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Posterior Quadrant Disconnection: A Fiber

Dissection Study
Alexander Verhaeghe, MD∗ BACKGROUND: Posterior quadrant disconnection can be highly effective in the surgical
Thomas Decramer, MD∗ treatment of selected cases of refractory epilepsy. The technique aims to deafferent
Wim Naets, MD∗ extensive areas of epileptogenic posterior cortex from the rest of the brain by isolating
Wim Van Paesschen, MD, the temporoparietooccipital cortex.
OBJECTIVE: To describe this procedure and relevant white matter tracts with a specific
emphasis on the extent of callosotomy in an anatomic study.
Johannes van Loon, MD, PhD∗
METHODS: Twenty hemispheres were dissected according to Klingler’s fiber dissection
Tom Theys, MD, PhD∗ technique illustrating the peri-insular (temporal stem, superior longitudinal fasciculus,

Department of Neurosurgery, University
corona radiata) and mesial disconnection (mesiotemporal cortex, cingulum, and corpus
Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; callosum).

Department of Neurology, University RESULTS: Extensive white matter tract disconnection is obtained after posterior quadrant
Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
disconnection. Callosal fibers connecting the anterior most part of the parietal cortex
Part of this work was presented in poster
invariably ran through the isthmus of the corpus callosum and need to be disconnected,
form at the Belgian Neurosurgical Society while frontal lobe connections including the corticospinal tract and the anterior two-thirds
Annual Meeting, Brussels, March 23, 2016. of the corpus callosum are spared during the procedure.
CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest the involvement of both the splenium and the
Tom Theys, MD, PhD, isthmus in interhemispheric propagation in posterior cortex epilepsies. Sectioning the
University Hospitals Leuven, total extent of the posterior one-third of the corpus callosum might therefore be necessary
Department of Neurosurgery, to achieve optimal outcomes in posterior quadrant epilepsy surgery.
Herestraat 49,
3000 Leuven, Belgium. KEY WORDS: Callosotomy, Disconnective surgery, Epilepsy surgery, Klingler’s fiber dissection, Neuroanatomy,
E-mail: Posterior quadrant surgery, Posterior cortex epilepsy

Received, June 20, 2016. Operative Neurosurgery 0:1–6, 2017 DOI: 10.1093/ons/opx060
Accepted, March 1, 2017.

C 2017 by the

hildren and adults suffering from with posterior quadrant lesions (temporal,
Congress of Neurological Surgeons
intractable epilepsy due to widespread parietal, and occipital lobe) and concordant
unilateral areas of epileptogenicity can electroclinical findings can benefit from multi-
be excellent candidates for surgical treatment. lobar surgery instead of hemispherectomy,
Functional hemispherectomy is the treatment of thereby sparing frontal connectivity including
choice in many of these patients, especially in residual motor function of the hand. Extensive
catastrophic epilepsy cases in whom the whole posterior cortical resections have been shown to
hemisphere is involved. Excellent outcomes have be associated with good outcomes.9-11
been reported after hemispherectomy in both Similar to the evolution from anatomic
children and adults.1-8 hemispherectomy towards functional
Specific patients however suffer from multi- hemispherectomy, there has been an evolving
lobar posterior epilepsies with potentially trend from multilobar resections towards discon-
preserved frontal lobe functions. These patients nective procedures for multilobar posterior
epilepsy. Disconnective techniques have been
introduced to reduce complication rates, which
ABBREVIATIONS: AC, anterior commissure; AF, is particularly important in smaller children. On
arcuate fasciculus; CST, corticospinal tract; IC, the other hand, an incomplete disconnection
internal capsule; IFOF, inferior frontooccipital can be responsible for residual propagation
fasciculus; PQD, posterior quadrant disconnection;
SLF, superior longitudinal fasciculus; UF, uncinate
of epileptic activity through intact white
fasciculus matter connections and thus lead to surgical



Studies mostly report on posterior quadrant disconnection

(PQD) in children, with cortical dysplasia, porencephalic cysts,
and angiomatosis confined to the posterior quadrant repre-
senting the main indications. Postoperative seizure control
in temporoparietooccipital disconnection is generally good,
resulting in 50% to 90% of patients reaching Engel class I
The literature about the relevant anatomy is scarce with no
studies discussing the extent of posterior callosotomy. Most
reports describe a callosotomy at the level of the splenium or
use the general term posterior callosotomy, without defining the
extent of disconnection.12,13 We conducted an anatomic study to
illustrate the procedure, define relevant white matter tracts, as well
as the extent of disconnection at the level of the corpus callosum.

