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| Oni-T [wo Vtosle Tokens & ~ ; ane “i mallet vindivideal unik ef pogo : a is ee “ Know nN # Sdenbigier « eerrword x operctor a Shabu 4 Conslomd « Specal Agmbol . 2 Whal ba hepeoord ? _Keapoonde are rstowed words with bred ing Ft cannot be cued ax folontifierr or vauwobl nomex C has 32 worl . &: auto, break. do. hele. pot int. floak, eke, 5 Dato bape : Each Vota, 12 CO has om atsoctalsz) dalatgpe dt fies te bape of data Hak see eg Peete te tyre Atore Dike inbeger chorader, As Whak is on cperalor ? whak are “the bpes % epaaler) An opercler & a aagmnbel “ok apecifs an operation bo be perpormel on ee! : ab ge — operand “4: ath @ ’ 2 . Spetabon “Type! 5: Faprasion in at be ration of Operator ed oparoni Ht compolzs = single Vols stored ie © : ri a-bte Consbom : Constant are do not chompec| clusing he enecubion co the am o cdonkipien hese value Sqnbane ! Const clala type Vername = Value : Ee: tons ink a=-5; fi Enumealion Conslant, Fremeabion ox Enum i a Apectal bing of dabei pe ina which Can be hag inesf bey the wer- « 44 comisl a, integer values ond if & dined by using the erium koweoord &q: ent d weele =p sen. mon, tae, wad, thet, ae fr rsak Y, Formatiad | COngormalled caput oubpet : Trpuk foutpab in Aupply Trpal /oukput os a eg femat chasackes, or Ahreamat ‘ : mak a-| Chbain format Don't conbain 4 specifiers fn their Apudien. Senbax Atke xd. ne, yd - ; Ose) apterty por 3 ae weit. all dabetipes chasadat 3 | Seomg ©, priabfo ba es gebchard puts, Pre proces.son Divechives : These ote propre cassed by “the processor betere “he odtual compilation Ahab . ft tell te compiler. be Preprows he Aaurce tode ore compilry, HH begins with a Ye” Crash Ayimbal: Tyr % Prepaocssor dreckiver, & Macros —> eq: velop ine * File Sncluston —> eq: inched «gelled opal sey i inectives > €9! le Compilation Process gee ompilation Oo process % conveabing “the source code ino chjock code ft i lore itt ‘the help of comprler oritrotlter Hincludcldin} fol maint of Sauce Code obpect code lt ‘Programmi Paradigm: oo 4 aradsem ore the oliffpsent Ce pallens omd mredels for writing a progiam . d+ can be claseigied a, & Srauclured progtammiry * objeel ~orienteg programming « Aagpect - Opeented progtamminy. 12. Oses + ‘a’ Progtammnsicy lomanage : afi & wed fer “the aleve lopment a operaling systems oma applications. v ff uw wed in GOL C Graphical Cer Irteyace D clove lopment , IDE CInberactive Devel rt Environment tf aw ale wed in designs ompibu pring omp Ale Clamg ¢, Apple ¢, ele, ed OOl[olOle —- + -Sfiowiniret Onet “Tl Two Maske « (: Baetine Arvoxy An & a colleckion op Aimilor dala. ype thal ore stored under a common name . St can be stored i combiguows nezmouy eAecobon: Dd Array Doclarabion agnbor a clabatype omtaynome L Size, Ey: ont atsy; -D Array Srittalizabion synkase clabatipe amnyname [size S= Auk oo, values}. FT! cnt arsgs 9 2/3/4542 . Declaring and Initialization a 2D array + 2D Declaration Ayan dlaletpecraay nome Lacesizo S Calum —steet + Eq: 7 yk acs res 2D intlialization Ay nbon: clolatgpe vay name [race sine) Ceslumn tice y = dal op vals. Eq dint acagras= § f-234, pasty fs Gy: A) Deine String : é & a sequence of characters enclosed St wrth double guste Hu a null terminated Churacts amray f \ol eee. char Arlng ramets; Eq ! char shred? Helle" » 5 Luk + sting opesation ’ Strlendd — Finds “the Aength % the being Strempo — Compares bwo ashing ‘ StacatO — Concelanoter beoo shiny. Shicpyo ~ Copies one lady fo