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1. Writing about changes in the way people interact with each other.

2. What do you use your smartphone for? What do you think of people who constantly check
their phones?

3. Are you addicted to smart devices like smartphones or tablets? Why/ Why not?

4. Write a short paragraph about the last time you felt shocked or terrified, and about
something, you find fascinating or amusing

5. Write a paragraph about a person who is important to you

6. Write a paragraph about the advantages of living in the city.

7. Writing about money-saving ways

8. Writing about the future forms of shopping

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center.
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TOPIC 1: Writing about changes in the way people interact with each other.
• Dàn bài sơ lược:
- Dựa vào bài đọc trong sách, đề cập tới 2-3 sự thay đổi trong cách chúng ta giao tiếp.
- Mỗi ý chính sẽ được giải thích bằng 1-2 ý phụ, nêu ví dụ.

Sample Paragraph:

Nowadays, there are several changes in the way people communicate in comparison to the past.

First, people prefer sending text messages or making phone calls to having face-to-face

conversations. In fact, over 80 percent of youngers choose to send their friends messages via social

media accounts like Messenger, Instagram, or Viber. They find sending messages or calling more

convenient and easier to communicate. Second, it seems that handwriting letters are less popular.

Due to the development of means of communication, people can interact promptly with those who

are thousands of miles away with just a click of a mouse or a tap on their smartphones. That is why

sending letters becomes less popular nowadays. In general, the world is changing, so everything

has to change to adapt to people’s needs.

Grammar: present simple & continuous; action and state verbs

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center.
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TOPIC 2: What do you use your smartphone for? What do you think of people who
constantly check their phones?

• Dàn bài sơ lược:

- Viết khoảng 2 việc bạn thường hay làm với điện thoại:
+ Học tập
+ Giải trí
- Nêu ý kiến của bản thân về việc ngày nay người ta sử dụng điện thoại liên tục:
+ Thực trạng (không thể tránh khỏi)
+ Gây hại cho sức khoẻ (mắt, tinh thần)
+ Gây mất tập trung cho việc học
- Tóm lại: nên sử dụng điện thoại đúng cách, đúng mục đích

Sample Paragraph:

It is undeniable that smartphones make our lives easier and more convenient. Normally, I use

my mobile phone to study and to entertain. First, I usually spend 2 hours per day searching for

useful information for my subjects at school. I find that using smartphones to look for

information on the Internet is very quick and concise. Even though there are many sources of

information, I know how to select the exact ones. Second, my smartphone is an indispensable

device (một thiết bị không thể thiếu) that helps me relax. I often spend an hour listening to

music before going to sleep. However, using smartphones constantly for hours may cause

some negative effects on our health. For example, when people focus on smartphones and

watch videos on social media sites for more than 1 hour, their eyes might be hurt. Moreover,

students may neglect from their studying because they are immersed in the virtual world. In

conclusion, using smartphones properly will bring people more benefits than drawbacks.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center.
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TOPIC 3. Are you addicted to smart devices like smartphones or tablets? Why/ Why not?
• Dàn bài sơ lược:

- Câu hỏi là bạn có nghiện không, thì ngay từ đầu mình phải trả lời câu hỏi.
1 là nghiện, 2 là không nghiện. Nên chọn rằng mình không nghiện.
- Tiếp theo, nếu nghiện thì các triệu chứng của mình là gì. Nếu không nghiện à Nêu
mục đích sử dụng điện thoại, máy tính bảng, hoặc các thiết bị điện tử khác.
- Ý tiếp theo: Nêu ví dụ cụ thể
- Ý cuối cùng: Chốt lại rằng có nghiện hay không.

• Ý tưởng mẫu (Phiên bản không nghiện. Ai nghiện thì ráng đừng nghiện nữa để viết bài
cho dễ nha)
- Ngày nay, mỗi người đều sở hữu cho riêng mình 1 chiếc điện thoại thông minh
hoặc máy tính bảng. Thật không thể phủ nhận sự quan trọng và những lợi ích mà
các thiết bị điện tử mang lại cho cuộc sống của chúng ta. Mặc dù có nhiều người
nói rằng sử dụng chúng có thể gây nghiện, tôi tin rằng tôi đang sử dụng các thiết bị
điện tử như điện thoại, máy tính bảng, máy tính 1 cách thông minh và hợp lý. (Mình
khẳng định khéo rằng mình không nghiện, mình đang dung rất thông minh)
- Mục đích sử dụng:
• Thường thì tôi sử dụng điện thoại, laptop khoảng 8 tiếng/ ngày để phục vụ
cho việc học tập và giải trí.
• Học tập: Tìm kiếm thông tin cho các bài tập, dự án, … Ví dụ như các videos
trên Learn On Tiktok có thể cung cấp cho tôi rất nhiều mẹo học tập hay
mà trước đó tôi ko biết.
• Giải trí: Xem phim, Xem videos, …
- Ý chốt đoạn: Tôi tin rằng tôi đang kiểm soát tốt việc dùng các thiết bị điện tử phục
vụ cho các mục đích học tập và giải trí hơn là nghiện chúng

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center.
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Sample Paragraph:

These days, everyone has a smartphone, a laptop, or a table. It is undeniable that

these kinds of smart devices provide us with huge benefits. Although many people claim

that using these electrical devices may lead to addiction, I believe that I am using them

smartly and properly (Dùng từ này cực kỳ hợp lý khi em dùng cái gì đó vào đúng mục đích

sử dụng). Normally, I spend approximately 8 hours per day on my smartphone and my

laptop serving my educational and entertainment purposes. Specifically, I use my smart

devices to look for some useful information that is necessary for my study. For example,

via TikTok platform, I can get some wonderful tips to improve my office skills. Moreover,

after long and exhausting hours of working and studying, I always feel a sense of relaxation

by watching my favorite movies on my laptop. In conclusion, I believe that I am using my

smart devices appropriately as useful tools for my study and recreation.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center.
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TOPIC 4. Write a short paragraph about the last time you felt shocked or terrified, and
about something, you find fascinating or amusing.
• Dàn bài sơ lược:

- Chú ý viết ở thì quá khứ đơn.

