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Energetics of the Solid Earth:
Implications for the Structure
of Mantle Convection
Jason P. Morgana and Paola Vannucchib,c
SUSTech, Shenzhen, China
University of Florence, Florence, Italy
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, Trieste, Italy

1. Introduction concentrated within two roughly antipodal

slow-wavespeed vertical cylindrical regions of
Although the Earth’s present-day surface the lower mantle—superplumes; with these slow
motions are now well known, the overall vertical cylinders being surrounded by the N-S
structure of mantle convection and the links bet- great-circle-like ring of fast wavespeeds associ-
ween surface plate motions and deeper mantle ated with regions experiencing long-term plate
flow are not, remaining uncertain after decades of subduction. Several plumes appear to even be
investigation. Both downwelling- and upwelling- associated with ultra-low-velocity zones directly
linked structures are now clearly visible in mod- above the core-mantle boundary at the plume’s
ern seismic images of the lower mantle. base. However, seismic imaging is always limited
A 3000 km-broad N-S circumglobal “ring” of a in imaging convective flow in that it can only
higher-than-average seismic wavespeeds has show structures with differing wavespeeds, or
been recognized since the first global models of lower-resolution patterns of seismic anisotropy,
non-radial seismic structure, being found beneath or even lower-resolution spatial variations in
regions with long-term plate subduction. Broad density.
mantle plumes are now also clearly visible in Present-day viscous dissipation-generated
modern seismic images of the lower mantle; these heat in the mantle can be estimated from the grav-
plume structures narrow significantly above itational energy release from the current plate
1000km and appear to be continuous pipe-like subduction. We find this heat source is of the
structures that connect the lowermost D00 region same order (13 TW) as radioactive heat genera-
above the core-mantle boundary to the astheno- tion within the mantle. We also see that if there is a
sphere that underlies surface lithospheric plates. lower-viscosity upward return flow to colder,
Furthermore, plume structures tend to be higher viscosity downwelling associated with

Dynamics of Plate Tectonics and Mantle Convection 35 Copyright # 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
36 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

plate subduction, then viscous dissipation is core-mantle boundary. This material rises in the
likely to focus in the most resistive bottlenecks lower mantle at speeds of 10 cm/yr through
of the return flow circuit formed by relatively roughly fifteen 400 km diameter plume con-
low-viscosity plumes that link a low-viscosity duits in the high-viscosity lower mantle, with
basal D00 layer characterized by strong lateral flow plumes tending to concentrate in (and further
to another low-viscosity asthenosphere layer at heat by lateral heat conduction) two antipodal
the base of the tectonic plates. Current ideas about “superplume” regions where slow deep mantle
the conductivity of the Earth’s iron core based on upwelling is taking place. Above the highest
ab initio calculations imply that mantle heat sup- pressure perovskite phase transition of a
plied from the Earth’s core is much larger than the garnet-rich mantle lithology, which occurs at
consensus estimates of 4 TW around 2000, 900 km depths, the plume and surrounding
e.g., 15–20 TW. This rate of core heat transfer mantle viscosities decrease by a factor of 250,
is possible because plate-tectonics-linked sinking which leads to a reduction in the diameter of
slabs can efficiently cool parts of the deepest man- the plume conduit to 100 km or less. Once rising
tle and core. Furthermore, the Earth’s early core is plume-material reaches the base of the litho-
likely to have formed hotter than the Earth’s man- sphere, it can no longer easily rise, and therefore,
tle because the sinking crack-like propagation of ponds and flows laterally to form the well-
iron blebs is likely to transform a large fraction known low-viscosity asthenosphere layer that
of the descending iron’s gravitational energy exists between 100 and 300 km depths. Since
release into viscous-dissipation heat within the radioactive heat production in the mantle has
deforming iron. This would be the predicted waned over time, the relative importance of core
behavior for sinking fractures filled with molten heat loss in supplying heat to the mantle has cor-
iron that sink through the crystalline mantle to respondingly grown. At present, roughly 2/3 of
segregate mantle from core, analogous to how the mantle’s loss of 35 TW of heat through the
water-filled cracks descend to the base of a glacier. Earth’s surface is being replenished by core heat.
Consequently, the fraction of gravitational energy The basal heat supply from secular cooling of the
release associated with core segregation is prefer- core has caused mantle convection to slow much
entially concentrated into core material, which less over the Earth’s evolution than would be
can easily lead to >1000K of early core superheat anticipated by the mantle’s five fold decrease
with respect to its overlying Hadean mantle in internal radiogenic heat production from U,
adiabat. Th, and K decay over the last 4.5 Gyr. With this
Together, these seismic and energetic in mind, let’s take a closer look at the observa-
observations hint that the Earth has a less-visible tions that motivate this basic scenario.
low-viscosity upward counterflow to the well-
known downwelling associated with plate sub-
duction. In the high-viscosity lower mantle,
subduction-linked downwelling occurs at speeds 2. Seismic observations on the structure
of <1–2 mm/yr. This 3000-km-wide great- of global mantle flow
circle ring of slow downward flow is associated
with two antipodal axial spokes of twice as fast Seismic evidence of plate subduction in the
but still very slow large-scale upward flow. In upper mantle provided key observations
addition to this background pattern of large-scale (Wadati, 1935) to support the initial hypothesis
lower mantle circulation, upward counterflow to that subduction downwelling is linked to plate
plate subduction preferentially takes material tectonics (Isacks et al., 1968). In contrast, seismic
from a hotter D00 thermal boundary layer at the imaging of structures linked to the upward
2 Seismic observations on the structure of global mantle flow 37
counterflow to plate subduction was not suc- (2) Thin (5–10 km high), small (100 km
cessful until the 21st century (e.g., Montelli diameter) extremely slow-wavespeed
et al., 2004; French and Romanowicz, 2015; ultra-low-velocity zone (ULVZ) patches are
Koppers et al., 2021); likewise for imaging how sometimes found just above the core-mantle
subducting slabs deform and spread out in the boundary at the base of several major mantle
lower mantle (e.g., Lekic et al., 2012; Shephard plumes (see Koppers et al., 2021; Yu and
et al., 2017). Recently, a broad seismological Garnero, 2018).
consensus has emerged on key aspects of the (3) The lower mantle has a roughly 3000-
seismic structure of upwelling and km-wide, pole-to-pole, circumglobal “ring”
downwelling-related structures in the mantle of higher wavespeeds (see Fig. 1B) (Lekic
(see Romanowicz (2021) for a recent general et al., 2012; Dziewonski et al., 1977) associated
overview). The following features are now rela- with regions of persistent plate subduction
tively well-imaged: over at least the past 320 Myr (Le Pichon
et al., 2019), perhaps much longer (Evans,
(1) About 10–20 well resolved 400-km-wide 2003). This ring roughly outlines the area of
vertical plume structures have been imaged the past hemisphere-spanning
in the lower mantle (cf. French and supercontinent of Pangaea (Le Pichon
Romanowicz, 2015). Perhaps the best- et al., 2019).
imaged example lies beneath the Pitcairn (4) The lower mantle also has two broad
hotspot (Fig. 1A). Vertical plume structures (4000 km in diameter) vertical superplume
underlie many of the Earth’s most structures centered beneath the equatorial
volcanically productive and long-lived South Pacific and its rough antipode beneath
hotspots (e.g., Hawaii, Iceland, etc.). the South Atlantic/Africa (see Fig. 1B and C)
Although in many cases the plume (Lekic et al., 2012; Courtillot et al., 2002).
structures imaged with global tomographic These two low-wavespeed anomalies are
imaging techniques do not extend upward to centered at the two antipodal axes of the 90°
the base the lithosphere, we must remember distant circumglobal ring of fast wavespeeds
that narrower   200 km diameter plumes that is associated with long-term plate
cannot be imaged by global techniques subduction. Seismologists often call these
because of wavefront healing effects on long- superplume structures large low-shear-
distance seismic wave propagation, so that velocity provinces (LLSVPs), with Kevin
any narrower upper mantle parts of Burke suggesting (Torsvik et al., 2016) that
upwelling plumes would become the Atlantic superplume be called Tuzo and
“invisible” in global tomographic images the Pacific superplume called Jason in honor
(Nolet et al., 2006). Higher-resolution of the two scientists who pioneered the idea
regional seismic array observations have of volcanic hotspots (J. Tuzo Wilson) and
been able to image narrower vertical their link to mantle plumes (W. Jason
structures in the uppermost mantle, e.g., Morgan).
researchers have imaged vertical upper- (5) Plume upwelling structures are
mantle extensions of plumes beneath Eifel concentrated in superplume regions (e.g.,
(Ritter, 2007), Yellowstone (Nelson and Courtillot et al., 2002) and largely absent
Grand, 2018), Iceland (Allen et al., 1999), and above the great circle ring of fast
Hawaii (Wolfe et al., 2009) that connect to wavespeeds in the lower mantle (Courtillot
regions of surface hotspot volcanism. et al., 2002).
FIG. 1 Seismic images showing structures associated with mantle upwelling and downwelling. (A) Whole mantle depth
cross-section through the Pitcairn mantle plume in the SEMUCB-WM1 tomographic model. The small globe shows the loca-
tion of the vertical cross-section line. The core-to-asthenosphere connection of the Pitcairn plume is clearly visible, as are the
fast-wavespeed locations associated with downwelling in the N-S circumpolar ring at the left and right sides of the lower
mantle. (B) Travel times of shear-waves sensitive to lower mantle structure, here binned in 5° caps and plotted at the turning
(S) or bounce points (ScS) or midpoints of the path along the core-mantle boundary (Sdiff ). This is the “data signal” that drives
the observed faster-wavespeed circumpolar ring and slow-wavespeed superplume regions in seismic inversions. (C) The fast
circumpolar ring and superplume regions in the SP12RTS seismic model (Koelemeijer et al., 2015). Various definitions of the
superplume regions (SMEAN ¼ 1%, SP12RTS ¼ 0.1%, lower mantle slow cluster region (Lekic et al., 2012)) are also shown.
Panel (A) from A. Koppers et al., 2021. Mantle plumes and their role in earth processes. Nat. Rev. Earth Environ. 2, 1–20; Panel (B) from
U. J. Manners, University of California, San Diego, San Diego (2008); Panel (C) from P. Koelemeijer, A. Deuss, J. Ritsema, 2017. Density
structure of Earth’s lowermost mantle from Stoneley mode splitting observations. Nat. Commun. 8, 15241.
3 Mantle energetics: Roles of gravitational energy release and viscous dissipation 39
(6) It has been asserted several times that the first review current constraints on the magnitude
Tuzo and Jason superplume structures are and distribution of the energy sources that shape
associated with high-density anomalies in mantle flow.
the lowermost mantle (see Koppers et al.,
2021). This inference is a possible mechanism
3. Mantle energetics: Roles of
to explain the anticorrelated shear and bulk-
gravitational energy release and viscous
sound wavespeed anomalies observed in
these regions (Masters et al., 2000). The
inference conflicts however, with
When oceanic plates cool near the Earth’s sur-
measurements of seismic free oscillations
face, they become denser than the underlying
sensitive to density variations above the
mantle. This density contrast provides the grav-
core-mantle boundary. Instead, free
itational pull that causes plates to sink when
oscillation splitting measurements show no
they subduct. In a highly viscous fluid like the
evidence that superplume structures have a
Earth’s mantle where inertial forces are negligi-
dense root near the core-mantle boundary
ble, the gravitational energy released from a
(Koelemeijer et al., 2017). Anticorrelated
sinking thermal density anomaly is completely
shear velocity and bulk-sound velocities
transformed into viscous dissipation energy
could possibly be explained as an artifact
within the deforming fluid. For example, the
linked to the neglect of lower mantle seismic
Stokes problem of a sinking heavy ball in a
anisotropy in current inversions for shear
highly viscous medium can be treated either
and bulk-sound wavespeeds, while it seems
as a force balance between the net buoyancy
more difficult to discount free-oscillation
force on the ball and the viscous resisting force
splitting measurements that are more
from the surrounding fluid’s deformation, or as
directly sensitive to the density structure in
an energy balance between the gravitational
the region near the core-mantle boundary.
energy released by the ball’s sinking and the vis-
While seismic observations provide clear hints cous dissipation within the surrounding fluid.
to help understand the Earth’s deep internal struc- (All slow viscous flow involves viscous
ture, they give much less information about the friction—typically called viscous dissipation—
upward, downward, or lateral flow velocities asso- that generates heat as the material deforms.) In
ciated with the imaged structures. In principle, this perspective, viscous dissipation transforms
seismic anisotropy measurements can provide the gravitational potential energy release from
information on possible directions of mantle flow. the rigid sinking ball into heat within in the sur-
So far we have learned that the 200-km-thick rounding viscous fluid. In the Earth’s mantle and
slow-wavespeed asthenosphere layer beneath core, this effect is slightly more complicated in
surface tectonic plates (Ekstr€
om and Dziewonski, that local heating from viscous dissipation will
1998; Dziewonski and Anderson, 1981) and the always be associated with adiabatic thermal
250-km-thick slow-wavespeed D00 layer at the expansion that simultaneously transforms a frac-
base of the mantle (Kendall and Silver, 1996) both tion of the dissipation-heat back into gravitational
have strong horizontal seismic anisotropy, unlike potential energy. This effect is non-negligible,
the rest of the mantle, which is consistent with with an average  19% adiabatic heat-
the existence of strong lateral flow in both the transformation for the Earth’s mantle and core
asthenosphere and D00 layers (Stacey and Loper, (see Morgan et al. (2016) for further discussion).
1983; Morgan et al., 2013). Before we further dis- The above statements can be derived from the
cuss the implications of these seismic findings equations for slow viscous flow if we idealize
for the flow structure of mantle convection, we will the mantle as an infinite Prandtl number
40 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

