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Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

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Shaping energy transition at municipal scale: A net-zero energy scenario- T

based approach
Francesca Poggia,*, Ana Firminoa, Miguel Amadob
CICS.NOVA - Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Avenida de Berna, 26-C, 1069-061,
Lisbon, Portugal
CERIS-Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal


Keywords: In recent years, it has become apparent that both policymaking and planning need to promote energy transition,
Policy development linking its spatial dimensions to the sustainable development of territories. However, the interactions and im-
Spatial planning plication of this process for urban and rural regions are uncertain, dynamic and complex, increasing pressure on
Renewable energy local actors. This study focusses on the municipal scale, developing a Net-Zero Energy scenario-based approach
Energy consumption
to strengthening the integration of renewable energy production and energy efficiency into the formulation of
Energy self-reliance
policies and spatial planning. Here, the concept of energy balance is adopted to plan the municipality as a self-
reliant system able to anticipate and adapt to future transformations and changes associated with energy
transition. Using as a case study a Portuguese municipality with 73 % of land occupied by rural areas and about
27 % by urbanised areas, the method qualifies and quantifies the spatial relationships associated with the energy
balance, combining energy statistics with Land Use dataset and vectorial layers, in a GIS environment. Results
reveal how shaping energy transition depends on the understanding of both the spatial and functional dimen-
sions of urban and rural land-use, which should be the core focus to developing incremental and adaptive place-
based policies toward net-zero energy municipalities.

1. Introduction generate new patterns of uneven development. In that regard, they

provide relevant insights on how geography can offer a conceptual
After more than three decades on from the Brundtland Report language for systematically working through the spatialities of the en-
(1987), the debate on energy issues remains unchanged: “a safe and ergy transition. Huber (2015) speculates further, suggesting that any
sustainable energy pathway is crucial to sustainable development; we planning or concern for an energy transition to renewable or alternative
have not yet found it” (WCED, 1987:29). In this context of enduring energy must put the space at the centre of the conversation. In this
uncertainty and growing public concerns on the unsustainability of the framework, a progressive alignment among policymaking and spatial
energy system (i.e. air and soil pollution, global warming and resource planning, which are both involved in defining energy-development
depletion), the latest European Climate-Energy strategy emerges as a strategies, is evident in a range of scientific studies.
concerted vision to create a sense of direction and plan for Carbon Here, the starting point of the analysis runs throughout the under-
Neutrality by 2050 (European Commission, 2018). Nevertheless, this standing of cities as nodes of energy consumption (Rees and
complex challenge deals with a set of overriding priorities. The tran- Wackernagel, 1996). In light of this, an urgent need for an urban
sition toward low-energy paths, whose technical and operational de- change emerged, dealing with the overall ambition to achieve new
velopment reaches to scales of intervention much larger than the space models of cities that are low-carbon, environmentally and economically
of a single project, is one of them. In other words, the planning of smart sustainable (Becchio et al., 2018). In this vein, the work of Huang and
local organisations through energy integration techniques cannot be Castán Broto (2018) leads to introduce the concept of experimentation
assessed as an isolated problem but an integrated one (Ceglia et al., that enable the generation of alternatives to explore urban energy
2020). transitions. This framework indicates that the complex interactions
Bridge et al. (2013) refer that taken together, the locations, land- between urban processes and energy transitions are almost uncertain: a
scapes and territorialisation associated with an energy transition will continuing trans-disciplinary learning process, in which all involved

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (F. Poggi), (A. Firmino), (M. Amado).
Received 25 April 2019; Received in revised form 20 July 2020; Accepted 26 July 2020
Available online 15 August 2020
0264-8377/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

Fig. 1. a) Nº of articles/years for “GIS, RENEWABLE ENERGY”; b) Nº of articles/years for “GIS, ENERGY CONSUMPTION.”.

