Chữa Đọc-3

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In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of
reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are
three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many
questions as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in
the test book.

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer
choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence.
Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. In times of _______, the price of precious metals such as gold generally increases
(A) prosperity
(B) prospering
(C) prosperous
(D) prosper

102. The Judge became furious when her _______ was questioned by the plaintiffs attorney.
(A) neutralize
(B) neutralization
(C) neutrally
(D) neutrality

103. The enclosed brochure will assist customers to make a _______ on whether to buy or
try the new software.
(A) deciding
(B) decision
(C) decide
(D) decided

104. They were fined for holding a boxing match without the official _______ of the state
Boxing Commission.
(A) approving
(B) approval
(C) to approve
(D) approved

105. _______ show that less competition and poor service are usually the result of
government regulation in the telecommunications business.
(A) Study
(B) Studies
(C) Studying

Page 1
(D) Studied

106. I _________to school, whereas (trong khi – đối lập) my brother always cycles.
(A) come
(B) go
(C) fly
(D) drive

107. In addition to English, my brother can speak_________.

(A) Germany
(B) German
(C) American
(D) France

108. Do you know _________the winds usually come from in summer?

(A) where
(B) what
(C) which
(D) when

109. She doesn’t eat healthily. She has too much_________.

(A) vegetables
(B) rice
(C) meat
(D) fruit

110. Let’s _________the art gallery first, then have some lunch.
(A) trip
(B) journey
(C) travel
(D) visit

111. Lisa Collins resigned (từ chức) as a trustee of the Arts Commission _______ to taking
up her seat in government.
(A) before
(B) prior (to)
(C) sooner (than)
(D) already

112. Rahul is a very conscientious employee who has always been a _______ worker.
(A) hard
(B) harden
(C) hardest
(D) hardly

113. The new policy on data protection and confidentiality is expected to be _______

Page 2
before the end of the year.
(A) implement (thực hiện)
(B) implemented
(C) implementing
(D) implementation

114. Ms. Leung is a fully qualified chemical engineer, _______ obtained her bachelor's
degree ten years ago and her Professional Engineer (PE) license four years later.
(A) had
(B) has
(C) have
(D) having

115. Production of the new X 1 0 electric car has been stepped up as there was _______ a
positive response when it was unveiled at last month's trade fair.
(A) as
(B) so
(C) such
(D) what

116. One of the finest qualities of our outgoing chairman is that he is a man of his word, who
always _______ his promises.
(A) does
(B) keeps
(C) makes
(D) answers

117. Can you finish your homework __________________next Friday?

(A) by (nhỏ hơn hoặc bằng)
(B) then
(C) until
(D) till

118. Carry an umbrella __________________as it’s going to rain.

(A) on you
(B) by you
(C) for you
(D) with you (carry with)

119. I didn’t feel_________, so I went home early.

(A) good
(B) well
(C) health
(D) tired

120. The boss was _________at me as I have been late three times this week.

Page 3
(A) unhappy
(B) tired
(C) angry
(D) hungry

121. I called her on at least three occasions, but she _________got back to me.
(A) rarely
(B) sometimes
(C) never
(D) usually

122. I’d like to _________a reservation, please. I want a double room for 2 nights.
(A) take
(B) make (make a reservation: giữ chỗ)
(C) have
(D) get

123. This is the second floor. Nick works_________, on the third floor.
(A) outside
(B) inside
(C) downstairs
(D) upstairs

124. I _________my keys yesterday so I couldn’t open the door.

(A) took
(B) lost
(C) missed
(D) found

125. A lot of people say that Italian food is the best _________the world.
(A) over
(B) in
(C) of
(D) for

126. We usually stay at a_________ when we are on holiday.

(A) hospital
(B) school
(C) hotel
(D) bank

127. At Good Brothers Inc. we want our employees to be the most competitive individuals in
their fields so we put great emphasis _______ training and career growth.
(A) to
(B) between
(C) out

Page 4
(D) on

128. This packing system, _______ ensures a total vacuum to retain freshness and flavor for
a long period, is used in more than 200 food-processing plants.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) what
(D) whose

129. Although we requested that we _______ a room with garden view when we made the
reservation, we were taken to a sea view room when we arrived.
(A) have given
(B) were giving
(C) gave
(D) be given

