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Unit 2: Hospital Staff

Nurse 1: Dr. Tan, could you come over here for a second please, we have a case of
high blood pressure
Dr Tan. Of course. How high is it?
Nurse A: It’s one fifty over ninety, sir
Dr.Tan: Where is the patient records?
Nurse A: It is sir
Dr. Tan: Hmm….this patient has no history of cardiovascular problem, let this patient
rest for 15 ms then check this patient’s blood pressure again
Nurse A: Yes sir, I got it
Unit 3: Hospital Equipment
Nurse 1: Hey bro, have you completed your daily equipment checks?

Nurse 2: Yes, I just wrapped it up.

Nurse 1: Are we running low on anything?

Nurse 2: Yes, we're in need of additional latex gloves in examination rooms 2 and 3 on the third

Nurse 1: Got it. Anything else to report?

Nurse 2: There's only a limited supply of syringes left in the storage closet.

Nurse 1: Alright, I'll need to place an order for those. By the way, remember to restock the
patient information brochures in the lobby before you finish your shift.

Nurse 2: Will do. See you tomorrow.

Unit 7: Respiratory System

Doctor: Good afternoon. I've reviewed the results of your recent lung tests.

Patient: Yes. What's the verdict, Doctor?

Doctor: I'm sorry to inform you that you have chronic bronchitis.

Patient: Oh, really? I was convinced it was just a stubborn cold.

Doctor: Well, you've had your share of colds, but this is a chronic respiratory issue.

Patient: Is there any way to get better?

Doctor: Unfortunately, chronic bronchitis can't be cured, but there are treatments that can
manage the symptoms.
Patient: I hope those treatments help. I just want to be able to breathe comfortably.

Unit 8: Circulatory System

Doctor: Mr. Robinson, your test results show that you might have a problem with one of your
heart valves.
Patient: Can you explain what a heart valve problem is in simpler terms?
Doctor: Of course. A heart valve problem happens when one of the valves in your heart doesn't
work right. This can make blood go the wrong way inside your heart instead of moving through
your body like it should.
Patient: So, what are the common symptoms of a heart valve problem?
Doctor: Symtoms of a heart valve problem can include feeling tired, getting out of breath easily
(difficulty breathing), chest pain, or discomfort in your chest when you're active. Sometimes, you
might feel dizzy, like you're going to pass out.If it gets worse, you might need a surgery
Patient: Thanks, Doctor.

Unit 9: Digestive System

Doctor: Hi, Mr. Cuong. You’re here because of abdominal pain, correct?
Patient: Yes, I’ve been feeling this pain for a while now.
Doctor: Alright, with the frequency of your abdominal pain, I recommend a comprehensive
digestive system test.
Patient: Oh really? Is that necessary?
Doctor: It’s a good procedure to check if there’s an underlying issue causing your persistent
abdominal pain.
Patient: Okay. I trust your advice. What does the procedure involve?
Doctor: Essentially, we’ll conduct blood tests, check liver function, gallbladder, and digestive
tract to identify the issue.
Patient: Alright, if it helps determine the cause of the pain, I agree.
Nu: Ok, Mr. Tan, we’re almost done taking your blood, please hold your hand still for at least 15 minutes

Do: Sure. So, where will my blood go?

Nu: Our facility provides blood to local hospitals and surgical centers for transfusion

Do: Got it, I have a question, who can receive my blood?

Nu: Hmmm …. Let me check. Your blood type is type O, which means that it’s only compatible with other
people who have type O. Your blood type can give blood to anyone. In medical terminology, we call type
O blood as “Universal donor”

Do: Why is type O the universal donor?

Nu: Because type O blood does not contain A or B red cell antigens and therefore will not react with
antibodies in any recipient’s bloodstream. Anti-A and anti-B antibodies present in type O blood become
diluted in the recipient’s bloodstream and do not cause an adverse reaction
Do: What a wonderful new! So what happens if someone gets a transfusion with the wrong type?