Fig. 2. Methodological flow diagram.

parties, steadily and jointly have to reflect an adaptation to ongoing them at the centre of this discourse.
efforts and experiences (Droege, 2018:522). Dowling et al. (2018) ex- Bergmann et al. (2008) suggest that renewable energy should be
tend these understandings and outline the complexities and obstacles considered a land use, requiring a large amount of rural areas to capture
associated with energy transition governance and the new role of the the energy in wind, water or solar radiation in sufficient quantities to be
urban within this. Indeed, they advocate for the limited urban capacity commercially viable. Howard et al. (2009) also demonstrate that
for direct government intervention in the energy system and suggest the changes in the energy system associated with the mix of renewable
need to consider multilevel strategies, actor networks and the materi- energy sources have severe implications for land use, especially by
alities of the urban built environment. The insights from these studies competing for agricultural land. Analogous suggestions on the direct
clearly show that the ability of governments to respond to shaping relationship between energy transition and land use have been made
urban energy transition is still at an early stage. promoting a geographical focus of low carbon transitions beyond the
While the major areas of policy concerns about energy transition city’s boundaries to include suburban, peripherical and rural areas
seem to focus on cities and urban areas (Naumann and Rudolph, 2020), (Balta-Ozkan et al., 2015). As referred by de Santoli et al. (2019), the
it is essential to understand what are the implications of this transition ongoing energy transition processes need a rapprochement between the
for rural places and regions. Indeed, similar questions arise on the role places of energy production and consumption to create innovative and
of policymaking and planning in fostering energy transition for rural integrated territorial models.
areas as the availability of renewable energy resources and lands puts Nevertheless, rural areas remain dependent on external decisions

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

Table 1 approach to cope with the local conditions and prevent land-use con-
Land Cover Classification (Eurostat, 2015). flicts.
Nº Sample Description While rural and urban areas, as places of energy consumption and
production, play a crucial role in the shift to a low carbon energy
1 Artificial land - Areas system, there remains some ambiguity over the structural changes in
characterised by an artificial
territories that this transition means.
and often impervious cover of
constructions and pavement;
Aiming to fill this gap, the present paper sets background and
context for understanding the spatial dimensions of the energy transi-
tion, exploring how urban and rural areas can be locally planned ac-
cording to a self-reliant energy system. The objective of this approach is
to disclose spatial understanding on the land use and energy transition
nexus, leading to the provision of intuitive scenarios to support public
decision-makers and planners in drawing their future strategies about
2 Agricultural areas - Areas the municipal energy development.
where crops are planted and The structure of the paper is comprised as follows: First, a literature
cultivated; review provides a concise account and analysis of the current state of
the art on the spatial dimensions of the energy transition. Given the
critical role that GIS plays in this discourse, this section also identifies
relevant literature on how to identify spatial relationships among re-
newable energy, energy consumption and land-use patterns. In the next
part, a method for developing the Net-Zero Energy scenarios on GIS is
described, while its practical application is explained in the following
section (case study). Then, the results and their implications are dis-
3 Forest and semi-natural areas - cussed and compared with other studies. Finally, conclusions sum-
Areas covered by trees with a
marise the actions taken and results, highlighting the contributions and
canopy of at least 10 %;
relevance in terms of policies and spatial planning.

2. Literature review

The need for an integrated adaptation of society to energy transition

poses an urgent question: what are the strategic places for this transi-
tion? In light of this, the present section aims to investigate the different
4 Wetlands - areas that fall spatial dimensions at which energy transition occurs, providing the
between land and water; strategic components to deal with the development of scenarios ac-
cording to the structure, functioning and change of different geo-
graphical contexts.
In recent years, a growing literature on the uneven geographies of
energy has emerged, revealing spatial perspectives on the urban‐rural
linkages and its relationship with energy systems and their transfor-
mation (Becker and Naumann, 2017). Understandings on new energy
spaces have led to consider the aspects of territory, place, scale, and
network for developing local experiments toward the vision of 100 %
5 Water areas - inland or coastal
renewable electricity region (Adesanya et al., 2020), which are all
areas without vegetation and
covered by water and flooded
place-based (Gailing et al., 2019).
surfaces, or likely to be so over In this framework, Dahlmann et al. (2017) systematise the geo-
a large part of the year graphical components of sustainable energy transitions, arguing that
spatiality shapes energy systems and influences their capacity for
transformation. For these authors, scaling, location, territoriality, spa-
tial differentiation and embeddedness and landscape provide a valuable
conceptual lexicon for exploring the geographical implications and
emerging futures of the EU’s and member states’ energy policies.
Shifting the focus from the theoretical framework to the operative
spatial scale of the energy transition, Oudes and Stremke (2018) de-
associated with the traditional context of the asymmetric relationships velop a study of spatially explicit and evidence-based targets for sus-
between the urban core and rural periphery (O’Sullivan et al., 2020). tainable energy transition at the regional and local scale. The scenarios
For instance, onshore wind policy across the UK reveals a lack of de- and dynamic models developed by the authors reveal the direct re-
tailed attention to regulating future post-wind land-use and an overall lationships between the local landscape characteristics, stakeholder
patchy problematisation by governments with regards to the tempor- values and renewable energy potentials.
alities of energy infrastructure and their potential impacts in landscapes Weinand et al. (2019) provide a cluster composition to transfer
and environment (Windemer, 2019). An analogous situation has oc- results from energy system analyses of individual municipalities to
curred in Italy, with the expansion of ground-mounted solar plants into other, similar municipalities. The identification of spatial socio-en-
rural land that led the government to propose specific initiatives to ergetic data as input for municipal energy system analyses aims to
manage and plan their installation and to contain landscape and soil support local administration in determining the suitability for ex-
degradation (Delfanti et al., 2016). Koelman et al. (2018) highlight that panding renewable energy sources.
energy transition asks for a more bottom-up integral decentralised In this perspective, the study of de Santoli et al. (2019) provides a
more integrated approach, assessing both the electricity consumptions