130. Constant quality improvement is intended to maintain our competitiveness and _______
us for the challenges of the future.
(A) to prepare
(B) preparing
(C) prepared
(D) have prepared

131. Even though the boss encouraged you to put _______ idea into effect, you ignored him
and now someone else has done it and received all the credit.
(A) you
(B) your
(C) yourself
(D) yours

132. _______ the river divides the city, there two quite distinct parts, and each has its own
(A) As well as
(B) However
(C) Because
(D) Due to

133. Safety goggles must _______ at all times when operating machinery in the tool room.
(A) wear
(B) wearing
(C) wore
(D) be worn

134. Most reports suggest that MFW Enterprises is trading broadly in _______ with
expectations, and remains debt-free.
(A) check

Page 5
(B) line (in line with)
(C) collaboration
(D) touch

135. Following _______ of an associate's degree program in nursing, I decided to

obtain an entry-level job and work toward my bachelor's degree.
(A) complete
(B) completed
(C) completing
(D) completion

136. At the trial, lawyers for Garnton Construction _______ all allegations of wrongdoing
during the bidding process.
(A) declined (=decrease)
(B) denied (từ chối)
(C) negated (phủ nhận)
(D) refused (bác bỏ)

137. We do not want to delay plans for the provision of a matching 401 (k) plan, and our
employees do not want it to be delayed _______

(A) either
(B) neither
(C) instead
(D) too

138. The economic crisis has meant that many workers are prepared to accept raises that
fall _______ of the actual inflation rate.
(A) short
(B) shortage
(C) shorten
(D) shortly

139. Florida Rentals offers vacation villas and furnished apartments that are situated
_______ the eastern coast of Florida, all with stunning ocean views.
(A) at
(B) in
(C) on (situated on = located on)
(D) behind

140. Since opening a new office in the capital, Carlton Shipping has embarked on a strong

_______ strategy and has enjoyed significant growth as a result.

(A) promote
(B) promoting
(C) promotional

Page 6
(D) promoted

Directions: Read the following texts. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best
answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer

Questions 141 - 143 refer to the following memo

To : all employees
From : Jason Irving
RE: Free presentation
There will be a free _______ in the large conference room on January 15th. Gregory Souza,

141. (A) present

(B) presentation
(C) representative
(D) representation

from the Personnel Department, will be ____________ about his new book.

(A) speech
(B) telling
(C) speaking
(D) talk.
All employees are welcome to ____________. All participants will receive a complimentary
copy of his book, which deals with problems and solutions of working in a company.

(A) attend
(B) attentive
(C) attending
(D) attendant

Questions 144- 146 refer to the following comment

Pentagon’s restaurants
Customers Comments Form
Date of visit: Jan 31st
Time of visit: 11 (A)m
Branch name: Rochester High Street

Page 7
This is the first _________ I have eaten at Pentagon’s. However, I think it will also be the

(A) time
(C) turn
(D) eating

last. I had to wait thirty minutes for my food. I had to ask the waitress four times before she
brought water to our table. I _____not enjoy a conversation with our friend because of the

(A) had
(B) was
(C) do
(D) could

noise from the kitchen. The staff __________ shouting and yelling at each other the whole
time. I ask to speak to the manager but he was not available. The food was not very good,
but not good enough to make me want to return to any of your restaurants.

(A) ought not
(B) had to
(C) were
(D) Did

Questions 147-149 refer to the following letter.

4 Dunedin Way :
Bunbury, WA 6065
June 16
Human Resources Manager
IntenSync Corporation
22 Mitchell Avenue
Perth, WA 6000

Dear Sir:

I am responding to your job posting for a deputy sales manager in yesterday's Bunbury Post.
I have a __________ background in technical sales, with over two years' experience at

(A) rigorous
(B) solid

Page 8
(C) categorical
(D) determined

Murray Automotive Components in Kwinana. My position here involves visiting new and
existing clients on a regular basis to promote, demonstrate, and sell the company's range of
products _________, I have developed effective skills in contract negotiation and customer

(A) Alternatively
(B) Regardless
(C) Consequently
(D) Notwithstanding

service, which I am sure will prove to be an asset to IntenSync.

