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Brain Hemorrhages 1 (2020) 59–64

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Predictors of risk of intracerebral hemorrhage after intracranial artery

intervention in intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis patients
Liang Liu a,c, Jie Li b,c, Qing-Wu Yang b,⇑
Department of Neurology, The General Hospital of Northern Theater Command, Shenyang, Liaoning, China
Department of Neurology, Xinqiao Hospital, Army Medical University, Chongqing 400037, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: To investigate the relationship between clinical characters of intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis
Received 25 December 2019 patients and occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage after intracranial artery intervention. Clinical data of
Received in revised form 29 January 2020 total 501 patients who underwent endovascular therapy for ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack
Accepted 29 January 2020
were retrospectively reviewed. Median (interquartile range, IQR) of the American Society of
Available online 15 February 2020
Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology/Society of Interventional Radiology (ASITN/SIR) collateral
score was higher in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) group (P < 0.001). Cerebral blood flow (CBF) reducing,
cerebral blood volume (CBV) reducing, time to peak (TTP) delaying and mean transit time (MTT) delaying
Intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis
Intracranial artery stenting
in the lesion side comparing the contralateral side were higher in ICH group (P = 0.018, P = 0.046,
Complication P = 0.012, P = 0.038). ASITN/SIR  2, CBF reducing  40%, CBV reducing  30%, TTP delaying  2 s,
Cerebral hemorrhage MTT delaying  1 s, infarction volume  20 mL were probably the independent predictors of ICH follow-
Risk factor ing endovascular therapy.
Ó 2020 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction we hypothesized that there might be some predictable factors in

ICAS patients were associated with intracranial hemorrhage com-
At present, the prevention and treatment of cerebral hemor- plications after endovascular therapy.
rhage after intracranial stent implantation mainly focus on inter-
ventional operation and postoperative management. Such as the
careful operation of the surgeon during the operation and postop- 2. Materials and methods
erative blood pressure control could prevent the hyperperfusion
syndrome efficiently. After the interventional operation, the spe- 2.1. Subjects
cial CT signs of the skull were obtained immediately to achieve
early detection, early identification and early treatment. And then This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Xinqiao
reduce the rate of cerebral hemorrhage complications to improve Hospital, Army Military Medical University (Third Military Medical
surgical outcomes and reduce the serious consequences of compli- University, Chongqing, China) (No. XQREC2012014H). All experi-
cations. Thus, for intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis (ICAS) mental methods were carried out in accordance with the approved
patients before intracranial stent implantation, whether there are guidelines. A total of 501 patients who received intravascular treat-
relevant predictors can predict the risk of postoperative intracere- ment for ischemic stroke or TIA at Xinqiao hospital affiliated to the
bral hemorrhage which should be explored. It has been reported Military Medical University (Third Military Medical University)
that after endovascular therapy including thrombolysis and from June 2012 to April 2017 were collected. Inclusion criteria:
thrombectomy in patients with acute ischemic stroke or transient age 18–85; Symptomatic ICAS, TIA or ischemic stroke caused by
ischemic attack, there are independent risk factors that can predict hypoperfusion of responsible blood vessels to the brain region over
the occurrence of postoperative cerebral hemorrhage.1 Therefore, 3 weeks of onset; Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) was used
to measure symptomatic intracranial disease using normal distal
vessels as a reference; The middle cerebral artery, the intracranial
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Neurology, Xinqiao Hospital, Army
segment of the vertebral artery and the basilar artery were respon-
Medical University, No. 183, Xinqiao Main Street, Shapingba District, Chongqing
400037, China. sible vessels, with a stenosis degree of 70%–100%; The hemody-
E-mail address: (Q.-W. Yang). namic lesion in the responsible artery area was examined by
Liang Liu and Jie Li contributed equally to this work. imaging within 2 weeks before surgery. At least one risk factor
2589-238X/Ó 2020 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
60 L. Liu et al. / Brain Hemorrhages 1 (2020) 59–64