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

Fig. 3. National contribution of renewable energy sources to the current Portuguese energy mix (Data source: DGEG, 2020).

Fig. 4. Case study location.

Fig. 5. Urban-rural land use in the Lisbon metropolitan and case study area, (Source data: DG Território, 2015).

and the production from renewable energy sources at a local scale. In a challenges. This assumption lead to deal more intuitively with two
sense, the local context, and sensitively, the municipal boundaries explicit spatial boundaries within the municipality: the urban areas,
emerge as the spatial scale, able to respond to energy transition marked by intense energy consumption patterns (Steemers, 2003) and

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

Fig. 6. Population density levels in the Lisbon metropolitan and case study area, (Source data: INE, 2019).

Fig. 7. Contextualisation of the sample size (Source data: INE, 2019).

the rural areas, that may become potential green energy exporters 3. Energy Transition, land use and the role of GIS
(Blaschke et al., 2013). However, does this spatial dichotomy go more
in-depth than functional and straightforward parallelism? Conducting To explore how territories may change in the future, scenario
both policymaking and spatial planning at a local scale to address new making is a common tool to support policy and spatial planning.
development models such as the Smart Energy Municipality (Ceglia Increasingly, the need for scenarios (foresight) to anticipate the effects
et al., 2020), the Eco-Municipality (Isaksson and Hagbert, 2020) or the of policies and planning activities are linked to GIS analysis capabilities
100 % Renewable Energy Municipality (Thellufsen et al., 2020) is a (Holway, 2012). In this framework, energy transition, as a land-use
logical path to find a solution to global energy issues and reach broader concern and GIS, as tools for analysing, managing, modelling and vi-
goals at the regional and national level. Energy transition challenges sualise spatial data to understand geographical contexts and dynamics,
synergically tie urban and rural areas in the conceptualisation of a have much to learn from each other.
novel energy self-reliant system (Poggi et al., 2017). Since GIS became more involved in urban planning in the late
In this sense, the concept of energy balance leads to spatialise and 1980s, its use has revolutionised the organisation of planning munici-
orient energy transition, according to the physical and natural condi- pality’s databases and applications at different scales (Batty, 2001).
tions of urban and rural areas and directly linking land-uses policy and That is how GIS-based approaches rose to prominence along with the
spatial planning concerns. shift in spatial data modelling from relatively passive inquiry too much
The chance for that is provided by the current experimentation more active intent (Falcidieno et al., 1992). Land-use suitability ana-
context in this fields and the recognition that the interactions and im- lysis is an example of a GIS application that has evolved along with
plication of energy transition for urban and rural regions are still un- changing in planning, from scientific approaches through the political
certain, dynamic and complex, increasing pressure on local actors. In process-oriented perspectives (Malczewski, 2004). The combination of
carrying forward this discourse, the present study develops a Net-Zero spatial data within thematic information layers can approximate plan-
Energy scenario-based approach, associated with the concept of energy ning intention and its implementation as well as evaluating the out-
balance as a way to guide and orient future policymaking and spatial comes (Hersperger et al., 2018).
planning at the municipal scale. In this research framework, the present section of the paper draws
on recent literature to investigate what is the actual contribution of GIS

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

Fig. 8. LUC 2015 level 1 map of Loures municipality, (Source data: DG Território, 2015).