I am fully computer-literate and have a clean driving record. In addition, I _____ that my

(A) tell
(B) am telling
(C) told
(D) am told

verbal and written communication skills are excellent.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you the contribution I could make to
IntenSync and look forward to your reply.
Yours truly,
Simon Vargas

Questions 150-152 refer to the following newspaper report.

Proposed Tax Changes and Tepid Economy

Explain Rise in Part-time Hiring

Businesses are hiring more staff. The downside is that almost three-quarters of these new
employees are part-timers.
Faltering economic growth both at home and across the globe, as well as concern that the
government's proposed tax reforms will drive up costs for small business owners, is behind
Employers _______ to hire permanent and full-time staff, according to employment analysts.

(A) tendency
(B) resolve
(C) undertaking
(D) reluctance

Page 9
Employers justify the hiring of part-timers by pointing to the increased flexibility these staff
offer. If the economy _______ the part-timers can be offered full-time work. Critics say that

(A) recovers
(B) recovered
(C) will recover
(D) would recover

the economy can only recover if consumers buy more goods and services, and low-paid part-
timers, the majority of ________ work in the lower-paid retail and food-service sectors, do
not have the money to do that.

(A) who
(B) whom
(C) whose
(D) which

Directions: Read the following texts. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153 through 154 refer to the following notice:

Returns Policy
Chafeton Camera Supplies welcomes the return of any of our products within thirty days of
purchase. In order to receive a full refund, you must bring your receipt. Returns without a
receipt can only be exchanged for store credit.

Important: ALL returns must be accompanied by the factory packaging and in perfect
condition. Returns will not be accepted for any products that were damaged by the

153. How quickly must customers bring products back to the store?
(A)Within thirty days
(B)In perfect condition
(B)Without a receipt
(D) Thirty days before

154. What kinds of returns are NOT accepted?

(A)Products damaged by the customer
(B) Camera products

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(B)Items without an accompanying receipt
(D) Unused items

Questions 155 through 156 refer to the following message

Vera called to let you know that she has finished the files and has sent them by courier.
You should be getting them this afternoon. She said to call her as soon as you get back
from lunch. She wants to discuss some of the details about the plans before tomorrow’s
meeting. She said she is sorry for keeping them so long, but it has been really busy over at
her branch, and she had to wait for Sam to get back from his business trip.
155. What was Justin doing when Vera called?
(A)Attending a meeting
(B)Taking on another line
(B)Having lunch
(D) Resting at home

156. What is Vera sending to Justin?

(A) A document
(B) Some files
(B) Lunch
(D) A phone call

Questions 157 through 159 refer to the following advice.

Paintbrush Storage Tips

Good paintbrushes can be very expensive, so we here at Hobby Artist Magazine have
made some suggestions to help your paintbrushes in good shape.
First, always clean your brushes right after using them, because some paints have acids
that can weaken the brush over time.
Second, clean your brushes with a mild cleaner. We recommend a mixture of one part
alcohol and three parts water.
Finally, store your brushes with the tips up. This allows them to dry more quickly.
Remember to keep your brushes in good shape!

157. Who would be most interested in an article like this?

(A) A mechanic
(B) A professor
(B)A surgeon
(D) A painter

158. What is a good cleaning solution for paintbrushes?

(A) One part alcohol and three parts water
(B) Two parts alcohol and two parts water

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(D) Strong chemicals

159. According to the text, how are paintbrushes best stored?

(A) On their sides
(B) In a wooden box
(B)With their tips up
(D) With their tips down

Page 12
Questions 160 through 162 refer to the following letter

From: Professor Henry Yaleson

Here is an update on the courses that will be offered by the Science Department next
semester. First of all, Science 114- The Planets in Our Solar System has been
cancelled because of low registration. Instead of Science 114, we will offer Science
115- The Living Earth. We will also offer Biology 227 – The Study of Earthworms,
Biology 190 – Whales of the Pacific and Human Anatomy 101 – Bones of the Human
Have a great semester.
Prof. Yaleson

160. Professor Yaleson works in which university department?

(A) The Earth Department
(B) The Life Department
(B)The Science Department
(D) The Department

161. Science 114 was cancelled for what reason?

(A) Low registration
(B) The professor is sick
(B)The university will close down
(D) They have too many courses

