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Chapter 1


1.1 About the Organization

Acuradyne System is smart IOT systems company which is focused on building next generation smart
connected healthcare systems which will facilitate better patient care & diagnosis using preventive
healthcare as a core focus area for improving clinical outcomes.

1.2 About the Internship

The internship at Acuradyne Systems encompasses a range of tasks and responsibilities aimed at
providing hands-on experience in signal processing and data science within a real-world industrial
setting.During the internship at Acuradyne Systems, one of the primary responsibilities was algorithm
development. This involved designing, implementing, and optimizing algorithms to address specific
challenges in signal processing and data analysis.

1.3 Purpose of Internship

The purpose of this internship is multifaceted:

Skill Development: Interns will have the chance to apply theoretical knowledge gained from coursework
in signal processing and data science to real-world projects. This helps in honing technical skills in areas
such as statistical analysis, machine learning, digital signal processing, and algorithm development.

Industry Exposure: Interns gain exposure to the day-to-day operations of a company specializing in
signal processing systems. This includes understanding industry-specific challenges, learning about the
technologies and methodologies used in the field, and gaining insight into the role of signal processing in
various applications.

Project Experience: Interns typically work on specific projects under the guidance of experienced
professionals. These projects might involve tasks like analyzing data from sensors, optimizing signal
processing algorithms, developing predictive models, or improving the performance of existing systems.
This hands-on experience is invaluable for building a strong resume and preparing for future employment


Networking: Internships provide opportunities to connect with professionals in the field, including
mentors, supervisors, and colleagues. Building relationships during the internship can lead to future
career opportunities, such as full-time employment or recommendations.

Learning Environment: Interns are often exposed to a collaborative and learning-oriented environment
where they can ask questions, seek guidance, and receive feedback on their work. This fosters personal
and professional growth, helping interns develop problem-solving skills and gain confidence in their

Overall, the internship at Acuradyne Systems offers a platform for aspiring signal processing and data
science professionals to apply their skills, learn from industry experts, and make meaningful
contributions to real-world projects in the field.

1.3 Scope and Objectives of Internship

1.3.1 Scope of Internship

The scope of the internship at Acuradyne Systems encompasses a range of tasks and responsibilities
aimed at providing hands-on experience in signal processing and data science within a real-world
industrial setting. The internship scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

Signal Processing Projects: Engaging in projects focused on signal processing, which may involve tasks
such as signal filtering, noise reduction, feature extraction, or signal classification. These projects aim to
enhance the understanding and application of signal processing techniques in practical scenarios.

Data Science Projects: Participating in data science projects that utilize machine learning, statistical
analysis, and data visualization techniques to derive insights from data. This may involve tasks such as
predictive modeling, anomaly detection, clustering, or optimization.

Algorithm Development: Developing and implementing algorithms to address specific challenges in

signal processing or data analysis. This includes designing novel algorithms or optimizing existing ones
to improve performance and efficiency.

Software Development: Collaborating with software engineers to integrate signal processing and data
science algorithms into software applications or systems. This may involve programming in languages
such as Python, MATLAB, or C++.

Experimental Design and Analysis: Designing experiments to collect data for analysis and interpretation.
This involves planning and executing experiments to validate signal processing algorithms or evaluate
the performance of machine learning models.

Documentation and Reporting: Documenting the work done during the internship, including project
specifications, methodologies, results, and conclusions. This may involve preparing reports,
presentations, or technical documentation to communicate findings to stakeholders within the company.

Collaboration and Learning: Collaborating with interdisciplinary teams within the organization, including
engineers, scientists, and project managers. Actively participating in team meetings, brainstorming
sessions, and knowledge-sharing activities to enhance learning and contribute to team goals.

1.3.2 Objectives of Internship

1. The objectives of the internship at Acuradyne Systems are multifaceted and are designed to
provide a structured learning experience while contributing to the company's goals. These objectives
2. Hands-On Experience: Gain practical experience in signal processing and data science through
participation in real-world projects and tasks within the company's research and development initiatives.
3. Application of Theoretical Knowledge: Apply theoretical concepts learned in academic settings
to solve practical problems and challenges encountered in signal processing and data analysis projects.
4. Skill Development: Enhance technical skills in signal processing, data analysis, machine learning,
and software development by actively engaging in project work and collaborating with experienced

5. Project Contribution: Make meaningful contributions to ongoing projects and initiatives within
the company, such as developing algorithms, analyzing data, and optimizing systems for improved
performance and efficiency.
6. Professional Growth: Foster personal and professional growth by working in a collaborative team
environment, receiving mentorship from experienced professionals, and gaining exposure to industry
best practices and standards.

7. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking: Develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills by
tackling complex challenges in signal processing and data analysis, identifying optimal solutions, and
iteratively refining methodologies based on feedback and results.
8. Communication and Collaboration: Enhance communication and collaboration skills by actively
participating in team meetings, presenting findings to stakeholders, and effectively conveying technical
concepts to diverse audiences.
9. Networking Opportunities: Build professional relationships and expand professional networks
within the industry through interactions with colleagues, mentors, and industry partners during the
internship tenure.

1.4 Roles and Responsibility

Data Collection and Preprocessing: Interns may be responsible for collecting raw data from various
sources, such as sensors or databases, and preprocessing it to make it suitable for analysis. This could
involve cleaning, filtering, and formatting the data.

Algorithm Development: Interns may work on developing and implementing algorithms for signal
processing or data analysis tasks. This could include tasks such as noise reduction, feature extraction,
classification, or regression.

Model Training and Evaluation: Interns may assist in training machine learning models using collected
data and evaluating their performance using appropriate metrics. They may also be involved in
fine-tuning and optimizing these models for better performance.

Data Visualization: Interns may be responsible for visualizing data and analysis results using tools like
matplotlib, seaborn, or Tableau. This could involve creating plots, charts, and dashboards to
communicate findings effectively.

Documentation and Reporting: Interns may be required to document their work, including the methods
used, results obtained, and any insights gained. They may also prepare reports or presentations to
communicate their findings to team members or stakeholders.

1.5 Organization of the Internship Report

The report is organized as follows: The introduction is given in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 describes the
Internship Activities. Chapter 3 presents the Work Accomplishments. It describes the details of Work
Carried Out, Challenges Faced, and Achievements and Benefits to the Company/Society. The Learning
through Internship is mentioned in Chapter 4. The conclusions of the Semester Long Internship is
presented in Chapter 5.

Chapter 2


2.1 Responsibilities and Tasks Assigned

During the internship at Acuradyne Systems, one of the primary responsibilities was algorithm
development. This involved designing, implementing, and optimizing algorithms to address specific
challenges in signal processing and data analysis. The tasks associated with this responsibility included:

Problem Identification and Requirements Gathering:

Collaborating with team members to understand the requirements of signal processing tasks or data
analysis projects.Identifying key challenges and areas where algorithmic solutions could improve
performance or efficiency.

Algorithm Design and Prototyping:

Brainstorming and proposing algorithmic approaches to solve identified problems.Translating conceptual

ideas into concrete algorithmic designs, considering factors such as computational complexity, accuracy,
and scalability.Developing prototype implementations of algorithms using appropriate programming
languages and libraries (e.g., Python, MATLAB).

Testing and Validation:

Conducting rigorous testing to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of developed

algorithms.Designing experiments or simulation studies to validate algorithmic solutions under various
scenarios and conditions.Iterating on algorithm designs based on feedback from testing results and
performance metrics.

Optimization and Performance Enhancement:

Analyzing bottlenecks and inefficiencies in existing algorithms.Implementing optimizations and

enhancements to improve algorithm efficiency, speed, or accuracy.Benchmarking algorithm performance
against established standards or benchmarks, and striving for continuous improvement.

Documentation and Knowledge Sharing:

Documenting algorithm specifications, design rationale, and implementation details for future
reference.Sharing knowledge and insights gained from algorithm development activities with team
members through presentations, reports, or technical discussions.Contributing to the organization's
knowledge base by documenting best practices, lessons learned, and innovative approaches in algorithm

By taking on the responsibility of algorithm development, I contributed to the advancement of signal

processing and data analysis capabilities within the organization. This role allowed me to apply
theoretical knowledge in practical settings, hone my problem-solving skills, and make tangible
contributions to ongoing projects.

2.2 Weekly Overview of Internship Activities

2.1.Weekly Overview

Week of Internship Work carried out Technology used Skills Learned

Week 1 Literature Survey of the NA NA

product of the

Week 2 Identifying the critical Python, Jupyter Pandas,Numpy,

points of a Pulse Wave Notebook
in a waveform. Matplotlib,Scipy

Week 3 plot the critical points of Python, Jupyter Pandas,Numpy,

a pulse wave with Notebook
python code, find critical Matplotlib,Scipy
points manually, plotting
it and finding similarity
between both waveform

Week 4 Serial Data Arduino IDE; Arduino Arduino;C;

Communication using Uno
Arduino Uno Board

Week 5 Data Communication Arduino Uno, Arduino Arduino, C

using Arduino Uno and IDE, Bluetooth
HC05 chip through

Week 6 Bluetooth Low Energy Arduino IDE, BLE, Python Library: BLEAK
data transmission Python
integration in Desktop
App and Mobile App

Week 7 Classification of good Python, Jupyter Python, Machine

data and bad data of Notebook Learning, Deep
Pulse wave data Learning
literature survey and

Week 8 Classification of good Python, Jupyter Python, Machine

data and bad data of Notebook Learning, Deep
Pulse wave data Learning
literature survey.

