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part one Grammar and usage

Directions: Choose the correct answer from a given alternatives.

1. Italians ____ at the Battle of Adwa in 1896 by Ethiopians.
Ethiopians ____ the Victory since then.
A. had defeated/have been celebrating
B. defeated/have celebrated
C. had been defeated/have been celebrated
D. were defeated/have been celebrating
2. Ethiopians _____ the Adwa Victory for the last 125 years.
A. celebrated
B. have been celebrating
C. have been celebrated
D. had celebrated
3. White People didn't believe that Blacks were able to defeat
Whites ____ the Battle of Adwa in 1896.
A. until B. since C. for D. ago
4. Ethiopians began to celebrate Victory of Adwa as one
Nationally Celebrated Days 125 years _______.
A. until B. since C. for D. ago
5. My sister is used to ___ for a long time now; she was not
when she was a first year student.
A. studying B studied
C study D studies
6. It was the most interesting play that I _______ in my life.
A. have ever attended
B. had ever attended
C. had never attended
D. have never attended
7. My younger sister Jane really hates ham and she
has______ eaten meat like that in her life.
A. still B. ever C. never D. always
8. Let’s get going: I have ___ heard such nonsense. (G12: NE)
A. ever B. wherever C. forever D. never
9. I _______ any good films for the last six months. (G12: NE)
A. had not seen B. I don’t see
C. did not see D. have not seen
10. The meeting had not begun __________ when we arrived.
(G12: NE)
A. yet B. since C. for D. already
11. I have never been dependent on anyone____ I was ten.
(G12: NE)
A. until B. since C. while D. when
12. I have been dependent on my parent ____ I was ten.
A. until B. since C. while D. when
13. He has not been dependent on his parent ____ he was 20.
A. until B. since C. ago D. for
14. I’m wet; I ______ clothes since morning. (G12: NE)
A. washed B. was washing
C. I am washing D. have been washing
15 He has improved a lot since he _________ her. (G12: NE)

A. married B. is married
C. was married D. has married
16. They ________ St. Gabriel Church, Dire Dawa, for the last
ten years. It seems they are going to do the same this year too. (G12: NE)
A. did visit B. visited
C. have visited D. had visited
17. I __ in a small town since I was born and planned to stay
there until I was fifty. (G12: NE)
A. lived B. had lived
C. have been living D. will have lived
18. We _____ a romantic flowers during spring for pleasure.
(G10: NE)
A. are smelling B. were smelling
C. smell D. have smelt
19. This is my friend Urago. He_________ base ball. (G10: NE)
A. loving B. loves C. loved D. is loving
20. I did not know the rules of the game very well last year,
but now I ___ them a little better. (G10: NE)
A. will understand B. have understood
C. am understanding D. understand
21. I now know you have no money. Don’t worry! I _____ lend
you some. (G12: NE)
A. will B. would
C. might D. am going to
22. He has secured his visa and everything necessary for his
travel. They say he ____ move to the USA. (G12: NE)
A. may B. might
C. is going to D. will
23. We practice speaking and writing English ___ six hours in
a week. (G10: NE)
A. in B. about C. for D. from
24. Have you ___visited the Awash and the Semen Nation
Parks? (G10: NE)
A. never B. ever C. hardly D. even
25. My sister graduated from a famous college in February
last year but she has not got a job ____. (G10: NE)
A. still B. ever C. yet D. ever since

26. The committee _______ the issue thoroughly at the meeting

yesterday. (G-12: NE: 2012)
A. discusses B. is discussed
C. was discussed D. discussed
27. The exam __________ at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.
(G-12: NE: 2012)
A. is started B. starts
C. is starting D. starting
28. The hens ________ plenty of eggs in three weeks' time.
(G-12: NE: 2012)
A. have laid B. have been laid
C. have been lied D. have lied

29. I will raise your case ______________ I see the manager.
(G-12: NE: 2012)
A. immediately B. for
C. when D. since
30. The whole store ____________ by the kids in a few days.
(G-12: NE: 2012)
A. had forgotten B. was forgotten
C. forgets D. forgot
31. I finished work, ________ to the beach and found a nice
place to swim. (G-12: NE: 2012)
A. was walking B. is walking
C. walked D. walks
32. ________ telephones first appeared they were called talking
telegraphs. (G-12: NE: 2012)
A. When B. Next
C. Then D. Later on
33. ________ she ________ that soup without reading a recipe.
(G-12: NE: 2012)
A. Has/taste B. Has/made
C. Has/tasted D. Has/make
34. I went shopping; _______ , my sister cleaned the house.
(G-12: NE: 2012)
A. during B. the time being
C. meanwhile D. in a while
35. Ten years have passed ____________ my mother died.
(G-12: NE: 2012)
A. when B. since C. during D. for
36. Sleeping is not her friend ______ the day. (G-12: NE: 2012)
A. since B. as C. during D. while
37. I will ________ a decision next week about whether or not
to buy a ring. (G-12: NE: 2012)
A. be done B. be made
C. do D. make

