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Spark Activation Academy

Your eyes open and you find yourself in a beam of light illuminating you. Around you the world is
just a soft neon turquoise. You try to remember the last thing you remember. You are pretty sure
you were in your room.

Before you can contemplate further a voice begins speaking. It is female with a slight electrical
distortion to it, with no emotional inflection to its voice. If the voice is auto generated or a filter to

"Welcome. If you are hearing this you have been selected to attend the Spark Activation
Academy, or SAA for short. If you are not aware what the SAA is and do not know why you are
here, then do not panic, things will be explained. The SAA is the leading magical institution for
activating the magical spark that resides in some beings and then teaches them the very basics
in how to use their new abilities via direct telepathic implantation. If you do not believe in magic
or believe that you do not have these abilities, then please pretend this is a dream and go along
with what is being said."

You nod, along to the voice. Sure you could do that. A dream. That sounded more plausible
than anything else.

Magical Strength (Meta Option):

"The first thing that needs to happen is measuring your magical power. Please hold out your
hand and keep it steady for an accurate reading."

You do and the same light blue light as what is outside the pillar of light that you hover in
envelops it.

(This is highly atypical. This level is usually only reserved for those without a soul, or at least
those who have given up on life completely, who have lost most of their magical power. Are you
sure you even still have a soul? Gain one casting type and one perk. You will have to figure out
how to cast magic on your own.)
(Below average, perhaps even severely so. You do not have a high amount of magical strength
and an equally as pitiful magical reserves. You can take one casting type and two modifiers and
two perks.)
(Average. Not too strong or weak. Normally anything between thirty and sixty percent of strength
in most mass activation.You can take two casting types and three modifiers and three perks.)
-Above Average
(It seems you are a bit more than most, likely being in the top forty percent. You can take three
casting types and five modifiers and five perks.)
(You will definitely be in the top 25 percent at least, although it will be more likely to be in the top
15. You can take four casting types and six modifiers and six perks.)
(Oh. This is unusual. You are stronger than we expected any on your planet to be. Curious.
Perhaps the calculations are wrong. With this you will likely be the strongest, or at the very least
top 10. You can take five casting types and seven modifiers and seven perks.)

"To get an idea of how much magic any given Tier has available at the start you may want to
look at the next section. Someone starting out Weak will find an Intensity of 1 decently draining,
while the same is true for someone of Archmage level and an Intensity of 5.

That is not to say that a Weak person will be drained after a Intensity 1 spell.

Repeated exposure and use of magic for long periods of time can permanently increase the
amount of magic a user has access to, like a muscle, and while reserves can slightly shrink
temporarily, if not sufficiently used, old levels can be regained quickly."

The light around your hand vanishes.

Casting Types

"The next phase is deciding how you will be releasing the magic inside of you, generally referred
to as a casting type. By the special process that the SAA uses to activate your Spark you get to
decide what the most effective way you can cast with is. Please note that you are able to learn
more ways to cast, but the ones you choose here will be by far the easiest for you and will be
the only ones you are being taught the basics of, as well as make many of the more intricate
things instinctive. Each casting type is better at some things than others, these differences will
be noted as they are presented.

Every casting type has three ratings that need to be watched out for. Intensity is the amount of
magic required to cast. Difficulty is how hard it is to advance in a meaningful way. The last is
Misfire. It shows how likely and how far reaching the consequences of mistakes can be,
especially if the caster is doing things out of their reach. All these are average compared to the
other casting types.

To give a rough estimate about what the numbers mean. 0 generally means nothing or
negligible, while 5 could be considered enormous. So a Difficulty 0 would mean you just stumble
over new advancements left and right while an Intensity 5 would mean a person with Weak
reserves would probably knock themselves out attempting it and maybe even severely hurt
themselves while trying."
-Normal Casting/Chanting
(Considered the default way to cast magic, you use gestures and chants to guide your magic
out into the world. This is where the traditional belief that magic casters need specific spells
comes. Most Casting Types do not need a specific spell and mostly just do magic, although
there are a lot of subtleties to learn as well as experience to gain. As with every casting type
you use an internal reservoir of magic that replenishes itself from magic in the area. The more
magic is around you, the quicker you recover. While not everyone has this Casting Type, there
is hardly a caster out there that doesn't at least use this Casting Type a little bit.) (Intensity: 3,
Difficulty: 3, Misfire: 1-2)
(Rituals are some of the most power intensive casting types on this list, although thankfully the
cost can be lessened by sacrificing appropriate things during casting, in addition to that they are
generally more efficient if a more long lasting effect wants to be achieved. Rituals are actually
made up of multiple sets of other magic, like Alchemy, Runes and Chanting, as such those that
take Rituals also learn parts of those casting types that they require to use for their own. While
misfires are possible most of the time for this casting type they will only result in a powerful
wave of magic that can, with some practice, be shielded from.) (Intensity: 5-2 (depending on
sacrifices), Difficulty 3-4, Misfire: 2)
(Also known as potion making, is the only casting type on the list that can be done without any
amount of magic, although magical ingredients need to be used in the process, or else you just
make a mud soup or something. Having this casting type allows you to use less magical
powerful ingredients, or even some that only have a vague meaning behind them and then use
your own magic to power the effect. Alchemists make potions that have all manner of effects on
anyone and everything by preparing them in a pot or similar. Very prone to misfires, although
many Alchemists use this casting type solely because they think they are fun.) (Intensity: 0-1,
Difficulty: 3, Misfires: 1-5)
(Another casting type that is low Intensity most of the time. Most of the magic draw in this
casting type is passive, so the only time you will notice that you have used too much magic is
when your reserves are too small for the amount of plants you use it on. People who practice
Herbology infuse plants with magic, making them grow faster, better and stronger. Over time of
tending and cultivating plants they will become magical and take on special properties. Very
popular to take this with Alchemy as the two synergize extremely well.) (Intensity: 0-1, Difficulty:
2, Misfires: 0 (Special Warning: While there are no traditional Misfires in Herbology chaotic
occurrences in the form of sudden mutations and the like can still happen, especially if a plant
has sufficient magical power stored and runs away from the caster.))
(When using this casting type the caster forces their will and magic into an object as they are
creating it, making it inherently magical. The effect that is applied is singular, but the effect can
be quite broad, like making a golem that serves you. With continued experience in this casting
type the starting effect can become broader and more powerful and perhaps even grow in time.
While it is more popular to use this casting type while crafting an item, as it is easier to guide the
magic that way, it is possible to use this on already existing things, although it is harder. A
benefit this casting type has over Enchanting is that it is much more resistant to being
destroyed, likely only happening when the object itself is destroyed. Different imbued objects
should not be used together when building something bigger as the consequences can be
catastrophic. The same is applied to imbuing an already imbued object. You can almost
consider this as doing things conceptually.) (Intensity: 3-5, Difficulty: 2-3, Misfires: 0-1/5 (5 is for
when different imbued objects are used in the same construction))
(The evolution of Imbuing. When using the Enchanting casting type the caster layers different
effects over one another like weaving a grand, or not so grand, rug. Although a misplaced
thread, to continue the analogy, is going to ruin the end result and, unlike making an actual rug,
possibly quite explosively so. It is advised to start small to get used to it, or first make the object
by imbuing it with the base effect and then enchant it, for the 'threads' to have a direction to
follow, to refine it, or to add more, complementary, effects. If not used in tandem with Imbuing,
Enchanting excels at more immediate, and simpler effects that do not require the slow and
intense method of Imbuing, like making a fire sword. A clarification for what is meant when
talking about the broad effects that Imbuing can achieve versus Enchanting. When making a
blanket somebody using Imbuing could just make it cozy, while somebody that uses Enchanting,
would need to layer individual enchantments to achieve the same effect.) (Intensity: 1-3,
Difficulty: 4, Misfires: 3)
(Runes, or oftentimes also called Glyphs, were created when scholars, poets and intellectual
artisans tried to make sense of magic a little too much and created something that interacted
with the very fabric of the universe. Runes are a mixture of a computer language, a painting, or
scribble, depending on the complexity, and or skill, of the caster, and an essay. A single Rune
might make a tiny flame when the caster funnels magic directly into it from his reserves, but
when strung together with other Runes, commonly referred to as a Rune Matrix, a master at this
casting type might have a firestorm raveging the lands, while he has left long ago, while not
having used a single iota of magic himself, because the magic required was gathered from the
surrounding area over time. While it is popularly used together with Imbuing and Enchanting
when building structures, it is not advised to use Runes on 'flimsy' material that might not handle
the energy flowing through the Runes well enough to cause a Misfire, which is generally not
advised when using the 'language of the Universe'. Generally mostly used for larger structures.)
(Intensity: 0/1-5 (the higher ranges are for casters that do not use magic from the local
environment), Difficulty: 3-5, Misfires: 3-4)
-Body Magic
(When you don't want to rely on anything, but yourself, then this is the casting type for you. It is
both one of the easiest casting types, with beginners finding great success in their early
endeavors, and also the hardest to breach into the more esoteric parts of magic, or really any
advanced subjects. While for the most part the spells are of rather low Intensity this casting type
lets the caster dump as much magic into a spell as they want to make it stronger. Beginners
should use caution when they start out as pumping too much magic through their bodies at
once, and wrongly at that, can have a variety of consequences, not only to the casters themself,
but also their immediate surroundings, sometimes even lethally so. Curiously many casters,
whether they pursue this casting type or not, subconsciously access this casting type making
them stronger than the average man over time meaning many caster deem it an acceptable
strategy to just punch people.) (Intensity: 1-5, Difficulty: 0-5, Misfires: 0)
-Soul Casting
(Soul Casting has long since been debated on whether it should be considered bad or not.
While the SAA's stance is that all magic is dangerous if wielded in the wrong hands, it cannot be
refuted that Soul Casting can become the easiest wrong, as such the SAA advises to treat
lightly with this casting type. With this casting type, you can acquire souls either by taking them
through forceful means, which is hard especially against stronger beings, or by bartering for
them and then using the inherent power in souls to force their will onto the world. By far the
rarest casting type on this list.) (Intensity: 0/5 (5 is the intensity of forcefully taking souls),
Difficulty: 0-1, Misfires: 0)


