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Math Practice Problems -VII

1、176+59= 2、237+54= 3、154+69=

4、238+46= 5、174+58= 6、344+79=

7、121-38= 8、247-85= 9、339-68=

10、263-79= 11、221-89= 12、136-67=

13、89×7= 14、78×6= 15、67×5=

16、56×4= 17、45×3= 18、34×8=

19、27÷3= 20、42÷6= 21、48÷8=

22、63÷7= 23、35÷7= 24、64÷8=

25. ( HS02-Q22) Several teams came to the summer Kangaroo camp. Each team has 5 or 6

members. There are 43 people in total. How many teams are at this camp?

26. ( HS02-Q23) Which key would be impossible to cut into three different figures of five

shaded squares?

A. B. C. D. E.

27. ( HS02-Q24) Ann replaces letters in the calculation 𝐾𝐴𝑁−𝑅𝑂𝑂+𝐺𝐴 with numbers from 1 to 9

and then calculates the result. The same letters are replaced by the same numbers and

different letters by different numbers. What is the largest possible result she could get?
28. ( HS03-Q03) How does the row of circles continue?

29.( HS03-Q04) How many triangles can be seen in the picture below?

A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 13 E.12

30.( HS03-Q09) The rectangular mirror was broken. Which of the following pieces is missing in

the given figure of the broken mirror?

31.( HS03-Q10) When Pinocchio lies, his nose gets 6 cm longer. When he tells the truth, his

nose gets 2 cm shorter. When his nose was 9 cm long, he told three lies and made two true

statements. How long was Pinocchio’s nose afterwards?

A.14cm B.15cm C.19cm D.23cm E.31cm

32.( HS03-Q11) In a shop you can buy oranges in boxes of three different sizes: with 5

oranges, with 9 oranges or with 10 oranges. Pedro wants to buy exactly 48 oranges. What is the

smallest number of boxes he can buy?

A.8 B.7 C.6 D.5 E.4

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