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1 Match the countries and flags. What are their capital cities? Australia Hungary Brant traly China Japan Egypt Spain Great Britain. Switzetand theus >= ee ZN Greece = Kak = 2 Tick (V) the countries that you have visited, 94 Unit 2 + Never evert Never ever! Present Perfect * ever,neveryet,andjust * takeand get ‘Transport and travel BEEN THERE! DONE THAT! Present Perfect + ever and never 1 Lara and her friend, Kyle, are from Australia. Listen to their conversation, Answer the questions. + What ar they talking about? + Whois Mel? + Why does Lara want to end the conversation? 2. Read these lines from the conversation. ‘Who is each line about, Lara, Kyle, or Mel? 1 T've been to Rome many times. Kyle 2 Ive never been there. 3 She's been to London and Paris. 4 She hasn't been to Rome. 5 Thaventt travelled much at all. 6 T've been to North and South America. EAIED Listen and repeat the lines. Tve=thave _ She’s=She has 3 Work in groups, Tell each other which countries in the Tey Starter you have or haven't been to. 11 The Present Perfect can express experiences. Ive been to Paris. Have you ever (at any time in your life) ben to Pais? The Past Simple expresses exactly when something happen haven't been to any of those countries! agen ne ome rete | went to aris ast year. “When did you go to Madrid?” “In 2009 The Present Perfect s formed with have/has + past participle. Complete the charts. Positive WYou/We/They He/She (ve been to Hungary, but I've never been to Australia or the US. 4 GHD Listen to the conversation. Complete the replies. Negative WYou/We/They | ____ He/She been to Paris. Write ever and never in these sentences. Has he ‘been to London? Hes. been to Pais. D> Grammar Reference 121-122 pl42 i = 7 Here are the past participles of some verbs. Write the A Have you ever been to Greece? infinitive, Which two are regular verbs? B Nol been un ‘A. Have you ever been to Italy? ved bought _ B Yes, 1. . flown ___ given ‘A. When did you go? met made = eaten had Nese filed __ taken ‘A Where did you go? a done B_ Rome, Florence, and Venice. slept A Fantastic! Did you have a good time? 8 What are the Past Simple forms of the verbs in exercise 7? B Yes,1 - Itwas great! 9 Work with a partner, Practise the conversation with a partner. Db Irregular verbs plSB 5. Write down the names of two countries or cities. Have similar conversations with your partner. Starts Have you ever ...? 6 Tell the class about your partner. Maria's bean to Berlin. She ‘Mikel hacn't been to Pare. / ‘went there two years ago, He's never been to Paris. a cee 7 ~ PRACTICE Talking about you 1 Have you ever done these yourlife? = + flown in jumbo jet + worked through the night «+ ved ina foreign country sin seen the sun ise slept in a tent ‘meta famous person ‘una marathon eaten Chinese food failed an exam 2. Work in small groups. Ask and answer questions. = ? Why...? ? 3. Tell the class about the people in your group. José hac been tothe US. He went to Disneyland with hic family. 96 Unit 2 + Never ever! GETTING READY TO GO! Present Perfect + yet and just 1 GED Lara and Mel are getting ready for their trip to Europe, Read their “Things to do’ list and listen to their conversation. Tick (V) the things they have done. THINGS TO DO ... 1 buy new backpacks J 2 finish packing 3 collect euros from bank 4 email Mel's aunt in London 5 find out weather forecast for Rome print e-tickets - 7 check in online 2. Look at Lara and Mel list with a partner. What have they done and what havent they done yet? ‘They've bought new backpacks. They haven't finished packing yet. Listen again and check. Practise the conversation. Ceres 1 Complete the sentences. 1 They finished packing yet. a you emailed your aunt yet? 3. She___just emailed back. 22 Where do we put yet in a sentence? Where do we put just na sentence? 3 Wecan only use yet with two ofthe following, Which two? Ci positive sentences [_] questions D> Grammar Reference 12.3 pl42 Ci negative sentences PRACTICE Tense revision 1 Work with a partner. Read what Lara says about her trip. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. aii Tm really excited about my trip to Europe. 1'_____ {not travel) much outside Australia before. Just once, two years ago, 1?___ (go) on holiday to Bali with my family, butt?___(never be) to Europe or the US. 1 often‘__ (travel) inside Australia. Last year I$ (ly) to Perth to visit my cousin, who ___ (live) there. Its. five-hour flight from Sydney, where I”___ (live). Australi’ a big country! Also, 14 (go) up to Cairns in the north three times. 1*___ (learn) to scuba dive there on the Great Barrier Reef. We (ust finish) packing, and now we"___(wait) for the taxi to take us to the airport. 