Part Two Sentence order
The following words are NOT in the proper order. When put in the right order, they make correct
English sentences. From the given alternatives, choose the one that is correct and blacken the letter of your
choice on the separate answer sheet provided.
38. Writing the best and simple is clear
(A)Clear writing and the best is simple.
(B)The best writing is simple and clear.
(C)Writing best is the simple clear.
(D)The writing is clear simple and best.
39. Aggressive have getting tell you they are more don’t I to that
(A)I don’t have to tell you that more aggressive that they are getting.
(B)They are getting more aggressive I don’t have to tell you that.
(C)That they are more aggressive getting I don’t have to tell you.
(D) I don’t have to tell you that they are getting more aggressive.
40. You next do in who class to sit?
(A) Who do you sit next to in class?
(B) Next who do you sit in class?
(C)To who next do you sit in class?
(D) Who next to do you sit in class?

41. Is on she the by standing Windows chair.

(A)He is by standing the chair on the window.
(B) He is on the window standing by the chair.
(C)He is standing on the chair by the window.
(D) By standing the chair he is on the window.

42. A tools carpenter is the man carrying the all

(A) The man carrying all the tools is a carpenter.
(B)A carpenter is the man carrying the all tools.
(C)The man is all the tools carrying a carpenter.
(D) A carpenter man is the tools carrying the all.

SECTION Three: Paragraph Coherence (43-47)

When put in the correct order, sentences a-e in questions 43-47 make up a complete paragraph.
From the alternatives given A-D, choose the letter that contains the correct order of the
a. One, I have a problem, with the lectures.
b. I don’t seem to succeed in my new course.
c. Apparently, my classmates are also uncooperative.
d. They speak quickly and not very quickly.
e. They are not willing to lend the books I need. (A) b a d c e (C) b a e c d (B) b a e d c (D) b a d e c

a. The shape of each depends on its size, speed and purpose.
b. The concord, for example, is one particular type.
c. The concord it the fastest passenger airliner.
d. There are many types of aircraft.
e. It has a nose that drops down on landing and
takeoff.(A) d b e c a (C) d b c e a(B) d b a c e (D) d a b e c
a. The shape of each depends on its size, speed and purpose.
b. The concord, for example, is one particular type.
c. The concord it the fastest passenger airliner.
d. There are many types of aircraft.
e. It has a nose that drops down on landing and takeoff.
(A) b a d c e (C) b a e c d(B) b a e d c (D) b a d e c

a. My father rises before anyone.
b. We eat breakfast and jump in the car.
c. He then wakes up my brother and me.
d. Dad drops us off on his way before he gets mom to work.
e. Our family has a daily routine to get us to work and
school.(A) a c d b e (C) e a c b d(B) e a b c d (D) b a d e c

a. They use their fellers to find food.
b. Most insects have wings and can fly.
c. Insects are small animals with six legs.
d. Almost all insects have a pair of feelers.
e. Bee and ants are example of common insects.
(A) e c b a d (C) c b a d e(B) c b d a e (D) b a e d c

Part four: Vocabulary Completion A: (48-60)

Questions 26-38 are incomplete sentences. There are four alternatives word/phrases, A-D, given below
each question. Choose the one that best completes each sentence.
48. This spinach omelet makes for ______ breakfast; it has the vegetables and protein needed for a
healthy diet.(A) a filling (C) an edible(B) a fortunate (D) a nutritious

49.Jerry’s grandfather’s house is full of ______ technology such as rotary-dial phones and other devices
that are no longer in use.(A) prehistoric (C) current(B) obsolete (D) broken
50. My younger brother constantly misbehaves and is always causing
______.(A) hostility (C) violence(B) generosity (D) mischief

51. The teacher only has one copy of the worksheet right now, so she is going to ______ it and give the
new copy to her student.(A) translate (C) duplicate(B) multiply (D) plagiarize
52. Almost no one actually believes that the god Zeus lives on top of Mount Olympus; most people
understand that this is just a ______, not a reality.(A) poem (C) myth(B) sonnet (D) counterfeit

53. The attorney suggested that the witness's testimony was ______ because the witness was a known
liar.(A) sincere (C) insane(B) amazing (D) unreliable