anelastic liquid that is in mechanical equilib- For a perfectly adiabatic reference state, viscous
rium throughout. (Here, the Prandtl number dissipation will be directly linked to the gravita-
μCp/k is the non-dimensional ratio of the kine- tional power release from rising and sinking ther-
matic viscosity μ/ρ[m2/s] to thermal diffusivity mal density anomalies. For a non-adiabatic state,
κ ≡ k/ρCP[m2/s], and the anelastic approxima- gravitational energy release from rising or sinking
tion means that pressure/stress variations are density anomalies with respect to a non-adiabatic
assumed to be in mechanical equilibrium over 1-D background density profile will still be
the entire deforming fluid, e.g., transient effects directly linked to viscous dissipation, but it is also
on the timescale of seismic wave-propagation possible to release or store gravitational energy by
are neglected.) Assume that the mantle has a changing the horizontally averaged density vs.
compressible reference density ρr(z) and a refer- depth profile. If the 1-D reference state is subadia-
ence adiabatic temperature Tr(z), where ρr(z) is batic, then changing the reference state toward an
given by the Adams-Williamson equation-of- adiabatic one will consume thermal energy as dis-
state for a compressible homogeneous fluid with cussed in Morgan et al. (2016), while if it is super-
an adiabatic compressibility β: adiabatic, then extra stored gravitational energy
will be transformed into viscous dissipation as
1 dρr the 1-D average reference state changes toward
¼ βρr ðzÞg (1)
ρr dz a more adiabatic state.
and dTr/dz ¼ αgTr/CP. If density is assumed to
vary linearly with the difference in deviatoric
pressure p from the Adams-Williamson state
4. Current gravitational energy release
and linearly with differences in temperature
and viscous dissipation in the Earth’s
from the reference state, e.g.,

ρðp, TÞ ¼ ρr ð1  αðT  T r Þ + βpÞ (2) A useful application of the above finding is

that it is possible to estimate the current gravita-
then it is straightforward to derive that the viscous tional energy release from subduction, and from
dissipation in a compressible mantle (1st integral in this we can directly estimate the viscous dissipa-
Eq. 3) is equal to the gravitational power released tion rate associated with present-day mantle
by rising or sinking thermal density anomalies flow (Morgan et al., 2016). Perhaps surprisingly,
(2nd integral in Eq. 3) (Leng and Zhong, 2008): we will see that this heat source is of the same
ð ð magnitude as present-day radioactive heat gen-
 τij ui,j dV + ρr gαðT  T r Þu3 dV ¼ 0 (3) eration within the mantle.
The current gravitational energy release from
In contrast, the upward or downward advection sinking slabs, 11–14 TW, is relatively well-
of compression (pressure-linked) density varia- constrained. It is the product of the slabs’ weight
tions is linked to reversible transformations of anomaly Δρg, their mean downward flux, and
internal p-V power and gravitational energy. the mean depth h to which cold slabs sink within
Morgan et al. (2016) discuss the derivation of the mantle, i.e., the gravitational energy release
this result in detail and then discuss several from subducting slabs is Δρgh multiplied by
thought experiments that illuminate basic differ- the well-constrained current volume flux of sub-
ences between the energetics of top-cooled and ducting slabs (see Fig. 2). A subducting slab’s den-
basally heated mantle convection. sity anomaly is directly proportional to the heat
Note that even though the above derivation that the oceanic lithosphere has lost while cooling
used a 1-D adiabatic reference state, its key conclu- near the Earth’s surface. Mantle heat loss through
sion did not actually depend on this assumption. cooling ocean lithosphere is also easy to estimate
4 Current gravitational energy release and viscous dissipation in the Earth’s mantle 41

s ph oc
o n
ith ic
ll lit
ta Mantle h



Qmantle Hmantle



weak D’’
Qcore hm

hc Core

Pl o ak
i e li
Ver y

high v Mantle Qocean

iscosity rad
w Hmantle
eak e
trench asthenospwheaekr
? )

Mantle Heat Losses

Qocean : Oceanic Lithosphere Cooling –29 TW
Qmantle : Cooling through Continents –5.9 TW
Total –34.9 TW

Mantle Power Inputs

Hmantle : Power from Mantle Radioactivity 8.6±4 TW
14% transformed by PV work into gravitational power ~1.2 TW
Qcore : Power from Core ~15-21 TW
18% transformed by PV work into gravitational power ~3-4 TW
Mantle Power Generation and Consumption
Gravitational Power released by sinking slab 11-14 TW
Gravitational Power released by plume ascent ~7 TW
Gravitational Power generated by top-cooling of mantle: 11.5 TW
Gtop = Qtop (α g hmean / Cp ) = 0.33 Qtop
Gravitational Power generated by core heatflow (0.18Q core )
and mantle radioactivity (0.14Hmantle ): 3.3-5.5 TW

FIG. 2 Cartoon showing the current modes and amounts of heat loss and energy supply for the Earth’s mantle. All heat
fluxes and energy production/loss rates are in units of TW (1012 W). Dense subducting oceanic slabs contain significant grav-
itational energy. This energy is released into the mantle as viscous dissipation, at a present-day rate comparable to the energy
released by radioactive decay of U, Th, and K within the mantle. The Earth’s core also supplies more heat to the mantle than
that released by radioactive decay. See Table 1 for more details on mantle and core energetics. Modified from J. P. Morgan, L.
Ruepke, W. White, 2016. The current energetics of Earth’s interior: a gravitational energy perspective. Front. Earth Sci. 4.
(Parsons and Sclater, 1977; Stein and Stein, 1992) time, q mW=m2 ¼ 473= age½Ma (Parsons,
because the total heat removal from the oceanic 1982). This approach yields a value of 29 TW
lithosphere is directly measurable due to its effect (Parsons, 1982; Sclater et al., 1981; Mareschal
on the deepening of the ocean seafloor through and Jaupart, 2011) (cf. Fig. 2 and Table 1).
42 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

TABLE 1 Variables and definitions used to estimate present-day mantle energetics.

Power pW/kg
(TW) (10212 W/kg
# Variable Comment/derivation (1012 W) of mantle)

1 Gravitational acceleration g 9.8m/s2 (assumed uniform through mantle although not strictly true)

2 Mantle height hm 2.9  106m

3 Continental lithosphere thickness hc 1.75  105m
4 Slab density ρ0, ρ(z) PREM values, ρ0¼ 3300 kg/m3 (shallow mantle density),
ρ(z) 5000 kg/m3 near bottom)
5 Plate consumption/creation rate Λsub 2.7km2/yr (NUVEL1a (Demets et al., 1994) value)
6 Mantle or core heat capacity cP Mantle: 1167Jkg1K1 (Dulong-Petit value of PRIM mantle composition)
Core: 840Jkg1K1 (Nimmo, 2007)
7 Mantle or core thermal expansion α Mantle: αðzÞ ¼ α0 1  a hmantle ¼ 3  105 1  23 z (Birch, 1968)

Core: αðrÞ ¼ 1:25  105 1 + 0:36 rCMB
(Labrosse, 2003). Keeps uniform
Gruneisen parameter with PREM P and S wavespeed distribution.
8 Average mantle or core thermal expansion αmantle  2:2  105 K1 (Birch, 1968) (volume averaged)
α αcore  1:65  105 K1 (Labrosse, 2003) (volume averaged)
9 Present-day slab flux Φ0 (estimated equal 1.2  1024kg/Ga ¼ 3.8  107kg/s (¼ 2.7 km2/
to present subduction mass flux) a*133 km*3300 kg/m3 ¼ global spreading rate * mean plate thickness at
trenches * slab density)
[uses #5 for 2.7 km2/a and #14 to estimate trench plate thickness]
10 Mantle depth dependent slab flux ΦðzÞ ¼ d ¼ [0  1] (d ¼ 0 means all slab material reaches the core-mantle-
Φ0 1  d hdepth ¼ Φ0 ð1  dzÞ boundary) [uses #9 for Φ0]