12___ (never fly) on 2747 before. Its a very long flight, It”. (take) 20 hours to get to Rome. pe (watch) films all the way. 1 can't wait! 2 Answer the questions about Lara. Then ask and answer with a partner. Why is she excited? Has she ever travelled outside Australia? Does she often travel? ‘Why did she go to Perth? Where does Lara live? How many times has she been to Cairns? ‘What did she do there? How are they going to the airport? How long does the flight to Rome take? ‘What is she going to do on the flight? Beoewausene No, not ye 3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions about you. 1 check your emails do the shopping wash your hait clean the car make the dinner do the washing-up eet the new student finish the exercise Yes, ve just checked them. EHIED Listen and compare. Practise again. Check it 4 Tick () the correct sentence. 1 C1 I saw Kyle yesterday. Ci Ive seen Kyle yesterday. 2 C1 Did you ever met my cousin? C1 Have you ever met my cousin? 3 O] When did she go to Bali? 1 When has she been to Bali? 4 CO What are you going to do in Rome? 1 What do you going to do in Rome? 5 (1) He doesn't like flying. CO He isn’t liking flying. 6 C1) Has Lara yet finished packing? Ci Has Lara finished packing yet? 7 C1 Did you ever been to a fock concert? TD Have you ever been to a rock concert? Unit 12 + Never ever! 97 The Glastonbury festival - READING AND LISTENING ‘mn hat i=) been to ang 1 Have you ever been toa music festival? Where? When? Did you enjoy it? Have you heard of the Glastonbury Music Festival? 2 Listen to part ofa song called They can't buy the sunshine. It was sung at Glastonbury by a group called ‘Turin Brakes. 3 Read,the facts about Glastonbury. Answer the questions, 1 Where and when does Glastonbury take place? 2 How many hours of music are there every day? 3 What are some differences between Glastonbury in 1970 and today? 4. Who do you know from the list of, performers? Who do you like? 5. What happened in 20092 6 What happened in 2005? Why is the song They can't buy the sunshine a ‘good song for the festival? farmland in south-west England. It The festival covers 1,000 acres of takes place in June and lasts four days. About 700 acts play on over 80 stages. There is continual music from 9 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clock the next morning. 1,500 people attended the first festival in September 1970. They paid £14 ticket. Last year 190,000 people attended. They paid £200 for a ticket. Hundreds of famous names have performed at Glastonbury: singers such as Paul McCartney, Bruce Springsteen, Robbie Williams, Jay Z, and Amy Winehouse, and bands such as REM, Radiohead, Coldplay, and Arctic Monkeys, In 2009, news of Michael Jackson's death hit in the middle of the festival. Immediately T-shirts with the slogan ‘I was at Glastonbury when Michael Jackson died’ were on sale. ‘The festival is famous for its rain! In 1997, 1998, and 2005 it rained every day, and the festival-goers danced in the mud. Glastonbury! Some experiences Marina M, Scotland “My fist Glastonbury was 2005. The year of rain and MUD! ‘We took off our shoes and danced init up to our knees! | loved i! tve now been six times! It’s always great fun, even though you don't sleep much! This years festival was fantastic - | didn't want to go home. A defn highlight for me was an Icelandic band called Sigur Ros. ve never heard of them, but | loved their music. And well dane fr all the toilets this year! Much better!” Dave Chow, London ‘Well, | don't know what to say - my ist time, and it was the most amazing experience! 'm now sitting at work thinking about the best four days of my life. We didnt see any rubbish bands, and the Djs rocked all night, We saw the sunrise at 515 on Sunday moming - an amazing experience, Only one complaint — there were so many mobile phones. Why? I thought Glasto was about getting away from ital’ Len Ferris, Gloucester ‘ve taken my kids to Glastonbury twice. it really is ‘an education for kid, The atmosphere is amazing. | think thisis because of the mmx of people of all ages. ts great to see them ~ from babies, toddlers, and teenagers, to people my parents’ age and older. Everyone gets on so well. On Saturday night we watched Radiohead with my T-year-old son, and the crowd moved back so he could see better. We loved everything’ Iai, Christchurch, New Zealand “This was my first year at Glastonbury. 'ravelled 10,000 miles to be there. I've been to other festivals in Australia and Europe. | went to the Sonar Festival in Barcelona two years a but Ive always wanted to come to Glastonbury. It was amazing, Radiohead was. the best thing | have ever seen at a festival ever, and I'm going to come next year if can. Long live Glastonbury!” 4. Read four peoples experiences of Glastonbury very quickly. Answer the questions. 1 Who has been there often? 2 Who has been only once? 3. Which people loved it all? 4 Who had one complaint. What about? 5. Who took his child? 6 Who travelled a long way to get there? 