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By: Nada kamal
Make the team members more
committed and work as hard as they
can with love and not through force.
try to achieve goals for each one and
teach them all the skills they will
need during the season
The first thing to do is to set appointments and try to
meet all people without being absent , to avoid the
problem of not responding to hrs, we will leave this
table as a task for everyone in the team, even the
board, and the hr is the only one that will have access
on the sheet and set the meeting time depending on
the day that he will be informed
Black point

We will create a new system called black point

Every 3 black pionts will equal a warning.
It will be on items that do not reduce evaluation,
such as a delay in responding or not filling the form.
Training need analysis

We need, in each committee, to

determine the required skills and teach
the hrs how they can measure them for
each member, and the skill we find most
need to teach through a speaker, give
them this course.
Education system

For HRS, we must provide them with courses and training

to improve their competencies, such as Excel, How to make

-Monthly feedback from members about the

meeting, the director and his explanation and HR’s
approach to them , does HRS help them or not?

-As well as from the director and hrs about the

members’ behavior and degree of competence

In order to encourage them to work more, we need to

encourage them with things they need, such as summer
trainings and internships with a company we are
affiliated with, and job opportunities for graduates, this
will be for the members who have highest evaluation.
Achieving goals
In order for us to be able to decide whether
we are successful or not, we must know that
each person who entered Enactus reached
the goal of participating for it or not.
We can know this by knowing each person’s
goal, and we work throughout the season to
try to achieve it or reach it

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