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teryle cha 0dt towalh

tthe af
Shatb. tomple dagana of
dtyles Sab-
abbangernt diehes s
sheneby. Cu4) maLing.
templeof e Rentayoken
ofye Boles
Baourd Plan the Serne
o that to
tenmles ’
agase featwré
’Genedmaking ot imgAnstheH
ellsewed. ioplan
rnakingy terple
of n
uYth ’
cheeh Anlak Pauses
Shtkhaae knon Cusurilheat
tse Of
vagaa teatup
of chataitestre The
pegene temyple- the 5Hanlop
temele hal Bayer
fon la(upaael
bulatory am
Deul Shikhata

hees fntee wallh kept plain

Chatoteisee teate - Deul Shilkhca -uhich &
almest vextal ttl top &sudlenly stob un ving
nsl de
er hal in Odecha Shyle
O The ptay Menala
Dagmotan has Bhog anH
6 The oAecha eyple aloo
Nandis foy mualcak pfeman ces

Er-0Oagannath Temple, Reei, rha

G ncorplete images ot tend Tagama a, sublaola P
Balakbacba anes seen
uolen images of
of the
the Tolely
telgls ate
Evey 2 yeay ages
dhinged festival-Nabakalehara

Ea- sun Tonple , Korask

O Lingaaje Temple, Shuhaneswas
Rojaaní Temple , BB6 BASR
Chandela tyle of temyale/khajwnho shyle otonple
>Petaonize dd by Chandol salos of Bundelkhanel
he cltnax odof Wagana thyle of
ot emple
making nelatvely
very 'high platkrn
y Noted fos presence of mulhrle askhas ohch qives
ne Can see talliny halfghikhaas On the nas
>Beth the extertas & interio wallo were
decoatedA sith ntaicate coouthgs.
wall Dt Khajuraho temple e
lhe îages on the Kamasksa
be miphed trom ast Vkeyayan's
Said to
temeles ase noted for pneoenre of
7 Khajutabo cnnefed in e.-Wek
Chumbers , whiis tWeke
’ - Kandaiya lakodey Temple Khajurho
kasnen ternple, Khajoaho
Chausath, Voghi Temple, Khajutaho, Moraina NP
’Wot ohly Hindu, bul aloo Bain
Join temples wele
Heated V in th% tme.
Crcul temeles wete aloo ereafed is ths
tho shyle.
t 6 beleu ed tat the chiulah temples of
Chardea insplned the cleatg of old palinent
>Er of 'Jaio terplefsanath tempte, khajwraho
Gahonlaf teele, Khajutahe
(3 Solenke Tenyples -
A’Deve lebel 6y Solenlr 9uless of hejaoat
Ly The ertevto walls ot the temele were
dlecoaled sth inficate tayich
nfosio wallo weNe

dealgns. in thia shyle wene ceabed.

tbhe tennples unseys nay direcl
latereg 'ast d'heckion ,s0 (particlary in the hening)
enteo ine tthe shsâne cWere btlt in tis
Ngt enly Hindlau but aloo Jain teples
Shyie featuie- Baencnce of steyoped wate
Another sjoecial
tank in the pemlte of temyale.
mirtatno veuien of the tenples we
MaeeveK, the
on the staiu of styoped tank
Cheated alo ceated.
S thio style, steppeol- yello
halls wOe, also ceafel.
’-Modhea bun tenple, huj
Dilusora Jain ternple, Mt. Hae, Rojasthan
- Rani ki Vhw stePped well , Gj (Pahan)
Bhealseaheve Jain ternle, Bhacseahwan, hyf
Ranakpu Tadn tumple, Koralqute,ry
Ajitnath Jain emple
South- ndltn Arch,te chure
Evoutfon of Teples unde
>The tople aet
Ht in South eun nlia
the fallavas & Aeached it cInax the aule
of matrnltne Chela Dynaaly
The seuth Sralian templa evelved o 4 Stages 5

> Sn tho staae, ock ut tave shscne

Was cHeated, ingtole hich the
image ot the deihy wis pared
’ Tho sthuche (ar
(ane to he hnaen as