X-Y = Between X and Y

X/Y = X or Y

Pressing the options on the screen that appeared before you vanishes as soon as you confirm
your selection.

"Selection noted."


"It is time to see in which way your magic is suited for. Let me explain how this differs from the
previous section, just in case you are confused. Before you decided how to release the energy
inside you, known as magic, but now you decide how it is most effective to release. While
different casting types already have a disposition this further enhances them. These are called

Modifiers can stack, for example having both the Summoning and Travel modifiers makes
summoning easier than if you just had the Summoning modifier on its own.

Note: Modifiers are not needed to cast magic and merely help and support the caster with spells
that fall into their area. This shows itself by lowering the Difficulty, Intensity and rate of Misfires
in those areas that the Modifiers affect."

-Elemental Basic (Water, Fire, Earth, Air)

(A classic. Your magic is suited for manipulating the four basic elements.)
-Elemental Advanced (Shadow, Light, Ice, Metal, Lighting) (requires Elemental Basic)
(Your magic leans further into the elements. In time you will be able to affect other elements,
besides those mentioned here.)
(Not to be confused with the normal Elemental modifiers. The modifier is all about affecting
plants and nature.)
(Start out by slowing someone down and work your way up to sealing demons into a kettle to
boil your tea more evenly. (The SAA would like to advise to not go around and seal away every
demon you come across, as most of them just want to live their lives and that they had some
bad PR).)
-Mind Magic
(This magic is all about twisting the mind. Find inner peace in your head, make people fall in
love with you or make them forget their own name. All that and more is possible with this
(A controversial modifier. While it can be used to make someone lose themselves, it can also be
used to grind away at other effects such as a powerful curse on a princess.)
(A modifier all about moving things from one spot to the other. Includes things like spells that
make someone faster, teleportation and portals.)
(Bring things to you. Can be anything from a lost soul, to a succubus that is down to fuck, or,
most importantly, your broom keys.)
(Despite its somewhat simple name, this modifier is used for anything biological that moves
around. Somewhat a counterpart to the Nature Modifier, this one is used for sculpting bodies,
making monsters, and healing.)
(A modifier all about fighting. Everything from throwing fireballs, to increasing skill with weapons
and making weapons and armor harder to damage.)
-Defensive (requires Combat)
(All the offense in the world is useless if you die to a thrown rock. Anything from magic barriers,
to raising stone walls, or protecting minds against corruption.)
-Offensive (requires Combat)
(Some say that the best defense is a good offense, those people just want to watch the world
burn. The Modifier involves all the ways to deal damage. Most of the time combined with other
(I don't think I need to explain this. Sex. Sexy sex. This magic is all about the horizontal tango,
although you would be probably surprised to know the amount of application this sees in
(More commonly known as curse magic. Not only can you make someone hiccup whenever
they go through a door, you can also save a kingdom by lifting the sleep spell off its true heir.)
(This modifier is all about affecting other magic. Make your spells bigger, give them cool visual
effects, or set them as a trap to be activated later. While you might think that you can simply
learn to control your magic well enough to make this obsolete, the control you would need for
that is very hard to learn.)
(Although turning lead into gold has long since been ascribed to Alchemists, most of them had
this modifier to back them up in the pursuit. Turn one thing into another.)
(Unsurprisingly this doesn't have the best reputation. The chaos modifier is for all those that
want to do things out of order, be it to tilt all the painting a few degrees, or turning a tree into a
cake that still looks like a tree.)
(A complicated modifier to explain, but in essence this modifier is all about combining and
mixing things together. With this it is possible to take the property of one material and apply it to
another, combining two broken machines to make them whole again, or even combining two
creatures into a nightmarish Chimera. A famously hard modifier, with many casters
underestimating its danger.)
(While it is called Golemancy this modifier contains much more than golems, such as
automatons and elementals. This modifier is all about making artificial servants.)
(A comparatively new modifier, at least compared to the rich history of the rest. A modifier that
interacts with technology, especially more advanced forms. Anything from making your PC run
faster to uploading someone's soul onto the internet.)
-Life and Death
(For a long while these were two different modifiers, until it was decided to not bother anymore.
Anything from healing magic to necromancy, and even bringing someone back from the dead.)
(The catch all term for any magic that is used for creating things. Magic that makes clockwork
automatons, erects a house, or crafts a flaming sword. Also includes food. Don't think about
going and creating planets anytime soon.)
(Look into the future, the past, the boy's locker room, or the various shades of fortune magic.
This modifier is all about finding out that which you do not yet know, or dealing with fate.)
(An odd modifier that has a surprising number of synergies. Make maps that update as you
walk, see someone's special talents by giving a piece of paper their blood, or even ready a spell
in a prepared card.)
(A modifier for all those that want a little peace and quiet. Make yourself invisible, make people
see their loved ones in an illusion, or have them ignore your lair that is floating above the city.)
(All the ways to manipulate souls. Be extracting it, molding, or whatever else you manage to do
with it. Warning: Spirits like to haunt.)
(Despite being one of the fundamental forces, there are actually a lot of spells that involve this.
Anything from slowing someone's movements to keeping food fresh. Just don't think you will be
able to stop time in the next few eternities.)
(The other side of the coin. Magic that deals with space, distances, and space. Shrink space
between two points, jump universes, or just make things float.)
(A modifier for anything that focuses on the greater beings that reside outside normal reality,
most commonly referred to as gods and other similar beings. This lets you do many things from
asking gods to bless you with their power, have them perform miracles, or ward something
against something they stand against. It should be noted that many of the grander examples
require favor with these beings.)
(Magic at the end of the day is just energy and this modifier is all about energy. Turning one
energy into another, storing it, or redirecting it.)
(The modifier that is most closely entwined with what Magic really is. While it is sometimes
confused with Metamancy, this modifier affects Magic and not spells. Every practitioner has a
different experience with this, so it is hard to say what yours will be.)