- Chuyện đó là gì? Đã xảy ra lâu chưa?
- Mô tả chi tiết cảm xúc của bản thân tại thời điểm đó

Sample paragraph:

In today's world, nothing would irritate me (làm tức giận) more than a spoiled child

(1 đứa trẻ hư). A couple of years ago, I was wandering in the technical store which was

supposed to be the best store in town in an attempt to find a better laptop. I came across

some customers that were truly annoyed by the noises that I could hear from a very far

distance. To satisfy my curiosity, I decided to put up with the noise and headed toward it

to better understand the whole situation. I spotted a child screaming at top of her lung at

his mother with cursing and disrespectful words. The incidents had me speechless as I had

never witnessed something so frustrating as this. After a few minutes, I finally got myself

together before telling off this child. Unfortunately, my good deed of the day wasn't

appreciated as I was angrily nagged at by the mother.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center.
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TOPIC 5. Write a paragraph about a person who is important to you

• Dàn bài sơ lược:

- Với tôi, mẹ là người rất quan trọng và không thể thay thế. Mô tả tính cách của mẹ.
- Lý do 1 tại sao mẹ lại quan trọng. Ví dụ cụ thể.
- Lý do 2 tại sao mẹ lại không thể thay thế. Ví dụ cụ thể.
- Chốt: Tôi không bao giờ quên những bài học quý giá mà mẹ đã

Sample Paragraph:

My mother is the one who is very crucial and meaningful to my life. She is not only

my mom but also my companion in every good time and bad time in my life. My mother

has been my role model since I was a kid because of her characteristic and the way she

teaches me. She is a considerate and warm woman who always takes care of my emotions,

especially on some of my special occasions like my first time going to school, the first time

I love, and when I graduate from high school. My mother plays an important role in shaping

my characteristic to be a good person. Honestly, I would never forget every valuable lesson

she taught me.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center.
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TOPIC 6: Write a paragraph about the advantages of living in the city.

• Dàn bài sơ lược:

- Hoạt động có thể làm khi ở thành phố

- Cơ hội việc làm mà thành phố mang lại sẽ nhiều hơn
- Những tiện ích về xe cộ và phương tiện đi lại

Sample paragraph:

Nowadays, people are getting more and more familiar with living in the city because of the

benefits it brings. First and foremost, activities in the city are one of the appealing factors that

make people interested. In fact, there is always something to do in a city to keep people of all

different interests from getting bored and tired of common things. Children can go to the zoo to

explore the so-called “small wildlife”, and workers can go to the supermarket to buy everything

after a hard-working day. Secondly, living in the city means that people job’s opportunities will

be widened. It is clear that the more crowded the place is, the more jobs and work that need

employees. From waiters, and teachers to managers, directors, etc, people can find a suitable job

easily in the city. Last but not least, thanks to modern public transportation, citizens can

experience many kinds of vehicles conveniently. To sum up, there are lots of advantages when

living in the city that many of us should experience.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center.
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TOPIC 7. Writing about money-saving ways.

Recently, money problems have become more common, which means that you will need to learn

how to save money. It takes a lot of effort to make enough money to cover day-to-day expenses. In

fact, saving money is not as difficult as you think if you can decide what you really need. Here are

some easy ways that can help you reduce the amount of money you spend. First of all, you should

create a monthly budget plan. It will help you know where your money goes and where you can cut

back on spending. For example, with the money plan, you can divide your salary into food,

shopping, and housing costs and make sure that you will not overspend on any item. Secondly,

reusing things is also a good way to decrease expenses. Make sure that everything in your trash can

is actually trash, because many studies have found that 50 percent of everything thrown away is

recyclable but only 20 percent is captured. Therefore, you should take advantage of the things that

can be reused to cut down on the amount of money spent. In conclusion, saving money is important

because it allows you to build wealth.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center.
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TOPIC 8. Future form of shopping

In recent years, there has been a growing trend among people to buy things on the Internet. This

presents both pros and cons; however, in my opinion, its benefits are much more significant than

the drawbacks. First, shopping online allows customers to look for a wide range of products and

compare the prices among these online shops. People can make better decisions because they have

a lot of options to consider, such as models, sizes, etc. Second, purchasing things through an online

platform helps buyers save a great deal of time. That is true because this kind of modern shopping

does not require customers to go to stores at all. Everything can be done via the internet, from

choosing products to paying bills; however, some disadvantages may influence customers’ choices.

For example, it is hard for customers to check the quality. As a result, they may buy items of poor

quality, which is definitely a waste of money. To sum up, even though there are still some

problems, I think that online shopping will keep getting better and will eventually replace

traditional ways of shopping.

* Note: Take this document as a reference only (Chỉ sử dụng văn bản này như 1 tài liệu tham khảo).
* Written by Agena English Center.

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