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Programme Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Learner name Shabir Ahmed

Diploma in Engineering
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National
Extended Diploma in Engineering
Assignment title Assignment C/D Assessor name Mr Distin
Development of a printed circuit
board and reflection on own
Unit no. & title Unit 22 – Electronic Printed Circuit Targeted learning Learning aim C/D
Board Design and Manufacture aims C.P5,C.P6, D.P7, D.P8, C.M3, D.M4, D.D3

Issue date Submission deadline 8/7/22

First submission / resubmission?* First Submission Date submitted 8/7/22
Resubmission authorisation Date
by Lead Internal Verifier*

* All re-submissions must be authorised by the Lead Internal Verifier. Only one resubmission is possible per assignment, providing:
· The learner has met initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has met an agreed deadline extension.
· The tutor considers that the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance.
· Evidence submitted for assessment has been authenticated and accompanied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the
**Any resubmission evidence must be submitted within 10 working days of receipt of results of assessment.
Targeted criteria Criteria Assessment comments
(Yes / No)







General comments

Assessor declaration I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any
sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Assessor signature Date

Learner comments

Learner signature S.Ahmed Date 8/7/22

Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration

When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own.
Learner name: Shabir Ahmed Assessor name: Mr Distin/Mrs Byng

Issue date: Submission date: Submitted on: 8/7/22

Programme: Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Engineering

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Engineering

Unit 22 – Electronic Printed Circuit Board Design and Manufacture

Assignment reference and title: Assignment C/D - Development of a printed circuit board and reflection on
own performance.
Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or
describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration).
Assignment task Evidence Required/Submitted Page numbers or
reference description








Additional comments to the Assessor:

Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the
work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Learner signature: S.Ahmed Date: 8/7/22

BTEC Assignment Brief

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Engineering
Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in
Unit number and title Unit 22: Electronic Printed Circuit Board Design and

BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
C: Develop safely a printed circuit board to solve an
engineering problem
Learning aim(s)
D: Review the development of the printed circuit board and
reflect on own performance.
Development of a printed circuit board and reflection on own
Assignment title performance.

Mrs Byng/Mr Distin

Issue date

Hand in deadline

Your Supervisor is pleased with the progress you have made

using the schematic capture and simulation software
package. They could now like you to explore some of the
software’s more complex functions.
Your Supervisor has selected a customer product that can be
made using a single-sided through-hole PCB and has asked
you to use the software package to generate a printed circuit
Vocational Scenario or
board layout for the product. Your performance on this Task
will be the subject of your next review meeting with your
Training Manager.
To help you prepare for the meeting your Supervisor has
suggested that you put together a ‘lessons learnt’ reflecting
on what went well, what could have gone better and what
you can take forward to the next stage of your development
as a professional engineer.
You have been asked to design and manufacture showing
refinements, a single-sided printed circuit board from a given
circuit schematic design. On completion of the manufacturing
and testing, you need to produce a written evaluation that
reflects the lessons you have learnt throughout the task.

To do this:

Task 1 Your tutor will provide you with a circuit schematic that you
will use to design and make a single-sided PCB. You should
then use the software design package to design a
single-sided printed circuit board layout for the given circuit
schematic. The design should take into account the
positioning of components, heat management and fixing
points. You will need to:
● Carry out improvements to the design as required.
● Justify your design decisions

BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
● Produce manufacturing information, such as PCB
artwork, CAD/CAM data, bill of materials (BOM),
technical specification and simulation/analysis data

When the design has been agreed with your Tutor, you will
need to construct the PCB safely, taking into account general
Health and Safety requirements and local Risk Assessments.
You will need to show evidence of:
● Manufacturing processes for the substrate;
● Visual pre-assembly quality control checks;
● Appropriate identification, handling and preparation of
● Component polarity and placement
● Hand soldering techniques
● Wire preparation e.g. stripping, tinning, trimming
● Connection of off-board components

You should then:

● Test the functionality of the circuit when your tutor
agrees it is safe to do so. This should include
post-assembly quality control checks.