Fig. 9. Electricity consumptions by end-use sectors in 2012 (Source data: INE, 2015).

applications in planning for Energy Transition and identify current gaps searched for in ScienceDirect by a query for the following two cate-
and future perspectives on linking this process to local-scale planning. gories of specified keywords: a) “GIS; Renewable Energy”, b) “GIS,
The review has been based on the analysis of peer-reviewed articles Energy Consumption” (Fig. 1).
published between 2008 and 2019 and indexed by Scopus and ISI Web The graphs in Fig. 1 show upward trends in the development of GIS
of Knowledge databases. For this study, we begin from the year of the approaches for renewable energy and energy consumption.
financial crisis (2008) as it marked a milestone in the development of Many researchers have used GIS as a tool to identify spatial re-
society and it changed energy strategy priorities towards a global lationships between energy consumption and cities, for example, as-
economy away from a high emissions trajectory (Peters et al., 2011). sessing urban forms (Ahn and Sohn, 2019) or morphological (Fichera
According to an inductive approach, the selection covered those et al., 2016), functional (Yeo et al., 2013) or typological (Torabi
studies that deal with the main challenge of Energy Transition, con- Moghadam et al., 2018) aspects of the built environment. From these
cerned with both ramping up renewable energy production and high studies, it is clear that energy consumption is a concern that drives the
energy-efficiency (European Commission, 2018). The articles were use of GIS to relevant results, assessing a common scale (building

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

Fig. 10. a) Annual domestic electricity consumption per capita, at the statistical subsection level (kWh/inhab), (Source data: INE, 2015); b) LUC 2015 level 2: spatial
distribution of urban and economic activities, (Source data: DG Território, 2015).

Fig. 11. Electricity generated by renewables energy in Loures, (Source data: DGEG, 2015).

Table 2
Characterisation of the existing renewable energy power plants in Loures.
Name Technology Type Installed Power (MW) Starting year Area (ha)

Galelas Photovoltaic Ground-mounted solar power plant 2 2013 549

Malhapão Photovoltaic Ground-mounted solar power plant 2 2013 14
MARL Hill Photovoltaic Ground-mounted solar power plant 6 2014 10
MARL Rooftop Photovoltaic Rooftop photovoltaic plant 6 2009 133

Name Technology Type Installed Power (MW) Starting year Nº of wind turbines

Alrota Wind – 5 2008 2

Bolores Wind – 5,2 2003 4
Fanhões Wind – 18 2005 9
Picotinhos Wind – 2 2006 1
Sardinha Wind – 26 2008 13

blocks, neighbourhood or district levels) to support the integration of (2012), which estimates the PV potential of a Lisbon suburb and Bremer
energy efficiency strategies and measures in policymaking and urban et al. (2016) that present the results obtained on the city model of In-
planning processes (Resch et al., 2014). nsbruck, Austria, showing the differences between the 2.5D and 3D
Concerning the publications on the use of GIS in assessing the po- solar analysis. However, it is to refer that such GIS approaches are
tential of renewable energy in cities, the most deal with the solar po- limited to solar energy resource, and they do not provide a direct
tential in the built environment to promote distributed photovoltaic linkage with energy consumption analysis. More recently, a growing
(PV) energy generation. The analysis of the solar potential on building interest in GIS application for describing the potential of single or
rooftops using LiDAR data can be found in the works of Brito et al. multiple renewable energy resources has emerged, focusing

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

Fig. 12. Map of the existing renewable power plants and medium-voltage networks, (Source data: DG Território, 2015).