11 Net heat loss Q from seafloor of a given age (3  1013 ageðMaÞ J=m2 ) (Parsons, 1982)
12 Viscosity ν ¼ (η(Pa  s)/ρ(kg/m3))
13 Viscous dissipation rate per kg φ_ ¼ ν_ε2
14 Rate of mantle cooling by cold slab Qslab ¼ Φ0 ΔTcP where ΔT is the average (29) 7.07
injection slab temperature deficit ΔT ¼ (Parsons,
[present-day rate of mantle cooling by slab 29  1012 W=Φ0 cP  700°C 1982)
injection estimated equal to present-day [see text]
net heat flow lost through oceanic plates]
15 Energy from gravitational work by sinking W slab [for 2.3 [d ¼ 0.5]
slabs ð1 a ¼ 2/3] 2.8 [d ¼ 0.0]
¼ Φ0 ΔTα0 ghm ð1  azÞð1  dzÞdz 9.2
ρðzÞ [d ¼ 0.5]
ð1 11.3
α0 ghm ρ0 [d ¼ 0.0]
¼ Qslab ð1  azÞð1  dzÞdz
cp ρðzÞ
[uses #7, #10, #14]
4 Current gravitational energy release and viscous dissipation in the Earth’s mantle 43

TABLE 1 Variables and definitions used to estimate present-day mantle energetics—cont’d

Power pW/kg
(TW) (10212 W/kg
# Variable Comment/derivation (1012 W) of mantle)

slab ¼ Φ0 ΔTα0 ghm

W ad
16 Additional gravitational work from [for
adiabatic cooling (balanced by additional 8h i 9 a ¼ 2/3]
ð1 >
> 1  ða + dÞz + adz2 >
slab cooling of the same amount) ρ < = 2.2
dz 0
ρðzÞ >
> α0 gz  az >
[d ¼ 0.5]
0 : exp 1 1 ; 3.1
cp 2
[d ¼ 0.0]
17 Continental heat flux (63 mW/m2) (Mareschal and Jaupart, 13.1
2011). Area of continental crust is
2.073  1014m2 (Davies and Davies, 2010)
18 Mantle heat loss through continents 28.5 mW/m2 (¼13.1TW  330 pW/kg cont. 5.9
Heat production (Rudnick and Gao, 2003)
with assumed cont. Crust mass 2.171  1022
19 Net mantle heat loss Sum of continental mantle fraction and 34.9 8.5
subducting slab (¼mean oceanic)
20 The Earth’s radioactive energy production U ¼ 16 4 ppb, Th ¼ 61 20 ppb, 15.8 4 3.85 1
K ¼ 219 40 ppm [see text]
21 Continent radioactive heat production (best estimate is equivalent to 7.2 1.75
(¼radioactive energy production) 34.5 mW/m2) (Rudnick and Fountain,
22 Mantle radioactive energy production (¼ The Earth’s radioactive energy 8.6 4 2.1 1
production  continental heat production)
[see text]
23 Core energy flux into mantle Estimates based on ab-initio core +15 to +1.2 to +5.1
conductivity implying at least 15 TW of +21
outer core heat conduction along adibat.
[See text]
24 Mantle radioactive energy production Assumes that heat is uniformly produced 0.7 to 0.17 to
adiabatically transformed into throughout the mantle, and a PREM 1.8 0.44
gravitational energy (see also Fig. 2) mantle density structure (14%
25 Core energy flux into mantle adiabatically (18% transformed) PREM-based estimate 2.7 to 0.2 to 0.8
transformed into gravitational energy (see Fig. 2) 3.8
26 Gravitational energy replenishment Qtop(ραg(h  hmid)ΔTδz/ΔTδzρCp) ¼ 0.33
associated with cooling at the mantle’s top Qtop ¼ 0.33(34.9TW)
27 Gravitational energy replenishment top ¼ 0.33(8.6 4) TW
0.33 Qrad 1.5 to 0.4 to 1.0
associated with top cooling of the mantle’s 4.2
internal radioactive energy production

28 +3.3 to +4.7

44 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

TABLE 1 Variables and definitions used to estimate present-day mantle energetics—cont’d

Power pW/kg
(TW) (10212 W/kg
# Variable Comment/derivation (1012 W) of mantle)

Net mantle gravitational energy Lines (15 + 16) plus (24 + 27) ¼ (11.4–14.4) - +14 to
consumption relative to “steady-state” (1.5–4.2) TW. If possible 7 TW of plume +20
mantle energy production gravitational energy release also included, e.g., large
14–20 TW deficit

29 Gravitational energy replenishment 0.33 ∗ 0.82 ∗ (15  21) ¼ 4  5.7 TW 4 to 0.9 to

associated with surface heat loss of core Here Qtop ¼ 0.82* (Dziewonski et al., 1977; 5.7 1.34
heat into the base of the mantle Le Pichon et al., 2019; Evans, 2003;
Courtillot et al., 2002; Torsvik et al., 2016;
Masters et al., 2000; Koelemeijer et al., 2017)
30 Net mantle gravitational energy Lines (15 + 16) plus (24 + 25 + 27 + 28 + 29) +8 to +16 +1.9 to +3.8
consumption relative to current mantle (Includes 7 TW of plume gravitational
energy production and inflow of core energy release)
energy across the core-mantle boundary.

The seismic studies discussed above suggest Adiabatic effects will increase the tempera-
that many slabs subduct deeper than 1000 km ture and density contrast between a downwel-
in the mantle, and, based on the good correlation ling slab and its surrounding warmer ambient
between the geometry of the N-S circumglobal mantle. Because the local adiabatic gradient
fast-shear-wavespeed structure just above D00 dTad/dz ¼ αgT/Cp is a linear function of the local
and the surface locations of recent plate sub- temperature, warmer ambient mantle will heat
duction, that at least some slabs reach the core- up more during descent along its adiabat than
mantle boundary at depth hm (Masters et al., the cooler slab mantle does along its. (For the
1996). Here, we parameterize the depth to which same reason, hot upwelling plumes would expe-
slab material sinks within the mantle by a func- rience larger amounts of adiabatic cooling dur-
tion ϕ(z), which is the fraction of slab material ing ascent than would their surrounding
that reaches a depth z (i.e., if ϕ equals 1 at a given cooler mantle, which will tend to decrease the
depth, then all slab material reaches at least this temperature contrast between rising plume
depth). The slab’s mass anomaly also depends material and any surrounding rising ambient
on the depth-dependence of its coefficient of mantle.) Furthermore, while this adiabatic effect
thermal expansion. Thermal expansivity is increases the amount of gravitational power that
believed to linearly decrease with increasing is released by a sinking slab, it leads to no net
pressure (Birch’s (1938) law), so that, at the base change in total mantle energy—the 30%
of the mantle, the thermal expansivity is 1/3 its depth-averaged loss in internal heat from the
near-surface value (Birch, 1968). These consider- slab’s extra cooling with respect to the ambient
ations imply that the stored gravitational energy warmer mantle is exactly balanced by an equiv-
released by sinking slabs would be large alent increase in the gravitational energy release
(Table 1, Fig. 2), on the order of 11–14 TW, as associated with slab-sinking (Morgan et al.,
they sink to near the core-mantle boundary. 2016). However, it does increase the viscous
7 Mantle heat loss through the surface 45
dissipation within the mantle that is induced by and h ¼ 1000 m. This amount of stored gravita-
the gravitational energy release from subduct- tional energy is only equivalent to storing the
ing slabs by a further 30% (see Table 1). gravitational energy released by 20,000 yr of
This estimate is obviously a lower bound on global subduction at a present-day-like rate of
the mantle’s gravitational energy release 10 TW. Even 10 km of global dynamic surface
because it neglects the gravitational power relief would only store gravitational energy
release from plume upwelling. However, sink- equivalent to that released during the last
ing slabs are likely to be 2/3 of the gravita- 2 Ma of recent subduction. Morgan et al.
tional energy release within the mantle. If (2016) show that observed deflections of the
there is an upward return plume flux with core-mantle boundary store even less gravita-
the same mass-flux as that of present-day sink- tional energy.
ing slabs, and it starts with the same initial tem-
perature contrast with respect to the average
mantle adiabat, then the current gravitational 6. If upward mantle flow occurs within a
potential energy release in ascending plumes low-viscosity D00 + plume + asthenosphere
would only be of order 6 TW (vs. 11–14 circuit, then viscous dissipation will be
TW) because hot plume material will experi- concentrated in the highest resistance parts
ence greater adiabatic cooling as it rises than of this circuit
does mantle along the average mantle adiabat,
as noted above. The actual pattern of viscous dissipation in the
mantle will depend strongly on whether a low-
viscosity flow “circuit” forms within the convect-
ing mantle. The numerical experiments shown in
5. Non-hydrostatic internal deflections
Fig. 10 of Morgan et al. (2016) illustrate that if a
store relatively minor amounts of
low-viscosity D00 + plume + asthenosphere circuit
gravitational energy exists for potential upward return flow, then
practically all of the viscous dissipation will be
Estimates based on observational constraints
concentrated within these low-viscosity regions
of observed dynamic relief indicate that we can
of the mantle, even though most are far from
also safely neglect gravitational energy storage
the subducting slab. The actual distribution of
at the top, bottom, and along other internal
viscous dissipation within the low-viscosity path
density layers within the mantle. For example,
depends on which part of the circuit (D0 ‘, plume,
imagine that we have 1 km of dynamic stress-
or asthenosphere) has the most resistance to
supported relief on the Earth’s surface, an
return flow—both pressure gradients and vis-
amount greater than the upper end of values
cous heating will be largest within the most
consistent with the observed distribution of
“resistive” part of the low-viscosity flow circuit.
seafloor depths that are predominantly influ-
enced by the near-surface cooling of the ocean
lithosphere as it ages. A km of dynamic relief 7. Mantle heat loss through the surface
over the Earth’s surface of area A is associated
Ðh While the above estimate of 29 TW (Fig. 2)
with stored gravitational energy A Δρgzdz
0 (Parsons, 1982; Sclater et al., 1981; Mareschal
¼AΔρgh2/2 or 5.75x1024 J of stored potential and Jaupart, 2011) for the mantle’s heat loss
energy for A ¼ 5.1  1014 m2, the surface density through the seafloor was easy to quantify
contrast Δρ ¼ 2300 kg/m3, gravity g ¼ 9.8 m/s2, because of the well-known relationship between
46 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