162. What is Human Anatomy 101 about?

(A) Whales
(B) The study of earthworms
(C) The planets in the solar system
(D) The bones of the human body

Questions 163 through 165 refer to the following advertisement

REAL ESTATE > NEW YORK > $300,000-$500,000

Listing ID #2370-49838
Type: House
Location: Near Salem, NY7
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 2
Realtor: Bethany Windsor
Contact: 1-888-234-1938 ext. 35
Features: Hardwood floors, high ceilings, fireplace, garden patio, second floor terrace
This secluded property is surrounded by trees and has a small pon(D) It has a newly
painted interior, and new storm windows. Situated by Vermont ski areas, this house is
a great vacation house.
Click here for a virtual tour.

Page 13
163. What can be concluded about the house?
(A)It is in Vermont.
(B)It has two stories
(B)It is made of brick
(D) It is in the country.
164. What is NOT a feature of the house?
(A)A fireplace.
(B)A small pond
(B)A large garden
(D) Hardwood floor
165. What has been done to improve the house?
(A)The deck was repainted
(B)New storm windows were added
(B)Ceiling fans were installed
(D) The front door has been replaced.

Questions 166-167 refer to the following advertisement.

The Art of Tradition

250 Water Street, Boston, MA 02201

Turn your memories into masterpieces,

We are dedicated to the centuries-old craft of framing and provide the best service and
craftsmanship you can find anywhere. Bring in your pictures, photos, mirrors, certificates,
needlework, and sports jerseys, and see them transformed into works of art.
We stock an extensive range of moldings and materials.
Our promise to you
We will come to your home or office for a consultation or to pick up and deliver goods
(customers in the greater Boston area only). We ship worldwide.
We also repair and retouch old photos
All work guaranteed-if you're not happy, we'll put it right!

Phone:(617) 555-0120

166. Why might customers go to this store?

(A) To purchase a piece of artwork
(B) To have a document framed
(C) To get their photograph taken
(D) To buy decorative antique items

167. What does the store NOT claim to offer?

Page 14
(A) Delivery to other countries
(B) Home and workplace visits
(C) An image restoration service
(D) A money-back guarantee
Questions 168-169 refer to the following information.

Mother Nature - Mango Buttercream

Ingredients: purified water, cold-pressed almond oil, safflower seed oil, wheat germ oil,
vegetable glycerin, shea butter, mango extract, vitamin E
100% natural. Softens, nourishes, and hydrates the skin. Apply liberally
Store in a cool, dry place at room temperature away from direct sunlight. Once open, use
within six months.

168. What does this information relate to?

(A) A food product
(B) A health drink
(C) A cosmetic lotion
(D) A medical prescription

169. Where would NOT be a suitable place to keep this product?

(A) A drawer
(B) A refrigerator
(C) A closet
(D) A basement

Questions 170-171 refer to the following document.

Oregon Energy Supplies

Ms. M. Mendoza
9 NE Jessup Stre
Portland, OR
Customer Account No. BV/14/179215
Date of meter reading: February 15
Date payment due: March 5
Amount due: $224.07
Billing details
Previous balance(January 18): $285.75
Payment received(February 11): -$285.75

Page 15
Overdue payment surcharge(February 7): $5.80
Balance as of February 15: $188.60
Current energy charges(February 15): $55.38
Total amount due: $249.78
Electricity used
Actual meter reading on February 15: 90875
Actual meter reading on January 18: 90463
Total electricity used: 412 kW
Current energy charges breakdown
Distribution charges
Cost of metering and facilities: $10.60
Cost of delivery: $17.30(412 kWh x $0.042/kWh)
Total distribution charge: $27.90
Energy supply charges
Generation and transmission charges: $26.37(412 kWh x $0.064/kWh)
Sales tax: $1.11($26.37 x 4.2%)
Total current energy charges: $55.38

Year-by-year comparison of energy usage

Usage/ day (kWh) Charges/ day Average temperature/ day

This year Last year This year Last year This year Last year

13.29 14.85 $1.79 $2.00 42oF 38oF

Next scheduled meter reading date: March 16

170. What information is NOT given on this document?

(A) Total units of electricity used over the last month
(B) Cumulative total units of electricity used
(C) Cost incurred due to the installation of a new meter
(D) Date when energy usage will be measured next month

