Psychology Case study CAM VKS

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~SE No.

Your friend approaches you In a state of confusion . He has recently completed his
MBA from a prestigious Institute and has been offered a very good job, with a
handsome salary, In a reputed company. The problem Is that this company
manufactures tobacco products.

Your friend believes that tobacco Is Immensely harmful for an individual's health.
Yet, his duty In this Job profile wlll be to maximise the sale of such products. He
raises the followlng points:
(I) When the govt. also knows that tobacco Is harmful, why does It not directly
ban the manufacture of such products?
(II) If he accepts the Job offer, should he do Justice to his professional duties or
to his personal beliefs? Is there any way In which he can reconcile the two?

(Ill) Even If he does not accept this Job, someone else wlll. Either way, the
manufacture, promotion and sale of such products will continue. What is the
way out?
Crltlcally analyse the above viewpoints. On the basis of this analysis, what would
your advice to your friend be?
(250 words- 25 marks)
The case involve s a conflict between my friend 's professional duties and his person al
beliefs. My endeav our would be to guide him in such a manne r that his vocatio nal
ambitio ns , their meanin gful sustainability and his personal convict ions are approp riately
To this end, I would address his concerns thus:
1. The govt. does not impose an ·outright ban on tobacco products due to the potenti al
econon-,ic and social repercussions, in terms of loss of revenue and liveliho od.
Further , a ban without accompanying societal support (especially from tobacco ·
users) would only drive the market underground, making it even harder to control.
2. If he knowingly and consciously accepts the job offer, he must do justice to the duties
assigne d to him . Since his convictions are contrary to the deman ds of the job, it is
likely to create inner turmoil. This can be averted, although in small measu re, by
using the compan y's CSR platform to promote anti-tobacco initiatives.
3 . Whether or not he joins the company, tobacco production and consumption w ill
continue unless people understand its ill-effects and voluntarily quit the habi:t. Thus ,
the only viable way out is to educate, encourage and assist people in doing th e
Due to the cognitive dissonance he is likely to face in this job, 1 would advise not to
accept this offer. Given his excellent education, he will have no dearth of equally
remunerative but more fulfilling offers. Simultaneously, he can also use social, public
and professional forums to promote anti-tobacco campaigns.
(245 words)
You are a police officer In Delhl, tasked with monitoring the security on a road that
the Prime Minister Is travelling by to the convocation function of a university. The
entire area has been cordoned off for regular vehicular traffic and the PM's
cavalcade Is expected to arrive within moments.
At that moment, a vlslbly disturbed young man approaches you. He informs you
that he llves In a nearby resldentlal colony. His father has Just suffered a heart
attack and needs Immediate medical attention. He has already called an
ambulance but the ambulance Itself Is stuck In the traffic caused due to the
cordoning-off of traffic. He pleads with you for assistance.
What are the options .available to you In these circumstances? Evaluate them and
suggest the course of action you would adopt.

(200 words- 20 marks)

My twin objectives in these circumstances would be to provide timely medical assistance
to the patient while ensuring no disruption in the security ·of the PM. Neither should be
allowed to supersede the other.

An easy alternative in this regard is to avail the services of the doctors and ambulance
that usually escort the PM on each road trip.

However, if it is not possible to avail of these services, I can still utilise the resources
avaHable to me. The ambulance that the young man has called will take time to reach his
house because of the heavy traffic. Since the PM's cavalcade is just moments away, I
can instruct one of my subordinates to accompany the young man to his house with a
police vehicle. There, he can validate the health of his father and assist the family in
placing him in the vehicle.

I would then maintain the restrictive cordon for a little while longer. This would enable the
police vehicle to sp~ed to the nearest hospital, since the roads would be virtually empty.
Thereafter, regular traffic can be allowed to ply.

Thus, I would neither compromise the PM's security nor show indifference to a citizen 's
plight by merely following established protoco l.

(205 words)
!,;AUi No. 3

klllo<f '" n 1,u1(h t1lno blftl t

A frh,n cf Of you, .. , who '" n Pollo u oUI0 'll', flott l)OOfl
m 1u1tmn1lnt.1t1,I IJy th o Mnol t1 ts. Tl10 f O y,uu ol<J tton
ol tflD mnrt yr@d otflo or 11
lng up hu too woul d
on, nood IJy Uu1 kllUng of hla fntho r ond 1tnto a thnt ottor arow
woul d lnko hla rovongo b y
l>@oo m,, fl PoUo o o lfl0 6f llk6 hfg ftt fhor Ulld lhOf'Oby ho
kllllt10 tho Mnol1f rt.
obov o ooao.
(I) urlno eul nud dloou eo tllo othlonl losuo a lnvol vod In tho
ould you rosp ond to tho
(U) I tow woul ft you try to oon t1olo tho youn o boy? How w
atotom@nt rnnd o by Ulo boy?
(300 wol'da - 25 morks)

