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ROLL NO.3026


The sacredness of mother earth means that we should see the Earth as something special and
important, like a sacred place. Ecological unity means that everything in nature is connected and relies
on each other. For example, plants, animals, and humans all depend on a healthy environment to
survive. Interdependence of all species means that all living things, like animals and plants, need each
other to live and thrive. When one part of nature is harmed, it can affect everything else. The right to be
free from ecological destruction means that everyone should have the right to live in a clean and safe
environment without harm to nature. We should not damage or destroy the environment in a way that
hurts people or other living things.

Mutual respect means that people should treat each other with fairness and courtesy, regardless of
their background. Justice for all people means that the rules should benefit and protect everyone, not
just a select few. Free from any form of discrimination or bias means that these rules should not unfairly
favor, or harm certain groups of people based on things like their race, income, or where they live.

Ethical means doing things in a way that is morally right and doesn't harm others or the environment.
Balanced means using resources in a way that doesn't use too much or too little, finding a good middle
ground. Responsible means taking care of the land and resources so that they can continue to be used in
the future without being harmed or depleted. In the interest of a sustainable planet means doing all of
these things to make sure the Earth remains healthy and able to support not just humans but all living
beings, like animals and plants.

Environmental justice is about using land and resources in a way that is fair, morally right, and ensures
the planet can stay healthy and support all life for a long time.

Industrial by-products are things created when industries make products, and we should be protected
from the harmful effects of these by-products. Extraction, production, and disposal of toxic hazardous
wastes and poisons means we should be safeguarded from the harmful substances created when we
take things from the Earth, make products, and get rid of waste materials that are dangerous and toxic.
Threatening the fundamental right to clean air, land, water, and food means these harmful things should
not endanger our basic rights to breathe clean air, have healthy soil and water, and access safe and
nutritious food.

Environmental justice is about making sure everyone is safe from the dangerous substances created by
industries and waste disposal that could harm our right to live in a clean and healthy environment.
Political self-determination means that people have the right to make decisions about their own
government and how their community is run. Economic self-determination means that people should
have control over their economic resources and be able to make choices about their own economic
well-being. Cultural self-determination means that people have the right to preserve and practice their
own cultural traditions and beliefs. Environmental self-determination means that people have the right
to make choices about how their environment is used and protected, ensuring that their surroundings
are safe and healthy.

Environmental Justice is about recognizing and protecting the rights of all people to have a say in their
government, their economic situation, their culture, and how their environment is treated. It's about
giving communities the power to make decisions that affect their lives and their surroundings.

We should stop making harmful things like toxins, hazardous wastes, and radioactive materials. These
can be dangerous for the environment and people's health.The companies or people who have made
these harmful things in the past or are still making them should be responsible for cleaning up the mess
they've created and keeping it safe where it was made.

Need assessment - Figuring out what is needed to address environmental issues or problems.

Planning - Deciding how to solve these issues and coming up with a plan.

Implementation - Carrying out the plan and taking action to address environmental concerns.

Enforcement - Making sure that the rules and plans are followed and that everyone is treated fairly.

Evaluation - Checking to see if the actions taken are helping the environment and people.

So, environmental justice is about making sure that all people, regardless of their background, have an
equal role in deciding what needs to be done, how to do it, making sure it's enforced, and checking if it's
working well to protect the environment and people's rights.

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