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Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 21 (2018) 1–6

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Design and analysis of biosensor based on surface plasmon resonance T

a,⁎ a a a b,c
Md. Nazmul Hossen , Md. Ferdous , Md. Abdul Khalek , Sujan Chakma , Bikash Kumar Paul ,
Kawsar Ahmeda,b
Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU), Santosh, Tangail 1902, Bangladesh
Group of Bio-photomatiχ, Bangladesh
Department of Software Engineering (SWE), Daffodil International University, Shukrabad, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh


Keywords: A photonic crystal fiber (PCF) biosensor based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is to obtain maximum
Photonic crystal fiber sensitivity for the detection of unknown analytes. Chemically stable and inactive plasmonic material gold (Au) is
Perfectly match layer used outside of the PCF structure. To evaluate the performance of the sensor, a perfectly match layer (PML) is
Biosensor also added for diminishing the unwanted nonphysical radiation. The proposed sensor is consists of double layer
Surface plasmon resonance
symmetrical square air holes. A small air hole in the center is used to produce the more evanescent field. Sensing
performance is numerically investigated by the finite element method (FEM) based on commercially available
tools COMSOL Multiphysics. The maximum amplitude sensitivity of this proposed sensor is 442.11 RIU−1 with
the highest sensor resolution 1.66 × 10−5 using amplitude integration method. The wavelength sensitivity is
6000 nm/RIU using amplitude integration method. The proposed sensor is widely applicable in bio-photonics

1. Introduction sensing application it is not suitable to use [17]. The optical fiber is
used instead of the prism to minimize the allusive limitation. SPR based
In recent years, the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based bio- sensors are used mainly to decrease the technical cost and the size of
sensors have attracted much attention of the researchers because of its sensor devices. In 1993, optical fiber based on the SPR sensor was in-
highly flexible properties and broad application in different fields of troduced by R.C. Jorgenson first, where the gold film was used in the
practical life. There are lots of applications of SPR sensors in practical fiber core to reveal the plasmon response [2]. PCF has gained its im-
life like water testing [1], organic chemical sensing, medical diag- portance because it has different appealing characteristics e.g. con-
nostics, gas detection [2], maintain food quality, bio-imaging, bio- trollable birefringence, high confinement and single mode propagation
sensing, glucose monitoring, environment monitoring, disease detec- [5, 6, 15–18]. Utilizing these characteristics an evanescent field can be
tion, real time monitoring and so on [3–7]. The researchers have been manipulated easily. The effective sensitive performance of the fiber is
developing many effective applications based on the SPR sensors [2–7], controlled by the evanescent field. The presence of plasmonic devices,
optical sensors [8–13], terahertz sensors [14], for the improvement of the high surface to volume ratio, broadband optical and plasmonic
current technology. SPR has found theoretically by Ritchie et al. in the properties make it suitable aspirant to be used as a sensor and as a
1950s [15] at first. Liedberg et al. in 1983 first introduced about SPR functional coating material [19–21]. SPR sensors give high sensitivity
[16] based on prism coupling. Generally, the commercial prism couple rather than fiber based sensors. It also gives a low resonance peak than
geometry is used for the SPR sensors. Prism is used to pass the light to fiber based sensors [22, 23]. The PCF based sensors also provide a
the metal surface interface whereas transverse magnetic or p-polarized flexible design. Most SPR sensors based PCF works used gold or silver
light is induced in the metal or dielectric interface. This occurs when [5,24,25]. Here, in this raised structure we consider gold layer because
the light is incident on the metal surface and the free electrons of the gold is chemically stable and shows larger shifts in resonance wave-
metal absorb the light and generate surface plasmon wave (SPW). For lengths [5].
activating surface plasmon, the prism is generally used. Prism based In order to improve the performance of the SPR sensors, the re-
SPR sensing device has some limitations such as; it provides a bulky size searchers have tried to construct unique structure from last few dec-
device with various kinds of mechanical and optical parts, in remote ades. They have carried out maximum sensitivity with high