Olld dutloo or 1110 Stnto , Pollcu
1110 pl'lnolpol 011110111 ltJr) IIOO I ()VOiv o lll'Ollllc:I tho rlghto
O lfk)OI O, Cllllt)IHJ fl lH l fl S011.
lonl11 0 or moon s tllot wo
I llo 8 tntu munl roooo111,o thot wo nood to oxnmlno tllo runcl
tho bnslc 01nonltlos or
llnvo omployod to l'Onll1 0 our Conolltutlo nol ondo . Evon
no to upllo ovnts ond
twrnnn llfo rn o nol nooooolblo 001'000 nil ooctlono or oocloty, londl
Cons tltul1011ol provlnlons
A Polloo oflloo r hrw o morn l ond logol obllootlon to upho ld
obllg ntlon s towo rds
nnu rulo ol lnw. Onu muot rooog11l10 thot ono's solf-lntoro st ond
If 10 fnmlly nro oubo orvlo nr to 0 110'0 Sva-dhor mo os o Pollc o-om
r vo, y 01111,on onJoyo tho ,·10111 to llfo ond S toto hos o co, rospondlno rno, ol a,,d logol
such o bnslc right of
rJuly ro , oopoct 0 110 11 a rig hi. Thus, Stnto must onsu ro mnt
clll1o no lo not donlocl.
o for the loss or his
rlnnlly, II lo tllo logol ond rnora l right of tho son to sool< justlc
sGok justlc o wltllin
fnlho,. Sln1u1tonoo1,oly, It lo oloo hlo duty to rospo ct tho low and
tllo frrnnoworl<or tho low.
II. I would ocJvloo tho youno boy 10 l'omn ln ·otolcol' to Ills loss
by tollin g him thnt death Is
lntorn nllzo this truth. Such
nn lnoooopoblo nnd lntn1lnont roollt y ond thu s, wo ough t to
with such irreve rsible
Into, nnll,ntlon con olvo uo lnnor olrongth 011d couro go to daal
Ills fothor. slnco he could
rrngo<./loo . I would omph ooizo that ho shou ld r'ool prou d of
I bollo ve such mnr tyrs
uo,vu hlo moth o1lan d nnd buco mo o martyr In tho proco ss.
ltmo nt lnspi ro ovo,y
IJocomo Immo rtal alnco tholr charn ctor, couro go nnd comm
clt11on to fond o 111 o or nulho ntlc oxlotonco .
In response to the boy's statement, I would emphasize that viole.nce breeds violence ,
anger and hatred can aggravate the pain and suffering of human life further. As
Socrates says, "injustice shall not be answered with injustice", that is, let everyone
be wrong and unjust but one should never do what one thinks is wrong. Moreover, I
would like to make him understand the significance of institutions in a State and that
it is important to regard them as sacrosanct and paramount.

(320 words)
C A SE N o . 4

You are posted as a District Magistrate in a town which often sees communal
clashes. Recently, a movie based on a sensitive religious issue was released in
the colfntry after getting the requisite Censor Board certification. However, after
the release o f the movie, there has been anger among the minorities who claim
blasphemous content i n the movie and demand a nationwide ban. The Supreme
Court-. however, h as refused to allow such a pan-India ban.

tn the meanwhile , some minority groups approach you, requesting that the movie
not be allowed in your town. After seeing the movie yourself, you also feel that it
is derogatory to the minority community. Also, being in-charge of the communally
sensitive district, you are concerned about the law and order scenario on the day
the movie releases.
What would you do in these circumstances? Some of the options to deal with the
issue are mentioned below. Evaluate these options and suggest the best course
of action, giving your reasons for it.
(J} Do not allow the release of movie in your district as you feel that it would
hu,t reJlgious sentiments.
(fl) Make sure the movie is released, but provide additional security forces to
prevent any untoward incident.
(iH} As·k for guidance from superiors.
(250 words- 20 marks)
As the District Magistrate, I am responsible for maintaining law and order in accordance
with the directions of the institutions of the State. Though there are concerns about the
sensitive nature of film, the Censor Board and Supreme Court have cleared its release.
My own perceptions, after watching the movie , are that the movie may cause communal
friction . However, the objectivity of my appraisal may be clouded due to attributional
errors arising from:
(i) Antecedent: communal history of region.

(ii) Personal belief system.

Therefore, I would begin by seeking an objective appraisal, for instance , by asking a

re their perceptions . Even if
body of sociologist or my seniors to watch the movie and sha_
the sociologists and seniors agree with me, I would not impose a ban on its release
d by the
(i) The movie has been certified by the Censo r Board and its releas e allowe
Supreme Court, so banning the movie is beyon d my capac ity.
in the first
(ii) Imposing a curfew defeat s the purpos e of allowin g the releas e of movie
seem s
Of the given options , allowing releas e of movie while provid ing securi ty cover
most prudent since:
(i) Law and order is maintained.

(ii) Freedom of expression is preserved.

But peace in the long-term deman ds additional action:

1. to help
Engage religious leaders of majority and minori ty comm unities in dialog ue
develop empathy for each other. •

2. Keep_ ~ tab on social media with a local cyber

polanzmg content and apprehend the accuse d. cell. This cell would block any

3. Sensitize the police about the fra ile envir .

act in a high-handed manne h' gh onmen t. This would ensure that they don't
r w ic could flare up the situati on.

(270 words )

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