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January 24, 2022

First Day

In every undertaking, there must be something that you must

learned and reflected.
Day 1 topic which is all about RPMS-PPST overview discussed by
Ma’am Jiji F. Amit. This topic instills a wide variety of information
although it requires a lot of work to be accomplished but still it equipped
me to become more knowledgeable, enlightened my minds and cleared
the confusions of teachers in terms of how it will be accomplished. The
updates, phases, and changes in the RPMS-PPST were comprehensively
discussed by the speakers which will greatly help in the preparation of
teachers for providing quality education.

As an aspiring teacher, the PPST is my guide in becoming a

competent professional teacher. It will help determine my strengths and
weaknesses and help me to keep striving for success and improvement.
As a teacher, being a lifelong learner plays a vital role in the educational
process. It allows educators to incorporate new tools and strategies into
the learning process to boost their students’ learning development.

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Principal I
2nd Day In-Service Training for Teacher Reflection

Transition Curriculum for Learners with Disabilities

Our second day of 5-Day In-Service training was a great opportunity for us
teacher to refresh our minds and learn something new which we can also share to
our dear learners.
First topic was shared to us by Maam Yeila J. Ondon which is about the
transition Curriculum for Learners with Disabilities or Inclusive Education. The
speaker explained very well what is this curriculum for disabled learners and the
different definition of terms that we teacher might encounter as we handle this
type of learners. The most objective of this program is to developed disabled
learners to be functionally literate and holistically developed Filipinos.
Upon listening to her, I’ve realized that as a teacher we should always
equip ourselves with knowledge about understanding the differences of our
learners. It is not easy to handle such children with special needs but with the help
of implementing this program could augment out teachers task to handle special
children. As a teacher and a mom of a special kid I was so happy that we could
have this inclusive education in public schools here in Binalbagan because it
could really help us parents to also help our kids grow to be independent as time
goes along their lives. It enables our kids develop their special skills through this
program and become functional in the society.

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Principal I
3rd Day Mid-Year In-Service Training for Teachers

Mental Health and Wellness of Teachers REFLECTION

In all honesty I was overly motivated when the inset started. Motivation is
another aspect that influences learning outcomes. I really appreciate the things I
have rediscovered and uncovered in learning about the different topics that each
speaker had shared on the 3rd day of training.

The topics in this Inset are timely, relevant and necessary way of handling
teachers’ emotions towards teaching profession. We cannot deny the fact that our
work as teacher nowadays was a bit tupsy-turvy.

The first speaker shared to us her ideas about Mental Health and Wellness
of Teachers. It is important that we should teake care of our mental health because
it controls everything the totality of human beings. It affects how we think, feel
and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make
choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and
adolescence through adulthood. Also she tackled the different factors that
contribute to Mental Health Problems and early warning signs of being mentally

We teachers are confronted with numerous paperwork and workloads.

Teachers are bombarded with work-related assignments such as reports,
instructional materials, school designations and other related tasks apart from our
usual six-hour teaching load every day. this work situation leads to the dwindling
performance of teachers from its target, which is beyond Proficiency level.

Having this kind of topics on our Inset is such a big help to us teachers on
how to handle stress.
3rd Day Mid-Year In-Service Training for Teachers

Financial Literacy for Teachers

What I basically know about financial literacy is basically that it involves money.
Money is basically what you need forever and ever and you need money for everything.
So as of right now my money spending is a little extreme, I cannot save money! Also if I
need money to buy thinghs I “need”, I usually go to my friends for extra money that I
will “pay” back later.

The main thing that struck me most during this session is that in order to save
money we should only spend for our needs and if there something you want to have you
should save for it because owning a debt is not a solution to get what you want.

By having financial literacy and managing personal finance property, we can

become role models to the students also to our kids and help develop fiscally and socially
responsible citizens.

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Principal I
3rd Day Mid-Year In-Service Training for Teachers

Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose
he shall behave with honour and dignity at all times and refrain from such
activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other excesses, much less
illicit relations.

Another topic that we have revisited was the code of ethics for teacher
shared to us by maam Margie Militante. As a teacher it is very important that we
should always act in a descent way because we are a model to our learners. We
should be responsible for his words, he can teach morals about life but he can’t
discriminate his students. The teacher should always show love and care to the
learner’s but the teacher cannot have an intimate relationship with the learner.

The code of ethics for Professional Teachers states in eleven articles, the
dos and don’t’s of a teacher, their responsibilities and their limitations. The last
two articles state the disciplinary actions for the violation of the code of ethics
and its effectivity.

Prepared by:


Teacher I
Principal I

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