respectively on the three main levels: the nation, region and the mu- detailed information for effective planning, necessarily limits the power
nicipality. of GIS approaches. Integrated application of GIS in the field of the
At the national level, the detail is obviously more limited, as shown energy transition is thus, an open question.
for example, in the works of Zyadin et al. (2018) that estimate biomass To fulfil this gap, energy transition scenario making, supported by
resource in the southern and central Poland and Alami Merrouni et al. GIS, has to homogenise asymmetries in spatial scales, addressing poli-
(2018) that assess the capacity of the Eastern region of Morocco to host tical and planning challenges associated with both the integration of
large photovoltaic (PV) farms. Scaramuzzino et al. (2019) open up to a renewable energy production in rural areas and the reduction of energy
more comprehensive analysis of the potential of biomass, solar and consumption in urban areas.
wind energy in the EU28 area and Switzerland.
Concerning the region level, it is to mention the work of Sliz- 4. Material and method
Szkliniarz (2013) as it shows an increasing detail in the spatial analysis,
including Corine Land Cover data to explore the potential of renewable Given the concept of energy balance, the premise of this study lies in
energy-mix in Kujawsko–Pomorskie Voivodeship, Germany. understanding the municipality as a self-reliant system able to antici-
Nevertheless, it is at the municipal level that it is possible to find pate and adapt to future transformation and changes associated with
studies that articulate both renewable energy production and energy energy transition.
consumption. De Santoli et al. (2019) discuss the incidence of the po- Rural and urban areas constitute the structural components of the
pulation density and the high density of electricity consumption in the system, acting and interacting in a variety of incremental and adaptive
city of Rome. They relate it to the whole potential of hydroelectric scenarios.
production and the little margins of further exploitation for the wind The overall energy self-reliance of the municipal energy system
resource and thermoelectric production from bioenergy, highlighting depends on these two spatial boundaries. Together they lead to an
the potential of the photovoltaic resource as an opportunity to cover energy balance scenario that can be phased and managed across space
electricity consumptions. and time.
Each of the referred studies provides a relevant contribution to the The research methodology is composed of the following seven
understanding of the main drivers and spatial scales in which energy stages (Fig. 2):
transition takes place, but, they also demonstrate a disaggregated The first stage of the process involves the development of the
nature of current GIS approaches. Indeed, the choice of a single domain Municipal Land Use and Cover map, using the LUC 2015 datasets at
(energy production or consumption) and spatial scales, which lack level 1 (DG Território, 2015). The LUC map provides the macroscale

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

Fig. 13. Wind energy potential (INETI, 2015) and examples of existing wind farms in Loures (Images source: Firmino, 2015).

Fig. 14. Solar energy potential and existing ground-mounted solar power plants in Loures, (Images source: Firmino, 2015).

framework to create spatial correlations between energy consumption between electricity consumption and the distribution of residential and
patterns, associated with artificial areas and the potential of renewable economic activities are developed, looking for a statistical-spatial ap-
energy sources, located in agricultural, forest and semi-natural areas. proximation of the reality.
Here, the spatial distribution of land-use patterns and the respective Stages 4 and 5 provide the statistical quantification of the current
percentual quantification are classified according to the following five renewable supply generated in the municipality, and the spatial con-
main categories applied in all EU countries (Table 1). figuration of the renewable energy power plants and medium voltage
Stages 2 involves the collection of statistical data on electricity networks.
consumption by end-use sector, from the National Statistics Institute Stage 6 develops the estimation of renewable energy sources po-
(INE) and renewable energy production trends, from the Directorate- tential that is still to be explored.
General for Energy and Geology (DGEG). Finally, Stage 7 uses the output of the previous steps to create the
In stage 3, descriptive models, based on spatial correlations Net-Zero scenario that reflects the spatial configuration and

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

Fig. 15. Identification of suitable areas for roof-mounted PV systems in the industrial areas across the municipality (Source Images: Google Earth, 2017).

Fig. 16. Renewable energy power plants and transmission grid on LUC 2015 level 1 and average annual household consumption of electric energy.

quantitative description of the balance between energy consumption areas. Here, the methodological challenge was to create spatial asso-
and production at the municipal scale. ciations between energy data (quantitative) and land use patterns,
The GIS workflow allows overlapping energy-related data with morphologies and networks (qualitative) that are the common digital
vectorial layers to construct the descriptive, prescriptive and inductive cartography layers. The key insight for the spatialisation of energy data
models used to build the Net-Zero scenario and explore the interrelated was the understanding of rural and urban land-uses as the driver of
spatial nature of these aspects within policies and planning. Shaping renewable energy production and consumption, respectively.
energy transition through maps means to spatialise renewable energy The methodology was designed to be replicable at other different
sources and energy consumption to be legible into the logic of a system spatial scales (e.g. Region, Province or Metropolitan Areas) and to be
- the Municipality and its structural components: the urban and rural used in all the countries that have land-use and cover classification.

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

Fig. 17. Net Zero-Energy Municipality: schematic model.