>Sn thio Shage
the aocks were net snly
suksele, to ive
Thene stucues weue
in vthleh Shanaaforath dedleaed to
Vadkisthir was the B biggot &
Shaupadt Rath was the smllont
Sh thio
.,reai stuhutal teyples wee cneatecl
’ 94 6 believed hat thi tage gave
shyle of ternpla.
Specialky this thye wa he
Pyiep py amidal
nntng Vermana
tsers, kneusn as
Gu- Katashnath Temple Kanbipusarn, TN
Shehe Temple , Nahakalpum,TN
Nard8 vasrnan age
stage, Doavtda shyle
Seuth Sndia.
>u- akenth Rerual tenyple, Kanchipuar


- Grenbha. Gniha
|Andhe Mandap
steppe l water
tanknsde he

Doewida Style of Temple

Drawida dhle ot Temple: necess ay
’ The eneloune wall 4
4 steppe d water tank
featue of Daoia characteizel
shle io by the ohesence of cn
’d hutdian
tncdined pynbndel toven known
as, Veman

’The hateusys of the temple knoitn, a nojpuagi

ane CCn see vo high Vimana on the
’ Andha Alondap the eoance perch of the temyte
the sthnctere sulptie ot Nandi othe Dhwafa
ot the. tenle
(onnecte l to a
The hansha hmiha of the temple o
entance of the habha haha, selpfte of
’ 4A the who ate consldered as the
Ahe Dwah
Dwes pal i installed
Suondo cf the tenple. entsonte ot the anbha
at the
n Nagaia syle geneally
of the tivee hoddeses harga
Gstha 'Gntha trmages of
muna 1e images
’Drawt¥a temple also fsllgwed cruified gsund, yalan.
Some ot ,the Daavtda temple too tollouws Pancheyatan style
Ex - Ssohedeshuone Terple, Tajohe.
’Sub-Shyle of Daad Daayfde Temple -
OVitynagon Styde Ternple]:

TAmman Mein
( banbia asha)


Vfjynagon style temple

di shyle ot temple.doyelaped deoing the ale of
7n of
Vgaynoga, potiulanly dsing he sule
* They created vey high enCloachng wall in the
’Smages of tupe hatal hoses neaked wn tthe
en leue walls,
’ Specialehy of Vtfay nag aia temple io the pHescnte
pe of
Chanlsh Giha.
Asl cl
whech e dled?caked to the chiel wie of main GroA
Coled eo
’Sn thio style, the ntage halla called
neafed lnalde the atemises.
e - Vthupakaha fernale of Harnpi
V*bhadia temple of Lepaksl?
the Wayak sulen
ot Naduai


(hatha Gaika

Gropuhogm Paraknam

Meenakee Teple, 'Nadwnat
’9t Conlened es the climax
These shle kngon as for lasge. no. ot gabeunyt.
’ Ansthen spedalehy b the phoence of Huge loroNlo
knoun s Pahaem
shyle tndudes wate-tant e pushkaram insde
’The nayak atyle
the yoetses "ot the temple.
Arnman Shle o continuel in Nayak syle.
Another teatwne i resence of pilla & halls 4 Bmeelcal
Ex- Meenaksbe Temple Madwrei
(Sundaneswaan Ternpte)
St Renganadhc evany teple ot Sslangam
O Vesasa Temple temple.
Combinátton of Daautda 4 Wigara style ofake a
Dertvek hom Sanilt. wehd Veehra i-e.,
>Towes of the teryle hapihel fromJhovtla
’’ Lle the Nagata shyle, the wend Anbulstoy pasogewey
was cHealed
7 They also veahed semi- cihcula hally like Rudlhiet
chaitya Dunga Temple pf Ahole, K'taka
Lads kadkhan temple of Aihoe, 'k'taka

Terele k'talka
’ Seveloped by the Heysata
Spectalahy of -the teme we as
phesenee of tellate houne pan
Bt stan-sthape quound plen. Stellate
’ Generally Gney gendstone u highly (aneun baoe)
Huyala temple style plan
This style n&ted.. for. intlate. toswtng sn the
walls o the temyole.
’ - The ofesien Walls
yal otof: the temple ase covored iG
the Story 0t Ramayana Mahalshaafa
Haysuleu temple of Hale belu, K' aka
Chanakosaw Temele of mnahpram
Medieval Aehitectue Sulphure
[Srde - 4lomic A chile chure]

T abeate. Aehbuade Areuale

CHincu) p
inted > Sntrance had a ches
Soof hal olome

’Pueenog of Kinars.
> Pnesence of ghikhas & Vioana
main oretruceh
limestone e motat
> Bick,main Conatuctr maferjal
Stones ae

Srdo - 9slante Ancht techune.