seafloor depth and heat flow, mantle heat loss estimate for the mantle’s present-day heat loss
through the top surface of the continents is more would only strengthen our upcoming conclu-
difficult to quantify. The average continental sion that a large fraction of the mantle’s recent
heat flow is 63 mW/m2, corresponding to 13.1 heat loss is supplied by heat flow across the
TW lost through the entire continental area) core-mantle boundary.
(Mareschal and Jaupart, 2011). However, most
of the heat lost through the continents is pro-
duced by radioactive decay within the continen- 8. Radioactive heat production in the
tal crust, so that the mantle’s heat flow through Earth’s interior
the continents is significantly less. While near-
surface concentrations of radioactive element Geochemical estimates of the abundance of
concentrations are fairly straightforward to radioactive heat-producing elements in the Earth
measure, it is more difficult to estimate radioac- (e.g., Hofmann, 1988; Hart and Zindler, 1989;
tive element concentrations within the mostly McDonough and Sun, 1995; Palme and O’Neill,
inaccessible lower continental crust. The current 2003), have historically been based on the
“consensus” estimate (see Table 1) is that assumption that the relative abundances of
34.5 mW/m2 (or 7.2 TW) of continental heat loss refractory lithophile elements (i.e., their concen-
comes from radioactive heat production within tration ratios) in the Earth and other planets are
the continental crust (Rudnick and Gao, 2003), the same as in chondrites, the most primitive
which implies that the mantle heat flux through class of meteorites, whose composition is thought
the continents is 28.5 mW/m2 (5.9 TW), in good to represent that of the nebula of gas and dust
agreement with the estimate of Weaver and from which the solar system formed. Being based
Tarney (1984), and also similar to the estimate on the same fundamental assumption, these
of 5.63 TW of Taylor and McClennan (1985). estimates of present-day (i.e., after 4.56 Ga of
Higher estimates of the mantle heat flux through radioactive decay) heat production are all similar
continents of 10.3 TW (Shaw et al., 1986; (5.08–5.17 pW/kg of crust + mantle), and imply
Wedepohl, 1994) would imply that steady-state between 19.7 and 20.3 TW of radioactive energy
conductive continental lithospheric roots should production within the Earth’s present-day crust
extend deeper than 500 km beneath the conti- and mantle. (Since the heat producing elements,
nents, which is difficult to reconcile with seismic U, Th, and K, are highly lithophile, all terrestrial
surface wave observations that continental cra- radiogenic heat production should be in the crust
tonic roots extend to at most 300 km beneath and mantle, and little heat production is expected
the surface before they reach a relative low- from the core (McDonough, 2005), as we will fur-
wavespeed depth interval (Celli et al., 2020; ther discuss below.) A more recent estimate of
Pearson et al., 2021). In summary, our preferred the Earth’s composition that somewhat relaxes
estimate (Morgan et al., 2016) for the present- the constraint of chondritic relative abundances
day heat loss from the suboceanic and subconti- of refractory lithophile element abundances
nental mantle is 29 TW + 5.9 TW ¼ 35 TW (Lyubetskaya and Korenaga, 2007a,b) yields a
(Table 1). While this value is 10% lower than 20% lower radioactive heat production of about
other recent estimates, e.g., Mareschal and 16 TW.
Jaupart (2011) estimate 39 TW and Davies There is now, however, reason to question the
and Davies (2010) estimate 40 TW (mostly guiding assumption of the constancy of refrac-
because they assume that hotspot swells are tory lithophile element ratios. 142Nd was pro-
associated with an additional 4 TW of surface duced in the early solar system by alpha decay
heat flow that we do not include), using a higher of 146Sm (half-life: 68 million years). As rare
8 Radioactive heat production in the Earth’s interior 47
earth elements, Nd and Sm are refractory and had concentrated in that proto-crust, i.e., the
lithophile; hence, if the Earth were a simple incompatible elements that include K, U,
accretion of chondrites and irons, then the and Th.
Sm/Nd ratio of the Earth should be chondritic. Using O’Neill and Palme’s (2008b) equations
In this case, the 142Nd/144Nd ratio of the Earth and values that assume a Sm/Nd ratio 6%
should also be the same as in chondrites. This greater than chondritic, the calculated bulk sili-
is not the case; 142Nd/144Nd ratios in all modern cate Earth concentrations of U and Th are 12 and
terrestrial materials differ from those in chon- 46 ppb, respectively, values that are 40% lower
drites. The terrestrial 142Nd/144Nd ratio is than those based on the assumption of chon-
18 106 higher than in ordinary chondrites. dritic relative abundances of refractory litho-
The difference between the modern terrestrial phile elements. Arevalo Jr. et al. (2009) recently
value and enstatite chondrites is smaller: only revaluated the K/U ratio of the Earth and
10 106 (Gannoun et al., 2011). On the other obtained a value of 13,800, somewhat higher
hand, the Moon and the Earth share the same than the earlier “canonical” value of 12,000.
Nd/144Nd ratio (Boyet and Carlson, 2007; Using this value, Morgan et al. (2016) deter-
Caro et al., 2008), implying that the terrestrial mined a K concentration of 166 ppm and a ter-
value was fixed before the Moon-forming impact. restrial (¼mantle + continental crust) heat
There are two possible scenarios to explain production of only 11.9 TW.
this finding; both involve very early differen- The terrestrial 142Nd/144Nd ratio is only
tiation of the Earth during its accretion, and about 10 ppm greater than that of enstatite chon-
the early formation of a basaltic proto-crust drites (Gannoun et al., 2011). Enstatite chon-
enriched in incompatible elements such as Nd drites uniquely share several geochemical
and, importantly, K, U, and Th. In the first case, features with the Earth, such as their oxygen iso-
suggested by Boyet and Carlson (2006), this topic composition. This has led some to suggest
protocrust became unstable and sank into the that they are a better compositional model for
deep mantle where it has remained ever since the Earth than ordinary or carbonaceous chon-
(e.g., as the D00 layer). However, since Boyet drites (e.g., Javoy et al., 2010). The 10 ppm
and Carlson envisioned this occurring as a con- Nd/144Nd isotopic difference implies a 3%
sequence of the Moon-forming impact, it is dif- Sm/Nd difference. After matching this compo-
ficult to see why the Moon and the Earth would sition with the O’Neill and Palme approach
then share the same Sm/Nd ratio. In the second and the Arevalo Jr. et al. (2009) K/U ratio, the
case, the proto-crust was partially abraded and total present-day terrestrial heat production is
lost from the Earth as a consequence of estimated to be 15.8 TW (U ¼ 16 4 ppb,
“collisional erosion” during its growth (Caro Th ¼ 61 20 ppb, K ¼ 219 40 ppm). This esti-
et al., 2008; O’Neill and Palme, 2008a). The final mate agrees remarkably well with the indepen-
stages of planetary growth are thought to dently derived 16.0 TW value of Lyubetskaya
involve infrequent, energetic collisions and Korenaga (2007a,b).
between large bodies. Between collisions, one The above geochemical estimates of radioac-
might reasonably expect that a primitive basal- tive heat-producing elements in the Earth all
tic protocrust would form at the surface. Caro lie within the range of a present-day production
et al. (2008), Caro and Bourdon (2010), O’Neill of 16 4 TW of terrestrial radiogenic energy.
and Palme (2008b) propose that a substantial After correcting for radiogenic energy produc-
fraction of this proto-crust was blasted away tion in the continental crust, the best current esti-
in the larger collisions, leaving the nascent mates imply that radioactive decay within the
Earth-Moon system depleted in elements that mantle is currently producing 8.6 4 TW of
48 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

power. If uniformly distributed within the man- loss (i.e., the inverse Urey ratio) was on the order
tle by convective stirring, about 86% or 7.4 TW of 0.5 for the then best-accepted geochemical esti-
is becoming heat, and the rest is being trans- mates of radioactive energy production within the
formed into gravitational power due to the adi- Earth. Where does this “missing” energy come
abatic expansion of the regions undergoing from? Three ideas have been put forward:
radioactive heating.
(1) It comes from secular cooling of the mantle. In
the next section, we will see that secular
cooling of the mantle can only provide 25%
9. The Earth’s Urey ratio and the mantle’s of this missing heat, on average, over the past
“missing” energy supply
3.5 Ga of the Earth’s evolution.
(2) It comes from a highly radioactive pile at the
The above review clearly implies that the man-
base of the mantle. This has always been a
tle is currently losing much more energy (35 TW
primary geochemical motivation for
heat flow less the gravitational energy created by
imagining that there is a dense highly
the thermal density anomaly associated with top
radiogenic layer of silicates somewhere in the
cooling) than the power being generated within
lower mantle. There is at best mixed seismic
it by internal radioactive decay (9 4 TW). Grav-
evidence in favor of this hypothesis (see
itational potential energy created by cooling at the
above), and, even if the lowermost mantle
top surface of the mantle is created at the rate
now contains the “extra” 11 TW of radiogenic
Qtop αgh=CP (Morgan et al., 2016), where Qtop is
heat production that would make the Earth’s
the heat flux through the top surface, α is the ther-
original post-accretion mantle chondritic
mal expansivity at the top of the mantle
in composition, this would still leave a
(3  105 K1), g is the gravitational acceleration
large fraction (35%) of missing energy
(9.8 ms2), CP is the average heat capacity of the
mantle (1167 Jkg1 K1) and h ¼ 1292km is the
(3) It comes from the Earth’s core, either due to
mass-averaged mid-mantle depth to which a sur-
high concentrations of radioactive elements,
face mass anomaly would ultimately sink within
notably potassium, in the core (which
the mantle. Table 1 and (Morgan et al., 2016) pro-
geochemical constraints suggest would be
vide further discussion on these parameter values
highly implausible), or to the gravitational
and a derivation of this relation. We see that cool-
and latent heat released by the freezing of the
ing of oceanic lithosphere
  is currently associated inner core—but this can supply at most 4
with a  29 TW αgh=CP ¼ 9.6 TW accumulation
TW (Morgan et al., 2016; Nimmo, 2007), or to
rate of gravitational potential energy, while man-
secular cooling of the core (Morgan et al.,
tle cooling through the surface of continents is
2016), which would imply that core cooling
associated with a 5.9 TW(0.33)¼ 1.9 TW rate of
is currently supplying > 15 TW of heat
potential energy accumulation, for a net energy
(maybe even 21 TW of heat) across the
loss associated with cooling at the top of the man-
core-mantle boundary.
tle of 34.9–11.5 23.4TW. The mantle’s current
production rate of radioactive power is 8.6 We will next summarize how secular cooling
TW, or only 37% of the Earth’s internal energy of the mantle can supply only 6 TW of long-
being lost by cooling to outer space. term energy release from the Earth’s mantle,
This finding is not new. For example, Zindler and then discuss how cooling the core by
and Hart (1986) called the ratio of the Earth’s 800–1000 K over the Earth’s evolution may be
surface heat loss to internal radioactive energy the primary source of the mantle’s missing
production the “Urey Ratio,” and noted that the energy as well as the primary energy source that
ratio of internal heat production to surface heat drives the Earth’s strong geodynamo.
10 Secular cooling of the mantle can supply 6.3 TW of long-term power 49

10. Secular cooling of the mantle can

supply 6.3 TW of long-term power

The geologic record of the basaltic products of

Temperature (°C)

mantle melting indicates that the mantle has

cooled by less than 25–50 K/Ga through the past
3.5 Ga (see Fig. 3) (Abbott et al., 1994; Campbell
and Griffiths, 1992; Jarvis and Campbell, 1983;
Herzberg et al., 2010). This implies that the man-

tle’s energy loss through the Earth’s surface has

been balanced, to within 25–50 K/Ga, by inter-
nally generated energy—radioactive mantle
heating and basal heating from core heat flow.
Mantle secular cooling will release both thermal
and gravitational energy at the rate:
Age (Ga )
FIG. 3 Petrological estimates of mantle potential temper-
1:14Mmantle CP ¼ 1:14
  4:04  10 kg

ature (TP) for non-arc lavas and komatiites from Herzberg  1167J=kg  K
et al. (2010). The black rectangle at zero age marks their esti- ¼ 5:37  1027 J=K (4)
mate for the range of the present-day potential temperatures
of MORB-source mantle. The diagonal crossed area is their where Mmantle is the mass of the mantle, CP the
range of estimated TP of Phanerozoic mantle plumes. Gray mantle heat capacity (Dulong-Petit limit for a
band corresponds to secular cooling of the mantle at an aver-
age rate of 37.5 K/Ga. Modified from C. Herzberg, K. Condie, J.
PRIM composition), and the 1.14 factor accounts
Korenaga, 2010. Thermal history of the Earth and its petrological for the extra gravitational energy release during
expression. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 292, 79–88. secular cooling of a PREM-like mantle (Fig. 4).