Then, you will need to:

Collate all of your work from the designing, manufacturing
and testing of the circuit into a single portfolio. You should
then review and reflect on the activities that you have
carried out, and make notes about what went well and what
improvements could be made. You will also need to consider
what would be done differently next time.

You will then:

Prepare a short ‘lessons learnt’ report that includes the
lessons learnt from:
● Developing a printed circuit board
● health and safety skills, including managing
electrical hazards. You should consider electric
shock and emergency actions, using appropriate
personal protective equipment and keeping the
work area clean and tidy
● electronic circuit development skills, including
component recognition, schematic capture, PCB
design and construction methods
● general engineering skills, such as interpreting
● your personal performance

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BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
▪ time planning and management to complete all the
different activities in an appropriate time and order
▪ communication and literacy skills to follow and
implement instructions appropriately, interpret
documentation and communicate effectively with
others in writing and orally
▪ commercial and customer awareness to ensure the
PCBs are fit for purpose and meet the brief.

Checklist of evidence A reflective developmental log detailing the design,

required manufacture and testing process undertaken. This should be
accompanied by one or more observational witness
statements, annotated photographs of the circuit being
manufactured and tested, a formal assessment of the final
circuit board and relevant behaviours applied.
A ‘lessons learnt’ report of approximately 500-1000 words.

Criteria covered by this task:

To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
22/D.D3 Refine, during the process, the development of a printed circuit board
safely to improve its performance, whilst applying relevant behaviours
and general engineering skills to a professional standard.
22/C.M3 Design and manufacture accurately and efficiently a printed circuit
board that functions as intended, while documenting alternative
22/D.M4 Recommend improvements to the design and manufacture of the
printed circuit board and to the relevant behaviours applied.
22/C.P5 Design a printed circuit board and generate documentation for
22/C.P6 Manufacture safely a printed circuit board and identify any issues with
the quality and functionality
22/D.P7 Explain how health and safety, design and manufacturing and general
engineering skills were applied effectively during the manufacture of the
printed circuit board.
22/D.P8 Explain how relevant behaviours were applied effectively during the
design and manufacture of a printed circuit board.
Sources of information Books
to support you with this Reflective writing; Wiiliams K, Wooliams M, Spiro J; Palgrave
Assignment McMillan (2012); ISBN 978 0 230 37725 7

Report writing; Reid M; Palgrave McMillan (2012); ISBN 978

0 230 37655 7

BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
Making printed circuit boards; Axelson J L; Tab Electronics
(1993); ISBN-13: 978-0830639519


Above are some examples of websites. Further useful

resources may be found at

Other assessment Schematics for the circuit to be built using a single-sided

materials attached to through-hole board with 5 to 15 components.
this Assignment Brief
Observation Record

Reflection Booklet

Designing The Circuit

Firstly, before starting the making of the circuit I had to create a new file for each step
being made in order to make the actual PCB within my name and what it was for.
Then I went on circuit wizard and went on gallery to get out the components, which
were the following: battery (9v), 2 resistors (1 is 470 and the other 47k), LDR, LED,
and a transistor. Using a circuit wizard would be easier for the process with how many
components it allows to use with no limits.

BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
Bill Of Materials Table:

This is the bill of materials table just showcasing what the circuit consists of for the
user. After this, I connected all the components together with the correct details and
in the same format. I tested the circuit and checked if the LED lights up by playing the
button on the top and a red color so it worked well. When I made the circuit I decided
to do some small tests like increasing and decreasing the heat within the LDR to see
the changes to the LED which resulted in how bright it would get. Heat management
is key for this circuit as the main goal is to make the LED light up. So the heat given
off by the LDR has to be controlled to a certain limit.

CAD/CAM Conversion:

When completing the circuit you will have to run it through a project and convert it to
the PCB layout, it shows a good idea of where each component will be placed.
BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
Specifications were made like the shape of the PCB would be made and the connection
lines so the components are well connected. One change I made was to change the
LDR to an OPR 12 which is good as it increases the sense of light for the components
and increases the distance of how a person can perceive the color, so how bright it
gets. Another improvement I made was changing the track size to normal making the
PCB more compact and enough space for each component. Including this was making
the pad size back to normal similar to track size with the same reason I gave before,
trying not to to to waste copper as the components are quite miniature.