for atherosclerosis (high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, released after angiography confirmed accurate placement. Angiog-
smoking, etc.); the patient or immediate family member signs raphy showed a significant improvement in stenosis after stent
the operation informed consent. These images were analyzed release, and the stent delivery system was removed. During the
intensively by three experienced doctors and agreed upon through whole operation, the amount of iodoxacol (320 mgI/mL) was
discussion when there was disagreement. Exclusion criteria: Non- 150–300 mL. Intracranial angiography can be repeated for many
atherosclerotic stenosis; Stroke symptoms not due to thromboem- times during the 15–30 min postoperative observation, and the
bolism or hemodynamic changes; Intracranial hemorrhage operation is completed if no abnormal conditions are confirmed.
occurred within 6 weeks; Patients with potential cardiac embolism Head CT examination should be performed immediately 30 min
sources; Complicated with intracranial tumors, aneurysms, cere- after stent implantation. If necessary, multiple head CT examina-
bral arteriovenous malformations; Internal carotid artery extracra- tions can be performed within 24 h. Then the patient was sent to
nial segment or vertebral artery tandem lesion, vascular stenosis ICU for close monitoring for 24 h. Systolic and diastolic blood pres-
degree  50%; Contraindications of heparin, aspirin, clopidogrel, sure should be controlled below 120 mmHg and 80mmhg. At the
anesthesia, and contrast agents; Platelet count < 100,000; The same time, the National Institute of Health stroke scale (NIHSS)
international normalized ratio (INR) > 1.5 (irreversible) and uncor- score was observed on 1, 3 and 7 days after surgery.
rectable bleeding quality; Life expectancy is less than 1 year.
2.4. Data collection and imaging examination
2.2. Preoperative evaluation and medication
Data collection and imaging examination (1) clinical data: age,
Ischemic stroke was identified by magnetic resonance diffusion gender, smoking history, previous history (hypertension, diabetes,
weighted sequence (DWI) according to the guidelines for diagnosis hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation), previous use of anticoagulant
and treatment of ischemic stroke. Due to possible vascular etiol- and antiplatelet drugs, admission NIHSS score, platelet count, LDL
ogy, the patient presented sudden focal brain or optic nerve dam- value, INR value, blood glucose value, preoperative degree of vas-
age with a duration of less than 24 h. No abnormal images were cular stenosis. (2) CT parameters: (lightspeed-16, General Electric
found in MRI, and the patient was diagnosed as TIA. During hospi- Company, USA) Iamges: 1–28, CTDlvol: 40.46 mGy, DLP:
talization, DSA or CT angiography (CTA) and CT perfusion imaging 566.46 mGy/cm, Dose Eff: 97.40%, Scan Type: Axial, Desired KV:
(CTP) were performed to assess the degree of ischemia of anterior 120, Manual mA: 220, Thickness mm: 5.0, Interval mm: 20, DFOV
or posterior intracranial circulation and intracranial circulation cm: 25.0, Window Width: 90 Hu, Window Level: 40 Hu. (3) dw-mri
reserve. Three to five days before stenting, all patients received parameters :(GE Signa EXEXITE HDxt 3.0 t) (repeat time TR/ corre-
standard drug therapy, aspirin (100 mg/d) and clopidogrel sponding time te10000/70.4 ms, field of vision 22 cm  22 cm,
(75 mg/d). If emergency surgery is required, a loading dose of matrix size 128  256, layer thickness 2 mm, interlayer thickness
300 mg clopidogrel and 300 mg aspirin can be taken. Aspirin 1.2 mm). According to the references, the calculation formula of
(100 mg/d) and clopidogrel (75 mg/d) were continued for 90 days infarct volume = 0.5  a  b  c (a is the maximum longitudinal
after surgery. At the same time, anticoagulant therapy (enoxaparin, diameter, b is the maximum transverse diameter, and c is the num-
40 mg/12 h) was continued 3–5 days after stenting. In patients ber of layers).2 (4) CTP parameter :(detector width 16 cm, thickness
with hyperlipidemia, low density lipoproteincholesterol (LDL-C) 0.5 mm; 56.0 mGy; DLP 896.3,kV 80, mA 300, FOV 220  220) CTP
was maintained below 70 mg/dL (1.81 mmol/L) or reduced LDL can quantify and effectively reflect the change of blood perfusion in
level by 50%, while stabilizing plaque and reducing inflammatory local brain tissue, and can accurately compare the region of inter-
response. Patients with new cerebral infarction and massive cere- est (ROI) of the lesion with the blood perfusion in normal brain tis-
bral infarction need at least 3 weeks to 1 month of medication sue on the other side.3 Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF): the
before stenting. volume of blood that flows through the vascular structure of brain
tissue in a given unit of time. Regional cerebral blood volume
2.3. Stent implantation (rCBV): blood volume present in the vascular structure of a certain
amount of brain tissue. Represents the blood vessel bed volume of
The surgery was performed by 3 experienced neurointerven- capillaries and large blood vessels in ROI, reflecting the dilatation
tional surgeons, each with more than 100 cases of intracranial of local blood vessels. It is related to the compensation degree of
stent implantation, and selected the most appropriate materials collateral circulation. Regional mean transit time (rMTT): when
according to their experience and relevant guidelines. For patients the blood flows through the vascular structure, including the blood
with easy passage and Mori A lesions, Apollo balloon stent was flow from the arteries to the capillaries and finally to the veins, the
selected. If the patient’s vascular path is tortuous, Mori C lesion passage time of the blood flow is also very different due to the dif-
or the diameter difference between proximal and distal lesions is ferent paths, so the mean transit time is used. So MTT is the time it
large, the Gateway balloon plus Wingspanstentsystem (Stryker, takes for contrast agents to pass through capillaries (the time it
Maple Grove, MN) is used for such patients. To avoid head move- takes for blood to flow from arteries to veins). Time to peak
ment, all operations were performed under general anesthesia. At (TTP): refers to the time from the beginning of injection of contrast
the beginning of the operation, 75 mg/kg of heparin was injected agent to the peak concentration.3 For patients with anterior circu-
intravenously, and half of the dose was given after 1 h. The femoral lation lesions who underwent MCA stent implantation, the same
artery was punctured by Seldinger method and the 6F/8F artery ROI on the left and right sides of the same layer of cerebral infarc-
sheath was placed. The 6F guide tube (Cordis Corporation, Miami, tion lesion was selected for measurement comparison and the dif-
FL) was placed into the C2 or V1 segments of the internal carotid ference between the two sides was calculated. Where, the
artery, the microguide wire was placed at the distal end of the calculation formulas of CBF and CBV = (lesion side - healthy side)/
responsible vessel, and the microcatheter was then exchanged. healthy side  100%; the calculation formula of TTP and MTT = le-
The Gateway balloon was ballooned through the stenosis segment, sion side - healthy side.4 (5) classification of collateral circulation:
the balloon was removed, the Wingspan stent was placed in the collateral circulation is one of the compensatory mechanisms of
stenosis segment of the responsible vessel, and the stent was cerebral circulation, which means that when the cerebral artery
released after angiography confirmed that the placement was supplying blood appears severe stenosis or occlusion due to vari-
accurate. Or the Apollo stent could be directly placed in the steno- ous reasons, the blood flow can reach the brain tissue in the
sis segment of the responsible vessel, and the stent could be ischemic area through other blood vessels, so that the brain tissue
L. Liu et al. / Brain Hemorrhages 1 (2020) 59–64 61