Week 9 Classification of good Python, Jupyter Python, Machine

data and bad data of Notebook Learning, Deep
Pulse wave data Learning
literature survey and

Week 10 Built a CNN Model to Python, Jupyter Python, Machine

classify between Good Notebook Learning, Deep
data and bad data of Learning
pulse wave .

Week 11 Built a LSTM Model to Python, Jupyter Python, Machine

classify between Good Notebook Learning, Deep
data and bad data of Learning
pulse wave

Week 12 Optimized and tested Python,Jupyter Python, Machine

CNN Model to classify Notebook Learning, Deep
between Good data and Learning
bad data of pulse wave

Week 13 Used a Statistical Python,Jupyter Python, Statistical

Approach to classify the Notebook Analysis, Signal
good and bad pulse Processing

Week 14 Achieved the Proper Python,Jupyter Python,tkinter

classification of good Notebook,VsCode
and bad pulse wave data
using Statistical
Approach and integrated
it to the Desktop app
that takes real time data
to plot Pulse waveform.

Week 15 Testing and validation of Python,Jupyter Python

the Algorithm Notebook,VsCode

Week 16 Testing and validation of Python,Jupyter Python

the Algorithm Notebook,VsCode

Week 17 Testing and validation of Python,Jupyter Python

the Algorithm Notebook,VsCode

Week 18 Optimizing the Python,Jupyter Python

Algorithm Notebook,VsCode

Week 19 Integration of the dart dart

Algorithm in the
Android App

Week 20 Integration of the dart dart

Algorithm in the
Android App

Chapter 3
Work Accomplishments

3.1 Details of Work Carried Out

The work involved several key steps:

Algorithm Development: I started by researching existing signal processing techniques and algorithms
suitable for pulse wave classification. Drawing from this knowledge, I developed a novel algorithm
tailored to the specific requirements of our project.

Real-time Implementation: Implementing the algorithm to perform classification in real-time was a

challenging task. I worked extensively on optimizing the algorithm's efficiency to ensure timely
processing of sensor data.

Integration with Sensor Data: Integrating the algorithm with the sensor data acquisition system required
careful coordination and synchronization. I collaborated with the hardware team to ensure seamless
integration and compatibility with the sensor data streams.

Visualization: Creating visual feedback for the classification results involved designing an intuitive
interface that dynamically updated the plot based on the algorithm's output. This required expertise in
data visualization techniques and user interface design.

3.2 Challenges Faced

Ensuring robustness and reliability of the algorithm in real-world scenarios posed significant challenges.
Addressing issues such as noise interference and variations in signal quality required iterative refinement
and testing.

Achieving real-time performance while maintaining accuracy and responsiveness demanded careful
optimization and fine-tuning of the algorithm's implementation.

3.3 Achievements and Benefits to the Company/Society

3.3.1 Achievements
Enhanced Healthcare Monitoring: The algorithm provides real-time feedback on pulse wave quality,
enabling more accurate and timely assessment of cardiovascular health parameters. This can significantly
improve the effectiveness of healthcare monitoring systems.

Improved Patient Care: By quickly identifying and flagging abnormal pulse waves, the algorithm can
assist healthcare providers in identifying potential health issues and intervening promptly, leading to
improved patient care and outcomes.

3.3.2 Benefits to the Company/Society

Technical Innovation: The development of the algorithm represents a technical innovation in the field of
signal processing and healthcare monitoring. It demonstrates Acuradyne Systems' commitment to
advancing technological solutions for societal benefit.

Competitive Advantage: The algorithm's implementation enhances Acuradyne Systems' product

offerings, providing a competitive edge in the healthcare technology market. It showcases the company's
expertise in developing cutting-edge solutions for real-world applications.

Chapter 4

Learning through Internship

In this chapter the Learning through Internship is presented. It describes the details of Technology Used,
Methodology Adopted and Skills Acquired/Enhanced.

4.1 Technology Used

This section outlines the technologies, tools, and methodologies utilized during the internship to support
project execution and achieve desired outcomes. It provides insights into the technical infrastructure and
processes employed within the organization.

Signal Processing Tools:

Utilizing software tools such as MATLAB or Python libraries (e.g., NumPy, SciPy) for signal processing

Leveraging signal processing toolkits and libraries to implement algorithms and analyze data effectively.

Data Analysis Platforms:

Employing data analysis platforms such as Jupyter Notebooks or RStudio for exploratory data analysis
and visualization.

Utilizing statistical analysis techniques and machine learning algorithms for data-driven insights and

Version Control and Collaboration Tools:

Using version control systems such as Git for code management and collaboration with team members.

