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An inspirational description of what an organization would like
to achieve or accomplish in the mid-term or long-term future. It is intended to serves as
a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action. See also mission
A study by Bain and Company indicated that organizations that have clearly
defined Vision and Mission statements that are aligned with a strategic plan outperform
those who do not.
A Vision Statement:
 Defines the optimal desired future state - the mental picture - of what an
organization wants to achieve over time;
 Provides guidance and inspiration as to what an organization is focused on
achieving in five, ten, or more years;
 Functions as the "north star" - it is what all employees understand their work
every day ultimately contributes towards accomplishing over the long term; and,
 Is written succinctly in an inspirational manner that makes it easy for all
employees to repeat it at any given time.
Hospital word has been derived from the latin word ‘HOSPES’ as we
know, which means ‘a host or guest’ or ‘hotel’, hostel. Some also believe that the
origin of the hospital from the word ‘HOSPITUM’ a rest house for travelers or
night shelter showing ‘hospitality’ to the guests.
“Hospital is a social organization and logical combination of the activities
of a number of persons with different level of knowledge and skills for achieving a
common goal of patient care through a hierarchy of authority and responsibility. “

Features of an effective vision statement include:

 Clarity and lack of ambiguity

 Paint a vivid and clear picture, not ambiguous
 Describing a bright future (hope)
 Memorable and engaging expression
 Realistic aspirations, achievable
 Alignment with organizational values and culture
 Time bound if it talks of achieving any goal or objective

Examples of effective Vision statements include:

Alzheimer's Association: "Our Vision is a world without Alzheimer's disease."

Avon: "To be the company that best understands and satisfies the product,
service and self-fulfillment needs of women - globally."
Norfolk Southern: "Be the safest, most customer-focused and successful
transportation company in the world."
Microsoft: "Empower people through great software anytime, anyplace, and on
any device."
Reston Association: "Leading the model community where all can live, work, and

The term mission and purpose are often used interchangeably though
these terms have different concepts. The word mission dates from 1598, originally of
Jesuits sending (mission, Latin for act of sending) members abroad. In organizational
context, a mission statement is a formal short, written statement of the purpose of the
organization. It helps the organization to link its activities to the needs of the society
and legitimize its existence. Whereas, purpose relates to that segment of society to
which it serves.
Mission of the organization says that what it can do for the country while
purpose suggests how this contribution can be made. The term mission is the
highest-level description of why the organization exists and what it aims to achieve.
It may also describe the main means by which the organization aims to achieve the
mission. The mission or the purpose identifies the basic function or the task of an
enterprise or any part of it.
Mission statements attempt to answer the question. What are we in the
organization for? or why we exist? They are general and comprehensive
philosophies for organizational existence, which cooperates particular values.
For example:
Mission of nursing organization can be “our mission is to provide high quality
patient care based on our strong commitments to practice, education, research,
innovation and collaboration”. Mission statement provide s information and
inspiration that clearly defines and explicit outline the way to ahead for the
organization. Mission defines the fundamental purpose of an organization and
describes why it exists and what it exists and what it does to achieve its vision.
A mission statement needs to communicate the essence of organization to
stakeholders and public. It includes what the organization exist to do. It informs
the desired level of performance. While developing organizational mission
statement it should address the following questions:
 What is the problem or need your organization is trying to address?
 What makes your organization unique?

 Who are the beneficiaries of your work?


Purpose statement:
The purpose statement clearly states what the organization seeks to
accomplish, why does organization exist? What is the ultimate result of work? In
defining purpose it is essential to focus on outcome and results rather than methods.
How is the world going to be different? What is going to change? Thus the purpose
of a mental health counseling agency would never be simply to provide counseling
services, for that is describing a method rather than a result.
The business or activities statement
This statement outlines the business the organization chooses in order to pursue
its purpose.
Values are beliefs that the members of organizations hold in common and
endeavor to put into practice. The value guide organizational members in performing
their work. Specifically, questions asked what are the basic beliefs that we share as
an organization? Examples of values include: a commitment to excellent services,
innovation, diversity, creativity, honesty, integrity so on.


According to Bart, the following are the essential dimensions of mission statement,
 Key values and beliefs
 Distinctive competence
 Desired competitive positions
 Competitive strategy
 Compelling goals
 Specific client served and product or services offered.
 Concern for satisfying multiple stakeholders.




Mission are concerned with what an organization exists to achieve mission statement
should be,
 Short – no more than one or two sentences
 Inspiring – to call people for action
 Durable – designed to last for five or more years.
 Distinctive – uniquely describing one organizational purpose.
 Specific – establishing precisely what the organization wants to achieve.
 Credible – so stakeholders can believe it
 Alive – so everyone knows what it is.
 Clear – both in terms of intensions and words used.
 Feasible- neither too high to be achievable, nor too low.
 Precise and self-explanatory – neither too narrow so as to restrict the
organizational activities, nor too broad.
 Unambiguous
 Written form and personnel working should be aware of it.
 Dynamic, giving action and strength of evolving statement of philosophy and
 Statement of ethics, principles and standards should includes in the mission.
 Expresses the organizational values and vision.
 Delineates organizational uniqueness.
 It should guide the actions of the organization, frame its overall goal provide a
sense of direction, and guide decision making.
 Framework to formulate organizational strategies.
 Drive an organization forward.
In nursing, the mission describes what it should be and what it will be. Let us
consider that one of the purposes of nursing is to provide care for the patients. This can
include promotion of self-care concept. Therefore, the statement should include the
definition of nursing as well that of self-care.
The mission of nursing is “to be a leader in providing compassionate quality care
focusing on the unique needs of patients and their families”.
 Defines the present state or purpose of an organization;
 Answers three questions about why an organization exists -
 WHAT it does;
WHO it does it for; and
HOW it does what it does.
 Is written succinctly in the form of a sentence or two, but for a shorter timeframe
(one to three years) than a Vision statement; and,