(A) (B) FIG. 4 The fraction of heat release (or con-

sumption) associated with adiabatic contraction
6000 6000 (or expansion) in a PREM-like Earth. (A) Depth-
dependent thermal expansivity of the mantle
(Birch, 1968) and core (Labrosse, 2003) that was
5000 5000 assumed for this calculation (equations given in
line 7 in Table 1). (B) Resulting adiabatic fraction
of transformed heat for a PREM-like mantle and
4000 4000 core pressure and density and the thermal expan-
Radius (km)

CMB sion profile shown in panel (A). On average, this

3000 3000 calculation shows the mantle would transform
14% of internal heating into gravitational poten-
tial energy, the core 29% of its internal heating,
2000 2000 and the mantle plus core together 19% of their
internal heating into gravitational potential
ICB energy. This gravitational energy would be
1000 1000 reversibly transformed back into heat if they
cooled and contracted under pressure. From J. P.
0 0 Morgan, L. Ruepke, W. White, 2016. The current ener-
0 2 4 0 0.2 0.4 getics of Earth’s interior: a gravitational energy per-
−1 −5 Adiaba spective. Front. Earth Sci. 4.
α (K ) x 10
50 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

A secular cooling rate of 37.5K/Ga of the mantle Earth’s field long thought to be generated by
would release 2  1029 J/Ga  6.3 TW of energy. thermochemical convection in the liquid outer
This is also much too small to be the primary core (Elsasser, 1946; Glatzmaier and Roberts,
source of the mantle’s “missing heat.” 1995). If vigorous convection occurs, then both
upwelling and downwelling regions in the outer
11. The core supplies >15 TW across core should have adiabatic temperature-depth
the core-mantle boundary distributions. The adiabatic temperature gradi-
ent near the surface of the outer core can be eas-
Ab initio material science calculations have ily estimated from seismic and thermodynamic
led to the biggest recent change in our under- observations (Fig. 5) to be of the order
standing of the Earth’s energetics, by showing 1 K/km. For a PREM-like outer core, Pozzo
that the thermal conductivity of the liquid outer et al.’s (2012) ab initio determination of a
core is likely to be much higher than previously 100 W/m-K outer core conductivity near the
believed, and that, as a consequence, at least 15 core-mantle boundary would imply that
TW of core heat loss is needed to drive the geo- 15.7 TW would be conducted up the outer-core
dynamo. The Earth has a moderately strong adiabat for Labrosse’s (2003) preferred value
magnetic field, unlike Mars and Venus, which for the thermal expansivity of the outer core near
have no observable magnetic fields, with the the core-mantle boundary of 1.7  105 K1. In
CMB ICB Center
B Free
6500 f IC
et o
6000 t Ons
at a
Temperature (K)

e bat
re Adia
5000 er C
4500 nt-day
Present-day ICB T = 6200 K
2500 Present-day Average Core T = 5214 K
100 150 200 250 300 350
Pressure (GPa)

FIG. 5 Inner core solidus estimated from the inverse Clapeyron slope determination dTClapeyron/dP ¼ TICBΔvICB/LICB
(Morgan et al., 2016). The predicted solidus of the inner core’s freezing reaction is shown by the dotted black line. It is based
on the assumption of a PREM-like density jump at the inner core boundary which results in a specific volume change
ΔvICB ¼ (1/ρOC  1/ρIC) ¼ 3.67  106m3/kg, a current inner core freezing temperature TICB ¼ 6200 K TICB ¼ 6200 K (Anzellini
et al., 2013), and a latent heat of freezing LICB ¼ 7.5  105J/K (Nimmo, 2007). Also shown by the black solid line is a PREM-like
adiabat for the current outer core assuming the linear thermal expansivity distribution in Fig. 4A, and in a black-dashed line the
predicted hotter adiabat for the core at the time that the core had cooled enough for the inner core to start to freeze at the Earth’s
center. This adiabat was determined with the approximation that there was the same net core mass as at present, and PREM-
like density gradients with no density jump at the depth of the current inner core boundary, and the thermal expansivity pro-
file shown in Fig. 2A. The net average core temperature drop associated with secular cooling between the time of initial inner
core freezing and the present is the region between the initial and present core temperature profiles. This amount of secular
cool-cooling would result in a mean mass-averaged core temperature drop is 774 K, equivalent to a secular cooling rate of
258 K/Ga over a 3 Ga duration for the growth of the inner core.
12 K and U in the core do not provide the core’s >15 TW missing source of energy 51
order for convection to take place in the outer crust, and thousands of times higher than the
core—and the convective geodynamo to concentrations measured in iron meteorites. From
exist—the outer core must therefore be losing a geochemical perspective, this seems highly
more heat than its upward heat transport by unlikely because potassium is not a siderophile
conduction, e.g., more than 15.7 TW. element as discussed in depth in (McDonough,
This surprising finding has shaken the previ- 2005). Instead, observational, theoretical, and
ous consensus view that outer core convection experimental chemical arguments all point to
was associated with core heat loss of 2–4 potassium being depleted in the core relative to
TW, with roughly half this energy being sup- the silicate mantle. First, the iron meteorites,
plied by the gravitational segregation and latent thought to be pieces of asteroidal cores, are
heat of freezing of a denser iron-rich inner core, extremely depleted in potassium and typically
and half from 45 K of secular cooling of the contain <1 ppm K (e.g., Kaiser and Zaehringer,
core over the past Ga of existence of the inner 1968). In fact, the intrinsic abundance of potas-
core. Nimmo (2007) and Morgan et al. (2016) sium is so low in iron-meteorites that in some
contain more details on the conventional assess- cases a significant fraction of their potassium
ment, which also generally assumes that the has been produced by cosmic-ray spallation,
geodynamo has only lasted for the past 1 Ga and potassium’s build-up has been used to deter-
instead of the >3.2 Ga of the Earth’s measured mine the cosmic-ray exposure age of these meteor-
record of a strong geomagnetic field (Aubert ite samples. Second, while asteroidal cores formed
et al., 2010). There are really only two possible at low pressure and there has been speculation
sources of additional heat to drive the geody- that more potassium might have partitioned into
namo, either the core must somehow contain a the Earth’s core under higher pressures
strong source of radioactive decay—even more (Bukowinski, 1976; Parker et al., 1996), other theo-
radiogenic than the silicate mantle, which con- retical considerations suggest it will never have a
tradicts what is believed to be understood about strong affinity for a high-pressure iron-alloy liq-
the geochemistry of silicates and iron, or the uid (Sherman, 1990). Third, laboratory experi-
core must be cooling much more strongly than ments have confirmed theoretical expectations
45 K/(1–3)Gyr. and shown that while there is some increase in
the metal/silicate partition coefficient of potas-
sium with pressure, it never partitions preferen-
12. K and U in the core do not provide the tially into the metal phase (Corgne et al., 2007).
core’s >15 TW missing source of energy These experiments imply a maximum possible
abundance of potassium in the core of
It seems extremely unlikely that the core con- 250 ppm (Gessmann and Wood, 2002).
tains enough radiogenic potassium for this to be Laboratory experiments show that U is even
the missing heat source, even though several more unlikely to partition into the core than K,
geodynamic studies (cf. Pozzo et al., 2012; Lay as it remains highly lithophile at all relevant
et al., 2008; Buffett, 2012) have proposed this temperatures and pressures. However, like K,
hypothesis. To generate 15 TW of radiogenic it will partition somewhat into a sulfide liquid
energy by decay of 40K, the core, with a mass or sulfide-rich metallic liquid under highly
of 1.9  1024 kg and potassium’s radiogenic reducing conditions. Nevertheless, even under
energy production of 3.48  109 W/kg, would these assumptions, Malavergne et al. (2007) esti-
need to contain 4.31  1021 kg of potassium or mate the U concentration in the core to be
0.22% (2200 ppm) potassium by weight. For con- 0.63 ppb, compared to a silicate Earth concentra-
text, this is 10 times higher than the concentra- tion of 12–22 ppb. Geochemical constraints
tion estimated within the silicate mantle and based on laboratory experiments at high
52 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