Leveraging project management platforms (e.g., Jira, Trello) for task tracking, issue management, and
project coordination.

4.2 Methodology Adopted
Collaborative Learning: Learning was promoted through collaboration and teamwork among interns and
colleagues. Interns had the opportunity to work closely with multidisciplinary teams, share knowledge
and insights, and leverage each other's expertise to solve complex problems and achieve project goals.

Continuous Feedback Loop: A culture of continuous feedback was fostered within the organization,
where interns received regular feedback on their work and performance. Feedback sessions provided
opportunities for interns to reflect on their progress, identify areas for improvement, and receive
guidance on how to enhance their skills and capabilities.

Self-Directed Learning: Interns were encouraged to take ownership of their learning and pursue
self-directed learning opportunities. This involved exploring relevant resources, attending training
sessions or workshops, and engaging in independent study to deepen their understanding of key concepts
and technologies.

Iterative Approach: Learning was approached iteratively, with interns encouraged to experiment, iterate,
and refine their approaches based on feedback and results. This iterative approach allowed interns to
learn from their mistakes, make continuous improvements, and achieve better outcomes over time.

4.3 Skills Acquired/Enhanced

Technical Skills:

Proficiency in signal processing techniques, including filtering, feature extraction, and classification.

Competence in data analysis and visualization using tools like Python, MATLAB, or R.

Familiarity with machine learning algorithms and their applications in predictive modeling and pattern

Soft Skills:

Effective communication skills for conveying complex technical concepts to diverse audiences.

Time management and organizational skills to prioritize tasks and meet project deadlines.

Adaptability and resilience in navigating challenges and embracing continuous learning opportunities.

Chapter 5

5.1 Summary of Key Points

Professional Growth: The internship has facilitated my professional growth and development, allowing
me to acquire and enhance a wide range of technical and soft skills. From algorithm development to data
analysis and collaboration, each aspect of the internship has contributed to my learning journey.

Hands-on Experience: Engaging in hands-on projects and tasks has provided me with practical
experience in signal processing and data science. The opportunity to work on real-world challenges and
projects has deepened my understanding of the subject matter and prepared me for future endeavors in
the field.

Mentorship and Guidance: The mentorship and guidance provided by my mentor and colleagues have
been invaluable. Their expertise, insights, and support have played a significant role in shaping my
learning experience and fostering a conducive learning environment.

Collaborative Environment: The collaborative environment at Acuradyne Systems has been conducive to
learning and growth. Working closely with multidisciplinary teams has not only enhanced my technical
skills but also honed my teamwork, communication, and problem-solving abilities.

5.2 Overall Internship Experience

Overall, the internship at Acuradyne Systems has exceeded my expectations and has been a
transformative experience. I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of such a dynamic and
innovative organization. The knowledge, skills, and experiences gained during this internship will
undoubtedly serve as a solid foundation for my future endeavors in the field of signal processing and data
science.I look forward to applying the lessons learned and insights gained from this internship to my
academic and professional pursuits, and I am confident that the experiences gained here will contribute to
my success in the future.


[1]Pradip Gatkine, Dr. Swati Gatkine, Sushanth Poojary, Saket Chaudhary, Dr. Santosh Noronha,
‘Development Piezo-electric Sensor Based Non-invasive Low Cost Arterial Pulse Analyzer’.

[2]Aniruddha J. Joshi, “Arterial pulse rate variability analysis for diagnoses”, IEEE, 2008.

[3]Salter, G. D., “Design and validation of an arterial pulse wave analysis device”, unpublished.

[4]D. Korpas, “Parameters describing the pulse wave”, Physiol. Res.58: 473-479, 2009

[5]Farro I. “Pulse Wave Velocity as a marker of preclinical arterial disease”, International Journal of

Internship Completion Certificate


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Acuradyne Systems for providing me with the
opportunity to undertake this internship. The welcoming environment and collaborative culture fostered
by the organization have been instrumental in facilitating my professional growth and learning.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to my mentor, Meha Vyas, for their invaluable guidance, mentorship,
and patience. Their expertise, insights, and willingness to share knowledge have significantly contributed
to my development as a signal processing and data science intern. I would also like to extend my thanks
to my colleagues at Acuradyne Systems for their camaraderie, support, and collaboration throughout the
internship. Their willingness to share experiences, expertise, and perspectives has enriched my learning
journey and made my time at the organization both enjoyable and rewarding.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to Pillai College of Engineering, Academic Mentor and all
those who have contributed to making this internship a valuable and memorable experience. Your
support, guidance, and encouragement have been deeply appreciated, and I am grateful for the
opportunity to have been a part of such an esteemed organization.

Thank you.


Anit Roy Payyappilly


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