’Anch k4 Dome methel of confhucfn
Sred candstone e white marble
’They uged
Nabal) convefedl ertstng
Snthe begtrning , they demetshedl e
Hindu e Jain Architectte human 9epieoentar
doen't allao idot wsuhip,
stnue 9alam
>Since avetded
was avefdeel slam,
vaieus other methods ta
9nuteal hey 1es onfecl to
decerate the butldings hieh ae :
>CatygjhyThey angulerízed the peaian scpt,
wlih Carne to be kntn as
Soipt was uoec to wite the
Qustan verw on the building
L Anabiogue method ot Deconal
employed o the
- 94 wo chanactoiz edl by a tontnues ning
stern &Simila
sintla ilental lealy sthuchua
both the oide of the dtem.
They aloo uoed asiety of heometÜtal.
deatns fon decotafton."

Mughal podod.
Sn thi methed of decotafion
at fnst dentgns ate eateel
then the destyns pheias temi- phecisus ston es
pastel2 cdteine maihbles wee placel.
Sntaicate Taale ah
’ Gne of the vey my features ot
Sndo-slane ancatectue a the nttcde
Taali wh.
Beathel destgys maide.
t highltghb Bhe impefane of sunliakt in alam
algo imp ton maintaining thernel Comort
’sther teatunes
’ Sratdo the psemises tf ithe builclng many afer bales
CMeated in the lorm of tountains
alao tasdad plontng gabdend 40und thets
2 Othe cnak cf te inthake chaharbagk
Dehi sulterate l:
’\Slave byastyi Chahaskegb
peavd sthg iadul,Jatn Ghanden
'anaitectye Converled hte slarne ai chite tute
inthoduced.duing taie. peucad. ondy
fr- Quwwat-ul- Sslem Nengue, belA!
&eutub ina,Delhi
Adhaidin ka Jhonpra , aip
Note , eal 9lame Anchitecfue buill at tthat fime
they twee mone (oorehnecl sth tonvertfng he eichng
inclu ahchitectue into 9ularnic achite tre.

9n this joeiod, asch and olomes ateHe intodured

They allo uoel Red sandetone Cynt from bai cks ¢
meutas Constauet
Str fot

Tagilag Dynasky :
Ly Hao allod as the cut st petod of
o£ csdifechare
y They wene
we of the viesi that. tte stuchue built by
then prede essors were not sthong eneugh, so
gave yo en e State sicle te bill srong
sundstene wes, sed inafead of ved sendstone
Loas uch stronger, easily aailahle l also
cheaper thon sed sandatone.
L Hao, they stasuted "Battas" methol of ornfuct, high ly
neinbores basek oith Concaete..staueure wall
to ve
-Tugalagbad toon/cttes
Sodrapnstha ton \thength
- Laal hot (veatel by Tanas ot Delai)
Qulanao Ru? pitbho (Greatel by g basl of;Contete
SThilort (Cssealed by Alauddin Kaiji)
Chaahan) Structeie
0LLhah Kola (By. foishah "Tghlag))
-Jabapanah (Nohal.- bin- Tughlag)
3hengarh (Shenchal Si)
Dinpanha lonatanctn stanted by Hunayun but not
- Sahajahanabd ( by lhah Juban but inegrmplete)

S Sntroduce d Cctagonal tombs

Ly "hullesta' deotafions
pueIe enamel tiles Intholucel
cx- Noh. - Sheh Tomb, Deh
LodA? Tonnb
Tho peiod io alo knoorn to levelaptng tornbs en
the sthuctee oreatel hy trees peleces OrA 4

L> But they Sntrodited sthong, beauftkul, rel:leent beilkirg'