Another screen, another selection.


How to learn Magic

"You might have wondered, between deciding how to best release the magic inside you, how to
actually progress and learn the spells needed for it.

There are two major paths of thought in how to learn magic in the worlds the SAA has done
mass spark activations in. Theoretical and Practical.

In the Theoretical path people meditate and look inside of themselves until their magic gives
them a hint to how to progress. This is generally the safer and oftentimes slower path, and a lot
of time will be spent motionlessly meditating. Often seen as the "boring" path.

In the Practical path people practice with their magic until something new happens. The path
that normally leads to more property damage. This path also has a marked increase in the
number of 'unhinged' casters, although this is more correlation rather than causation.

No matter what path you may decide to take, both of them build up on their past failures and
successes. The SAA recommends a balance between the two for the best experience.
Studies have shown however that having a concrete path in mind when beginning gives a small
increase in motivation when using it."

-Theoretical Path
Generally better for Enchanting, Runes

-Practical Path
Generally better for Body Magic, Herbology, Imbuing

"The Casting Types not listed here benefit from both paths equally well, or, in the case of Soul
Casting, not at all.

Note: Just because you chose a path here does not mean that you are excluded from also
practicing the other path as well, in fact it is probably best to practice both."

*More information at the end.*


"The process of spark activation makes your form fluid. So if you wish to change your
appearance then please give note and you will wake up as your new form. Additionally the SAA
is able to change your race to any of the common races that populate the worlds the SAA has
access to. Different races come with different perks that they are known for. Although there are
many other variants out there from different races this document only offers the most well known

-Human (Fast learning, 5% boost, Teacher, Metamancy Modifier)

(Humans are one of the most populous of races, having invaded most corners on the worlds the
SAA has access to, with some of the shortest lifespans, but it is for that reason that they work
faster than any other race to leave their mark.)
-Elf (Ageless, Body Boost: Agility, Steel Trap, Nature Modifier)
(Traditional elves live in towns or cities in forests with a timeless perspective. They spend years
perfecting their skills and have a natural ability for being graceful.)
-Orc (Body Boost: Strength, Body Boost: Constitution, Regeneration, Mental Fortress)
(Big, with greenish skin, Orcs are easy to spot. Their bodies are close to the perfect fighters
even with no special abilities, like magic. There have even been stories of an Orc, practically
dead on their feet killing a small army before falling.)
-Animalkin (Second level of Enhanced Senses without first level, Natural Weapons based on
animal, Body Boost: Agility, Eromancy Modifier)
(Animalkin look like humans with an animal feature or another. They sport enhanced senses
and a way to defend themselves depending on the animal they represent. And while those that
are changed by the SAA do not have to worry about it, naturally born Animalkin, which include
descendants from those that became Animalkin here, have heightened instincts.)
-Dwarf (Ageless, Body Boost: Constitution, Skilled, Crafting Modifier)
(Shorter humanoids that have a preference for living in mountains. They are hardy and have a
strong sense of community and tradition, and are known for being artisans, although metal isn't
the only thing they craft with.)
-Dragonkin (Natural Weapons: Breath Weapon: Based on one of the modifiers, Body boost:
Constitution, Enhanced Senses, Basic Elemental Modifier)
(Descendants from dragons, although nobody remembers how. They are far tougher than most
civilized races and while they aren't as impressive as dragons, they still have their signature
breath weapon.)
-Halfling (Lucky, Tinkerer, Divination Modifier)
(Another shorter humanoid race. They live in small hamlets, with houses in the ground. They
have a knack for making things and are said to be lucky, although the validity of that is yet to be
-Goblin (Tinkerer, Body Boost: Agility, Regeneration, Chaos Modifier)
(There are many different kinds of Goblins, but all have in common the fact that they adapt to
their environments extremely well, and have at times a twisted genius to them.)
-Minotaur (Body Boost: Strength, Body Boost: Constitution, Natural Weapons, Divine Modifier)
(Minotaurs are in general a peaceful and spiritual race, living in tribes or as nomads, if not
disturbed, but if they are, few races can hope to match them in a one on one fight.)
-Kitsune (Ageless, Attractive, Deep Reserves, Subtle Modifier)
(Despite their appearance as Fox Animalkin the two should not be confused as Kitsune are far
more attuned to magic. Kitsune are a long lived race that are known as trichsters and
seductresses, although the race is far from purely female.)
-Fairy (Ageless, Minor shapeshift, Attractive, Summoning Modifier)
(The original Fae were mischievous and childish creatures. Nowadays they aren't as bad,
although they still have the infamy of being playful at the very least.)
-Spirits (Ageless, Natural Selection, Soul Modifier)
(The catch all term for spiritual beings in a mortal shell. Anything from nature spirits to former
mortals that have been unable to pass on.)



"Then there is the perk selection. Perks are a taste of different magics you will have access to in
a few years, or centuries, but by mixing them into your spark activation, they become part of
your being, just like your race, with little to nothing normal magic can do to affect them."