Nu: During transfusion, if blood is not compatible, then hemolysis occurs. This may be followed by
excessive clotting in blood, which is a life-threatening condition

Do: I think I should donate blood more often because it will help more people

Nu: Thank you, I'm very appreciate of that.

Dr: So, Cuong, tell me what you see in this X-ray

St:Hmmm, … let’s see. Well, there appears to be a fracture of the left humerus.

Dr: That’s right. Can you identify the type of fracture?

St: It doesn’t look too serious. I’d say that’s a transverse fracture

Dr: are u sure? Maybe you should take a closer look

Stu: Is that wrong? It’s not spiral fracture right? I don’t see a fracture line that wraps around this bone
and looks like a corkscrew

Dr: No, It’s not spiral fracture, You’re right about that

Stu: Hmm I don’t know what im missing now

Dr: Can you see the fracture is a straight line that's angled across the width of this bone.?

Stu: Where? Oh i see that now. Of course it’s a oblique fracture

Dr: So what we have to do before the bone starts healing?

Stu: Hmm firstly, we will need to realign the bone so that the two parts connect in the right place.
Someone with a comminuted fracture will probably need surgery. Then, they'll need to wear a splint or
cast for a while to keep the bone from moving while it heals

Interviewer: Hi Jane, I'm Richard Jenson. I'm going to talk to you about the LPN position.

Applicant: Nice to meet you, Mr. Jenson.

Interviewer: Can you tell me about your experience?

Applicant: I've been working as an LPN for 8 years in different healthcare places, doing things like
checking patients' health with guidance, taking care of wounds, and making sure our rooms have what
they need.

Interviewer: What made you choose to become an LPN?

Applicant: I love taking care of patients and making sure they're comfortable.
Interviewer: Great. In this job, you'll be doing things like keeping an eye on patients' health, doing
simple medical tasks, and putting information into computer health records.

Applicant: I've done those things in my other jobs.

Interviewer: Does that sound good to you?

Applicant: Yes, I like talking to patients and helping with their daily care.

Interviewer: Our place usually has a steady speed, so we can give each patient good attention. How do
you feel about that?

Applicant: I think it's important to give each patient the time they need, so a steady speed works well for

Interviewer: Have you used computer health records before?

Applicant: Yes, I've used them a lot. They're good for keeping track of information and making sure
patients get the right care.


Doctor: Good afternoon Dorny!

Dorny: Good afternoon Dr. Berry! What do you need?
Doctor: I want to review my surgery schedule, would you mind?
Dorny: Sure doctor, tomorrow schedule is included two cases. First, it’s a renal excision
for Mr. William at 7:00 in the morning. Then, at 10:00 you are having a lung resection for
Nancy Nguyen.
Doctor: Ah yes, the first one is quite complicated.
Dorny: What happened? Which one doctor?
Doctor: The nephrectomy case has some problems, both MRI and PET-scan result
are showing the tumor is very big and connect tightly to the healthy tissue
surrounding the kidney.
Dorny: Oh, it seems very bad. In addition, he is 70 years old and he also has diabetes
and high blood pressure.
Doctor: It may take a lot of time, because complications may appear during and
after surgery such as severe loss of blood or even damage blood vessel so I need
to allow time for solving that.
Dorny: I see, you are afraid that complications may appear during and after surgery so
do you have any idea doctor?
Doctor: My suggestion that we should choose the suitable time for Nancy
Nguyen’s pneumonectomy, delay it for a couple of hours. I guess.
Dorny: Do you know that there is no operation room left in the rest of the morning.
Doctor: Oh, so what about the afternoon shift?
Dorny: Ok. Let me have a check… Well there is an operating room open at 2 pm.
Doctor: Nice, I’ll take that room. Could you set that for me please
Dorny: Ok, no problems doctor.
Doctor: I wonder who is the anesthesiologist that is in charge of that shift?
Dorny: It’s Dr. Noten who work with you once before.
Doctor: Oh, very good! Please make an announcement on Dr. Noten, Miss Nancy
and the nursing staffs of the changing for me!
Dorny: I’m gonna make an announcement on Dr. Noten, Miss Nancy and the nursing
staffs now.

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