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Daniel Molina

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We tend to think of people based off of our gender, nationality, and or race. However, the ways we currently view people are flawed in every way. Gender viewing creates misogynistic identities or flawed feminist ideology. Racial sand points only create an ever repeating cycle of violent racial stereotypes. Finally nationality paradigms cause a cold war era where countries and people are divided. This standpoint destroys the fall of global hegemony and the global empire that s being created. The only categorization that is left and actually valid is categorization by intelligence. This concept is quite simple, there are the smart people and then there are the burdens to society also known as the dumb people. Nothing less nothing more, only sub categories of each. Take note that this classification does not take grades in school or work performance, just the mental capabilities of ones mind. I will begin by basing my theories off of Nietzsches concept of will to power. The best example used for the theory of will to power is: if you are a wolf and you find a sheep in the woods, (or just in general) the wolf should not feel sorry for eating the sheep because the wolf must eat. In the case of smort (its spelled wrong to show irony) people and not as intelligent people the mart ones are wolfs and the dumb are sheep. The smart people should not fell sorry or feel pity to the dog. The sheep follow other sheep and they are easy to manipulate. The smart people on the other hand are free thinkers and are able to manipulate other peoples thoughts and opinions. The best way to explain this is by telling a story, however I do not remember the exact details of the story but it goes as such. There was a man that started a cult (or some group Im really not sure) the man had a few hundred people gather together in some area. The man was able to successfully convince the people that the rightful and necessary thing to do at the moment was

Daniel Molina for everyone to commit suicide by drinking poison. The sheep followed as such and were killed because they were incapable of obtaining a brain. With sheep living in this world human beings are literally incapable of advancing forward as a species. The sheep somehow possess the capability to produce little groups also in their language known as clicks and talk about the latest and greatest thing on the MTV. In order to support this concept Plato shall be put into play. Platos allegory of the cave fits this idea best. The sheep are the ones inside the cave that refuse to break out the shackles. These men and women will fight for their ride to the oblivion. Smart people, these are the ones that would simply not drink poison and would have the brain power to break out of the cave. Smart people will have the mental capability to think for themselves and not simply follow what someone tells them. The concept is quite simple the smart people are the ones that are able to think for themselves and they are able to persuade or manipulate other people into thinking what they believe. In the example that I used about the guy with the cult, this man in a way was smart. The man was able to successfully convince others to believe his personal point of view. His ideas might not be the best, but thats not what I am looking at. If he was able to change the mindset then he must be smart in some sort of way. There are many variables that come into play when dealing with qualifying someone as smart or not as smart. However the main point of this essay is to prove that there are two types of people and that they are able to be categorized by if they are able to manipulate or be persuaded. If you are the one doing the manipulation then you are the intelligent one, and if you are the one who is doing the following then you are the sheep of society.

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