in the ischemic area can get different degrees of perfusion compen- there were statistical differences between the two groups. The
sation.5 According to the literature, there are three compensatory classified variables were expressed as frequency (percentage),
pathways for the collateral circulation of cerebral arteries, namely: and the differences were compared by Pearson Chi-Square test or
the primary collateral circulation is compensated by the blood flow Fisher’s exact test. With the occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage
of the circle of Willis; The secondary collateral circulation is com- as the dependent variable and the risk factor as the independent
pensated by the blood flow of the ophthalmic artery, the anasto- variable, multivariate binary Logistic regression analysis was con-
motic branch of the pia mater branch and the anastomotic ducted for the independent variable P < 0.05, and P < 0.05 was con-
branch between the two branches. The tertiary collateral circula- sidered as the independent risk factor for cerebral hemorrhage.
tion is compensated by the blood flow of neovascularization.5
ASITN/SIR collateral circulation grading evaluation system: grade
3. Results
0, no collateral visible in ischemic area; Level 1, slow collateral
blood flow around the ischemic area. Grade 2, fast collateral blood
3.1. Characteristics of study population
flow around the ischemic area, functional defect in the ischemic
area; at grade 3, the collateral blood flow was slow, but the venous
Among the 501 patients, CT were conducted immediately after
ischemic bed blood flow was complete after angiography. At grade
surgery and the results of CT scan indicated cerebral hemorrhage
4, complete and rapid collateral blood flow is generated through
in 19 patients, which were namely cerebral hemorrhage group,
reverse perfusion in the entire ischemic area.6 Currently, digital
among which 17 patients (89.5%) received middle cerebral artery
subtraction angiography (DSA) is considered as the gold standard
(MCA) stent placement, 1 patient (5.3%) received basilar artery
for evaluating collateral circulation.6 DSA examination can clearly
(BA) stent placement, and 1 patient (5.3%) received V4 stent place-
show the shape of each cerebrovascular, including arteries, veins
ment. The remaining 482 patients were assigned into the control
and capillaries. Therefore, DSA can accurately discover the stenosis
group. There were significant differences in the history of hyper-
or occlusion of cerebral artery, observe the anatomical structure of
tension and smoking between the cerebral hemorrhage group
various collateral circulation and the scope of compensatory blood
and the control group (P < 0.05), while there were no significant
supply. Compared with other examination methods, DSA also has
differences between the other data and the control group
obvious advantages in judging the opening degree of pia mater col-
(P > 0.05), as shown in Table 1.
lateral. In this study, DSA examination was used to observe the col-
lateral circulation of patients, and all patients were graded
according to the ASITN/SIR collateral circulation grading evaluation 3.2. Collateral circulation classification
In this study, ASITN/SIR classification was as follows (Fig. 1), in
the cerebral hemorrhage group, there were 5 cases of grade 0, 12
2.5. Statistical analyses cases of grade 1, and 2 cases of grade 2. In the control group, there
were 28 cases of grade 0, 67 cases of grade 1, 205 cases of grade 2,
Statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS 17.0 software 166 cases of grade 3, and 16 cases of grade 4. ASITN/SIR in the cere-
(SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). For continuous variables, bral hemorrhage group was 1 (0–2), and ASITN/SIR in the control
Kolmogorov-Smimov test is used to test whether they conform group was 2 (0–4). There was a significant difference between
to normal distribution. Continuous variables consistent with nor- the two groups (P < 0.001).
mal distribution were expressed as (mean ± standard deviation),
and Student’s t test was used to test whether there was statistical 3.3. CTP characteristics
difference between the two groups. Continuous variables that did
not conform to normal distribution were expressed as median The CTP assessment of perfusion is only applicable to patients
(quartile), and Mann–Whitney U test was used to test whether undergoing anterior circulation, i.e., MCA stenting. In the cerebral