171. What is indicated about Ms. Mendoza?

(A) Her electricity consumption is higher than 12 months ago
(B) She qualifies for a discount because she lives alone
(C) Her energy account has recently been in arrears
(D) She uses less electricity than the average customer

Page 16
Questions 172-174 refer to the following newspaper article
Kitchenware queen can't stand the heat ...
By Jack Miller
Amy McKinney, styled by the media as"the kitchenware queen,"whose nostalgic range of
crockery and kitchen accessories boosted sales fourfold during her time as Creative Director
at Country Home and Style, has quit retail giant Cole & Corby after just two months.

Ms. McKinney had been appointed by Cole & Corby to invigorate the retailer's home and
kitchenware division, amid rumors her remuneration package comprised a $400,000 salary,
plus common stocks and stock options to sweeten the deal. However, things apparently
turned sour soon after her appointment. Sources say that Ms. McKinney erroneously
believed she would have full control over the marketing and packaging of her designs. She
was also under the impression that Cole & Corby was planning to open six new stand- alone
home and lifestyle stores to showcase her range, a plan that recently appointed C.E.O.
Robert Ellison described as "never likely to take off."

News of Ms. McKinney's departure comes just one week before Cole & Corby's annual
general meeting, where Ellison will have to face an army of disgruntled private investors
who have seen the value of their holdings drop by an average of 8 percent over the last
three quarters. Analysts expect the company to remain in the doldrums for at least the next
quarter and are forecasting a 4 percent decline in underlying sales across all departments,
with the exception of the food hall.

172. What is this news report mainly about?

(A) A dispute over directors' remuneration
(B) The resignation of a senior executive
(C) The appointment of a new C.E.O.
(D) A company's business performance

173. Who is Amy McKinney?

(A) A director at Country Home and Style
(B) A famous fashion designer
(C) A cookery book writer
(D) A household product designer

174. What is NOT true about the company Cole & Corby?
(A) It has scaled back plans for expansion.
(B) Sales have declined over the past nine months.
(C) A meeting with stockholders will take place shortly
(D) It no longer sells edible goods.

Page 17
Questions 175-177 refer to the following e-mail.
To: an
Date: March 13
Subject: Your order
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing Precious Gifts Online. We want to let you know that we have
received your order and will be processing it shortly.
Your order number is WIO 1752. Please check the details below and inform us immediately
by phone if any details are incorrect. Our customer service number is 905-555-0178.
Description: Precious Blessings-seasonal mixture of pink and white blooms
Delivery address: Liz and Sam Arnott, 68 Orchard Boulevard, Mississauga ON, L5L 205

Time of delivery: Thursday, March 14(est. A.M.)

Your bouquet will be accompanied by the following message

Congratulations on the new arrival! I hope you won't get too many sleepless nights… I
can't wait to see all three of you soon. Love from Anita x
All deliveries must be signed for: A text message will then be sent to the cell phone number
you supplied when ordering.
We hope that you are satisfied with your purchase.Your opinion is important to us and will
help us improve our service. Please leave a review on our website by clicking here
Please do not attempt to reply to this message. We regret that this is an unmonitored
address and replies to this e-mail cannot be responded to or read

175. What did Ms. Gupta order?

(A) A selection of tea
(B) A floral arrangement
(C) A wall calendar
(D) A fruit basket

176. Why will Ms. Gupta be contacted again?

(A) To warn of any changes
(B) To update her details
(C) To confirm the delivery
(D) To ask for more feedback

177. What can be inferred about Liz Arnott?

(A) She has just returned from a trip
(B) She suffers from insomnia.

Page 18
(C) She will visit Ms. Gupta shortly
(D) She has recently given birth.

Questions 178-180 refer to the following letter.

Trinola center
500 Mead Avenue Oakland CA 94649

Tel: 555-0139 E-mail:

July 15
Westcliff Electronics
1310Tyler Street
Oakland, CA 94649

Dear Friends and Supporters:

We would like to express our profound and heartfelt gratitude for all your support over the
past two years. Thanks to you, we have been able to provide after-school programs for
hundreds of children from the deprived inner-city Trinola housing project.We offer these
young residents a safe place to continue learning, play together, and take part in sports.