 Is something that all employees should be able to articulate upon request.
Some businesses may refine their Mission statement based on changing economic
realities or unexpected responses from consumers. For example, some companies are
launched to provide specific products or services; yet, they may realize that changing
WHAT they do, or WHO they do it for, or HOW they do what they do, will enable them to
grow the business faster and more successfully. Understanding the Mission gives
employees a better perspective on how their job contributes to achieving it, which can
increase engagement, retention, and productivity.
Having a clearly defined Mission statement also helps employees better
understand things like company-wide decisions, organizational changes, and resource
allocation, thereby lessening resistance and workplace conflicts.
In addition to other benefits, a clear Vision and Mission statement can:
 Strengthen culture through a unified sense of purpose;
 Improve decision-making with clarity about "big picture;" and,
 Enhance cross-functional relationships through a shared understanding of
 Organizations summarize their goals and objectives in mission and vision
statements. Both of these serve different purposes for a company but are often
confused with each other. While a mission statement describes what a
company wants to do now, a vision statement outlines what a company wants
to be in the future.
 The Mission Statement concentrates on the present; it defines the customer(s),
critical processes and it informs you about the desired level of performance.
 The Vision Statement focuses on the future; it is a source of inspiration and
motivation. Often it describes not just the future of the organization but the
future of the industry or society in which the organization hopes to effect

What to Include in a Mission Statement?

When developing a mission statement, it should be seen that the following questions
are answered:
 What do we do today?
 For whom do we do it?
 What is the benefit?

Features of an effective mission statement are:

 Purpose and values of the organization
 What business the organization wants to be in (products or services,
market) or who are the organization's primary "clients" (stakeholders)
 What are the responsibilities of the organization towards these "clients"

 What are the main objectives that support the company in accomplishing
its mission


Mission Statement Vision Statement

About A Mission statement talks about A Vision statement
HOW you will get to where you outlines WHERE you
want to be. Defines the purpose want to be.
and primary objectives related to Communicates both the
your customer needs and team purpose and values of
values. your business.
Answer It answers the question, “What do It answers the question,
we do? What makes us “Where do we aim to
different?” be?”
Time A mission statement talks about the A vision statement talks
present leading to its future. about your future.

Function It lists where you see

It lists the broad goals for which the yourself some years
organization is formed. Its prime from now. It inspires
function is internal; to define the you to give your best. It
key measure or measures of the shapes your
organization's success and its understanding of why
prime audience is the leadership, you are working here.
team and stockholders.
Change As your organization
Your mission statement may evolves, you might feel
change, but it should still tie back tempted to change your
to your core values, customer vision. However,
needs and vision. mission or vision
statements explain your
foundation, so change
should be kept to a
Developing What do we do today? For whom do Where do we want to
a we do it? What is the benefit? In be going forward?
statement other words, Why we do what we When do we want to
do? What, For Whom and Why? reach that stage? How

do we want to do it?
Features of Clarity and lack of
an effective Purpose and values of the ambiguity: Describing a
statement organization: Who are the bright future (hope);
organization's primary "clients" Memorable and
(stakeholders)? What are the engaging expression;
responsibilities of the realistic aspirations,
organization towards the clients? achievable; alignment
with organizational
values and culture.


Vinayaka Missions University Salem
To prepare competent, dedicated and skilled nurses for the society and the nation.
“Our mission is to provide high quality health care to patients and
upgrading the quality of medical practice and education in the hospital”.
The important objectives of hospital are,
 To provide effective tertiary care to all sections of the public by making
available the modern medical techniques and technologies in hospitals.
 To provide high quality health care to the patients confirming to scientific and
ethical standards.
 To provide research relevant to human development and quality of life
 To increase the access and utilization of health services, particularly among
the unreached and underserved population
 To design and implement the effective interventions in the area of Maternal
and Child Health to reduce IMR and MMR to the expected levels
 To Implement schemes for prevention and control of communicable diseases
and non-communicable diseases with special focus on newly emerging vector
borne diseases and life style diseases
 To create awareness and to ensure timely availability of accident and trauma
care services to reduce morbidity and mortality.
 To provide an ideal environment for medical education and research.

So far, we have discussed about the mission and vision of the hospital. Mission
statement is the starting point of an organization’s strategic planning and goal setting
process. They focus attention and assure that internal and external stakeholders
understand what the organization is attempting to accomplish. Mission statement
provides the information and inspiration that clearly and explicitly outline the way ahead
for the organization. They provide vision, organizational purpose moves and guide the
organization towards a perceived goal.
The employees who participate in developing the vision statement beliefs in
their own abilities and are more committed to organization than employees who do not
participate. Vision values, mission or purpose statement are meaningful only they
creators, it follows the ethnic population are considered developing vision and value
statements for nursing entities. Nursing education teaches the meaning of value such
as tolerance and compromise. Examples are the values are informality, creativity,
honesty, courtesy and caring. In addition, I would like to thank our faculty for giving me
the opportunity of gathering the Vision and Mission of Vinayaka Missions University

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