pressure and temperature thus limit radioactive 14. Freezing of the inner core may occur
heat production to a maximum of 1.79 TW over an 815 K temperature interval
(250 ppm K generating 1.67 TW and 0.67 ppm U
generating 0.12 TW), with the most probable A weak constraint on core-cooling has been
number being close to zero. the idea that an inner core is needed for core con-
vection to generate a geodynamo (Nimmo,
2007), combined with extrapolations of
13. Does secular cooling of the core diamond-anvil experiments on pure-iron mix-
supply >15 TW across the core-mantle tures that suggest that inner core freezing has
boundary? occurred over a temperature interval of only
45 K (see Nimmo, 2007). The inference of
If the ab initio determination of core conduc- a  45 K freezing interval is based on estimates
tivity is correct, then we must seriously reconsider of the adiabatic temperature gradient at the
whether secular core cooling has been the primary inner-core (IC) boundary, which range from
supply of >15 TW of heat across the core-mantle 5.1–8.3 K/GPa (see Nimmo, 2007), with a
boundary, at least during the last 3.2 Ga when PREM-based value of 7 K/GPa (Morgan et al.,
there is evidence that the geodynamo has been 2016) and Nimmo (2007) preferred the similar
active (Aubert et al., 2010). For this to work, core 7.6 K/GPa, and the inverse Clapeyron slope
cooling would need to release on the order of dTm/dPof the freezing reaction at the inner core
15 TW times 3.2 Ga ¼ 1.51  1030 J. Here, we can boundary (329 GPa). This is typically extrapo-
neglect the relatively minor energy release from lated from lower-pressure diamond anvil exper-
solidification of the inner core (Morgan et al., iments on pure-iron to have a slope of order
2016; Nimmo, 2007). The heat capacity of the core 10 K/GPa, with Nimmo’s (2007) preferred
is estimated to be 840 J/kg-K, and its mass is value being 8.7 K/GPa. The difference between
1.95  1024 kg (Nimmo, 2007). For a compressible the inverse-Clapeyron freezing slope and the
PREM-like Earth, the core would also release adiabatic gradient at the base of the outer core
stored gravitational energy as it cools and con- (1.1 K/GPa) constrains the temperature drop
tracts (Fig. 4). This effect is fairly significant; it from initial inner core formation at the Earth’s
would augment the formal heat capacity of the center (364 GPa) to be of order 1.1*(364–329) 
core by (1/(1–0.71)) ¼ 41%, so that the core energy 40 K, with Nimmo (2007) estimating a preferred
release due to secular cooling is estimated to be value of 45 K. This estimate, however, is based
1.41  840Jkg1K1  1.95  1024kg ¼ 2.31  1027 on extrapolation of diamond-anvil experiments
J/K of secular cooling. Thus, for secular cooling on the p–T behavior of a pure-iron mixture, while
to release 1.51 1030 J across the core-mantle the outer core has a density which indicates that
boundary, the core would need to have cooled it contains 10% lighter elements (S, Si, O, Al,
by 650 K over the last 3.2 Ga, or  900 K over H, … see Poirier, 1994) dissolved within its mol-
4.5 Ga if core cooling was relatively uniform over ten Fe-Ni alloy. (Which light elements are dis-
time. Furthermore, the core would also need to solved in the outer core alloy remains a long-
have “initially” formed hotter than its overlying standing debate in planetary science.) Morgan
mantle, as the mantle has cooled by no more than et al. (2016) noted that we can use seismic PREM
110 K over the last 3.2 Ga (Fig. 3 summarizes this constraints on the density jump at the IC bound-
discussion.). Perhaps surprisingly, both of these ary to directly estimate the inverse Clapeyron
prerequisites seem quite reasonable upon closer slope for a homogenous phase transition—which
inspection. the inner core-outer core boundary is not.
15 Core segregation is probably associated with significant core heating with respect to the mantle 53
Interestingly, this crude seismic-based estimate Holtzman (2005) discuss this general issue in
for the inverse Clapeyron slope is 30.3 K/GPa, more detail.) This means that the bulk of the
which would imply an 815 K temperature drop gravitational energy release associated with
instead of a 45K temperature drop during the downward motion of the iron-filled crack will
growth of the inner core (Morgan et al., 2016). go into viscous dissipation in the downward
flowing iron. Once we know how fast the crack
15. Core segregation is probably will descend, we can estimate how much heat
associated with significant core heating will be conducted into the iron’s adjacent silicate
with respect to the mantle wallrock during its descent. Eq. 22.5 in
Nakashima’s (1993) extension of Weertman’s
Likewise, the “conventional” hypothesis that (1971) treatment for a 2-D planar idealized crack
liquid Fe-Ni separated from the Earth’s initial allows us to estimate the descent speed for a
silicate-iron mixture at relatively low pressures crack that will sink when it is of a size and shape
and then sank to form the core may be consistent given by eq. 17 in Nakashima (1993). The key
with the core forming 1000 K hotter than its factors here are that the viscosity of liquid iron
overlying silicate mantle. As long as the gravita- at upper mantle conditions (7 mPa-s Kono
tional energy released by core sinking is largely et al., 2015) is only 7 times greater than a value
generated and then kept within sinking proto- for liquid water (1 mPa-s Walther and Orville,
core liquids, the core could have an initial tem- 1982) considered in Nakashima’s (1993) analysis
perature even 1000s of K higher than the Earth’s of the buoyant propagation of water-filled
initial post-accretion + core-formation mantle cracks during crustal metamorphism associated
adiabat. If accreting Fe-Ni material melts at with crustal metamorphism, while the density
lower temperatures than typical mantle silicates, contrast between liquid Fe-Ni and silicate
then pools of dense molten iron can grow within (7860 kgm3–3260 kgm3  5000 kgm3) at
a usually crystalline silicate mantle, in a scenario shallow mantle conditions is 2.5 times larger
where transient “magma lakes” frequently than the 2000 kgm3 difference between crustal
formed and froze during the Earth’s early accre- rocks and water that was assumed in
tion, while larger impact accretion events were Nakashima’s (1993) analysis. First, this implies
associated with the rapid coalescence of already that the liquid iron should migrate downward
segregated proto-planetary cores. Once large with a similar geometry and speed to upward
enough (in the following analysis, we estimate migration of a thin water-filled crack during
that only 50 m3 blebs of molten iron will be hydraulic fracturing. Rescaling Nakashima’s
needed), a molten iron bleb can propagate analysis, an isolated liquid-iron-filled crack of
downward as a liquid Fe-Ni “dike” that cracks vertical length 100 m would descend at a speed
its way to the core-mantle boundary in the man- of (2.5/7)*0.3 m/s  0.1 m/s. A km-long crack
ner that Weertman (1971) first envisioned that would propagate 10 times faster, as the propaga-
water-filled crevasses would migrate down- tion rate given in eq. 22.5 of Nakashima (1993) is
ward in glaciers. In this hydraulic fracturing sce- proportional to crack-length*fluid-density-con-
nario, the main resistance to the downward trast/viscosity once the crack is significantly lon-
migration of iron is not the difference between ger than its critical length. An iron-filled crack’s
the fracture and healing energies associated critical length for propagation would also be
with opening the iron-filled crack’s tip and clos- similar to 10–40 m estimated by Nakashima
ing its tail, but the viscous resistance of the iron (1993) for a water-filled crack, as it depends on
in the crack to its downward flow. Morgan and the ratio of the critical stress intensity factor to
54 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

fluid density-contrast, and both values are likely capacity of 840 Jkg1 K1 would also heat the
to be 2.5 times larger than the values assumed equivalent of a 7.5-cm-wide strip of mantle of
by Nakashima (1993). As the crack’s critical density  4000 kgm3 and heat capacity 1167
length for downward propagation depends Jkg1 K1, e.g., 90% of viscous dissipation heat
on this ratio to the 2/3 power, even a 25-fold would be conducted into the iron crack’s sur-
higher critical stress intensity factor would only rounding mantle wallrock. If, however, des-
increase the critical length by a factor of cending iron-filled cracks tend to reuse the
102/3 ¼ 4.6, which would lead to a critical length slightly warmer, weaker trails left by previous
estimate of 50–200 m. Finally, the average crack descending cracks, like other brittle failure
width would scale as 2.5 times wider than Naka- events tend to reuse previous lines of weakness,
shima’s estimate of 0.2 mm width for a 100 m- then only a very small fraction of the mantle
long vertical crack, i.e., 0.5 mm width. If we would be heated by the protocore’s iron as it seg-
now imagine that real cracks would be disklike regates, so the early core would form even hotter
instead of the 2-D shape that was assumed in than its overlying mantle adiabat.
order to use an analytical fracture mechanics We can evaluate the gravitational energy
treatment, then the typical fluid volume of a associated with the Earth’s accretion and core
sinking 100 m-long crack would be of order segregation using the approach of Flaser and
100 m * 100 m * 0.005 m  50 m3 of liquid iron. Birch (1973), and the assumption of a PREM-like
Once the crack is several times larger than mantle and core. We numerically model that the
its critical length, then its main resistance to Earth accreted as 1000 uniform mass increments
downward propagation is the viscous friction containing today’s PREM-fractions of Fe-core
resisting the descent of liquid iron into the and Si-mantle material, with core-segregation
downward-growing crack, e.g., viscous dissipa- following each accretion increment. After each
tion within the flowing iron mostly balances the accretion increment, the gravitational potential
gravitational energy release associated with the energy of the planet is equal to that of a differen-
descent of the iron bleb. If the crack is 100 m long tiated sphere with a single undifferentiated (Fe
and it descends at a speed of 0.1 m/s, then it will + Si) layer at the proto-Earth’s surface. The grav-
take 1000 s to descend 100 m. (As Nakashima’s itational potential energy difference between
estimate of crack descent speed is proportional this configuration and the Fe-core-segregated
to crack-length once the crack is several times configuration created by moving the top-layer’s
longer than its critical length, to first-order the Fe-fraction to the top of the growing Fe-core is
time liquid-iron would be in contact with wall- then determined. This is summed over all accre-
rock would not depend on crack-length.)
pffiffiffiffi In tion steps to obtain the estimate for the gravita-
1000 s, heat would conduct 2.32 κt ¼ 0.073 m tional energy release associated with initial
to each side of the crack (Turcotte and Fe-core segregation. The primary advantage of
Schubert, 2002), assuming a typical value of this approach is that it lets us use PREM-
order 106 m2/s for the mantle’s thermal dif- inferred-densities to model each accretion and
fusivity. In this case, each heating pulse would segregation step, after cubic extrapolation of
have a linear upside-down “V” shape with a half the core’s density-pressure curve to extend to
width  15 times larger than the width of the shallow mantle pressures using the assumption
crack, implying that core segregation would that the initial core’s density
heat the equivalent of 7.5 cm of mantle as the
liquid iron passes by. Using appropriate densi- ρinitialcore ðP½GPa Þ ¼ 7250 kgm3 + 24:9P  4:47
ties and heat capacities, a 0.5-cm-wide crack  102 P2 + 4:46  105 P3
filled with 8000 kgm3 density iron with a heat (5)
15 Core segregation is probably associated with significant core heating with respect to the mantle 55
also had PREM-like gradients. We find that (see Fig. 6). Even if core-segregation energy were
pressure-volume work during core formation only preferentially concentrated by 20% into the
generated an average of 4700 K of core heating sinking core material, the core would then have
during the core’s compression to ambient pres- accreted on a  1000 K hotter adiabat than its
sures. An additional 1.61  1031 J of gravitational overlying mantle. A much larger initial energy
energy was released by core segregation, source was the gravitational energy released
enough to raise the temperature of the entire during the Earth’s accretion. This approximately
proto-Earth by 2700 kJ/kg (equivalent to equals its gravitational binding energy, which
2700 K of heating), or the temperature of the for a PREM-like Earth (Dziewonski and
proto-core by 8230 kJ/kg if viscous dissipation Anderson, 1981) is 2.5  1032 J, or 41,800 kJ/kg
was concentrated within the segregating and when averaged over the Earth’s mass. Most of
sinking proto-core material as discussed above this accretion energy is likely to have radiated


Core S
+ max
p−V Energy (MJ/kg) or ~T(1000K)



8 eg.
Core S zing
+ min set IC Free
adiabat on

ore bu
4 rk of C
p−V wo

150 200 250 300 350
P (GPa)