METHODS FIGURE 1. Disconnection line: lateral view. The dotted line marks the lateral
disconnection consisting of the peri-insular window (white arrowheads) and
Similar to previous studies we used the fiber-dissection technique
the parietal disconnection (black arrowheads).
as described by Klingler19 in 20 hemispheres obtained from cadaveric
specimens. The specimens were fixed in a 10% formaldehyde solution
for at least 8 wk, followed by freezing at –10◦ C for at least 4 wk. After
bundle comprises the fibers of the IFOF, the posterior limb of the
thawing overnight and before the dissection was initiated, meticulous
attention was paid to the surface anatomy. Specific anatomic landmarks,
AC, the inferior longitudinal fasciculus, and the retrolenticular
in particular the central and postcentral sulcus, represented essential part of the IC containing the optic radiation. In a next step, the
guides for dissection and disconnection. The dissection was performed white matter at the level of the operculum was removed with fine
under magnification with the use of an operating microscope. scissors to expose the insular cortex. The gray matter of the insula,
We performed the dissection in both a lateral and a medial fashion. the capsula extrema, the claustrum, and the capsula externa were
The lateral dissection was necessary to illustrate the long white matter peeled away up to the level of the putamen. At the limen insulae,
fibers disconnected by the PQD technique. White matter tracts the uncinate fasciculus (UF) and the trunk of the IFOF were
including the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF), the arcuate fasci- exposed. The lateral dissection is illustrated in Figures 2 and 3.
culus (AF), the inferior frontooccipital fasciculus (IFOF), the internal
capsule (IC), the anterior commissure (AC), and the stratum sagittale can Mesial Dissection
be optimally visualized through a lateral approach, the medial dissection
The dissection was started from the medial side in 10
was performed to visualize the commissural fibers and their crossing in
the corpus callosum. hemispheres, and was executed in a similar fashion as previously
The lateral disconnection line followed the inferior circular sulcus of described.21 After blunt removal of the gray matter, the cingulum
the insula and the postcentral sulcus (Figure 1). To assess the extent of and the surrounding U-fibers, the callosal fibers were exposed.
disconnection at the level of the corpus callosum, we applied Witelson’s In all specimens, the location of the commissural fibers arising
classification whereby 7 segments can be distinguished at the level of from the mesial part of the postcentral sulcus was determined
the midsagittal plane: the rostrum, the genu, the rostral body, the and the total length of the corpus callosum was measured as
anterior midbody, the posterior midbody, the isthmus, and the splenium the maximal length parallel to the AC-PC (anterior commissure-
(Figure 4).20 To determine the extent of callosal sectioning, the crossing posterior commissure) line. These results are summarized in
of the commissural fibers from the postcentral sulcus was determined Table. The average index (Xpcs/lengthCC) was 0.74 with an
(Xpcs) and measured in relation to the total length of the corpus callosum
index between 0.67 and 0.8 in all cases. Therefore, the commis-
(lengthCC). An index between 0 and 1 was computed (Xpcs/lengthCC),
with an index between 0.67 and 0.80 representing a position in the
sural fibers connecting the anterior parietal cortices were crossing
isthmus and an index above 0.80 representing a position in the splenium in the isthmus of the corpus callosum in all specimens. The mesial
of the corpus callosum.21 dissection is illustrated in Figure 4.

Posterior Quadrant Disconnection

RESULTS The Sylvian fissure was opened and the inferior circular sulcus
was fully exposed. The temporal horn of the lateral ventricle was
Lateral Dissection reached and the white matter of the temporal stem (including
In 10 brains, dissection was performed in a lateral fashion: the UF, IFOF, AC, and optic radiation) was disconnected. The
after blunt removal of the cortex and the short association fibers disconnection was continued in a peri-insular fashion towards
(U-fibers), the SLF and the AF were exposed. After removal of the atrium of the lateral ventricle. The mesial temporal struc-
the SLF and the AF, the sagittal stratum was visualized. This tures including the amygdala and hippocampus were removed

