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Math Practice Problems -XIV

1、135+139= 2、145+337= 3、246+128=

4、238+227= 5、346+139= 6、155+249=

7、343-228= 8、273-149= 9、282-146=

10、356-297= 11、339-184= 12、276-147=

13、34×4= 14、45×5= 15、56×6=

16、67×7= 17、78×8= 18、89×9=

19、70÷5= 20、56÷4= 21、87÷3=

22、85÷5= 23、91÷7= 24、76÷4=

25. ( HS22-Q08) Ann has four pieces as shown(Shape I, II, III, IV). With these pieces she can

completely cover the shape. Where should she put the piece Shape III?

Shape I Shape II Shape III Shape IV

A. B. C. D. E.

26. (HS22-Q11) Which tile must be added to the picture so that the total light grey area is as

big as the total dark grey area?

27. (HS22-Q15) The solid in the picture was made by sticking eight equal cubes together. How

does this solid look from above?

28. (HS22-Q18) Seven children are standing in a circle. No two boys are standing next to each

other. No three girls are standing next to each other. What is the number of girls standing in

the circle?


Problem 28 Problem 29

29. (HS22-Q20) A sequence of triangles of diamonds is made. The first three stages are

shown. In each stage a line of diamonds is added. In the bottom line the outer diamonds are

white. All other diamonds in the triangle are black. How many black diamonds has the figure in

stage 6?

30. (HS22-Q21) Kangaroo Hamish bought toys and gave the shop-assistant 150 Kangcoins. He

received 20 Kangcoins back. Then he changed his mind and exchanged one of the toys for

another. He got back an additional 5 Kangcoins. What toys did Hamish leave the store with?

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