m.sc Nursing 1st Year Pyq

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Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur M.Sc.

Nursing First Year Main

Examination February - 2020
Time: 3 Hours Instructions:
Subject: - Advance Nursing Practice
Paper Code - 20AN0102102411, Maximum Marks: 75

1) All questions are compulsory

2) Draw diagrams wherever necessary
3) Answers of Questions and Sub questions must be written strictly according to the serial
order of question paper, otherwise the question shall not be valued
4) Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question paper. If written anything, such
type of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means.
5) Student can answer the question in both Hindi & English language.

Q. 1 a. What is health care environment.

b. Explain the roll of health care environment in health care delivery.
a) Define the concept of health promotion
b) Enlist the principles of health promotion
Q. 2
a) Define infection control and write its legal issues.
b) Write in details on standard safety measures
Q. 3
a) What is Oxygen insufficiency
b) Write in detail the nursing process for the patient
Q.4 Explain the health care delivery system of India
Q.5 Define nursing process
Q. 6 Write short notes on: (Any 5)
a) Quality assurance in nursing
b) Nursing Profession
c) genetic counselling
d) Health informatics
e) Use of computer in nursing
f) Tele medicine.
Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur M. Sc. First year Main
Examination March 2019

Time: 3:00 Hours

Paper Code: - 19AN0102101921
Subject- Advance Nursing Practice

1. Define profession and discuss criteria of the profession

2. Describe the code of conduct as per Indian Nursing Council (INC)
3. What do you understand by continuing education and discuss various career
opportunities in the nursing
4. Discuss the causative factor of diseases.
5. Write the importance of screening.

6. Explain role of a nurse in reducing mortality and

morbidity rate
7. Describe Health Assessment and types of Assessment.
8. What is the impact of illness on patient and family.
9. Formulate a Nursing care plan for a client with Hyperpyrexia and explain the
application of Nursing Theory.
10.Describe the concept of loss and grief.
11.Discuss the stages of grief in detail giving examples.
12.Write short notes on (Any Four)
a. Principles & techniques of counselling.
b. Discuss the extended & expanded role of a nurse in the community.
c. Write the importance of computers application in teaching and nursing
d. Describe the various patterns of Nursing Care delivery in India.
e. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).

Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur

M.Sc. First Year Main Examination February 2018
Time: 3.00 Hours Instructions:
Question Paper Code - 18AN0102101921
1) All questions are compulsory
2) Draw diagrams wherever necessary ,Maximum Marks: 75
3) Answers of Questions and Sub questions must be written strictly according to the serial
order of
question paper, otherwise the question shall not be valued
4) Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question paper. If written anything, such
type of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means.

Q1. a. What is quality assurance?

b. Discuss the role of nursing regulatory bodies in maintaining standard of nursing
profession. Or
a.What is nursing theory and its significance?
b.b. Explain any one of nursing theory in detail.

Q2. a. State the level of Health care delivery systems.

b. Discuss about preventive health care.
C. Discuss the expended role an infection control nurse.

Q3. a. What is alternative therapy in health?

b. Discuss how alternative approach can be implemented for the good health.
C. Describe the role of independent nurse midwifery practitioner

Q4. Write Short Notes on (Any five)

a. Disaster management triage
b. Standard safety measures in nursing practice
c. Importance of genetic counselling.
d. Importance of information, education and communication (IEC) in health care system
e. Application of epidemiology in health care delivery
f. Futuristic nursing

Master of Science in Nursing (M.Sc. Nursing)

First Year Examination November 2016
Advance Nursing Practice
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 75
Note: 1. All questions are compulsory.
2. Attempt all questions in serial order.
1. A. Discuss the current issue related to health-care delivery systems of our country
B. Write the contribution of research improving nursing practice.

2. A. Describe the level of preventive care with reference to Betty Neuman's model.
B. Enumerate the principles to be followed in counselling technique.

3. A. Discuss the concept of disease prevention.

B. Enumerate the factors influencing the daily living of an old age person.

4. A. Write your view about the role of communication in better patient care. B. Discuss the
scope of nursing in extended care facilities.

5. Write short notes (Any Five)

A. Legal importance in nursing
B. Types of Genetic testing
C. Regulators of fluid balance.
D. Crisis & its intervention.
E. Use of computer in learning.
F. Importance of home nursing

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