SDS-EHS Policy

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We, At Sai dry-cool system, we adopt the latest equipment’s and streamline techniques for
installation to ensure our clients always gets the latest and the best. With the consummate
material quality and ideal workmanship, we at Sai dry cool system always ensure that our
products met the functional requirements. Our core competencies lies in the wide range of
making Air Driers, Cooling Systems and After Coolers and consider Environment protection,
Health and Safety as an integral part of our business planning, processes and decision making.

Regulatory consents, compliance with consent conditions, adequate resources, Environment-

impact assessment and Environment management systems form the five absolutes for
achieving our corporate objectives. We take great pride in our EHS policy. Good health, safety
and unpolluted Environment are some of the legacies that we would like to hand down to our
future generations.

We are committed to the wellbeing of our employees, community and the protection of our
environment through the following:

a. Our Mission is to provide highest quality standard drying equipment and accessories
through state-of-the-art facility, wide experience and highly skilled manpower.

b. As a matter of philosophy and policy, we are committed to making the Air Driers, Cooling
Systems and After Coolers safely and in an environment friendly manner with due
consideration for occupational health of our employees and others who may be involved
and /or related to our operations.

c. We comply with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to our operations.

d. We will make environmental, occupational health and safety information / expertise

available to our employees, regulatory agencies and the community at large.

e. We will make environmental, health and safety considerations a priority in the planning for
new projects, products and processes and upgrading of existing products and processes.

f. Management or designate will periodically audit environmental, occupational health and

safety systems with progressive international benchmarking.

g. The environment, health and safety concerns and practices will form an integral part of
every employee’s training and development.
We pledge our allegiance to Environment, Health and Safety policy as an integral part of our
organizational culture and all employees are responsible and accountable individually, as well as
collectively for its adherence


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