54. The governor thinks the tax is a good one and would like to see it continue, but his opponent wants to
______ it.(A) abolish (C) modify(B) amend (D) enact
55. My neighbor wears a mask when he is outdoors because he doesn’t want to
______ the pollution in the air.(A) consume (C) infect(B) overcome (D) inhale

56. Ash tried to move the large rock that was blocking the road, but it wouldn’t
______.(A) budge (C) dodge(B) rotate (D) evade

57. Educated people have ______ when applying for jobs; they are more likely to be
hired.(A) a challenge (C) an advantage(B) a prejudice (D) a handicap

58. The dentist told me there were ______ reasons to brush my teeth, but I can only think of
one.(A) magnificent (C) numerous(B) few (D) insufficient

59. Laudio’s parents don’t speak English, so he has to ______ his teacher’s letters
from English to Spanish so they can read them.(A) fabricate (C) divide(B) originate (D) translate38.

60. Martin is not old enough to vote, live alone, or even drive, since he is
still ______.(A) an employee (C) an heir(B) a minor (D) a male
B. Vocabulary Substitution
DIRECTIONS: Questions 61--66 each has an underlined word or phrase. There are four alternatives A-
D given after each sentence. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the given
sentence if substituted for the underlined word or phrase.

61.Despite his growing wealth and power, Teddy remains avaricious

man.(A) a humble (C) a greedy(B) an irritable (D) an intelligent

62.Some snakes are very perilous, so you should take caution if you see
one.(A) dangerous (C) careful(B) slippery (D) favorable
63. I cannot pay for the price of a ticket, so I cannot see the movie.(A) buy (C) donate(B) save (D) afford
64. Although the desert gets very hot during the day, it is very clammy at
night.(A) dry (C) cold(B) humid (D) lonely
65.Jared placed the plant amid the other two plants, so that it was in the
middle.(A) between (C) through(B) over (D) outside
66. Even though I knew the rock weighed a lot, it was still nimbler than I thought I would
be.(A) lighter (C) heavier(B) larger (D) sharper

Grammar and usage part five
Questions 45-70 are incomplete sentences, There are four alternative words or phrases,
A-D, given below each question. Choose the word that best completes the sentence

67. I know you don’t want me to, but I _______________ it anyway.

(A) might have done (C) could do(B) am going to do (D) would have done
68. He had to run for two hours so
as _________________.(A) he can save his life (C) he could evade his enemies(B) to save his life (D) he
should overcome his fears

69. They _______________ anything since yesterday.

(A) didn’t eat
(C) have never eaten(B) had never eaten (D) will have never eaten
70. We have been expecting the book for months, but it has to come out ________________
.(A) yet (C) still(B) by now (D) up to now
71. I have never been dependent on anyone _______________ I was
ten.(A) since (C) while(B) until (D) when
72. Isn’t it ____________? She would find herself in Japan in two weeks.
(A) exciting (C) interesting(B) appealing (D) frightening
73. I know he ______________ to South Africa a couple of times, but not to
Kenya.(A) was (C) has been(B) been (D) had been
74. I found this question a bit _______________ the rest of the
question.(A) easier than (C) easiest of(B) the easiest of (D) so easy as
75. I would like to have ____________ reliable car. The one I have keeps breaking
down.(A) more (C) a more(B) the most (D) the more
75. __________________ the electricity bill
yet?(A) Have you paid (C) Did you pay(B) Are you paying (D) Do you pay

76 I think it’s going to rain. What ____________ we do?

(A) shall (C) ought(B) might (D) could

77.Each of us ______________ expected to submit a two page summery by tomorrow

morning.(A) is (C) will have been(B) are (D) would have been

78. He didn’t report on time; ________________ we penalized him.

(A) so (C) because of(B) so that (D) not having

79. ____________ we paid the money on time, they didn’t let us go.
(A) But (C) Even so(B) Although (D) Even then

80. If you wait for me, I ______________(A) may come (C) had come(B) will come (D) would come

81. Gary is _______________ a better job because he is not earning enough

now.(A) looking at (C) looking on(B) looking into (D) looking for

82. He was so ________________ to me that she gave me money that would not even buy
lunch.(A) impolite (C) rude(B) indebted (D) mean

83. The story was somewhat _______________ and I could make no head or tail out of
it.(A) shocking (C) dismaying(B) appalling (D) perplexing

84.We fined him _______________ he could learn from his

mistakes.(A) so as (C) so that(B) because of (D) so as to

85. Leave __________________ the printer and the copier out there. They are not
functioning.(A) all (C) either(B) both (D) neither

86. Would you like to come, darling?

(A) No, I don’t.
(C) No, I never.(B) No, I never do. (D) No, I never would.