-Ageless (1)
(You do not age past your prime, and should you be past it you will return to it. This also comes
with an enhanced memory, that is focused on memories and your self, and just strong enough
for you to not forget who you are.)
-Immortality (6) (Requires Ageless)
(Every person can reach this point eventually, regardless of what casting type they have,
although not many do. While immortalities can have a wide range of meanings and in what way
they express themselves, especially in inexperienced casters with dreams of grandeur, this perk
is both safe and convenient to have, ensuring that you won't be stuck in an unfeeling,
indestructible and inanimate skeleton trying to reach this point. With this perk whenever you die
you wake up a while later in a safe location with basic clothes on your back. It also comes with a
minor regeneration factor that is much slower, but no less powerful, than the Regeneration perk.
You are quite fortunate to be able to pick this perk as not many are compatible with it.)
-Additional Casting Type (2) (can be bought multiple times)
(Choose one additional way to cast magic.)
-Additional Modifier (1) (can be bought multiple times)
(Choose one additional way your magic is good at expressing itself.)
-Boosted Modifier (1) (can be bought multiple times)
(With this the chosen modifier is stronger, meaning spells using the modifier come easier and
are safer to learn.)
-Body Boost (Strength, Constitution, Agility, Charisma) (1) (can be bought multiple times)
(Choose one physical attribute that is past human capability. The selected boosts will also be
more affected by Body Magic.)
-Enhanced Senses (1) (can be bought twice)
(The first time you buy this your senses can be dialed anywhere up to human maximum at any
time. The second time you can choose one sense that can achieve more than humanly
possible, such as eyes gaining heat vision and seeing in the dark.)
-Natural Weapons (1)
(With this your body shifts to give you some way to protect yourself, that has nothing to do with
magic. This can be anything from horns, to a hidden stinger that can inject aphrodisiacs or even
fully functional wings.)
-Minor Shapeshift (1)
(This allows you to change external features, such as height, skin color or anything similar. The
restrictions are that you need to stay within human limits, that your mass needs to stay roughly
the same, and that you still need to be roughly recognizable as yourself. The second part is
somewhat waived if you also have Attractive. Basically this lets you make yourself look like
different versions of yourself. Like you as an elf, or with darker skin or different hair color. Also if
you have Natural Weapons you can change them slightly, like making your wings vanish when
not in use.)
-Lucky (2)
(Luck is something that has been heavily debated for years. While there are still some that are
skeptical of its existence, it can't be argued that those with this perk find life to be substantially
easier and more comfortable.)
-Tinkerer (1)
(You gain a knack for building machines and the like. This is more focused on the smaller scale,
although even on larger projects this still has some effect. This can come in a variety of effects,
from helping learn the principal behind a mechanism, somewhat adjusting your body during
assembly to make it easier, or giving a flash of insight when stuck on a problem.)
-Attractive (1)
(While you can make yourself look however you want, this guarantees that it is actually good
looking. It also allows you to keep that form with little to no effort.)
-Divine Beauty (2) (Requires Attractive)
(This has been made with the help of several Beauty Goddesses. This turns the dial of beauty
past eleven. Not only that, but your appearance actively works to keep you good looking and
even enhance it. Things like suppressing bad smells, cleaning clothes you are wearing very
slowly and keeping your hair untangled.)
-Deep Reserves (1)
(Your internal reserves are large, compared to those of your strength level. This effectively
makes your reserves be one level higher in the magical strength section.)
-Regeneration (1)
(Your physical wounds will work to slowly fix themselves, until you are fully healed. You will also
not need to work out to retain a fit, healthy form.)
-Natural Selection (2)
(Some members of a race have special abilities. With this you may count yourself under these
special individuals. This is not for getting perks from this section, rather getting abilities like a
Kitsune gaining additional tails as they age, and becoming more powerful as they do. You get
the first purchase of this discounted by 50% if you have at least bought Hybrid once.
Additionally the physical traits of races that you have taken this for come through more.)
-Hybrid (1) (can be bought two times)
(You can be another race. Each time you buy this you lose one of the free perks the race comes
with, including the first time, meaning the third race will only give you 1 free perk. You may also
take this perk for free, but will not gain any of the free perks and do not get the discount in
Natural Selection through it. You only gain the free Modifier of your base race.)
-Mental Fortress (1)
(Your mind is better able to protect itself, letting yourself shrug off mental attacks and influences
easier, as well as fighting better through pain.)
-Steel Trap (1)
(You gain an eidetic memory, so you never forget anything anymore. If you also have Mental
Fortress you gain a Mental Library, where you can visualize anything you know better, as well as
destroying anything you don't want to know anymore.)
-Teacher (1)
(Others that you teach learn things faster and better than if others of similar expertise as you
were to teach the same thing.)
-Skilled (1)
(For some reason or another you become really good at picking up skills and developing them
slightly faster than your peers. You only need to practice every now and then to keep them from
degrading. This does not refer to magic. If you also have Steel Trap, you never lose any skill
you have learned.)
-Cozy (1)
(You passively infuse places you stay at. Quickly these places will become more comfortable,
but the longer you stay there the more effects come to light. First food and drink will taste better,
then people living there will feel a little bit more energized, and lastly a very minor luck aura will
develop. Stay long enough and the effect will become permanent and stay even when you leave
for long periods of time.)


Before you are put to sleep for the spark activation, where would you like to awaken when you
do? The SAA has access to the greater multiverse so we can, at your request, place you on any
world you might request, although because of the sheer number if the specifications are too
specific we might not hit the right one. Of course, you can always return to your own world, but it
should be noted that more people with activated sparks, like you, will be around. How much is
unknown at this point."

Number of Spark activated (Meta option):

-None, you are the only one
(Unexpected, but not unheard of.)
-Too few, there are probably less than ten thousand
(Still on the lower spectrum, but not unusual.)
-Few, less than one percent
(This is more what can be expected of a world that has never had magic before, although still
slightly low.)
-A few, one percent, doesn't sound a lot, but are still roughly 80 million
(The average. nothing interesting to say.)
-A couple, ten percent
(Still within the expected margin.)
-Half, around fifty percent
(This is unusually high. I wonder how that came to happen.)
-Most, at least close to one hundred percent
(Phenomenal. This is unprecedented in a world that hasn't had magic before their mass spark

(Also in what way will the sparks be divided? Baseline as explained in the beginning? Weak
make up 90% of the casters and every other caster is an archmage? Or everyone is an

"Something to note. Sometimes combinations, also called synergies, occur. These are special
interactions between casting types, modifiers, races and perks, that create new casting types,
modifiers and races. Combinations are unique and hard to predict. While some combinations
are more common than others, some only appear once even after thousands of other people
took the exact same combination. The SAA encourages not to take certain options, just for a
chance at obtaining a desired combination."


"The SAA is always on the lookout for more knowledge on the more mysterious aspects of
magic. We ask that you fill out a quick few sentences about what you plan to do with your
access to magic now, after you awaken. Additionally we ask that you inform us of any
combinations that may have occurred from your choices here.

In exchange the SAA would be willing to give you some textbooks on either a casting type or
two modifiers. While they won't give the same benefits as having them actually taken previously,
the theoretical knowledge in them is sure to help you.

Thank you, for attending the Spark Activation Academy, we wish you a nice rest of your
continued existence."

An Offer

Just as you are about to lose consciousness the pillar of light surrounding you rekindles.
Startled you open your eyes. Your surroundings that had been electric blue was now a warm

Just as before a voice started speaking, but this time it sounded male. It was deep and warm,
and leaves you with a pleasant tingle in your chest.

"Hello. I apologize for interrupting your experience at the SAA, but I would ask for a moment of
your time. If you are hearing this you have been randomly selected for my scientific study. You
see I have been researching how to place more perks on someone who has their spark
activated as well as new perks in general. I have however been having trouble finding
volunteers to participate as the sacrifices are more than a little discouraging for most people. If
you decline my offer that is sad to hear, but understandable. If you do however accept, you have
my, and everybody else's, gratitude. In time you will perhaps be able to lessen the effects my
experiment has, although as it is, like the Perks, mixed in with your spark activation, it will never
be able to be completely removed."

Sadly there is a limit any one person can take. That limit is determined by your magical strength.
The limit is how many perks you were able to take plus three. So for someone of weak magical
strength that would be five drawbacks.

-Fertile (1) (incompatible with Infertile)