omctha hing F AtraawO — reverse the slay. 6) Selechion Sort; tae aimple ond epptevent seating algorithm “thal works by repeatedly elacking Ha smallest elemenk froro the wasorlid portion Of tha int amd rnoring it to Vea sort portion af Yo deb. T) Lear Search; Hos the simplest xearchs aude le 4 oh seplattaly Sattolar eile sis eis al antil a mak is found : 8) Binany a eal Seach yia search: algorithm, de) re eee oe ee tH etd eee. Ont - 1 (Modules Progsamming | Meduloa Prot ammucrng b “the process 4 subelevioking a pregiam into Aepercle Bubprogtam . Advantages : % Ease toe « Reusabile * Easy to mainkate Function Proto bape : A furttion prolstipe 6 a ckclaration A ferehion ted olescrcbes about the function's | |, bebe ana) parardiens. Synkare : Eas Rektern ~type ferctionname (parameter lwhd > tnt odde ink a,int Dy % Funchion call: A purclion can he called Apeedpys) ih nome, followed bag an Jat 4 rs oy i parertises anal Aeperalled by Commas . Syke: function name Cvastblel, yauobho;...)» Eqs J Ca-6) a A Built - to hing femebion wtrlencd Stacmpe) Stacake) Stacey) ck t xX - & shaovo) Bulletin tate funclion . + Epc) + pleorc) * lego) «abs 0): * powey * SgrEO * ceil > a Define Recursion : Recussion ug process by hich a forction calle am itseh rspealedly enli] some Aperified condition becomes basse. Eq! Calculating sfecloral gf a ruerber Fibonacei Sertes - 6. Types + secersion: & Direct ond Trdtvcct Rome, 4 Tail and Nen-bai] aacurnion. “i + Whal i the need for -funckion? + functions make a progiam mone Aeadalle a df cah be accused countless Eines _ 2 can he ae co the size a ~theprgaam . > « dH helps in code modlulaaity Feil A poinl & a vasiallettat bold ite adtrens 4 onrsther Vastalel ora function. dabertipe “pointe name» Eq: ie Aople, dua hick: rablon of a poms Vatolle : A poird, can be Int Halized by Osadane addres 4 a vastolal, “y Eq | q CpbL= fa; Poinke. eperaler : 4 ~ address 4 cpeoter Gr) Aeference ‘cpoator & ~ indirection operabor (er) denepersne cpercoler belween Pass dae Volene and Pass by b Digierence rhe . Pos ty Value [Pee Ty Byene 1 dn = by Value The value [da pars 1 ee a nh ore adebress ai of ackual ong ume pus an fo “tHe qormel poral . axe poss ° fprmel Pose 2 Clog made crsicle the changes ade intiole Hea fun jon cre of aeplecled funckion are aeplacted In jo The original voix Ha ondginal vole = Reg uines Wore memory 4 Ackual — Pasamatn | __formel_prsarmeles __ he function | cs i i a ined tn . doo cline In. the dt cleg en call Bynbouw : : 2. 3ynkor: 4 ponalin rame(Varl van, Sipe. furckion sie posareden) fy. ype parameter 2,* > aL Jounal tnt sum Clot a, int b) porahetep Bum Cx yd; 3 Aakur atb qe pormeter » lo- Begine jes a pein: ay of pointe wa collection of address ah same shige’ Atoned in canbiguous memory Aaation: ft in an aay of adchesset - Syntax dalatipe points rome C4ized, int * aciot; Eq: ip What paramalie pasting? When cx fonction aalled tha caleng nebicon may howe bo pass somo Values bo tH called nekions There are hwo bo poss thw poromelirs +o “te function. *& Pass bey ns « Poss by Aaperanta . la. bran punclion User -dyg! nes fe nebion ct The nat duncblons oe are praclyinad are created by hy eohich coms already developed a ew by he prrogromnst - ulament « 2. The war cannst mody or change ~Hha funchin: The User can nacclipy or a Re functor Medi he a bere On -1V I Structure : A Aslruckue wo collection of ab. ppeent datalype thal are sored emda 0. common name Syntax Stawd — sthacdhsorome t dalotype membel : lala lyppe