After this, I used a battery and did a small test to see if it works and it did, then I ran
a projection to make sure it was ready to go through the cam/cad conversion. As I did
this I converted it to a Gerber file and then labeled all my steps so far from 1 to 3 to
make sure I was on track. It would add other files as well so I kept them as they were
important. I saved it to my file with my name on it and then added it to my class file
in order for him to print out the PCB. This was to make it easier for the teacher to
print everyone's work out and then give it to them.

PCB Creation (Denford Engraver):

The Denford engraver is the machine used to create the PCB from the computer with
software allowing fellow students to send the PCBs over and the teacher to access
them. It uses copper in order to assemble the board and then it is replaced every 4
boards being made. I sent off my work off and waited patiently, it took time as I
waited for others. When it was finished I checked my board and compared it to the
picture of my original PCB to see any defects and luckily, for me it was perfect. I
labeled my PCB with my name and set and placed it in a box for safe keeping.

Cutting Off Excess Copper:

BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
Before even starting this part I had to wear safety glasses (PPE) ensuring safety is my
number one priority. I placed my PCB by the sharp end and check if there was eniugh
space at each side when i was doing it, even when doing this i made sure my hands
weren’t in the way so i didn’t accidentally cut my fingers off. Each side of the PCB has
to have enough space so it isn’t cutting into the actual circuit area running the
connection of the engravings.


Filing was a very simple step, all I really had to do was to make the sides smooth so it
doesn’t have daggered ends making it less likely of me cutting myself. This step
wasn’t really needed as much depending on how you cut the PCB as it could’ve been
miscut or too sharp.
BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015

This part of the process is important as this makes your soldering part successful or
fail. What i did was make sure it’s in line with the hole, then put the power to 5 or 6 or
at least where the halfway point is, and then with my other hand holding place leading
the down the hole taking it back up again. This was repeated a few times where each
component would be placed. You’d want your hand placed on the board so you don't
lose control. Everyones bored would be different depending on the board, making the
holes the same or a slight difference. The wood block was placed underneath for the
drill to go through safely without the tip breaking or damaging the bottom base itself.
A safety factor I had to think about is placing my hand close to the board and not by
the drill as I don’t want to get too close to injuring my hand.


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BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
All these processes are a part of the manufacturing, so beforehand we were taught
how the soldering process works and what the safety features are, this includes the
previous processes. The first thing I did was to find the right component which I
mentioned earlier on, including the LED, LDR, resistors, battery, and transistor. I went
to where the components were placed and picked them up one by one, I placed them
in the holes referring to pictures of the original PCB and when I finished with doing it i
showed a teacher for confirmation. I went to a soldering station and attached my PCB
to the clip to hold it in place for easy access. I had to get tin-lead to make the
soldering work, the soldering iron had to get heated as some were working better
than others. You rub the soldering iron on the sponge and then put some lead on it to
see if it's warm enough and then you go by the component melting the lead to keep it
in place. To get rid of the component legs I snipped them off with the cutters to not
disrupt the connection between components. After I finished it all I had to get
confirmation from the teacher and then add the battery wires (red-positive,
black-negative). A good technique I was taught was to clean the tip to make sure it
was heating up again as you see it fizz up in the solution.

End Result:

BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
As you can see is the finished result, where the ends have been cut off and the
soldering looks quite good. I had it complete the first time around with some
assistance making sure I was right each way. I had an issue where I had confirmed it,
but one of the resistors wasn’t deep enough so I desoldered it with the desolder too
which is very simple to use and you clip it down and hold it by the soldering iron and
melt it off. Then I fixed that issue and then it was ready to be tested.