(You become super fertile, any semen entering the womb, where you are one of the two parties
leads to a guaranteed pregnancy.)
-Infertile (1) (incompatible with Fertile)
(No matter how much you try you will never get anyone pregnant or yourself to become
pregnant. While sad that you do not want to spread sparks further, it is understandable that not
everyone is ready for parenthood.)
-Unpleasant (1) (incompatible with Attractive and Divine Beauty)
(You will still have the form you wished for, but something will be unsightly about it. Even
shapeshifting will only move it, or change the unpleasantness to something else.)
-Ugly (1) (requires Unpleasant)
(Or you could just not be considered good looking ever.)
-Marred (1)
(There is something about you that is definitely not just a birthmark, but a leftover from an old
injury. This might be a scar on the face or healed skin from a burn that left marks. This does not
necessarily make you less attractive, but people will notice and not everyone will like it.)
-Don't lose your head (1) (can be bought multiple times.)
(Lose the function of a limb. It cannot be healed. Even cutting it off and regrowing it will not
work. You may be able to use a prosthetic.)
-Nightmares (1)
(You suffer from frequent and horrible nightmares, making you lose a good amount of sleep. If
taken together with Comfy or Cozy you will still be comfortable, and able to sleep easily, but that
would make the nightmares more frequent.)
-Klutz (1)
(You have two left feet and hands. This affects you less in combat than in regular life, but it
might still happen in key situations. Better child proof everything.)
-Comfy (1)
(You know that nice content glow you feel when you are dozing in the sun? That is now you at
all times. You can still become active for combat, or when you are threatened, but most of the
time you will prefer to simply bask in the feeling of warm contentment. Your motivation takes a
hit, and sometimes you will find hours pass as you let your thoughts drift, or even having fallen
asleep on the sofa, because it was just so nice. The world itself will conspire to make you
comfortable. On the upside, enjoy being the most comfy person around.)
-No One (2) (incompatible when not going back to your own world)
(Everyone that has ever known you will forget you. This includes the government. You will have,
as far as everyone is concerned, come out of nowhere.)
-Timeskip (1) (can be bought up to three times)
(Instead of arriving when you wanted to, you now arrive one month later. The second purchase
instead makes this one year and the third, ten years. If you have bought the third option you can
choose however many years you will arrive in, with ten being the minimum. What this means is
that when you want to, for example, go to a low powered generic fantasy world, and you pick
the last level of this that the world just happened to go through a magical revolution during the
-Dietary restriction (1)
(You need to adhere to a strict dietary restriction. Maybe you go vegetarian or vegan. Maybe
you can only eat salads, which can include chicken nugget salads. It can be anything, as long
as it actually restricts what you eat. Drinks are not affected by this. If you pick something that
humans can not normally consume, you can eat it without health concerns.)
-Sunlight Sensitivity (1)
(You and sunlight aren't going to get along very well from now on. For one you are paler, making
you sunburn much more easily. Your eyes also become much more sensitive to sunlight,
although weirdly not any other kind of light. If your eyes are exposed to sunlight for too long your
eyes will become irritated and turn a reddish hue.)
-Worse Senses (1) (Can be bought up to five times)
(For each purchase of this choose an additional sense, that sense is now markedly worse.
Although not untendable so. If you chose sight for example you could get glasses and be
-Lightweight (1)
(You can't hold your liquor. A beer is enough to get you heavily swaying on your feet.)
-Lying is a Sin (1)
(You can never outright lie with your words. You are not required to answer, but when you do it
has to be the truth.)
-Forever a Virgin (1)
(Each night when you go to sleep you and your body forget any sexual experience you had,
although nothing will actually regrow, if you catch my drift.)
-Distinct Look (1)
(This doesn't make you less attractive, you just now have a very distinct feature about you that
people can't help, but notice. Maybe it is a face absolutely filled with freckles, or the bushiest set
of eyebrows in existence. This manifests in one of two ways. One is passive, that is to say
always there, or active, which only activates under certain conditions, but is even more
noticeable. You cannot shapeshift these features away as far as your form has it. So a dog
wouldn't have freckles, but any human face would. You may pick each version once, however
the active one needs to have a relatively high chance of encountering (being wet, casting magic,
-Shallow Reserves (1) (incompatible with Deep Reserves and Atrophied Magical Strength)
(Your reserves start out much smaller than that of your peers, which isn't actually all that bad if
you have a casting type that doesn't have a high Intensity. This effectively makes your reserves
be one level lower in the magical strength section.)
-Inverse Modifier (1) (can be taken multiple times)
(Choose one modifier, it is now harder to advance in it and spells related to it cost more than
usual. An Inverse Modifier makes you subconsciously worse in areas that the modifier affects.
Increases the chance of Misfires and heightens the Difficulty.)
-Body Drop (Strength, Constitution, Agility, Charisma) (1) (can be bought multiple times)
(Choose one physical attribute that is now noticeable below the average human capability. The
selected boosts will also be less affected by Body Magic.)
-King of the Modifiers (1) (requires to have at least bought Boosted Modifier twice)
(The boosted modifiers fight making the magic learned more unpredictable. This might come
from spells that have influences from other boosted modifiers. For example if you have a
boosted Elemental Basic modifier and a boosted Defense modifier and you learn a Fireball spell
when you use it it might turn out that it also makes everything it touches immune to fire. You
won't notice the extra effects until you cast the spell for the first time. At least at first. Eventually
you will become familiar enough with your magic to realize them. If you bought Boosted Modifier
for the same modifier more than once, then it will overshadow all the others, making them
provide less benefits. It will also sneak itself into any spell you might try to learn for different
modifiers. In either case it will take time and effort to try and separate the unwanted effects of
the spells.)

Experimental Perks

-Alpha (1) (can be bought once for each time you bought Natural Selection)
(This is an upgrade to the Natural Selection perk. While the abilities that can be received are
already pretty broad this strengthens them even more.)
-Major Shapeshift (2) (requires Minor Shapeshift)
(Your forms do not require you to stay within human limits anymore, or have you look like
yourselves, although the rest of the restrictions still apply.)
-Spark Activation (1)
(A very basic way to activate someone's Spark if they have one. They will receive none of the
benefits you have gotten through your activation, such as deciding their casting types or
modifiers, it will be based on what they are most suited for. The only thing they might get is a
form closer to what they want.)
-Advanced Spark Activation (2) (requires Spark Activation)
(With this you can give anyone the same benefits you have received for your activation, when
you activate theirs.)
-Spark Implantation (3)
(My Magnum Opus. This Perk should be able to allow you, with a great amount of effort, to
implant a Spark within someone.)

If you accepted or declined I thank you for your time.

Q: Several casting types talk about getting magic from the surroundings. Does that mean magic
is infinite?

A: Yes, but not in one area. Magic is constant, but every area only has a certain amount of it. To
increase magic in an area, you need to use magic in an area. Likewise if magic isn't used
somewhere for a while the magic in an area will lessen. This means that if you decide to return
to your own Earth that everywhere you go the magic will be very poor, unlike if you were to go to
a generic fantasy world where magic is everywhere, where most of the lands would be very rich
in magic.

At least that is how it works for active magic. Passive magic like enchantments will make the
magic grow for a time, based on how powerful it is, and then slows the magic in an area from
diminishing, but when the magic in an area can't sustain the passive magic in it anymore, the
enchantment would fail.

Q: Okay so what happens if I try to cast something and there isn't enough magic in the area?

A: Most direct casting is done from your internal magic pool, so it isn't really affected by how
much magic there is in an area, only how much magic you replenish. When you cast an
enchantment however and there isn't any more magic in the area to sustain it, then it will fail
after the magic you used to create it is used up.

Q: What are the exact differences between Runes, Imbuing and Enchanting?

A: I don't want to give hard concrete rules and instead let a lot of it up to you, but I can give
some basics. Imbuing is suffusing an object in magic to make an effect, which makes it the
hardest to remove. Enchanting is layering magic over an object to create an effect. This is much
faster than Imbuing, but also easier to remove. Runes are another monster altogether as they
make changes on a deeper level than either of them, making them more versatile and stronger,
but also much more volatile.

Q: On that note what happens when Runes, Imbuing and Enchantments don't get enough magic
to function anymore?

A: If Enchantments were to not have enough magic in the surrounding area to feed off on they
would simply vanish, at least if it wouldn't be tied to also an imbued object.

Runes would go inactive at worst either permanently or, more likely, just until they have access
to more residual magic again, or maybe work at a reduced rate, if possible.

Imbuing would also work at a reduced rate, or would need phases of rest between uses.
Q: Why is the Immortality Perk so expensive, when everyone can have it anyway?

A: *Waves hand vaguely* Something to do with it being hard to make someone immortal when
they just have their Spark activated.

Q: Soul Casting?

A: You know all those stories where demons try to buy souls? The reason for that is that souls
hold power. Using soul casting you can use some or all the power contained in a soul to force
your will onto reality. They act as a kind of battery that you can tap into. There is no finesse in
the casting type, just raw power. A modifier for soul casting will make you need less power from
souls to cast a spell. More experience with this casting type makes you need less power of a
soul to cast a spell.