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Md. N. Hossen),, (K. Ahmed).
Received 8 June 2018; Received in revised form 6 August 2018; Accepted 7 August 2018
2214-1804/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Md. N. Hossen et al. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 21 (2018) 1–6

confinement loss by their innovative works. They have also successfully

able to increase the performance of SPR sensors. Last years, Rifat et al.
[22] has reported a manuscript on SPR where a gold layer thickness was
40 nm that coated the silica channel and gained maximum sensitivity of
1000 nm/RIU. On another side, proposing SPR biosensor based on
polymer PCF coated structure [22], Dash and Jha improved the max-
imum wavelength sensitivity to 2000 nm/RIU and amplitude sensitivity
to 80 RIU−1. Conventionally, by developing a new concept for eva-
nescent sensing application the article [26] has improved the maximum
wavelength sensitivity to 2200 nm/RIU and amplitude sensitivity to
266 RIU−1 compare to [22]. Recently in 2018, the article [2] reported
by S. Chakma et al. have improved the maximum wavelength sensi-
tivity to 9000 nm/RIU and amplitude sensitivity to 318 RIU−1 which is
comparable with [26]. In this raised structure, it is proposed that the
maximum wavelength sensitivity and amplitude sensitivity are better
than [2]. In this raised paper, a simple square lattice PCF has been
proposed that consists of two square air hole layers and a thin layer of
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of experimental setup of the proposed PCF.
gold placed outside the PCF structure. The raised model is designed to
obtain better performance, maximum sensitivity including amplitude
sensitivity and sensor resolution. Different gold thickness, pitch, dia- B1 λ2 B λ2 B λ2
n(λ) = 1+ + 2 2 + 2 3
meter of circle and area of PML has been tested to achieve the best λ2 − C1 λ − C2 λ − C3 (1)
sensing performance for the proposed model. From the obtained ana-
lysis result, we have observed that the proposed model is capable to where n represent the refractive index of silica whose value depends on
provide better performance than the previously discuss articles. wavelength λ and the Sellmeier constants B1 = 0.69616300,
B2 = 0.407942600, B3 = 0.897479400, C1 = 0.00467914826,
C2 = 0.0135120631and C3 = 97.9340025.In our proposed design, we
2. Design and numerical method selected dg = 42 nm as optimum where dg is the fixed thickness of the
gold. In order to obtain the accurate calculation, the dielectric constant
Fig-1 shows the cross sectional view of the proposed PCF biosensor of gold is determined by the Lorenz-Drude model [28]:
based on SPR. It is a square structure with double layer and a tiny
ωD2 ∆ϵ. ΩL2
center air hole which is shown in Fig. 1(b). The common air hole of ϵAu = ϵ∝ − −
ω (ω + jγD) (ω − ΩL2) + jΓL ω
both layers is larger than the center air hole. In this proposed sensor,
the center-to-center distance between two adjacent air holes is denoted where the permittivity of gold is defined by ϵAu, ϵαϵAu=5.9673 re-
by p. The diameter of the center air hole is dc, the common air hole is d. present the high frequency dielectric constant and Δϵ = 1.09 expresses
and the thickness of the gold layer is dg. The structure of the proposed the weighted coefficient. ω denotes the optical angular frequency, ωD is
PCF can be made using stack and draw method in fiber drawing tower the Plasmon frequency, γD is the damping frequency, where ω = 2πc/
with proper temperature control. Using chemical vapor deposition λ, ωD = 4227.2π THzωD = 4227.2πTHz, γD = 31.84π
technology with pressure assisted or spray technology, the coating of THzγD = 31.84πTHzΔϵ = 1.09. The spectral width and oscillator
gold film can be attained. strengths are ΓL = 209.72π THz and ΩL = 1300.14π
Fig. 2 describes an experimental setup for our sensor. The light THzΩL = 1300.14πTHz respectively.
passes into the PCF SPR sensor through the SMF and is moderated by
the test samples in the sensing region. The moderated light is handled
3. Result analysis and discussion
by the signal processing unit. After a normalization process, the SPR
spectrum is gained.
In our proposed bio-sensor, gold is coated outside the PCF which
The base material of the designed PCF is fused silica whose material
ensures the polarization-independent propagation characteristics. The
dispersion is considered in the simulation. The refractive index of fused
fundamental operation of SPR based PCF biosensors depend on the
silica is calculated by Sellmeier Eq. [27],
reciprocal interaction between the evanescent field and surface elec-
tron. This situation occurs in the metal-dielectric interface. The SPR