5. Case study Third, to have a mean size when compared with the other munici-
palities in the Lisbon metropolitan area, which lead to being in the
With a share of electricity generated from renewable of 52.2 % middle of the spatial scale of representativeness (Fig. 7).
(Eurostat, 2018), Portugal is an object lesson in fostering energy tran- Fourth, to have some renewable energy power plant already in-
sition challenge. Over the last decade, the national contribution of re- stalled in the municipal territory, as explained with more detail in the
newable energy for the current energy mix has had an accelerated following section.
growth, showing significant progress from the different sources when Loures municipality covers an area of 16,724 km2 and is integrated
compared with the production from fossil fuels (Fig. 3). into the region of Lisboa e Vale do Tejo – NUTII of Greater Lisbon.
A direct comparison between the evolution of the different sources According to the National Statistics Institute (INE), the municipality
of renewable energy and the production from fossil fuels (red curve), currently has a population near to 211 359 inhabitants (2018), meaning
shows how the energy equation associated with the current trends can an average population density of 1 246 habitants per km2 (INE, 2019).
determine attractive prospects toward energy transition at the national Land cover data, based upon the LUC 2015 Level I, provide a de-
level. Combining a unique mix of endogenous energy resources, dif- tailed quantitative and qualitative information about the municipal
ferent population densities along the urban-rural gradients and a di- territorial model which is characterised by a relative predominance of
versity of landscapes, Portugal can be considered a place of experi- forest-semi-natural areas and agricultural areas with 43 % and 31 %,
mentation, opening up new paths to accelerate the energy transition. respectively. Where urbanisation intensifies, artificial areas account for
The Portuguese planning system lies on three levels of government 25 % and a small amount of water bodies and wetlands (Fig. 8).
and responsibilities: the national and regional levels and 308 munici- Three relevant spatial patterns emerge, according to the following:
palities. The national and regional levels provide the legal and strategic
framework that regulates the local level. Municipalities thus exercise 1 In the North zone, forest and agricultural areas, combining with the
their responsibility for land use primarily through the preparation of low population density of the rural hinterland surrounding the peri-
local land-use plans. Here, the Municipal Director Plan is the more ef- urban areas;
fective instrument to guide local spatial development. In this frame- 2 In the Centre zone, there are some urban-rural agglomerations
work, the concept of energy balance applied at the municipal level scattered among agricultural areas while large and homogenous
emerges as an opportunity to explore and stimulate bottom-up changes agriculture and semi-natural areas divide the territory from the
associated with local policy formulation and smaller-scale intervention. denser urban area;
The municipality is the more adequate spatial units of analysis for the 3 In the South zone, the inner urban area with higher density built
application of the methodology and the discussion of how the under- development and residential, industrial and commercial activities
standing of renewable energy sources and energy consumption patterns that evolved incrementally across the time, influenced by reciprocal
can be integrated into local policymaking and planning. For the present interactions between the attractive force of Lisbon Metropolitan
purposes, the choice of the municipality of Loures as a case study has Area and the economic activities located in the riverside area (Anico
followed four selection criteria. First, to be located in one of the two and Peralta, 2008).
main metropolitan areas in the Portuguese mainland context, namely in
the Lisbon area (Fig. 4). This criterion is directly related to analysing a After understanding the spatial model of the municipality, the ap-
dynamic backdrop of economic activities and reasonably high energy plication of the proposed Net-Zero scenario-based approach follows
consumption patterns. three main steps:
Second, to present a heterogeneous mix between urban-rural land
use (Fig. 5) and high-low population density levels (Fig. 6) which are 1 Mapping energy consumption, adopting land-uses and urban
essential when identifying strategies to cope with both renewable en- fabric as spatial parameters to evaluate the performance of the re-
ergy resources and energy efficiency. sidential sector and economic activities;

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

Fig. 18. Energy balanced combinations based on electricity consumption patterns, by type (GWh) (Source:).