Q: Can we have examples of the different casting types?

A: Sure. Let's take a common example for this. The different casting types want to teleport from
one place to another, which to do at least on purpose and consistently is not something suited
for beginners.

Normal Casting: Waves hand and summons a portal.

Runes: Make a rune matrix in two different places and when you stand on one, you are
teleported to the other.
Rituals: Make a ritual that when cast either opens a temporary or permanent portal between two
Alchemy: Brew a teleport potion that teleports everything hit a certain distance.
Herbology: Grow a pair of trees that form an odd arch, that when you walk through it make you
exit out another tree arch.
Imbue: You can imbue two different stone walls and then walk through them.
Enchanting: Enchant a ring that when activated teleports you away.
Body Magic: You can technically become fast enough to the point that you run fast enough that
time stops until you reach your destination. Technically. More likely to figure out how to fly. Or
maybe they just rip open a hole in reality and step through. I don't know. Bunch of meatheads,
the lot of them.
Soul Casting: Use the power of a soul to teleport you to a desired location.

These are of course only a few examples, and the possibilities are technically endless.

Q: What are some examples for the Natural Selection Perk?

A: The Natural Selection perk is things a race is known for, like an Orc's rage or a Kitsune
gaining additional tails as they age and becoming stronger. Also just something for people to
fanwank a minor power they want into their build.

Q: What are combinations? Could we have examples, pretty please?

A: Yes. Combinations are like synergies. An example would be having the Herbology casting
type and the Nature modifier, giving you Dryad as a race, or even sub race, which would then
give you abilities in line with that.

These synergies can give you anything from races, to additional modifiers, and perks.

Q: Do we need to worry about the Experimental Perks?

A: No. They are experimental because the people behind them haven't figured out how to get
them to work consistently. For you, the player, it will work flawlessly, although not for anyone
else from your planet, except maybe Major Shapeshift. Or not. It's your story after all.

Q: What happens if we cast a spell and have both a Modifier and an Inverse Modifier that affect

A: If the spell uses both equally, then they would cancel each other out, but there will be a main
Modifier in any given spell.

Taking summoning something as an example, the summoning modifier would be the more
prevalent modifier obviously, while a Travel Inverse Modifier would not make it as good as if you
only had the summoning modifier on its own.

Q: How many people with sparks are there in other worlds?

A: It varies, but in worlds where magic doesn't exist, or at least hasn't been discovered, it would
be rare to find it at even one percent of the population. That being said, individuals that had
supernatural powers before your arrival would have an observable, increased likelihood in
having a spark.

Q: Can a spark be awoken besides the ways the SAA uses? If yes, how? And what would their
magical strength be? Also what happens if you activate someone's spark, but they have no
A: Yes. In that case they will gain an aptitude for the modifiers and casting types as described in
the Experimental perk Spark activation, but not as suddenly. It will not be as sudden as with that
perk and they will need a lot more work to get the basics down.

The ways are different. Maybe they just need a jumpstart by another caster, maybe they need to
be in an area that has more magic in it, or maybe they already have access to it and simply
never tried.

The magical strength would depend on a pseudo weight of their soul. Before the spark is
activated you could train and support them to make their soul better, to bump them up on the
magical strength.

For a person with no soul please consult Athropied Magical Strength.

Q: Information on paths?

A: The small motivation on paths that was mentioned, is just a minor boon in how quick you
advance with your chosen path. This is probably around only a 5% increase.

To give an example on how the theoretical path might look I will use Runes as an example. You
would probably meditate and then your magic would give you a rune you could then use. The
longer you meditated the more runes you would get, but it would also take longer between each
one. It would also probably not tell you how to actually arrange them. That would be on you.

There is also a reason that neither Soul Casting or Rituals are listed as being good in either

Soul Casting takes no skill, so you don't actually need to learn it through a path.

And like I said in the flavor text, Rituals are made up of multiple different casting types, which fall
both into Theoretical and Practical.

Chanting is just so generic that both paths would help somewhat.

Changes for V3

To be changed:
-Bunch of smaller rewrites and clarifications
-Buffed Alchemy Misfires
-Changed time shift to Timeskip
-Nerfed Natural Selection again
-Also added more flavor text to it
-Buffed Rituals
-Clarified how the pool of magic can be changed
-Changed Alchemy to be done by non-magicals, but they need magical materials
-Removed Perk Sharing experimental perk (I'm not sure why the F*** I even put it in here in the
first place, but it's gone now)
-Moved Terraforming modifier into Metamancy
-Nerfed Casting Type Body Magic
-Clarified that Intensity 5 in the Soul Casting casting type is for acquiring souls forcefully
-Switched Holy for Divine Modifier
-Added Subtle Modifier
-Moved illusions from Mind Magic to Subtle modifier
-Moved divining from Mind Magic to Divination (duh, obviously)
-Rewrote Enchanting, Imbuing AND Runes to make them more unique from one another,
hopefully now not everyone feels the need to buy all three just to make magic items
-Rewrote Hybridization modifier
-Removed Dungeon Creation perk (another one of those that really make me question what I
smoked (Disclaimer: I did not partake in illegal substances while making this))
-Each race now gets a free modifier, because sure why not (except Orcs (sadge))
-Elemental Advanced does not need Elemental Basic to be taken first
-Increased the cost of Immortality
-Removed Food Modifier and moved it under crafting
-Added how choosing a casting type and modifier here makes things more instinctive for you
and that books will only give you theoretical knowledge
-Added a little flavor text to Casting Type Body Magic
-Nerfed Minor Shapeshifting
-Added Atrophied Magical Strength
-Added more story
-DLC 2

Ah, just the person I was looking for. I just need a moment or two, before you have your Spark

I truly am sorry that I am keeping you waiting, I can see in the record that I'm not the first, but
this will be over before you know it.

Here's the thing, in return for us graciously performing a mass spark activation we sometimes
run a few tests on different planets. Nothing invasive or deplorable. Banish the thought. We are
respectable and trustworthy, thank you very much.

Erm… at least most of the time.

You see I was supposed to research the world you are going to and I must admit that I may
have… mismanaged my time a little and now it's the deadline and I am out of time.

So let's do some cooperative science together!

What's in it for you?

And here I thought you wouldn't be greedy.

*Theatrical sigh*

But I guess it would be a hassle to find another person and stop the activation.

Hmm. I suppose nobody can expect me to have done perfect research and variables are a
constant companion in the life of a scientist, so if the numbers are a little off, nobody could fault
me too much.

Just not more than three Changes. If you have helped my colleague with his research and
have taken at least five Drawbacks, then I could maybe even swing it that you are a research
assistant and you can make four Changes.


You'll help?


This will be quick and painless. I will give you experiments we wish to run that I have deemed
most appropriate for your current planet from the little I have researched on it and if you think
the world you'll be going to would like these changes we'll enact them. Some changes will
require you to be more specific, where I'll need you to tell me if it affects everything the
experiment could affect, or only certain parts like certain demographics of the population.

You can't be too specific as we don't want our experiments to be too muddled, so just keep that
in mind.

With that said, let's start.

Note: Taking an option is free, however making specific changes will require you to use one of
your Changes.

World Changes

A Perfectly (Super-)Natural World

Arguably the most notable and far reaching option in this batch of experiments we are planning
to run, although it may not seem so at first glance. With sparks activated in your world, even if it
is only you, the magic in it will grow. And with growing magic more reality bending phenomena
can occur. They don't have to of course, but with this option they will definitely happen. Floating
islands and waterfalls coming out of nowhere are just a few examples, all this can happen given
time, but with only this option it will take time for these things to appear and more importantly
take time to develop. This option mostly interacts a lot with the other options, making them more
mystical, of course only if the people of your world would like them. *wink wink*

To clarify this increases the average ambient magic in your world, and increases the likelihood
of magical phenomena happening.

