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Title: Cyberthreats to the Automotive Industry: A must-win race for the sector

As soon as a system is connected to the internet, it becomes a potential target for attacks. From
small companies to fortune 500s and top influencers, we’ve seen numerous reports of data
being stolen by hackers. Cybersecurity threats and attacks are also becoming a concern for the
automotive sector. There are predictions that by 2030, there will be 125 million E.V.s on the
road. With the rise in digitization, a large number of these vehicles will be connected to the
internet. Automotive companies must implement adequate cybersecurity protections as vehicles
become more connected and autonomous. We are a premier automotive industry solutions
provider. Hence we understand cyber threats that pose a grave risk to the sector. Let's discuss
this in detail.

Automotives are especially vulnerable to cyber threats.

The automobile industry is one of the most innovative sectors in the world. Cars used to just be
driven by a wheel and an engine. Now they're essentially a data network on wheels, with many
more connection points to hack than ever before. However, this also comes with new
vulnerabilities and greater responsibility for safety. Connected, electric and fully autonomous
vehicles bring with them a new range of cyber threats that should be considered.

Smart vehicles
Smart-connected vehicles are especially vulnerable to cyberattacks. Cybercriminals can hijack
Electronic Control Units (ECU) to bring about a number of safety hazards, like rudderless
driving, unintended braking and unauthorized airbag opening.

Electric vehicles are great for the environment, but their electrical insides are vulnerable to
hacks. It's the battery packs, commercial chargers and wired-in network that are the main cause
for concern. When hackers target these vulnerabilities, they can

● decrease the battery life of an electric car to half.

● jam the vehicle's control systems while charging at a public station.
● gain control over systems through the net.

These are just some of the things that hackers can do in electric vehicles.

Autonomous vehicles
Technology is evolving, and with it, so are attacks on vehicles. As a result, autonomous vehicles
are vulnerable to attacks such as being hacked by hackers or disrupted by DDoS attacks.
Automotive digital systems are ripe for exploitation by hackers. Machine learning and A.I.
methods create new vulnerabilities that lead to more opportunities for hackers.
Common types of automotive cyber attacks
All this connected technology has vastly improved vehicle tech. A potential downside to this is
that cyber-criminals will have a lot more access to sensitive information.

Hackers can now launch attacks online on your vehicle and cause problems like poor
performance, reliability and safety. The following are the most common types of automotive
cyber-attacks that the automotive industry faces today.

Hacked airbag deployment

An airbag can be deployed without prior warning and may cause injury to the car's occupants or
a collision with another vehicle.

Remote unintended braking

Hackers can remotely activate braking systems on cars or trucks. This causes the driver to lose

Sudden uncontrolled vehicle acceleration

Hackers can control the speed of the vehicle and cause the driver to lose control.

Unauthorized navigation system access

When malware is inserted into a vehicle's GPS system, it can lead to a sense of confusion for
the driver.

Vehicle lock-out

New hacking methods are forcing car owners to get locked out of their vehicles. The hackers
then demand a ransom payment to unlock these vehicles.

With all of these new attacks, there is a critical concern for the safety of drivers and highways.
For a lot of people, cars are like their second home. Almost all people find driving to be an
enjoyable experience. Hackers can spoil this experience.

The Impact on Automobile Companies

Millions of vehicles across many car manufacturers have been recalled in the last decade over
security vulnerability issues. Manufacturers are often unsure of how to respond to these new
cybersecurity challenges. Automotive security often takes a back seat when companies focus
on developing connected products and systems. This leaves automotive OEMs exposed to
various risks. We have detailed the impact of cyber threats on automotive companies.
Increased legal exposure

OEMs are at high risk of being subject to crippling legal actions in the event an attacker causes
injury or death by hacking into their products.

Loss of consumer confidence

Every time there is a cyber breach, consumers become more wary about the safety of their

Reduction in sales revenue

If a high-impact cyber-attack hits the automotive OEM chain, it can have a big impact on sales

Steps to take to ensure robust cybersecurity for automotive

One can take the following steps to improve the cyber protection of automobiles.

Use the latest security protocols

Updating and upgrading your data security protocols will increase automotive cybersecurity. A
great way to improve your security is by following basic measures such as generating strong
passwords, encrypting all sensitive data, implementing multi-factor authentication and updating
systems. One of the best ways for the automotive industry to protect against cyberattacks is
through thorough preparedness. It's important for employees and customers to not only know
what may harm them but also how to identify it.

Secure interfaces to the outside world

Vehicle communication interfaces like Bluetooth connect the car with the outside environment.
To ensure optimum automotive cybersecurity, these interfaces need to be as secure as
possible. To make sure it's safe, the vehicle will only communicate with known and trusted
entities. Strong authentication and encryption are necessary to protect the data that is being
shared by the vehicle.

The automotive industry is constantly at risk of cyberattacks. Safety for vehicles and our high-
tech society is paramount. At iFour, we provide state-of-the-art automotive cybersecurity
solutions. Contact us to secure your automotive company from cyber threats.

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