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Arithmetic Progression

1. a,a+d, a+2d, a+3d,............a+(n-1)d

a -> First term
d -> common difference
2. General Form of nth term,
an = a+(n-1)d
3. To find any variable (a,k,x,.....)
If it is in AP then
4. Common Difference d = a2-a1 = a3-a2
5. Simple interest are in AP and compound interest are not in AP
6. If given nth term are equal then put an=an
7. When 3 consecutive nos are in AP take AP as,
a-3d a-2d a-d a a+d a+2d a+3d
8. When 4 consecutive nos are in AP
a-3d, a-d, a+d, a+3d
9. When 5 consecutive nos are in AP
a-2d, a-d, a, a+d, a+2d
10. When 6 nos in AP
a-5d, a-3d, a-d,a+d, a+3d, a+5d
11. Find the ‘an’ from the last
a = Last number
d = Find the value and change its sign
an = l+(n-1)x-d => l - (n-1)d
11. Which term in AP is the first negative term just put an=0 and n
will be in fraction convert to decimal and take the next number
Ex: 23.12 ans 24
12. When an=2n2(square)+1 or 4n+5 etc
Substitute n=1,2,..... Can find any nth term
13. When sn=2n2(square)+1or 4n+5 then
14. n should not be in negative or a fraction or a decimal
15. If a, b,c are in AP th b=a+c/2 so b is called as the arithmetic
mean of a and c
d1=d2 (it’s in AP)
b-a=c+a (a2-a1=a3-a2)

16. Sum of n terms

17. sn=n/2(2a+(n-1)d) if don’t know last number
if knows last number
sn=n/2(a+l) l- last
18. No of terms
a, a+d, a+2d,

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