Table 1
Demographic characteristics of Cerebral hemorrhage group and Control group.

Variables Cerebral hemorrhage group Control group P value

Demographic characteristics N = 19 N = 482
Age, mean (SD) 63.5 (11.2) 65.2 (13.6) 0.591
Male, number (%) 17 (89.5) 350 (72.6) 0.103
NIHSS score [M(IQR)] 4 (0–12) 2 (0–16) 0.262
Platelets (SD) 186.53 (46.33) 192.38 (55.52) 0.651
LDL (mmol/L, SD) 2.72 (0.84) 2.51 (0.83) 0.275
INR [M(IQR)] 0.94 (0.74–1.03) 0.89 (0.73–1.61) 0.533
Blood glucose (mmol/L, SD) 5.83 (2.91) 5.92 (2.68) 0.889
Infarct volume [mL, M(IQR)] 15.9 (0–33.5) 9.55 (0–40.5) 0.011
Degree of stenosis before treatment (%, SD) 87.37 (10.98) 83.31 (8.84) 0.052
Medical history number (%)
Smoking 15 (78.9) 245 (50.8) 0.016
Hypertension 18 (94.7) 302 (62.7) 0.004
Hyperlipemia 13 (68.4) 238 (49.4) 0.057
Diabetes 9 (47.4) 179 (37.1) 0.366
Atrial fibrillation 2 (10.5) 21 (4.4) 0.483
Previous use of antiplatelet drugs 6 (31.8) 86 (17.8) 0.224
Previous use of anticoagulant drugs 2 (10.5) 19 (3.9) 0.412
Stents position (%)
MCA 17 (89.50) 359 (74.5) 0.392
BA 1 (5.3) 68 (14.1) 0.392
V4 1 (5.3) 45 (9.3) 0.392
62 L. Liu et al. / Brain Hemorrhages 1 (2020) 59–64

Fig. 1. ASITN/SIR collateral circulation classification of Cerebral hemorrhage group and Control group.