A whole new world

Most of your world has been explored, discounting the ocean depths, and that is true for many
of the other worlds you might want to go to. With this option that won't be the case anymore, as
the world will be getting quite a bit bigger. You won't be choosing everything that will be added,
but if you would like a large expanse of grassland or a picturesque bay area, for example, say
the word and it will happen.

If you also picked A Perfectly (Super-)Natural World then many of the changes will seem
fantastical, which may include those you wish for. Examples may include, but are not limited to,
a river floating high in the sky spanning the entire world, or mountains that walk around.

Also don't worry about this change in size. Besides your days perhaps being a little longer, or
your year gaining a few days, nothing bad will come of this.

At default you may pick two new places to be added, but for each additional Change you may
choose two more.


A staple in many worlds, but also potentially one of the most volatile ones, as such it is the
option that we give you the most control over, as such you don't need to use one of your
available Changes to change which ones appear in your world. There are many different kinds
of Dungeons out there and I will give you a list of some of them and you will decide which ones
you think your world may enjoy, or at least wouldn't mind. It is to be noted that Dungeons are a
wellspring of magic making their surrounding quite magic potent if left for long enough.

Core Dungeon - At first they look like little more than a hole in the ground leading into a series of
tunnels, filled with monsters, that respawn after it is empty, but as you delve deeper fighting
stronger monster and trickier traps the surroundings will gradually change to different themes
such as maybe a volcano or even look like whole other worlds, the more floors you descent,
although these dungeons usually develop a theme at some point. At the very end of the
dungeon is a room with the core, a glowing crystal, in it that, when destroyed, teleports
everyone in it out and closes the entrance, effectively destroying the dungeon. The older it is the
larger it becomes.

Rarely these dungeons appear with a structure that might try to hide their entrance and
sometimes even are inhabited by monsters itself that were drawn there by the increased magic.
These structures sometimes stay around, even after the dungeon is destroyed.

Mirage Dungeon - A mysterious type of dungeon. Much like their namesakes they appear for a
time period, which could be for just a day or even several years, and disappear again, although
clearing it before then makes it vanish immediately. The outsides of these dungeons often look
like things you might find in a given environment, like a farmhouse in the middle of grassland, a
castle on top of a hill, or a witch's hut in a swamp. While the outside looks quite ordinary once
you step inside you will find it quite a bit larger with winding and branching paths that are sure to
make navigating them hard. Also noteworthy is that it is the only dungeon type where the
monsters from inside wander outside to scout the immediate surrounding, making it an active
threat and not just a passive one.

Challenge Dungeons - The dangers of most dungeons are quite apparent, and death is usually
a good deterrent. However these dungeons are not like that, as death is only temporary in them.
If you die in one of these you are thrown out the entrance no worse for wear than when you
entered. Special under the dungeons as they do not increase the surrounding magic.

Visually they look like portals hovering above the ground with a thick roiling fog covering the
entrance. Once touched you are transported in whatever the scenario the event dungeon
contains. This can be anything, from fighting a historical figure in a sword duel or to having to
raid an old, derelict space station with your pirate crew. You might think that once you are good
enough at magic that most of these challenges would be quite easy, but that isn't the case. The
reason for that is that Challenge Dungeons can take away and lower powers be they magical,
perks, or even from more esoteric sources. Additionally sometimes these dungeons even give
you powers while inside. And while sometimes a dungeon may seem impossible there is always
a way to beat it, even if you need to repeatedly try it countless times to figure it out. Additionally
you don't get any rewards, which includes loot, if you fail, only if you beat it.
The dangers of them, if you haven't figured it out by yourself yet, is that most people don't want
to or can't handle dying over and over again, especially all the different ways the dungeon can
come up with. Speaking from experience, burning to death is hardly the worst way to go.

Loot - While already mentioned dungeons of any type are like venus fly traps, luring people
inside with promises of rewards, before killing them. In the case of dungeons, that is loot.
Whenever you kill anything in the dungeons, there is a chance of loot dropping. That chance is
higher the stronger the monster is compared to you, on the other hand if you vastly outclass a
monster the chance for loot is equally low, and even if you were to get any it would be worse
than people weaker than you. Those aren't the only ways to get loot of course, many dungeons
have chests that contain loot, as well as completing the scenario of a Challenge Dungeon
always guarantees a reward. Common examples are, weapons, potions, ingredients, materials,
pets/familiars, luxury items and money, but they could drop stranger things as well from time to
time. For one Change you can decide for loot to have a particular focus, such as weapons, so
that most of the loot dropped will be that type, or for two Changes you can choose any number
of focuses and even make other items impossible to appear.

Flora and Fauna - The world has changed even if you have not picked any of these options and
you are the only one with a Spark, the magic in your world has still been stirred which means
over time animals and plants will likely adapt to that change, but that can take generations, and
that is quite the long time, and maybe the changes are really minor, if they appear at all. With
this option you guarantee that the wildlife will undergo drastic changes. This can include
elemental rats, or plants that can cure diseases. As the average magic in your world increases
so will the changes to the wildlife.

Monster - While Flora and Fauna changes nature quite a bit already, a rat will still be a rat even
if they can breathe fire or not, this however will make Monsters appear. Monsters differ from
normal animals in that they are on average more cunning, although seldom sapient, are
generally more aggressive, often larger, and obviously stronger, than their animal counterparts,
individual monsters may even develop mystical abilities that offset them from the other monsters
of their race. While you can use your Changes as normal for deciding a monster species to
definitely exist, you can also use a Change to guarantee humanoid monsters appearing, that
your world knows as monstergirls, although there will also be monsterboys, both of which are
sexually compatible with humans. You can decide if all monsters will be Monsterpeople or only a
certain percentage.

Altered Demographics - Not too much to say to this one. With this you can decide how many
babies will be born male or female from now on, but no more than 6:1 in either direction. In case
you have also picked the Monsterperson option this can also affect that.
We Come In Peace - Your world had, before the arrival of the SAA, only one intelligent species.
Humans. With this that won't be the case anymore. Instead members of the races that you had
access to in the Races section, as well as a few of their variants, like Dark Elves, will by a secret
method the SAA has access to spontaneously appear. They will appear with their own customs
and traditions as well as a history.

If you have also picked A Perfectly (Super-)Natural World, everyone else in your world will also
change races, although they will only change physically, and will not be affected by any instinct
a race may have. Their children however will.

Mother Nature - Many worlds have a concept that their planet is alive in a more literal meaning
of the saying, with this that is now true for your world. The planet will be alive. The soul will be
that of a caretaker wanting to help all those she sees as children, which will be every intelligent
creature. However, as much as a caretaker that she will be, she will have favorites, and those
that work together with her will earn her favor, while those that go against her will not, which isn't
to say she will punish them. Help that she may give someone who has earned her favor is
maybe she will have the wind guide them in the right direction, whatever that may be, or make
nature more accommodating, not that it will make it any less dangerous.

Additionally, being the soul of the planet she has some control of her body, being able to slowly
shift the landscape over time, to her desire.

You can only pick the option if you also picked A Perfectly (Super-)Natural World.

There is one last thing, a little thanks for helping me out. An experimental perk of my own
design. I can't offer you any drawbacks, but I can let you go over your previous options again to
let you reorganize a little for you to scrape the points together, and if you have any unused
Changes you can convert them into points for this perk alone.

