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1. Which of the following has the correct entailment?

a. Bill didn’t see a person entails Bill saw a boy.
b. Bill didn’t see a boy entails Bill didn’t see a person.
c. Bill didn’t see a boy entails Bill saw a person.
d. Bill didn’t see a person entails Bill didn’t see a boy.
2 . Which of the following involves a set of things?
a. sense
b. prototype
c. reference
d. extension
3. The men John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan are related to the term President of the US as
a. Kennedy and Reagan are hyponyms of President of the US
b. Kennedy and Reagan are part of the extension of President of the US
c. Kennedy and Reagan are stereotypes of President of the US
d. Kenndy and Reagan are superordinates of President of the US
5. Which of the following expressions of the sentence The present Prime Minister of Viet Nam is
Nguyen Tan Dung DOES NOT have constant reference?
a. Nguyen Tan Dung
b. Viet Nam
c. the present Prime Minister of Viet Nam
d. a and b
6. Which of the following is NOT independent of circumstance or particular occasions or topic of
a. sense
b. variable reference
c. constant reference
d. extension
9. Which of the following expressions is proposition?
a. My sick cat that is lying on the armchair over there
b. John Lennon who was assassinated in 1980 by a madman
c. A man is walking along the street.
d. A lovely cat (not understood as an elliptical sentence)
10. Which of the following expressions of the sentence Osama bin Laden is hiding in Afghanistan is
the predicator?
a. Osama bin Laden
b. Afghanistan
c. hide
d. a and b
13. Which of the following describes the relation between (A) and (B)
(A) Fester stole 5 dollars.
(B) Fester took 5 dollars.
a. (A) and (B) are paraphrases.
b. (A) entails (B)
c. (A) and (B) same set of entailments
d. all of the above
14. Which of the following DOES NOT refer to the thing or person being talked about in the context
of the utterance?
a. variable reference
b. extension
c. reference
d. none of the above
15. Which of the following DOES NOT mentions a connection of language to the world?
a. extension
b. prototype
c. stereotype
d. all of the above
16. Which of the following has the abstract specification pertaining to a typical example?
a. extension
b. prototype
c. stereotype
d. all of the above
17. Which of the following is an example of the statement:
Some sentences which contain ambiguous words are ambiguous
a. Flying plane can be dangerous.
b. You’re so kind too me.
c. You’re that kind.
d. Visiting relatives can be boring.
19. Which of the following is correct?
a. Analyticity is a sense property of predicates
b. Contradiction is a sense relation between predicates
c. Syntheticity is a sense property of a sentence.
d. Contradiction is a sense relation between sentences
22. The expression William Shakespeare in the sentence William Shakespeare is one of the greatest
playwrights in English Literature has the constant reference because
a. it occurs in an equative sentence
b. it can be used to refer to different potential referents
c. it never refers to different things or different person
d. it is not a referring expression
23. Which of the following cases has the universe of discourse as the real world?
a. Mother to child: If you don’t behave properly, the dragon will come, boy.
b. Mother to child: Barking dog seldom bites, son.
c. Mother to child: Santa Claus will bring you a lot of toys.
d. Mother to child: Don’t follow that barking dog because he is a witchdoctor.
24. Which of the following pairs of expressions binary?
a. same - different
b. give - take
c. conceal - reveal
d. beautiful - ugly
26. Which of the following pairs are NOT gradable antonyms?
a. love - hate
b. far - near
c. cat - dog
d. easy - difficult
27. Which of the following pairs are hyponym - superordinate?
a. daisy - sun flower
b. son - father
c. give - take
d. kill - cause to die
28. Which of the following has the relation between pairs of predicates necessarily symmetric?
a. entailment
b. paraphrase
c. synonymy
d. hyponymy
29. Which of the following most appropriately DOES NOT describe the reference?
a. Reference is the relationship between certain uttered expressions and certain things in a
particular context of the utterance.
b. Reference is the relationship between utterances and the world.
c. Reference is the relationship between certain uttered expressions and things in the world.
d. Reference is the relationship between the sense properties of a predicate
31. Which of the following is a correct statement about sense?
a. The sense of an expression is its relationship to semantically equivalent or semantically related
expressions in the same language.
b. If two expressions have the same reference, they always have the same sense.
c. All words in a language may have reference, but only some words may have sense.
d. The sense of an expression is a relationship between a particular object in the world and an
32. Which of the following sentences indicating that the speaker is NOT in the hospital?
a. Please bring my son to the hospital for me.
b. Please come to the hospital with my son.
c. Please go to the hospital with me.
d. Please take me away from the hospital.
34. Which of the following helps the hearer to identify the referent of a noun phrase as the only
thing of its kind in the context of the utterance?
a. Indefinite article a + NP
b. A certain + NP
c. Definite article the + NP
d. Bare NP
35. The sentence Fred said that he would pay me on Friday is
a. lexically ambiguous
b. structurally ambiguous
c. an analytic sentence
d. all of the above
36. The predicate put used in the sentence John put the pen on the table with a smile is
a. one-place predicate
b. two place-predicate
c. three-place predicate
d. none of the above
37. Which of the following pairs has the same set of entailment?
a. John and Mary love each other.
Mary and Tom love each other
b. Visiting relatives can be boring.
It can be boring to visit relatives.
c. Bill killed Tom.
Tom died.
d. Tom loves Mary.
Mary loves Tom.
38. The pair far and near are gradable antonyms because
a. both of them can combine with very
b. both of them can combine with How (much)?
c. both of them can be used in comparison construction
d. all of the above mentioned
39. The predicates pass and fail are binary anonyms because
a. they describes the same relationship when mentioned in the opposite order
b. between them exhaust all the relevant possibilities
c. both pass and fail belong to the open-ended English achievement system
d. these two predicates are at opposite ends of a continuous scale of values

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