 100°C? (Given, specific heat of ice = 05; latent heat of ice = 80 x 4200 J/kg; latent heat of condensation of steam = 540 x 4200 J/kg. (Ans. 6132 J] 25, Apiece of metal, weighing 10 x 10" ke is heated to 100°C and dropped in a mixture of ice and water. The volume ofthe mixture then decreases by 1 x 10-7 m? but the temperature remains the same. If the specific gravity of ice be 0'92, ‘what is the specific heat of the metal? ULE.E. *04) (Ans, 3864 J ket °C) 26, Find the amount of heat necessary to convert 0'020 kg of ice at -5°C to water at 0°C.Specific heat of ice = 2100 MgC. Latent heat of melting of ice = 3°36 x 10° Ig. HS. (X1) ’10) (Ans. 6930 3) 27, What would be the result of extracting 289800 Joule of heat from 0°100 kg of steam at 100°C? [HLS. (XD) ’06] (Ans. 00625 kg of ice and 00375 kg of water at 0°C] 28, 1292320 J of heat are withdrawn from 0°100 kg of steam at 100°C, what will be the result? Latent heat of steam =540 x 4200 kg; latent heat of ice = 80 x 4200 J/kg. ULE.E, 03] [Ans. 0°70 kg ice and 0-030 kg water at 0°C] 28. Vapour from a liquid boiling at 85°C and ofa latent heat 200 x 4200 J/kg is Jed into 0"100 kg of this iguid at 2 connited ina calorimeter weighing 50 10 kp and of pci ea O08, 4 177K of vapour being the "nl temperature to 35°C, find the specific heat of the Liquid. AEE. "04) (Ans, 0569} 30. A polar explorer wants to make tea but the only water he has is 1 kg of ice ae How many calorie of heat “lle required to convert this ice into water at 100°C? The specific heat of ice is 0°5 x 4200 J/kg°C and the latent heat Mees bx 200 mg lan) 10° 31 A nickel cylinder weighing 0°100 kg is cooled to the temperature of liquid air and then quickly transferred to "Herat O°C. Tis found that 12 x 10° kg of ice are formed on the nickel, Calculate from these data the temperature ‘he liquid air. Assume specific heat of nickel 0'086 and latent heat of fusion of ice = 21, Divide 1 kg of water at 60°C into two pants, such that d 80 x 4200 Ihe. [ans. -1116°C] 3 A copper calorimeter 0'500 ke contains 0°400 kg of liquid paraffin at 25°C. When 0-050 kg of ice is added to ‘Nth steady temperature found to be 10°C. Find the specific heat of liquid paraffin. Given specific heat of copper " (Ans. 0°64 | * latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 x 4200 J/ks- l 3) ~ (BoA OF SiC | ONT) 33. 20x 107 kg of steam at 100°C is led into a closed calorimeter of water equivalent 10 x 10° ky containing 100 10 kg of ice at ~10°C, Calculate the final temperature of the calorimeter and its contents. Specific hea of = 0.5, latent heat of ice = 80 x 4200 J/kg and of 540 x 4200 Sik 771) (Ans, 32-9) 34. A calorimeter contains 0500 kg of water and 0°100 kg of ice at an equilibrium temperature of O°C. Then 349 kg of steam at 100°C are fed into it. Calculate the final temperature and composition of the mixture assuming that thy calorimeter is of negligible water equivalent, Latent heat of ice = 80 x 4200 Wkg, of steam = 540 x 4200 Ig [Ans, 0:074 kg steam and 0°726 kg water, both being at lipo) 35. Whilst ethane gas provides heat of combustion 1°5666 x 10° J per mol, only 60% of this quantity is usefy Calculate how many litre of ethane gas measured at N:T-P. should be used in order to convert 50 kg of water at line into steam at 100°C. Assume one mol of a gas occupies 22-4 litre at N.T-P. and also latent heat of vaporisation of water = 540 x 4200 Ike (Ans. 3153 lite) 36. When a piece of metal weighing 48°3 x 10° kg at 10°7°C was immersed in a current of steam at 100°C, 762 x 10~*kg of steam was found to condense. Caleulate the specific heat of metal. Assume latent heat of vaporisation of water as 540 x 4200 J/kg. WLLT. "63] (Ans. 0095] 37. What mass of ether at 0°C must be evaporated in order to freeze 10 x 10° kg of water at 0°C? Assume latent heat of vaporisation of ether and latent heat of ice at O°C as 95 x 4200 J/kg and 80 x 4200 J/kg. (Ans, 8:42 x 10° kg] 38. About 5 x 10° kg water at 30°C and 5 x 107 kg of ice at -20°C are mixed together in a calorimeter, Find the final temperature of the mixture. Water equivalent of the calorimeter is negligible. Specific heat of ice = 0°5 x 42001 kg"! °C. Latent heat of fusion of ice = 80 x 4200 J kg". WLT. 7, [Ans, 625 x 10° kg of water and 3°75 x 10 kg of ice at 0°C] 39. A lagged metal can contains a mixture of water and crushed ice at 0°C. It is weighed and immediately afterwards the mixture is well stirred while dry steam at 100°C is passed through it. When all the ice has just melted, the steam supply is cut off and a second weighing of the can and its contents shows an increase in mass of 10x 10° kg. Calculate the mass of ice originally present. Given, latent heat of ice = 80 x 4200 J/kg, of steam = $40 x 4200 Ikg. (Ans, 80 x 10° kg) 40. 20 x 10 kg of ice at 0°C are dropped into a mixture of oil and water at 30°C and are just melted in cooling the mixture to O°C. If the specific heat of cil is 0°6 and the total weight of the liquid at the end of the experiment is 85 x 10 kg, find the quantities of oil and water in the original mixture. [Ans. 29°2 x 10 kg oil, 35°8 x 107 kg water] 41, Ona certain day, the room temperature and dew point are 18°5°C and 12°C respectively. The saturated vapout pressure of the room at 18°C, 19°C and 12°C are respectively 15:46 x 10° m, 15°86 x 10° m and 10°46 x 10° m of ‘mercury column, Calculate the relative humidity on that day [HLS. 96] (Ans. 668%) 42, Calculate the relative humidity when the air temperature on a day was 29°C and the hygrometer condensation Point was 10°C. Given, aqueous tension at 10°C and 29°C are 9'1 x 10 m and 29°9 x 10° m respectively [Ans. 3043%1 43. Find the dew point when the relative humidity is 70%, the temperature being 13°C. Given that, for pressures of 7 x 10° m, 9 x 107 m and 11 x 10% m of mercury, the corresponding boiling points of water are 6°C, 10°C and 13°C, respectively [ans. 74C] 44. The dew point and the temperature on a certain day were 10°C and 16°5°C respectively. The saturation vapou Pressures at 10°C, 16°C and 17°C are respectively 9:10 x 10 m, 13°50 x 10" mand 14°40 x 10 m of mercury colum™ Calculate the relative humidity of the day. (HLS. °86] (Ans. 6525) eee rere of water vapour inthe ar on a warm day when the temperature is 30°C andthe wate Moe Aowed eau of saturated vapour at 30°C is 317 x 10-% m of Hg) (Ans. 25°36 x 10° m of #8 losed room contains moist air at 20°C, the relative humidity being 40%. What would the relative humidity ‘become if the room w: car {ts rom was cooled fo 10°C? State any assumption you make in your calculation, ($.V.P. of water at20°° = 17S x 10 m, at 10°C = 9:2 « 10 m of Hg). tans. 7359) v

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