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ENGLISH (Second Language)

Read the interview

eM Crlain otlher 11Ovemcnts are also
qucstions :
set 10 dicate cven he dircction ol
he heClat sOuTCC of lowers Interviewer :Tocday we will met
Now lct's look into ther eves. Bees who has topped the Boa
ive cves : wo cotpound ones exmh in the state wit
ald threC simple oncs. The surface mark5. Welcome.
ot a coipound eye of a worker bee CongratulatioI5.
has ncarly 5000 hexagonal facets, Amee: Thank vom
whereas drones have about 8000 Interviewer : How do yotn leel rigt i n '
But surprisingly bees are poor in
Amee :Obviously. I am very happy an
sdentifying colours. They can identify
proud as I did not sjert t.
blue. yellow and white colours only.
top the cxaIs.
They cannot see the red colour at all !
18. What do the explorer bees indicate Intervicwer: Tell us about your stut
through dances ? habits ? Did you study hias
for 8-10 hours a day D
oWhat does a round dance suggest ?
you go for any coachinz
1. What does a shuffle dance suggest ? class ?
12. How many eyes do the bees have ? Amee: Oh. no. I attended school
3. How are the bees in identifying colours? regularly and followed a timetable
at home. I never went for anv
Read Lhe given daLa and unswer the
coaching class. I did not studv
for 8-10 hours.

The Principal. Staff and Students of Interviewer: Did you have time for
Saraswati Vidyalaya, Porbandar, sports and hobbies ?

cordially invite you to Amee: Yes, of course. As I said. i1 is

THE not necessary to study for 8.10
hours. It is important to study
with focus and
had lots of tine for sports
Chief Guest entertainment. In fact. it is good
Hon.. Mayor Shri Thakore for physical and mental health
Venue: Interviewer : Any message lor other
students ?
Saraswati Vidyalaya
Behind Chakudiya Mahadev Amee: Well. have contidence in yourselt
Work hard, bul also spare time
for dolng the activities you love
Time: 10 a.1m. Prepare a timetable and follow
it to suCceed.
.What is this
data ? 29. How many marks has Amee scored )
5.Whhat is he name ol the school ?
30. What were her study habits ?
What is the school celebrating? 31. What does Amee say about sports and
Who is the chief guest? entertainment ?

3.Where should we go II we want to 32. What is Amee's message to Other

altend he function ? studeitts ?
ENGLISH (Sccond Language)

(but, and.
wisc. There wit and
lhat shIOw his
Siories, sttr42h
-Have you finished your lesson. Do as irCclcd
said unt to Ton.
people use clectricity daily. They
Ol. All the makes
-vo. aunt." replied Tom. hanging devices with it. It
can run many
sOWTI his head. the life comfortable.
-Why ot ? asked aunt. Elecricity is used ...
Begin like this :
is so difficult," said match. He is delighted.
52. He has won the
"Because it
wvith his friends.He
Toni He shares his joy
Aunt asked Tom if he celebrate it alone.
(have, does not want to
s hadi finished his lesson. Hanging Begin like this : We have won...
dewn us head. Tom Select Lhe questions Lo get the
positiveliy. negatively. [firmatively) words a phrase as thcir
that he had not înished his lesson. Aunt
TLS Wers
asked Tom why he had not finished his by car.
lesson. Tom .... (saidl. told eplied) 53. Ghanshyam goes to office
car ?
that he had not finished his lesson A. Where does Ghanshyam go by
(is. had been, was) office by car ?
because it B. Who goes to
s0 diffiCult C. How cdoes Ghansliyam go to office ?
D. What does Ghanshyam do with car ?
Join he
54. Reva went to the market to buy Sari.
A. Where did Reva go to buy Sari ?
7. Go to market. Get me some vegetables. Wi did Reva o to the market ?
(so that, or else C.When does Reva go to the market ?
3. Sameer was ill. He did not appear lor D. With whom does Reva go to the
the exam. (yet. because. market ?

9. Kapil's show comes on a certain day. 55. Virat remembers Sachin in his batting,
Can you tell me the day ? A. Who remembers Sachin in his
(why. 1en where)
batting ?
0. Resrite the paragtaph illtng he B. When does Virat remember Sachin ?
Dlasks with aopropriate words in
C. Why does Virat renember Sachin?
Tenali Raman had a great Sense D. Whom docs Virat remember in his
(for. of in) uuHOur. He ooked bating?

