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Journal on Education Volume

06, No. 01, September-December 2023, pp. 9513-9520

E-ISSN: 2654-5497, P-ISSN: 2655-1365


Bullying Case Study on the Psychological Impact of Junior High School

Age Children Pesantren Kubu Raya

Fitri Pratiwi, Aunurrahman, Halida

Master of Educational Technology Study Program, Tanjungpura University, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak,


Bullying is bad behavior carried out by a person or group repeatedly with the intention of
hurting someone. It is hoped that parents can shape the character of their children at Islamic
boarding schools so they can learn religious knowledge. Bullying is one of the biggest sins in
education that still occurs today. The researchers conducted research with the aim of finding
out the psychological impact of students and finding out the causes of bullying at the Kubu
Raya Islamic Boarding School. This type of research uses qualitative research with a library
research approach. The techniques used were interviews and observations of bullying cases
which had an impact on the psychology of students at the Kubu Raya Islamic boarding
school. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that victims of bullying prefer to
remain silent when being bullied, because they are afraid of being bullied who will hurt
themselves and the victim has difficulty reporting the incident to a caregiver or teacher. This
makes victims of bullying harbor feelings of hurt, anger or pent-up emotions and will have
difficulty making friends. One other way victims of bullying do this is to be alone. The
boarding school students will carry out activities alone or the victims of bullying do not have
many friends. Keywords: Case study; Bullying; Islamic boarding school

Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to adulthood between the ages of
12 and 15 years old. Adolescent growth is called the peak of a child's rapid development
(Sary, 2017). (Sary, 2017). This is the period of adolescence known as the search for self-
identity, teenagers are always curious and try new things they see and know. curious and try
new things that he sees and knows from the surrounding environment. In addition
adolescence begins high emotional development which shows sensitivity, irritability,
sadness,excessive happiness. The development of children in relation to the social environ
emotionally disturbing a child (Yuliani, 2019). Adolescents are known for their delinquency a
source of high levels of concern for families and schools. Concerns families have a greater
influence on their peers, on the contrary, adolescents who have good relationships with their
peers are able to work well together in terms ofwith their peers are able to work well together
in any case such as schoolwork. schoolwork. Conversely, some adolescents who have poor
relationships with their peers will be able to influence them. peers will be able to influence
them. Peers can also exert pressure, influence norms, and shape self-identity (Nugroho et al.,
2020). Some of the main factors that can influence the behavior of peers so that they
individually and in groups are bullied. in a way that is bullying. The biggest problem of
juvenile delinquency is bulliying. In fact bullying is a chain that has not been broken from
time to time (Ahmad et al., 2021). Case bulliying has become a hot topic in the world of
education, especially in Indonesia.
In 2018, data from the Child Protection Commission (KPAI) found 161 cases,
amounting to 22.4%. cases of children who were victims of bullying violence and 41 children
who were perpetrators of bullying violence with a percentage of 25.5% (Rahayu & Iman
Permana, 2019).bullying violence with a percentage of 25.5% (Rahayu & Iman Permana,
2019). Based on data from the Child Protection Commission (KPAI) bullying cases in 2019
were 46 cases and in 2020 there were 76 cases. 2020 as many as 76 cases. This makes
Indonesia the first bullying case in ASEAN with a percentage of 84% (Novitas & Iman
Permana, 2019). percentage of 84% (Novitasari et al., 2023).
The word bullying can be interpreted in Indonesian as bullying. Bullying is an
unfavorable behavior carried out by a person or group repeatedly so that the intention is to
hurt a weak person (Ahmad et al., 2021). According to (Rejeki, 2016), Bullying is a form of
violence that causes pain carried out by children who are stronger than peers. stronger on
someone's “inferior” or weaker peers in order to gain certain benefits or satisfaction. certain
advantages or satisfaction. Based on several experts, bullying is an unkind behavior that can
harm that can be detrimental to the physical and emotional harm of others.
According to Law No. 13/2006 stated in article 1 paragraph 2, a victim is a person
who suffers physical, mental, and economic losses as a result of a criminal offense. who
suffers physical, spiritual, and economic losses as a result of a criminal offense. Bullying is
divided into into two, namely direct and indirect bullying (cycber bullying). Indirect bullying
indirect bullying (cycber bullying) is carried out by telling or bullying using electronic
devices such as electronic devices such as bully video recordings and social media. Whereas
direct bullying is more hurtful than indirect bullying, because direct bullying is done directly.
Bully is a behavior that appears to be done directly which is divided into two, namely verbal
and physical. Verbal violence that is carried out with words by disturbing, cursing, mocking,
provoking, teasing intentionally to hurt (Permata et al, 2021). Actions taken directly against
the victim, such as hitting, kicking, pushing, punching, slapping, crushing, and breaking
objects (Mujtahidah, 2018).
This psychological foundation plays a very important role in education, because
understanding learners, related to psychological aspects, is one of the keys to success with
motivation in education (Nurhuda, 2020). learners, related to psychological aspects, is one of
the keys to success with motivation in education (Nurhuda, 2020). Student understanding,
especially the psychological aspect, is one of the one of the factors of academic success.
Bullying cases psychologically affect two needs that are not met by victims of bullying,
namely the need for a sense of security and the need to be loved and recognized. loved and
recognized. One aspect of overall human development relates to personality development as
the psychological foundation of students (Rasid, 2018).
Bullying has a negative psychological impact on the victim, witnesses or people
around them as well as the perpetrator. and the perpetrators. The negative impacts for victims
of bullying are: will experience confusion about what happened, feelings of loneliness, low
self-esteem, depression and decreased academic performance. academic achievement.
Children who are victims of bullying will be isolated from their peers and may experience
severe stress (Peters et al., 2011). so that they can experience great stress (Peters et al., 2011).
At the same time, the bully will also not be spared from the risks that the bully
experiences will often get into fights with peers, get hurt in fights, skip school, and be
disrespectful to friends and teachers. disrespectful to friends and teachers. Meanwhile, people
who witness bullying against their peers tend to become fearful and vulnerable, often feeling
anxious and having a low sense of personal security (Muller et al., 2011). have a low sense of
personal security (Mujtahidah, 2018). According to Damayanti et al (2016), bullying behavior
that occurs in victims will have physical impacts such as broken bones, damaged teeth,
concussions, eye injuries, and even permanent brain damage. The psychological impact of
bullying is low self-esteem, isolation, emotional changes, impact on learning. Impact
psychological impact will experience psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety,
post-traumatic stress disorder, drug addiction, and suicidal behavior in adulthood (Kampoli et
al., 2017). et al., 2017).
Parents choose their children to study at boarding schools, hoping to shape the
character of their children. children and can learn religious knowledge in depth. Boarding
schools are located in dormitories so that students very often do activities together and often
meet. The boarding school does not distinguish the level of education and age of the students
(Nashiruddin, 2019). This can make it more likely that bully problem will arise in boarding
Based on the results of observations in one of the Kubu Raya boarding schools,
unconsciously cases of bullying often occur. bully cases often occur. This can hamper the
psychological development of children. Bullying problem occurred in a boarding school in
Kubu Raya, namely a student and a female student arguing verbally. Verbally arguing is
referred to as verbal bullying, this problem is due to differences of opinion during the
boarding school event. Verbally arguing is arguing with a loud tone, while physically arguing
is a physical altercation. a loud tone, while physically fighting with pushing and shoving.
This incident This incident caused arguing and pushing between male students and female
students, so that this incident resulted in them not talking for a long time. This incident
resulted in them not talking for a long time. Observations of junior high school students in a
boarding school intimidated their friends by mocking, teasing, and throwing them away.
throwing them away.
Bullying is one of the cardinal sins of education that is still happening to this day. This
researcher conducted a study with the aim of knowing the psychological impact of students
and knowing the causes of bullying in Islamic boarding schools. psychological impact of
students and find out the causes of bullying in Islamic boarding schools. Based on
observations and information collected by researchers, the researchers took the title “Bullying
Case Study on the Psychological Impact of Bullying on the Psychological Impact of Junior
High School Children in Pondok Pesantren Kubu Raya.

