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Lei fink, BrendanJ. FEY, RalfKoetter', David C. Munson, Jr?

1. Dept. of ElecUical & Computer Engineering. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Urbana, IL 61801. USA
2. Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering,University of Toronto. Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G4. Canada

ABSTRACT flow [7] methods. The minimum norm method defines and
minimizes a norm that penalizes nonsmooth solutions. For
In this paper, we consider a novel Bayesian approach an appropriate 12-norm, the minimization can be efficiently
to 2-D phase unwrapping. The phase is unwrapped accord- computed by FFT, DCT or multigrid methods. However, the
ing to a maximum a posteriori (MAP)rule, where the esti-
least-squares solution can deviate substantially from the true
mate is made through a form of 2-D dynamic programming. phase if noise is large or data is discontinuous [SI. In the
The approach uses structured iterated conditional modes to branch cut method, the path-independent regions are identi-
achieve good performance without examining a large num-
fied and unwrapping is performed within these regions. The
ber of states in the dynamic system. We analyze the perfor- solution is robust to sheared or noisy phase data in general.
mance of the approach by transforming the problem to one
The network flow method converts the phase unwrapping
of decoding a convolutional code. An example with seven
problem to a discrete optimization problem using network
states in the dynamic program is given. We derive an ap- flow theory. Here, the goal of optimization is to minimize
proximate upper bound for probability of pixel error based
overall discontinuity. An appropriate choice of discontinu-
on a Gaussian Markov random field model. Monte Carlo
ity function is important.
simulation results show that the bound offers a good ap-
We proposed a new iterative dynamic programming ap-
proximation to the probability of error. A comparison with
proach to 2-D phase unwrapping in [9]. We take a Bayesian
other phase unwrapping techniques on a real data set sug-
point of view. The 2-D optimization is approximated by an
gests that the new approach is superior.
iterative set of 1-D dynamic programs, typically along rows
and columns of the image. This paper provides an analysis
1. INTRODUCTION of this new approach. In particular, we derive an approxi-
mate upper hound for the probability of pixel error.
Interferometric processing has been widely used for terrain This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines
height estimation in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) Ill, wa- a mathematical model for phase unwrapping. The iterative
terlfat decomposition in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) dynamic programming approach is introduced in Section 3.
[2], and measurement of wavefront distortion in adaptive In Section 4, the performance of the algorithm is analyzed.
optics [3]. In these applications. the phase in a complex In Section 5. experimental results are presented. Finally,
number C = A ( z ,y) exp[iZr$(z, y)] is related to a phys- conclusions are given in Section 6.
ical quantity of interest. In order to extract phase informa-
tion. 2m,!~= tan-'(Im[C]/Re[C]) is computed. This prin-
ciple phase value differs from the true phase 2 4 by an un- 2. MATHEMATICALMODEL
known integer multiple of 271. which makes phase unwrap-
ping necessary to retrieve the physical information from the Suppose the unwrapped phase can be modeled as a first-
measurement. Two-dimensional phase unwrapping is es- order Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) [lo]:
pecially difficult compared to one-dimensional unwrapping
due to the path-independent requirement. which is math-
ematically equivalent to the imposition of zero-curl con-
straint 141.
Much research has been done on 2-D phase unwrap-
ping. Approaches mainly can he divided into three cat-
egories: minimum norm 151, branch-cut 161, and network where p(r$',') is the distribution of the reference pixel (1,l)
This work was supported under NSF gant CCR01-05719. which offsets all other phases by The normalized phase

0-7803-7622-6/02/$17.00 02002 IEEE I11 - 829 IEEE KIP 2002

@,j,at pixel ( i , j ) ,can be wittenas

where $,j is the principle value falling within (-,and

k,j is an integer called the wrap count. Thejoint distribution
of the 4,j and L;j is given by substituting $,,j k;,j for + Fig. 1. Sliding window
$ ; , j , pixel by pixel. We then estimate the set of unknown
k,j, denoted by vector E. using the maximum a posteriori
(MAP) estimator metric of state s ( i ,j) is defined as

L = argmpp(*lE)p(E) d s ( i , j ) = min[d,,(i,j - 1) + A d 8 , , 8 ( i , j ) ] ,

wheres'(i,j-1) istheoldstate(ki-l,j-l, k;,j-~)andfrom

- the MAP estimator of (3), the metric increment is
- 2
($.z , j. + k.t , j. - G.
%,]-I - k;,j-1) I. (3)
Ads,,s(i,j) = (Gi-~,j+k;-~,j-4;-~,j-~-ki-~,j-~)'
This result is intuitively satisfying because the estimated + (4i.j+ k,j - G;-I,~ - k 1 . j ) 2
values of adjacent pixels are more likely to be closer to-
gether than further apart.
+ ($i,j + k,,j - $i,j-1 - ki,j-1)2
+ ($;-i,j +ki-i,j -$;-2,j -ki-z,j)2


