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Micro-project report on

“Build a Circuit For Rain Detector Alarm”

Submitted by

Name of students
EJ-220 Mr.Ruturaj Swami

EJ-247 Mr.Vedant Madhekar

EJ-249 Mr.Gulshan kumar

EJ-252 Mr.Ritesh Shinde


(Ms. Pawar S.R.)



Shanti Education Society’s

A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur.

NBA Accredited Programs

ACADEMIC YEAR (2023-2024)

Shanti Education Society’s
A.G. Patil Polytechnic Institute, Solapur.


This is to certify that the micro-project report on “Build a Circuit For Rain Detector
Alarm” has been submitted by EJ-(220,247,249,252) of S.Y. (Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering) has completed predefined micro project satisfactorily in
course Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation (22333) for the academic year 2023-2024
as prescribed in the curriculum of M.S.B.T.E.

Course Co-ordinator Program Head

(Ms. Pawar S.R.) (Mr. Bagban S. R.)


Dr. Chougule M. A.

Title :- “Build a Circuit For Rain Detector Alarm”
Water Management and proper water usage has to be maintained in the recent years. So maintain
proper usage of water we need to save the water in every aspect. In agriculture field rain is a
basic need but intense rain can affect the crops root growth. Irrigation is enough cover the water
need of crop but if intense rainfall occurs it may damage the crops, growth of the crops. when
Rain detector detects rain it trigger the alarm. Rain detector alarm efficient way to stop irrigation
whenever rain occurs. It is also used in home automation by users to reclaim their belongings,
cover windows. In some situations, we can Collect some rain water. When rain falls, it will cause
a setback to all the reasons for sun-drying enumerated above, especially when the materials being
sun dried are not retrieved quickly. Thus, designing and constructing a device which gives one a
heads-up the instant it starts to rain hopefully giving you time to retrieve the materials being sun
dried, close your windows, and bring in possession is not only apropos but also absolutely
imperative. Also, since it can rain at any time without any warning, clothes in a clothes line
outside the house that are almost dry may get wet if we do not realize it is raining on time. Thus,
this project will also help house wives and other users to be quickly alerted to avoid rain from
wetting shirts/ dresses being sun dried at the clothes line outside the house.
Collect some rain water.
Working of Circuit:-

When there is no rain, the resistance between the wires of rain sensor will be very high
and there will be no conduction between the wires on sensor. When the rain drop falls
on the sensor, it will form a conductive path between the wires and the resistance between
wires will decreases. At this point, the wires on sensor board will start conducting
current. Simply, this sensor is working as a switch, so whenever water is present on the
sensor it allow the current to pass through it (ON condition). And, if there is no water
then it discontinues the flow of current (OFF condition).

Circuit Diagram and Explanation:-

Fig.1: Circuit Diagram of Rain Detector Alarm
Main Appartus:-

(i) Battery
(ii) LED
(iii) NPN Transistor BC547
(iv) Rain sensor

Description of main component: -

 Battery:-

An electric battery is a source of electric power consisting of one or more

electrochemical cells with external connections for powering electrical devices. When a
battery is supplying power, its positive terminal is the cathode and its negative terminal
is the anode.

 LED:-

A Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a semiconductor device, which can emit light
when an electric current passes through it. To do this, holes from p-type
semiconductors recombine with electrons from n-type semiconductors to
produce light.
 NPN Transistor BC 547:-

BC547 is a bipolar junction transistor (BJT). It is kind of an NPN transistor. It has three
terminals: Emitter, Collector and Base. The maximum current gain of BC547 is
800A. The Collector−Emitter Voltage is 65V.

 Rain Sensor:-

The circuit used is often also known as a water detector or a water sensor. It is typically
used in detecting rain, detecting water level. The sensor works base on the resistance
of the water. Rain sensors involve a series of porous cork discs that, once they become
wet from the rain, expand to the point where they stop the controller from watering
the lawn.
• It helps in saving money by switching off the irrigation system when it rains. This saves
money by cutting off bills on electricity consumption.
• It extends life of rain sensor based systems such as car wiper, irrigation systems by running
them only when it is necessary.
• Rain sensors help save water during rain events and hence water is available during
summer and emergency applications such as firefighting etc.
• Operating principle is very easy.
• It consumes less power for operation.
• Installation of rain sensor based systems are very much simple.
• Individual rain sensor costs very less.

• The rain sensor based system functions when water falls on the sensor directly.
• The cost of overall system increases as additional components are needed along with rain

• In order to avoid false detection of rain, it requires rain sensors to take decision after few

• In the irrigation, it will detect the rain and immediately alert the farmer.
• In automobiles, when the rain detector detects the rain it will immediately active the
wipers and inform the driver.
• In communications, it will boost the power of the antenna and increase the signal strength
to send or receive the signals.
2. Aim of Micro Project:-

1. How to build the Rain Detector Alarm Circuit using Transistors.

2. To understand the working of Rain Detector Alarm Circuit.

3. CO’s Covered:-

CO4:- Interpret working of various types of sensors and transducers.

CO5:- Use various types of transducers and sensors to measure quantities.
4 Action Plan:-

Serial Planned Planned Name of Responsible

No. Details of Activity Start Date Finish Date
Team Members

1. Group formation & topic

selection discussion. 15/08/23 19/08/23 All Group Members

2. Discussion of group with

project guide. 21/08/23 27/08/23 All Group Members

3. Finalization of topic. 30/08/23 02/09/23 All Group Members

4. Data collection & Arrangement

03/09/23 15/09/23 Ruturaj Swami

of data.

5. Preparation of model.

16/09/23 20/09/23 Vedant Madhekar

6. Data correction. Gulshan kumar

21/09/23 26/09/23
7. Preparation of proposal . 28/09/23 30/09/23 Ritesh Shinde

8. Presentation of proposal . 01/10/23 10/10/23

9. Data collection through internet.

11/09/23 25/09/23 Gulshan kumar
10. Submission of model

26/09/23 01 All Group Members

11. Preparation of report .
03/11/23 06/11/23 Ruturaj Swami

12. Presentation of report. 07/11/23 08/11/23

13. 09/11/23 10/11/23 All Group Members.

Final submission of the Micro-
5 Resources Required:-

Sr. Name Of Resources/ Qty

No. Material. Specification. . Remarks
projects/portable-rain- steam-
detector https://www.rfwireless-
1. Internet 3 Search engine

2. Microsoft World 1 Documentation
9v Battery
BC547 2
3. Resistors 2 Components
used in Project
Rain Sensor 2
General purpose PCB 1
Electronic Instrumentation
Reference (Kalsi, H.S.)
4. Books Electronic Instrumentation and 2 Books
(David, A.Bell)
Output of Microproject:-
Testing Circuit on Bread Board

Pic.1: Testing of Circuit on Bread board

a) Assembling on PCB
Pic.2: Assembling of Circuit on General purpose PCB and Testing
Skills developed/ Learning out of this Microproject:-

i. Component identifications skills.

ii. Handle components & equipment carefully.
iii. Other skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity.
iv. Communication between group members.

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