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SESSION 2024 – 25

1. Explain Open Office Writer with its features.
2. Draw open office writer window and explain its components.
3. Write steps to save a file with password in Open Office Writer.

विषय -व िंदी
1. संत रै दास के जीवन पररचय अथवा उनके पदों का गायन प्रस्ततु करते हुए वीडियो तैयार कीडजए|( एकल या
समहू बद्ध)
2. दीर्घ स्वर संडि के 30 उदाहरण की सच
ू ी बनाइए|
3. पोर्घफोडलयो पण ू घ कीडजए|
Activity 1
1. Make a hand written file on the topic "MAN MADE DISASTERS" (Choose any one
disaster like Bhopal gas tragedy, terrorist attacks, global warming, railway accident, aero
plane crash, cyber-attacks etc.)
2. Maximum pages 10 (including cover page, Introduction, content, mitigation measures,
conclusion and bibliography).
3. Disaster should be explained and supported with pictures (from newspaper), drawings,
poems, slogans, graphs, pie chart etc.
Activity 2
1. Find out and write about any two well-known Dictators in the world.
2. Compare Dictatorship and Democracy on the following headings,
a. Rights given to people
b. Working of government
c. Role of citizens in decision making
d. Role of media
3. Merits and Demerits of the democracy
Activity 3
Map Work
Solve the map questions given on page number 6, 15 and 24 (Geography book) on different
political maps of India and paste in the same file.
Activity 4
Provide a coverage on the upcoming Loksabha Elections with the following headings and
paste related pictures:
A) Need of election
B) Names of 5 contestants and their political parties from your area.
C) Measures used for campaigning by political parties.
D) Mention some points (promises) from the Manifesto of any one political party.
All the four activities are compulsory.
Marks of these activities will be included in internal assessment.
Do all these activities in the same file.
Q.1 Multiple skill assessment:
1. Draw the Structure of plant and animal cell and write the function of each part.
2. Make the list of the scientist related to the chapter fundamental unit of life and write their
Q.2 Subject enrichment activity:
Write down the experiments from number 1 to 12 in the lab manual.
Q.3 portfolio activity:
1. A farmer moves along the boundary of a square field of side10 40 s. What will be
the magnitude of displacement of the farmer at the end of 2 minutes 20seconds?
2. In a long distance race, the athletes were expected to take four rounds of the track such
that the line of finish was same as the line of start. Suppose the length of the track was 200
A. What is the total distance to be covered by the athletes?
B. What is the displacement of the athletes when they touch the finish line?
C. Is the motion of athletes’ being uniform or non-uniform?
3. An object is moving with uniform speed in a circle of radius r. Calculate the distance and
displacement (in terms of r)
(a) When it completes half the circle,
(b) When it completes full circle,
(c) What type of motion does the object possess?
4. A boy goes from A to B with a velocity of 20 m/min and comes
back from B to A with a velocity of 30 m/min. Calculate the average velocity
of the boy during the whole journey.
5. Write any three difference between speed and velocity.
6. Is there any similarity in materials? When 50 g of sugar is dissolved in 100 mL of water,
there is no increase in volume. What characteristic of matter is illustrated by this
7. What happens when an inflated air balloon is pricked with a pin? Name the property of the
gaseous state exhibited by this observation.
8. Name the process which occurs when a drop of Dettol is added to water.
9. To which physical state of matter do the following statements apply?
(i) Incompressible, no fixed shape
(ii) Compressible, no definite volume
10. Name the state of matter in which:
(i) Layers of particles can slip and slide over one another easily.
(ii) Particles just move around randomly because of very weak force of attraction.
11. Define density and give its SI unit.
12. In which of the following, the particles have highest forces of attraction?
Water, NaCl (solid), ice or, wax.
13. Why do the gases exert more pressure on the walls of the container than the solids?
14. Which of the following diffuses faster? Water vapour, wax or, ethyl alcohol.

विषय - सिंस्कृत
 प्रथमः एवम् डितीयः पाठः आिाररत अभ्यास प्रश्न याद करें ।
 सयू ोदयः, उद्यानम् तथा डवद्यालय पर संस्कृ त में 5 – 5 वाक्य डलडिए।
 कोई 3 िातु परस्मैपद के पांचों लकार लर््, लृर्, लि्ग, लोर् एवम् डवडिडलंग में चलाइए।
 अकारांत, आकारांत, एवं नपंसु कडलंग के शब्दरूप याद करके डलिें।
 समयािाररत डदनचयाघ 10 वाक्येषु डलित।
Solve the following questions.
3 4
i. Find five rational numbers between and
5 5
2 3
ii. Find four rational numbers between and
5 4
iii. ̅̅̅̅
Express 0.245 as a fraction in simplest form.
1 2
iv. Find an irrational no. between and in
7 7
v. If x = (3+√8), then find the value of
1 1 1
(i) x2 + (ii) x4 + (iii) x3+
𝑥2 𝑥4 𝑥3
vi. Represent√2, √3 and √5 on the real line.
vii. If = a + b√6, then find the value of a & b.
viii. Find the value of √4.3 geometrically.
4+√5 4−√5
ix. Simplify +
4−√5 4+√5
1 1
x. Simplify −1 + −1
(27) 3 (625) 4
xi. If x= , show that the value of (x3-2x2-7x+5) is 3
3 6 4
xii. Find the smallest of the number √6, √24 and √8
3 2
xiii. If √2 =1.41 and √5 =2.24, find the value of +
(8√2+5√5) (8√2−5√5)
−3⁄ −3⁄
81 4 25 2 5 −3
xiv. Prove that ( )
𝑋 {( 9 ) ÷( )
xv. If x = 5+2√6 , Find the value of √𝑥 +

Perform the following activity in your “Maths lab Manual”

1. To construct a square root spiral.
2. To represent some irrational numbers on the number line.
1. Art Integrated project
Topic: Bihar
Prepare a Portfolio (collage) with details of state (written & pictures), write about their food
& cuisine
Comparison between MP food & music with Bihar food and music
2. (a) Read newspaper daily
Prepare a dictionary of the new words you find in reading newspapers and books of your
interest, search and write the meaning of the same.
3. With the current IPL season, prepare a commentary in English of any IPL cricket match
between two teams and present it as a commentator (with proper intonation and expression).
4. Select ANY THREE Poems from the syllabus and highlight the presence of listed
Explain the literary devices that definition and cite suitable examples selected poems in a
Given below is a list of literary devices that you can look for in your poem.
 Rhyme scheme
 Metaphor
 Personification
 Alliteration
 Repetition
 Oxymoron
 Allusion
 Irony
 Paradox
 Onomatopoeia
6. (a) Words and Expressions book: Complete Unit 1 to 5 in book and submit it.
Art integrated project to be made and submitted in one file.
Rest all other activities to be neatly prepared and submitted in 1 separate file.
Marks of these activities will be included in the internal assessments.

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