2 Analysis of the renewable energy generation power plants and lightening system of roads and public buildings (Fig. 9).
grid networks, currently implemented within the municipal However, understanding the energy consumption patterns of the
boundaries, in this case, wind and solar power plants; various sectors in terms of statistics is not accurate if the objective is in
3 Estimation of the renewable energy potential, that may further promoting energy efficiency and CO2 emissions reduction in a spatial
be promoted in the municipality’s future energy mix, according to planning perspective. This fact is considered by the present study,
the local natural conditions and land use framework. emphasising a more detailed analysis of the direct interaction between
electricity consumption and land use (Fig. 10).
Statistical data on electricity consumption by end-use sectors are the The map in Fig. 10 a) provides the incidence and spatial distribution
first relevant indicator of the form and intensity of human/land uses of annual domestic electricity consumption across the whole munici-
and economic activities. pality. This descriptive model is a statistical-spatial approximation of
In Loures, the analysis of this indicator reveals that the industry is the reality that results by multiplying the number of inhabitants at the
the sector that most affects local energy consumption (43 %), followed subsection level, by the annual electricity consumption per capita
by service and retail activities (27 %) and the residential sector (24 %). which in Loures is 1 156 kW h/inhab (INE, 2015).
In contrast, the residual 6% is associated with agriculture and the On the other hand, the map in Fig. 10 b) provides the spatial

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

configuration of the economic activities and urban fabric that permits installation in buildings, secured by the existing network, comes as a
to identify how the fragmented mix of land-uses concentrates the high relevant challenge to increase renewable energy production at the
energy consumption patterns by interconnecting and expanding re- municipal scale. Nevertheless, tasks facing future expansions of re-
sidential, industrial and commercial sectors and the related infra- newable energy power plants have to be directly related to: 1. how to
structures. preserve the landscape, social and ecological values and, simulta-
Nevertheless, the relevance of the two descriptive models lies in a neously; 2. how to manage energy flows within a self-reliant municipal
spatialisation of energy consumption within the challenge to bring system. The first concerns deal with the definition of spatial strategies
about an energy balance with the promotion of local renewable energy that ensure a sustainable energy planning for rural areas, where eco-
production. In this context, Fig. 11 shows how the proportion of elec- logical sensitivity, valuable biotopes, wetlands, forestland and cultural
tricity generated by renewables in Loures is growing, associated with a components are clearly delimited and protected. As such, it is important
mix of technologies that includes the wind power, followed by large to refer that the scenarios proposed in this research have to be com-
scale photovoltaic power and emerging micro/mini photovoltaic gen- plemented by more detailed studies able to assess the sustainability of
eration. the siting areas without unexpected consequences. Wind farms and
Here, the main contribution in terms of local renewable energy solar power installations, for example, calls for approaches that ar-
production comes from three ground-mounted solar power plant ticulate complex legislation criteria (Kokologos et al., 2014) and socio-
(Galelas, Malhapão and the MARL Hill), one rooftop photovoltaic plant environmental scenarios (Giamalaki and Tsoutsos, 2019), elaborated at
(MARL Rooftop) and five wind farms of a varying number of turbines the fine-scale resolution of the project itself. The second concern leads
(Table 2). The two solar power plant – Marl Hill and MARL Rooftop, are to an inductive model in which the municipality is intended as an en-
part of the same project comprising a set of photovoltaic panels in- ergetically balanced system. That is, the Net Zero-Energy Municipality
stalled on the eleven building rooftops of the Lisbon Region Supply Scenario which aims to establish a balance between energy consump-
Market and the slopes of the surrounding hills. tion in urban areas (negative cells) and renewable energy production in
In terms of spatial configuration, all the existing power plants are rural areas (positive cells) (Fig. 17).
currently located in rural areas and are connected to the medium-vol- Such a classification is related to the development of transition
tage network, according to a decentralised model (Fig. 12). models to articulate spatial patterns and energy interactions. Just as
Here it is important to note that the location of renewable energy urban areas are the primary energy consumers, so they affect the in-
power plants in rural areas depends on specific physical conditions. In crease for renewable energy production in rural areas. These interac-
this sense, Fig. 13 shows how the installation of wind farms is asso- tions are spatially separate but energetically connected and they vary
ciated with the topography, elevation and rugosity of the terrain that within and across different territories and in response to the potential of
influences wind speeds. The high incidence of the wind speeds (yellow biomass, wind, solar, and mini-hydro sources.
zone) over half of the municipal territory can result in an opportunity to Taking into account that in Loures, the total electric energy con-
promote the expansion of the existing wind farms or the installation of sumption in 2014 was 833 GW h and total electric energy produced
new ones in the future. from renewable sources was 517 GW h, how to promote the concept of
Regarding solar energy, it is relevant to note that the municipality energy balance? How could this theoretical model be built, in a prac-
benefits from high levels of global irradiation throughout all its terri- tical way?
tory (Fig. 14). At present, supply from existing renewable energy power plants
Nevertheless, the installation of the two ground-mounted solar cannot completely satisfy the high levels of energy consumption.
power plants had profound implications for the loss of cultivable areas Nevertheless, it is possible to identify some electricity consumption
and the visual amenity of landscapes. This lesson leads to new under- patterns, classified by type, that lead to potential energy balanced
standings on the value of expanding roof-mounted PV systems for solar combinations (Fig. 18).
power generation, which can include residences as well as public fa- Fig. 18 permits to identify the sectors where increasing energy ef-
cilities and commercial structures. In the case of Loures, for examples, it ficiency is a core action. In this regard, the sprawling nature of urban
is possible to identify a significant amount of suitable areas for roof- and suburban areas, as well as the localisation of the economic activ-
mounted PV systems in the industrial areas across the municipality ities, reflects how local planning should focus on more compact and,
(Fig. 15). This perspective suggests the opportunities for more adaptive thus, more energy-efficient urban agglomerations and economic hubs.
and flexibles policies to encourage the use of photovoltaics in buildings
as, for example, the US legislation which promotes community shared 7. Conclusions
solar models associated with customer-owned or rental approaches
(Michaud, 2020). In recent years, it has become apparent that both policymaking and
planning need to promote energy transition, linking its spatial dimen-
6. Results and discussion sions to the sustainable development of territories. Nevertheless, the
literature review reveals a disaggregated nature of current energy
Shaping energy transition through maps that overlay data on re- transition approaches that are found to be both theoretical and prac-
newable energy sources, energy consumption, and the electricity net- tical. This framework provides the basis to investigate to which extent
works in a integrate spatial planning perspective is one of the most energy transition can be integrated into policies and local planning, by
relevant insights of the proposed approach. In that regard, Fig. 16 tackling a Net-Zero energy scenario-based approach at the municipal
provides an inductive model that aggregates existing renewable energy scale.
power plants, networks, electricity consumption areas and rural areas, In this vein, the use of a case study has permitted to qualify and
on LUC 2015 level 1. This model is necessarily a simplification of rea- quantify the spatial relationships associated with the balance between
lity. However, it summarises some key spatial and functional issues, the potential of renewable energy production in rural areas and the
which concern energy production-demand interactions and feedback, reduction of energy consumption in urban areas, across a municipality.
land use hierarchies, spatial proximity and morphological patterns: The results are twofold. On the one hand, planning for renewable en-
from the dispersed rural settlements and suburban sprawl to the com- ergy involves a multitude of environmental, social, political and eco-
pact linear urban areas. nomic issues that need to be considered together. Here, the under-
The model above is ultimately directed to support local authorities standing of the implications and opportunities in rural areas, which in
in more comprehensive decision-making processes and actions. In this Loures cover 73 % of the municipal territory, is critical to inform po-
framework, the implementation of new wind farms and photovoltaic liticians and planners on the current status and future scenarios for a

