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The Competency based education (CBE) approach allows students to
advance based on their ability to master skill or competency at their own pace
regardless of environment. This method is tailored to meet different learning abilities
and can lead to more efficient student -outcomes

Competency based education is an approach to education that focuses on the
student’s demonstration of desired learning outcomes as central to the learning
Competency based education is defined as an instructional system in which a
performance-based learning process is used. The learner demonstrates their level of
attainment on subject-area

A general conceptualization of competency based learning describes this
education as an on-going sequence of particular interactions that are systematically
designed to approach and appropriate performance standards.

Essential elements of CBE

ADOPTION of a set of specific skills (competencies) as a framework for education in
a field of practice.
APPLYING the competencies to individual student learning goals.
ASSESSMENT of student skill level at the beginning of training and upon
completion, using the identified set of competencies

• Large skill sets are broken down into competencies, which may have
sequential levels of mastery.
• Competencies reinforce one another from basic to advance as learning
progresses; the impact of increasing competencies is synergistic, and the
whole is greater than the sum of parts.
Competencies within different contexts may require different bundles of skills,
knowledge and attitudes. In essence, CBE is a process, not a product
Purposes of CBE
• Measure student learning rather than time.
• Harness the power of technology for teaching and learning
• Fundamentally change the faculty role.
• Define competencies and develop valid, reliable assessments.

Characteristics of CBE
• Competencies are carefully selected.
• Supporting theory is integrated with skill practice. Essential knowledge is
learned to support the performance of skills.
• Participants’ knowledge and skills are assessed as they enter the program.
• Learning should be self-paced.
• Flexible training approaches including large group methods, small group
activities and individual study are essential components.
• Satisfactory completion of training is based on achievement of all specified

Modes of CBE
• Downloadable mode empowers to offer education in a dynamic form to
students. Students can access lessons, assignments and submit their scripts
online. They can download their lesson notes and access archived lessons,
tutorial sessions, lectures etc.


• Students will be able to only read the course concepts. Downloading or
interaction is unavailable.

• The interactive learning provides an environment for students to talk and
discuss freely about any related topics online. There are two ways of
1. X Chart
2. Mailing Group
• Client server model that works with internet relay chat server protocol. It
allows servers to connect to each other effectively forming a network.
• Protocol is used by servers to talk to each other.
• Instructor and participants can talk with each other and discuss on related
topic for stipulated time given by the instructor.

• Participants can become member of mailing group by registering their names
in their group.
• Once approved by the instructor, participants can post their questions to this
group ID.
• This way course instructor or any other participant can reply to questions that
will be read by all the members in that group including the instructor.

Implementation phase
Stage 1
• Determine policy for integrating competencies in Learning and Development.
• Design or acquire tools to support assessment and personalized,
competency-based learning Build/buy/curate learning activities to that
correspond to each task and behaviour in the competency model.
• Ensure these also include informal learning resources, such as skill practices
or activities, job aids, checklists, templates, performance support tutorials, as
well as the opportunity to work with others for collaborative learning. This
facilitates learning in the flow of work.
• Create a plan for introduction, embedding, and sustaining the program.
• Have people assess, be recommended personalized competency-based
learning, and create their development plans. Engage managers or multi-
raters to participate if relevant.

Stage 2
• Use aggregated assessment results and development plan selections to
identify organizational skill gaps and needs assessment.
• Engage leaders in results regularly so they understand how skill gaps impact
their ability to achieve corporate strategy, and how strong organizational
capability can be leveraged for competitive advantage.
• Continue emphasis through communication and change management on
creating a habit of learning, so development activity continues.
• Identify new learning opportunities, including those that need to be created to
support gaps, or activities to replace those with lower than desired user
• Ensure periodic reassessments occur; measure the impact of competency-
based skill development over time.
• Make regular improvements in communication.
• At least annually, revisit the competency model and competency-based
learning recommendations to ensure currency.

Strengths of CBE
• Flexible
• Personalized
• Skill-based
• Affordable
• Participants achieve competencies required in the performance of their jobs.
• Participants build confidence as they succeed in mastering specific
• Self-Spacing: Participants can move quickly through material they know or
take more time if they need it.
• It enables the learners with work or family commitments to study at their own
• It meets the needs of business and profession; students are either already
working and receive advancement within the company, or if unemployed are
more likely to be employed once qualified.
• For some students, it speeds up time to completion of a qualification by
enabling prior learning.
• Students get individual support and help from their mentors.
Weakness of CBE
• It focuses on immediate employer needs and is less focused on preparing
learners with the flexibility needed for a more uncertain future.
• It does not suit subject areas where it is difficult to prescribe specific
competencies or where new skills and new knowledge need to be rapidly
• It ignores the importance of social learning.
• It will not fit for the learning styles of many students.
• Competency based education is relatively new approach to learning design
which is providing increasingly popular suits certain kinds of learners such as
adult learners seeking to re skill.
• It does not suit though all kinds of learners and may be limited in developing
higher level, more abstract knowledge and skills requiring creativity, high level
problem solving, decision making and critical thinking.

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