hemorrhage group, the CBF in the infarcted side was 35.29% lower
Table 3
than that in the contralateral side, and in the control group, the CBF Multivariate analysis of predictors of cerebral hemorrhage after interventional
in the infarcted side was 18.52% lower than that in the contralat- therapy.
eral side (P = 0.018). In the cerebral hemorrhage group, the CBV
Risk factors Increment/category OR (95% CI) P value
of the infarcted side was 33.85% lower than that of the contralat-
eral side, and in the control group, the CBV of the infarcted side Hypertension v.s. No hypertension 1.22 (0.83–1.36) 0.742
Smoking v.s. No smoking 1.13 (0.88–1.35) 0.758
was 23.07% lower than that of the contralateral side (P = 0.046).
Infarct volume  20 mL v.s. < 20 mL 1.70 (1.25–2.69) 0.039
In the cerebral hemorrhage group, the TTP of the infarcted side ASITN/SIR  2 v.s. >3 1.97 (1.36–2.81) 0.013
was 2.1 s longer than that of the contralateral side, while in the CBV reduction  30% v.s. < 30% 2.27 (1.24–4.14) 0.008
control group, the TTP of the infarcted side was 1.3 s longer than CBF reduction  30% v.s. < 30% 1.41 (1.07–2.96) 0.083
CBF reduction  40% v.s. < 30% 2.11 (1.27–3.05) 0.027
that of the contralateral side (P = 0.012). Compared with the con-
TTP extension  2 s v.s. < 2 2.07 (1.24–3.46) 0.006
tralateral group, the MTT on the infarct side in the cerebral hemor- MTT extension  1 s v.s. < 1 1.70 (1.02–2.78) 0.039
rhage group was prolonged by 1.7 s, while the MTT on the infarct
side in the control group was prolonged by 1.0 s (P = 0.038), as
shown in Table 2.
endothelial cells of the vascular wall also cause necrosis due to
ischemia and hypoxia, leading to endothelium damage.7 Then,
3.4. Multivariate analysis of predictors of cerebral hemorrhage the larger the infarct size, the more severe the cerebral edema,
the more severe the endothelial cell damage in the capillary wall,
With the occurrence of cerebral hemorrhage as the dependent and the more severe the damage of the blood–brain barrier that
variable and the risk factor as the independent variable, multivari- damages the brain tissue. At the same time, there are reports that
ate binary Logistic regression analysis was conducted for the inde- the infarct size is positively correlated with hemorrhagic transfor-
pendent variable P < 0.05, and P < 0.05 was considered as the mation (HT).8 Therefore, in patients with larger cerebral infarction,
independent risk factor for cerebral hemorrhage. ASITN/SIR  2, the blood–brain barrier is more severely damaged, and the
CBF  40%, CBV  -30%, TTP  2 s, MTT  1 s, and infarct endothelial cell and vascular autoregulation function is more
volume  20 mL are likely to be independent risk factors for post- severely damaged in the lesion, and when the intracranial vascular
operative hemorrhagic stroke after intracranial arterial stent stent is placed, the vascular stenosis is relieved and the blood flow
implantation, as shown in Table 3. is re-exposed. Thus, the possibility of patient occurs cerebral hem-
orrhage increased significantly. In this study, the infarct volume
4. Discussion was 15.9 mL (0–33.5) in the cerebral hemorrhage group and
9.55 mL (0–40.5) in the control group. The difference between
Whether there is a correlation between the occurrence of surgi- the two groups was statistically significant (P = 0.011). In multi-
cally related cerebral hemorrhage after intracranial arterial stent variate regression analysis, infarct volume  20 mL was associated
implantation and the characteristic factors of ICAS patients, and with cerebral hemorrhage after intracranial stent placement.
whether there is a predictable factor, are the main questions dis- CT perfusion imaging was used to measure the perfusion of
cussed in this study. local brain tissue, and the hemodynamic changes in the lesion area
When cerebral infarction occurred due to stenosis or occlusion, and the contralateral normal area were compared. It is of great sig-
the endothelial cells of the vessel wall are degenerated and necro- nificance for the surgical evaluation of patients with cerebral vas-
tic due to ischemia and hypoxia, and the vascular permeability is cular stenosis before interventional therapy.6 At present, CT
abnormally increased after endothelial cell necrosis, followed by perfusion imaging is mostly used for the diagnosis of anterior cir-
capillary rupture and erythrocyte infiltration. The vascular culation ischemia, but it is rarely used in the study of posterior cir-
autoregulation function is impaired, if a large area of cerebral is culation. The commonly used indicators in clinical practice are CBF,
infarcted which can cause severe cerebral edema, then the capillar- CBV, MTT and TTP. The CBF response is the blood volume that flows
ies of the tissue surrounding the infarct are compressed, and the through a certain amount of brain tissue vascular structure per

Table 2
Comparison of the CTP between Cerebral hemorrhage group and Control group.