They didónt give up en
They lsodured the concept of deup dauble cone.
Neneovei,they aao sHarted inorpo'aling the onken enando
Andaie wee the t people sho stasited tneogpoatrg
gden ahgund theëh builolings
Loclhi's haclen
>Brotoctal Anchttechore deotng Dela? tullanate ::
(D Bengal Auchitechune :
’13ik was the onain tostucn mateial bet
Blak able was aloo uoed in good quanty
’bngal achte ctwre, aloo kneon kos use ol vey thin
teyarotta briks (khta).
-’ 9n this time huge impgiig :
’ tnthe vey frjo feahe atkuches weHe eetel
oping Bangla sat.
aadam Rasul eque, hawr
Adlna Aasftd , Panlua
Jaunpur AHehtectuei
.Develeped by Shaspi dynanty
’Theu didnt Heote Hnas
They Main
Spe ial teature- opi lan
Sr- Atala Mos9ue of Jaunp
Maya Anchitectuse
Pathaan tyle of anchitetore
n ti 4hhe, wtde ysiety of Stone were sed.. i

They ceafed oell propontion stancaae

Wall ato wehe lbo sel fo deceraton
inay wene not used
Lange wtndeus & lwel ventilafed buildings
LBatas aystem usel is buitdnga by Tughlag]
They aloo oeated very high Nisng patlions
xAshatt Asha Mohel ,

Jahaz Hahal
Mandu lart
Rani Roprnat? Mahal
Bijaput Ahekttechoe,

ngst spherjcal
3-faca be Ahch
Thi anchitectwre deylsped by Adeb Shah dyrasty ot
OThey 'Ueated btafihe cohntres in the butllgs
The deme io thia shyle becomes almet
Syohexi al
3Angthes mo eahee a the pe ence of 23 facefe dd
np teahwie
- Adil Shah's Keat ausoleun.
- Jami Mesgue
Nosque ot
Rughal Archteckee: haol ensuglh inme
’ iNeithet Babat nes Humaien 9nclie.
Srelta to ceate Lenlark buileings
was tuessPul in
Thegh Babas
at Paripat
bambhae (Rohilehand)
>Humyun ttanted tthe ty of Dinpanah but wan't
wite of Humlyun tamile Yoegum &Regia Begum
was aespensrhle ak
Mughal beilling , i.e, Hemaulo Temb
To mb
’ Thá buil ding 8 Conidesed a' the t beactiAl
yample o 'ach e darne t etet el e ant onubinat
tlhe st
ot Hed danditone & white mable. 9+ wea
Nugfal buslding in which chaharbagh wao cheaol

5Abat conttd he Ked tott, of dgha hut san

he ectel to shift ho capitul to Fatehyeur Siere
he seyet place Barth of. Salim Chiclut
’ He canstn fed a big Copital complex at fakhpu Sbrd.
The cemeloy b neliomed tay Gtkond gateay-weeBulandeeated.
Dauwaxe Sn tho gateway, tuols anehaa
-’ thban' age io aloo emenlbehed for
tuitn aschtfectune of andent Sndian
tadiH on medeval zlanic taadHn

n thio builoling 4 linted ook were Tuclotohes
Oheaked , Hoteoven the ajput style ot ach
onging balienien wee aloo incory takl
The topment stauchue in the buildang
trabeate and
and auate stje Henling
Ly -Tahangis Hahal |baleontes
Jodha Palace
-Binbal Palace Panchmahal
(mecking cohunon pegple)
Diwlan- i- khaas (Neling of adnan. offee)
Sbadal KÀàn
relgisus discission de'banakon
9hadat Khana Meet fe
wtthHepesentaton tta of all Heligins.
Tale wsode )
Solm -Chicht Town- (Flnest eyample of intaleke
Akbo aboo funded the cHeaion Dt hovinlev temple af
Mathuka Vindaen
Jahangin Period
Ch oated moe maa CAahoe)
Akbar's Tomb
aloo oneated at Sikandata
’ The mafody of theNo shchitectal
inttatives Wre
taken by haKo ustfe
’ She cHeeled hio fatlhes Tumb knon Ttmad-ud- Deub's
94 tst
the 13t
)as the mughal butlding eneafed eith pne
manble. Aoneevot, the beuildng is Memembenel foy
oide ces of pieta -dua method of decoaton.

Thi butldtng io alo conatdored an inspiralon kor betldng

Taj Nahal,
’ She was abo intrum enfal in plnting.
u- Shalinat bagh
Nisatt bagk sinagas
Aohangzeb's Pextod he
any cet forn but
Knsun oy dichasement of
constucted mosque.
Mot Maytd intde RedPat, Delho thet
Badshahi Nosgue at lahsne Btygest onedgue at
ttme n the wrld.]