members + dlabetpe moral 5) 2+ Nested ctrrokeere: A. shuchine within onsther structir. ts called os nested shuckien . Synbowed ia Alreckize namel cleepe membert - ye member AL! Shusel shurclura nome 2, i labebipe momber Blau ed Ahucchure_ hame} Vartobh no ne) + 7 5) Struchire Points : A pointe & poinling be a shruclne i called — slaeechiure points + Ayrton : cstauck tact _hame whose olemenk Ore of Atrcture type - asf iecees Stauck — glurchize pame © data rrambes | aladitpe membeN: 4 huechure_ Vas. 0 inclereI 5) Dynamic Memory allocation: ) q vite on 4 alkocoting memory to The variables ot dunkime @x) cluring “the el % be ta prepiam ts Known a dynamic strated alloca aol. patel lructuae ! ‘ “4 Ms el, aeperentiol hauchwa are hore conbasn Aayerence to “tie date ctauctaie ~trat : Dit cohbeina @ poindes + ib some \ype 6 thact potnling to-Same bebe +, the slaucclure » Fee. Alaucl ede tee of AAacck io Knoxk I 1 Single ts Lit: A ingly Aoded lat & a calketion of clote’ called rede. coher! each" nede ts divided into be pork —clata ond elmo pointer « The task node of fnked det u pointing fo NOLL. node. 8 Typeclg : * Typedes 0 a heyecrd “Rak a weal bo Pride enislng —dalakipe wih 9 nesonome attaa user—depined dalatype iu used) bo oacsign albarnotie hame bo exiting cc lotelye Synkow » 9° F ype clay and ge bine a 7a -funckion wltfs the program: Types % “eet: class : P ome (0: Hew edhe mambers cae accotsed? A shuctuae members ore accessed) bey cing a 6+ dol operator « Senko: touche variell name, member Veurtabilenans Uri -V bo File: | A file wea colleckion et, dato Cor) talleckion Accord stored on & arecondany storage lowite. Bilec hoard clak . Types of, fi ok Teck pie re Binasy pl. 2) Hew a pile can be organized ) + Sequential 4 access @r) Sequential pile procaning & Random access Ce?) Ranclom gi prowaning , Bo Why files one needed 2 & files rrr SS information permanzidly omd bo eaccets tobe even iy the rregtam feaminatles a dt sowes time when 2 program nught Aaguire e€ ancl inpol vom “the tucr- tee Gee ona ave to onacthe - Sequential git ACCoss ‘ seqrentlal file aceet 4 a type of Gi. ongonizobom io cakich dala & stored tn Conbinuos manners 2 ona Accord atte Sth ond each Aacord & 4) tb Sequence . Wo Structure eccuptes Spoce >. All the members strucle & can be tnebiodized 4. keytoord Struck u used to depines Aructure, Ir Membeus of, a stuchie (es jy, evn memory ee Membeu af Union Ahore Same mamory Space a A hremery spac a ge gaed kepword Onto & used te degine a Onion l2) Array 1 Htaccollection Aimiles let alype % 2) Elements cum oxrauy one, occu using Inder. 3) dt allocates stebic Eg: acsy; Synkan: lalate coragname [SizeI , Bilruckure = ao Htaa colleckion of clithersnt dlabckypes Elemenk of alauchine oe ee ing a ©) epaaton - oN a St alloca dl.ynamic ee Ss name ; Syrtons lauck 4 trucheue name t datatype reambe tl; y detakpe members ° Aequentia} file aACeesA Reendom Access pit Dt Aeads or wack ioral dt can anad or cauites to the Pik sequantialy , informabion ony here 42m es beginning of ste to Ha pile: pik. lb end: 2. Memory accuse time 4 a Memory acces hime & more - Eq: -.. Magnaklc bape ‘cme condlrckor clvics er) had duk. > Command Vane caguamerts The. rh passed Qrem command ‘ha ena P $ are called onmend Une cagumenk “These argoments ore homdled by maine? Punckion » rt maine int oage, Char * ang ve7_) ange — Courk Yhe humber of aaguumars Agrv CT conbains the bola) number af arguments.

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