Thyroid Gland I Dr. R.J. Kadam 21. 4..20-9 to 10-converted

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(1st PPT)

• THYROID means: Shield like

• The thyroid is an endocrine gland.

• Situated in the lower part of the front and side of neck.

• It regulates the basal metabolic rate, stimulates somatic and psychic growth.

• Plays an important role in calcium metabolism


1.The true capsule:

Is the peripheral condensation of the connective tissue of the gland.

2.The false capsule:

Derived from the pre-tracheal layer of the deep cervical fascia.
It is thick on the inner surface of the gland where it forms a suspensary ligament
(of Berry).

A dense capillary plexus is present deep to the TRUE CAPSULE.

To avoid Hemorrhage during operations the thyroid is removed along with the
true capsule.

are conical in shape having

a) An Apex
b) A Base
c) Three surfaces: Lateral Medial and Posterolateral
d) Two Borders: Anterior and Posterior
-Gland consists of RIGHT and LEFT LOBES that are joined to each other by the ISTHMUS.
-A third pyramidal, lobe may project upwards from ISTHMUS.

The gland lies against vertebrae C5, C6, C7 and T1.
Each lobe extends from the middle of thyroid cartilages to 4th to 5th tracheal ring.
The isthmus extends from the 2nd to 3rd tracheal ring.

• WEIGHT - 25gm
It is larger in FEMALES than in MALES
And further increases in size during MENSTRUATION and PREGENANCY.
• Lat. Surface- convex , covered by: Sternothyroid, Sternohyoid, omohyoid, Sternomastoid

• Medial Surface: related to: A) Tracheas and Oesophagus B) Inferior Constrictors and
Criothyroid muscles. C) Two nerves: External laryngeal and Recurrent laryngeal

• Posterolateral surface: related to: CAROTID SHEATH & Overlaps the common CAROTID ARTERY

• Anterior Border: Thin & related to: Ant. branch of the sup. thyroid artery.

• Posterior border: Thick separates med. & post. surfaces. related to: A) Inf. thyroid artery
B)Anastomosis between the Sup. and Inf. Thyroid arteries .C) The Parathyroid glands

• APEX: Is directed upwards and slightly laterally.

• BASE: Is on the level 4th and 5th tracheal rings

Connects the lower parts of the two lobes.

It has:
Two surfaces: a) Anterior b) Posterior
And two borders: a) upper, b) lower

• Anterior surface : covered by: A) Rt. & Lt. Sternothyroid and Sternohyoid muscles.
B) Anterior Jugular veins.

• Posterior surface : related to A) 2nd and 3rd Tracheal rings.

• Upper border : related to: A) Anastomosis between Rt & Left Sup. Thyroid arteries

• Lower border of isthmus: The inferior thyroid veins leave the gland at this border

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