Fig. 1. (a) Symmetric view of proposed PCF with parameter p = 2 μm, dc = 0.4 μm, d = 0.8 μm, dg = 42 nm. (b) Air hole arrangement view of the proposed PCF

Md. N. Hossen et al. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 21 (2018) 1–6

sensor relies also on the geometrical parameters of the PCF to perform silver, the obtained confinement loss is 203.87 dB/cm, 252.88 dB/cm
its task. The proposed sensor upholds fundamental mode and some with analyte na = 1.37 and na = 1.38 for parameters dg = 42 nm,
higher order mode also. The fundamental mode is considered for fur- dc = 0.4 μm, d = 0.8 μm, pL = 7.2 μm, p = 2.0 μm. Using gold, the
thermore investigation in this paper [29]. Here, we have designed the gained confinement loss is 309.51 dB/cm, 449.91 dB/cm with analyte
raised structure in such a way so that, the sensitivity increases through na = 1.37 and na = 1.38 for parameters dg = 42 nm, dc = 0.4 μm,
making a potential coupling between SPP mode and core guided-mode. d = 0.8 μm, pL = 7.2 μm, p = 2.0 μmas shown in Fig. 4(a). We obtained
In our proposed model we used gold as the plasmon active material maximum amplitude sensitivity 300.85 (RIU−1) and 442.11 (RIU−1)
because of its chemically active property and good ductility. for silver and gold respectively with parameters dg = 42 nm,
In the SPR based PCF, the confinement loss is an important factor to dc = 0.4 μm, d = 0.8 μm, pL = 7.2 μm, p = 2.0 μm and analy-
indicate the fiber that is calculated by the following equation [30] tena = 1.38 as shown in Fig. 4(b). Since gold provides more sensitivity
than silver thus we selected gold for furthermore analysis.
α = 8.686 × k 0. Im [neff ] × 10 4 dB/cm (3) Fig. 5 shows the confinement loss and amplitude sensitivity of
where the number of free space is denoted by k0 = 2π/λk0 = 2π/λ, proposed sensor dependent on the wavelength with different gold layer
operating wavelength is λimaginary part of the effective refractive thickness dg are 40, 42, 44 nm and analyte na = 1.37 and 1.38,
index Im(neff). dc = 0.4 μm, d = 0.8 μm. It can be seen from the confinement loss
Sensitivity is also an important issue to measure the performance of curves in Fig. 5(a) that the peak loss is 462.63 dB/cm, 309.51 dB/cm,
the sensor. Sensitivity is measured by using the following formula [5]. 273.11 dB/cm for different thickness of gold layer dg = 40 nm, 42 nm,
44 nm where the analyte na = 1.37. At analyte na = 1.38, the peak loss
Sλ nm RIU = ∆λ peak ∆na
( ) (4)
is 582.30 dB/cm, 476.07 dB/cm, 404.98 dB/cm with different gold
layer thickness dg are 40 nm, 42 nm and 44 nm, respectively. Fig. 5(b)
where ΔλpeakΔλpeak is the distinction of wavelength peak shifts and shows amplitude sensitivity with different thickness of the gold layer.
Δnaa is the difference of refractive index (RI) of the analyte. We can see that the amplitude sensitivity is 379.75RIU−1, 442.11
Using the following equation [31] we obtain the resolution of the RIU−1, 408.95 RIU−1 with different gold layer thickness dg of 42 nm,
proposed structure: 44 nm, 40 nm and the analyte na = 1.38. We obtained maximum am-
plitude sensitivity is 442.11 RIU−1with gold layer thickness dg = 42 nm
R (RIU ) = ∆na ∗ ∆λ min ∆λ peak and the analyte na = 1.38 at the wavelength 0.81 μm that is comparable
to the recent article value [2].
where, Δnaa = 0.01Δna = 0.01, Δλmin = 0.1 nmΔλmin = 0.1nm, and Fig.6 represents the confinement loss and amplitude sensitivity of
Δλpeak = 60 nmΔλpeak = 90nm. We obtained a higher value of sensor proposed sensor dependent on the wavelength with different RI of the
resolution is 1.66 × 10−5.According to the following Eq. [5] the am- analyte. It's seen from the loss curves in Fig. 6(a) that the peak loss are