The Trinola Center was launched with the help of federal and state grants, but the
popularity of our programs means that we have to also rely on personal and corporate
donations to be able to continue our work.

We are currently short of functional computers for our technology and IT classes, which
have proved very popular. I am therefore writing to ask if you have any old computers,
laptops, printers, or other computer hardware that you could donate to us.Their age or
condition does not matter, as we will rectify any faults. Transport is not a problem as our van
can collect items directly from your home or place of work. Please call me at the above
number if you can help.

We always like meeting our sponsors and supporters in person and we have open
house between 5 P.M. and 7 P.M. on the last Monday of every month.We would love to
see you there sometime, so why not stop by to see how your donations are making young
people's lives better?


Lydia Ortiz, Community Liaison Manager

178. What kind of organization does Ms. Ortiz work for?

(A) A community housing service
(B) A computer repair workshop

Page 19
(C) A charitable organization
(D) A public high school

179. What is the main purpose of the letter?

(A) To appeal for money
(B) To seek a gift of goods
(C) To request information
(D) To issue an invitation

180. What can be inferred about Westcliff Electronics?

(A) It has already donated to the Trinola Center.
(B) It began doing business two years ago.
(C) It sells computer accessories.
(D) It is a successful local company

Questions 181 through 185 refer to the following email and advertisement
From: Emily Eastwood []
To: Arthur DeWitt []
Subject: Advertisement
Attachment: forkids.psd

Dear Mr. DeWitt,

Thank you for your help on Thursday. It was nice meeting you.
I'd like to submit my advertisement to run for two weeks from September 2-17. As you said,
the 16 discounted price for non-profit organizations for a quarter page, two-week ad is
$353.80. Please send me an invoice so I can send you a check.
Attached is our advertisement in a Photoshop file format. Please let me know if you have
any problems with the ad. I would like to update it next week as the show approaches.
I'm looking forward to seeing our ad next Friday. If you are available on Sunday, Sept. 17,
I'd like to invite you to our show.
Have a great week.
Yours truly,
Emily Eastwood
Children’s Fall Fashion Show*
Sunday, September 17 at 4 p.m.
City Galleria Lobby
Proceeds will benefit the Children’s Hospital
Sponsored by For the Kids
*If your child would like to volunteer as a model, please contact Emily at 498-2983 for more
181. What can be NOT concluded from the e-mail?
(A)Mr. DeWitt and Ms. Eastwood have met.
(B)Mr. DeWitt works for the City Gazette.

Page 20
(B)Ms. Eastwood works for a non-profit organization
(D) Mr. DeWitt will design an advertisement for Ms. Eastwoo=(D)
182. How large will Ms. Eastwood’s advertisement be?
(A)1/8 page.
(B)1/4 page
(B)1/2 page
(D) A full page.
183. What will happen the following week?
(A)Mr. DeWitt will send an invoice
(B)Ms. Eastwood will visit Mr. Dewitt
(B)Ms. Eastwood will change the advertisement
(D) Ms. Eastwood will approve the advertisement.
184. What is being advertised?
(A)A fashion show.
(B)A model search
(B)A casting call
(D) A children’s play.
185. Where will the money be donated?
(A)To an orphanage
(B)To For The Kids
(B)To a children’s hospital
(D) To the elementary

Questions 186-190 refer to the following notice and letter.


How can you find the best online banking for you? Within the last decade, online
banking has exploded in popularity, and revolutionized the industry, but some banks
offer better services than others. In this course we look at some things you should
consider when you choose an online bank, including account access, security, online
bill paying, account aggregation and fees.
Learn how to use online banking to your advantage.


Mr. George Woodhouse

74 Meadow lane
San Diego, CA 44613

Dear Mr. Woodhouse,

Thank you for your interest in our course. Yes, there are still places available. You have
options; we have an intensive weekend course which runs for two weekends in the

Page 21
beginning of September, both Saturday and Sunday mornings, for 8 hours each day, and
we also have evening courses that meet from 7-9pm on Tuesdays or Thursdays for three
months. Both courses cost 900 dollars. The courses are held at the Community College,
and you would need to go there to register

I would recommend you register s soon as possible as the courses are filling up quickly!

