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Spring MVC Module
- Spring MVC Module is used to develop server side dynamic web applications
- MVC stands for Model View and Controller
- MVC Architecture is used to make the Model independent of View
Refer diagram MVC.png

- The front end controller in Spring MVC is "DispatcherServlet" which need

to be configured in web.xml file
- DispatcherServlet loads the spring bean xml configuration file
- In spring bean xml configuration file we configure the controller classes
- Controller class will invoke the Model and Model will return the result
back to the Controller and based on the result value, Controller will invoke
the respective View pages

Spring MVC Annotations

used to mark the class as the Controller class
public class LoginController

used to map the result url
<form action="login">
username ...
password ...
<input type="submit"/>

public class LoginController
public authenticate()

Developing a Spring MVC Application in Eclipse using Maven tool

- Configure tomcat server in eclipse workspace

- Create a Maven Project

Click on File -> New -> Maven Project

Click Next

In Catalog Select : Internal

In Artiface Id Select : maven-archetype-webapp
Click Next

Group Id : springmvc
Artifact Id : SpringMVCProj
Package : com.spring.mvc

click Finish

If errors in the project,
Right click on SpringMVCProj -> Properties -> Targeted Runtimes ->
Make check mark to "Apache Tomcat Server v9" -> Click Apply and Close

- Add the following dependencies in pom.xml file of SpringMVCProj


Refer program pom.xml

- Create a welcome page "login.jsp" in src/main/webapp folder

Refer program login.jsp

- Create a folder "java" in src/main folder

- Create a package "com.spring.mvc.controller" in src/main/java folder
- Create a Controller class "LoginController" in com.spring.mvc.controller package
Refer program

- Create a package "com.spring.mvc.model" in src/main/java folder

- Create a Model/Action/Service class "LoginAction" in com.spring.mvc.model package
Refer program

- Create a view page "success.jsp" in src/main/webapp folder

Refer program success.jsp

- Create a view page "failure.jsp" in src/main/webapp folder

Refer program failure.jsp

- Update web.xml file by configuring Spring MVC front end controller

Refer program web.xml

- Create Spring bean XML configuration file "springmvc-servlet.xml" in WEB-INF

Refer program springmvc-servlet.xml

The name of the spring bean xml configuration file should be "servlet-name-
where "servlet-name" is the servlet name given in <servlet-name> element of
web.xml file

- Run the application login.jsp

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