Result 1 (Not Touched):

Result 2 (Touched):

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BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
It was good that the circuit worked the first time around and there was no issue
except cutting the ends of the battery attachment wires causing a break-up in the


Throughout these activities, I really enjoyed working with familiar tools and working
harder, increasing my knowledge for if I want to do it next time. Another thing that
went well was the first-time success even though I was the last to do it in the time
given. I found it easy to solder cause I managed to do it within the hour given or even
less with some experience on what to do. I like my design as I easily could pinpoint
where each component would be placed and it was overall well constructed. Where I
could’ve improved really was to do the steps earlier instead of piling them up making
myself prepared for the tasks. Another way I could’ve made it better for myself was
by making the circuit earlier as that’s very simple. What I would do differently next
time is make my free period time to use by making it quicker and having extra time
for other work. I would change up the PCB a bit by asking the teacher's permission
making it harder or changing the layout a bit. Instead of using the LDR, I would use a
switch as you can test to see the max power being generated from the light and as
the LDR you had to press on it, you can add more force but it would damage it from
the pressure.

Lessons Learnt:

When developing a PCB you have to consider what factors come into place, like the
network the school uses that can limit the amount of PCBs being made on that day
delaying it even more. Creating the circuit and following instructions can be hard for
some as people would be in different stages depending on what they did last time
meaning others would have to spend more time catching up. Interpreting the circuit in
BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
the wrong way as using the wrong components will mess up the whole project so it
would be best to ask the teacher what components are being used. In making the PCB
including the manufacturing process, there are risk assessments involved as it may
involve the user getting electrocuted, cut, or even burnt from soldering. So it can be
worrying as you don’t anything bad happening and if it gets like that ask for the
teacher's help so the instructions are clear. It’s a must for the desired user to have
PPE given to them by the supervisior preventing them from endangering themselves
and costing injuries. If an incident takes place the supervisors have to be quick
thinkers and think of how to take care of the situation as anything can happen. The
smoke produced from the soldering iron can affect people with asthma so they have to
be extra careful when they are close to the soldering iron. The workplace after being
finished has to be cleaned by the student or supervisors that have stayed. Getting
prepared for soldering it’s best to get familiar with the processed PCB picture so you
have a good idea of where each component will have to be placed correctly. This
improves general engineering skills if you can identify what each component is and
how to place them in the right order. Soldering helps construct basic PCBs helping
those that want to get into the electric/electronic engineering field would enjoy
learning more about these tools and the kits provided by the supervisors. As well as
that the person will have to be good at reading the circuit they made and
understanding what each component means for the LDR and LED and how the heat
management changes the brightness of the light. Personally, I think I smashed the
process and the circuit with less time on my hands as I under that each component
has constructed the circuit well, understanding the instructions given by the teacher
so we understand has to be done in the time given. My skills have improved from the
last time i have done it as I less help and worked with some bigger including
components and creating the PCB itself. I’d want to be more focused when I was given
this task so I could be able to do it somewhere else making it easier for myself as I
can have something set for any random day which isn’t guaranteed. An important
factor I thought a lot about was time management as I really didn’t plan through what
I was planning to do with the PCB and how ill construct it within the deadline. When
creating PCBs for big clients it is important as it was for me to meet the deadline
given making you prioritize the time you got so you know when you to worm on the
project and actually complete something. What else comes into play in understanding
the circuit, as mentioned earlier a client would want to have some specific components
on the circuit so the engineer would have to be good at reading circuits and knowing
why the client would want that change.

Risk Assessments:

Risk assessments could’ve taken place within the workplace as it says in the first
paragraph, the things that can happen as the students have too little experience with
soldering and with circuits. This can lead to injuries and something more serious, so

BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015
it’s advised that the teacher would go through each manufacturing stage process
making sure each student knows what the expectations are. It can be applied in the
workplace with the following: wearing PPE, leaving your bags in the corner, watching
out for the tools, and being safe with them. Supervisors have to watch out for them
minimizing the risks of the students hurting themselves. For me, I had to make sure I
was wearing the safety glasses and not messing around with the tools knowing the
problems that will happen after. Things to consider are the accidents that happen in
the workplace, this includes the tools or even human error so with that in mind it’s
best to check the whole workplace and tools for any dangers that can take place.

BTEC Assignment Brief v1.0
BTEC Internal Assessment QDAM January 2015

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