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Design 13 – Tücher & Co. 04

© Lana Grossa GmbH - Photo: Wilfried Wulff,

Design 13 – Tücher & Co. 04
Size approx. 87 x 164 cm Gauge: 22 sts and 40 rows = 10 x 10 cm in lace patt mea-
sured before blocking; 18 sts and 32 rows = 10 x 10 cm in
Materials: 250 g of Lana Grossa Ecopuno (72% cotton, lace patt after blocking.
17% Merino wool, 11% baby alpaca; 215 m/50 g) in Dark
Petrol (col 37). Size 4.5 mm circular needle, 120 cm long; Shawl: Using a provisional cast-on, cast on 5 sts. Work in
stitch marker. garter st for 12 rows, then pick up and k 6 sts along side edge
of garter tab, then k5 from provisional cast-on = 16 sts. Next
Garter st: K every row. row (WS): K16. Next row (RS): Work row 1 of chart 1a, place
marker, then work row 1 of chart 1b. Cont to foll charts 1a and
Lace patt: Work according to chart 1a and 1b. Numbers at 1b, work rows 1 – 62 once, then work rows [41 – 62] 3 more
right edge of charts indicate RS rows; on WS rows, work sts times, then work rows 41 – 56 once more. Work row 57 of
as they appear, purl all yos or work according to chart key. chart 2a, then work row 57 of chart 2b. Cont to foll charts 2a
Work rows 1 – 62 once, then work rows [41 – 62] 4 more and 2b, work rows 58 – 62 = end of lace patt, then work rows
times. 22-st patt rep is shown in grey on charts. 1 – 46 of chart 2a and 2b for border. Work in garter st for 6
rows. Loosley bind off all sts.
Border patt: Work according to chart 2a and 2b. Numbers at
right edge of charts indicate RS rows; on WS rows, work sts Finishing: Pin piece to measurements and block. Carefully
as they appear, purl all yos or work according to chart key. weave in all ends.
Work rows 1 – 46 once. 24-st patt rep is shown in grey on
charts. NOTE: Rows 57 – 62 show last 6 rows of lace patt
before begin of border patt.

Shawl, half

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Design 13 – Tücher & Co. 04

Charts are shown in two halves.

Patt reps are shown in grey on charts.
Rows 57 – 62 at bottom of chart 2a and 2b show
last 6 rows of lace patt before begin of border patt
22-st patt rep
Chart 1a


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Design 13 – Tücher & Co. 04

22-st patt rep

Chart key:
= k1
= p1
= 1 st in garter st: k1 on RS and WS
= yo
= k2tog
= skp: sl 1 kwise, k1, pass slipped st over
Chart 1b

knitted st
= s2kp: sl 2 kwise, k1, pass slipped sts over
knitted st
= p3tog
c = center
m = marker
= switch from chart a to chart b

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Design 13 – Tücher & Co. 04

of lace patt
last 6 rows

last 6 rows of lace patt

24-st patt rep

24-st patt rep

Chart 2b
Chart 2a


© No material herein may be reproduced in any form by any means without the express written consent of the publisher.
Tücher & Co. 04

Gauge Swatch
Before you begin …
…make a gauge swatch. Use the recommended needles, yarns
and pattern stitch for your gauge swatch. It should measure
approx. 12 cm x 12 cm. Cast-on and bind-off rows, as well as
selvage stitches should not be included in the measurement.
Pin your swatch and block it as you would the finished pieces
of the garment. Count stitches and rows over 10 cm. If your
gauge swatch is too small, switch to larger needles. If your
gauge swatch is too big, switch to smaller needles.

beg = begin(ning) · ch = chain · cont = continue · dec = decreas(e)(ing) · inc = increas(e)(ing) · k = knit · kwise = as if to knit
meas = measures · M1L = lift strand between sts from front to back and knit this strand through the back loop · M1R = lift
strand between sts from the back and knit this strand through the front loop · patt = pattern · pm = place marker · p = purl
pwise = as if to purl · rem = remain(ing) · rep = repeat(s) · rev St st = reverse stockinette stitch · rnd(s) = round(s) · RS =
right side · sc = single crochet · skp = slip 1 stitch as if to knit, knit 1 stitch, pass slipped stitch over knitted stitch · sk2p = slip
1 stitch as if to knit, knit 2 together, pass slipped stitch over knitted stitch · s2kp = slip 2 stitches as if to knit, k 1 stitch, pass
slipped stitches over knitted stitch · sl = slip · st(s) = stitch(es) · St st = stockinette stitch · tbl = through the back loop · tog =
together · wyib = with yarn in back of work · wyif = with yarn in front of work · WS = wrong side · yo(s) = yarn over(s)

Publisher’s Info

Publisher: Lana Grossa GmbH, Gaimersheim,

Photographer: Wilfried Wulff,

© No material herein may be reproduced in any form by any means without the express written consent of the publisher.

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