Match che latuage omplete the sentences

correct option focussing
'B' in the brackets:
33. If we drive 39. Cut the
we can avotd
carefull CNpressing vegetables
accidents contrast
34. My

helps me
in my
alwas b expressing
study. manner
A. to prepare meal.
R wash them and
(descrtbing poxe
35. It was heay rain vet
C. expressin8
prepare meal that you can
the pilgTims continued condition prepare neal.
D. but don't need to
their journey make meal
d. describing 40. he is not
frequency appreciated.
Choose and write the
of action
A. Though he is (describirng contras
responses to complete the conversa
B. Though he is very p00r
C. Though he is very
D. Though he is very
36. Rina : My Grandfather is honest
regular in his 41.
daily work. Gandhinagar is the capital of Guarz
Pina : (seeking information) (describing place)
A. which is known as the Green cit
A. He 1s 80 vears old.
B How old is he ? ol 0ndia.
C. What a B. so 1 like it.
healthy person he is!
D. Very nice things to know. C. and we must feel
proud of it.
D. because it tihe Green city of India
37. Tarun: Wil you show me the
of City Gold, Hiren ?
Che pasagtaph lling in the
Hiren (describing process) Dpropriate wordi
A. Which latest film is released in City 3
Gold ? (accept. caqer. refused)
BTake right turn from Nehru bridge, 42. Eklavya was to gain the
gO on Ashram Road and you will
knowledge of archery from Dronacharya
find it on left side.
But Dronacharya to
C. It is on Ashram Road.
him as his disciple.
D. There is another heatre Shiv' on
Ashram Road. Find and write the word having
38. Boss : (duration of time) nearest neaning
Employee :I have been on leave for 43. frustrated : upset, happy, peaceful. calti
two weeks, sir.
44. evidence : result, outcome, proof, chas
A. How long have you been on leave ?
45. furious: sad. happy. angry. calni
B Since wlhen are you on leaves ?
C. Why were you absent?
D. What happened to your leave ?
RAU MAUOr2-43:ieg 10
the solutton. In lact that Write any one ol the
Is Cuel and unnatural. notes focussing on thc
Rather, parents should 11. Taj Nagar Railway Station
make sure that there (What was the
Is a balance between need jut
station ?- Why dtd the pcopl,
study and play hours. a railuway station ?-
Games, music and response of the What
entertalnment are quile
essential for plhysical
the vtllagers then
money did they pool
railwdoays?-?-Ho Wh
and mental health. in ?-When
the railway station butlt2)
They help reduce
7. What is Mrs Trivedi's Kach's Life in the Hermitage
problem? (How did he serve
8. According to Dr Mrs Shelat, what cannot
- What work did
be a solution ?
to Shukracharya qs
him?-Why did Devayant fol
One minute to six And love with him ?-Why could he
Blandford's heart leaped. respond to her love ?-Hou did
A young woman was coming help Devayani ?- What did the .
towards him. She was tall and slender. together ?)
Her eyes were as blue as flowers. Her
Write whether the sentences are T
lips and chin had a gentle
firmness. In or False :
her green suit she was like
springtime 12. None of the stolen articles
He started walking towards her.
recovered from Prem Chopra's ho
13. Take care of birds as the
But then he noticed she did not have
a rose. As he moved. she smiled indicators of a health
sweetly. "Going my way. soldier ?" she 14. Mevnell hadn't ref
murmured. for her photogr
9. Describe the young woman. 15. Arun is no1
an activisi
10. Blandford's heart leaped. Why ?

Sectios 3
Read the stanza and answer the 16. How will dhe song help the child
questions: 3 dreams ?

My song will be like a pair of wings 17. What will happen when the childs
to your dreams, parents are no more ?
It will transport your heart to the verge 18. What is the synonvm of the word
'Vision ?
of the unknown.
It will be like the lalthful star overhead Read the paragraph and answer the
when dark night is over your road. questions :
The explorer bees tell their sisters
My song will sit in the pupils of your about direction and distance of flowers
eyes, and will carry your sight into through definite movements whica
the heart of things. A round dance
We cam call 'dances
And when my volce Is silent in death. Suggests that the lowers are qulte
my song will speak n your living near. The shuffle dance suggests
heart. the bees should be ready for a lonS
178 UAI MUbH2-045 :QlR4 10

Section E
56. Write a paragraph in about 125 words
on the OR
following : (any one) 6
Write a report in
A Visit to a
Sea-shore on how your about 60
(a ualk on the
seashore with friends
-croud- children playing - amuse Environment Day'.
(June 5 plant
ments - entertainments -
hawkers - sunset) vendors and student to look Saplings -ea
- qter
message :SaDe Trees - one sapli
Trees environmental problems) exhibition
(protect the 58. Describe the
earth - flowers - fruits picture in about
shade - medicines - wood- clothes Sentences.
- OXYgen
-fresh air-cool
-rain) atmosphere
My Favourite Festival
(social. cultural.
date and month -religious or
inportance- inmethod
celebratiorn - importance
Iife - message) Our

57. Parth
writes an e-mail to his
Unnati on sister
inforn her about his
S.S.C. exam.

Time:3 Hours) QUESTION PAPER 6

Instructions : As
Question Paper l. (Total Marks: 80
Read the Section A
questions: extracts and answer Lhe 2. How will
tall asPalakkad's district library
beacon to encourage stands books help women ?
empowerment through wonmen s trash Fioutside
rstly, we
should all stop throwt
workshops classes,
then, there and reading rooms. clubs. shoulgenerate
we d reduce our homes. Next,
will are the boolr And the

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