Variables Cerebral hemorrhage group Control group P value

Number of patients N = 17 N = 359
CBF/[mL/(min100 g), M(IQR)] 35.29% (14.29%–84.62%) 18.52% (4.20%–77.78%) 0.018
CBV/[mL/100 g, M(IQR)] –33.85% (14.29%–73.99%) –23.07% (4.07%–65.70%) 0.046
TTP/[s, M(IQR)] 2.1 (0.6–6.4) 1.3 (0.1–3.0) 0.012
MTT/[s, M(IQR)] 1.7 (0.3–3.6) 1.0 (0.1–3.6) 0.038
L. Liu et al. / Brain Hemorrhages 1 (2020) 59–64 63

unit time, and the assessment of local brain tissue perfusion is is the reserve capacity of the cerebral blood vessels.12 If the medial
more sensitive than CBV. MTT mainly reflects the time when the branch of the brain is sufficiently abundant and the cerebral vascu-
contrast agent passes through the capillaries (the time when blood lar reserve is strong enough, even a severe stenosis or occlusion of
flows from the artery to the vein). The larger the value, the worse the cerebral vessels will not cause a significant decrease in cerebral
the microcirculation. TTP refers to the time from the start of injec- perfusion pressure. The cerebral collateral circulation is one of the
tion of contrast agent to the peak concentration of contrast agent, mechanisms of cerebral circulation compensation. When the blood
and the more obvious TTP prolongation, the more serious the supply cerebral artery is severely stenosis or occlusion due to var-
hemodynamic damage of the detected brain and the slower blood ious reasons, the blood flow can reach the ischemic area of the
flow in blood vessels.9–11 The Bayliss effect means that when the brain tissue through other blood vessels, thus the ischemic brain
cerebral blood perfusion pressure fluctuates within a certain range, tissue is compensated for varying degrees of perfusion.13 The Willis
the body can maintain the relative dynamic stability of cerebral circle is the most important collateral circulation pathway in
blood flow through the compensatory expansion or contraction intracranial blood vessels, usually acting in the early stage of ische-
of small arteries and capillary smooth muscle.5 Therefore, under mia and acting as primary collateral compensatory. The Willis cir-
normal condition, the cerebral blood vessels will maintain the nor- cle connects the major aorta in the skull, allowing the left, right
mal stability of cerebral blood flow through the Bayliss effect. This anterior circulation and corresponding posterior circulation of
ability is called cerebral circulation reserve. However, when the blood flow. Usually, the anterior and posterior communicating
patient’s cerebral blood perfusion declines beyond the normal arteries in the intracranial vessels are not open, but when there
cerebral circulation reserve, cerebral infarction or TIA will occur, is severe stenosis or occlusion of the intracranial arteries, the regio-
and CTP will change accordingly. MTT and TTP are prolonged on nal cerebral blood flow is significantly reduced and the perfusion
the lesion side, CBF is significantly decreased, CBV is decreased pressure is decreased in the part of the anterior communicating
or slightly decreased. In this study, the CBF on the infarct side of artery, and the anterior communicating artery and/or the traffic
the cerebral hemorrhage group decreased by 35.29% compared artery may be open to provide compensated blood flow to the
with the contralateral side, and the infarction side CBF of the con- affected area, thereby reducing or alleviating ischemic symptoms.
trol group decreased by 18.52%. In the cerebral hemorrhage group, When the compensation of the Willis circle does not meet the cere-
the CBV of the infarct side decreased by 33.85 compared with the bral perfusion requirements, the secondary collateral circulation
contralateral side, and the infarct side CBV of the control group compensation pathway will work. Secondary collateral circulation
decreased by 23.07%. The TTP in the infarct side of the cerebral compensation has two pathways, including the ophthalmic artery
hemorrhage group was longer than the contralateral side by and the pia mater artery. If the internal carotid artery shows
2.1 s, and the infarct TTP in the control group was extended by chronic severe stenosis or occlusion before the ophthalmic artery
1.3 s compared with the contralateral side. The MTT in the is emitted, the blood flow of the external carotid artery will be sup-
infarcted side of the cerebral hemorrhage group was 1.7 s longer plied to the internal carotid artery through the ophthalmary artery,
than the contralateral side. In the control group, the MTT of the so the ophthalmic artery mainly communicates with the internal
infarct side was extended by 1.0 s compared with the contralateral carotid artery system and the external carotid artery system.
side. When the patient’s responsible vessel is severely stenotic or Another route of secondary collateral circulation compensation is