plitude sensitivity can be obtained: 221.92 dB/cm, 309.51 dB/cm, 476.07 dB/cm, 359.62 dB/cm with dif-
1 ∂α(λ, na ) ferent RI of analyte na = 1.36, 1.37, 1.38, 1.39. Fig. 6(b) shows am-
SA (λ)[RIU−1] = − plitude sensitivity with different RI of the analyte. We can see that the
α(λ, na ) ∂na (6)
amplitude sensitivity are 256.38 RIU−1, 442.11 RIU−1, 206.96 RIU−1
where, α(λ, na)α(λ, na) is the propagation loss at a specific refractive with different RI of analyte na = 1.37, 1.38, 1.39. We achieved highest
index (RI) of the analyte, ∂α(λ, na)∂α(λ, na) is the difference between amplitude sensitivity is 476RIU−1 with analyte na = 1.38 and thickness
the two loss spectrum. dg = 42 nm that is comparable to the recent article value shown in
Fig. 3 shows the simulation of basic polarization and relation of Table-1.
radiation between SPP mode and core guided mode. It's seen from the Fig.7 shows the confinement loss and amplitude sensitivity of de-
Fig. 3(a) that the simulation of basic y-polarization. Fig. 3(b) shows the signed sensor dependent on the wavelength with different values of
relation of radiation between the SPP mode of y-polarization and core- pitch. It can be seen from the loss curves in Fig. 7(a) that the peak loss
guided mode. In this proposed model, we have analyzed the y-polar- are 388.82 dB/cm, 476.07 dB/cm, 169.16 dB/cm with different values
ization of the core guided mode as it has a stronger electric field than x- of pitch p = 1.50 μm, 2.00 μm, 2.50 μm at na = 1.38 and dg = 42 nm.
polarization near the metal surface. Fig.7(b) shows amplitude sensitivity with different values of pitch. The
At first, we tested our proposed structure with silver and gold. Using amplitude sensitivity is 275.63 RIU−1, 442.11 RIU−1, 314.26 RIU−1
with different values of pitch p = 1.50 μm, 2.00 μm, 2.50 μm and ana-
lyte na = 1.38. We gained maximum amplitude sensitivity is 442.11
RIU−1with the value of pitch p = 2.00 μmat the wavelength of 0.81 μm
that is comparable to the recent article value shown in Table-1.
Fig. 8 represents the confinement loss and amplitude sensitivity of
designed sensor dependent on the wavelength with different diameter
of the center air hole. Fig.8(a) shows that the peak loss are 313.58 dB/
cm, 310.59 dB/cm, 312.84 dB/cm with different diameter of center air
hole dc = 0.0 nm (missing), 0.1 nm, 0.2 nm and analyte na = 1.37. At
analyte na = 1.38,the peak loss are 478.07 dB/cm, 467.94 dB/cm,
476.07 dB/cm with different diameter of center air hole dc = 0.0 nm
(missing), 0.1 nm, 0.2 nm. Fig. 8(b) shows amplitude sensitivity with
different diameter of the center air hole. We can see that the amplitude
sensitivity is 438.50RIU−1, 442.11RIU−1, 442.10 RIU−1 with different
diameter of center air hole dc = 0.0 nm (missing), 0.1 nm, 0.2 nm and
analyte na = 1.38. We achieved maximum amplitude sensitivity is
442.11 RIU−1with diameter dc = 0.2 nm at the wavelength of 0.81 μm.
Fig. 9 shows the confinement loss and amplitude sensitivity of de-
Fig. 3. (a) Surface mode of the designed structure (b) SPP mode of the designed signed sensor with different values of the PML layer. It can be seen from
structure (c) The relation of radiation between the SPP mode and core-guided the confinement loss curves in Fig. 9(a) that the peak loss are
mode with analyte na = 1.38 and thickness dg = 42 nm. 309.46 dB/cm, 320.84 dB/cm, 315.84 dB/cm with different value of

Md. N. Hossen et al. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 21 (2018) 1–6

Fig. 4. (a) The confinement loss using silver (Ag)and gold (Au) with analyte na = 1.37 and na = 1.38. (b) Amplitude sensitivity using silver and gold with analyte
na = 1.38.

