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Name (I am filling this out based on my experiences with and knowledge of) : ________________________________

Johari Window Adjective List

Instructions: I am using this exercise to learn more about myself and how other people see me. Please review the following list
of adjectives and choose up to 6 that best describe me. You can return the sheet to me without your name, so you can feel free
to be as honest and candid as possible. I really value your feedback and will use it to better myself!

 aggressive  jealous  rejecting

 ambitious  kind  relaxed
 annoying  lazy  religious
 anxious  lively  resentful
 authoritative  logical  reserved
 bitter  malicious  respectful
 calm  manipulative  responsible
 carefree  maternal  sarcastic
 careless  mature  satisfied
 caring  modest  scientific
 cheerful  naïve  self-accepting
 clever  negative  self- conscious
 cold  nervous  selfish
 confident  neurotic  sensible
 cranky  noisy  sensitive
 critical  normal  sentimental
 cynical  objective  serious
 demanding  oblivious  silly
 dependable  observant  skilful
 disciplined  obsessive  sociable
 dogged  organised  stable
 domineering  overburdened  strained
 dreamy  over confident  strong
 dutiful  paternal  stubborn
 efficient  patient  sympathetic
 energetic  perceptive  tactful
 extroverted  perfectionist  temperamental
 fair  persuasive  tenacious
 flexible  passive  tense
 flirtatious  pleasant  thoughtful
 fussy  powerful  tough
 greedy  precise  trusting
 giving  pretending  trustworthy
 guilty  progressive  unassuming
 happy  protective  uncertain
 hard  proud  unconcerned
 helpful  questioning  understanding
 imaginative  quiet  unreasonable
 immature  rational  vain
 inconsiderate  reactionary  vulnerable
 independent  realistic  warm
 intelligent  reasonable  wilful
 introverted  reassuring  wise
 irresponsible  rebellious  witty
 irritable  regretful  worried

Adapted from Andrew DuBrin in his book, Essentials of Management (1990)

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