> te aloo commistoned the constuction of Rabia -yd

Dautani Magbata et Sbi- ka- tagbahaby Churangakod
Mahanaht aa, kicl was natuee
hio sons.
Tho stuctune as the
the po
frnttation o Taj Hahal.
to lughals
o)Sth Achitectne
chhaf nis
Sikh aHchitechHe was inspiked
fram the dome of 9slamio
The dome in the Sikh
utuwata o uted in natute,
’The husudvahas ate aloo noted
7A wate tank te itual akulation , io irpotant
pat ot the huwudwaa.
u- helden Tenple , Amtha
Aandganj Saheb
Nan kana Saheo CPakis fan)
Kantasyu Soh eb
Bangla Soheb
aput Achiteckure
sag anto yive ! take pelakonslip b
’ Thene was an
Rajaut t Auahal aichthechutie
’ Beth inpeatecd teetune fhom ach other.
ta-Sn many of the Raj put buildings , the top -mest
stuce was modelled on tbhe lines oP
Mughal olene.
uPHe the finent tot makers o* the g lwsld
>They Ceated 80me of thethe amaztng fork of Snd'a.
a Mehhangahh Fot, Todhpu (R
Ranthcmgh fent (l3Mh Cenbuy ; wel's sthnyot for
Arne nt
Jaigahh tont , Jaipur (Rs)
- Jais alnet fort, a éRJ)
hwalise fot
bhangahh Pont
7 Chittogath fort (Rs) [Nahohana Pratafol
Rajpuk veated hanging balconies of c:flerent size 4
7. Rajput oeated catt catwed to bnianes io hale bee chepe.
Sn reuny o.the Rajput forts, one len fnd Rungamshal
as deceatten ypose,
aloD Lafer Labuintas (Bhool Bhulatya
Thoy Bn for oreating many
’ Rajput ruler aysingh Jantar antat
aathonomital obsewation kntun
(Jatpur, Delhi)
’ x tme Palace
-Chy palace o Jodhpak
-Ram bagh polace, JalpunlRs)
Umel Bhaw an CTej tote)
Vrles Palee Cob ehoi. hotel)
- Hawa Hahal ek.

They inwporated a Sikh shyle kutel domes as well.

9nde- hothi A
’94 led to the intolution op advenceol Bsetes
toolo in Sndia.
’9+ led to the tntrouepn of steel as uportant
Constuon materjal.
7They oneated peinted anches in beildings.
Nss thfne wels e eeokl wh the stength
’ They oneated lanye windous.
They Coninue the ughal trotHon o
dee osmes.
CHeated w
’ The Ghothie builengs
kcedan deco at
e Satrt Paul (othenal ,kolkata
- V:chia
Victsia Hemeial ?Kalkat.
rtens Beilding
wnch aates
gates Humbai
Rippons Builatng
’Neo-Roman Achi tectute i
Alten the transfer of eapthal of Buith Snelia
Kslkata to Nee Delhi, the task of evelopment ot
Delhi Was entcted with Bhied
hes ahchihectue in
nchitet sin edstn Lutyens Sta tHerbert Baker
’ But late the stsucwe in Delhi ws singe -hnledy
plurnek by Lahyend
This shye was matuhe of ancent Sndian, sudhist Tain
ohsteiune uthiih led to the ceat'sn of anonyous
-’ The st outlook of the bullding ghand elegant
’Thd butttingo tomprtsed

Nat of the buildings Wee monotonous (lacking in

vatieky) in deaiyn Csae colsuned butktings, tume ste
’ h the layout of Net Delhe, g0od space ws

t for the dovslepment ot geen bete induding

massive patks.
’ Nt of the
building in thia shyle
’u- Sansad Bhaven
Cental Secnetaiat
- Neth black
-Seth Blyck
-Rashtsupatt Bhavan , ee
to the Brttsh Ant
’ Contempoany to he
’ Awodh : By the lers of hun olkh
’ Sn Auoa dA ant only stones anl b'els ase
in the constouctoH.
not wsed in any
7 They
reated beut
any butlings.
beautrfel koral anches in

- The dorme in he shyle was oreated

o any apponet uppot
’ They wene the inest lakyinths
cu Bada Smambana Run Dawaa
Chhota Smanbara thatlan Nenzil

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