This type of research uses qualitative research, which is a systematic method for
researching a natural subject to understand social symptoms (Sugiyono, 2016). examine a
natural subject to understand social symptoms (Sugiyono, 2016). Research using a library
research approach. Library research is research that literature sources obtained from
magazine books or previous research (Yaniawati, 2020).
The techniques used are interviews and observations. The interview technique used
unstructured, that is, researchers do not use instructions systematically but only use general
questions (Sugiyono, 2016). using general questions (Sugiyono, 2016). Researchers
conducted interviews with the principal school and the person in charge of the junior high
school boarding school in cases of bullying that have an impact on the psychological well-
being of students. psychological impact on students. Researchers made observations by
analyzing the problem. Analyze problem collecting sources by identifying the research topic
by formulating the problem. Analyze the problems that occur in bullying cases on the
psychological impact of students in boarding schools in Kubu Raya boarding school.


Bullying in Indonesian means bullying or violence. Bullying is done by strong people
this behavior deliberately hurts weak people continuously. continuously. Many bully cases
occur in schools or boarding schools. Boarding schools are located in boarding schools live in
dormitories so that students very often do activities together and often meet. It is likely that
bullying problems will arise in boarding schools. Researchers conducted research in one of
the boarding schools in Kubu Raya Regency. Based on observations conducted by
researchers and interviews with the caregivers of the boarding school. The following is an
interview with the caregiver of the boarding school boarding school in kubu raya.

Table 1. Interview Results

Name initials Answer

MA Bullying cases have occurred several times

at boarding school X in Jakarta. raya. Bully
cases that occur are most often verbal.
Verbal bullying occurs among female
students with uncontrolled emotions. But
once once there was a physical case.
Physical bullying cases are carried out by
male students with verbal problems
continued with physical play. The problem
of bullying cases will have a light
punishment in the form of bald hair (bald)
and memorizing the book or Al-Qur'an,
severe punishment in bully cases will be
expelled. For now bully with severe cases
not occurring.