If you have further questions, you can call me at 376 334 4524 between 8am and 4pm.

Karen Miller

186. What does the course teach?

(A) how to start an online bank
(B) how to use online banking
(C) how to use the internet
(D) how to succeed as a banker
187. Why did Mr. Woodhouse contact Karen Miller?
(A) to ask for information

(B) to answer a question

(C) to register for a course
(D) to set up a bank account
188. When could Mr. Woodhouse take the course?
(A) Saturday evenings

(B) all day Tuesday

(C) Thursday evenings
(D) Tuesday mornings
189. What is true of the weekend courses?

(A) They are cheaper than the evening courses.

(B) They are full.
(C) They last for two hours per day.
(D) They last for 4 days.
190. What time can Karen Miller be contacted?
(A) 9 p.m.

(B) 3 a.m.
(C) 5 p.m.
(D) 10 a.m.

Questions 191-195 refer to the following information and letter.

Trimmerdale Country Club
Southern California's most fashionable and luxurious country club, with spectacular ocean
views, fine dining, and a full calendar of events to suit all tastes.
Amenities include an 18-hole golf course, 12 tennis courts, and a swimming pool. A
luxurious clubhouse with award-winning restaurant. A Pro Shop managed by top
professional golfer Ricky Fernandez.

Page 22
 Social membership includes access to the pool, tennis courts, restaurant, and coffee
 Out-of-town membership allows use of all facilities on no more than 30 days of the year
for those who do not have a residence within 50 miles of the Country Club.
 Junior membership includes access to the golf course, tennis courts, and coffee bar
 Dining membership allows the use of the clubhouse and its facilities only.
 Monthly payment plans are available for all membership types.
Golf carts
Storage: We can store your golf cart in our cart shed for an annual fee, which includes fuel.
Rental: Hand and motorized carts are available for rent from the Pro Shop.

Membership Options
Single regular: $2,250
Family regular: $4,000
Out-of-town: $1,500 (per person)
Junior (21 years or younger): $1,200
Family social: $600'
Single social: $420
Dining: $90 (per person)

Private and group lessons are available for members. Ask at the Pro Shop. Membership coordinator:
Erin Garcia

1175 Crespo Street

La Jolla, CA 92037

May 20
Ms. Erin Garcia, Membership Coordinator
Trimmerdale Country Club
1 Balboa Avenue
Del Mar, CA 92014

Dear Ms. Garcia:

Thank you for showing me and my son around the Country Club last week. It certainly is a
beautiful place, and we were very impressed not only by the warm welcome we received as
newcomers, but also by the high standard of your facilities. We are both looking forward to
hitting some balls across the fairway. I am only a mediocre player, but as I mentioned,
Joel's handicap is much lower than mine, and as he has not yet tumed 18, I have high
hopes of his developing further.

Enclosed is a check to cover full membership for myself and Joel. I understand that you will issue us
with membership cards and locker keys, after which we can begin using the facilities. I will be in New
York on business for the next two weeks, so there is no hurry.

I forgot to mention when we spoke that I have my own motorized golf cart. Is it possible for you to
keep this on your premises? Also, Joel will need some new clubs. Could you tell me the opening

Page 23
times of the Pro Shop and which brands are stocked?

I look forward to hearing from you and to starting to make use of the facilities at Trimmerdale Country

Very truly yours,

Evan Montaigne

191. Which category of member is allowed both to play golf and to swim?
(A) Out-of-town
(B) Junior
(C) Social
(D) Dining

192. What is the value of the check enclosed with Mr. Montaiqne's letter?
(A) $3,000
(B) $3,450
(C) $4,000
(D) $4,500

193. Which of the following people's membership fees would be the lowest?
(A) A man wanting to eat in the restaurant after his weekly golf game
(B) A woman living 60 miles away who wants to play golf once a month
(C) A couple wanting to swim regularly and dine in the restaurant
(D) A 16-year-old high school student intending to take golf lessons every week

194. What does Mr. Montaigne ask about that is already explained in the advertisement?
(A) Brands of golf clubs
(B) Equipment storage
(C) Store hours
(D) Vehicle rental

195. What is indicated about Mr. Montaigne?

(A) He has more than one child.
(B) He is a proficient golfer.
(C) He is going away shortly.
(D) He is new to the area.

