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Arguments for ICT

 Double entry will be completed automatically. Once the data is entered, it could be used
for various purposes- day book, leger, trial balance and financial statements

 Calculations will be made by the computer and will be accurate unlike manual
accounting work

 There will be no errors which will affect the balancing of the trial balance, such as those
single entry and requiring a suspense account.

 Spreadsheets and updated software and enable the work to be done more efficiently.
The communication made easy by using charts and graphs for business performance

 Audit trail can be kept. Enables for internal control

Potential arguments against ICT
 Cost and updating of system to ensure that software operates correctly, using latest

 Inputting errors will still occur resulting in incorrect accounts.

 Considerable staff training to ensure accurate inputting for the use of ICT.

 Errors not affecting the balancing of the trial balance such as errors of omission and
omission may still occur.

 Various risk associated to computerised accounting such as hacking, virus, system freezing,
etc may cause the losing of data and that the business would have to keep back data
Conclusion: ICT provides quicker and accurate information than manual accounting system, would
benefit the firm.

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