2 | VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | 2017


FIGURE 2. Lateral dissection: progressive steps. A, Arcuate fibers or U-fibers. B, SLF. C, After the gray matter and U-fibers,
the SLF, the arcuate fasciculus, the extreme capsule, the external capsule, and claustrum are removed, the following structures
can be appreciated: CR: corona radiata, IC: internal capsule, SS: stratum sagittale, LN: lentiform nucleus, +++: IFOF, ∗∗ :

TABLE. Corpus Callosum Measurements

LengthCC (mm) Xpcs (mm) Xpcs/LengthCC

1 56 39 0,70
2 65 49 0,75
3 72 55 0,76
4 66 50 0,76
5 70 54 0,77
6 68 48 0,71
7 68 47 0,69
8 73 57 0,78
9 67 49 0,73
10 68 50 0,74

LengthCC represents the total length of the corpus callosum (measured parallel to the
AC-PC line). Xpcs refers to the crossing of the commissural fibers from the postcentral
sulcus. An Xpcs/LengthCC index between 0.67 and 0.80 represents a position in the
FIGURE 3. PQD: lateral view after posterior disconnection. CR: corona isthmus (according to the Witelson’s classification).
radiata, IC: internal capsule, Pu: putamen, IFOF: inferior fronto-occipital
fasciculus, UF: uncinate fasciculus, SS: stratum sagittale, Fo: fornix.

(black arrowheads in Figure 1). The SLF and the corona radiata
in a standard fashion. The former steps have been extensively posterior to the corticospinal tract (CST) were sectioned resulting
described.1,7,12,22,23 Alternatively, a disconnection of the mesial in the lateral disconnection. The mesial intraventricular discon-
temporal structures has been described.13 The parietal cortical nection could then be continued from the posterior hippocampus
disconnection line was created, based on anatomic landmarks towards the mesial parietal cortex, by following the tentorial edge



FIGURE 4. PQD: medial view. After removal of the cingulum and

surrounding U-fibers, the posterior callosal radiation is exposed. The crossing
of the callosal fibers from the depth of the postcentral sulcus was determined
and marked Xpcs (black arrowhead). The white asterisk represents the anterior
isthmus; the 2 white asterisks represent the splenium of the corpus callosum.
Small insert shows Witelson’s classification of the corpus callosum. CS: central
sulcus, PCG: postcentral gyrus, R: rostrum, G: genu, RB: rostral body, AMB:
anterior midbody, PMB: posterior midbody, I: isthmus, S: splenium.

FIGURE 5. Oblique posterior view. A coronal section was made through the
brain stem and the CST. After removal of the cingulum, the callosal fibers
have been dissected. IFOF: inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, SLF: superior
towards the falx, thereby sectioning the posterior one-third of longitudinal fasciculus, ILF: inferior longitudinal fasciculus, Th: thalamus,
the corpus callosum, ie, both the splenium and the isthmus. The CC: corpus callosum, LN: nucleus, HC: hippocampus, Cgc: Cingulate gyrus
mesial deafferentation furthermore disconnected the cingulum. part of cingulum, Cgh: Hippocampal part of cingulum.

Sectioned White Matter Tracts in PQD

The white matter tracts that were completely or partially Indications
sectioned during PQD included association, commissural, and PQD should be reserved for extensive posterior cortex abnor-
projection fibers. Important disconnected long association fibers malities, in particular extensive cortical dysplasia or angiomatosis
(Figure 5) were the SLF, the cingulum, and the different fiber in Sturge–Weber disease.11,13-15 In more restricted lesions, a
tracts in the temporal stem (UF, IFOF, optic radiation). Commis- resection or less extensive disconnection might be preferable since
sural fibers included the AC, the hippocampal commissure, a very extensive white matter deafferentation is obtained after
and the posterior corpus callosum. Mesial temporal structures PDQ. In case of more extensive unilateral hemispheric lesions,
including the hippocampal formation were also disconnected or a hemispherotomy might be the treatment of choice.
resected. Projection fibers included the fornix and the corona
radiata fibers posterior to the CST. Technical Notes
Important steps of the procedure in PQD overlap with the
DISCUSSION transsylvian peri-insular hemispherotomy: disconnection of the
temporal stem, mesial temporal disconnection or amygdalohip-
PQD can be used in the treatment of posterior cortex pocampectomy, disconnection of the corona radiata, transven-
epilepsies. An anatomic study was conducted whereby a dissection tricular disconnection of the corpus callosum.22-28
of the relevant white matter tracts was performed with an In practice, a keyhole approach should be avoided since a
emphasis on the extent of disconnection. An involvement of both monitoring of the central cortex is performed during PQD and
the splenium and the isthmus in the interhemispheric transcal- therefore the bone flap should extend over the central area. Both
losal propagation in posterior epilepsies is suggested. Since insuffi- anatomic landmarks and functional intraoperative monitoring
cient disconnection, eg, after corpus callosotomy for drop attacks, will guide disconnection. By opening the Sylvian fissure, the
or incomplete resection are the main causes of surgical failure in inferior and posterior part of the circular sulcus are exposed.
epilepsy surgery, these findings could have implications in patients The removal of any temporal and/or parietal opercular cortex
with posterior cortex epilepsies.21 is optional to facilitate surgical dissection. The temporal stem