Experimental Perk:

-The Worldender (3)

(Don't mind the name, I had to name it something and tried to be funny. With this if you ever go
to another world you will be able to enact any World Changes that you picked here with a snap
of your fingers and willing it, as well as using as many Changes as you used here. To clarify, the
Changes do not have to be the same ones that you picked this time around.)

"Thanks for the help. Have a good one."

And with that the lights started dimming for hopefully the last time. You wonder for a second if
you should even close your eyes, but in the end just do it.

You're not even surprised when you open your eyes and are still floating in your pillar of light.
This time your surroundings were pink, matching the voice that started talking. She sounded
mature, but had a very lively energy about her.

"Hello~ I'm glad I was still able to catch you before you activated. I've heard a little about you
from my colleagues and they were saying that you were quite helpful, and as it so happens a
few of my students have made a few items, and now I need to get rid of them. The items, not
the students, but honestly some of them will probably not make the year.

So how about as a little thanks for being such a supporter of science you take a few of them off
my hands. Let's say you get one item for every two drawbacks you have, in this case Changes
count as a drawback.

If you're into that sorta magic feel free to try to reverse engineer them, but be warned that
besides the most simple of items on this list most of them will take time to unravel. Faster than
flying by the seats of your pants tho.

Also don't worry about breaking them, pretty much all of them repair themselves over time. That
was added by myself for convenience's sake."

Note: Words in bold indicate the use of Imbuement.

-Soulbound Knife
(A reliable knife that you can call to your hand at any time. It's not the sharpest thing in the
world, but no one will complain about having a sharp edge on call. Not all that original, but
passable for my class.)
-Ice Katana
(A modern twist on the classical fire sword. A japanese style sword that constantly emits cold,
draining an opponents stamina with every hit even if the blow isn't a lethal one. It is also
annoyingly pink.)
-Toy Gun
(Looks like a real gun, but shoots bullets formed from the user's magic, the catch is that it is
totally non-lethal. People hit by the bullets only feel a short stinging sensation.)
-Sturdy Shield
(A protective shield that also absorbs some of the force of blows that land against it.
Surprisingly light for a slab of metal strapped to your arm.)
-A Rock
(Making something indestructible is usually really tricky and a lot of the time too inefficient to
bother with it, when you could just make something very tough, but one of my more promising
students managed it with this rock and I am very impressed with their work. Also for a reason
neither of us know, it always returns to their owner after a while. Stuff like that always happens
when making magical items, but usually they're not this tame, or helpful.)
-Trader's Handbook
(This is from one of my students who is more focused on the business side. A book that is a
collection of contact rituals for otherworldly beings, as well as a bit of information on their
services. It is constantly restocking itself with new entries, while old entries disappear. There is
a short chapter in the front that gives an introduction of trading on the interdimensional level.)
-Mattress Ring
(This was made by someone I'd call a genius if all he used his brain for wasn't being lazy. The
ring, when worn, makes any surface the wearer lays on act like a cozy mattress. Very
impressive that he made something that adds an imbuement to something else, but still he
could do so much more if he applied himself more.)
-Dungeon Finder
(I am tempted to make the guy who made this fail and honestly I don't even know why he is
taking my class. Phenomenally gifted with Body Magic, but useless in anything else. Still he did
make a working end result. This stick, if close to a dungeon, lights up green. How far the range
is depends on how much magic is channeled in it.)
-Midnight Kimono
(A gender neutral kimono, which can be worn both in- and outside, that will always tease others
by giving tantalizing glimpses of what lies beneath it, but will never actually fall off or reveal
anything truly inappropriate, unless the wearer wants it.)
-Parrying Dagger
(Not a dagger and I'd also argue that parrying is the correct term here. This is a big hammer that
when swung at something won't hurt or damage it, but will launch it away. Just be sure you can
actually swing it with enough force. The reason this is called Parrying Dagger is because the
dwarf that crafted this used it to play what is basically baseball, but with big boulders, and he
said that Parrying Hammer sounded stupid.)
-True Sight Goggles
(Probably the most unstable item on this list. This is a pair of goggles that allow you to see.
They were supposed to be able to see through illusions, and they do that… sometimes. Other
times they detect different temperatures, or just let you see really well, or the one time it looked
through all clothes. No one can figure out how to use them properly but hey if you want them
you can have them. Pretty sure they'll come in handy at least once.)
-The Automaton
(This… is very impressive. One of my students has been struggling in my class the whole year
already and pretty much failing every assignment, until this one. Truthfully I had almost given up
on them, but it turns out that their singular modifier was just so strong that it overpowered many
other aspects. They made an anatomically correct Golem out of a semi mechanical body that
can also think. That is the power of the Hybridization modifier I guess. Even I struggle to use
two Imbuements, but that kid did it so early on in their career. While the golem isn't yet fully
sapient, and might never be, they are still very human-like, even if the whole emotion thing isn't
really a thing. We can bond the golem to you, because the kid is terrified at the prospect of
having to 'raise' another being. Sure you could get the same result with just one Imbuement, but
even that is still advanced stuff.)

There is one more thing, something a little personal. My colleagues have all used you for some
personal experiments of theirs and I have one of my own.

You see, I really enjoy playing video games, so I have invented something that would allow a
person to interact with the world like a game. The system measures how much a person grows
from different things like fighting monsters or completing difficult tasks, and then converting it,
via a calculation into Experience Points. Once you collect enough of them you level up and are
able to upgrade your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution or Intelligence. The basis for that part is
actually Body Magic. And while every level only gives a very minor boost over time the changes
can be quite apparent. There is also Luck, which obviously comes from some fate manipulation.
You can't level that one normally, but have to "get lucky".

The most impressive part, at least in my opinion, is the Quests. I managed to crack some part of
how dungeons make their items drop and then linked that to things people want you to do. Just
like dungeon monster, the loot you get from these missions is better the harder the quest.

I actually lied previously, because while I think Quests are the coolest thing I've done, it's not the
most impressive. That is from a magical perspective at least. No, the most impressive thing is
that it can be used by everyone, not just people who've had their spark unlocked. I know, right?
Magic being able to be used by those without magic. Truly I'm a genius without rival.

I managed to get a person to be able to view their stats and quests with a mixture of Divination
and Technomagic, so that when they will it, a holographic screen pops up before them to display

And while I would love to give it to you for free, that would look really suspicious on paper, so
with that said, instead of three items you can get this World Change.

World Change
-The System
(Every sapient creature on your world gets access to the System.)
Changed for V3.2
-Added a no magic clause for Skilled
-Clarified that you can't shapeshift away distinct look
-Added two ways Distinct Look manifests, one that is constant and one that activates under
certain conditions (if wet, casting magic, etc.) that is more noticeable
-Added that when you pick Agelessness you also gain a better memory (so you don't forget your
past, weaker than Steel Trap)
-Added Drawbacks for the opposite for the Body Boosts
-Added that the selected Body Boosts will gain more bonus from the passive of Body Magic
casting type and the Drawback from them gain less from it
-Added a general Combat modifier that needs to be taken before being able to take Offence and
Defence modifiers
-Readded that you need to take Elemental Basic to take Elemental Advanced (it was a silly
-Changed Crafting modifier into Creation modifier
-Added something similar to Normal Casting as to Body Magic that most every mage uses it
even if only a little
-Added that Imbuement does things conceptually a little
-Added how impressive it is that the Mattress Ring adds an Imbuement to anything the wearer
-Added a Perk that makes a Modifier stronger (Boosted Modifier)
-Added a Drawback that if you buy Boosted Modifier multiple times the modifiers fight and the
results become more unpredictable (mad scientist kind of)
-Athropied now gives a casting type instead of a modifier
-Clarified how Intensity interacts with mana pool a little, meaning that a size 1 can not only cast
a single Intensity 1 spell when using Normal casting for example
-Minor rewrites

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