Questions 196-200 refer to the following web page and e-mail.


Crowd Buddy helps start-ups and developing businesses gain venture capital through
crowdfunding. With crowdfunding, lots of small investors invest small sums of money in
early-stage businesses in return for equity within the company. Crowd Buddy provides the
perfect platform for entrepreneurs to showcase their offerings to potential investors. Browse

Page 24
below to see our latest signups.

Chat Away Boston

Chat Away is a small, friendly bistro that uses organically sourced products. We also own a
studio(adjacent) that is rented out on a casual basis for exercise classes, yoga, etc. Already
a hub for the local community, we are now seeking to expand into children's books and toy
sales. For a full description, click here.

Investment pledged so far: $1,000

Target: $25,000

Sun Streamers Tampa Sun Streamers provides all-round solar heating solutions to help
home and business owners save money on their fuel bills. For a full description, click here.

Investment pledged so far: $1,500

Target: $140,000

GluteGone San Francisco GluteGone, now in our third year, is a manufacturer of gluten-
and wheat- free products. Our customers tell us they are the tastiest they have ever tried!
We want to set up an online order service and deliver nationwide to spread our growing
brand. For a full description, click here.

Investment pledged so far: $8,500

Target: $35,000
Skateboard Guy Chicago Skateboard Guy is a clothing brand inspired by skateboarding
and is aimed at young urban males. All our gear is ethically produced. Runner-up in this
year's Creative Sports Products awards. For a full description, click here.

Investment pledged so far: $128,000

Target: $1 10,000
Whole and Hearty St. Louis Whole and Hearty is an artisan bread-maker, producing
whole-wheat and rye breads using electric stone- ground flour mills. To keep up with
demand, we want to invest in more mills and bigger premises. For a full description, click

Investment pledged so far: $62,000

Target: $90,000

Important Information

Investing in start-ups or businesses at an early stage of development can be highly

rewarding, but also involves risk. This risk includes illiquidity of the stock purchased, no

Page 25
dividend income, and possible loss of your entire investment. Crowd Buddy is aimed at
sophisticated and experienced investors who understand these risks, and who already have
a wide investment portfolio. For more information on risks, click here.

LOG IN to see images, videos, business plans, and

other financial documents for all pitches

To: Danny Moe

From: Taz Hakim
Date: October 24
Subject: Backing

Hey Dan,

I hope you're not too disheartened after the meeting with the bank yesterday. I was telling
Rob Jones at the squash club about it last night, and he told me of another possible source
of funding. He suggested a crowdfunding website, CrowdBuddy, and said he'd heard good
reports about it. I was skeptical at first, but I checked it out and I must say I was pretty
impressed. It looks good. There's even one company on the home page that has already
been offered more money than it is asking for! I'm sure you and I could write a good pitch
and upload some photos, and maybe a clip or two of us explaining the concept. We could
even add the spreadsheets we showed the bank. It might be a way of getting The I.T.
Repair Geeks off the ground now that the bank is a no-go.

Anyway, have a look at crowd buddy. com and tell me what you think. We can discuss it at
the club tomorrow. Don't forget to bring your racket this time!


196. What is indicated about Danny and Taz?

(A) They are launching a computer repair business.
(B) They plan to meet each other tomorrow evening.
(C) They employ an experienced financial advisor.
(D) They have recently been refused a second bank loan.

197. What does Taz NOT suggest uploading onto the Crowd Buddy website?
(A) Testimonials
(B) Images
(C) Financial documents
(D) Videos

198. Which of these start-up businesses is referred to in the e-mail?

(A) Chat Away
(B) GluteGone
(C) Skateboard Guy

Page 26
(D) Whole and Hearty

199. In the e-mail, the word "skeptical" in paragraph 1, line 4, is closest in meaning to
(A) keen
(B) doubtful
(C) reassured
(D) unsympathetic

200. What is mentioned about investing in the companies featured on Crowd Buddy?
(A) It is possible to make a significant profit.
(B) Dividends are higher for expert investors.
(C) The initial investment is usually refundable.
(D) The risks outweigh the potential benefits.

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