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Part - A
❖ External storage class
❖ Differentiate Formatted & UnFormatted Input /output statements & give
❖ Application of C language
❖ Various types of C operators
❖ Differentiate Break & Continue Statement in C
❖ Assignment statements
❖ Preprocessor directives & its uses / preprocessor work

Part -B , C

❖ Various Decision making statements & (purpose & various Looping) / branching
/ Switch statements
❖ Various Types of Operators used in C
❖ Structure in c
❖ Data Types in C
❖ Storage class & various storage classes & its examples

❖ Write a C program Find the sum of 10 non-negative numbers entered by user / sum of
❖ Write a C program to find the largest among 3 numbers entered by the user
❖ Write a C program to check the integer is palindrome or not

Part - A
❖ Selection sorting
❖ What is Array & syntax for one / two dimensional array
❖ Design C program / function for compare any two string
❖ Two Library function used for string handling
❖ Given an array int a[10]={101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110}.Show the
memory representation & calculate its length
❖ Linear & binary search
❖ compilation process
Part – B, C
❖ Array (1 & 2 dimensional)
❖ Array : need of array, declaration of array, accessing of array element
❖ Explain in Algorithm & Write a C program to re order a one dimensional array of
numbers in descending order
❖ String Operations / String Types of String functions & its purpose
❖ Binary Search Procedure & Write Program for Binary Search

❖ Write a C program to find the transpose of a matrix
❖ Write a C program to reverse a string using recursion
❖ Write a C program to find the number of Vowels, Consonants, Digits & white space
in string
❖ Write a C program to re order a one dimensional array of numbers in descending

Part - A
❖ Steps in writing a Function in program / Need for Function / Function
❖ Pointers / When Null pointer is used
❖ Advantages of Recursion
❖ Is it better to use a macro or a function

Part – B , C
❖ Function Declaration & Types of Function
❖ Binary Search using Recursive Function
❖ Explain / Difference between pass by value & pass by reference & Write
program for swapping two numbers using pass by reference
❖ Pass reference & Explain Swapping 2 value using pass by reference in C
❖ Recursive Function & Write C program to find Factorial of n using recursion

❖ Write C program to reverse a string using recursion

❖ Write C program to find Factorial of n using recursion

Part - A
❖ Linked list => programs
❖ Meaning of the root word struct
❖ Use of typedef
❖ Nested structure
❖ Compare & Contrast a structure with an array
❖ Classes

Part – B , C
❖ Dynamic memory allocation & various C function that used for same with
❖ Pointer & Structures & its types
❖ Self referential structures & its example
❖ Structure in C & Pointer

❖ Write a C program using structures to prepare the student mark statement. The
number of records is created based on the user input
❖ Write a C program using structures to prepare the employee pay roll of a company.
The number of records is created based on the user input

Part - A
❖ Why Files are needed
❖ Uses of command line Argument / What does argv & argc indicate in command
line Arguments
❖ Two main ways a file can be organized
❖ File Operations in C paradigm
❖ How can you restore are directed standard stream

Part – B , C

❖ Types of file processing with examples

❖ Various operations on file with examples
❖ Random access in files along with function used in same C with examples

❖ Write C coding to find the average of number stored in sequential access file

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