87. Don’t release the prisoner ________________.

(A) Unless he repents (C) when he repented(B) Unless he has not repented (D) when he has repent

88. ________________ is the effect of large family more apparent than in rural areas of our
country.(A) Anywhere (C) Nowhere(B) Everywhere (D) Somewhere

89 ________________ each of the candidate in this hall have a pen and a

pencil?(A) Is (C) Do(B) Does (D) Has

90. I am wet; I ____________ clothes since

morning.(A) washed (C) I am washing(B) was washing (D) have been washing

Part SIX: Communicative Activities (71-105) DIRECTIONS:

Questions 91-100 are presented un a form of a dialogue. The part said by one of the speakers is given,
and a blank space is left for the other. For each of the blank space, four alternative answers,
A-D, are given. Choose the one that is most appropriate to complete the dialogue

92. Zenebe: Senait is a very intelligent girl. Tadesse: ________________________(A) Her boyfriend is
an engineer.(B) She lives next door to my brother. (C) Well, I’m not too sure about that (D) I have also seen
her at the supermarket.

93. Student: ________________________Teacher: You had to do it bit by bit.(A) I failed

in Mathematics.(B) I get a nervous on exam days.
(C) I didn’t submit my assignment.

(D) I couldn’t cover all my reading last night.

94. Belay: How can I finish all this in time? Clerk: ____________________________(A) Why would
you work hard?
(B) If I were you, I’d ask friends for help.

(C) I know, you are so much hardworking.
(D) What’s the time?
95. Goitom: This will get more expensive next week? Lulit: __________________________
(A) It doesn’t look like new.
(B) Business men are unkind.
(C)Customers have more money
(D) Perhaps it might remain the same.
96. Assistant: Can I help you? Customer: ______________________(A) Why not?(B) Yes, of course.
(C) Do you have a shirt? (D) I’m looking for a shirt.

97. Mother: Why is your t-shirt so wet? Son: ________________________

(A) I’ve swum.

(B) I went to the barber’s.

(C) I’ve been swimming.

(D) I’ll have it cut this evening.

98. Kedir: We’ve got a new teacher.
Lidiya: ________________________(A) What’s he like? (B) I think it’s time for class.
(C) When will he give us a test? (D) Our English teacher is coming.
99. Mother: __________________
Son: No, I’m single.
(A) Are you married?(B) Do you have children?(C) Do you have a girlfriend?(D) Do you want to get
100. Patient: My headache is persisting. ______________Son: You better get your blood pressure
checked.(A) Can I talk to you?(B) What can I do about it?(C) Is there any good treatment?(D) Do people
complain about this.
101. Brother: Can we have some ice-cream in that café?Sister: ________________________(A) Who
owns the café?(B) Do they make it there?
(C) I’m afraid I have no money.
(D) Girls like ice-cream very much.
102. Son: ____________________
Father: I’m afraid I need it.
(A) Would you borrow my dictionary?(B) Could you please buy me a dictionary?(C) Could you lend me
your dictionary please?(D) How about giving you back your new dictionary?
103. Betty: Mobile phones take too much of time. Sonia: I know ____________.(A) There are
handier.(B) I always see you with it.
(C) You’ve got a beautiful apparatus.
(D) The cards are very expensive here.
104. Student: She’s going to flunk, I
feel. Can we help?Friend: ________________________(A) You know, she is very lazy.(B) I think she
has now started working hard.
(C) I don’t think there is anything to be done.

(D) I can’t understand how she passed her last exam.

105. Gutu: She scored an A in Mathematics.Didi: ___________________________(A) She was better
at English.
(B) I can’t believe this is true!
(C) Mathematics is an easy course.(D) Which department did she join?

106. Waiter: Coffee or tea, sir?Customer: ________________________(A) How much is coffee?(B)
Many people like coffee.(C) I would rather go for coffee.(D) Coffee is a stronger stimulant.
107. Lema: ________________Mulu: 5000 Birr.(A) What do you need the money for?(B) How much do
you want to borrow?(C) Do you really need to borrow that much?(D) I wonder if you could lend me some

108. Manager: We’ve decided to close down our branch in Dudume?

Employee: ________________________(A) What? This is Unbelievable.
(B) We’re going to lose our jobs.(C) The machines are expensive.(D) Dudume has always been
109. Guest: _____________________? They are very dirty.Guide: Certainly, sir. I will call a shoeshine
boy right away.(A) Can you help me with my shoes(B) Where should I leave my shoes(C) Can you mend my
shoes(D) How do you like my shoes

110. Murad: Can you tell me the way to the library?Chaltu: ________________________
(A) It’s a kilometer away.
(B) It is a famous library.(C) First left, then right.
(D) It won’t open until 9AM.


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