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Powers cyoa

Welcome, mortal. Do not be frightened, I mean you no harm. Now, you must have many
questions, but you do not need to know everything. All you need to know right now is that I am a
powerful spirit and, though not as strong as a god, I have great power. Power I wish to spread to
you. In a few moments, you will see many options to improve yourself. Once you’ve made your
choices, I will send you back down to Earth, and this meeting would have seemed as just a
dream. Now go on ahead, choose.

Hmm? You have a question? How many are you allowed to take? Why that’s simple, take as
every power has a price.
many as you want. Just remember, ​

Beyond Peak Human​ : Upon taking this power, your body enhances slightly; you can lift ten
pounds more, run 0.5mph faster, and take 5% longer to tire. The real power, though, lies with
training; the more exercise you do, the stronger these abilities become, to the point of reaching
beyond peak human, able to lift cars with one hand or run as fast as a train, faster even.

Yet these powers come with weaknesses: you will need to train to keep your power. The real
weakness, though, is the fact that you are now a magnet for danger; muggers will find you more
easily, an army might decide you are a threat, and the monsters of old will seek your head. You
may avoid them for a time, but they will destroy all in their way to fight you. If you beat them,
though, they will not return for a while. Or at all.

The Hungering Maw​ : With this power, everything becomes food in your eyes. Your jaw and
teeth now have the strength to chew titanium, and all food is digestible with no ill effects (from
fat build up to poisoning). In addition, everything you eat now tastes delicious (odd in some
cases, but still good.)

However, this power implants within you a deep, gnawing hunger that can never quite be
satisfied. Even if you eat a mountain of food, you will always feel a slight hunger afterwards. In
addition, you will need to eat eight times the food as a normal man, but that shouldn’t be a
problem for you.

The Analytical Mind​ : With this power, your mind becomes far superior to any other man; just a
quick glance at a page and you have memorized every word. Mental calculations are much faster
and more complex, to the point where complex physics are a breeze to you. You are immune to
the natural mental degradation of age, and in fact grow mentally stronger with it. Near the end of
your life, if you are active in scientific pursuits, you will make many technological and scientific
Yet as your brain brightens, your emotions dim; upon gaining this power, you lose a bit of your
original emotional capacity, leaving only 30% behind. And just as your intellect increases, your
emotions decreases with age, until there is nothing left.

Wealth​ : While it may not seem like much of a power at first, taking this option will grant you
greater fortunes in time. Stocks you invest in will increase in price, you will find yourself with a
promotion before the year is out, and you will more easily find loose change on the ground.
Money is not the only form of wealth affected by this power; crops you grow will be more
bountiful, your house will retain or increase its market value, and other things will happen to
make your life generally easier.

However, your powers are entirely dependant on how greedy or generous you are; the more, the
better. Simply giving a few dollars more or less will hardly have a noticeable effect, maybe small
drops of prosperity will head your way. Should you either refuse to give enough to be called a
miser or give enough to be called charitable by traditional means, you will have the full strength
of the powers listed above. Any further than that, and you will have more wealth than you would
know what to do with. The power is based on consistent greed or charity; If you try to be
charitable when getting all of your money from greed, you will face the inverse of this ability
unless you either stay greedy or act charitable for long enough, about a month.

Sustenance​ : When you take this gift, you are transported to a room with a door and three
fountains. Drinking from one or more of these fountains will remove your biological need for
food, beverage, and/or sleep, whereas the door just leads you to your house before disappearing
forever. You will instinctively know which one will remove which. In addition, you will always
feel as if the former necessity was just satiated; You will feel full of energy if you remove sleep,
moist in the mouth and throat with removing beverage, and as if you just ate with food.

It is a good thing you do not need one of those necessities, because if you try to indulge in it after
gaining this power, it will feel disgusting to you at best. Food turns to ash the moment it touches
your mouth, the finest wines become bile upon touching your lips, and whenever you sleep,
nightmares wait to meet you. You only suffer from these downsides if you chose to remove the
need of the necessity from yourself; If you chose to only remove the need for sleep, you can still
eat and drink like a normal man.

Holy Light​ : Take this power, and the divine energies of justice, piety, and all around goodness
will fill your veins. You can now perform such feats as bringing rain where there is a drought,
smiting the truly wicked, and general healing, from a small paper cut to blindness to even healing
the very land itself, removing toxins and making barren land fertile. You will also casually glow
aura that heals all in it’s range.

However, to grow this holy power, you must act as a paragon of good. Deeds that are
traditionally seen as good and benevolent will increase the strength of your power, while
malevolent, unjust, or even just slightly corrupt actions will weaken it (this ranges from extended
laziness to genocide.) You may even lose your power entirely should you act too evil.

The Immortal​ : With this ability, the ravaging power of time will have no effect on your body
and mind; old age will not kill you. You will be able to live for millennia, perhaps even
outlasting Earth should you be careful. In addition, your mind will be able to store all of your
memories. This isn’t improved memory capabilities, rather it is more like infinite memory space.

However, the power of the immortal takes time to take hold; you will still slowly age for quite a
while. Indeed, chances are you will look like you are 65 before you cease aging. This comes with
all of the downsides of old age, such as joint pain, weakened muscles, and overall less energy.

Kingdom​ : When you wake after accepting this power, you will be visited by an ambassador
from some part of the world. The ambassador tells you that you are the new ruler of a small
patch of land in an area of your choosing, whether by blood, skill, or prophecy. You have
complete and utter rule over the domain; while you can assign delegates and other people to do
some of the lawmaking for you, your word can easily overturn theirs. In addition, you also
project an aura that causes all who see you as their leader to become exceptionally skilled and

While you might be a king, one must remember that ruling a nation is not easy; there will always
be some paperwork you can’t delegate away, people will seek your guidance, and you will
probably have to create a budget. You must also realize that resources are limited in your
country, so over consumption must be watched. While they see you as a good leader now, should
you prove to be too corrupt or incompetent, your citizens will rebel. Lastly, you will have to deal
with other leaders of other nations, and some of them might not like you all to much. There will
be at least one war your country will be involved in during your reign.