+ P k t j +Pk;-i,j, (5)
PROGRAMMING where p is a weight that takes previous iterations into ac-
count. Equation (5) corresponds to a row-by-row. top-to-
Our objective is to find E that minimizes (3). If all the bottom raster scan. To reduce directional effects, we alter-
wrap counts are within the range [-K,K], an optimal method nate the raster scan from iteration to iteration. The last two
would be to search the (2K l)MN + possibilities for the terms penalize values that are different from the estimates
maximum if the image is of size M by N . Obviously, such from the previous iteration. We call the approach structured
computation would be prohibitive for realistic MN. We re- iterated conditional modes (SICM) because it is a modified
sort to a suboptimal hut simpler alternative which searches ICM [lll. As the algorithm proceeds through the trellis,
intermediate shifts k;,, = 0.+l. and -1. but iterates by re- all of the paths entering each state are pruned away in each
peating this resrricted search K times. Hence = CL, k@) L stage except the one giving the minimum accumulated cost.
where the iteration is indexed as t. This is a so-called greedy We also keep track of the surviving paths H 8 ( i , j )as
approach. The number of searches is 3 M N per iteration,
which still increases exponentially with image size. How- {&(id} = { f f S , ( & j - 1),&d}, (6)
ever, we use a form of two-dimensional dynamic program-
ming to further reduce the computation to a linear function where
of image size.
We process W rows at a time, from top to bottom of the $ ( i , j ) = argmin[d,,(i,j
- 1)+ Ads,,s(i,j)]. (7)
image, which completes one iteration of the approach. We
then process W columns at a time, from left to right. We re- At the end of the two rows, k is determined by tracing the
peat the procedure until the image does not change. When states along the surviving paths. Increasing the number of
processing the W rows, we use dynamic programming to states in the dynamic system can improve the unwrapping
search for an optimal k within the W rows and update the performance. but also increases the computational complex-
image by adding k. To formulate the two-dimensional un- ity.
wrapping as a dynamic programming problem, we show an The approach can be implemented efficiently in terms
example with W = 2 in Fig. 1. The state is defined as of memory usage because the memory at each stage of the
s ( i , j ) = (k;-l,j, k;,j). If we assume that the difference in dynamic program can be reused in the next stage.
k between adjacent pixels does not exceed one, then there
are seven states in the dynamic program. We define a metric 4. PERFORMANCEANALYSIS
to measure the cost as the dynamic program proceeds from
one stage to the next (which corresponds to moving the win- In this section, we shall demonstrate how to bound directly
dow in Fig. 1 to the right by one pixel). The accumulated the probability of pixel error for the SICM algorithm. In

111 - 830
Fig. 2. Definition of c
k, 4 CIc2 cl s lqk,

our derivation. we use p = 0 and assume perfect feedback, Fig. 3. Trellis of the binary linear program
which means no errors from either previous rows or itera-
tions affect the current decision. Figure 2 uses a window
of size 2 as an example. We can easily generalize to larger model satisfying the assumptions can be used. In the case
windows. Define c3, c2, c1 and c,, as of a GMRF, Pd can be approximated by

pd 2Q(s), (14)

if U , the variance of A 4 defined in (1). is small. In order to

see how tight the bound is, we ran Monte Carlo simulations
based on the GMRF model and calculated the probability of
There is only one term in CO because the other term from pixel error. Figure 4 plots both the simulation results and
the previous row has been considered in the update $ and
is taken to be zero here. The observation is then written as
the upper bound on PER as a function of V = 10 log,, &,
We see that the bound provides a good approximation to the
A$ = c Ad. This is similar to decoding a convolutional simulated PER.
code, where A$ corresponds to additive noise of a channel.
However, the '"noise" is not white because of the zero-curl
constraint, so that

For tractability, we approximate this conditional probability

to be a product of uncoupled factors as given on the first line
in (12) and disregard the second line.
As assumed in Section 3. c takes values +1, -1, or 0.
"*. .. I I. I
U . U

Based on the MAP decision rule, the probability of choos-

ing +l(-l)conditioned on c = -l(+l) is usually small. Fig. 4. Upper Bound
Therefore, we take both c and k modulo 2 so that + I and
-1 become the same symbol, in which case the program be-
comes binary and linear. The corresponding trellis is given 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
in Fig. 3, where the four digits in each branch are c3czc1c,,,
To assess the performance of the new approach, we tested
We define pixel error rate (PER) as the probability of our algorithm on real interferometric SAR data (with terrain
pixel error. For a binary-input, output memoryless channel, height ranging from 0 to 1OOm) obtained from Sandia Na-
an upper bound on the PER is given by tional Laboratory. Using interferometric SAR. the terrain
height h is related to 4 through [4]
1a q D ,I )
PER 5 -~ ar Ir=l.Dd=Pd (13) AD
h zz -4, (15)
w h e r e T ( D , I ) is thetransfer function [12], whichisapoly- B
nomial in D and I. and Pd is the probability of unmerged where B is the antenna baseline, X is wavelength. and D is
segments at distant d from the correct path. In our deriva- the distance from the antennas to the scene. Figure 5 shows
tion, we did not use a specific model for A$. Hence, any images of wrapped phase and reconstructed terrain using

I11 - 831

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