F. Poggi, et al. Land Use Policy 99 (2020) 104955

sustainable transition of the local energy system. On the other hand, the Acquisition of data: F. Poggi, A. Firmino;
most significant energy consumption occurs in urbanised areas, corre- Analysis and/or interpretation of data: F. Poggi;
sponding to only about 27 % of the municipal territory. Here, the Drafting the manuscript: F. Poggi:
spatialisation of the energy consumption patterns that at present are Revising the manuscript critically for important intellectual content:
neither readily evaluated nor much less resolved can orient the devel- A. Firmino, M.Amado
opment of both more effective and responsive strategies to promote Approval of the version of the manuscript to be published: F. Poggi,
energy efficiency in the rehabilitation of built environment, as well as, A. Firmino, M.Amado
energy-saving programs for social housing and public facilities, on the
short term. Acknowledgements
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standing the existing and potential energy balance within a land-use The first author thanks the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e
perspective, disclosing the opportunities for a strategic alignment at a Tecnologia (FCT) for the financial support through the PhD Fellowship
local level between urban and rural energy policies. In this vein, the SFRH/BD/94702/2013. The authors would also like to thank EDP
concept of Net-Zero Energy Municipality; that is, a delimited geo- Distribution for providing the Medium Voltage dataset used in this
graphical system, energetically balanced, takes a further step towards study.
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