Elementalism​ : Take this option, and one of the four classical elements will be your’s too
control. Whether it be fire, water, earth, or air, you will be able to move it around the moment
you get this power. With training, other powers will become apparent to you; create an aura of
your element around you that damages all of your enemies, generate your element from within
yourself to project at a moment’s notice, and even link the elements to emotions, allowing for the
stirring of emotions in others (though only relating to your element.) Feel free to take this gift
multiple times for multiple elements.

However, your body and mind are not completely unaffected. As time progresses, your body will
feel increasingly uncomfortable within your opposite element; if fire is your domain, water will
hurt more than normal. If you are a master of earth, being airborne or very high above sea level
will make you queasy. This will never be fatal or too painful to function in society. In addition,
the more you use this gift, the more your emotional state is altered to better fit your element.
Should you specialize in multiple elements, you will gain the physical discomforts of both of
them, even if they are opposites. Using opposite elements relatively equally would balance out
the emotional alterations.

The Unlocked Mind​ : Where the analytical mind gives you great mental power, the unlocked
mind gives you psionic power. With this Gift, you will have immediate access to fairly weak
telepathy and telekinesis, allowing you to understand a person’s surface thoughts and lift a bottle
of water like you would normally from a range. With training, your powers will grow, increasing
range and thought depth with telepathy, and strength and precision with telekinesis. You will
also find other abilities overtime, such as Clairvoyance, using telepathy to communicate with
others, pre and post cognition, and even the ability to control minds.

However, not only do your powers start off weak and require years or decades of training,
overuse of your powers will cause serious strain on your mind. Objects that are slightly heavier
than your max strength or thoughts that are just slightly deeper than normal are usually okay.
Trying to pick up something decently heavier than what you are used to will cause mild or severe
headaches, whereas more strenuous use of your powers can cause nosebleeds, temporary
memory loss, nightmares, and hallucinations. Very severe abuse of your powers, such as trying
to lift up a skyscraper when you just get your powers will result in an aneurism and instant death.

The Leech of Life​ : With this power, you will be able to drain the youth and life from another
person, adding it onto yours. The process requires physical contact and takes a good amount of
time to do; approximately ten hours to de age you by about a year. The process will also keep
away other complications caused by old age, such as alzheimer's, brittle bones, and weak

There are several problems with this power, however. While you will live longer because of this
power, living too long will eventually result in the erasing of several random memories. The
process is also imperfect and inefficient; for every year you de age, your target ages ten. Lastly,
this power has a slightly addictive quality to it; over use will compel you to drain life from others
even when you have several decades left.

The Living Arsenal​ : When you wake after selecting this option, knowledge pertaining military
tactics, martial combat techniques, and how to operate any weapon will slowly flood your mind.
You will be as knowledgeable in the art of war as all of history's finest generals put together. In
addition, you will be able to create any weapon out of thin air. The time it takes to create the
weapon depends on its size and destructive capabilities; anything one can carry with their hands
is created instantly, while gattling guns take a few minutes, anti air guns take an hour or two, and
it takes a full day to create a single nuke.

Be warned, the power of the tools of war slowly corrupt your mind. You will start craving
violence and conflict more the more you create. This mind altering effect does fade over time,
but it takes days for any noticeable reduction. Should you create enough weaponry to arm a
modern army within a day, you will have such a violent craving that you will be willing to wage
war with a neighboring country.

True Love​ : While not a power, this option will ensure you find your one true love in life. This
person will be as close to a perfect match as possible, while still retaining enough flaws to keep a
relationship with them interesting. With your love at your side, the rest of your natural life will
be spent in pure happiness and joy.

Like many other things, however, love has several downsides. Firstly, having a true love will
leave far less time to grow other powers you may have. This might also leave little personal time,
should you desire it. Secondly, your new lover will not have any of the powers you gained. This
does mean that if you chose a power that extended your life beyond the natural limits, your love
will eventually die of old age.

The Try Again​ : Whenever you die with this power, you will return to life the next day, healed
of all injuries and diseases that caused the death. When you return to life, you will find yourself
wherever you slept last, waking up as if the previous day was just a dream. You get to keep all of
your memories.
However, this power just allows you to return to life after dying; it doesn’t stop the actual
experience of dying. If your death was slow and painful, you will still experience every ounce of
pain. In addition, the healing only affects conditions that caused the death (If you were blind
before and someone poisoned you, you're still blind.) There is also one cause of death this power
does not cover; old age. Lastly, coming back from the dead multiple times does not guarantee
complete sanity; you might go slightly mad because death is nothing to you.
The World’s Gift​ : This is a unique option on this list because it does not directly affect you, but
rather the world. By choosing one power, you may give the entirety of humanity a lesser version
of that power (Limited improvement beyond current human levels, basic psionic powers, slightly
lowered food/drink/sleep requirements, etc.) without any of the mentioned drawbacks. The only
exception to this is the Kingdom power. Chances are that, with this blessing, humanity will
improve itself far beyond what it could have before.

However, giving a power to humanity will prevent you from choosing that power for yourself. In
addition, there is one human who is not affected by the benefits of this gift to the world; yourself.
This might leave you unable to keep up with others in this new world. Lastly, no one will believe
you will be the one who is responsible for the change, and a decent amount of less moral people
might even mock you for not having the benefits they do. Thankfully, you still have all of the
other powers you chose.

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