BacktoSchoolWelcomeLetterfromTeachertoParentsNOTEDITABLE-1 (1)

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Dear Parents, August 26, 2013

I would like to extend an official welcome to each family represented in our class. I am very excited to
have the opportunity to influence your child this year. To make the year a successful one, I hope that
each of us (parents, teacher, and student) can work together as a team. You are always encouraged to
share in your child’s education. The following information will help answer some of the questions you
may have at this time. I will schedule conferences later this month and in September to address
remaining questions and discuss goals.

Behavior System
It is important we maintain a positive environment in which all children feel safe to communicate,
collaborate, and learn. We will use the BOBCATS (Behaviors Of the Best Children At This School)
matrix as well as our classroom’s Social Contract to reinforce respectful, responsible, caring, and honest
behavior. We will also recite our Character Commitment each morning and comply with our district’s
Capturing Kids’ Hearts initiative by sharing good news at the beginning of the week. We will have a
Classroom Meeting each Thursday as per the new Olweus Bullying Prevention Program initiative to
discuss areas of social concern. In addition, our behavior chart will play a big role in our classroom.
Students will start at “Great” every morning. They have the opportunity to move to “Super” and “Model
Student,” but may also move to “Slow Down” and “Stop, Think” if necessary. Rewards include a treat at
the end of the week provided by monthly parent donations and/or name entered into semester drawings.
Consequences include walking recess, silent lunch, parent/guardian contact, removal from classroom,
and office referral. Students will learn classroom expectations at the beginning of the year. Penalties for
failing to meet these expectations will be applied fairly but consistently. You may track your child’s
behavior by reviewing his/her planner nightly.

Students are expected to complete their homework and get their Reading Log and planner initialed
nightly. Homework typically includes 30 minutes reading, a Math workbook page, and a Spelling
assignment. Every morning, I will check to see if your child’s Reading Log has been initialed. We will
review Math homework during Math so students receive immediate feedback. Students will practice
responsibility by submitting their Spelling assignments (three assignments of their choice AND a
practice Spelling test) stapled to their Tic-Tac-Toe to our Homework Bin every Wednesday. We will have
Spelling tests each Wednesday and students will receive new lists each Thursday. Homework will be
assigned Monday through Friday nights. Students should not spend more than approximately 1 hr. 30
mins. to complete it. You will be notified with a pink slip if your child does not submit his/her homework
when it is due.

Friday Folder
Your child’s graded classwork/homework will be sent home at the end of each week in his/her Friday
Folder. Review and discuss these items with your child each weekend. The signature sheet located in
the left-hand pocket of the folder must be signed and returned to school on Mondays. Teacher
comments will be provided on an as-needed basis.

Student-designed newsletters will be sent home once per month. These newsletters will be located
within your child’s Friday Folder and will highlight the Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, and
Health content we are currently learning.

Progress Reports
You will receive a progress report which details your child’s development in all subjects every third and
sixth weeks of each nine-week grading period. Progress reports should be signed and returned
promptly. Extra credit will be offered to students throughout the year. If completed successfully, these
assignments will replace your child’s lowest grade in the subject I specify. Participation grades will also
improve your child’s overall grades. Visit our classroom website for extra credit offerings: Graded subjects include: Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies,
Language Arts (Spelling), and Health.

The following items will determine your child’s grades.
 Tests and quizzes (given periodically)
 Classwork
 Homework
 Participation
 Projects

Parents are asked for their help in ensuring students maintain good attendance and limit tardiness if
possible. Early removal from the classroom due to family visits, holidays, etc. is kindly discouraged in
consideration of maintaining an orderly classroom free from disruptions.

Students may bring a snack to school to consume during Math. Preferred snacks include those which
are healthy and do not require a spoon. Students may keep a water bottle at their desk, but should not
bring Nalgene bottles or other stainless steel containers. Candy is not allowed and will be confiscated.
Students may not trade or share snacks. **Remember: Our classroom is peanut-free!

Our lunch time is 11:40-12:10. You are welcome to visit and eat with your child. No fast food may be
eaten in our cafeteria, but you may eat it in the mall area or on the outside picnic tables by the parking
lot. As always, please enter the school through the office to sign in prior to your visit.

Class Schedule
8:15-8:40 Morning Work
8:45-10:25 Specials
10:30-11:00 Math
11:00-12:00 Small Reading Groups
12:00-12:30 Recess
12:40-1:20 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Reading integrated with Science/Social Studies/Health
2:30-2:50 MIRP (Monitored Independent Reading Practice)
2:55 Dismissal

Monday: Art (TENTATIVE: Mileage Club scheduled for afternoon; students should wear tennis
shoes and dress accordingly)
Tuesday: P.E. (students should wear tennis shoes and dress accordingly)
Wednesday: Media
Thursday: Library Check-out/Classroom Meeting
Friday: Music

I look forward to working with you and your child this year. Please feel free to contact me with any
questions/concerns which may develop. I can be contacted by e-mail at
most easily, but can also be reached by phone in my classroom at 828-327-3491 ext. 211. You may
send a note to school with your child and I will respond as promptly as possible as well. Thank you!

Emily LaFontaine

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