FIG. 6 Summary of pressure-volume work and gravitational energy release effects that helped to heat the Earth’s initial
core, neglecting contributions from the decay of short-lived radioisotopes. Core energetics are given in MJ/kg, which can
be roughly translated into 1000s of degrees K with the assumption that the mean effective heat capacity of the core material
was about 1000 kJ/kg (e.g., an effective heat capacity midway between 840 kJ/kg and 1.41*840 kJ/kg) during its descent to
ambient core pressures. Pressure-volume work heats core-material during its compression to ambient densities (see text) to
the internal energies shown by the solid black line. Almost all of this work is transformed into heat within the compressing
proto-core. Uniform core segregation within a PREM-like Earth releases 1.61  1031 J of gravitational energy, which would
add an additional 2700 kJ/kg to the proto-core (and proto-mantle) if uniformly dissipated within the growing Earth as shown
by the dash-dot black line, or up to 8230 kJ/kg of additional energy to the proto-core if viscous dissipation was preferentially
concentrated within the viscously deforming and sinking proto-core material (dash-double-dotted black line). Retention of even a
small fraction of the initial energy of accretion would augment these effects, as discussed in the text. However, almost any
likely PREM-like proto-core (shaded region in figure) clearly had sufficient energy-of-formation to be hotter than the adiabat
determined for the onset of IC freezing at 3Ga in Fig. 5, which is drawn here with a dashed black line.
56 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

away from the hot growing Earth. However, if mantle. Finally, the asthenosphere is consumed
5% was retained by the accreting Earth, it would and primarily cooled from the Earth’s top sur-
have raised the proto-Earth’s average tempera- face to make the oceanic lithosphere (and lesser
ture by 2000 K. Clearly, there was more than amounts of delaminated continental litho-
enough mechanical energy available during sphere) that cools and subducts to replenish
the Earth’s accretion to have heated the Earth’s the downwelling ring of lower mantle flow.
early core to the average initial temperature of
6400 K needed for it to have since cooled by
1000 K over the Earth’s subsequent evolution. 17. Lower mantle flow: Pattern and

16. Implications of seismic and energetics With this scenario in mind, we can estimate
constraints on the structure of mantle typical speeds of lower mantle flow from the
convection above-mentioned seismic observations. First,
the estimate of 360 km3/yr for the present-
The previous observations on the seismic day slab flux (Table 1.) is based on the current
structures and energetics involved in mantle rate of plate creation (2.7 km2/yr) multiplied
convection motivate the following conjectures. by an estimated mean  133 km thickness of
We envision that the Earth’s mantle has two average subduction lithosphere, as further
interlocking modes of flow. The much higher discussed in Morgan and Morgan (1999) and
viscosity lower mantle is slowly moving in a Yamamoto et al. (2007). Here, 133 km is the
low-order axisymmetric degree-2 spherical har- thickness needed to generate the cool mass flux
monic P20 mode that Busse (1983) proposed to needed to remove 29 TW of heat carried by sub-
explain Dziewonski et al.’s (1977) observed ducting slabs. Another way to envision this slab
low-order seismic structure in the lower mantle. subduction mass flux is that it would take 3.4
This lower mantle flow is in response to the Gyr to process one mantle mass through the
long-term addition of cold dense slabs in a gen- spreading center + subduction system. If we
erally circumpolar ring from the upper mantle now assume that this 360 km3/yr downwelling
(Fig. 7), with lower mantle flow tending to slab flux is distributed along a 40,000 km cir-
“pull” subduction zones into this long-lived cumpolar ring that is 133 km wide, then the
lower mantle flow structure. This cold down- implied average sinking rate along the top of
welling sinks to the core-mantle boundary this circumpolar ring would be 6.7 cm/yr.
(and so cools the core in a very effective way), If we now take this estimate for the mean near-
while also inducing slow mantle upwelling surface vertical subduction speed, 6.7 cm/yr,
beneath the two antipodal “superplume” axes and assume that the average slab-fed down-
of the P20 lower mantle flow pattern. When cool welling region broadens from 133 km to its
lower mantle material reaches D00 , it is heated at 3000 km seismically-observed width in the
the core mantle boundary and removed to feed lower mantle, then the mean downwelling speed
10–20 narrow 400-km diameter plumes that in the lower mantle’s “ring of subduction” would
are preferentially sited in the two antipodal slow be 6.7 cm/yr * 3300 kgm3 * 133 km/(5000 kgm3
upwelling regions of P20-like axisymmetric * 3000 km)  2 mm/yr, so that it would take
lower mantle flow (Fig. 7). Plume material fed 1 Gyr for this slowly sinking lower mantle to
by the hot D00 /core-mantle boundary, in turn, reach the core-mantle boundary. The observa-
rises to the base of the lithosphere where it tion that current rates of gravitational release
spreads out to form a plume-fed asthenosphere are 30% larger than current resupply from
that is warmer than most of its underlying core heat loss and radiogenic mantle power
17 Lower mantle flow: Pattern and speeds 57

1.3 m
r r

2.6 mm/yr 2.6 mm/y

0.3 m
1.6 m/yr
0.1 m/yr
0.3 m/yr

/yr 0.1 m/y

0.1 m r

1.6 m

2.6 m


2.6 m

FIG. 7 Two-pace structure of the Earth’s mantle convection. Convection in the Earth’s much more viscous lower mantle is
driven by the addition of cold subducted slabs in a 3000-km-wide circumpolar belt along its top and its heating and removal
at the core-mantle boundary. Slow downwelling in the circumpolar slab-fed ring occurs at speeds of 1.3–2.6 mm/yr, so that it
would take 0.77–1.54 Gyr for this slow lower mantle downwelling to sink 2000 km to reach the core-mantle boundary. There
is strong lateral flow within hot weak mantle along the core-mantle-boundary (red region at the base of the mantle) that feeds
10–20 hot and strong upwelling mantle plumes which transport much of the core’s heat loss to the base of the surface tectonic
plates. These take roughly 20 Myr to rise through the lower mantle. In addition, there is a second, much slower mode of
degree-2 slow lower mantle convection that leads to regions of slow, broad mantle upwelling in the two antipodal axes of
the circumpolar ring of downwelling (Busse, 1983). These regions, shown as wispy warm orange blebs, take 0.4–0.7 Gyr
to rise through the lower mantle. Strong mantle plumes preferentially form, very slowly move toward, and rise through these
“superplume” regions of lower mantle upwelling. Material in the plume conduits ascends through the lower mantle in
20 Myr. The much more rapidly ascending plume material will lose heat through the plume conduit’s edges to further warm
adjacent superplume material, thereby increasing the superplume’s overall temperature and buoyancy. Characteristic speeds
in these two interlinked flow structures are shown for selected arrows, with different arrow colors indicating differing speeds
of mantle flow. In this figure, redder colors denote a hotter mantle, while greener colors denote cooler mantle. The N-S spatial
pattern of the cooler circumpolar ring of mantle along the core-mantle boundary is also shown along the rear top surface of the
cut-out core, as is the Earth’s spin axis, which is partially stabilized by the two antipodal equatorial superplume regions so that
true polar wander is predicted to only occur along paths that lie above the cooler circumpolar ring.
58 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

generation hints that the modern subduction If there are 18 lower mantle thermal
rates may be somewhat higher than the average plumes, each containing a mean upward flux
subduction rates over the past 1 Ga. A 30% of 20 km3/yr * 3300kgm3 of upwelling warm
lower descent rate in the lower mantle would mantle, then the implied plume viscosity at
imply mean lower mantle sinking speeds to be lower mantle depths can be estimated from
of order 1.3 mm/yr, in which case it would take the analytical buoyant plume flux Qp relation
an average of 1.54 Ga to sink through the lower for an axisymmetric thermal plume (Turcotte
mantle. and Schubert, 2002): Qp ¼ (π/8)ΔρgR4/μp,
Busse (1975, 1983) also noted that the pure where R is the plume’s radius (as seen in
P20 ¼ Vsink(3cos2θ  1) pattern, where θ is the seismological images), g is the gravitational
angle measured from an axisymmetric upwell- acceleration, μp is the plume’s viscosity,
ing pole, is the predicted critical Rayleigh num- and the temperature-density dependence is
ber pattern for the onset of stable convective Δρ ¼ ρmαΔT. For PREM-like mantle proper-
flow in a highly viscous lower mantle with a ties at 1700 km depth (ρm ¼ 5000 kgm3,
stress-free top and base (Busse, 1975). However, α ¼ 2x105K1), a plume temperature contrast
in Busse’s (1983) flow scenario, both the down- ΔT¼ 300 K, and a plume radius of 200 km,
welling and upwelling regions would be the plume’s viscosity would need to be of order
responsible for all heat transfer from the bottom 4.5  1020 Pa-s for it to have an upward mass
to top surfaces of the high-viscosity layer, while flux equivalent to 20 km3/yr * 3300kgm3.
in the above scenario, the hot plume-fed mantle In this case, the average upwelling rate in a typ-
that rises above the lower mantle travels first ical lower mantle plume would be of order
along the base of D00 where the lower mantle 10 cm/yr, 25 times faster than the speed of
becomes warm, weak material as heat flows into background mantle P20 flow, with upward
it from the outer core, and then in narrow verti- plume material taking 20 Myr to traverse
cal lower-viscosity plume-structures that pierce the lower mantle. If actual mantle plumes were
through the lower mantle to supply the vertical narrower, and seismic images of deep mantle
return flow to the subducting slabs that enter plumes include a much more slowly moving
along the top of its downwelling cold ring. Next, thermal halo that surrounds a narrower plume
we will examine the three components of this center, then for the same upward plume flux
warm vertical return flow—lower viscosity nar- the inferred lower mantle plume viscosity
row plumes of focused upward flow, a warm would be lower, and implied plume ascent
low-viscosity boundary layer at the D00 base of speed higher.
the mantle, and another relatively warm low-
viscosity plume-fed asthenosphere layer that
forms beneath the tectonic plates. 19. Upward return flow circuit: Strong
lateral flow within the base of the D00 layer