Fig. 5. (a) The confinement loss of designed sensor dependent on the wavelength with different gold layer thickness dg are 40 nm, 42 nm, 44 nm with analytes
na = 1.37 and na = 1.38. 5(b) the amplitude sensitivity as a function of wavelength with different gold layer thickness dg are 40, 42, 44 nm with analyte na = 1.38.

Fig.6. (a) The confinement loss of designed sensor dependent on the wavelength with different RI of analyte na are 1.36, 1.37, 1.38, 1.39 and thickness dg = 42 nm.
(b) The amplitude sensitivity as a function of wavelength with different RI of analyte na are 1.37, 1.38, 1.39 and thickness dg = 42 nm.

PML layer pL = 7.0 μm, 7.2 μm, 7.4 μm and analyte na = 1.37. At ana- equation is y = 4.4×-5.337. Where x is the refractive index and y is the
lyte na = 1.38,the peak loss are 475.38 dB/cm, 476.07 dB/cm, resonance wavelength.
476.44 dB/cm with different value of PML layer pL = 7.0 μm, 7.2 μm, Table 1 describes the comparison of wavelength sensitivity, ampli-
7.4 μm. Fig. 9(b) shows amplitude sensitivity with different value of tude sensitivity and sensor resolution between the proposed sensor and
PML layer. The amplitude sensitivity is almost same for all values of the existing sensors. It is clearly visualized that the proposed sensor shows
PML layer. better performance than previously proposed sensors.
Through the above analysis, we observe a linear fitting curve with
value R2 is 0.998 which provides a better linearity. The sensor quality
depends on the linearity response of regression line. Fig. 10 shows the 4. Conclusion
linearity response of the proposed sensor. The linear regression line
In summary, we design a double layer square shaped PCF biosensor

Md. N. Hossen et al. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 21 (2018) 1–6

Fig.7. (a) The confinement loss of designed sensor with different values of pitch p are 1.50 μm, 2.00 μm, 2.50 μm and analyte na = 1.38. (b) The amplitude sensitivity
as a function of wavelength with the different value of pitch p are 1.50 μm, 2.00 μm, 2.50 μm.

Fig.8. (a) The confinement loss of designed sensor with different diameter of center air hole dc is 0.0 nm (missing), 0.1 nm, 0.2 nm and analytes na = 1.37 and 1.38,
(b) the amplitude sensitivity as a function of wavelength with different diameter of center air hole dc are 0.0 nm (missing), 0.1 nm, 0.2 nm and analyte na = 1.38.

Fig. 9. (a) The confinement loss of proposed sensor with different PML layer pL is 7.0 μm, 7.2 μm, 7.4 μm and analyte na = 1.37 and na = 1.38. (b) the amplitude
sensitivity as a function of wavelength with different PML layer pL is 7.0 μm, 7.2 μm, 7.4 μm and analyte na = 1.38.

based on SPR which sensing capacity is high for the detection of un- using the amplitude integration method. What's more, this proposed
known analytes. All the structural and performance guiding parameters sensor is widely applicable to biomedical sensing.
have been optimized in order to achieve higher amplitude sensitivity.
All numerical calculations of the proposed sensor are performed with
FEM. Different confinement loss and amplitude sensitivity are also Disclosures
shown by varying the diameter of center air hole, pitch of adjacent air
hole, thickness of gold layer, and the thickness of PML layer. The am- The authors have no relevant financial interests in this article and
plitude sensitivity of the proposed sensor is 442.11 RIU−1with sensor no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
resolution 1.66 × 10−5. The wavelength sensitivity is 600 nm/RIU by

Md. N. Hossen et al. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 21 (2018) 1–6

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