Based on the table above, bully cases have occurred in the boarding school for 24
hours. activities together such as studying at school, studying the Koran or kitab, memorizing
and playing. After continuing to make observations with an approach to the students, finally
the bully problem began to appear. began to appear. Punishment is given to create an orderly
and comfortable learning environment. If students comply with the rules that apply during
learning, learning activities become more conducive. conducive. In addition, students who do
not engage in bullying behavior at the boarding school are suspected of communicate and
relate well with their parents. This can be seen in the schedule parents, which can tell positive
things that happen in the boarding school environment (Fadhilah, 2013). (Fadhilah et al.,
2021). Bullying at the boarding school is classified as low, because the sanctions at the
boarding school are relatively severe, such as dibotakin for male students, While violations
for female students such as suspension, and even expelled from the boarding school, so that
students can tend to avoid bullying behavior.
The students carry out activities together with the same 24 hours of study. learning
together between school and book learning, memorizing the Qur'an, playing and the different
characters of children. who are different. This can lead to bullying cases occurring in the
boarding school. Based on interviews the victim of bullying, initials TQ, obtained a story
from his close friend, TQ was bullied by the suspect because he did not want to lend him
items. suspect because he did not want to lend items so that the perpetrator was angry with
the victim. This led to a verbal attack of pushing and shoving between the perpetrator and the
victim. TQ experienced TQ experienced physical bullying when arguing he received a
physical attack with a push. TQ did not TQ did not have the courage to report this incident to
the caregiver or teacher, because of this TQ thought this would be a long affair. TQ
experienced psychological disruption after the bullying case. bullying. According to the
interview with TQ, the psychological impact experienced by TQ was being shunned by
friends, embarrassed, sad and crying so that he has a big feeling of disappointment or anger
towards his friends who defend the perpetrators who are stronger than him. friends who
defend the perpetrator who is stronger than him so that TQ prefers to be alone, even TQ has a
desire to run away from the bullying case. TQ has the desire to run away from the boarding
Based on the explanation above, victims of bullying cases will experience severe
psychological disorders. which is severe. Psychological impacts such as shyness, silence,
confusion, anger, fear, and heartache; physical impacts such as heat, stinging, redness, and
pain; and social impacts such as not wanting to play, lazy to play, uncomfortable environment
when learning, and even want to change schools or classes. (Wardani et al., 2019). Victims of
bullying do not have the strength to defend themselves by defending themselves, so they will
accept the bullying. themselves, so the victim will accept with resignation the behavior of
others towards them. himself. According to Wahab et al. (2017) victims of bullying prefer to
remain silent when bullied so that they are not bullied by their peers. so that they are not
bullied by their classmates. One of the other ways that victims of bullying is to be alone.
Being alone can be done by listening to music, because music can please them, so victims
also avoid environments that have a bad influence on them. environment that has a bad
influence on them. The boarding school students will do the activities by themselves or bully
victims do not have many friends. The psychological impact will experience psychiatric
disorders such as: depression and anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, drug addiction, and
suicidal behavior (Kampoli et al., 2017). addiction, and suicidal behavior (Kampoli et al.,
The problem of bullying has an impact so that it can prevent bullying cases from
affecting the psychological development of children or students. on the psychological
development of children or students in boarding schools. Subscription that must be done
from the boarding school if they hear that students are physically and verbally bullied. verbal
must move quickly without stalling. According to Halida (2023), bullying cases must have
counseling services, so that they can direct the students to the right direction. must have a
counseling service, so that it can direct students to communicate, not commit violence, and
become human beings who can think logically without following emotions. without
following emotions. This counseling service is an important role in the Kubu Raya boarding
school so that students can tell their problems. Raya boarding school so that santri children
can tell their problems about the actions of peers who behave negatively to the victim.
negative behavior to the victim. Bully cases should not turn a blind eye to what happens to
the victim, the bully suspect must get punishment. victims, bully suspects must get
punishment in the form of severe or mild punishment.
The light punishment received by the victim and the victimizer is advice. Mild
punishment A light punishment for the bully and the victim is to repair the friendship between
the bully and the victim by shaking hands or embracing each other (for those who are
muhrim). victims of bullying by shaking hands or embracing each other (for those who are
muhrim). The process The process of advising the bully victim and the perpetrator as the
main target to be advised. Advising the guilty person is a teacher or counseling service and
someone who is respected in the cottage environment who is a source of trust by having an
attitude of trust. environment who is a source of trust by having a patient, compassionate and
caring attitude to students so that they can be and care for students so that they can listen to
advice. Bully perpetrators do with physically so that it hurts other people get punished with
suspension to be expelled from the boarding school (Fadhilah et al., 2014). from the boarding
school (Fadhilah et al., 2021). The punishment is intended to give a warning to the bully
suspect that the attitude taken is not right by oppressing the weak, arrogant, swearing. The
boarding school becomes a model person who is in the surrounding environment, called a
community role model. called a community role model. The boarding school is the center of
attention of the community which is based on religion to improve religious education. The
strategy carried out in educating must be a role model for students. The need for cooperation
between the caregivers of the boarding school and parents to overcome the problem of
bullying by socializing to students. with parents to overcome the problem of bullying by
socializing to students.

Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that victims of bullying prefer to
remain silent when bullied, because they are afraid that they will be bullied. when being
bullied, because they are afraid that they will get bullied who will hurt themselves and
victims have difficulty reporting the incident to caregivers or teachers. to report the incident
to caregivers or teachers. This makes victims of bullying harbor feelings of feelings of hurt,
anger or pent-up emotions and will find it difficult to make friends.
One of the other ways that victims of bullying do is to be alone. Being alone can be
by listening to music, because music can please them, so that the victim also avoids the
environment that has a bad influence on them. victims also avoid environments that have a
bad influence on them. Boarding school students will do activities alone or bully victims do
not have many friends. Impact psychological impact will experience psychiatric disorders
such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and fear. post-traumatic stress
disorder, and fear that they may attempt suicide.
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