18. Upward return flow circuit: Lower In this scenario, there is also strong lateral
mantle plumes flow just above the core-mantle boundary. This
lateral flow is what feeds the 10–20 deep man-
The lower mantle also contains a  360 km3/ tle plume conduits that transport most of the
yr (near-surface equivalent volume) upwelling core’s heat loss through the lower mantle, by
flux contained within 10–20 400-km-diameter bringing in warm lower mantle from along
vertical plume structures which pierce the P20 the entire core-mantle boundary where it has
pattern of lower mantle flow. been heated and weakened by the strong heat
20 Upward return flow circuit: Strong lateral flow in a shallow plume-fed asthenosphere 59
flow from the outer core. Stacey and Loper 20. Upward return flow circuit: Strong
(1983) used simple analytical models to explore lateral flow in a shallow plume-fed
the anticipated lateral flow within a 150- asthenosphere
km-thick thermal D00 boundary layer. Because
of the inverse exponential (Arrhenius-type) In this scenario the final place with strong lat-
temperature dependence of mantle viscosity, eral flow in the mantle is the place where plume
their analysis predicts that lateral flow will material ponds beneath the Earth’s lithosphere,
strongly concentrate within the hottest region the asthenosphere. Androvandi et al. (2011)
at the bottom of the D00 thermal boundary layer, termed this region the “plume graveyard.”
where it would form a 10–20-km-thick region Deffeyes (1972) first proposed the basic idea of
of concentrated lateral flow (Stacey and Loper, a hot asthenosphere layer below the tectonic
1983). When they did their analysis, their plates to be a natural consequence of mantle
scenario assumed that there was only 2 TW plumes. A plume-fed asthenosphere (Morgan
of heat coming from the core, so it had to et al., 2013, 1995a, b; Morgan and Morgan,
include an implausibly low thermal diffusivity 1999; Yamamoto et al., 2007; Morgan, 1997a,b,
(0.17 mm2/s) at the base of the mantle in order 1999; Morgan and Smith, 1992), is a natural con-
to match the very low assumed core heat flux. sequence of the fact that the hottest and most
Our previous analysis of core energetics sug- buoyant mantle rises as plumes (Morgan,
gests that the present-day core heat flux is 1971) until its ascent is impeded at the base of
15–20 TW, i.e., 7.5–10 times larger than the the lithosphere. At this point, as long as there is
estimate they used, so that both the lower man- enough plume material, this hot, weak, material
tle’s thermal conductivity and the net plume- will pond and flow laterally beneath the base of
feeding mass flux from D00 should be increased the lithosphere until it either upwells and is
by 2–5-fold from their assumed values (Stacey transformed into oceanic lithosphere at a spread-
and Loper, 1983). ing center (Morgan and Smith, 1992), or attaches
The layer of strong lateral flow at the base to cooling, thickening oceanic lithosphere
of D00 will also experience relatively strong vis- (Morgan and Smith, 1992), or is entrained and
cous dissipation, especially where it radially dragged down by a subducting slab (Morgan
converges toward the base of mantle plume con- et al., 2007). The basic pattern has been repro-
duits. Additional viscous-dissipation-generated duced in simplified 3-D Cartesian experiments
heat could be what leads to the observed thin (Morgan et al., 2013) and is also a key feature seen
100-km-diameter ULVZ puddles that have in analog experiments of background convection
been imaged at the core-mantle boundary with plumes as shown in Fig. 8 (Androvandi
beneath several deep mantle plumes (Yu and et al., 2011). Other Cartesian 2-D (e.g., Sinha
Garnero, 2018). The higher parts of the D00 layer and Butler, 2007) and spherical 3-D (e.g.,
will also tend to be dragged toward the two Bunge, 2005) numerical experiments of mantle-
antipodal superplume regions by the slow P20 like convection led to similar asthenosphere-like
flow in the overlying deep mantle. At the base regions of ponded plume material beneath a top
of the superplume regions shallower (cooler) cold “lithospheric” thermal boundary layer,
D00 material will be incorporated into warmer- especially when the lower mantle viscosity was
than-average-mantle superplume upwelling significantly higher than the mean upper mantle
regions that the even hotter plume conduits viscosity.
would pierce and heat during the superplume While this two-pace fast upper + slow lower
regions’ 500 Myr ascent through the lower whole mantle flow structure may have existed
mantle (Fig. 7). at least since the onset of the Earth’s geodynamo,
60 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

Plume T
FIG. 8 The “plume graveyard” (Androvandi et al., 2011) asthenosphere layer that forms in a bottom-heated convection
experiment in fluids with a temperature-dependent viscosity. Letters A, B, C, D mark isotherms (from hottest A to coldest
D), while T is the vertical line of a thermoprobe. Left: Hot instabilities in a sugar syrup that is cooled from above and heated
from below. Temperature field on a vertical plane section was measured 8 cm from the front wall of the tank. Beneath the cold
top thermal boundary are several hot pockets of fluid. These pockets were fed by past and present upwelling plumes. We can
also see the birth of new hot plumes. Right: The fractional area with temperature above isotherm “A” as a function of depth.
A relatively hot temperature zone appears directly below the cold thermal boundary layer, its hot temperature reflects that
material in this region recently rose from the hot basal thermal boundary layer. Due to the temperature-dependence of
viscosity, it is also a low-viscosity zone—an “asthenosphere.” Modified from S. Androvandi, A. Davaille, A. Limare, A.
Foucquier, C. Marais, 2011. At least three scales of convection in a mantle with strongly temperature-dependent viscosity. Phys. Earth
Planet. Inter. 188, 132–141.

the mantle’s temperature, and the speed and thick continental roots in places where the
overturn rate of this convective flow pattern plume-fed asthenosphere was nearly absent
could still have decreased over time as the man- and/or anomalously cool. The scenario can
tle’s radiogenic heat production waned. How- explain how nearby volcanic and non-volcanic
ever, as the mantle’s internal radiogenic heat rifted margins are able to form during continen-
production waned, the relative heat supply from tal rifting (Reston and Morgan, 2004; Morgan
core cooling could have actually increased et al., 2020), and how decompression melting
toward the present (Morgan et al., 2016). due to lateral plume-fed asthenosphere flow
beneath upwardly sloping lithosphere can
explain “anomalous” volcanism in E. Australia
21. Implications of a plume-fed and E. Asia (Morgan and Morgan, 2002). The
asthenosphere beneath the surface tectonic only place where the deep mantle might heat
plates enough to become sufficiently buoyant to rise
into the asthenosphere region is within the
The existence of a plume-fed asthenosphere superplume regions, where slowly rising warm
would imply a sub-adiabatic temperature gradi- superplume material might be able to be heated
ent below the asthenosphere (Deffeyes, 1972; sufficiently by lateral heat conduction from
Morgan et al., 1995b), consistent with “steep” nearby mantle plume conduits. If so, perhaps
seismic velocity vs. depth increases in this broader anomalously hot regions within the
region (Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni, 2005). superplume could also continue to rise as single,
In general, it would imply that normal underly- or multiple plume conduits in the upper mantle
ing mantle would be unable to buoyantly rise to also feed the asthenosphere, and so explain
through the warmer, more buoyant astheno- why apparent plume “clusters” (e.g., Tristan
sphere to melt, unless this took place beneath and Gough in the South Atlantic) are sometimes
22 Speculations for the Earth’s continents and core 61
found in these regions (Morgan and Morgan, seen in many suites of ocean island basalts, sug-
2007). Superplume regions could also tend to gesting that their primary plume source material
have strong mantle plumes located along their could be recycled slab sources containing oceanic
periphery because the lateral feeding of their basalts (OIB and MORB) and sediments that
hot source material along the base of D00 would formed and subducted 1–2.5 Gyr ago (Brooks
primarily come from the direction of the circum- et al., 1976; Chase, 1981; Hart and Zindler, 1989).
polar belt of descending lower mantle (Morgan
and Morgan, 2007). In general, the bases of
22. Speculations for the Earth’s
plume conduits would also pull in material com-
ing from different radial directions in the D00
continents and core
layer. This could account for them having
In addition to its implications for the geochem-
laterally heterogeneous source regions with
ical evolution of the Earth’s crust and mantle (see
long-lived spatial zonation that creates a geo-
(Morgan and Morgan, 1999) and references in the
chemical “striping” analogous to the colorful
previous section), the above scenario, if true, has
stripes made by some popular toothpaste dis-
additional implications for the evolution of the
pensers (Hoernle et al., 2015, 2000; Farnetani
Earth’s continents and magnetic field.
and Hofmann, 2010).
This scenario is also consistent with the obser- • The assembly, evolution, and breakup of
vation that the ocean island basalts that are prod- Pangaea—and previous supercontinents—is
ucts of plume melting have a different trace strongly linked to the lower mantle’s
element and isotopic composition than the normal preferred circumpolar belt of downwelling
mid-ocean ridge basalts that are the byproduct of (Le Pichon et al., 2019; Le Pichon and
melting asthenosphere that previously melted a Huchon, 1984). If the subduction-linked
small amount to make ocean island basalts as it circumpolar ring of downwelling in the
upwelled within a mantle plume and entered lower mantle takes 1–1.5 Gyr to sink
the asthenosphere (Morgan and Morgan, 1999). 2000 km, then this would serve as a long-
This type of chemical and isotopic variability is lived “attractor” for surface subduction
possible if the mantle is composed of a mixture zones (Evans, 2003). Le Pichon et al. (2019)
of the multiple lithologies of depleted mantle, demonstrate how episodes of internal Rheic
mid-ocean ridge basalt, ocean island basalt, and (400 Ma) and Paleo-Tethys (320–260 Ma)
oceanic and continental sediments that return to subduction coexisted with hemispherical
the mantle in subduction zones (Morgan and subduction belts that surrounded Pangaea
Morgan, 1999). The arrays of ocean island basalts (Fig. 9), and how its hemisphere-girdling
at individual hotspot chains show evidence of subduction belts overlie the seismically
progressive partial melt extraction at different imaged circumpolar ring in the lower
depths during their ascent within a mantle plume mantle (Figs. 1A, B and 9). Any true polar
(Morgan, 1999), with the initial deepest melting wander in response to changing subduction
tending to concentrate in the lowest-solidus, would tend to rotate about the two
easiest-to-melt lithologies as they use heat con- equatorial axes of the antipodal
ducted from adjacent more refractory lithologies superplumes, as has been observed for 30°
to enhance their deep melt production (Morgan, of true polar wander in the past 200 Myr
2001). Finally, the lower mantle sink-time in the (Besse and Courtillot, 2002), and, more
downwelling circumpolar ring, if 1.54 Gyr weakly, earlier in time (Evans, 2003).
(e.g., mean sink rates of 1.3 mm/yr), can explain Subsequent plume activity in the
the observed “secondary isochron” lead-lead age superplume region beneath the continent
62 3. Energetics of the Solid Earth: Implications for the Structure of Mantle Convection

FIG. 9 Global plate reconstructions from Domeier and Torsvik (2014) for 400, 360, 320, 280, and 260 Ma, with subduction
zones outlined in blue, and the “circumpolar great circle of downwelling” shown by the red circle at 180°. Lambert Azimuthal
equal-area projection with respective poles of projection at 52°S, 34°W; 40°S, 12°W; 30°S, 24°E; 10°S, 44°E; and 2°S, 48°E. Mod-
ifications by Le Pichon et al. (2019). The 1900-km depth S wave tomography map from Cottaar and Lekic (2016) with present
contours of continents overlain. Lambert Azimuthal equal-area projection with the pole of projection at 6°N, 4°E. Colors: red
for slow wavespeeds to blue for high wavespeeds. All figure panels from X. Le Pichon, A. M. C. Sengor, C. Imren, 2019. Pangea and
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geodynamo because of its strong surface heat dynamo.
loss; plate-tectonics-linked subduction is able • Heat loss from the Earth’s core may be
to strongly cool the core-mantle boundary, concentrated at the base of the 3000-km
enough so that the highly conductive core can wide circumpolar belt of descending mantle
convect to generate a geodynamo. Venus (Bloxham and Gubbins, 1987). The fact that
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