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anatomy of white matter tracts is essential to perform disconnective
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6. Gonzalez-Martinez JA, Gupta A, Kotagal P, et al. Hemispherectomy for catas- was originally described by Klingler in 1950s,1 and then revitalized
trophic epilepsy in infants. Epilepsia. 2005;46(9):1518-1525. by Yasargil and Ture et al.2,3 Since then we have been witnessing the



publication of many excellent anatomical studies using white matter isolating epileptic brain tissue without a large resection. To evaluate
fiber dissection technique. Along these publications, recent advances in the ideal location of the callosal dissection, the authors of this study
modern MRI techniques such as diffusion tensor imaging as well as used Klinger’s fiber dissection technique on 20 cadaveric human brains,
evolution of intraoperative cortical/subcortical mapping techniques also 10 from the medial side and 10 from the lateral side, in order to
dramatically increased our understanding and appreciation of surgical identify relevant structures to be disconnected. They found that commis-
anatomy of white matter tracts. sural fibers from the most anterior cortex disconnected (just behind
This paper is another example of the many recent contributions in this postcentral sulcus) invariably decussated in the callosal isthmus, anterior
field. Authors use Klingler’s white matter fiber dissection technique to to the splenium of the corpus callosum. They conclude that the location
illustrate posterior quadrant disconnection procedure to define relevant of the dissection within the corpus callosum should not be posterior to
white matter tract disconnections. They assess the extent of the discon- a point one-third in front of the posterior part of that structure in order
nection at the level of corpus callosum using Witelson’s classification to ensure adequate parietal disconnection.
to determine ideal length of the corpus callosotomy for optimal seizure Minimally invasive disconnection procedures for epilepsy require
control. They state that disconnecting the splenium and isthmus of the meticulous attention to the location of the dissections since epileptogenic
corpus callosum (posterior one-third of the corpus callosum) is critical for brain is left in place and the disconnection will be rendered pointless
good outcome. This is a well-written paper and a welcome contribution if commissural pathways arising from epileptic brain are preserved.
to this topic. However, we still should not forget that both white matter However, the precise location of the cut within the corpus callosum is less
fiber dissection technique and diffusion tensor imaging are investigator important than the concept that white matter underlying epileptic cortex
dependent techniques and also has inherent limitations in details. must be disrupted at some location. For example, it is possible to perform
a complete disconnection of the anterior parietal cortex with minimal
Oguz Cataltepe callosal disruption as long as the cortical dissections are in the right place
Worcester, Massachusetts and a complete disconnection is made in the corona radiata. Although
it is logical that fibers from anterior parietal cortex will decussate nearby,
this study demonstrates that attention to the location of the corpus
1. Ludwig E, Klingler J: Atlas Cerebri Humani, Basel, S. Karger, 1956. callosum dissection is important in order to avoid incomplete discon-
2. Ture U, Yasargil MG, Pait TG. Is there a superior occipitofrontal fasciculuc? A nection.
microsurgical anatomic study. Neurosurgery 40: 1226-1232, 1997.
3. Ture U, Yasargil MG, Friedman AH, Al-Mefty O: Fiber dissection technique:
Lateral aspect of the brain. Neurosurgery 47:417-427, 2000.

Jonathan P. Miller
P osterior quadrant disconnection can be very effective for widespread
epilepsy localized in the temporoparietooccipital cortices by Cleveland, Ohio

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