occluded, the blood flow supplied will be severely limited. In order the pial-macular anastomosis, in which the distal end of the cere-
to maintain the cerebral blood volume at normal levels, the blood bral cortical branch forms a broad network of vascular networks in
vessels will be dilated as much as possible. When the blood vessels the pia mater. When the secondary compensation still cannot meet
expand to the limit, the autoregulation of the blood vessels is the cerebral perfusion supply demand, the new blood vessels
impaired, and cerebral blood flow can only be directly dependent become the final collateral compensatory pathway, that is, the ter-
on systemic blood pressure. Therefore, after the intracranial vascu- tiary collateral circulation compensation.13 At present, the collat-
lar stent placement, the stenosis is relieved and the blood vessels eral circulation of the brain has become a hot topic. The clinical
are recanalized. Besides, a large amount of blood is poured into significance of the collateral circulation is known as follows: pro-
the distal end of the blood vessel, and the rapid increase of cerebral longing the time window of endovascular treatment,13 predicting
blood flow and the damage of the blood vessel autoregulation the efficacy of endovascular treatment,14 reducing intravascular
function are easy to cause blood–brain barrier destruction and Treatment of hemorrhagic transformation risk,15 predictors of arte-
cerebral hemorrhage. Therefore, in this study, the cerebral perfu- rial thrombolysis and hemorrhage, 16 predicting clinical and imag-
sion of the lesion side of the hemorrhage group is larger than that ing outcomes in stroke patients,17 and changing stroke risk in
of the normal contralateral cerebral perfusion. Therefore, after the patients with intracranial stenosis.18
intracranial stent placement, the vascular stenosis is relieved and According to the ASINT/SIR collateral circulation grading evalu-
the blood flow is recanalized. Then the cerebral perfusion changes ation system, the collateral circulation can be divided into 0–4
are more likely to occur intracerebral hemorrhage. In this study, grades: 0, no collaterals can be seen in the ischemic area; 1st grade,
multivariate binary logistic regression analysis showed that CBF there is slow collateral blood flow around the ischemic area; There
decreased  -40%, CBV decreased  -30%, TTP prolonged  2 s, is rapid collateral blood flow around the ischemic area, and there is
MTT prolonged  1 s was associated with cerebral hemorrhage functional defect in the ischemic area; grade 3, collateral blood
after intracranial stenting. flow is slow, but venous ischemic blood flow is complete after
Both collateral circulation and cerebral perfusion CT reflect angiography; grade 4, the entire ischemic area exists Complete
cerebral blood perfusion. CTP reflects the blood–brain perfusion and rapid collateral blood flow produced by reverse perfusion.6
of regional brain tissue and is more commonly used in the evalua- Patients with poor collateral circulation are more likely to have
tion of anterior circulation perfusion. The collateral circulation of ischemic stroke or TIA when the cerebral vascular stenosis or
the brain reflects the cerebral circulation reserve capacity of the occlusion is severe. Meanwhile, patients with poor collateral circu-
whole brain, including the anterior and posterior circulation. When lation after intracranial vascular stent placement, a large amount of
a hemodynamic disorder caused by cerebral vascular stenosis or blood flow increased suddenly, and the cerebral blood vessels
occlusion occurs, it causes a decrease in cerebral perfusion pres- damaged by the self-regulating mechanism could not contract
sure. In addition to the degree of vascular stenosis, the reduction accordingly, resulting in hyperperfusion of the ipsilateral brain tis-
of cerebral perfusion pressure depends on two other aspects, one sue, which in turn induced cerebral hemorrhage.19 The median
is the condition of the medial branch of the brain, and the other ASITN/SIR was 1 (0–2) in the cerebral hemorrhage group, and the
64 L. Liu et al. / Brain Hemorrhages 1 (2020) 59–64

median ASITN/SIR was 2 (0–4) in the control group. There was a Declaration of Competing Interest
significant difference between the two groups. The results of this
study validate the results of previous literature studies. The lower The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
the cerebral collateral circulation, the higher the risk of cerebral cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
hemorrhage after intracranial stent implantation, and vice versa. to influence the work reported in this paper.
In this study, multivariate regression analysis of ASITN/SIR  2
was associated with cerebral hemorrhage after intracranial
stenting. References
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