5. Read the experiences again. Are these statements true (7) or false (x)? Correct the false ones. 1 Marina slept in her tent when it rained. 2. She thought the Icelandic band was very ‘good and the toilets were cleaner. 3 Dave stayed up all night listening to the music. 4 He had no complaints. He loved everything and everybody. 5 Len loves the festival because it brings people of all ages together. 6 His son coulds't see the stage because of the crowds. 7 Tazi has never been to a music festival before. 8 She travelled from Barcelona to be there. Listening 6 Listen to two more people, Elsa and Daniel. What do they say about ...2 + the food + the drink + the music ‘+ the people Who had the best experience? What do you think? ‘+ Why do you think so many people love the Glastonbury experience? + Why do bands ite paying there? + Weuld you like to go to Glastonbury? Why/ Why not? VOCABULARY AND SPEAKING take and get 1 The verbs take and get have a lot of uses in English. Look at these sentences from the expericnees at Glastonbury. 3 Here are some more expressions. Which go with take and which with gef? Complete the chart. It takes place in June. Everyone gets on so well. “atest. married iteasy better soon We took off our shoes. I got really bored. ‘home late photos ready ataxi It took a long time to get to the stages. cuir tha bas along tine} alatct enaiin wrey wet 2. Complete the conversations with an expression from eae Gi exercise 1 in the correct tense. atest ‘A Its really hot in here B Why dort you — — your jumper? ‘A Is your office near where you live? B No, it__________ time to____ work. ‘A What are your work colleagues like? B Great! We all _——really__. ‘A How often are there exhibitions in the museum? B They___ regularly, every two months. A Do you like learning English? B Its OK, but sometimes I really Listen and check, Practise with a partner. 100 Unit 12 + Never ever! 4 Complete the sentences with fake or getin the correct form. 1 The best way to. to the airport is to ataxi, 2 Howlong___it if you go by train? 3 Thaventt a camera. I photos with my iPhone. 4 Sue her driving test three times and she' failed every time, 5 Are you still___ ready? We're going to be so late! 6 The doctor told me to, it easy if | want to. better soon, 7 Itrained on the day we. married. We. very wet, but still had a great day. 8 You cantt on the bus with that big dog. Please, off! Read the sentences aloud. Then listen and check Talking about you 5 Work with a partner. Complete the questions then ask and answer them about you. 1 How long does it_____you to___ to school? 2 What time do you___ back home after school/work? 3 What time do you usually. up in the morning? 4 5 Have you____any exams recently? Does it____ you along time to__ ready before you go out? 6 Are you __tired of this exercise? EVERYDAY ENGLISH Transport and travel 1 Write the words in the chart. Some words can go in more than one column. aieport railway station bus stop flight bus train plane retumticket ticket office platform departures anvvals customs hand luggage boarding pass security check IB Listen to three'travel announcements. Are they for bus, train, or plane? 3 Listen again, Write down all the numbers you hear, What do they refer to? Which places can you remember? 4. Read these lines. Are they for bus, train, or plane? 1 The number 360 stops near the museum. 2 The platform number has just gone up on the departures board. 3 Does the number 24 go to the Natural History Museum? 4 How many pieces of hand luggage have you got? 5 You board from Gate 9 at 10.20. 6 You'll wanta day return, 5. Work with a partner, Put the lines in A and B in the correct order to make two conversations. Conversation Conversation? A B A B At 955, The platform number | [7] Oh, yes. can see, Thank Ob thanks for your help. | [_] From that bus stop over hhas just gone up on the you very much. Gi Where can 1 get it? there, departures board, C Adgy retum to Oxford, 1 Bxcuse me, does the © Don't mention it. (1 Next, please! please. number 24 go to the TF No,it doesn't. Youneed (C1 Have a good journey! © Thank you. What time Natural History Museum? ‘the 360, CO Thats £270, does the next train leave? Listen and check. Practise the conversations with your partner. 6 Listen and complete this conversation. Where are Lara and Mel? A Have you online? M Yes, we have. A Fine, How many, have you got? L_Wehaventt got as ‘A Ob, yes. Can you put them on the scales? M Here you are... ‘A They're fine. And how many pieces of. L Justthese___. A. They're fine, too. You___ from Gate 9 at 10.20 L_ Where do we go now? ‘A Tothe departure gate and __. They're over there. Have a nice M Thanks very much, Goodbye. 7 Practise the transport and travel conversations with your partner, D> WRITING GEIEEBA poem pi7 ‘Act some of them to the class. Unit 2 + Never ever! 101

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